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Green Building Case Study: Sustainability & Innovation

Faculty of Management
Sustainability and Innovation Management
Case Study 1:
Is It Easy Being Green?
MIT Sloan Considers the Opportunities and Threats of Sustainable Building
Student Name
Student ID
Liew Lee Su
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Sustainability and Innovation Management
1. Diagnosis: Compared to a traditional (code compliant) building, what do you think
the design and construction costs for building green would be in the early 2000s? What
do you think the relative costs of a high-performance green building are today?
At early 2000s, the design and construction costs for building green is slightly more
expensive than traditional (code compliant) building. This is due to lack of experience in
sustainable design, features such as extra insulation, high performance windows, efficient
lighting with occupancy sensors, and high-efficiency HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air
Conditioning) systems
with heat recovery ventilation would increase up-front capital costs, and the incremental costs
of green design were highly uncertain.
However, currently the relative costing for high-performance green building are getting
cheaper due to lower operating cost in the long run. According to National Association of
Home Builders1 (NAHB, which is one of the largest trade associations in the United States,
based upon 2011 annual budgets), from 2015 to 2017, even though zero energy homes with
code Green buildings cost about 5% more than traditional (code compliant) building, however
it has lower operating cost, with 14 percent less costly to operate than traditional buildings.
Hence, most new builds today achieving significantly more energy savings than that. In the
other hand, market demand for green building is doubling every three years.
This also supported by the Report of Trends 2016 Smart Market Report from World Green
Building2, whom reported that Green buildings, on average, are 14 percent less costly to
operate than traditional buildings, with most new builds today achieving significantly more
energy savings than that. Market demand for green building is doubling every three years. The
report also stated that high-performing buildings can be sold at a premium, with the average
green building worth 7 percent more than its traditional counterpart.
2. Pitch: How would you make the case for building green?
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Sustainability and Innovation Management
I would use the Integrated design for building green. With integrated design, all stakeholders
—architect, mechanical engineer, contractor, preconstruction services consultant, cost
estimator, building owner and operator, and other consultants—collaborate early and often to
understand how building systems link to one another and then use that knowledge to find
efficiencies and trade-offs. While this approach requires more planning on the front end, it
often leads to free or passive solutions that reduce system loads and building costs.
Integrated design might reveal, for example, how a slight modification to a building’s
orientation can reduce solar heat gain and increase natural daylighting, resulting in less
expensive HVAC and lighting components. My aim is to achieved LEED Platinum status
without additional building costs.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is an internationally recognized
green building certification system, providing third-party verification that a building or
community was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all
the metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction,
improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their
My strategic will be using
exterior sun shading devices, advanced lighting controls, a
building section optimized for daylighting and an underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system
—that ultimately earned energy savings and LEED-Platinum status without going over
budget. In reducing the square footage , I will add other sustainability features, such as a
sloped ceiling that allows daylight to penetrate deeper into the interior space.
I will also use energy modelling which able to find savings that far exceed the costs of setting
up and running the energy simulation. I will use energy modelling by reducing the building’s
window-to-wall ratio, and improving the window glazing to reduce the number of chillers that
service the building. With this, the energy model ROI will bringing the mechanical system
back into budget while maintaining energy savings. This high-performance design will bring
up my building’s image.
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Sustainability and Innovation Management
Hence, my holistic design approach can enable MIT Sloan School to build higher-performing
projects for a lower cost than initially expected. The bottom line is sustainable design is more
achievable than ever and no longer must be more expensive to deliver. The key is getting all
parties to invest the time and resources early on—and throughout the process—to fully
explore the options and understand how they can improve a project.
3. Recommendation: Should Dean Schmalensee pursue a green or traditional building?
Why/why not?
Dean Schmalensee should pursue a green building. The green buildings provide financial
benefits that conventional buildings do not. These benefits include energy and water savings,
indoor environmental quality,
health costs and
maintenance costs.
Green building are lesser energy costs with health protection. Green buildings are an
investment that reaps benefits for all-people involved along with the environment. Green
buildings are more comfortable, have higher resale values, are healthier and yield higher
productivity rates.
4. Action Plan: How would you build stakeholder alignment on the project?
To align all stakeholders into the green building project, I would identify alignment gaps. I
would try to understand exactly where alignment is needed and where stakeholders'
perspectives may differ. Then I will try to set the stage by organising more conversations
opportunities with them.
During the conversation, I will try my best to understand and visualize their obstacle. I will
keep on asking questions and listen to their opinion. I will always updating them the project
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Sustainability and Innovation Management
progress and financial status of the project. I will always follow-up with their opinion and try
my best to fulfil their requirements.
I will keep on emphasize the benefit of green building to them, and how it improves the
corporate image of MIT Sloan Schools in the long run. I will educate them with the correct
concept of green building, which Green building is basically smart building. Green building is
the art of creating new structures and processes that do not harm the environment and are
efficient in resources.
I will create their awareness by keep on telling them with the growth of the technology sector
and a shortage of resources, everyone is going green again. The rate of development is not in
compliance with the sustainability of resources on Earth. This gives rise to the need for going
green and hence, green building. It’s part of Corporate Service Awareness that green building
is saving the environment:
Green buildings reduce the harmful impact of construction on the environment and
lower own pollution rate.
There is a reduction in trash, and lesser degradation of environment takes place.
Green buildings promote creativity, improve the overall productivity while protecting
the health of occupant.
It maximises the environmental and economic performance by reducing wastage of
water, protecting biodiversity and ecosystems, conserving natural resources and
improving the water and air quality.
It helps in improving the overall quality of life by minimizing the strain on local
To overcome their costing consideration, I will always make sure the project does not
consume some extra money in construction and other processes. I will keep on emphasize that
in the long run, green buildings become more economical since they reap a lot of benefits.
Green materials might come costly at first, but then they help in conserving energy, reducing
the operational costs and improving the productivity of occupant. Along with the energy
saving, there is a reduction in waste production and water consumption- which ultimately
saves more. There are other benefits of green building including annual gas savings and bush
up corporate image of MIT Sloan School.
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Sustainability and Innovation Management
There are lesser energy costs with health protection. Green buildings are an investment that
reaps benefits for all- people involved along with the environment. Green buildings are more
comfortable, have higher resale values, are healthier and yield higher productivity rates.
Inconclusion, I will align all stakeholder with correct mindset of - Green building is the
construction of a sustainable building that does not disrupt the surrounding
environment and works on conserving resources. Green buildings might initially seem
like an extra cost, but they reap various benefits, making it an investment.
1. https://www.nahb.org
2. https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/smart-building-market-169.html?
3. https://www.bu.edu/sustainability/what-were-doing/green-buildings/leed/
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