Sebastian Henao – Thermal Engineering Course – NYU Tandon School of Engineering Analysis of Unsteady Couette Flow by Computational Fluid Dynamics Methods Introduction Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is one of the branches of study of fluid mechanics that uses numerical methods to solve and analyze problems related to fluid flows. In this project we analyze two problems numerically worked out by writing a computer code in MATLAB involving simple partial differential equations (PDEs) with specified boundary/initial conditions. In first place is presented the unsteady Couette Flow, which is related to the movement of a viscous fluid between two surfaces, one of which is moving tangentially relative to the other. A. Assessment of the behavior of the error E1 and E2 as a function of both spatial and temporal resolution. One of the physical interpretations of the Couette flow equation is the rate at which the velocity at a given point changes over time, depends on the second derivative of that velocity at that point with respect to space, that is, where there's curvature in space there's change in time. The PDE only describes one out of three constraints that the velocity function must satisfy, but for describing accurately this flow velocity, it must also satisfy certain boundary and initial conditions. Joseph Fourier solved this problem in 1822, his key contribution was to gain control of the solution, by breaking down into three observations 1. The number of certain sine waves offer a simple solution to this equation 2. Linearity: If you know multiple solutions, the sum of these functions is also a solution 3. Fourier Series: The Function can be expressed as a sum of sine waves Focusing on the first point, let approach in a more general way the velocity to the function π’(π¦, 0) = sin(π¦), where π¦ describes a point between the two plaquettes. The right-hand side of this Couette equation ππ’ ππ‘ π2 π’ = π ππ¦2 (0) asks about the second derivative of this general function, on how much the velocity distribution curves as it moves along space: ππ’ (π¦, 0) = cos(π¦) (1) ππ¦ π2π’ (π¦, 0) = −sin(π¦) (2) ππ¦ 2 As seen on the last derivation (1) and (2), the amount the wave curves are equal and opposite to its height at each point, so at the point where time π‘ equals zero, it is observed that each point changes it’s velocity at a rate proportional to the to the velocity itself, with the same proportionality along all points: ππ (π¦, 0) ππ π2 π’ = π ππ¦2 = −πΆ . π(π¦, 0), consider πΆ as the constant of proportionality So, after some tiny time steps, everything scales down by the same factor, and after that it’s still the same sine curve shape just scaled down a bit uniformly, and this happens as well in the limit as the size of the time steps approaches zero π(π¦, βπ‘) = π. sin (π¦) π(π¦, 2βπ‘) = π 2 . sin (π¦) π(π¦, 3βπ‘) = π 3 . sin (π¦) π(π¦, 4βπ‘) = π 4 . sin (π¦) Now, looking that the rate at which some values changes is proportional to that value itself, it seems indeed similar of an exponential, where we can take as an example: π πΆπ −0.003π‘ = −0.003. πΆπ −0.003π‘ (3) ππ‘ What can be said of this equation (3), is that the derivative of π to some constant times π‘, is equal to that constant times itself, so when we look at the at the Couette equation (0) and it is known that for a sine wave the right-hand side is going to be a negative alpha times the time the velocity function itself, it is not surprising to propose that the solution scales down by a factor of π to the negative πΆπ. ππ = = −πΆ sin(π¦) . π −πΆπ ππ π As seen on the figure 1 below for the exact solution equation π’π (π¦, π‘) = π¦ + π −π π sin (ππ¦) , the larger the time π‘ gets (trending to infinity), the smaller the exponential function becomes, trending therefore to zero the exponential portion, and making the exact solution π’π (π¦, ∞) a value more similar to the result of the grid point location π’π (π¦, ∞)~ π¦π where, π¦π = (π − 1)Δπ¦ for π = 1, 2, … π Figure 1. 3D graph for the exact solution equation of the Unsteady Couette Flow That means that the slope of the exponential function tends to zero as it advances in time, even for the π¦ ππ¦ boundary and initial conditions described as π’(0, π‘) = 0, π’(β, π‘) = π and π’(π¦, 0) = π β + ππ ππ( β ), which can be mathematically presented as ππ’ (0, π‘) ππ¦ = ππ’ (π¦, π‘) ππ¦ = 0. Another aspect to note from the exact solution equation is that the sine function sin (ππ¦) frequency is affected by the terms multiplied inside by the input “y” of the function, in this case “π”, since a higher frequency waves curve more sharply and lower frequency one’s more gently. That means that by introducing some constant multiplied by the input “y”, the function oscillates more quickly. If for instance, we take the derivative of π cos(ππ¦) ππ¦ = −π sin(ππ¦) and similarly the second derivative would be still −π 2 cos (ππ¦), what this means for this velocity function, is that it decays more quickly towards and reach equilibrium over time. B. Assessment of the solution behavior as a function of time step (βt) and number of nodes (N) The velocity is calculated in steps of time, using the inverse of the matrix A multiplied by the vector b, from equation π΄π₯ = π. The results for the velocity profiles are shown from the stages in the time marching process are shown in the figure below. One of the most noticeable facts at first sight is that the velocity is changing most rapidly near the upper plate, was expected. Figure 2. Unsteady Couette flow velocity profiles in the time-stepping process The influence of the shear stress that comes from the upper plate is increasingly circulated to the rest of the fluid, resulting in a final, steady-state profile. The steady state profile is linear, agreeing with the analytical exact solution. To provide a more direct comparison of your computations with the present calculations. In terms of stability, it is observed that the behavior of the solution is not compromised, as the CrankNicolson technique is unconditionally stable. When βt is increased (and letting fixed the values of kinematic viscosity and the number N of nodes), the accuracy is affected, and the number of marching steps required to obtain a steady state change j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 y/D 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500 0.550 0.600 0.650 0.700 0.750 0.800 0.850 0.900 0.950 1.000 Δt = 0.001 0 1.51E-09 5.79E-09 2.05E-08 7.16E-08 2.47E-07 8.42E-07 2.83E-06 9.39E-06 3.06E-05 9.80E-05 0.000307 0.000935 0.002765 0.007891 0.021552 0.055767 0.134806 0.298529 0.58928 1 Δt = 0.003 0 1.52E-05 3.82E-05 8.07E-05 0.0001637 0.0003263 0.000643 0.0012527 0.002411 0.0045781 0.0085627 0.0157451 0.0283997 0.0501113 0.0862183 0.1440806 0.2327597 0.3614702 0.5361487 0.7542414 1 π ππ Δt = 0.01 0 0.0031622 0.0066738 0.0109121 0.0163107 0.0233884 0.0327785 0.0452577 0.0617703 0.0834451 0.1115974 0.147707 0.1933615 0.2501531 0.3195181 0.4025174 0.4995666 0.6101501 0.7325804 0.8638961 1 Δt = 0.03 0 0.02463 0.0497626 0.0758973 0.1035279 0.133138 0.165195 0.2001435 0.2383951 0.2803175 0.3262199 0.3763381 0.4308172 0.4896942 0.5528822 0.6201571 0.6911487 0.7653402 0.8420767 0.9205839 1 Δt = 0.1 0 0.046808 0.093691 0.140726 0.187983 0.235529 0.283423 0.331718 0.380457 0.429671 0.479384 0.529604 0.580328 0.63154 0.683214 0.735309 0.787774 0.840548 0.893562 0.946739 1 Table 1. Transient velocity profiles comparison Five profiles are given, for βt = 0.001, 0.003, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, these are transient profiles, all corresponding to the same nondimensional intermediate time t = 5. After examining these results, is evident that the most similar columns are βt = 0.001 and βt = 0.003. Since both are small time steps, it can be assured that with a value as big a βt = 0.003 it provides a timewise accuracy for the implicit calculations. However, looking the last three columns for βt = 0.01, 0.03, 0.1. There are some differences between these results and βt = 0.001, especially comparing them near the upper wall. Apparently, βt = 0.01 corresponds to a large-enough value of βt to cause some noticeable inaccuracy for the transient results. This inaccuracy continues to grow as βt is further increased. And it is even more evident if has a large value such as βt=1 for example. Here, the value of βt is so large that not timewise accuracy can be achieved, and none is obtained. Exhibiting nonphysical behavior, especially near the top plate. From table 2, it can also be observed the total time steps required for each time step value, for instance using a βt = 0.003, the steady state is obtained after 538-time steps. However, for large values of βt, as 0.01 and 0.03, about 167 and 61 steps are required respectively, as seen on the table below: Non-dimensional time step Δt Maximum iteration for convergence π‘ 0.001 0.003 538 0.01 167 0.03 61 0.1 23 Table 2. Convergence time for different time steps dy jmax 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.0125 11 21 41 81 Time Steps (Δt = 0.003) 382 380 380 380 Max RMS Error 1 (Δt = 0.003) 7.62E-01 7.79E-01 7.84E-01 7.86E-01 Time Steps (Δt = 0.03) 43 43 43 43 Max RMS Error 1 (Δt = 0.03) 5.19E-01 5.22E-01 5.23E-01 5.23E-01 Table 3. Comparison of maximum RMS error as a function of different time steps From table 3, the program has been iterated until reaching an “error 2”, expressed as πΈ2 < π = 1π₯10−5. Each iteration has been done changing the number of nodes “N” in the “yj” direction from 11 to 81, with two different time steps βt = 0.003 and βt = 0.03. The purpose of this calculation was to see the difference between each maximum RMS Error 1 value reached and the number of time steps that took place for the convergence of the code. Observing the results from the time step βt = 0.003, the total number of time steps remained invariable no matter how much nodes were applied for the iteration. In the other hand it is observed a trend, taking a glace in N=11 the Max RMS Error 1 was 7.62E-01, a value that presented positive variation as the value of the total nodes increased, in this case we end up having a maximum RMS of 7.86E-01 for the 81 nodes of the last computing. This same behavior is observed also for the 10 times greater time step value of βt = 0.03, where the total number of time steps remained the same, but the Maximum RMS Error 1 value increased from 5.19E-01 to 5.23E-01 C. Conclusions: 1.Time accuracy is adrift when a greater βt is used for the calculations. It can be concluded from these results that implicit methods, such the one of Crank-Nicholson, with large values of βt are not the methods to use for problems wherein the flows that are changing from one steady to another steady state. In this study case, time accuracy can be obtained for smaller values of βt but needing more steps to meet the steady state. 2. Increasing βt, a reduction in the number of time steps needed to obtain a steady state is observed. However, for a large-enough value of βt, the trend reverses itself, and the value of using an implicit method is completely lost. Therefore, there is an optimum value of βt which leads allows to implement the most efficient of the Crank-Nicolson method in a case by case. 3. Increasing the number of nodes in the solution of Crank-Nicholson method, has no effect on the number of time steps required to implement the computing of the program. However, the accuracy of the solution could be compromised, as the RMS error trend to grow with larger number of nodes, therefore requiring a smaller number of time step βt to maintain a reliable calculation