BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY BAHIR DAR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (BIT) PRODUCTION ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMEN(MSc) Article Review: FUZZY GOAL PROGRAMMING FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND ALLOCATION PROBLEMS re,by:EYAYA BANTE : BETSHA.T(Ph.D. Outline of the article review Summary Introduction Problem statement Result and analysis Contripution of the study Fundation of the study General qritique and Recomandetion History OF Authors Summary Managing a watershed for satisfying the inhabitant’s demand is a difficult task if one has to maintain a reasonable balance between usually conflicting environmental flows and demands. The solution to these complex issues requires the use of mathematical techniques to take into account conflicting objectives. Introdaction Fuzzy goal programming (FGP) approach for optimal allocation ,of land under cultivation and proposes an annual agricultural plan for different crops. In the model formulation, goals such as crop production, and net profit, water and labor requirements, and machine utilization are modeled as fuzzy. Problem statement land use planning problem in an agricultural system in which the directly affected on utilization of total cultivable land, supply of productive resources, expected profit, and expected production of various crops Methodology The researcher could briefly explain how the research was conducted, Step1.seting multi objectives Step2. Step1.identify all constraints of agriculture constraints Step3 :formality fuzzy goal programing Step 4:Analiss and interpret the solution of goal programing Result and and Discussions The goals for the FGP problem may be defined as follows: CONT….. • Crop production goal: The sum of the productions for all the crops should be greater or equal to the expected production target during the year. Net profit goal. The goal equation for net profit can be expressed as Labor requirement goal: The goal equation for laborers can be written as • Water requirement goal: goal equation for water supply can be written as Final formulated The final LP form of Contributions The article has a contribution in the knowledge of researcher in the research field. Because the researcher .The model developed provides the best possible solution subject to the model constraint The output of our research may become a useful analytical tool for agricultural planners, who are using traditional LP and GP methods for recommendations to the farmer on optimal land allocation for different crops in the planning process. Sensitivity analysis considering two different weighting structures of the General critique and Recommendation The author starts with appropriate foundation and select correct approach or method to execute. The author starts with appropriate foundation and select correct approach or method to execute. One of the gab of project does not consider fertilazer,pestcide cost of constraint and not include environmentally friendlily production and not consider altitude ,soil type quite a few past studies included some environmental objectives, but they rarely focused on water and fertilizer consumption, Thank you For Your TIME!!!