el parque, park el juego, game los padres, mother and father los parientes, relatives el centro, center el teléfono, telephone el móvil, mobile phone el examen, exam los exámenes, exams nervioso, nervous cansado, tired enamorados, lovers la casa, house la escuela, school el colegio, school tocar un instrumento, playing an instrument el piano, piano caminar, walk visitar, visit comprar, buy estudiar, study hablar, talk mirar, watch ganar, win cambiar, change Llevar, take lápiz, pencil el sacapuntas, pencil sharpener la goma de borrar, rubber eraser la pizarra blanca, white board el borrador, eraser la pluma, pen el bolígrafo, pen el boli, pen la calculadora, calculator el ordenador, computer la computadora, computer la carpeta, folder el cuaderno, notebook el marcador, marker el libro, book la mesa, table la silla, seat la ventana, window la puerta, door el techo, ceiling el suelo, floor la alfombra, carpet la luz, light las luces, light la alarma de incendios, fire alarm la mochila, backpack los audífonos, headphones la pared, wall la clase, class Alto, tall Bajo, short Delgado, thin Gordo, fat inteligente, smart estúpido, stupid amigo, friend novio, boyfriend alumno, student estudiante, student atlético, athletic deportista, athletic simpático, sympathetic antipático, obnoxious Profesor, teacher maestro, teacher muchacho, boy chico, boy Niño, boy Chaval, boy Feo, ugly Guapo, beautiful Lindo, beautiful Hermoso, beautiful Perezoso, lazy Energético, energetic Ambicioso, ambitious Serio, serious Cómico, funny Chistoso, funny Gracioso, funny Rubio, blond hair Moreno, brown hair La madre, mother El padre, father El hermano, brother La hermana, sister El tío, uncle la tía, aunt el abuelo, grandfather la abuela, grandmother el primo, male cousin la prima, female cousin Suegros, in-laws Nuera, daughter-in-law Cunados, brother-in-law Yerno, son-in-law Padrastro, step-father Madrasta, step-mother Hermanastros, step-sisters/brothers Mascota, pets Padrino, godfather Madrina, godmother Ahijado, god son Ahijada, god daughter Comer, eat Vivir, to live Leer, read Escribir, write Comprender, comprehend Ver, to see Gallina, hen Gallo, rooster Comer, to eat Ir de compras, to buy Tomar, to take/to drink Tomar del estante, take from the shelf Masticar, to chew Buscar, to look for Leer la carta, read the menu Rebajas, sale Ganga, bargain Sabe a _____, taste like Conozco, familiar with; know Probar, to try to test (out) Costar, cost Dólares, dollars Partido, a game (Tennis game, baseball game) Ver Ser Estar Tener Ir Querer Saber (Se) Dar (Das) Jugar Decir Poder ()- only irregular in 1, s Estudiar Usar Gustar Preguntar Caminar Hablar Llevar Ganar, win a game Tocar Comprar Cambiar Encantar Mirar La Carne, meat Pollo, that is what you call the chicken you eat Cerdo, pork Carne de vaca, beef Cordero, lamb Pavo, turkey Comprender Comer Beber Aprender Leer Escribir Vivir Pato, duck Fruta, fruit Manzana, apple Platano, banana Mango, mango Naranja, orange Frambuesa, raspberry Pina, pineapple Fresas, strawberry Arandanos, blueberries Uvas, grape Morras, blackberries Verduras Brocoli, broccoli Tomate, tomato Zanahorias, carrot Apio, celery Cole de bruselas, brussel sprouts Espinacas, spinach Cebulla, onion Pimientos, sweet peppers Pimienta, hot peppers Judias verdes, green beans Frijoles, beans Frijoles negros, black beans Refritos, refried beans Trigueros, green asparagus Esparragos, white asparagus Cana, sugar cane Calabacin, Berenjena, eggplant Pepino, cucumber De rinones, kidney beans Agnarate, avocado Bebidas, drinks Leche, milk Agua, water Refresco, soda Agua con gas, sparkling water Agua sin gas, still water Agua de grifo, tap water Un chocolate frio, chocolate milk Un chocolate caliente, hot chocolate Cerveza sin alcohol, beer without alcohol Pescado y Mariscos, fish and shellfish Salmon, salmon Atún, tuna Pes espada, swordfish Almejas, clams Gambas, shrimp Bogavante, atlantic lobster Cangrejo, crab Ostras, oyster Lácteos- dairy Leche, milk Queso, cheese Yogur, yogurt Helado, ice cream Nata, cream Huevo, egg Mantequilla, butter Trigos- wheat Patatas, potato Maíz, Arroz, rice Quinua, quinoa Comida catraca/basura, junk food Patatas fritas (calientes), fries Patatas fritas (boja), chips Caramelos, candies Chocolate, chocolate Galletas (Saladas), crackers Donut, donut Rosquilla, donut Desayuno, breakfast Tostada, toast Cereal, cereal Gofres, waffles Tortitas, pancake Tortia a la francesa, Pan frances, french bread Tocino, bacon Tarta, tart Almuerzo, snack (between breakfast and lunch) Comida, lunch Quesadilla, quesadilla Burrito, burrito Bocadillos, baguette filled with food Sándwich, sliced bread Sopa, soup Merienda, snack (between lunch and dinner) Cena, dinner Pasta, pasta Pizza, pizza Enchilada, enchilada Carne asada, roasted meat Ensalada, salad Cubiertos, the place setting Cuchara, spoon Tenedor, fork Cuchillo, knife Servilleta, napkin Mantel, table cloth Plato, plate Taza, Jarra, Mesa, table Silla, chair Copa, wine glass Restaurante, restaurant Mesero, waiter (man) Camarero, waiter (girl) Carta, prefix mostly very expensive places Menú, menu Cocinero- chef Concina, kitchen Cuenta, check Propina, tip (not expected to tip) Taza, Vaso Primer plato- first plate Segundo plato- second plate Postre- dessert