System dynamics (MED 221) Chapter One: Introduction to System Dynamics Level 4 Mechatronics Department Course instructor Assos .Prof. Mohamed Abdelrahman 2022 Course content Weeks Topics 1 Introduction to system dynamic 2 Mathematical Modelling 3 Linear Mechanical System 4 Rotational Mechanical System 5 Electrical System 6 System Analogy 7 Transfer Functions 8 Mid-Term Exam 9 Electronic System 10 Electromechanical Systems 11 Electromechanical Systems 12 Application and course Project 13 Application and course Project 14 Revision 15 Final Exam References • Ogata, K. Modern Control Engineering, 5th ed . Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2010. • Ogata, K. system dynamics, fourth edition • Nise, N. S. Control System Engineering, 6th ed. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., UK, 2011. 3 Scientific Understanding THEORY MODELING & SIMULATION EXPERIMENTATION ➢ Mathematical modeling o Mathematical modeling can be broadly defined as a formulation or equation that expresses the essential features of a physical system or process in mathematical terms. Physical system Analysis (mathematical modeling) Equations • Equation on motion (Newton ) Laws • Mechanical • Ohm & Kirchhoff laws • Electrical • continuity & momentum • Hydraulic & • Energy equation Pneumatic • Thermal Differential equations • Electromechanical Difference equations • Chemical Input / output relations Simulation Tools Introduction to system What is systems? Most systems that surround us are : • Multidimensional • Extremely complex • Time varying • Nonlinear in nature As they are comprised of large varieties of actively or passively interacting sub-systems Multidimensional Complex systems Linear and Nonlinear Superposition Rules • If a X = a Y , b X = b Y Input (X) • a X + b X = a Y + b Y , linear system • a X + b X≠a Y + b Y , Nonlinear system System Output (Y) Time varying system What is systems? ➢System is derived from the Greek word systema , which means an organized relationship among units or components. • System : a collection of entities (people or machines) that act and interact together toward the accomplishment of some logical end. • System is a collection of interconnected components. What is systems? System as collection of interconnected components. What is systems? Some examples of the systems are: • Medical / biological systems • Socioeconomic systems • Communication and information systems • Planning systems • Solar system • Environmental systems • Manufacturing systems • Transportation systems • Physical systems – electrical , mechanical , thermal , hydraulic systems , and combination of them What is systems? Every system consists of subsystem or components at lower levels and supersystems at higher levels. What is systems? • A system is characterized by the following attributes: 1. System boundary 2. System components and their interactions 3. Environments • System boundary To study a given system, it is necessary to determine what comprises (falls inside and what falls outside) a system Environment What is the systems? System boundary System It is partitioning line between the environment and the system. System is inside the boundary and environment is outside the system. A real or imaginary boundary separates the system from the rest of the universe, which is referred to as the environment or surroundings. System exchanges input-output from its environment. This boundary might be material boundary (like the skin of a human body) or immaterial boundary (like the membership to a certain social group). What is the systems? System Boundary • It helps in identifying the system and its components. • The interaction between a system and its environment takes place mainly at the boundaries. • It determines what can enter or leave a system (input and output). • System boundary may be crisp (clearly defined ) or fuzzy (ill defined). ➢ In crisp boundaries , it is quite clear that what is inside the boundary (i.e. Part of system) and what is outside the boundary (i.e. Part of environment). ➢ In fuzzy boundaries , it is not very clear whether a particular component belongs to the environment or the system. What is systems? System components and their interaction • System component is a fundamental building block. • It is quite easy to find the input – output relations for the system components using fundamental laws of physics, which is called the mathematical model for components. • It may be written in the form of difference or differential equations. What is systems? Business System Inputs • • • • Materials Services New Equipment's New Employees Facilities Customers + Suppliers + Other industries + Government Ouputs • Product • Waste Materials • Money System components and their interactions • It is static or dynamically changing with time , input , or state of the system. What is the system? • Interaction may be constrained or non-constrained type. • The component interaction may be unidirectional or bidirectional. • Interaction strength may be 0 , 1 , or between 0 and 1. What is the system? Environment • It represents everything that is important to understand the functioning of the system but is not a part of the system. • It is that part of the world that can be ignored in the analysis except for its interaction with the system Black Box System White Box System Classification of systems ❑ System can be classified on the basis of : ➢Time frame , ➢Type of measurements taken , ➢Type of interactions , ➢Nature, ➢Type of components. Classification of systems According to the Time Frame ❖ Systems can be categorized on the basis of time frame as ➢Discrete ➢Continuous ➢Hybrid Classification of systems ➢ Discrete system : in which the state variables change instantaneously at separated points in time . ❖ Ex. queuing system (bank , telephone network m traffic lights). ❖In a bank system , state variable are the number of customers in the bank , whose value changes only when a customer arrives or when a customer finishes being served and departs. Classification of systems ➢ Continuous system : in which the state variables change continuously with respect to time . ❖ Ex. Solar system , spread of pollutants , charging a battery . ❖ Ex. An airplane moving through the air , since state variable such as position and velocity can change continuously with respect to time. ➢ Hybrid system : is a combination of and discrete dynamic system behavior . ➢ Hybrid system has the benefit of encompassing a larger class of systems within its structure , allowing more flexibility in modeling continuous and discrete dynamic phenomena. Classification of systems ❑According to the complexity of the system. System can be classified on the basis of complexity ➢ physical systems ➢Conceptual systems ➢Esoteric systems Classification of systems ➢Physical system ; variables can be measured with physical devices Ex. Electrical system , mechanical systems , computer systems , hydraulic systems , thermal systems , or a combination of theses systems. Physical system is a collection of components , in which each component has its own behavior , used for some purpose . These systems are relatively less complex. Classification of systems Conceptual systems : in which all the measurements are conceptual or imaginary. Ex. Psychological systems , social systems , health care systems , and economic systems. Conceptual systems are those systems in which the quantity of interest cannot be measured directly with physical devices. These are complex system Classification of systems Esoteric systems : in which all the measurements are not possible with physical measuring devices. The complexity of these systems is of highest order. (Black box) Classification of systems ❑According to the Interactions , may be ; ▪ Unidirectional or bidirectional , ▪ Crisp or fuzzy , ▪ Static or dynamic ➢ System will be divided into three classes according to the degree of interaction of events , ✓ Independent – systems ✓ Cascade – systems ✓ Couples – systems Classification of systems ➢Independent – if the events have no effect upon one another., ➢Cascaded – if the effects of the events are unilateral (that is , part A affects part B , B affects C , C affects D , and not vice versa ). ➢Coupled – if the events mutually affect each other. Classification of systems ❑According to the Nature and Type of Components ➢Static or dynamic components. ➢Linear or nonlinear components. ➢Time – invariant or Time – variant components ➢Deterministic or stochastic components. Classification of systems ❑According to the Uncertainties Involved ➢Deterministic No uncertainty in any variables (model of pendulum). ✓System that will always produce the same output for a given input. ➢Stochastic : some variables are random , (airplane in flight with random wind gusts , mineral – processing and phone network with random arrival and call lengths). ✓System that will produce different outputs for a given input