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Photosynthesis Class Notes: Light, Chlorophyll, & Reactions

Class Notes- Photosynthesis
Light- hard to describe sometimes its like a wave and others it is like a photon
Infrared - ROYGBIV – ultraviolet
Longer waves ------ Shorter waves
The longer waves have less energy than a shorter wave does
Stone is dropped into water then make ripples, without water there is no waves
If air is taken away when someone is talking, then you won’t be able to here them because there are no
waves on anything (bell jar)
Waves bend around corners (yelling around the corner)
Waves need a medium to act on
Light have properties of a wave, quanta (photons)
Photo-electric effect
A photon and an electron interact and there is a higher
energy state, it jumps to a higher level
If not, then it passes right through it.
Absorption, reflection, transmission
During the fall it saves the magnesium from the year before while the plant breaks down chlorophyll, so
that is why we see the other colors that are not being used by the other pigments that make light energy.
Chlorophyll absorbs light reaction by taking in the light using the little bit of magnesium in the body of
the plant
Cyclic Photophosphorylation
The photons strike the magnesium which is immediately transferred to
another molecule in the thylakoid then it comes back into normal state
again (not energized) as it synthesizes ADP to ATP
Chlorophyll molecule
The middle is the magnesium
Cyclic Photophosphorylation
Water gives off the oxygen, H+, and
an electron. The electron goes to
replenish Chl (p680) # of electrons
Better Photo Found below
AP700= Reaction center, 700 is a
Fe-S= Ferredoxin
CYT= Cytochrome (s)
PQ= Plastoquinone
Even though the two main systems accept wavelengths by 680 or 700, there are auxiliary pigments that
are still there all the time except they are masked by the green pigment
ATP Synthase
Photosynthesis: Crash Course Biology
Respiration in reverse
Xylem- takes the water up to the flower
Lumen is the general term for the inside of a tube, blood vessels, thylakoid, etc.
Photoexcitation- an excited molecule only when by a photon
Plastoquinone Oxidoreductase- PSII tells us stuff