eTicket Receipt Prepared For DAO/THI UT [ADT] RESERVATION CODE KWRZ RF ISSUE DATE 03 Dec 22 TICKET NUMBER 7382131530423 ISSUING AIRLINE VIET NAM AIRLINES ISSUING AGENT Vietnam Airlines/WDX Itinerary Details T RAVEL DAT E 0 4 Mar 2 3 - 0 6 Mar 2 3 AIRLINE DEPART URE ARRIVAL OT HER NOT ES VIETNAM AIRLINES VN 9 9 SAN FRANCISCO, CA HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM Cabin ECONOMY Seat Number 30 F Baggage Allo wance 2 PIECES VCR Status OK Fare Basis NL1YUCW No t Valid After 0 4 MAR 24 Time 23:0 0 Terminal INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL 30 Mar 2 3 VIETNAM AIRLINES VN 9 8 HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM Time 20 :0 0 Terminal TERMINAL 2 Time 0 6 :35 Terminal TERMINAL 2 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Time 20 :30 Terminal INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL Cabin ECONOMY Seat Number 31C Baggage Allo wance 2 PIECES VCR Status OK Fare Basis NL1YUCW No t Valid After 0 4 MAR 24 Allowances Baggage Allowance SFO to SGN - 2 Pieces VIETNAM AIRLINES , each piece up to 50 pounds/23 kilograms and up to 62 linear inches/158 linear centimeters SGN to SFO - 2 Pieces VIETNAM AIRLINES , each piece up to 50 pounds/23 kilograms and up to 62 linear inches/158 linear centimeters ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCES AND/OR DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY DEPENDING ON FLYER-SPECIFIC FACTORS /E.G. FREQUENT FLYER STATUS/MILITARY/ CREDIT CARDFORM OF PAYMENT/EARLY PURCHASE OVER INTERNET,ETC Carry On Allowances SFO to SGN , SGN to SFO - 1 Piece (VN - VIETNAM AIRLINES) up to 22 pounds/10 kilograms and up to 45 linear inches/115 linear centimeters Carry On Charges SFO to SGN , SGN to SFO - (VN - VIETNAM AIRLINES) - Carry-on fees unknown - contact carrier Payment/Fare Details Fo rm o f Paym e nt CREDIT CARD - VISA : XXXXXXXXXXXX 674 6 Endo rsement / Restrictio ns RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY./NON-END. Fare Calculatio n Line SFO VN*SGN Q40.00 355.30NL1YUCW VN*SFO355.30NL1YUCW NUC750.60END ROE1.00 XFSFO4.5 Fare USD 751.00 T axe s/Fe e s/Carrie r-Im po se d Charge s USD 260.00 YQI (CARRIER IMPOSED FEE) USD 39.4 0 US2 (US INT ERNAT IONAL T RANSPORT AT ION T AX) USD 6.52 YC (US CUST OMS USER FEE) USD 7.00 XY2 (XY2) USD 3.83 XA (US APHIS USER FEE) USD 5.60 AY (US SECURIT Y FEE) USD 20.00 JC (PASSENGER SERVICE CHARGE INT ERNAT IONAL) USD 2.00 C4 (PASSENGER AND BAGGAGE SECURIT Y SCREENING SERVICE CHARGE) USD 4 .50 XF (US PASSENGER FACILIT Y CHARGE) T o t al USD 1099.85 Positive identification required for airport check in Notice: Fo r Flights o perated by BL: This is the flight o perated by Pacific Airlines. Please check-in at Pacific Airlines's co unters. Baggage Allo wance : Applies to ticket issued/reissued/exchanged o n/after January 1st, 20 20 Ro ut e s Eco no m y (**) Pre m ium Eco no m y Busine ss Within Vietnam Do mestic (***) 1pc 1pc 1pc (23kg/50 lb) (32kg/70 lb) (32kg/70 lb) 1pc 1pc 1pc (23kg/50 lb) (23kg/50 lb) (32kg/70 lb) 2pc 2pc (23kg/50 lb) (23kg/50 lb) (32kg/70 lb) 1pc 2pc 2pc (23kg/50 lb) (23kg/50 lb) (32kg/70 lb) Within So uth East Asia (*) (except Vietnam Do mestic) Between Vietnam and Ho ng Ko ng, China, Taiwan, Ko rea. 1pc To /Fro m Australia/ Euro pe (except Russia) Between Vietnam and Japan/Russia Fro m Japan to Asia/Australia To /Fro m The Americas Others 2pc 2pc 2pc (23kg/50 lb) (23kg/50 lb) (32kg/70 lb) 2pc 2pc 2pc (23kg/50 lb) (23kg/50 lb) (32kg/70 lb) 2pc 2pc 2pc (23kg/50 lb) (23kg/50 lb) (32kg/70 lb) 1pc 2pc 2pc (23kg/50 lb) (23kg/50 lb) (32kg/70 lb) - Infant witho ut a seat: To /Fro m the Americas: One piece, with a maximum weight o f 23kg/50 lbs and to tal dimensio ns no t exceeding 115cm (4 5in) and o ne fully co llapsible stro ller. Other itineraries: One piece, with a maximum weight o f 10 kg/22lbs and to tal dimensio ns no t exceeding 115cm (4 5in) and o ne fully co llapsible stro ller (no t applicable fo r eco no my super lite ticket). (*) So utheast Asia co untries: Brunei/Thailand/Malaysia/Singapo re/Indo nesia/the Philippines/Lao s/Cambo dia/ Myanmar/Vietnam; (**) Free baggage allo wance is no t applicable to Eco no my Super Lite class o n so me ro utes. The info rmatio n sho wing the baggage allo wance o n the ticket is marked as "NIL" which means that there is no free baggage allo wance. (***) Itineraries between Hano i, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Van Do n: No Checked Baggage fo r Eco no my Super Lite. Carriage and other services provided by the carrier are subject to: 1. General conditions of carriage of Vietnam Airlines. 2. Applicable fare rules and conditions – which are hereby incorporated by reference. T hese conditions and rules may be obtained from our website or from the issuing carrier. Please retain this itinerary receipt through your journey. It is required at checkin/immigration/customs. Passenger should be presented for check-in 02 hours before departure time. For Z ED/MIBA fares: all conditions and rules may be obtained from website www.myIDT Vietnam Airlines JSC Address: 200-Nguyen Son Street-Long bien District-Hanoi-Vietnam VAT Registration Code: 0100107518 Software provider: Sabre Holding INC. Address: 3150 Sabre Drive Southlake, T exas 76092 Data Protection Notice: Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the applicable carrier’s privacy policy and, if your booking is made via a reservation system provider (“GDS”), with its privacy policy. T hese are available at or from the carrier or GDS directly. You should read this documentation, which applies to your booking and specifies, for example, how your personal data is collected, stored, used, disclosed and transferred. (applicable for interline carriage) Impo rtant Legal No tices