Uploaded by Omveer Rajawat

Thermometer Prototype Design: Holtek & KiCad

Designing of thermometer prototype
1) Redesign actual thermometer by following applications Holtek software
 Kicad software
 And hardware design and peripherals interfacing (LCD, LED with MCU).
2) Multipoint calibrations of temperature sensor in thermometer
 using NTC (negative temperature coefficient) type of sensor whose
resistance decreases as temperature rises.
 observe the resistance for different temperatures, 5-6 reading by multimeter
and draw the graph to understand the sensitivity and linearity.
25◦c – 50k ohms
23.2◦c – 46.6k
 studying of electronic circuit of thermometer device on the breadboard.
 studying Holtek programming language which is like C.
 studying new software installed (which includes text editor window (.C file)
and there is another window where this C extension file converted to. MTP
file and MCU – HT45F67(programming), E- socket to hold the
 Assignment
-Write a basic Led blink program on this holtek software and implement on
- design thermometer whose reading will show on seven segment display
with this MCU
-design PCB on KiCad software.