West Papua: An End to Colonisation? Done By: SEA Desk (Ryan & Denzil) Background Independence? Development? Conclusion “There is no justice in this country … It is an island without law.” —West Papua villager, The Guardian Background Independence? Development? Conclusion Table of contents 01 02 Background Approach 1 History of conflict & Reasons Is separation feasible? 03 04 Approach 2 Conclusion Should Indonesia invest more instead? A way forward Background Independence? Development? Conclusion 01 Introduction Brief History & Background Background Independence? Development? Conclusion Timeline of West Papua colonisation Independence Separation? West Papua granted formal independence by Dutch in 1949 Continued freedom fighting between Indonesia and West Papua 1898 1949 1969 Netherlands Indonesia Part of Dutch East Indies, alongside Indonesia Annexed by Indonesia through the 1962 New York Agreement & legitimised by 1969 “Act of Free Choice” vote Background Independence? Development? Present Conclusion West Papua: A resources haven for Indonesia Copper Gold Oil Grasberg mine has 10.47 Million tonnes of copper reserves (top 10 worldwide) Grasberg mine has estimated $40 billion in gold reserves 18.3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in offshore Tangguh oil fields Background Independence? Development? Conclusion Issues facing West Papuan natives Pollution Military Violence Waste from the Grasberg mine running off into the river delta has killed aquatic life Indonesia’s military frequently targets pro-independence groups Background Independence? Development? Conclusion 200,000 Tonnes Mining sediment disposed into Aikwa river delta EVERY DAY Background Independence? Development? Conclusion 02 Independence? Envisioning an independent West Papua Background Independence? Development? Conclusion No West Papua, no troubles Morally correct and simplest solution is to grant West Papua freedom Background Independence? Development? Conclusion 3 Likely outcomes of West Papuan independence Indonesian Concessions Unable to Rebuild US Concessions Indonesia granted special access to resources, in exchange for help to develop the region West Papua lacks the economic ties of Indonesia so they would be unable to rebuild their economy and the environment US companies offered special access to resources, in exchange for help to develop region or military protection Background Independence? Development? Conclusion 03 Investment? Developing West Papua as an alternative Background Independence? Development? Conclusion Ways to develop West Papua Improve Infrastructure Education This will show Indonesia is committed to improving quality of life in West Papua Educate Indonesians to curb racism against West Papuans Ease Tensions Background Independence? Development? Conclusion However… West Papuans may not trust the Indonesian government to help develop their region ● ● ● Feel that development is used as an excuse for Indonesia to increase military presence Well paying jobs go to Indonesian migrants National Liberation Army attacked Indonesian workers during construction of Trans-Papua highway Background Independence? Development? Conclusion 04 Conclusion Neighbours’ Views & Conclusion Background Independence? Development? Conclusion What do the neighbours think? Press Indonesia on human rights issues Papua New Guinea is likely to pressure Indonesia to halt exploitation Background Independence? Place West Papua on UN decolonization list Vanuatu to call for UN to step in to help West Papua Development? Conclusion Final thoughts Indonesia must first prioritize the needs of the locals in West Papua to build trust Equal job opportunities Resolve growing racism against West Papuans This will give them a better platform to ease tensions Background Independence? Development? Conclusion Thanks! Background Independence? Development? Conclusion