Uploaded by Rafael Madolin

The Doppler shift or Doppler effect explains that when an object gets closer to us

The Doppler shift or Doppler effect explains that when an object gets closer to us,
its light waves are compressed into shorter wavelengths (blueshifted, because
blue light has the shortest wavelength in the visible region).
On the other hand, when an object moves away from us, its light waves are
stretched into longer wavelengths (redshifted, because red light has the longest
wavelength in the visible region).
Slipher and Wirtz then explained that the redshift or increase in wavelength was
due to the increase in the distance between the Earth and the nebulae. They
concluded that the redshift occurred due to the expansion of space.
In 1929, Edwin Hubble used the redshift of light from galaxies to calculate the
velocities and distances of these galaxies from the Earth. He discovered that they
were moving away from the Earth and from each other. His calculations
supported the theory that the universe is expanding.
A proton is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of every atom. The particle has a
positive electrical charge, equal and opposite to that of the electron.
neu·tron a subatomic particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge
deuterium, (D, or 2H), also called heavy hydrogen
Tritium- or hydrogen-3 (symbol T or 3H)
What is tritium used for?
exit signs, emergency lighting in commercial buildings and airplanes and for airport
runway lights.
Okay so goodmorning everyone before anything else since this is my first time to be your student
teacher let me introduce myself again. I’m mr. Rafael remoroza madolin. 22, Single. So starting today
together with my colleague over there the gentleman mr. ________ we are tasked with the subject
Physical Science. Okay so familiar ang physical science? So first time pud ko ani nga subject no so please
bear with me. Kung naa tay malisdan. We can browse thru the internet. Okay so lets start.
Ok mangutana sako daan if mao pabani ang sugod ang nga subject PHYSICAL SCIENCE or nag tackle
namo ani atong niage. Ok so introduce sa nako ang subject ha.
PHYSICAL SCIENCE Physical science is a branch of natural science that studies non-living systems, in
contrast to life science. The four main branches of physical science chemistry, geology,
physics and astronomy.
So base saakong pag basa2 daghan diay nig numbers nga subject no. murag base sainyong
nat exam gahapon murag paborito kayo ninyong math kay pas2 man kayo. Mga bright siguro
ning humms ug math. Ok lets start.
Can any anyone please tell what “theory” how the universe started?
(btw, ang mag hatag ans. Ani I record kay hatagan daw ni maam og special points sa oral
What? Name , Yes it is the bigbang theory.
So what is the bigbang theory
Okay so our topic today is about the formation of light elements in the big bang theory
According to the big bang theory approximately 13.7 billion years ago the universe started with a
singularity. ( a point with all of space, time, matter and energy) in these
Singularity- a point in space and/or amoment in time where theuniverse was infinitely hot anddense
In these moment there was no where, when or what. There is even no space around it. – just
(INFLATION) is a theory of exponential expansion of space in the early universe. The inflation mostly
lasted from 10 −36 seconds.
space, itself, expanded faster than the speed of light.
ANNIHILATION - in physics, reaction in which a particle and its antiparticle collide and disappear,
releasing energy.
Okay after nag annihilation ang excess matter from annihilation came together
*protons- A proton is a subatomic particle found in the nucleus of every atom. The particle has a
positive electrical charge, equal and opposite to that of the electron.
*neutrons- neu·tron a subatomic particle of about the same mass as a proton but without an
electric charge
And other particles
Nucleosynthesis is the creation of new atomic nuclei, the centers of atoms that are made
up of protons and neutrons.
Activities: balloon 2 dots.
Why do the stickers appear to be moving away from each other?
So with this simple example the evidence proves that the universe is expanding because the earth is
getting farther from other stars
( the balloon examples as the universe and the 2 dots examples as the earth and stars)