GATE/ESE MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Strength of Materials [Student Problem Set] Table of Contents Sr. Chapter Pages 1. Stress, Strain and Elastic Constants 1 to 32 2. Principal Stress & Strains - Mohr's Circle 33 to 54 3. Thermal Stress 55 to 66 4. Thin Shells 67 to 78 5. Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams 79 to 98 6. Torsion 7. Columns 115 to 126 8. Bending Stresses 127 to 138 9. Shear Stress in Beams & Combine Loading 139 to 150 99 to 114 10. Theory of Failure 151 to 164 11. Strain Energy 165 to 174 12. Deflection of Beams 175 to 200 1.1 Introduction Mechanics deals with forces (both internal and external) and their effects. NOTE SOM is also known as solid mechanics, or mechanics of solids or mechanics of deformable bodies. Homogeneous Materials A material is said to be homogeneous if it exhibits same properties (elastic properties E, G, K) at any point in the given direction, i.e., for a homogeneous, material properties are independent of point. Ex : A body is said to be a rigid body if the distance between any two points in the body or on the body, is invariant. In engineering mechanics we treat the body as rigid and we deal only with external forces. In SOM, the body is treated as a deformable body and we deal with internal forces. Aim : The aim of SOM is to develop equations for stress, strain and to obtain the size by using mechanical properties. Isotropic Materials A material is said to be isotropic, if it exhibits same elastic properties in any direction at a given point i.e. for a isotropic material properties are independent of direction. Strength of Materials NOTE Every homogeneous material need not be isotropic and similarly every isotropic material need not be homogeneous. Fortunately, most of the common engineering material are both homogeneous and isotropic. 2 Kulkarni Academy Based on the extent of loading : (a) Point load (b) Distributed load If the load acts on a very small area, then it is a point load. If the load is distributed over a larger area then it is a distributed load. Wood, crystal are anisotropic material i.e., these material have different properties in different directions. Even if the body is not have homogeneous and isotropic, it is assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. 1.2 Load Load is an external force or moment experienced by the member. 1.2.1 Type of Load Based on the direction of loading (a) Longitudinal (axial) (parallel to the axis) (b) Transverse (perpendicular to the axis) Based on dimensions : (a) Force Volume Ex : Buoyancy force, weight, centrifugal force etc. (b) Force Area Ex : Pressure force, drag force, etc. (c) Force Length Ex : Surface tension force, cylindrical roller bearing Based on variation wrt time : (a) Static load (b) Dynamic load A load is said to be static load if the magnitude, direction and point of application (POA) does not change wrt time. Ex : Self weight If any of the three (magnitude, direction and POA) changes wrt time then it is a dynamic load. Ex : Crank, connecting rod, piston, gears, cam and followers, bearings etc. Kulkarni Academy 3 Based on load application time : (a) Gradually applied load : This is the most idealised type of loading. This loading is also known as quasi-loading. In tension/tensile test the material, is subjected to gradual loading i.e. the load increases from zero to maximum in an infinite time. Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants 1.3 Stress ( ) The internal resistance offered by the material at a point against the deformation caused due to external loads. The internal resisting force is due to intermolecular forces. (b) Suddenly applied load : For suddenly applied load ( h 0 ). Ex : Train moving on a railway track, brake, clutches etc. (c) Impact loads : in this type of loading, the time gap of application of load is small and the relative velocity exists between loading and loaded member. Ex : Charpy test, Izod test, gravity die forging, hammer blow etc. Unit : N pascal 1. m2 2. kgf/cm2 9.81104 pascal 1.3.1 Difference Between Stress And Pressure S. No. 1. 2. 3. (d) Shock loads : In shock load, rate of loading is very high i.e., the time of application of load is less. Ex : Bomb blast. NOTE SOM basically deals with three S S S S Stress Strain Stability F A 4. 5. 6. Pressure Pressure is external normal force per unit area. Pressure is always normal to the area Pressure is a scalar quantity Pressure can be measured. Due to pressure there is stress. At a point, the pressure is equal in a all directions in static fluid. Stress Stress is an internal resisting force per unit area. Stress need not be normal to the area. Stress is a tensor of 2nd order. Stress can not be measured. Due to stress no pressure. But stress need not be same in all directions at a point. Strength of Materials 1.3.2 Strength The maximum stress that a material can resist without failure is known as strength. NOTE Strength depends on material therefore strength is a material property, Stress is not a property it depends on load and area but not on the material. Stress is developed only when the body is constrained or restricted. Stresses are developed only when deformation or strain is constrained therefore “Strain is the cause of stress.” 4 Kulkarni Academy 1.4 Strain ( ) When a force is applied to a body it may result in change in size or change in shape. This change in size or shape is known as deformation. 1.4.1 Norman Strain The extension or contraction of a line segment per unit length is known as normal strain. When the material expands or contracts freely, stress is zero. 1.3.3 TYPES OF STRESSES L f L0 L0 ve Lf L0 L f L0 ve 1 L f L0 (1 ) L0 Kulkarni Academy 5 NOTE Strain is dimensionless Sp case of normal strain : Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants NOTE Normal strains cause change in dimensions or change in volume. Where as shear strains cause change in shape. Strain is a geometrical quantity that is measured using experimental techniques, once strain is calculated, stress can be calculated by using mechanical properties. Remember Prismatic bar : A long straight structural member having same c/s throughout it’s length is known as a prismatic bar. L0 xB xA L f ( xB U B ) ( xA U A ) L f ( xB xA ) (U B U A ) L f L0 L0 UB U A xB xA U x 1.4.2 Shear Strain ( ) : 1.4.3 Lateral strain : Every longitudinal strain is associated with lateral strain. Lateral strain represents normal strain perpendicular to the direction of loading. The change in angle that occurs between two lines segments that were originally perpendicular to one another is known as shear strain. It is expressed in radians. longitudinal lateral dL (+ ve) L0 dD ( ve) D0 1.4.4 Shear strain in x-y plane Convention : 900 +ve shear strain 900 ve shear strain 2 Strength of Materials 6 1 2 900 Shear strain 90 1 2 tan 1 dv dx 1 and 2 are very small tan 2 du dy Total shear strain in x-y plane, 1 2 dv du dx dy 1.5 Tensile Test This test is conducted on UTM (universal testing machine) and this machine is used for finding out tensile strength, compressive strength and shear strength. The load is gradually applied from zero to maximum. TEST SPECIMEN Kulkarni Academy P Where A is original area A Nominal/conventional/engineering stress dL Where L Original length L These stress and strains ate known as engineering stress-strain, nominal stress-strain or conventional stress-strain. Upon performing experiments on different areas, we get different curve and when these curves are converted into , the diagram is independent on dimensions and depends only on mechanical properties. Strain 1.5.1 True stress strain diagram : As the specimen is stretched its cross-sectional area is reduced and the length between gauge marks increases if we divided the load with actual area we get true stress value similarly if we divide elongation with actual length we get actual or true strain. 1.5.2 Reason for using conventional stress-strain diagram : Two points A and B are located away from ends to avoid local effects of grips and to ensure uniform stress and strain between these marks. According to ASTM (American society of testing materials) All through true stress-strain and conventional stress strain diagram are different, most engineering design is done with in the elastic range, where deformations are very small and hence the error in using engineering stress strain diagram is less than 0.1% compared with their true values. Lg 5.65 A0 1.5.3 Mechanical properties that Lg 5d0 can be determined from stress The testing machine elongates the specimen at a slow, constant rates until the specimen ruptures during the test. Continuous readings are taken of the applied load and elongation. The data are converted into stress and strain. strain diagram : 1. Proportionality limit and Hooke’s law : The stress strain diagram is a straight line from origin 0 to a point A called proportionality limit. This is the result of Hooke’s law i.e. Kulkarni Academy E Where, E Proportionality constant known as Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity E is a material property Hooke’s law does not apply over the entire region of stress strain diagram i.e., its validity ends after the proportionality, stress is no longer proportional to strain. Physical significance of E : It indicates stiffness of the material i.e. materials with larger E are more stiffer. For example : For steel E 200 GPa ERubber 0.7 GPa This shows that steel is very much stiffer than rubber. E valid only upto proportional limit 1.5.4 Elastic limit A material is said to be elastic if after being loaded returns back to it’s original shape when the load is removed, the elastic limit as its name suggest is the stress beyond which the material is no longer elastic. 7 Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants For materials that do not have well defined yield point, yield stress is determined by offset method using 0.2% strain. 1.5.6 Ultimate stress : It is the maximum stress on the stress strain diagram. Rupture point/fracture point : It is the point or stress at which material fractures. 1.5.7 Resilience : The ability of the material to absorb energy upto elastic limit is known as resilience. 1.5.8 Toughness : The ability of the material to absorb energy upto fracture point is known as toughness. The elastic limit is larger than proportionality limit, how ever because of the difficulty in determining the elastic limit accurately it is assumed to coincide with proportionality limit. 1.5.5 Yield point : The point where the stress strain diagram becomes almost horizontal is called yield point and the corresponding stress is called as yield stress or yield strength. The phenomenon of yielding is unique to structural steel/mild steel this is because of carbon bridge atmosphere. Whenever carbon is in interstitial spaces this phenomenon occurs. 1.5.9 Ductility : A material that is subjected to large plastic strains before fracture is known as the ductile material. Ex : Mildsteel, brass, copper, aluminium etc. In case of ductile materials, the post elastic strain > 5% Strength of Materials 1.5.10 Brittle materials : Materials that exhibits little or no plastic strain are known as brittle materials. Ex : Gray cast iron, ceramics, rubber, glass, thermosetting plastic etc. 8 Kulkarni Academy NOTE In case of compression as the actual Area increases the true stress decreases and hence it is below engineering stress-strain diagram. 1.7 Different types of material behavior 1.6 TMT (Thermo mechanically treated bars) In these bars a layer of martensite is coated to prevent corrosion. t 6mm Sheet Linear elastic Non-linear elastic behaviour t 6 mm Plate Elasto-plastic Elasto-plastic with strain hardening Fig. Mild steel under tension Perfectly plastic Ideal solid or rigid solid Fig. Compression Kulkarni Academy 9 Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants 1.9 Effect of increase in % of NOTE Brittle materials are weaker in tension therefore when a tensile load is applied it fails as shown in figure. (Brittle materials) 1.8 Loading and unloading curves carbon in steel When carbon percentage is increased in steels : 1. Ductility ( ) 2. Ultimate strength 3. Reselience 4. Toughness NOTE With decrease in temperature brittleness increases. Loading and unloading within elastic limit Rubber In case of rubber though complete strain is recovered loading and unloading curves are not following the same path, this is because of heating and this is known as hysteresis. EC EB EA True stress-strain diagrams are important in metal forming because in Metal forming the material is allowed to yield. Rubber has unique behaviour of both hardening and softening i.e. For the same strain if the load is less it is in the softening region. Strength of Materials 10 1.10 Relationship between engineering stress and true stress The variation of true stress and engineering stress is in plastic region. Assuming the constancy of volume in plastic region we have, V0 VF , A0 L0 AF LF A0 LF , AF L0 t P A0 P P A , t 0 Ainst A0 Ains A0 L0 Ainst Linst A0 L L L 1 inst 0 Ains L0 L0 Kulkarni Academy (At some instant) Lf t L0 Lf dLinst ln Linst L0 t ln (1 ) 1.12 Poisson’s Ratio ( v ) : When a deformable body is subjected to an axial load (tensile load), not only does it elongate but it also contract laterally (transverse). Similarly when a member is subjected to compressive loading, it contract in the direction of force and elongate in lateral direction. Poisson observed that the ratio of these strains with in elastic limit is constant. This ratio is known as Poisson’s ratio i.e., it is defined as the ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain. v Lateralstrain Longitudinalstrain t (1 ) ( t True stress, engineering stress, engineering strain) 1.11 Relationship between engineering strain and true strain long dL L0 lateral v y x dD D0 z x Kulkarni Academy 11 is dimensionless quantity. Generally for metals it lies between 1 1 to . 4 3 Material Steel Al Concrete Cork Rubber 0.3 0.33 0.1 0 0.5 1.13 Shear Stress - Shear Strain Diagram Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants x 0 , y z 0 x 0 , y 0,z 0 x x E y x z v x E x E NOTE Uni-axial loading produces tri-axial state of strain. 1.14.2 Bi-axial loading : With in proportional limit G ( G Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus.) Modulus of rigidity represents resistance against shear deformation. Larger the rigidity modulus greater is the resistance and lesser is the shear deformation. 1.14 Types of Loading 1.14.1 Uni-axial loading : x 0 y 0 z 0 x 0 y 0 z 0 x v y E E y v x y E E v v y z x E E v z ( x y ) E x NOTE Bi-axial loading produces, tri-axial state of strain. Strength of Materials 12 Kulkarni Academy dV Lbdt bt dL Lt db 1.14.3 Tri-axial loading : dV dL dt db V L t b V x y z x ( y z ) E E y ( x z ) E E z ( x y ) E E y z V x (1 2) E V Strain Load/ Stress X x E x y z x y z Y v x E v y y E E v z E Z v z E v x E v y E z E NOTE Volumetric strain ( V ) is known as dilation Condition for incompressible member : Case-1 : If x y z 0 Case-2 : If 1 2 0 1 2 Maximum value of Poisson’s ratio : x v ( y z ) E E y E v ( x z ) E z v ( x y ) E E 1.15 Volumetric strain (v ) x , V x y z E x y , y x (1 2) E E x z E (1 2) 0 i.e. x 1 2 1 2 1 2 Volume (V ) Lbt max 1 2 Kulkarni Academy 13 1.15.1 Volumetric strain in a cylindrical bar : V 1.16 Relationship between Elastic Constant (E, G & K): 2 DL 4 dV L (2 D) dD D 2 (dL) 4 4 tan x a L (2 D) dD D 2 (dL) dV 4 4 V D2 L 4 Strain in the diagonal dV dD dL 2 V D L Sinus dV 2 D L V [ V 2 (Lateral strain) + Longitudinal strain] 1.15.2 Volumetric strain in a spherical vessel /or sphere : Volume Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants 4 3 R 3 4 dV (3R 2 ). dR 3 4 (3R 2 ). dR dV 3 4 3 V R 3 dV dR 3 V R V 3 R V 3 Radial or diametral strain x a A'C ' AC A'C ' A'C ' AA ' a x a 1 A'C ' a 2 A'C ' a 2 a 2. 2 a AC ** AC 2G 2 …. (i) Strength of Materials 14 AC E E AC (1 ) E Physical meaning of K : …. (i) (1 ) 2G E E 2G(1 ) Relation Between E and K Bulk Modulus (K) : It is defined as the ratio of average stress to volumetric strain. i.e. K Kulkarni Academy av v It represents resistance to dilation (volumetric strain). Under the action of loading, greater the bulk modulus, lesser is the dilation Relationship between E, G and K : E 2G(1 ) E 1 2G E 3K (1 2) E 1 2 3K 1 E 1 2 3K …..(i) …..(ii) From equation (i) and (ii), E 1 E 1 1 2G 2 3K 2( E 2G) 3K E 2G 3K 2 E 4G 3K E 2G 3K 6KE 12GK 6KG 2GE 2E(3K G) 18 KG E 2G(1 ) 3K (1 2) E av v v x y z Type of material 3 x y z E (1 2) 3( x y z ) 3E v 3 aV (1 2) E E 3av (1 2) v E 3K (1 2) 9 KG 3K G (1 2) Isotropic Orthotropic Anisotropic Number of independent elastic constant 2 9 21 NOTE Number of independent elastic constant are those constant with which the stressstrain diagram can be plotted. Generally for metals E K G Kulkarni Academy 15 1.17 Deformation of axially Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants Axial rigidity : AE is known as axial rigidity. loaded members Stiffness 1.17.1 Prismatic bar P Axial stiffness P AE PL L AE For a rigid member the axial stiffness is infinite. 1.17.2 Deflection of a stepped bar : (Bars in series) 1 2 3 PL1 PL2 PL3 .... A1E1 A2 E2 A3 E3 1.17.3 Elongation of a tapered bar : d dx E P d E. A dx P dx d AE L d 0 P dx AE PL AE Conditions for using this equation : 1. Homogeneous and isotropic 2. Prismatic bar (constant cross section area) 3. Pure axial load 4. Loading is with in proportional limit. Strength of Materials 16 r2 r1 K L y tan K x rx r1 Kx tan L Kulkarni Academy y Kx P1 PA1E1 A1E1 A2 E2 P2 PA2 E2 A1E1 A2 E2 Similarly, L Pdx P dx 2 Ax E E 0 Rx 0 L P dx E 0 (r1 Kx)2 L P 1 1 . E (r1 Kx) K 0 1 1 r1 KL r1 r1 KL r2 P EK PL r1 r2 E 4PL d1 d 2 E PL PL 1 A1 E1 ( A1 A2 ) Eeq PL PL A1 E1 A2 E2 ( A1 A2 ) Eeq Eeq A1E1 A2 E2 A1 A2 1.17.5 Elongation of a bar due to its self weight : 1.17.4 Compound bars (In parallel) : Specific weight g L1 L2 L d P P1 P2 1 2 L PL PL P AE 1 2 1 1 1 A1 E1 A2 E2 P2 A2 E2 PA E P P1 1 2 2 A1 E1 A E A2 E2 P P1 1 1 A1 E1 0 Axdx AE x dx E L2 2E gL2 AE Weight Volume Kulkarni Academy P 17 Practice Questions Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants 1.5 Common Data Questions 1.1 & 1.2 A hypothetical load elongation curve for a 13 mm diameter tensile specimen with 50 mm gauge length is as shown in the diagram below. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Bar -1 has a diameter d, length L, and elastic modulus E and subjected to tensile load P, resulting in an elongation of 1 . Bar -2 has diameter, 2d, length 2L, an elastic modulus 2E and subjected to tensile load 2P, resulting in an elongation of 2 . Find the ratio 1 / 2 . 1.6 The axial force diagram for the weightless beam subjected to the inclined force P = 5 kN is The Young’s modulus is (A) 101 GPa (B) 148 GPa (C) 201 GPa (D) 301 GPa (A) The ultimate tensile strength of the material is (A) 207 MPa (B) 247 MPa (C) 222 MPa (D) 267 MPa (B) The engineering stress - strain diagram of a mild steel indicates stress values of 300 MPa and 400 MPa at 10% and 15% strains, respectively and exhibits necking at a strain of 27%. The difference in true stress values between these points is : (A) 100 MPa (B) 120 MPa (C) 130 MPa (D) 140 MPa A 9 kN tensile load will be applied to a 50 m length steel wire E = 200 GPa. The normal stress in the wire must not exceed 150 MPa and the increase in the length of the wire should be at most 25 mm. Which among these could be the smallest diameter of the wire so that the wire does not fail ? (A) 5.75 mm (B) 7.75 mm (C) 8.75 mm (D) 10.7 mm (C) (D) 1.7 A two - bar pin - jointed truss is subjected to a load P as shown in figure. The axial stress in member 1 is : Strength of Materials (A) (C) 1.8 18 P A1 (B) PE2 E1 A1 E2 A2 (D) Kulkarni Academy PE1 E1 A1 E2 A2 The maximum P that will not exceed a stress P A1 A2 or in Bronze of 100 MPa is in steel of 140 MPa, in Aluminum of 90 MPa Two circular rods shown below carry the same axial load P. The Rod - A has Uniform cross -section and the Rod - B has non - (A) 25000 N (B) 20000 N Uniform cross -section as shown. The ratio of (C) 15000 N (D) 10000 N elongation of Rod - A to Rod - B is given by 1.9 (A) 1:1 (B) 1:2 (C) 2:1 (D) 3:1 1.11 Two bars of length are joined together to form a structural system that is fixed at top and bottom as shown. The bottom part BC of the structure has a cross sectional area twice that of the top part AB. Both the bars are made of the same elastic material. What is the maximum stress in the top part AB of this structural system if a load P acts at B as shown. Neglect the self-weight of the system. An elastic rod AB is held between two rigid supports as shown in figure. An axial load P is applied at a distance of L/3 from the left end. The support reaction at B is 1.12 1.10 (A) 0 (B) P/3 (C) 2P/3 (D) P For the cantilever beam as shown in figure the cross sectional area of the steel, aluminum and bronze part is 500mm2 , 400mm2 and 200mm2 respectively. (A) 2P/A (B) P/A (C) P/2A (D) P/3A Two wires are connected to a rigid bar as shown in the figure. The wire on the left is of steel having a cross sectional area of 0.1cm2 and Young’s modulus of 200,000 MPa. The wire on the right is made of aluminum having a cross- sectional area of 0.2cm2 and a Young’s modulus of 66,667 MPa. If the load W is to be placed on the rigid bar so as to keep the bar horizontal, the distance ‘X’ from the left end (steel wire end) where this weight should be placed is : Kulkarni Academy 19 Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants 1.15 1.16 1.13 1.14 (A) 5.6 cm (B) 8.57 cm (C) 9.21 cm (D) 11.24 cm A stepped circular shaft , fixed at one end , is subjected to two axial forces as shown below. The maximum tensile stress in the shaft is The tapered rod shown in Fig is subjected to an axial pull. The ratio of its extension based on actual calculation to that based on an average diameter is (A) 1 (B) 0.75 (C) 0.5 (D) 1.5 The fiber AB has length L and orientation . If its ends A and B undergo small displacements u A and vB as shown, determine the strain in the fiber. (A) 120 MPa (B) 210 MPa (C) 153 MPa (D) 390 MPa A three -bar structure made of bars pinned to each other at G and at the supports B, C and D is subjected to a load P as shown. All the bars have the same cross-section, A and elastic modulus, E. Compute the deflection of joint G due to the applied load. ( 600 ) uA v sin B L L u v (B) cos A sin B L L u v (C) sin A cos B L L u v (D) sin A cos B L L A non - uniform loading on the bar causes a normal strain which can be expressed as Ex kx 2 , where k is a constant. Determine (A) cos 1.17 the displacement of the end B of the bar. PL 3 AE 4 PL (C) 3 AE (A) PL 2 AE 4 PL (D) 5 AE (B) Strength of Materials (A) KL3 3 (B) Kulkarni Academy KL2 3 KL2 2 An isotropic body is subjected to a state of stress given by : x 10 MPa and (C) KL2 1.18 20 (D) xy yx –20 MPa. Assuming G = 0.4 E, the volumetric strain is (A) 5 E (B) 7.5 E 10 15 (D) E E A thin square plate is in a state of pure shear as shown in Fig. As a result, the angle (C) 1.19 1.21 between edges AB and AD is no longer 900 but it is now 89.910 . The shear strain at point A is A square plate of side 1m and thickness 1cm is subjected to a tensile stress of 100 MPa and a shear stress of 50MPa. The Youngs modulus and the Poisson’s ratio of the material of the plate are respectively 2 105 MPa and 0.3. The change in volume of this plate is (A) 0.2 105 m3 1.22 (A) 1 1000 (B) 1 1000 (D) 2000 1000 An aluminium specimen with an initial gauge diameter d0 10 mm and a gauge length (C) 1.20 l0 100mm is subjected to tension test. A tensile force P = 50 kN is applied at ends of the specimen as shown resulting in an elongation of 1mm in the gauge length. The Poisson’s ratio () of the specimen is_________ . Shear modulus of the material G = 25 GPa. Consider engineering stress – strain conditions. (B) 1.5 105 m3 (C) 1105 m3 (D) 0.5 105 m3 At a point ‘O’ on a metal sheet a square OABC of a side length is drawn. The square undergoes a small uniform elastic deformation and deforms to OA*B*C (dashed lines) as shown in the figure . All dimensions are in mm and the figure is not to scale. The normal strains x ,y and shear strain xy developed respectively are in the square Kulkarni Academy 21 Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants (A) – 0.0020, 0.0025 and 0.0020 (B) 0.0020, – 0.0025 and – 0.0020 (A) 1 2(1 ) (B) (C) 1 (1 ) (D) (C) 0.0025, – 0.0020 and 0.0020 (D) – 0.0020, 0.0025 and – 0.0020 1.23 An object made of elastic material (Modulus of Elasticity E and Poisson’s Ratio ) is restrained from moving in the x - direction by two rigid walls as shown in the figure : it is free to move in the other two directions. A stress of is applied on it in the y- direction as shown. Find the relationship between the applied compressive stress and the compressive strain in the y-direction 1.25 (A) E (C) 1.24 E 1 (B) E 1 (D) E 1 2 1 (1 ) A rod of length L area of cross-section A, density and modulus of elasticity E hangs vertically from a roof. The maximum longitudinal strain in the rod is (A) 0 (C) 1.26 1 2(1 ) gL E (B) gL 2E (D) 2gL E A cylindrical chamber is filled with an elastic material of modulus E, and Poisson’s ratio , as shown. A piston of diameter 2r, is pushed down on the elastic material by a force F. Neglecting friction, and assuming that the chamber and the piston are rigid, the piston moves a distance of An elastic material of Young' modulus E and Poisson's ratio is subjected to a compressive stress of 1 in the longitudinal direction. Suitable lateral compressive stress 2 are also applied along the other two (A) lateral directions to limit the net strain in each of the lateral directions to half of the magnitude that would be under 1 acting Fh 22 Fh 22 (B) 1 1 r 2 E 1 r 2 E 1 (C) Fh 22 Fh 22 (D) 1 1 r 2 E 1 r 2 E 1 alone. The magnitude of 2 is Strength of Materials 22 Common Data Questions 1.27 & 1.28 Kulkarni Academy 1.30 A rod of length L and diameter D is subjected to a tensile load P. Which of the following is A 10 mm thick steel rectangular plate of size 100 mm 200 mm is subjected to biaxial stresses of x 150 MPa, y 200 MPa, as sufficient to calculate the resulting change in diameter ? shown below. The Young’s modulus and poissons ratio are 200 GPa and 0.3 respectively. (A) Young’s modulus (B) Shear modulus (C) Poisson’s ratio (D) Both Young’s modulus and shear modulus 1.31 A metallic rod of 500mm length and 50 mm diameter, when subjected to a tensile force of 100kN at the ends, experiences an increase in its length by 0.5 mm and a reduction in its diameter by 0.015 mm. The Poisson’s ratio of 1.27 the rod material is _________ . The change in the thickness of the plate is (A) 2.39 m (B) 5.25 m 1.32 A rod is subjected to a uni-axial load within linear elastic limit. When the change in the (C) 7.12 m 1.28 1.29 (D) 9.16 m stress is 200 MPa, the change in the strain is The change in the surface area of the plate is 0.001. If the Poisson’s ratio of the rod is 0.3, (A) 9.72 mm2 (B) 13.61 mm2 the modulus of rigidity (in GPa ) is ______. (C) 17.52 mm2 (D) 24.50 mm2 A rod of length L having uniform crosssection area A is subjected to a tensile force P as shown in the figure below. If the Young’s modulus of the material varies linearly from E1 to E2 along the length of the rod, the normal stress developed at the section -SS is (A) P A (B) P( E1 E2 ) A( E1 E2 ) (C) PE2 AE1 (D) PE1 AE2 Kulkarni Academy A 23 Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants 1.2 Answer Key (C) Ultimate tensile strength 1.1 B 1.2 C 1.3 C 1.4 D 1.5 2 1.6 A 1.7 A 1.8 C 1.9 B 1.10 D 1.11 D 1.12 B 1.13 C 1.14 D 1.15 A 1.16 B 1.17 A 1.18 A Given data : 300MPa , 10% 1.19 C 1.20 0.2732 1.21 A 400MPa , 15% 1.22 D 1.23 D 1.24 B 1.25 B 1.26 A 1.27 B 1.28 D 1.29 A 1.30 D 1.31 0.3 1.32 76.92 E 1.1 3000 9.81 N 221.72MPa 2 (13)2 mm 4 Hence, the correct option is (C). 1.3 (C) Explanation (B) Given Data : t1 (1 ) 300(1.1) 330MPa d 13mm , Lg 50mm t2 400(1 0.15) 460MPa t2 t1 460 330 130MPa Hence, the correct option is (C). 1.4 (D) Given data : P 9kN 9000 N L 50m 2000 9.81 (13) 2 4 E 147.816GPa 0.05 50 Hence, the correct option is (B). Esteel 200GPa () per 150MPa () per 25mm d wire ? Stress P A Strength of Materials 150 N/mm 2 d2 24 9000 2 (d ) 4 Kulkarni Academy 1.6 (A) 9000 4 150 d 8.74mm If we consider, d 8.74mm , 25mm . 25 Hence, the correct option is (A). PL AE 1.7 (A) 4 9000 50 10 d 2 200 10 d 10.75mm d 10.75mm If induced per So we select 10.75 mm diameter. P F1 cos60 F1 cos60 Hence, the correct option is (D). 1.5 F1 P 2 1 Bar 2 Bar Dia d dia-2d Length L Length 2L Elastic modulus E elastic modulus 2E Tensile load P Load 2P 1 4PL d 2 E 2 1 P A1 Hence, the correct option is (A). 1.8 (C) 4(2 P)(2 L) (2d )2 (2 E ) 4 PL 4 1 1 d 2 E 8 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 Hence, the correct answer is (2). 4 PL d 2 E L L 4P 2 4P 3 B 23 2 (2d ) E d E A Kulkarni Academy 25 8PL 1 4 PL 4d 2 E 3 3d 2 E 2 PL 4 PL B 2 3 d E 3d 2 E 2 PL 1 B 2 A d E 2 B A 2 B Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants 1.10 Given data : As 500mm2 AAl 400mm2 Abronze 200mm2 ( per )steel 140 MPa A : B 2 :1 ( per ) Al 90 MPa Hence, the correct option is (C). 1.9 (D) ( per )bronze 100 MPa (B) Pmax ? N 5 PS 2 mm 500 Ps 14000 N 140 Compatibility equation 1 2 0 P 400 PAl 36000 N 90 Beam is not to fail so safe condition we select 10000 N. Hence, the correct option is (D). 1.11 (D) 1 2 1 2 L 2L ( P RA ) 3 3 AE AE RA 2 P 2 RA 3 3 3 R 2P 3 A 3 3 2P RA 3 RB P RA RA 2P P RB 3 3 Note : If the no. of static equilibrium equations are less than the no. of unknowns then it is known as statically indeterminate member. Hence, the correct option is (B). RB P 2P 200 Pb 10000 N 100 AB BC PL PL AE 1 AE 2 Strength of Materials 26 Kulkarni Academy RAB ( P RAB ) A 2A 2RAB P RAB PS PAl W 2.5PAl PAl W W 3.5PAl 3RAB P RAB M 0 0 P 3 PS x PAl (30 x) 2.499PAl x PAl (30 x) P P AB 3 A 3A Hence, the correct option is (D). 1.12 (B) 3.499 x 30 30 x 8.5738cm 3.499 Hence, the correct option is (B). 1.13 Given data : Steel wire AS 0.1cm (C) Aluminium wire 2 ES 200 GPa AAl 0.2cm2 EAl 66.667 GPa 500 103 N 1 2 (100) 2 mm 4 1 63.66 MPa 300 103 MPa 2 (50) 4 2 152.78 MPa 2 Keep the bar horizontal steel Al PS LS P L Al Al AS ES AAl E Al PS 60 PAl 100 0.1 200 0.2 66.667 PS 2.4999 2.5 PAl Hence, the correct option is (C). 1.14 (D) Kulkarni Academy 27 Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants F1 F3 533.33PL E L L1 L3 cos F1 cos F2 F3 cos P ... (ii) 1 1 2 PL AE 2F1 cos F2 P Hence, the correct option is (A). 1.16 (B) AE L AE cos AE 21 P L / cos L AE cos3 AE 2 P L L 600 P 4 PL 5 AE Hence, the correct option is (D). 1.15 (A) A ' B ' L2f ( L sin VB )2 ( L cos U A )2 VB2 0 2 U A 0 L2f L2 2VB L sin 2U A L cos L2f 2 L Extension based on actual dimension (1 ) 4 PL 1 (0.05)(0.15) E 533.33PL 1 E Average diameter (dm ) d1d2 … (i) Extension based on average diameter (2 ) 2 4 PL 0.08660 E 2 2VB sin 2U A cos L L 2V sin 2U A cos 1 B L L L Lf (1 x)n 1 nx Lf L 0.05 0.15 0.08660 m 1 1 1 2VB sin 2U A cos 2 L L VB U sin A cos L L Hence, the correct option is (B). 1 2 Strength of Materials 1.17 28 (A) Kulkarni Academy 1.19 (C) x kx 2 90 89.91 0.090 180 2000 Hence, the correct option is (C). x dx 1.20 Given Data : d0 10 mm x dx P 50 kN kx2dx Total displacement L 0 L0 100 mm kL3 kx dx 3 2 1 mm (in gauge length) 1 0.01 L 100 Hence, the correct option is (A). 1.18 0.2732 (A) 50 103 636.619 MPa 2 (10) 4 E 63.661 GPa E 2G(1 ) Given Data : x 10 MPa xy yx 20 MPa G 0.4 E E 2G (1 ) 0.25 v x (1 2 ) E v 10 (1 0.5) E v 5 E Hence, the correct option is (A). 1.2732 (1 ) 0.2732 Hence, the correct answer is 0.2732. 1.21 (A) Kulkarni Academy Given Data : x 100 MPa , 50 MPa 29 Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants x : E 2 105 MPa v 0.3 x x E v x y E v x z E V x v [1 2v] V E 100 [1 0.6] 2 105 V 2 104 V L f OA ' (1 0.002)2 (0.001)2 L f OA ' 0.9980 x L f L0 0.0020 L0 y : V 11102 m3 V 102 m3 V 2 106 m3 0.2 105 m3 Hence, the correct option is (A). 1.22 L0 1 m L f (1 0.0025)2 (0.003)2 L f 1.00250 (D) y L f L0 L0 0.0025 As the angle is more than 900 , shear strain is – ve. Hence, the correct option is (D). 1.23 (D) x 0.0020 y 0.0025 xy dV dU dx dy 0.001 0.005 0.002 0.0035 x 0 x 0 y 0 y 0 Strength of Materials x 0 30 z 0 (Free) Kulkarni Academy 1.25 (B) y x y x v ( y z ) 0 ; E E y E y y y E y y y E y E x v y v ( x z ) E L2 2E v x E x E x y (1 v 2 ) E y (1 v ) gL2 2E gL l 2E Hence, the correct option is (B). 1.26 (A) 2 E (1 v 2 ) Hence, the correct option is (D). 1.24 (B) x 0 x 0 z 0 y 0 y 0 z 0 x z 2 v [1 2 ] E E 2 v v [1 2 ] 1 E E 2E v 2 v1 v2 1 2 v 2 (1 v) 1 2 lateral 2 v 1 2(1 v) Hence, the correct option is (B). Area r 2 x x ( y z ) 0 E E x v( y z ) { z x } x v( y x ) v y x (1 v) y y y y E y E y E v ( x z ) E 2v x E 2v 2 y (1 v) x v y (1 v) Kulkarni Academy 31 y y 2v 2 1 E 1 v y F 2v 2 1 2 h r E 1 v Z 150 0.3 Z 200 103 200 0.3 5.25 104 3 200 10 F F y A r 2 Fh 2v 2 1 r 2 E 1 v Hence, the correct option is (A). 1.27 Stress, Strain & Elastic Constants 4 Z 5.25 10 Z 5.25 103 mm 5.25 μm. Hence, the correct option is (B). 1.28 (D) (B) Given Data : x 150 MPa y 200 MPa E 200 GPa v 0.3 Original surface area 100 200 mm2 20000 mm2 x x y E E 150 200 x 0.3 3 200 10 200 103 4.5 104 L x 4.5 104 L L 100 4.5 104 L 4.5 102 mm 0.045 mm y x E E 200 0.3 150 7.75 10 4 3 200 10 200 103 b y 7.75 10 4 b b 200 7.75 10 4 0.155 mm Final length and width y Z v v z x y Z E E L f 100.045 mm bF 200.155 mm Strength of Materials 32 Final surface area L f b f 20024.50 mm2 Kulkarni Academy 1.31 Given Data : Change in surface area Final surface area – Initial surface area L 500 mm , d 50 mm P 100 kN , 20024.50 20000 L 0.5 d 0.015 24.50 mm2 d v d L L Option the correct option is (D). 1.29 0.3 (A) 0.015 v 50 0.3 0.500 500 Hence, the correct answer is (0.3). 1.32 ss P [ b /c stress is independent of material] A It depends only on c/s area & applied load]. Hence, the correct option is (A). 1.30 76.92 Given Data : Change in stress 200 MPa d Change in strain 0.001 d E (D) d 200 GPa d v 0.3 E 2G(1 0.3) P v A ; if E is known then PL (For , E is necessary) AE d l d For , G is necessary. l d L d L For calculating d , both E & G is known to us. Hence, the correct option is (D). E d 200 GPa d 200 G G 76.92 GPa 2 1.3 Hence, the correct answer is (76.92). 2.1 Introduction Case-2 : For Maximum shear Expression for normal and shear stress on oblique plane when a bar is subjected to axial loading : 2 900 , 450 max n cos2 450 2 n 0 2 NOTE On a plane of maximum or minimum normal stress shear stress is zero and these planes are known as principal planes. i.e. on principal planes normal stress is maximum and shear stress is zero. Failure of Brittle and Ductile materials Brittle (Weak in tension) n s Pn P cos cos 2 A A' cos Ductile (Weak in shear) Ps P sin sin 2 A A' 2 cos Case-1 : n is maximum When, 00 (n )max cos2 (n )max s sin 2 ( 00 ) 2 s 0 For mentioning stress completely not only magnitude and direction are required but the plane on which it is acting is also required and hence stress is tensor of 2nd order. Strength of Materials Mass density 34 Velocity acceleration Stress, strain moment of inertia Tensor of zero order Tensor of first order Tensor of 2nd order Magnitude + No direction Magnitude + direction Magnitude + direction + plane Kulkarni Academy From force equilibrium equation, Fx 0 yx dx dz 'yx dx dz yx yx' Fy 0 xy dy dz xy' dy dz xy xy' Stress representation on 3rd element : M 00' 0 [Moment equilibrium equation] yx dx dz dy xy dy dz dx yx xy xx yx zx xy yy zy xz xx yz xy zz xz xy yy yz xz xy yx yz xz zx zz yz zy NOTE To specify stress completely at a point 6 component [3 normal and 3 shear] are required. Stress matrix is a symmetric matrix. 2D stress element : xx xy xy yy For a 2D stress elements 3, components [2 Normal + 1 Shear] are required. Plane Stress vs Plane Strain Plane stress : When one of the surfaces is not subjected to any load, then the opposite surface is also not subjected to any load. Such a loading system is known as plane stress system. Kulkarni Academy 35 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle Plane strain : It is a condition in which strain in one of the primary directions, [Say (z)] is zero, plane strain can be realized when one of the dimension is very large. Example : Long pipe line, rolling etc. z z ( x y ) E E Plane stress z 0 , z 0 Plane stress In a plane stress condition stresses in one of the primary directions (say z) is zero. To realize plane stress conditions, one dimension must be very small. Example : Thin cylinder subjected to internal pressure. z ( x y ) E z may or may not be zero. Therefore, plane stress condition does not always lead to plane strain condition. z z ( x y ) E E For plane strain z 0 z ( x y ) z may or may not be zero. Therefore, plane strain condition does not always lead to plane stress condition. Simultaneous occurrence of plane strain and plane stress condition : 1. 0 (cork) Pd Pd 1 2 4t 2t Eg : Let, d 20 (Condition for thin shell) t P 5MPa d 50 t 2 125MPa 1 62.5MPa 3 5MPa (Negligible) 2. x y 0 Strength of Materials Sign convention : 1. All the outward normal forces are taken as positive and all inward normal forces are taken as –ve. 36 Kulkarni Academy 2.2 GENERAL EQUATIONS FOR PLANE STRESS TRANSFORMATION 2. Shear stress is taken as +ve if it acts upwards on the Right face. x ' 3. Clockwise rotations are taken as – ve and anticlockwise rotations are taken as +ve. y' x y 2 x y 2 y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 …..(i) y x cos 2(90 ) 2 xy sin 2(90 ) x y y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 …..(ii) Add equation (i) and (ii), y ' x ' y ' x y By using force equilibrium along and to the inclined plane we have x ' x y 2 y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 y x ' y ' x sin 2 xy cos 2 2 The sum of normal stresses on any two mutually perpendicular plane is invariant i.e. it is independent of . As x ' , y ' depend on angle ' ' let us find out an angle such that at this angle x ' is maximum. Kulkarni Academy 37 x y y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 d x ' For maximum x ' ; 0 d For maximum, y d x' 0 x ( sin 2) 2 d 2 x ' xy cos 2 2 0 xy tan 2 x y 2 xy y x 2 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle On plane where the normal stress is maximum or minimum the shear stress is zero, such plane is known as principal plane ( P ) . y x y x ' x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 x y x y x y 2 2 2 2 2 x y 2 2 xy xy ( xy ) 2 x y 2 2 xy 2 x ' x y 2 y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 x y 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 On this plane again the shear stress is zero therefore this is also a principal plane. x y x y y 2 2 1 x 2 2 x y 2 2 xy xy . xy 2 x y 2 2 xy 1 x y 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 y x 'y ' x sin 2 xy cos 2 2 x 'y ' y y x xy xy x 2 2 0 2 2 x y x y 2 2 2 xy 2 xy x y x ' y ' 1 2 Strength of Materials 38 Kulkarni Academy y 2 x xy 2 2 max Observation : tan 2P 2P is separated by 180 . 2 xy ( x y ) 0 tan 2S P is separated by 90 . 0 Maximum shear stress condition : d x ' y ' d 0 d x ' y ' y x 2cos 2 xy (2sin 2) 0 d 2 2 xy tan 2P tan 2S 1 y x ' y ' x sin 2 xy cos 2 2 For x ' y ' maximum ( x y ) 2P and 2S are perpendicular (i.e. 900 ) 90 450 2 Planes of maximum normal stress and the P and S are planes of maximum shear stress are at 450 to each other. y tan 2 x 2 xy This is the plane on which the shear stress is maximum. x ' max x y x y 2 2 x y 2 2 xy xy . xy 2 x y 2 2 xy 2 x y max 2 y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 x y 2 x y 2 xy x y 2 2 xy 2 y xy x 2 2 x y 2 2 xy Kulkarni Academy max 39 x y 2 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle 2.3 Graphical representation avg Remarks On the plane of maximum shear stress the normal stress is equal to average normal stress i.e. On the planes of maximum shear stress normal stress need not be zero. of stress transformation Mohr’s Circle Reason’s for using Mohr’s circle : We can visualize how shear stress and normal stress component vary with angle. All the relevant data can be obtained from the diagram without referring to transformation equation. Sign convention : y x y x ' x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 1 2 x y 2 x y 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 y 2 x xy 2 ….. (i) 2 …. (ii) Now subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i) we get, 2 …..(i) y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 2 y x ' y ' x sin 2 xy cos 2 …...(ii) 2 Adding equation (i) and (ii), 2 2 y 2 1 2 2 x xy 2 2 x y x ' 2 1 2 max In plane maximum shear stress. 2 x y 2 x ' [ x ' y ' 0] 2 2 2 y 2 x xy 2 This is the equation of a circle with centre at y c x ,0 and radius 2 Strength of Materials 40 y 2 x xy max 2 We know that 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 max Therefore, max Radius of Mohr’s circle Kulkarni Academy 8. Point 1 on the circle indicates maximum normal stress and zero shear stress. Therefore this maximum normal stress is maximum principal stress. Similarly point 2 indicates minimum, normal stress and zero shear stress, this is minimum principal stress. Method of constructing Mohr’s circle : Let the stressed element be as shown on figure, 1. Calculate the center of Mohr’s circle as x y , 0 2 2. Locate this point as C, Let the origin be O (0, 0). 3. Take any reference plane in a stressed element. Let this stressed element be designated as A. 4. On A, the normal stress is x and the shear stress is xy (counter clockwise) or this shear stress tend to rotate the element in CCW direction. Locate this reference point in the diagram. 5. With C as centre and CA as radius draw the circle. 6. Join centre C and reference A, therefore for this Mohr’s circle CA is the reference line. 7. If we want to calculate stresses on any plane which is inclined at angle in stressed element, it should be rotated by 2 on Mohr’s circle, maintaining the same sense of rotation. NOTE In a stressed element if the rotation is , On Mohr’s circle, rotation is 2 [in the same sence of rotation]. Kulkarni Academy Special cases of Mohr’s circle : 1. An element subjected to uni-axial tension : 41 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle Centre ,0 2 Radius 2 x , y 0 , xy 0 Centre ,0 2 Radius 2 1 , 2 0 3. Pure shear : x 0 , y 0 Centre = (0, 0) Radius 2. Uni-axial compression : x , y 0 , xy 0 1 , 2 Strength of Materials 4. Element subjected to tension compression of equal magnitude : 42 and Kulkarni Academy R = Radius 0 In this case the shear stress is zero on every plane and hence every plane acts as principle plane. PRINCIPAL STRAIN x , y Centre (0, 0) If the material is isotropic it is found that the axis of principal stresses and principal strain coincide. Radius x y y xy 1,2 x 2 2 2 xy Total shear strain in x-y plane. 5. Element subjected to compression in all sides : [Hydrostatic condition] x , y , 0 Centre (, 0) 2 2 Relationship between maximum principal stress and maximum principal strain : 1 1 2 …..(i) E E 2 2 1 E E Multiplying on both sides, 2 2 2 1 …..(ii) E E Adding equation (i) and (ii), 1 2 1 (1 2 ) E 1 E (1 2 ) (1 2 ) 2 E (2 1 ) (1 2 ) Kulkarni Academy 2.2 2.3 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle Practice Questions P 2.1 43 (C) A principal plane is one where the shear stress will be (A) Maximum (B) Minimum (C) Zero (D) Average of principal stresses Consider the following statements: State of stresses at a point when completly specified, enables one to determine the 1. Principal stresses at the point 2. Maximum shearing stress at the point 3. Stress components on any arbitrary plane containing the point Which of these statements are correct ? (A) 1, 2 and 3 (B) 1 and 3 (C) 2 and 3 (D) 1 and 2 A bar of cross-sectional area A is subjected to an axial load P. Let be the average shear stress acting on a plane oriented at an angle to the axis, as shown. Which one of the choices below corresponds to the variation of with respect to 0 . 2 0 0 4 P 2A 0 0 4 P 2A 2.4 0 (C) Are such that the former is inclined at 450 to the latter. 2.5 (D) Need not always exist. A point in a body is subjected to a biaxial state of stress, equal in magnitude but opposite in nature. On a plane inclined at an angle 450 with respect to x- axis (passing through the point), the (A) Shear and normal stresses are zero (B) Normal stress is maximum and shear stress is zero (C) Shear stress is maximum and normal stress is zero (D) Shear stress is maximum and normal stress is non-zero A Mohr circle with center (0, 0) and radius xy is shown in the figure The state of stress is represented by 0 0 4 P 4A 2 P 2A 0 4 2 P P 0 2A 4A For an isotropic elastic material the principal axes of stress and the principal axes of strain (A) Are independent of each other (B) Coincide with each other 2 P A (B) 2 (D) 2.6 (A) (A) Strength of Materials 44 Kulkarni Academy (B) 2.10 (C) (D) 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.11 A point in a body is subjected to a bi-axial state of stress, equal in magnitude but opposite in nature. On a plane inclined at an angle 450 with respect to the x- axis (passing through the point), the (A) Shear and normal stresses are zero (B) Normal stress is maximum and shear stress is zero (C) Shear stress is maximum and normal stress is zero (D) Shear stress is maximum and normal stress is non-zero In a piece of material tensile stresses P1 and P2 act on a mutually perpendicular planes accompanied by a shear stress 3. The condition for both the principal stresses to have the same sign is 2 (A) P1 P2 q (B) PP 1 2 q 2 2 (C) PP (D) PP 1 2 q 1 2 q Which one of the following statements is true? (A) In a tensile test on a rod made of ductile material, failure occurs along a plane making 450 with respect to the axis of the rod. (B) In a tensile test on a rod made of brittle material, failure occurs along a plane making 450 with respect to the axis of the rod. (C) In a torsion test on a rod made of ductile material, failure occurs along a plane making 450 with respect to the axis of the rod. (D) In a torsion test on a rod made of brittle material, failure occurs along a plane making 00 with respect to the axis of the rod. The normal stresses in a two-dimensional stress state are 80 MPa and 20 MPa respectively. The normal stress on the plane of maximum shear stress is (A) 50 MPa (B) 30 MPa (C) 80 MPa (D) 20 MPa The principal stresses at a point on a body subjected to a state of plane stress are 10 MPa and 20 MPa. The magnitude of shear stress on a plane in which the normal stress is 12 Mpa is (A) 3 MPa 2.12 (B) 4 MPa (C) 5 MPa (D) 8 MPa The state of stress at a point in a body is represented using components of stresses along X and Y-directions as shown. Which one of the following represents the state of stress along X’ and Y’ axes ? (X’-axis is at 450 clockwise with respect to X - axis). (A) (B) Kulkarni Academy 45 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle 2.14 (C) The state of stress at a point is as shown below. Both the normal and shear stresses on a plane, inclined at an angle of 450 with horizontal are zero. If x y 200 MPa the shear stress xy is (D) 2.13 Mohr’s circle for the state of plane stress at a point is shown in the figure. Unit of stress is Mpa and the circle is drawn not to scale. Which one of the following options (stress values in MPa ) is true? 2.15 (A) 50 MPa (B) 70 MPa (C) 100 MPa (D) 200 MPa A wooden block of length 400 mm , width 50 mm and depth 100 mm is subjected to uniaxial load as shown in the figure .An inclined plane ABCD is shown which makes an angle with the XZ plane and the line CD is parallel to the Z- axis. The normal stress on the plane ABCD is n1 when 300 and the normal stress on the plane ABCD is n 2 when 1200 . The value of (A) A 50, B 10, 1 30, 2 70 (B) A 50, B 20, 1 30, 2 50 (C) A 30, B 30, 1 30, 2 10 (D) A 20, B 10, 1 50, 2 30 n 2 is ______ n1 Strength of Materials 2.16 46 Kulkarni Academy Which of the following figures represents the state of stress at the point The following state of plane stress exists at a point P in a loaded body. (as shown in figure). The combination of principal stresses which corresponds to the given stress state is max (MPa) 2.17 min (MPa) (A) 4 0 (B) 4 –5 (C) 3 –3 (D) 5 –5 (A) (B) (C) (D) Common Data Questions 2.19 & 2.20 At a point in an object subjected to plane stress conditions, the state of stress is as shown in the Figure The shear stress in MPa on the inclined plane AB shown in the Figure is 2.19 2.18 (A) 5(1 3) (B) 5(1 3) (C) 5( 3 1) (D) 5( 3 1) The Mohr’s circle at a point is shown in Figure 2.20 2.21 One of the principal stresses (in MPa ) is (A) 40 (B) 80 (C) 120 (D) 140 The normal stress on the plane AB (in MPa) is (A) 30 (B) 70 (C) 100 (D) 110 The state of plane strain at a point is given by x 60 10 6 , y 0 and xy 80 10 6 . The principal strains are (A) 0, 100 106 (B) 50 106 , 50 106 (C) 20 106 , 80 106 (D) 20 106 , 80 106 Kulkarni Academy 2.22 47 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle At a point in a stressed. body, the strains measured in three directions inclined at 00 , 450 , 900 to x-axis are found to be 500 106 , 400 106 300 106 and respectively. The shear strain at this point is 2.23 (A) 250 106 (B) 0 (C) 100 106 (D) 400 106 (A) 1 0.001 and 2 0.001 are glued at an inclined section CC. The bars (B) 1 0.001 and 2 0.001 (C) 1 0.001 and 2 0.001 are subjected to an axial force P as shown in (D) 1 0.001 and 2 0.001 Two uniform bars of cross -sectional area A figure. The uniform shear stress developed in 2.26 the glued joint is For a loaded body representing a two dimensional plane problems, the displacement components along x and y at any point ( x, y) are u x 2 y 2 , v 2 y respectively. Principal strains at the point (3,1) in the body are (A) 1 8, 2 2 (B) 1 6.24, 2 1.76 2.24 (A) P sin cos A (B) (C) P cos 2 A (D) (C) 1 0, 2 3 P 2 sin A P cos A (D) 1 5, 2 3 2.27 The state of stress at a point in a loaded body is given as x 40MPa, xy 10MPa . The state of stress at a point is as shown in the Figure. The magnitude of the maximum shear stress is y 60MPa, The sum of the principal stresses at that point is 2.25 (A) 20 MPa (B) 50 MPa (C) 100 MPa (D) 110 MPa A rectangular sheet ABCD of dimensions a and b along X and Y directions, respectively, is stretched to a rectangular AB’C’D’, as shown. The maximum principal strain (1 ) and minimum principal strain (2 ) due to the stretch are given by 2.28 (A) 9 MPa (B) 3 MPa (C) 4.5 MPa (D) 6 MPa At a point in a body subjected to plane stress, the state of stress is as shown in the figure. One of the principal stresses is 180 MPa. Find the unknown shear stress (in MPa).____________ Strength of Materials 48 Kulkarni Academy 2.31 At a point in a body, 1 0.0004 and 2 0.00012 . If E 2 105 MPa and 0.3, the smallest normal stress and the largest shearing stress are 2.29 State of stress at a point in a strained body is shown in Figure. Which one of the figure given below represents correctly the Mohr’s circle for the state of stress? 2.32 (A) (B) (C) (D) For 40 MPa and 40 MPa 0 MPa and 40 MPa 80 MPa and 0 MPa 0 MPa and 80 MPa a point in a body subjected to a plane stress condition ( x 100 MPa, y 50 MPa and xy yx 25 MPa), the maximum principal stress in MPa is_____ 2.33 (A) (B) (C) (D) 2.30 The principal stresses at a point in twodimensional stress system are 1 and 2 corresponding principal strains are 1 and 2 . If E and denote Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, respectively, then which one of the following is correct? (A) E 1 E [1 2 ] (B) 1 2 E [1 2 ] (C) 1 2 (D) E (1 2 ) A circle of diameter a mm is scribed on an unstressed aluminum plate of thickness t = 0.1 a mm. Forces acting in the plane of the plate later cause normal stresses xx and zz 2 . The elastic modulus is E GPa and Poisson’s ratio is 0.25. Determine the change in principal diameters AB and CD of the original circle. 0.5 a 1.75 a ; CD (A) AB E E 0.5 a 1.75 a ; CD (B) AB E E 0.5 a 1.75 a ; CD (C) AB E E 0.5 a 1.75 a ; CD (D) AB E E Kulkarni Academy 49 Answer Key A 2.4 2.1 C 2.2 A 2.3 C 2.4 B 2.5 C 2.6 C 2.7 C 2.8 B 2.9 A 2.10 A 2.11 B 2.12 A 2.13 A 2.14 D 2.15 3 2.16 D 2.17 D 2.18 C 2.19 C 2.20 D 2.21 C 2.22 B 2.23 A 2.24 A 2.25 A 2.26 B 2.27 B 2.28 60 2.29 C 2.30 D 2.31 C 2.32 110.355 2.33 B 2.5 x y 2 y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 x ' 0 0 y x ' y ' x sin 2 xy cos 2 2 x ' y ' (1) 2 (C) (A) x ' y ' Hence, the correct option is (A). 2.3 (C) x ' Hence, the correct option is (C). 2.2 (B) Hence, the correct option is (B). Explanation E 2.1 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle (C) Hence, the correct option is (C). 2.6 (C) Hence, the correct option is (C). 2.7 Hence, the correct option is (C). P sin cos A 900 P cos sin A 2.8 00 ; 0 | 450 ; 0 0 (C) P | 900 ; 0 2A 450 P 2A Hence, the correct option is (C). 900 0 (B) Strength of Materials 50 PP P P 1 1 2 1 2 q 2 (+ve) 2 2 2 Kulkarni Academy 2.12 (A) PP P P 2 1 2 1 2 q 2 (+ve when) 2 2 2 P1 P2 P1 P2 2 q 2 2 2 2 1 [4 P1 P2 ] q 2 4 2 PP 1 2 q Hence, the correct option is (B). 2.9 (A) Hence, the correct option is (A). 2.10 (A) Normal stress on the plane of maximum shear stress is average normal stress. x y 80 20 50MPa 2 2 Hence, the correct option is (A). avg 2.11 (B) Given data : 1 20MPa , 2 10MPa 1 2 5MPa 2 From Mohr’s circle Hence, the correct option is (A). 2.13 (A) Hence, the correct option is (A). 2.14 (D) ( x ')450 0 x y 200MPa (x ' y ' )450 0 xy ? Radius ( x ' y ' )450 y x 2 xy cos 2 0 sin 2 0 0 y x y ( x ' )450 x cos 2 2 2 xy sin 2 0 200 200 0 0 xy .sin 90 0 2 52 32 4MPa Hence, the correct option is (B). xy 200MPa Hence, the correct option is (D). Kulkarni Academy 2.15 51 (3) Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle 44 44 2 (3) 2 2 2 42 32 1,2 5MPa max 5MPa , min 5MPa Hence, the correct option is (D). 2.17 n1 ( 300 ) (D) n 2 ( 1200 ) x 10 103 N 2MPa 50 100 mm2 n 2 cos 2 (90 120) 3 n1 cos 2 (90 30) Or x y x y cos 2 n 2 2 2 2 n1 x y x y cos 2 2 2 1 2 2 cos 2(90 120) 1 cos 600 2 2 3 0 2 2 1 cos120 cos 2(90 30) 2 2 Hence, the correct answer is (3). 2.16 y x ' y ' x sin 2 xy cos 2 2 10 10 0 0 sin 60 10cos 60 2 5 3 5 5[ 3 1] Hence, the correct option is (D). 2.18 (D) (C) Hence, the correct option is (C). 2.19 (C) Given data : x 100MPa , y 40 MPa , xy 40 MPa y x y 2 x xy 2 2 2 1,2 1,2 70 303 402 1,2 70 50 1,2 x y 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 1 120MPa , 2 20 MPa Hence, the correct option is (C). Strength of Materials 2.20 52 (D) ( x ' ) AB 450 Kulkarni Academy 2.23 y x y x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 20 70 cos900 40 sin 900 2 (A) Hence, the correct option is (A). 2.24 (A) Hence, the correct option is (A). 2.25 (A) 70 40 110MPa Hence, the correct option is (D). 2.21 (C) x 60 106 y 0 xy 80 106 1,2 x y 2 y xy x 2 2 2 2 0.001a 0.001 a y 0.001 x 30 106 (30 106 )2 (40 106 ) 2 30 106 50 106 Hence, the correct option is (A). 1 80 106 2 20 10 2.26 6 v 2y (B) 00 500 106 (B) u x2 y 2 Hence, the correct option is (C). 2.22 1 2 0.001 du dx dv y dy x x y 450 400 106 900 300 106 y x 2 2 x y 2 x y 2 x 2 x 2 x 6 y x 2 x y 800 106 400 106 400 106 xy xy 2 xy 0 Hence, the correct option is (B). y 2 v u x y 0 2y Vxy 2 1,2 x y 2 y Vxy x 2 2 2 2 Kulkarni Academy 53 62 62 2 2 2 2 2 Principal Stresses, Strains & Mohr’s Circle 2.29 2 Hence, the correct option is (C). 4 4 1 2.30 4 5 (B) Hence, the correct option is (B). 1 6.236 2.31 2 4 5 1.76 (C) 1 0.004 , 2 0.00012 Hence, the correct option is (B). 2.27 (C) E 2 105 MPa , 0.3 (B) 1 E (1 2 ) (1 2 ) 2 E (2 1 ) (1 2 ) 1 2 105 [0.0004 0.3(0.00012)] (1 0.3)2 1 80MPa 2 y 2 x xy 2 max 2 max 0 (3)2 3MPa Hence, the correct option is (B). 2.28 2 105 [0.00012 0.3 0.0004] (1 0.3)2 2 0MPa y x y 2 x xy 2 2 2 1,2 (Largest) (Smallest) 1 2 80 40MPa 2 2 Hence, the correct option is (C). 2.32 110.355 Given data : x 100MPa (60) y 50MPa 1 180 2 160 160 2 180 xy 2 2 180 80 80 2 2 xy xy yx 25MPa 1 x y 2 y 2 x xy 2 1002 802 2xy 1 75 252 252 xy 60MPa 1 110.355MPa Hence, the correct answer is 60. 2 Hence, the correct answer is 110.355 Strength of Materials 2.33 (C) d a mm t 0.1a mm AB ? CD ? xx zz 2 E E GPa 0.25 x x y z E E 0.25 2 E E 0.5 x E E AB 0.5 a E AB 0.5a E z z y x E E 2 0.25 () E E CD 1.75 1.75a CD a E E x Hence, the correct option is (B). 54 Kulkarni Academy 3.1 Introduction Freely expanding x y z 0 When a material is heated (or cooled) stress may be developed and these stresses are known as thermal stresses. If the material is free to expand or contract no stresses are developed. Material value Steel and concrete 12 106 / 0 C In bar invar 1.2 106 / 0 C Aluminium Al 23 106 / 0 C Brass brass 19 106 / 0 C Copper cu 16 106 / 0 C 3.2 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion ( ) : It represents strain per temperature difference. 1 1 Unit : 0 or K C L 1 . L T L LT L ' L LT unit degree NOTE Thermal strains are reversible in Nature. i.e. when the member is brought back to the original temperature its original shape is restored. If the material is constrained in any directions, stresses are developed in that direction. 3.3 Expression for Thermal Stresses : Case : 1 Free expansion L ' L(1 T ) Similarly, t ' t (1 T ) b ' b (1 T ) L T t T L t b b T 0 (Free expansion) T Strength of Materials 56 Case : 2 A rod completely constrained in axial direction. Kulkarni Academy Expansion prevented LT a L T a P( L a) AE L a ; a 0 E ( L T a) L Case : 4 A metal cube of side ‘L’ fixed in Xdirection only dL 1 . L T dL L T (Free expansion) Expansion prevented L T dL PL AE L T PL AE th TE (Compressive) From the equation of thermal stress it can be observed that the thermal stress is independent on area and depends on material. Case : 3 Partially constrained TE X dX 0 L Y Z Calculation for Y : Free expansion L T Poisson effect due to constrained in X-direction L 1 . L T L LT (Free expansion) X L E Y L T L [ TE ] E Y LT [1 ] Kulkarni Academy 57 Thermal Stresses L T Free expansion Case : 5 Cube of length ‘L’ constrained in X and Y direction. L (Direct compression) E L (Poisson Y-effect) E L (Poisson Z-effect) E X 0 TE (1 ) Z 0 Case : 7 X Y z L T L L E E z L T 2L TE E 1 A bar AB fixed at one end A and supported by a spring at B as shown in figure and this system is heated by T . Find the stress developed in the bar. 1 Z TL 1 Case : 6 A cube constrained in all directions. X 0 Y 0 Z 0 L L L L T 0 E E E TE (1 2) dL PL FS L AE AE Free expansion L T Net expansion of bar L T FS L AE Strength of Materials 58 Compression of spring Kulkarni Academy Case : 2 FS K Expansion = Compression L T FS L FS AE K L T FS A L A E K L T TE AE L A 1 E K KL R 1 A1 TE AE 1 KL R 1 A1 3.4 Composite bar R 2 A2 Case : 1 R 2 A2 1 A1 2 A2 …..(i) Total free expansion L11T L22T Compression due to R Cu Compressive RL1 RL2 A1E1 A2 E2 Steel Tension As there is NO external force therefore compressive force in copper should be equal to tensile force in steel. PCu PSteel Cu ACu S AS …..(i) Net change in length of copper = Net change in length of steel LCu T PCu L PL L S T S ACu ECu AS ES S Cu (Cu S )T ES ECu …..(ii) Expansion = Compression L1 L2 L11T L2 2T E1 E2 …..(ii) Kulkarni Academy P 3.1 59 Thermal Stresses (A) 10 E1 E2 Practice Questions (B) 20 E1 E2 The strain induced in an unconstrained rod that is heated uniformly depends (B) Only on the temperature change EE (C) 20 1 2 E1 E2 (C) Neither on the coefficient of expansion nor on the temperature change EE (D) 10 1 2 E1 E2 (A) Only on the coefficient of expansion (D) Both on the coefficient of expansion and on the temperature change 3.2 3.4 An intially unstressed rod of length L is fixed at both ends, as shown in figure. The rod is heated uniformly, to raise the temperature by T . The young’s modulus is E, Poisson’s ratio is v and coefficient of thermal expansion is . The axial stress in the rod, assuming the rod to be weightless, is A cube, made of aluminium, of dimension 0.1m 0.1m 0.1m, rests against a rigid wall (where normal in the y-directions) as shown in the figure. Another parallel rigid wall is located at a clearance of 0.2 mm from the block. Assuming all contacts to be frictionless, if the block is heated by T 1500 C, the normal stress yy induced in the block is (for aluminum 6 0 E 70GPa: v 0.3 ; 20 10 / C ) 3.3 ET 1 v 1 2v (A) Zero (B) (C) ET (D) 2ET Two bars of differently young’s moduli, E1 and E2 , but with the same cross sectional (A) yy 7 MPa (B) yy 7 MPa area, A, and coefficient of thermal expansion, , are attached together at one end and fixed at the other as shown in figure. (C) yy 70MPa (D) yy 0 The construction of this setup was carried out at an ambient temperature of 250 Celsius. The stress in the bars when the temperature is uniformly increased by 100 Celsius is 3.5 A solid steel cube constrained on all six faces is heated so that the temperature rises uniformly by T . If the thermal coefficient of the material is , Young’s modulus is E and the Poisson’s ratio is v, the thermal stress developed in the cube due to heating is (A) T E 1 2 (B) 2 T E 1 2 (C) 3 T E 1 2 (D) T E 3 1 2 Strength of Materials 3.6 60 Determine the temperature rise necessary to induce buckling in a 1m long circular rod of diameter 40 mm shown in the figure below. Assume the rod to be pinned at its ends and the coefficient of thermal expansion as Kulkarni Academy Common Data Questions 3.9 & 3.10 A steel bar of rectangular cross-section is heated uniformly and the rise in the temperature is T . The Young’s modulus is E, the Poisson’s ratio is v and the coefficient of thermal expansion is . The bar is completely restrained in the axial direction and lateral directions. 2.0 106 / 0 C. Assume uniform heating of the bar. 3.9 3.7 At a temperature of 400 C , a rod tightly fits between two rigid walls such that the compressive stress in the rod is 60 MPa. Given E 200GPa and 20 106 / 0 C , find the temperature at which the rod will just lose contact with the walls. 3.8 A composite system of two metal bars, as shown below, is made of two dissimilar materials having areas of cross section A1 and A2. Young’s moduli E1 and E2 and coefficients of thermal expansion 1 and 2 . If the temperature of the system is raised by T , then the resultant axial force required to be applied to the rigid end plates to maintain the same length L is 3.10 The thermal stress developed in the bar along the axial-direction is (A) ET 1 2 (B) ET (C) ET 1 2 (D) Assume that the bar is allowed to deform freely in the lateral directions, while keeping the axial direction restrained. The percentage change in the magnitude of axial thermal stress for v 0.25 is (A) 0 (B) 25 (C) 50 (D) 100 Common Data Questions 3.11 & 3.12 Two roads are joined together and the entire assembly is supported between two rigid walls, as shown in the figure. The crosssectional area and Young’s modulus for both the rods are 0.01m2 and 10 GPa, respectively. The coefficient of thermal expansion for the two rods are 1 4 106 / 0 C and 2 106 / 0 C (A) ET 1 2 respectively. The entire assembly is heated by 1000 C. Neglect the effect of Poisson’s ratio. E11 A1 E22 A2 T (B) 1/ E11 A1 1/ E22 A2 T 1 (C) E1 E2 1 2 A1 A2 T (D) E11 A1 / E22 A2 T Kulkarni Academy 3.11 3.12 61 The stress in rod 1 (in MPa) is (A) 4.0 (B) 3.0 (C) 2.5 (D) 1.0 Thermal Stresses 3.14 19 106 per 0C respectively, the temperature rise necessary to cause all the applied load to be supported by the steel rods is Considering the displacement to the right as positive, the displacement (in mm) of the interface between the two rods is (A) 0.2 (B) 0.1 (C) 0.1 (D) 0.2 If the coefficient of thermal expansion for steel and bronze are 11106 per 0C and 3.15 Common Data Questions 3.13 & 3.14 A rigid block weighing 60 kN is supported by three rods symmetrically placed as shown in figure. The lower ends of the rods are assumed to have been at the same level before the block is attached. The cross-sectional areas of the rods and the modulus of elasticity of the materials of the rods are given as (A) 100 C (B) 10.580 C (C) 150 C (D) 20.650 C A composite bar of length ‘L’ is made of a centrally placed steel plate (50 mm wide 10 mm thick) with two copper plates (each 30 mm wide 5 mm thick) connected rigidly on each side. If the temperature of the composite bar is raised by 500C find the stress developed in each copper plate in MPa (For Steel : Es 2 105 MPa and s 12 106 / 0C; For copper : Ec 1105 MPa and c 17 106 / 0C ) Esteel 2.11011 Pa 3.16 Ebronze 0.98 10 Pa 11 Asteel 5 104 m2 Abronze 10 104 m2 3.13 The stress in the steel rod is (A) 48.65 MPa (B) 52.35 MPa (C) 60 MPa (D) 40 MPa A steel frame as shown in figure is fitted with an equal length of an aluminum rod at room temperature (total area of steel = area of aluminum = 200mm2). When fitted they are in stress free state. Given Ea 70GPa, Es 210 GPa and a 25 106 / 0C and s 12.5 106 / 0C, for a temperature rise of 800 C the load in the aluminum bar is Strength of Materials 62 Kulkarni Academy A 3.17 (A) 21.0 kN (B) 18.0 kN (C) 15.8 kN (D) 10.5 kN A cantilever rod of length L, area of circular cross section A and moment of inertia I, is subjected to temperature change. The rod has a space for free expansion after which the free end gets locked and fixed into the wall at B. Find the expression for increase in temperature T at which the elastic Answer Key 3.1 C 3.2 C 3.3 C 3.4 C 3.5 A 3.6 49.340 C 3.7 250 C 3.8 A 3.9 C 3.10 C 3.11 B 3.12 D 3.13 A 3.14 B 3.15 19.23 3.16 D 3.17 A E 3.1 Explanation (C) Hence, the correct option is (C). 3.2 (C) Hence, the correct option is (C). 3.3 (C) instability first occurs. Assume E to be constant with temperature change and as the coefficient of linear expansion. T 100 C 1 2 (A) T 1 421 2 L AL 1 / L (B) T 1 21 2 L AL 1 / L (C) T 1 1 L 4AL 2 1 421 (D) T 2 L AL Free expansion : L (10) L (20) 20 L Compression : PL PL AE1 AE2 Expansion = Compression 20 L PL 1 1 A E1 E2 EE 20 1 2 E1 E2 Hence, the correct option is (C). Kulkarni Academy 3.4 63 Thermal Stresses (C) TE (1 2) L T Free expression T 150 C , 0 E 70GPa , 0.3 20 106 / 0 C L (Direct compression) E L (Poisson Y - effect) E L (Poisson Z - effect) E Hence, the correct option is (A). 0 L T a P( L a ) AE 3.6 0.1 0.1 20 10 150 0.2 10 70 109 6 3 70MPa (Compressive) Hence, the correct option is (C). 3.5 (A) 49.340C When both the ends are pinned the buckling load 2 EI P 2 L I MOI When both the ends are fixed bucking load is P 42 EI L2 P 2 EI L2 P TE A X 0 Y 0 Z 0 2 EI TE AL2 (40 103 ) 4 64 20 106 T 3 2 (40 10 ) 1 4 2 L T L L L 0 E E E T 49.340 C Hence, the correct answer is 49.340C. Strength of Materials 3.7 64 250C Kulkarni Academy 3.9 (C) Hence, the correct option is (C) 3.10 (C) Free in lateral direction and axial direction restrained. 2 TE C 60MPa (Compressive) Constrained in all sides E 200GPa 1 20 106 / 0 C TE 1 2 TE (– ve means compressive) 60 20 106 200 103 (Tf 400 C) 2 TE T f 25 C 0 0 Hence, the correct answer is 25 C. 3.8 (A) TE if 0.25 (1 2) % change 2 1 100 50% 2 Hence, the correct option is (C) 3.11 (B) A1 A2 0.01m2 1 4 106 / 0 C E1 E2 10GPa 2 106 / 0 C T 1000 C L1T P1 1TA1E1 P2 L A2 E2 L1 2m P2 2TA2 E2 L2 1m L 2T PL 1 A1E1 P P1 P2 P (1 A1E1 2 A2 E2 ) T Hence, the correct option is (A). Free expansion, L11T L2 2T RL1 RL2 A1E1 A2 E2 Kulkarni Academy 65 2 4 106 100 1106 100 Thermal Stresses Given that, W 60kN , R 2 1 3 10 10 0.01 0.01 9 104 ES 2.11011 pa AS 5 104 m2 R [3] 0.0110 103 Ebr 0.98 1011 pa R 0.03MN Ab 10 104 m2 R 0.03 1 3MPa (Compressive) A1 0.01 W 2PS Pb steel bronze Hence, the correct option is (B) 3.12 …..(i) PS 0.5 5 104 2.11011 (D) Pb 1 10 10 0.98 1011 4 PS 2.1428 Pb 60 2 PS S Shift = 0.8 0.6 0.2mm RL1 0.6mm A1E1 Hence, the correct option is (D) 3.13 (A) PS 2.1428 PS 24.32kN Free expansion L11T 0.8mm Compression due to R …..(ii) PS 48.648MPa AS Hence, the correct option is (A) 3.14 (B) S 11106 / 0 C b 19 106 / 0 C Lbb L LS S T b 35.68 35.680MPa Ab FS LS AS ES T 10.580 C Hence, the correct option is (B) Strength of Materials 3.15 19.23 66 Kulkarni Academy S Al ES 2 105 MPa , S 12 106 / 0 C Al S ( Al S )T EAl ES EC 1105 MPa , C 17 106 / 0 C Al 0.0525GPa Given that, ( Al S ) Load in Al bar Al AAl 0.0525 103 MPa 200 10500 N 10.5kN PS Pcu Pcu (because load of each copper) PS 2Pcu S (10 50) 2 cu (10 300) Hence, the correct option is (D) 3.17 (A) S 0.6 cu S cu ( cu S ) T ES Ecu 0.6 cu cu 5 (17 106 12 106 ) 50 5 2 10 110 cu 19.23MPa Hence, the correct answer is 19.23. 3.16 Free expansion LT Expansion prevented LT (D) Pcr P( L ) AE 42 EI ( L ) 2 L T 42 EI ( L ) . ( L )2 AE L T 4 2 I A( L ) 1 4 2 I T L AL(1 / L) PS PAl S AS Al AAl Hence, the correct option is (A). 4.1 Introduction Circumferential Stress It is a container which is used for carrying fluid under pressure. If d 20 then such a shell is known as thin t shells. Example : Water bottles, soft drink cans etc. When a cylinder is subjected to internal pressure it is subjected to 1. Circumferential or hoop stress 2. Longitudinal stress 3. Radial stress When a pressure Vessel is subjected to internal pressure for calculation purposes Total vertical upward force Prl sin d 0 gauge pressure is taken into account because externally it is subjected to atmospheric Total downward force c (2 t l ) pressure. 4.2 Thin cylindrical shells For static equilibrium Fupward Fdownward Prl sin d 2 t l c 0 Prl [cos cos0] 2ct l c Pr Pd (Circumferential stress) t 2t Strength of Materials Longitudinal Stress : This stress is developed only when both ends are closed. 68 Kulkarni Academy 1 c 2 l 1 c Pd Pd 2 22 2t 4t 1 22 P d 2 l (dt ) 4 l Pd 4t Whenever a cylindrical shell is subjected to internal pressure both longitudinal and circumferential (hoop) stresses are tensile in Nature i.e. longitudinal stress results is increase in length and circumferential stress results in increase in diameter. Therefore, when a pressure vessel is subjected to external pressure, the circumferential and longitudinal stresses are compressive in Nature. If a cylinder is subjected to external pressure length and diameter decreases. These hoop stress and longitudinal stresses are principal stresses because these are the maximum and minimum normal stresses without shear. Therefore the maximum principal stress Pd and the (1 c ) is hoop stress i.e. 1 2t minimum principal stress is longitudinal stress is Pd equal to . 4t 4.3 Strain Analysis 1. Change in length : dL L c L E E Pd Pd L 4tE 2tE L L Pd (1 2) 4tE L PdL (1 2) 4tE 2. Change in diameter : C dd d C c L E E C Pd Pd 2tE 4 Et C Pd [2 ] 4 tE Change in diameter(dd ) Stressed element Pd 2 [2 ] 4 tE Kulkarni Academy 69 3. Change in volume : Thin Shells Maximum shear stress in the plane of 1 and r (radial stress) V 2 c L Pd Pd 2 (2 ) (1 2) 4tE 4tE Pd V (5 4) 4tE (max )1 r 4.4 Maximum shear stress 1 r 2 ( r 0 ) 1 Pd 2 4t Maximum shear stress in the plane of 2 and r (max )2r 2 r 2 2 Pd 2 8t Absolute maximum shear stress : Maximum of Maximum 1 2 1 r 2 r , , 2 2 2 Pd Pd Pd , , 8t 4t 8t Absolute max or maximum shear stress max 1 2 c l 2 2 4.5 Thin spherical shells 1 Pd Pd 2 2t 4t max Pd , Maximum in plane 8t Shear stress Pd 8t This is the maximum in plane shear stress. When a thin cylinder is subjected to internal pressure, the radial stress which is equal to pressure is very small compare to 1 and 2 . Therefore, in thin cylindrical shells only two stresses are taken. i.e. 1 and 2 . P d 2 c (dt ) 4 c Pd 4t Pd 4t Strength of Materials 70 For spherical pressure shell Pd c l 4t Kulkarni Academy Maximum shear stress : max 1 2 2 Mohr’s Circle for thin spherical pressure shell max 0 (in a plane, shear stress = 0) (in the plane of 1 and 2 ) In the plane of 1 and r Mohr’s circle is a point for thin spherical shell subjected to internal pressure. When a thin spherical pressure shell subjected to internal pressure the principal stresses are : 1 2 Pd 4t 3Pd V (1 ) 4tE 1 r 1 2 2 max Pd 8t Absolute maximum shear stress : Strain analysis : Pd 1 c 4t Pd 2 l 4t ( c l ) d 1 2 c l E E E E Pd (1 ) d c (1 ) 4tE E Pd d (1 ) 4tE V 3 d max ( r 0 ) 2 1 r 2 r max Max 1 , , 2 2 2 Pd Pd Max 0, , 8 t 8t (max )absolute Pd 8t Maximum shear stress is zero in the plane of l and c . Whereas the absolute maximum shear stress is Pd . 8t Kulkarni Academy 71 4.6 Thin cylinder with Hemispherical ends 1. Same stress at the junction (i.e. circumferential stress). (c )cyl (c )sp Pd Pd 2t c 4t s tc 2ts …..(i) 2. In order to prevent distortion or cracks at the junction. For no distortion the circumferential strain in the cylinder and sphere must be same. (c )cyl Pd (2 ) 4tc E (c ) sp Pd (1 ) 4ts E (c )cy (c )sp tc 2 v ts 1 v …..(ii) If these two conditions are to be valid simultaneously then should be equal to zero and for metal this is impossible. From design point of view, spherical pressure vessels are preferred over cylindrical pressure vessel because of uniform lower circumferential stress. Thin Shells Strength of Materials 72 4.5 Practice Questions P Kulkarni Academy A thin cylinder with closed lids is subjected to internal pressure. State of stress at point x 4.1 A thin walled cylindrical pressure vessel has is given by. diameter ‘D’ and length ‘L’. It is closed at both ends and subjected to internal pressure ‘P’. The principal stresses, if the metal thickness is ‘t’, are (A) pD pD , t 2t (B) pD pD , 2t 3t pD pD pD pD (D) , , 2t 4t t 3t A Cylindrical tank with closed ends is filled (A) (C) 4.2 (B) with compressed air at a pressure of 500 kPa. The inner radius of the tank is 2 m, and it has wall thickness of 10 mm. The magnitude of (C) (D) maximum in-plane shear stress (in MPa) is______. 4.3 A thin walled spherical shell is subjected to 4.6 an internal pressure. If the radius of the shell 200 mm and wall thickness 10mm is filled is increased by 1% and the thickness is with a gas at pressure 10MPa. The maximum reduced by 1% with the internal pressure shear stress developed in the wall is remaining the same, the percentage change in (A) 25 MPa (B) 50 MPa (C) 100 MPa (D) 200 MPa the circumferential (hoop) stress is 4.4 A closed thin circular cylinder of diameter (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 1.08 (D) 2.02 A thin cylindrical tube of inner diameter d, thickness t is closed at both ends and is subjected to internal pressure p’. The tube also carries a torque T. The stresses at any (C) Pd Pd T , , 2t 4t d 2t Pd Pd T (B) , , 2t 2t d 2t (D) An open ended thin – walled straight pipe is made of a material that can carry a maximum shear stress of max . The pipe is of diameter, d and thickness, t The maximum internal pressure allowable is given by (neglecting the normal stress in the radial direction) point (x , and x ) are Pd Pd 2T (A) , , 2t 4t d 2t 4.7 Pd Pd 2T , , 4t 2t d 2t t (A) 4 max d (C) t 2 max d t (B) 2 max d t (D) max d Kulkarni Academy 4.8 73 A thin walled cylinder with open ends is 4.12 A cylindrical pressure vessel of 3 m outside subjected to uniform internal pressure p diameter is 10.8 m long. The wall thickness alone. The wall thickness is t, internal radius is 25 mm and it is subjected to an internal is r and the Young’s Modulus is E. The pressure of 800 kPa. Find the change in increase in radius of the cylinder due to the diameter and length, given Young’s modulus internal pressure is 200GPa and Poisson’s ratio 0.3. (A) Zero (B) (C) pt 2 2 Er 4.13 pr Et (D) A cast iron pipe of 1 m diameter is required to withstand a 200 m head of water. If the 2 2 4.9 Thin Shells pr r Et limiting tensile stress of the pipe material is 20 MPa, then the thickness of the pipe will be A thin circular cylindrical vessel of diameter d, length l and wall thickness t is subjected to an internal pressure p. The minimum principal stress is (A) 4 pd , where k is kt 4.14 (A) 25 mm (B) 50 mm (C) 75 mm (D) 100 mm Assertion (A): In cylindrical shells with hemispherical ends, the hemispherical ends (B) 3 are thicker than the cylindrical section. (C) 2 (D) 1 Reason (R): The value of Poisson’s ratio for Common Data Questions 4.10 & 4.11 most metals is 0.3. A thin pressure vessel of spherical shape has wall thickness of 10 mm and 1800 mm diameter. Its Young’s modulus 4.15 is and 5 mm thickness is subjected to an internal E 210GPa and Poisson’s ratio 0.3 4.10 pressure of 10 MPa and a torque of 2000 Nm. Calculate the magnitude of the principal If the pressure vessel experiences an internal stresses. pressure of 0.95 MPa, the approximate maximum membrane stress is 4.11 A thin cylinder of 100 mm internal diameter 4.16 A compressed air tank having an inner (A) 35 MPa (B) 43 MPa diameter of 480 mm and a wall thickness of (C) 50 MPa (D) 57 MPa 8mm is formed by welding two steel The change in its diameter is hemispheres. If the allowable shear stress in the steel is 40 MPa, find the maximum (A) 2 mm (B) 1.0 mm (C) 0.13 mm (D) 0.25 mm permissible pressure (in MPa) inside the tank. Strength of Materials 74 Common Data Questions 4.17 & 4.18 A steel cylindrical pressure vessel has an inner radius of 1.8 m and a wall thickness of 20 mm. 4.17 For an internal pressure of 800 kPa, the maximum shear stress for the cylindrical part of the vassel is 4.18 (A) 16 MPa (B) 18 MPa (C) 20 MPa (D) 0 At which of the following internal pressure will the cylindrical vessel yield as per the Tresca criterion if the yield strength of the material in tension is 320 MPa 4.19 (A) 3.55 MPa (B) 7.1 MPa (C) 1.775 MPa (D) 4.0 MPa A thin walled cylindrical pressure vessel having mean radius 100 mm and wall thickness 5 mm, is subjected to internal pressure p. If the factor of safety is 2 and the yield stress in shear is 100 MPa, find the maximum value of p (in MPa). 4.20 The thin walled cylinder can be supported in one of two ways as shown. Determine the state of stress in the wall of the cylinder for both cases if the piston P causes the internal pressure to be 450 kPa. Kulkarni Academy The wall has a thickness of 6 mm and the internal diameter of the cylinder is 200 mm. Kulkarni Academy A 75 Answer Key 4.4 3 C 4.2 25 4.3 D 4.4 D 4.5 D 4.6 B 4.7 A 4.8 C 4.9 A 4.10 B 4.11 D 4.12 0.5097 4.13 B 4.14 B 4.15 100 4.16 5.33 4.17 B 4.18 B 4.19 10 4.20. E 4.1 Thin Shells (a) L 0 MPa, c 7.5 MPa (b) L 3.75 MPa, c 7.5 MPa (D) When a cylinder is subjected to internal pressure and torque then it will be subjected to normal and shear stresses. Explanation (C) x Pd 4t Pd 2t Hence, the correct option is (C) 4.2 25 (max )in plane Pd 8t 4.5 500 10 4000 25 106 Pascal 8 10 (D) 3 Hence, the correct option is (D) 4.6 (B) Hence, the correct answer is 25. max (D) r r r 1.01r t t t 0.99 t c 2T d 2t Hence, the correct option is (D) 25 MPa 4.3 T 2T 2 2 r t d 2t Pd Pr 4t 2t c' Pd 10 200 50MPa 4t 4 10 Hence, the correct option is (B) 4.7 (A) P(1.01) r t (0.99) t c' 1.0202 c % change c ' c 100 c 1.0202 1 100 2.02% 1 Hence, the correct option is (D) L 0 , C 0 max Pd 0 Pd 2t 2 4t Strength of Materials max Pmax 76 Pd 4t Kulkarni Academy 4.11 c t 4 max d (C) Open ended thin cylinder (L 0, C 0) Increase in radius due to internal pressure. r C C L r E E r Pr r tE Pr 2 r tE Pd 2 (1 ) 4tE 0.95 (1800)2 [1 0.3] 0.2565mm 4 10 210 103 Hence, the correct option is (D). 0.5097 Cylindrical pressure vessel D0 3m , L 10.8m t 25mm , P 800kPa E 200GPa , 0.3 Hence, the correct option is (C) 4.9 4.12 0 d Pd (1 ) d 4tE d Hence, the correct option is (A) 4.8 (D) d 3 (2 25) 2.95m (A) Minimum principal stress l pd 4t d Pd (2 ) d 4tE k 4 So, Hence, the correct option is (A). 4.10 d (B) Thin spherical shell 0.800 (2.95) 2 (2 0.3) 25 3 4 (200 10 ) 1000 t 10mm d 5.9177 104 m 0.59177mm d 1800mm L Pd (1 2) L 4tE E 210GPa 0.3 L Pinternal 0.95MPa Maximum membrane stress Pd 4t 42.75MPa 43MPa Hence, the correct option is (B) 0.8 (2.95)10.8 (1 0.6) 25 3 4 200 10 1000 L 5.0976 104 m L 0.5097mm Hence, the correct answer is 0.5097. Kulkarni Academy 4.13 77 (B) Thin Shells 4.16 5.33 Given data : d 1mm d 480mm , t 8mm P gh 1000 9.81 200 P gh 1.962MPa L Pd Pd C 2t 4t (Both are tensile stress) allow 40MPa For sphere max σlimiting 20MPa 20 1.962 1000 2t t 24.525 2 50mm Hence, the correct option is (B). 4.14 40 P 480 88 P 5.33MPa Hence, the correct answer is 5.33 MPa. 4.17 (B) Given data : (B) d 1.8m 1800mm 2 Hence, the correct option is (B). 4.15 Pd 8t t 20mm P 800kPa 100 max Given data : d 100mm , t 5mm P 10MPa , T 2000 N-m Pd 800 1800 2 8t 8 20 max 18 103 kPa 18MPa Hence, the correct option is (B). 4.18 (B) 1 Pd 2t 1 10 100 25 max 1 100MPa max Pd 4t Pd 4t 160 P 1800 4 20 2 2 50MPa Hence, the correct answer is 100 MPa. P? y 2 320 160MPa 2 P 7.1MPa Hence, the correct option is (B). Strength of Materials 4.19 78 Kulkarni Academy L 0 10 dmean 200mm L Pd 3.75MPa 4t C Pd 7.5MPa 2t rmean 100mm t 5mm FOS = 2 allow 100 50MPa 2 Yield stress in shear 100MPa max Pd 4t P 10MPa Hence, the correct answer is 10MPa. 4.20 Hence, the correct answer is L 0 C Pd 2t 450 200 7500kPa 7.5MPa 2 6 (a) L 0 MPa, c 7.5 MPa (b) L 3.75 MPa, c 7.5 MPa 5.1 Introduction Beam : A slender long straight members carrying loads perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the member are known as beams. Therefore beams are transverse loaded members. In case of bars the load acts along the axis of the member. Shear force : It is numerically equal to the algebraic sum of all transverse component of external forces (including reaction components) acting on an isolated segment but in opposite direction to satisfy equilibrium conditions. NOTE It is convenient to consider a beam that has minimum number of loads. Sign convention for shear force : Right face These beams are known as planer structures because all the loads act in the plane of figure. Types of beams : Left face +ve shear force Example 1 –ve shear force Right face Left face Strength of Materials 80 Kulkarni Academy Bending moment : It is numerically equal to the algebraic sum of moments of all forces including reactive forces and couples on an isolated system. Sign convention for bending moment Shear force diagram : It is a diagram which shows variation of shear force along the length of the beam. BMD : It is a diagram which shows variation of bending moment along the length of the beam. Example 3 Example 2 Example 4 Kulkarni Academy R 2P ( P P) 0 CW CW CW CCW PL PL P(3L) 2 P(4 L) 3PL (CCW ) 81 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams Example 6 Resisting moment 3PL(CW) M x 3PL P( x L) M C 2PL , M D 2PL Example 5 RA RB 0 , MA 0 C0 RB L 0 , RB Example 7 RA RD 42kN MA 0 RD 5 28 5 14 2 RD 24kN RA 18kN M x 18x 14( x 2) x5 M C 48kN-m C0 , RA RB , L Strength of Materials Mx 82 Kulkarni Academy Pb Pab x L L ab Pa Pb L L Example 8 14 7 W W 12 6 7 1 RD W W W 6 6 RA Example 10 RA RB F MA 0 RB L Fd Fa RB F (a d ) L RA F RB RA F (b d ) L Example 9 Draw SFD for the beam shown in figure RF Y6W 2W RA RD W MD 0 RA RB WL 2 Kulkarni Academy 83 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams NOTE The slope of SFD is equal to negative of rate of loading. M0 0 VX M Vdx wdx. WL Wx 2 SF 0 at x dx (M dM ) 0 2 dM v dx L 2 BM : …..(ii) NOTE MX WL WX x 2 2 M max 2 Slope of BM diagram = Shear force. Example 11 L WL2 at x 2 8 Graphical method for constructing SFD and BMD : Fig. Fy 0 V wdx (V dV ) 0 ( w Rate of loading) dV Slope of SFD. dx dV w dx …..(i) Strength of Materials 84 Kulkarni Academy dV w dx dM V dx dM Vdx w Negative slope M2 x2 M1 x1 dM Vdx dM V dx V 0 Change in B.M = Area of SFD between these two points. Effect of point load on SFD and BMD : dM 0 dx Observation : (Maximum B.M) FY 0 dV w dx V2 X2 V1 X1 dV wd x dV P When P acts downwards on the beam dV P i.e. there is a sudden drop in SFD due to downward force. Similarly if the SFD rising suddenly in SFD then it is a indication of upward point load. M0 0 M Vdx P V2 V1 w( X 2 X1 ) Difference between S.F = Area of loading diagram between these two points. dx (M dM ) 0 2 P V dx dM 2 P dM V dx 2 dx 0 dM 0 Kulkarni Academy 85 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams dM V dx dV P Due to point load the change in B.M is zero but due to point load the S.F. on the left and right side is different therefore the slope of the bending moment diagram changes due to point load. Downward point load (BMD) Due to concentrated moment there is a sudden change in BMD i.e. if there is a clockwise concentrated moment there is a sudden rise in bending moment similarly if there is an Upward point load (BMD) Effect of concentrated moment on SFD and BMD : anticlockwise concentrated moment, there is a sudden fall in bending moment. Point of Contraflexure : The point where the BM change its sign, may be from hogging to sagging or sagging to hogging is known as point of contraflexure or point of inflection, at this point the bending moment changes to zero. i.e. at the P.O.C. the bending moment is zero. Fy 0 V (V dV ) 0 dV 0 (V Constant) Due to concentrated moment there is no change in shear force. M0 0 Vdx M M 0 (M dM ) 0 dx 0 dM M 0 BMD BMD Strength of Materials Practice Questions P 5.1 86 Kulkarni Academy 5.4 For the beam shown, Which of the following are discontinuous at the mid-span ? A beam of length 2.0 m is simply supported at both ends as shown in figure. For an unknown load X at its mid-point, the beam experiences a shear force represented by SFD. The X is (A) A moment of 1000 Nm (A) Bending moment only (B) A concentrated force of 1000 N (B) Axial force and bending moment only (C) A moment of 500 Nm (C) Bending moment and shear force only (D) Axial force, bending moment and shear force 5.2 (D) A concentrated force of 500 N 5.5 The beam shown below carries two external moments. A counterclockwise moment of magnitude 2M acts at point B and a clockwise moment of magnitude M acts at the free end, C. The beam is fixed at A. The shear force at a section close to the fixed end is equal to 5.6 5.3 (A) 2M/L (B) M/L (C) 0 (D) – M/L The bending moment at point B on the cantilever beam in the figure is (A) – 2.0 PL (B) 1.0 PL (C) – 0.5 PL (D) – 1.5 PL A simply supported beam with an overhanging end is loaded as shown below. The maximum bending moment in the beam is A cantilever beam is subjected to a force and a moment as shown in the figure. The bending moment at the fixed end is 5.7 (A) 1 PL (B) 2 PL (C) 3 PL (D) 4 PL (A) 2 kNm (B) 1 kNm (C) 0.75 kNm (D) 0.25 kNm A beam having both sides overhang is loaded as shown in figure. To make moments equal in both supports, the ratio of w and q has to be Kulkarni Academy 87 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams (A) (B) 5.8 (A) 2 : 3 (B) 4 : 7 (C) 8 : 27 (D) 4 : 9 The shear force and the bending moment respectively at section A-A for the beam loaded as shown in the figure is (C) (D) 5.11 5.9 5.10 (A) P, 0 (B) 3 P, 2 PL (C) 2 P, 3 PL (D) 0, PL A beam with overhangs carries one point load acting downwards and the other upward. The clockwise moment pb is applied at each support. The bending moment at the midpoint of the beam is (A) 0 (B) PL/2 (C) PL (D) PbL Which one of the following represents the correct bending moment diagram of the beam PQR loaded as shown in the figure? 5.12 A beam ABCD with simple supports at A, B and D and an internal hinge at C is subjected to loads as shown in the figure. The reaction at middle support is given by (A) 7.5 kN (B) 10 kN (C) 20 kN (D) 22.5 kN A cantilever beam OP is connected to another beam PQ with a pin joint aas shown in the figure. A load of 10 kN is applied at the midpoint of P5. The magnitude of bending moment (in kN-m) at fixed end O is___. (A) 2.5 (B) 5 (C) 10 (D) 25 Strength of Materials 5.13 88 Kulkarni Academy For a simply supported beam as shown in figure, the bending moment diagram is shown. The unknown load marked as X is 5.16 (A) (B) (C) (D) A simply supported beam AB is subjected to a horizontal force, P, as shown in the figure. Shear force at section a - a is given by 0 (A) Load of 2000 N inclined at 30 with horizontal (B) Vertical load of 1000 N (C) Moment of 1000 Nm (D) Load of 2000 N inclined at 300 with vertical 5.14 If the following sign convention is used for the shear force in a beam : 5.17 5.18 5.15 (B) 8, – 8 (C) 4, – 8 (D) 4, – 4 A cantilever beam carries the antisymmetric load shown, where w is the peak intensity of the distributed load. Qualitatively, the correct bending moment diagram for this beam is (B) 3Ph/(2L) (C) 3Ph/L (D) PL/h In a cantilever beam of length 2 m, the shear force in newton (N) along the length is given by v( x) 5x 2 , where x is the distance in meter measured from the fixed end. The magnitude of the load intensity at the midspan of the beam is the values of the largest and smallest shear forces in the beam shown in the Figure are (A) 8, – 4 (A) Ph/L (A) 0 (B) 1 N/m (C) 5 N/m (D) 10 N/m Find the maximum bending moment (magnitude wise) in kN-m for the beam shown in the figure.__________ Kulkarni Academy 5.19 89 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams A weightless beam subjected to two point loads is shown in the figure below : (A) The shear force diagram of the beam is (B) (A) (C) (B) (D) (C) 5.22 (D) 5.20 The bending moment diagram of a simplysupported beam loaded by moments M 0 and 2M 0 (shown in figure), is given in The figure shows the dimensions as well as loading on a simply supported beam. The distance (from end A) of the point where maximum bending moment occurs is (A) 5.21 (A) 4 m (B) 6 m (C) 3.5 m (D) Zero The simply supported beam shown below is subjected to a clockwise moment M at point A and two counter clockwise moments 2M and M at points B and C, respectively. Which one of the following is the correct bending moment diagram (tensile at bottom is positive moment) for the beam? (B) (C) (D) Strength of Materials 5.23 90 Kulkarni Academy A simply-supported beam of length l is (B) subjected to a clock-wise couple moment M 0 at C as shown in figure. The shear force diagram of the beam is given by (C) (D) (A) Common Data Questions 5.25 & 5.26 A simply supported beam with overhang in (B) one side is loaded as shown in Fig. One of the diagonals of the square cross-section of the (C) beam is kept horizontal. (D) 5.24 The beam shown below is loaded with a concentrated clockwise moment of 80 kN-m at point B. The bending moment diagram (in 5.25 kN-m ) is 5.26 (A) The shear force at P is (A) 21.20 kN (B) 41.40 kN (C) 61.60 kN (D) 81.80 kN The bending moment at S is (A) 29.23 kNm (B) 39.23 kNm (C) 49.22 kNm (D) 59.23 kNm Kulkarni Academy A 91 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams 5.2 Answer Key (C) 5.1 B 5.2 C 5.3 B 5.4 A 5.5 B 5.6 B 5.7 D 5.8 A 5.9 A 5.10 B 5.11 D 5.12 C RAH 0 , RAV 0 5.13 C 5.14 A 5.15 C F 0 5.16 A 5.17 D 5.18 50 SF at a section close to the fixed end = 0 Hence, the correct option is (C) 5.19 C 5.20 C 5.21 A 5.22 D 5.23 C 5.24 D 5.25 B 5.26 C E 5.1 5.3 (B) Explanation (B) RB 2L Fh M 0 3PL PL 2PL(CW) Hence, the correct option is (B). 5.4 (A) C0 500 L C0 500 L 500 2 1000 Nm Hence, the correct option is (B). Hence, the correct option is (A). Strength of Materials 5.5 92 Kulkarni Academy R1 R2 4 (B) R1 0 MB ? R2 4kN Vx 0 2( x 1) Vx 2( x 1) VQ 0kN VR 2kN VS 4kN M x R1 x W ( x 1) 2PL(CW) PL(CCW) PL W ( x 1) 2 2 MQ 0 Hence, the correct option is (B). 5.6 ( x 1) 2 MR W (2 1)2 W 1kN-m 2 2 MS 2 (3 1)2 40 2 (B) MS 0 Hence, the correct option is (B). 5.7 M X2 2 W ( x 1) R2 ( x 2) 2 MA 2 (3 1)2 4(3 2) 2 4 2 4 4 0 2 (D) WL L qL L MB 2 4 3 6 W q 8 18 W 4 q 9 Hence, the correct option is (D). Kulkarni Academy 5.8 93 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams Pb Pb P(b L) Pb R2 L 0 (A) Pb PL Pb R2 L 0 R2 P ( BM )MM Px P( x b) Pb At x b L 2 ( BM ) MM Pb PL PL Pb = 0 2 2 Hence, the correct option is (A). 5.10 (B) M A P x 2P( x L) M A Px 2Px 2PL Px 2PL x 2L Mx 0 Hence, the correct option is (A). 5.9 (A) R1 R2 P P M X 5 10 x R1 R2 0 M P 25kN-m R1 R2 M Q 5kN-m MA 0 Hence, the correct option is (B). Strength of Materials 5.11 (D) 94 Kulkarni Academy 5.13 (C) Falling (CCW) Moment of 1000 N-m Hence, the correct option is (C). 5.14 (A) MA 0 RB 90 22.5kN 4 Hence, the correct option is (D). 5.12 (C) M 0 10kN-m Hence, the correct option is (C). RA RB 16kN ( RB 6) 36 36 0 RB 72 12 6 Largest = 8 kN Smallest 4kN Hence, the correct option is (A). Kulkarni Academy 5.15 (C) 95 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams 5.17 (D) V ( x) 5 x 2 dV w dx 10x w (Load intensity at mid span) (at x 1m ) (Rate of loading) w 10 N/m Hence, the correct option is (D). Shear force at fixed and free end = 0 5.18 50 Therefore, slope of BMD = 0 dM V dX dM 0 dX RB RD 60kN More over SF changes sign at centre therefore slope of BMD changes suddenly at the centre. MD 0 Hence, the correct option is (C). 20 7.5 RB 5 40 2 0 5.16 RB 46kN (A) RD 14kN MB 0 R1 L Ph R1 Ph L Hence, the correct option is (A). At x0 x 2.5 MA 0 M B 50kN-m Maximum Strength of Materials 96 Kulkarni Academy RA RB 12000 RB 8 16000 24000 0 20 x 46( x 2.5) M C (at x 5.5 ) 20 5.5 46(5.5 2.5) 110 138 28kN-m MD 0 Hence, the correct answer is 50 kN-m. 5.19 (C) 40000 5000 N 8 R A 7000 N Maximum BM At SF = 0 VX 7000 2000 x 0 7000 2000 x (From end A) x 3.5m Hence, the correct option is (C). RB 5.21 (A) RA RC 0 MA 0 RC L M 2M M 0 R1 R2 0 Hence, the correct option is (C). 5.20 (C) RC L 2M 2M 2M RC RA L L M X RA x M 2M xM (x 0) L MA M 2M L MB M 2M L 2 L xL 2 M X RA x M 2M M X M at ( x L) Hence, the correct option is (A). 2M xM L Kulkarni Academy 5.22 (D) 97 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams 5.23 (C) RA RB 0 RB L M 0 0 RA RB 0 MA 0 ( RB L M 0 ) 2M 0 0 RB L M 0 0 RB M0 L RA M0 L M X RA x 2M 0 M 0 x 2M 0 L At x 0 ( M X ) A 2M 0 RB M0 L RA M 0 L Hence, the correct option is (C). 5.24 (D) MA 0 80 RC 8 20 12 0 RC 240 80 320 40kN 8 8 RA 20 RC 20 40 20kN 0 x4 M x RA x 20 x MA 0 At B ( x L) M 0 MB L 2M 0 L M0 Hence, the correct option is (D). M B 20 4 80kN 4 x8 M x RA x 80 20 x 80 x4 Strength of Materials MB 0 M C 20 8 80 80kN-m MD 0 Hence, the correct option is (D). 5.25 B MQ 0 RP 4 25 100 2 18.75 0.5 0 RP 41.40kN Hence, the correct option is (B). 5.26 (C) RP RQ 118.78 RQ 118.78 RP 77.37kN M x RP x 100( x 2) 25 M S 41.4 3 100 25 M S 49.22kN-m Hence, the correct option is (C). 98 Kulkarni Academy 6.1 Introduction Shaft : It is a Machine element which rotates about it’s longitudinal axis and transmit power. The word torsion means twisting. Torsion refers to the twisting of the member when it is loaded by couples that produced rotation about its longitudinal axis, this couple is known as twisting couple. Examples : Motor shaft, turbine shaft, I.C engine shaft etc. Assumptions : 1. Material is homogeneous and isotropic. 2. Circular cross-sections remain circular and are perpendicular to the axis of the shaft i.e. the cross-section rotate as a rigid body. 3. The distance between cross-sections do not change, i.e. length of the shaft remains constant (No Normal strain in the axial direction). 4. The load is with in elastic limit. 5. The member is weightless i.e. the effect of bending is negligible. Torsion equation : Representation of torque : For twisting the couple is in the plane of crosssection. Pure torsion : A member is said to be in pure torsion if it is subjected to equal and opposite couples in a plane perpendicular to longitudinal axis such that the torque remains constant throughout the length of the shaft. A member may not be in pure torsion always but the portion of the member may be in pure torsion. Angle of twist Shear strain tan BB1 L ( is very small) tan r …..(i) ' ' is in radian L As the loading is within elastic limit, shear stress is directly proportional to shear strain. G Gr L Strength of Materials G r L 100 …..(ii) Kulkarni Academy Therefore, r Variation of shear stress : Let be the angle of twist at the free end, x be angle of twist at a distance x from fixed end, therefore from the figure it is observed that xL x Representation of stressed element on the surface : Therefore, L Constant L Therefore at the fixed end the angle of twist 0 and at the free end at “ x L ”, is maximum. NOTE When a shaft is subjected to torsion the surface element is under pure shear. At 450 on this stressed element there are normal stresses = Shear stress. At R Shear strain is they fail at 450 under the action of tensile stress. At r Shear strain is ' Observations : 1. The shear strain f (r ) i.e. with increase in radius the shear strain increases and it is maximum at the outer surface. 2. Shear strain is independent of length. 3. The angle of twist is independent of radius r. 4. The angle of twist f ( L) , i.e. zero at fixed end and maximum at the free end. From equation 2 we have Gr L For a given material G is constant, we know that Constant. L As brittle materials are weak in tension Similarly, when the ductile material is subjected to torsion and ductile materials are weak under shear. Therefore they fail along the cross-section. Kulkarni Academy 101 Torsion 1. Circle : dF .2 r dr dT d F .r I ZZ I XX IYY dT .2 r dr. r D4 64 T .2 r 2 dr I XX IYY Gr L I ZZ J …..(ii) 2. Hollow shaft : Gr T 2 r 2dr L T G 2 r 2 r dr L T G J L r T G J L D4 32 2 dA J …..(iii) All these conclusions should be written after equation number (iii) From equation (ii) and (iii) J 4 [ D0 D i4] 32 Polar section modulus ( Z P ) : J R Circle / Solid shaft : ZP I G r L L ' ' is in radian Resisting torque max r R Polar M.O.I (J) : This represents the resistance of material to twisting about polar axis or longitudinal axis. i.e. if J is more its resistance to twisting will be more. J D3 R3 R 16 2 Hollow shaft : J D ZP ; R 0 R 2 ZP D04 Di4 ZP 16 D0 Strength of Materials Power transmitted by shaft : P W Fx T t t t 102 Kulkarni Academy T1 T2 T total AB BC TL GJ T Torsional stiffness AE Axial rigidity EI Flexural rigidity GJ Torsional rigidity T GJ L P T Shafts in parallel : 1. Power transmitted for a given material and at a given speed. 2N 60 At a given speed P T P T T1 T2 T …..(i) 1 ( 2 ) 0 1 2 T max J r R max P T 1L1 T2 L2 G1 J1 G2 J 2 …..(ii) 2. Compound shaft : 16T D3 max D3 16 P D3 (For a given material) Shaft in series : 1 2 T T1 T2 Comparison of hollow and solid shaft for power transmission conditions : 1. Same material 2. Same weight 3. Same length Kulkarni Academy 103 D0 K Di K 1 Torsion K 4 1 3 Di 16 K 3 D Ps 16 Ph K 4 1 3 Di 16 K Ps K D Ph K 4 1 Di Ws Wh gAs L gAh L As Ah 2 2 D ( D0 Di2 ) 4 4 D2 D02 Di2 D2 Di2 ( K 2 1) D Di K 2 1 Ps K ( K 2 1) K 2 1 Ph ( K 2 1)( K 2 1) Or T max J R T max P K K 2 1 Ph ( K 2 1) Ph K 2 1 Let K 2 Ps K K 2 1 Ph 1.44 Ps J R J ZP R ( max is same because so same material) T ZP P ZP D K 2 1 (From equation (i)) Di 3 Ps K 4 [ K 2 1]2 Ph ( K 1) …..(i) D0 K Di 3 Power T Ph Z Ph Ps Z Ps Z Ps 3 D 16 Z Ps D04 Di4 16 D0 NOTE For the same material the power transmitted by hollow shaft is 44% more than (if K 2 ) the solid shaft. Strength of Materials 6.2 6.3 Kulkarni Academy Practice Questions P 6.1 104 In a solid circular bar of diameter D, a D concentric hole is made of diameter . The 2 ratio of the torque carried by the hollow bar to that of the solid bar in order to develop the same magnitude of shear stress (maximum) will be 8 15 (A) (B) 9 16 1 5 (C) (D) 2 6 A circular shaft of linear elastic material is subjected to a pure torque T. The maximum shear stress developed is . The maximum tensile stress developed in the shaft is 3 (A) (B) 2 4 (C) (D) 2 A stepped shaft of uniform material with shear modulus of 105 MPa is shown in figure. The lengths and polar moments of inertia I p are indicated in the figure. A torque of 6.5 6.6 6.7 5000 N-M is applied at the free end. The twist in radians at the free end is 6.4 (A) 0.3 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.2 (D) 0.7 For a stepped shaft shown in figure, the ratio T of the torque at A to that at C, i.e, A is TC 6.8 (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D) 16 A fixed beam Ps is made up of two dissimilar materials and is subjected to a torque T at Q T as shown in figure. The ratio of p is Ts (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 4 Solid shaft A of diameter d and length l is subjected to a torque T. Another shaft B of same material and length but of half the diameter is also subjected to the same torque T. The ratio of the angles of twist of shaft B to that of shaft A is (A) 32 (B) 16 (C) 8 (D) 4 A circular rod of length L and torsional rigidity GJ is fixed at one end and free at the other end. If a twisting moment T is applied L at a distance of from the fixed end. The 2 angle of twist at free end will be (A) TL 2GJ (B) TL GJ (C) 2TL GJ (D) 3TL GJ A hollow shaft d0 2d1 where d 0 and d1 are the outer and inner diameters respectively needs to transmit 20KW power at 3000 rpm. If the maximum permissible shear stress is 30 MPa, d 0 is (A) 11.29 mm (B) 22.58 mm (C) 33.87 mm (D) 45.16 mm Kulkarni Academy 6.9 105 A stepped shaft PQR is fixed at both the ends as shown in figure. A torque T is applied at point 6. The polar moments of inertia of the shaft PQ and QR are J1 and J2 respectively. G is the modulus of rigidity. The angle of twist at point Q due to torque T, is given by (radians) Torsion 6.13 6.14 (A) 2TL GJ1 (B) TL GJ 2 2 1 TL TL 2 (C) (D) J1 2 J 2 G J1 J 2 G 6.10 6.11 A long shaft of diameter d is subjected to twisting moment T at its ends. The maximum normal stress acting at its cross section is equal to 16T (A) Zero (B) d 3 32T 64T (C) (D) 3 d d 3 Polar MOI I p , in cm4, of a rectangular section having width, b 2cm and depth, 6.12 d 6cm is in a hollow circular shaft of outer diameter 20 mm and thickness 2 mm, subjected to a torque of 92.7 N-m will be (A) 59 MPa and 47.2 MPa (B) 100 MPa and 80 MPa (C) 118 MPa and 160 MPa (D) 200 MPa and 160 MPa A hollow shaft of 1 m length is designed to transmit a power of 30 KW at 700 rpm. The maximum permissible angle of twist is 10. The inner diameter of the shaft is 0.7 times the outer diameter. The modulus of rigidity is 80 GPa. The outside diameter (in mm) of the shaft is______ 6.15 Two shafts A and B are made of the same material. The diameter of shaft B twice that of shaft A. The ratio of power which can be transmitted by shaft A to that of shaft B is (if maximum shear stress remains the same) (A) 1 2 (B) 1 4 (C) 1 8 (D) 1 16 A torque of 1 N-m is transmitted through a steeped shaft as shown in the figure. The torsional stiffness of individual sections of lengths MN, NO and OP are 20 Nm/rad, 30 Nm/rad and 60 Nm/rad respectively. The angular deflection between the ends M and P of the shaft is (A) 0.05rad (B) 0.1rad (C) 0.5rad (D) 1rad A solid shaft of diameter d and L is fixed at both ends. A torque T0 is applied at a L from the left end as shown in the 4 figure. the maximum shear stress in the shaft is distance, (A) 16T0 d 3 (B) 12T0 d 3 (C) 8T0 d 3 (D) 4T0 d 3 Strength of Materials 6.16 106 Two solid circular shafts of radii R1 and R2 Kulkarni Academy 6.20 A stepped circular shaft made of steel is are subjected to same torque. The maximum rigidly fixed at two supports A and C as shear stresses developed in the two shaft are shown in figure. A torque of 680 Nm is 1 and 2 . If R1 2, then 2 is_____ R2 1 applied on the shaft at point B. The diameter of portion AB is twice that of portion BC. The magnitudes of torque reactions at supports A Common Data Questions 6.17 & 6.18 and C respectively are A solid Circular steel shaft of 50 mm diameter fixed at one end, is subjected to torques as shown. The shear modulus of the materials is 80 GPa (A) 640 Nm, 40 Nm (B) 40 Nm, 640 Nm (C) 340 Nm, 340 Nm 6.17 6.21 the length PQ is 6.18 6.19 (D) 544 Nm, 136 Nm The maximum shear stress due to torsion in Two solid shafts A and B are made of the (A) 15.75 MPa (B) 21.22 MPa same material. Shaft A is of 50 mm diameter (C) 30.56 MPa (D) 51.21 MPa and shaft B is of 100 mm diameter. The The rotation of the free end S due to the strength of shaft B is torsion is (A) 2 times as that of shaft A (A) 0.250 (B) 0.580 (B) 4 times as that of shaft A (C) 1.220 (D) 1.250 (C) 6 times as that of shaft A If the diameter of a thin hollow homogeneous elastic tube is doubled while retaining thickness, within elastic limit, the ratio of the (D) 8 times as that of shaft A 6.22 A composite shaft is made of a steel tube with an inner brass core perfectly bonded together maximum allowable torque to weight would as shown. The shaft is fixed at one end and (A) Remain the same subjected to a torque of 2T at the other end. (B) Nearly double Shear modulus of steel is G and that of brass (C) Become nearly four fold (D) Become nearly eight-fold is G . 2 Kulkarni Academy 107 The outer radius of the steel tube is R 2r and radius of the inner brass core is r. The magnitude of shear stress at the interface (point x) and in the steel tube is closest to 6.23 (A) 0.041T r3 (B) 0.082T r3 (C) 0.16T r3 (D) 0.41T r3 A composite circular shaft is comprised of a steel core surrounded by an aluminium annulus perfectly bonded to each other as shown in the figure. If it is subjected to pure torque, which one of the following statements is TRUE? (A) Only shear stress is continuous across the steel-aluminum interface (B) Only shear strain is continuous across the steel-aluminum interface (C) Both Shear stress and shear strain are continuous across the steel-aluminum interface (D) Both Shear stress and shear strain are discontinuous across aluminum interface. the steel- Torsion Strength of Materials A 108 Kulkarni Academy 6.2 Answer Key 6.1 B 6.2 C 6.3 D 6.4 D 6.5 A 6.6 B 6.7 A 6.8 B 6.9 D 6.10 A 6.11 B 6.12 44.52 6.13 C 6.14 B 6.15 B 6.16 8 6.17 C 6.18 B 6.19 B 6.20 A 6.21 D 6.22 B 6.23 B (C) X 'Y ' X Y X Y 2 2 cos 2 xy sin 2 X 'Y ' xy sin 900 xy Maximum tensile stress (at 450 ) Hence, the correct option is (C). E Explanation 6.3 (D) Given data : 6.1 (B) G 105 MPa , D04 Di4 Th Z Ph 16 Di 3 Ts Z Ps D 16 D D4 2 D4 T 5000 N-m T1 T2 T 5000 N-m () free end 1 2 T .L TL TL 1 1 GJ1 GJ 2 G J1 J 2 4 Th 1 15 1 Ts 16 16 Th 15 Ts 16 Hence, the correct option is (B). 5000 102 N-m 1m 105 106 N/m 2 1 1 24 (102 )4 10 (102 )4 5000 0.1416 108 11 10 () free end 0.708 radian Hence, the correct option is (D). Kulkarni Academy 6.4 109 Torsion (D) B A AB BC TA L TC L GJ AB GJ BC B A TA J AB TC J BC 4 (d ) JA 32 4 JB d 32 2 B 24 16 A (2d ) 4 TA 32 TC (d ) 4 32 TA 16 TC Hence, the correct option is (B). 6.7 Hence, the correct option is (D). 6.5 TL GJ B TL GJ A I A IB (A) (A) PQ QS L 2 TP L TS (3L) GJ GJ TP GPQ 3 4 106 3 1 TS GQS 12 106 No torque in BC portion it is only rotating TP 1 TS Torque diagram Hence, the correct option is (A). 6.8 Hence, the correct option is (A). Same material GA GB Diameter (B) Hollow shaft D0 K 2 Di (B) Length Torque L Constant L B C TP TS T 6.6 TL ; 2GJ Shaft A d l T Shaft B d 2 l T P 20kW N 3000rpm (max ) per 30MPa P 2NT 60 Strength of Materials 2 3000 T 60 T 63.66 N-m 20 103 max Kulkarni Academy 6.10 (A) 16 TD0 ( D04 Di4 ) 16 63.66 103 N-mm D0 1 D04 1 16 15 30 D03 16 63.66 103 16 D0 22.58mm 30 Hence, the correct option is (B). 6.9 110 (D) 16T d 3 But in this problem he is asking maximum normal stress acting at its cross-section. So, this is the case of pure torsion (i.e. pure shear), Maximum normal stress at its cross section = Zero. y x y x ' y ' x cos 2 xy sin 2 2 2 max (Not its cross-section) xy x ' y ' at 450 Hence, the correct option is (A). 1 2 TP TR T TP (2 L) TR ( L) GJ1 GJ 2 TP J 1 TR 2 J 2 JT TP 1 R 2J2 J1TR TR T 2J2 J TR 1 1 T 2J2 T TR J1 1 2 J 2 TL TL R GJ 2 J1 1 2 J GJ 2 2 2 TL G J1 2 J 2 Hence, the correct option is (D). 6.11 (B) D0 20mm Di 16mm T 92.7 N-m Kulkarni Academy outer 111 16TD0 ( D04 Di4 ) 6.13 16 92.7 10 20 [204 164 ] 3 outer 99.957 MPa 100MPa outer inner 20 16 2 2 100 inner 10 8 (C) Same material Shaft A G d Hence, the correct option is (B). PA 1 PB 8 Hence, the correct option is (C). 6.14 (B) 44.52 T T K K Given that : Hollow shaft L 1m , P 30kW , N 700 rpm max 10 rad 180 mp mn n0 0 p 1 1 1 20 30 60 Di 0.7 D0 K 1.4285 G 80GPa 2NT P 60 mp 0.1rad Hence, the correct option is (B). 6.15 (B) 30 103 60 409.25 N-m 2 700 TL ( T 409.25N-m ) GJ T 409.25 103 (N-mm) 1000 mm 1800 80 103 N-mm2 ( D 4 D 4 ) 0 i 32 Di4 (0.7 D0 )4 409.25 106 1800 80 103 0.7599 D 4 0 32 D0 44.52mm Hence, the correct answer is 44.52. Shaft B G 2d 3 d PA Z A 1 32 3 PB Z B (2d )3 2 32 [Similar rule] inner 80MPa 6.12 Torsion Shafts in parallel T1 T2 T0 1 2 L 3L T2 4 4 GJ GJ T1 3 T2 T1 Strength of Materials T1 3T2 112 Kulkarni Academy 6.18 T1 T2 T0 S () PQ ()QR 3T2 T2 T0 T1 (750 250) 103 500 80 103 (50)4 32 0.010185 radian 16T1 16 3T0 d 3 4d 3 max 12T0 d 3 Hence, the correct option is (B). L [TPQ TQR ] GJ 3T0 4 max 6.16 TL TL GJ PQ GJ QR T0 4 T2 (B) 0.58360 (in degree) Hence, the correct option is (B). 6.19 (B) 8 16T 3 1 d13 d 2 2 16T d1 d 23 R1 2 R2 1 1 1 2 2 8 3 2 8 1 d J dt 2 J A r 2 2 J (2dt )(d )2 J A r 2 2 Hence, the correct answer is 8. 6.17 J 2rt.r 2 2r 3t (C) d ( dt ) T 2 X max W 1 g ( dt ) L d 2 d T X max W 1 g L 2 TPQ 500 250 750 N-m 16T 16 750 103 N-mm d 3 (50)3 (max ) PQ 30.557 30.56MPa Hence, the correct option is (C). …..(i) ( (2d )t ) (d ) 2 T Y max W 2 g ( (2d )t ) L d .d …...(ii) g L From equation (i) and (ii) X 1 Y 2 (Nearly double) Y 2X Hence, the correct option is (B). Kulkarni Academy 6.20 113 (A) Torsion 6.22 (B) TA TC 680 N-m AB BC TA L T L C GJ AB GJ BC (2d )3 TA 32 TC ( d )3 32 2T TB TS B S TA 16 TC TB L TL S GB J B GS J S TA 16TC TA TC 680 TB TS 4 G r G ((2r )4 r 4 ) . 2 2 2 16TC TC 680 TC 680 40 N-m 17 TA 680 40 640 Nm TA 640 Nm TC 40 Nm Hence, the correct option is (A). 6.21 TB TS 4 r [15r 4 ] 2 4 4TB 2 TS 4 r 15 r 4 TS 30TB 2T (D) Shaft A d 50mm TS TS 30 TS 1.9354 T (steel ) X Shaft B d ' 100mm= 2d T d3 TA d3 1 3 TB (2d ) 8 TB 8TA Hence, the correct option is (D). (S ) X TS r J 1.935T . r (15 r 4 ) 2 0.082T r3 Hence, the correct option is (B). Strength of Materials 6.23 114 (B) G C r L G (at interface r is constant) GAl Gsteel So at interface shear stress is not continuous. r Constant. G G r (as r is constant, is constant at interface) Hence, the correct option is (B). Golden sentence : As G is different for different material at the interface therefore is also different at the interface, therefore shear stress is not continuous at the interface. i.e. at the interface will be different in different material. We know that r Constant. L is constant and r is same at the interface L therefore is same at interface. i.e. shear strain is continuous at the interface not the shear stress. Kulkarni Academy 7.1 Introduction Column : A vertical member of a structure which is under compression. Strut : It is relatively smaller in size compare d to column but it may be inclined also. This term is generally used in reference to trusses. Strut also carries compressive load. Boom : It is a compression member used in cranes. Classification of columns : 1. Short column L 8 d Fails by crushing tan 2. Intermediate column 8 d L 30 d Fails by both crushing and buckling 3. Long columns L 30 d Fails by buckling In the design of long columns Euler’s theory is used and in the design of intermediate column Ranking theory is used. 2 L Px P tan ( is small) Total disturbing force 2P tan 2P Case : 1 If disturbing force > Restoring force 2P K Buckling : Due to the sudden loss of stiffness, the column deflects laterally and this is known as buckling. It is elastic instability. Ideal column : A column is said to be an ideal column if it is perfectly straight before loading and made of homogeneous material and load passes through c.g. of cross section. 2 L L 2 2P 2 K L P KL 4 (Unstable) Case : 2 If restoring force > Disturbing force P KL (Stable equilibrium) 4 Strength of Materials Effective length : 116 Kulkarni Academy Where, n 0,1,2,3,..... When end moments are applied, the column deflects laterally with the maximum displacement max , which is proportional to M 0 . Now suppose that we gradually apply the axial load ‘P’. While at the same time decreasing end moments so that max does not change. When end moments become zero max is maintained only by axial load. The axial load required to hold the column in its deflected position without any moment is called critical load or buckling load. Effective length ( Le ) : Unsupported length between points of zero moment is known as effective length. Euler’s theory of column : 1. The column is an ideal column. 2. The column fails by buckling alone. 3. The failure occurs only by buckling i.e. buckling load is less than crushing load and hence in Euler theory stress is always less than yield stress. By using the equation EId 2 y M dx 2 We can calculate the critical load. P n 2 2 EI L2e When n 0, P 0 , this is trivial solution (Meaning less) / Unimportant solution. Therefore let is calculate the min value of P at which the column buckles, this load is known as critical load. According to Euler theory, the buckling load or critical load is given by Pcr 2 EI L2e Le Effective length n indicates the number of times the curvature changes. n 2; Le L 2 Kulkarni Academy n 3; Le 117 L 3 Columns Slenderness ratio ( ) : 2 EI least Pcr L2e 2 Ileast AKleast Pcr 2 E A L 2 e K least 2 E c 2 ; Slenderness ratio Le K least For mild steel y PL 250MPa E 200 103 MPa For applying Euler’s equation cr y 2 E y 2 bd 3 db3 , Iy Ix 12 12 Ix I y Pcr 2 EI Least L2e NOTE Critical load does not depend on strength of ve material it depends only on E and dimensions. Two dimensionally identical columns one of high strength steel and other of ordinary steel will buckle under the same critical load because they have same value of E. The critical load which we derived has meaning only when the stress is less than proportionality limit or yield or elastic limit. 2 200 103 250 2 89.9 90 Limitation of Euler’s theory of column : It is not valid for short columns because in short column crushing occurs before buckling for the validity of Euler’s theory, buckling should occur before crushing. Therefore, if Euler’s theory is to be applied for mild steel the slenderness ratio must be greater than 90. Slenderness ratio helps us in classifying the column as Short 30 Intermediate 30 80 Long 80 Strength of Materials Effective length 118 of column different support : with Kulkarni Academy Case : 3 Both ends fixed Case : 1 Both end hinged Le L 2 Pcr 42 EI L2 Case : 4 One end fixed and other end pinned. Pcr 2 EI L2 Case : 2 One end fixed & other end free Pcr Pcr 2 EI 4 L2 22 EI L2 A Fails by crushing 2 E cr 2 Kulkarni Academy 119 Columns 1. Analysis : Design of intermediate column : Case : 1 Intermediate column fails by both crushing and buckling Rankine’s formula is used in the design of intermediate column. It is an empirical relation. 1 1 1 P Pc Pe P Rankine’s crippling load P Pc Pe Pc Pe 2 EI ( Le1 )2 Pc c . A 2 EI Pcr2 ( Le2 )2 2 EI Pe 2 Le Pcr2 Pcr1 P Pcr1 Le2 Le1 For design point of view, we consider more effective length. Case : 2 Pc P 1 c Pe c . A A 1 2c EA 2 P c . A ; 1 2 c 2 E Rankine constant depends upon the material. Le2 Le1 So effective length 2L 3 1 Mild steel 7500 1 Cast iron 1600 1 Wood 750 Strength of Materials P 120 Kulkarni Academy Q.5 Practice Questions The maximum compressive load that can be applied on a hinged-hinged column of cross- Q.1 The Euler’s buckling load of a column fixed section 20mm 10mm and length 2000mm at both the ends is P. If one of the ends is is (allowable compressive stress 250MPa: made free, the buckling load shall change to E 210GPa ) (A) P 16 P (C) 4 Q.2 (B) P 8 P (D) 2 Q.6 (A) 0.86kN (B) 3.45kN (C) 25kN (D) 50kN The buckling load of a slender column clamped at both the ends is 4000 N. The The Euler buckling load in an axially loaded column is subjected to an axial compression. slender column During the course of service, one of the ends (A) Increases with increase in slenderness gets detached from the clamp and becomes ratio free end. The absolute percentage change in (B) Decrease with increase in slenderness the buckling load due to the change in the end ratio condition is (C) Is not affected by slenderness ratio (D) None of the above Q.3 Q.4 A column has a rectangular cross-section of Q.7 (A) 50.00 (B) 75.00 (C) 83.25 (D) 93.75 A rigid bar AB is hinged at B through a 10mm 20mm and a length of 1m. The torsional spring with spring constant kt . For slenderness ratio of the column is close to small rotations of the bar AB about B, the (A) 200 (B) 346 critical load Pcr is given by (C) 477 (D) 1000 For a slender steel column of circular cross section, the critical buckling load is pcr . If the diameter of the column is doubled (keeping other material and geometrical parameters same), then the critical buckling load of the column is P (A) cr 16 (C) 2 Pcr (B) 8Pcr (D) 16 Pcr (A) k1 2L (B) k1 L (C) 2k1 L (D) 4k1 L Kulkarni Academy Q.8 121 Find the maximum force P (in kN) that can be applied to the planar structure ABC so as to prevent buckling in any of the members. Consider buckling only in the plane of the Columns Q.10 Two massless rigid bars, each of length a 0.5m, are connected by a rotational spring having stiffness k 1000 N.m/rad. Find the buckling load P (in kN) structure Joint B is a pin connection. Use E 200 GPa for both members. The diameter of member AB is 10 mm and the diameter of member BC is 15 mm. Q.11 The column fails by, P 430kN Yield stress = 250 MPa E 200GPa L 1m 1 2.198 10 7 m4 A 1.662 103 m2 Q.9 A rigid bar compressed by a vertical force P and connected by a horizontal spring is as shown in figure. The buckling load for the column is (A) KL KL (C) 2 (B) 2KL (D) 4KL (A) Buckling only (B) Yielding only (C) Buckling and yielding simultaneously (D) Will not fail Q.12 The rod PQ of length L and with flexural rigidity EI is hinged at both ends. For what minimum force F is it expected to buckle? (A) 2 EI L2 (B) (C) 2 EI 2 L2 (D) 22 EI L2 2 EI 2 L2 Strength of Materials 122 Kulkarni Academy Q.13 An axially loaded column is made of a Q.15 A rigid bar of length L is hinged at the lower material whose yield stress is 2 108 Pa. If end and is loaded by a compressive force P at the Young’s modulus of the material is 200 the upper end. At the mid length of this bar GPa, from the plot of the compressive stress two springs of spring constant ‘k’ is slenderness ratio curve shown in the figure, transversely attached. The critical load for the the Euler buckling load formula is valid for: stability of its equilibrium is given by (A) All regions of the curve (B) For region ABCD (C) For region OCDE (D) For region DEFG (A) 2.0kL (B) 1.5kL (C) 1.0kL (D) 0.5kL Q.16 The figure below shows 4 long columns with different support conditions but the same flexural rigidity EI. Let P, Q, R and S be the Q.14 A column of length L hinged at two ends is as shown in figure. If the column is prevented values of their critical buckling load as shown below the respective columns. from bending in the form of one lobe by a restraint at its midpoint, the Euler crippling load is given as 2 EI (A) L2 22 EI (B) L2 42 EI (C) L2 2 EI (D) 4 L2 P, Q, R and S can be arranged in increasing order as (A) Q, S, R, P (B) Q, P, R, S (C) Q, R, P, S (D) Q, R, S, P Kulkarni Academy A 123 I AK 2 Answer Key 7.1 A 7.2 B 7.3 B 7.4 D 7.5 A 7.6 D 7.7 B 7.8 1.37 7.9 A 7.10 4 7.11 B 7.12 C 7.13 D 7.14 C 7.15 D 7.16 D E 7.1 Columns Explanation I 20 103 A 12 (10 20) K 2.88mm L SR e Kleast K 1000 346.41 2.88 Hence, the correct options is (B). 7.4 SR (D) (B) Pcr Column fixed at both end 42 EI P L2 If one of the ends is made free. 2 EI P' 4 L2 P 16 P' P P' 16 2 EI least Pcr X (constant) L2e Pcr I Pcr1 X d 4 Pcr 64 Pcr2 X (2d ) 4 64 4 Pcr1 d Pcr2 (2d ) 4 Hence, the correct options is (A). 7.2 (B) Pcr 2 EI 2 EA 2 L2e 1 If is increases, 2 Pcr decreases. Pcr Hence, the correct options is (B). 7.3 (B) 2 EI least L2e Pcr2 16 Pcr Hence, the correct options is (D). 7.5 Pcr (A) 2 EI least L2 (Both ends are hinged Le L ) Le 2000 692.82 2 20 103 (20 10) SR Pcr K 2.88 (692.82)2 20 103 Pcr 863.59 N K 12 (20 10) Pcr 0.863kN K 2.88mm Hence, the correct options is (A). Strength of Materials 7.6 124 (D) Kulkarni Academy 7.8 1.37 Slender column clamped at both the ends. Pcr 4000 N 42 EI L2 If one end free : Pcr ' 2 EI 4 L2 Pcr ' 4000 250 16 % change DAB 10mm , DBC 15mm 4000 250 100 93.75% 4000 (Decrease in load) P 2 EI Pcr 2 L 2 Hence, the correct options is (D). 7.7 (B) 2 200 103 (10) 4 P 64 Pcr 4 (1000) 2 P 1.370kN P Pcr 2 2 200 103 (15)4 64 (2000) 2 P Kt L tan L PL Kt Kt Pcr L Pcr Kt L Hence, the correct options is (B). P 1.734kN To prevent buckling, in any member, we consider min of (1.370, 1.734) 1.37 kN Hence, the correct answer is 1.37. Kulkarni Academy 7.9 (A) 125 Columns 7.11 (B) P 430kN y 250MPa E 200GPa L 1m I 2.198 107 m4 A 1.662 103 m2 Pcr M0 0 P K ( L) 2 200 103 2.198 107 106 1 Pcr 433kN 430kN (i.e. not buckle) Pcr P KL Hence, the correct options is (A). 7.10 2 EI L2e Check for crushing Pcrushing c A 4 250 106 1.622 103 415.5kN As the actual load is more than the crushing load, so it is failed by crushing or yielding. Hence, the correct options is (B). 7.12 tan a a a P Kt 2 P(a) Kt (2) 2 Kt 2000 4kN a 0.5 Hence, the correct answer is 4. P (C) P cos 45 F P 2F Both ends hinged 2 EI 2F 2 L 2 EI 2 EI P 2 2F 2 L L 2 EI F 2 L2 Hence, the correct options is (C). Strength of Materials 7.13 126 Kulkarni Academy ( K1 K2 )L P (D) P ( K1 K2 ) L y 2 108 Pa E 200GPa 2 E y 2 99.9 100 Euler buckling load formula is valid for Region DEFG Hence, the correct options is (D). 7.14 (C) P 2 K P L 2 2 KL 2 P 0.5 KL Hence, the correct options is (D). 7.16 Le L 2 Pcr 2 EI L2e Pcr 42 EI L2e (D) Hence, the correct options is (C). 7.15 (D) P 1 L2e Order of critical buckling load. QRSP Hence, the correct options is (D). 8.1 Introduction Assumptions: 1. Material is homogeneous and isotropic. 2. The beam is initially straight and unstressed. 3. Elastic limit is not exceeded. 4. Young’s modulus is same in compression and tension. 5. The plain section of beam remains plain before and after bending. Pure bending/simple bending: A member is said to be in pure bending when Fig. A deformed beam loaded transversely to its axis NOTE It’s not necessary for the complete beam to undergo pure bending part of the beam may also undergo pure bending. it is subjected to equal and opposite couples in the plane along the longitudinal axis. For pure bending the shear force is zero. SFD Pure bending in BC region because in BC Region Shear force is equal to ZERO. Neutral Surface and Neutral Axis: Strength of Materials 128 Kulkarni Academy As the loading is within proportionality limit Hooke’s law can be apply i.e. E y E R Neutral surface: It is the surface which experiences neither tension nor compression, E y R There is only one neutral surface. Neutral axis: It is the line of intersection of cross-section with the neutral surface, there can be any no. of infinite neutral axis. or …. (i) y E R Bending stress E Young’s modulus y Distance from NA R Radius of curvature Equilibrium: As there is no external force applied in axial direction therefore net force in axial direction must be zero. Undeformed element Deformed element Normal strain in ab a ' b ' ab ab ( R y)d Rd Rd y R From this equation it is observed that the normal strain is directly proportional to the distance from the neutral axis (y). In the above equation ve sign shows that for + ve bending moment (sagging) there will be compressive stresses when y is + ve i.e., above the neutral axis. Similarly, when y is ve (below NA) strain is +ve i.e., tensile. Force Equilibrium: Ey R dF dA dF E ydA R Faxial E ydA 0 R ydA A y A 0, y 0 y 0 shows that the centroidal axis coincides with NA therefore in pure bending centroidal axis always coincides with neutral axis. Kulkarni Academy 129 Moment Equilibrium: Ey R Bending Stresses MR E I R …. (ii) From equation (i) and (ii), dF dA E dF ydA R MR E y I R Moment dF y Where M R = Moment of resistance Total moment ( M ) dF y Above Equation is known as Euler Bernoulli bending equation. M E ydA y R Economical sections: In a beam having rectangular or circular section the fibers near neutral axis are under stressed (less) compared with those at the top or bottom. The face that the large portion of the crosssection is thus under stressed makes it inefficient for resisting flexure or bending. M indicates that if the I y area of the beam of rectangular cross-section is rearranged (redistributed) so as to maintain same depth and same area the MOI would be greatly increased resulting in greater moment carrying capacity. The expression y dA 2 is the second moment of area about NA and this is known as area moment of inertia and it is designated by I. y dA I 2 M zz E I R Let M R be the resisting moment M M R M R MR EI R EI R This moment resisting capacity is due to placing more material at greater distance from the NA. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 I Fig 2 I Fig.1 In order to obtain the maximum resistance to bending it is advisable to use section which have large area away from the NA and hence Isections and T-sections are preferable. Strength of Materials 130 Kulkarni Academy Beams of uniform strength: A beam is said to be beam of uniform strength if the maximum bending stress is same at each and every section. Case I: Cantilever beam subjected to moment ‘M’ at the free end. Section modulus (Z): I is known as section modulus, if section ymax modulus (z) is more, max will be less and the resistance to the bending is more and hence chances of bending failure will be less. NOTE In case of axial loading c/s area is considered where as in the case of bending section modulus is considered. My I Mymax max I M I Z ; max Z ymax M max Z max Mymax I max 6M bd 2 d M 2 bd 3 12 As max is independent of x therefore max is constant at each and every section, therefore, this is the beam of constant strength. Generally beams are subjected to transverse loading and hence BM changes along the length of the beam so it is not a beam of constant strength, to make such a beam a beam of constant strength, two techniques are followed. (a) Varying width, keeping the depth constant (b) Varying depth, keeping the width constant. Kulkarni Academy 131 (max )1-1 max 2-2 6 Px bx d 2 6 PL bL d 2 Bending Stresses Let the depth at the fixed end be ‘d’. dL d dx d x L Case 1: Varying width, keeping depth dx x constant For a uniform strength beam max 1-1 max 2-2 6 Px 6 PL bx d 2 bL d 2 x bx bL L Let width at fixed end bL b x bx b L M E 2 y dA R Case II: Keeping the width constant, varying depth. max 11 max 22 6 Px 6 PL bd x2 bd L2 dx dL x L Important observation: Strength of Materials P 8.1 Practice Questions 132 Kulkarni Academy 8.5 In the flexure theory of beams, the neutral axis has the following characteristic. (A) Always passes through the centroid of the cross section A homogenous prismatic simply supported beam is subjected to a point load F. The load can be placed anywhere along the span of the beam. The maximum flexural stress developed in the beam is (B) Always remains straight after bending (C) Always lies at the mid height of crosssection (D) Longitudinal stress is maximum along the axis. 8.2 In a prismatic beam under the action of pure bending. (A) Both the shear stress and shear strain are zero (B) Shear stress is zero and shear strain is non zero. (C) Shear stress is non -zero and shear strain is zero 8.6 (D) Both shear stress and shear strain are non-zero 8.3 A steel wire of diameter 5mm is bent around a cylindrical drum of radius 0.5m. The steel wire has modulus of elasticity of 200 GPa. Find the bending moment in the wire in N-m. 8.7 8.4 A steel beam replaced by a corresponding aluminium beam of same cross-sectional shape and dimensions, and is subjected to same loading. The maximum bending stress will (A) Be unaltered (B) Increase (C) Decrease (D) Vary in proportion to their modulus of elasticity (A) 3FL 2 BD 2 (B) 3FL 4 BD 2 (C) 2 FL 3BD 2 (D) 4 FL 3BD 2 A hollow circular shaft of inside diameter 10 mm and outside diameter 20 mm is subjected to a pure symmetric - bending moment of 200 N-m. The magnitude of bending stress at a point in the plane of loading. Which is at a distance of 5mm from the neutral axis, is (A) 0 (B) 68.8 MPa (C) 135.8 MPa (D) 271.6 MPa A test is conducted on a beam loaded by end couples. The fibers at layer CD are found to lengthen by 0.03 mm and fibers at layer AB shorten by 0.09 mm in 20 mm gauge length as shown in the figure. Taking E 2 105 N/mm2 , the flexural stress at the top fibre in N/mm2 is__________. Kulkarni Academy 8.8 133 A beam of flexural rigidity 8 104 Nm2 is subjected to four point bending as shown in figure. The radius of curvature of the portion BC of the beam is Bending Stresses 8.12 An unspecified pure bending moment is used to bend an aluminium rod of radius 2.5 mm elastically into a circular ring of radius 2 m. If the same bending moment is used to bend elastically a copper rod of radius 2 mm, the radius of the resulting ring (in m) is (elastic modulus of aluminium is 70 GPa and elastic modulus of copper is 120 GPa ) 8.9 8.10 8.11 (A) 800 m (B) 600 m (C) 1000 m (D) continuously variable A structural steel beam has an unsymmetrical I- cross -section. The overall depth of the beam is 200 mm. The flange stresses at the top and bottom are 120 N/mm2 and 80 N/mm2 , respectively. The depth of the neutral axis from the top of the beam will be (A) 120 mm (B) 100 mm (C) 80 mm (D) 60 mm A square beam laid flat is then roatated in such a way that one of its diagonal becomes horizontal. How is its moment capacity affected ? (A) Increases by 41.4% (B) Increases by 29.27 % (C) Decreases by 29.27% (D) Decreases by 41.4 % A thin steel ruler having its cross-section of 0.0625 cm 2.5 cm bent by couples applied at its ends so that its length l equal to 25 cm , When bent, as a circular arc, subtends a central angle Take 600 . E 2 106 kg/cm2 . The maximum stress induced in the ruler and the magnitude is (A) 2618 kg/cm2 (B) 2512 kg/cm2 (C) 2406 kg/cm2 (D) 2301 kg/cm2 8.13 (A) 0.702 (B) 1.404 (C) 1.755 (D) 2.808 The structure shown below is of rectangular cross-section and carries a load of 10kN at its free end E. Maximum bending stress (in MPa) developed in the beam due the external load is _____________. The depth of the beam is 300mm and the width is 150mm. 8.14 In a beam of uniform strength the extreme fibers at every cross-section are stressed to the maximum allowable stress. Consider a solid circular beam of uniform strength subjected to bending moment. In this beam, the diameter of the cross-section at any section is proportional (A) To cube root of the bending moment at that section (B) To the square root of the bending moment at that section (C) To the bending moment at that section (D) Inversely to the bending moment at that section Strength of Materials 8.15 134 A cantilever beam of T-section, shown in figure is carrying a couple moment M 0 at the free end. Maximum magnitude of bending stress will occur at (A) Bottom fibre throughout (B) Top fibre at fixed end only (C) Bottom fibre at fixed end (D) Top fibre throughout Common Data Questions 8.16 & 8.17 A massless beam has a loading pattern as shown in the figure. The beam is of rectangular cross-section with a width of 30 mm and height of 100mm 8.16 The maximum bending moment occurs at (A) Location B (B) 2675 mm to the right of A (C) 2500 mm to the right of A (D) 3225 mm to the right of A 8.17 The maximum magnitude of bending stress (in MPa) is given by (A) 60.0 (B) 67.5 (C) 200.0 (D) 225.0 Kulkarni Academy Kulkarni Academy A 135 Answer Key Bending Stresses 8.4 8.1 A 8.2 A 8.3 12.210 8.4 A 8.5 A 8.6 C 8.7 900 8.8 A 8.9 A 8.10 C 8.11 A 8.12 B 8.13 17.77 8.14 A 8.15 A 8.16 C 8.17 B (A) Hence, the correct option is (A). 8.5 (A) Pab Fx( L x) L L dM M max , 0 dx F ( L 2 x) 0 L L x 2 M E 8.1 Explanation For, (A) Hence, the correct option is (A). 8.2 (A) VAy pure bending shear force V 0 Ib 0 G; 0 Hence, the correct option is (A). 8.3 12.210 Nm L L L FL 2 2 M max L 4 FL 2 3FL My max 4 3 BD I 2 BD 2 12 Hence, the correct option is (A). F 8.6 E 200 GPa 5 R ' 500 502.5mm 2 I wire (5)4 64 M E y I R (5) 4 64 M N-mm 502.5 M 12210.79 N-mm 200 103 M 12.210 N-m Hence, the correct answer is 12.210 N-m. (C) M 200 N-m My y 5mm I 200 5 1000 (0.0204 0.0104 ) 64 135.8122 MPa Hence, the correct option is (C). Strength of Materials 8.7 900 136 Kulkarni Academy 8.8 (A) BC region is pure bending region, so bending moment in BC region is constant and SF 0 Pa 100 1 100 N M E y I R EI 8 104 800 m M 100 Hence, the correct option is (A). R CD 0.03 mm AB 0.09 mm 8.9 (A) LCD LAB 20 mm 0.03 1.5 103 20 0.09 AB 4.5 103 20 From similar rule CD AB x 100 x 1.5 103 4.5 103 x 100 x 3x 100 x x 25mm topfibre ? x? My I y CD 120 x 80 200 x 3 x 2 200 x 600 3x 2 x 5x 600 x 600 120mm 5 Hence, the correct option is (A). 8.10 (C) CD CD E 1.5 103 2 105 N/mm2 300 MPa top 300 (From similar rule) 75 25 topfibre 900 MPa Hence, the correct Answer is 900 MPa. I a4 a3 Z1 12 6 Kulkarni Academy 137 Bending Stresses a4 a3 Z 2 12 a 6 2 2 Z1 Z 2 0.0625 0.03125 cm 2 2 10 0.03125 25 3 ymax 2617.99kg/cm2 Moment capacity affect a3 a3 Z Z2 6 6 2 1 a3 Z1 6 1 1 2 0.2928 1 by 29.28% Hence, the correct option is (C). 8.11 Hence, the correct option is (A). 8.12 (B) Aluminium rod R 2.5 mm Circular ring radius 2 m EAl 70 GPa Copper rod, radius 2 mm RRing ? , Ecu 120 GPa Al M E y I R (A) EI EI M R Al R Cu 70 (2.5)4 120 (2)4 64 64 2 ( RCu ) Ring ( RCu ) Ring 1.404 m Hence, the correct option is (B). 8.13 E 2 106 kg/cm2 , 600 L R M E y I R Ey R 17.77 M 0 50 10 40 kN-m d 300 mm, b 150 mm 40 103 N-m 150 103 150 3003 12 17.77 MPa Hence, the correct answer is 17.77 MPa. Strength of Materials 8.14 138 (A) Kulkarni Academy 8.16 (C) M E y I R For uniform strength beam, maximum bending stress is same at each and every section. My I d 4 I 64 M d y 2 d 32 3 M d M RA RB 6000 N M A 0 RB 4 6000 3 3 RB 4500 N RA 1500 N [ Constant] VX RA 3000( x 2) d3M Hence, the correct option is (A). 8.15 1500 3000 x 6000 0 (A) 7500 3000x x 7500 2.5m 2500 mm from A, 3000 SF 0 , BM-Max M x RA x 3000 ( x 2)2 2 At x 2.5 m or 2500 mm (to the right of A) bending moment is max. Hence, the correct option is (C). 8.17 As bending moment is same throughout the beam, so max bending stress depend on y value, from above fig. y1 y2 So maximum magnitude of bending stress will occur at bottom fiber throughout. Hence, the correct option is (A). (B) M 1500 2.5 3000 (0.5)2 2 M 3750 375 3375 N-m max 3375 103 (N-mm) 50 67.5 MPa 30 1003 12 Hence, the correct option is (B). 9.1 Introduction Assumptions : The material is isotropic and homogeneous. The loading is within elastic limit i.e. Hooks law is valid. The shear stress is assumed to be uniform along the width. F b A My (b dy ) I Net unbalance force Due to transverse loading there is a transverse shear stress and this is accompanied by the shear in perpendicular direction known as complementary shear (along longitudinal direction) ( M dM ) y bdy My(b dy) I I dMyb dy I Strength of Materials 140 Kulkarni Academy d y 2 y y 2 h Y d y 1d y 4 2 2 2 d 1 d V b y y VAy 2 2 2 bd 3 Ib b 12 dM y b dy b dx I ( dM varies with x not with y so it is constant). dM I h (bdy). y b dx y 6V d 2 3 y2 bd 4 At the N.A, y 0 bdy dA dA dM Ay b dx I dM 1 Ay dx Ib dM V = Shear force dx Shear stress at a distance y from N.A A Area of the cross-section above y y Distance of c.g. of A from N.A b Width of the beam VAy Ib max 6V d 2 . bd 3 4 max 3V 2 bd 3 max avg 2 Shear stress distribution in rectangular crosssection beam : NOTE The shear stress distribution in the beam along the depth varies parabolically. Kulkarni Academy Triangular cross-section beam : 141 Shear Stress in Beam and Combined Loading In case of bending the bending stresses are more away from the N.A and hence in case of bending I-sections are preferred. Circular cross-section beam : I-section NOTE VAY Ib 1 Width 1 Shear stress in flange at the junction For shear stress distribution along the depth check width (b) at the junction if width is increases, shear stress is decreases suddenly or vice versa. Combined loading : A force of 15000 N is applied to the edge of the member as shown in figure. Neglect the weight of the member and determine the state of stress at points B and C. 2 Shear stress in the web at the junction 1 b 2 B NOTE About 80-90% of the shear load is taken by web whereas only 10 to 20% of the shear load is taken by flanges, therefore for resisting shear load circular sections are preferred because the area is more near the centre. 15000 50 750000 N-mm Bending stress Strength of Materials 142 Direct stress Kulkarni Academy 8 0.2 My 375kPa 0.8 0.43 I 12 Stress due to moment of 8 kNm 375kPa [AD (Tension) , BC (Compression)] (B ) 11.25 3.75 7.5MPa (+) (Tensile) C 3.75 11.25 15MPa (Compressive) Direct (Compressive) stress : P 15000 3.75MPa ( ve) A 100 40 My 750000 50 b 11.25MPa 40 1003 I 12 Example 1 A Rectangular block of negligible weight is subjected to a vertical force of 40 kN which is applied to its corner. Determine the stress distribution acting on a section through ABCD. Sol. Let us shift the force from R to T, My I 16 0.4 375kPa 0.4 0.83 12 Kulkarni Academy 143 Stress due to moment of 16 kNm 375kPa [AB (+ ve), CD (– ve)] Direct stress due to load ‘P’ at c.g. P 40 125kPa ( ve ) A 0.8 0.4 Shear Stress in Beam and Combined Loading Sol. Direct stress P (Compressive) bh Stress at A due to bending My I h 2 6 Pey (+ ve) 3 bh bh 2 12 Pey . Total stress at A, P 6 Pey 0 bh bh2 ey A 125 375 375 625kPa B 125 375 375 125kPa C 125 375 375 875kPa h Condition for No tension 6 Similarly ex b 6 [Most critical] D 125 375 375 125kPa Example 2 A rectangular block of negligible weight and is subjected to vertical force ‘P’ as shown in figure. Determine the range of values for the eccentricity e y of the load along y-axis so that it does not cause any tensile stress in the block. If the load (compressive) is within EFGH, there will not be any tensile stress in the cross-section, so that the stress is always compressive in nature. In the design of pillars (concrete, structures), it should be seen so that the load is with in the shaded region EFGH. Because, if the load is outside this region tensile stresses are setup and the concrete is weak in tension and it may fail. Strength of Materials P 9.1 144 Kulkarni Academy 9.5 Practice Questions A simply supported beam having a rectangular cross-section of depth d is subjected to a vertical concentrated load p at the mid-span. The maximum shear stress in a section occurs at (A) d/2 from the top of the cross-section (B) d/3 from the top of the cross-section (C) 2d/3 from the top of the cross-section 9.6 (D) Top of the cross-section 9.2 The transverse shear stress acting in a beam of rectangular cross-section, subjected to a transverse shear load, is A simply supported beam of span L is subjected to a concentrated load P at midspan. The cross-section of the beam is rectangular. The ratio of the shear stress at 1 the depth of the beam to the shear stress 4th at the centre of the cross-section is 3 1 (A) (B) 8 2 3 (C) (D) 2 4 A rectangular cross-section beam of width w 0.25m and depth d 0.4m is subjected to a bending moment M 200 N-m and a uniform axial load of P 200 N as shown. Measured from the centroidal axis of the beam, normal stress will be zero at a distance of (A) Variablewith maximum at the bottom of the beam (B) Variable with maximum at the top of the beam (C) Uniform (D) Variable with maximum on the neutral axis 9.3 9.4 Consider a simply supported beam of length 50h, with a rectangular cross-section of depth, h, and width, 2h. The beam carries a vertical point load, P at its mid-point. The ratio of the maximum shear stress to the maximum bending stress in the beam is (A) 0.02 (B) 0.10 (C) 0.05 (D) 0.01 9.7 (A) y 15mm (B) y 13.3mm (C) y 15mm (D) y 10mm An L-shaped bar of square cross-section with sides. b, is loaded as shown in the figure. If the value of the stress component xx at point P is zero, the distance a of the force F from the x-axis should be A vertical pole, cantilevered at the bottom, has a solid circular cross-section of diameter d 49.21mm. It is loaded by a horizontal force P 6675 N at the top end. The maximum shear stress in the pole is (A) 4.25 N/mm 2 (C) 4.68 N/mm2 (B) 5.68 N/mm 2 (D) 7.50 N/mm2 (A) b (C) b 3 b 2 b (D) 6 (B) Kulkarni Academy 9.8 145 A cantilever beam having cross-sectional area 0.1 m2 and moment of inertia 1.33 103 m4 as shown in figure is subjected to uniform tension of 200 N and a couple of 200 N-m at the free end. Shear Stress in Beam and Combined Loading 9.10 For the component loaded with a force F as shown in the figure. The axial stress at the corner point P is The state of stress at point P, 20 mm above the neutral axis is (A) (B) (C) 9.9 (D) Two 50mm diameter solid rods are rigidly connected together at right angles and loaded as shown. Use P 1000 kN. At point A located at the top of the cross-section at the fixed end, the magnitude of bending stress and shear stress are (A) 256MPa, =512MPa (B) 512MPa, =256MPa (C) 512MPa, =128MPa (D) 128MPa, =512MPa (A) F 3L b 4b3 (B) F 3L b 4b3 (C) F 3L 4b 4b3 (D) F 3L 2b 4b3 Common Data Questions 9.11 & 9.12 A machine frame shown in the figure below is subjected to a horizontal force of 600 N parallel to z-direction. Strength of Materials 9.11 9.12 146 The normal and shear stresses in MPa at point P are respectively (A) 67.9 and 56.6 (B) 56.6 and 67.9 (C) 67.9 and 0.0 (D) 0.0 and 56.6 The maximum principal stress in MPa and the orientation of the corresponding principal plane in degrees are respectively (A) 32.0 and 29.52 (B) 100.0 and 60.48 (C) 32.0 and 60.48 (D) 100.0 and 29.52 9.13 A 40 mm diameter rotor shaft of a helicopter transmits a torque T 0.16 kN-m and a tensile force P 24 kN. The maximum tensile stress (in MPa) induced in the shaft is____. Use the value of 3.1416. Kulkarni Academy Kulkarni Academy A 147 Answer Key 9.1 A 9.2 D 9.3 D 9.4 C 9.5 C 9.6 B 9.7 D 9.8 C 9.9 C 9.10 D 9.11 C 9.12 D 9.13 80 E 9.1 Shear Stress in Beam and Combined Loading 6 max 6 1 16 0.01 600 (b ) max 600 100 16 Hence, the correct option is (D). 9.4 (C) Explanation (A) 4 max avg 3 (D) Hence, the correct option is (D). 9.3 4P 3A 4 6675 3 (49.21)2 4 4.6794 N/mm2 (max )circular Hence, the correct option is (A). 9.2 circle (D) max Hence, the correct option is (C). 9.5 max (C) 6V h 2 (2h) h3 4 P 6P 22 8h 16h 2 P (50h) h . My 4 2 (b )max h3 I 2h 12 2 50 Ph 12 8 2. h 4 600 P (b )max 16 h2 6 …..(i) …..(ii) 2 6V d 2 d () d bd 3 4 4 y 4 6V d 2 () y 0 . bd 3 4 4 1 () d 1 1 y 3 4 4 16 16 1 1 () y 0 4 4 4 Hence, the correct option is (C). Strength of Materials 9.6 148 Kulkarni Academy Due to F (B) Tensile stress F b2 Due to moment 200 2kN 0.25 0.4 200 0.2 b (max) 30kPa 0.25 0.43 12 28 32 y 0.4 y (From similar triangle rule) 11.2 28 y 32 y y 0.1866 x 0.2 y 0.01333m 13.3mm nd II method : 200 200 y 12 0 0.25 0.4 0.25 0.43 y 13.3mm Hence, the correct option is (B). 9.7 b 2 MY 4 b I 12 6Fa 3 b The value of stress component at point P = 0 F 6 Fa 3 So, b2 b b a 6 Hence, the correct option is (D). b tensile Fa. 9.8 (C) 200 2kPa 0.1 My (bending ) P I 200 0.02 3.007 kPa (Compression) 1.33 103 Net stress at P 2 3.007 1.007kPa direct (Compressive stress) (D) Hence, the correct option is (C). Kulkarni Academy 9.9 149 Shear Stress in Beam and Combined Loading Bending stress MY F ( L b) b b b4 4 I 2 12 12 F ( L b) b 16 b3 (C) (total ) P = F 12 F ( L b) 4b2 16 b3 4 Fb 12FL 12Fb 16 b3 12 FL 8Fb F (3L 2b) 16 b3 4 b3 Ans. Hence, the correct option is (D). 9.11 (C) M P 2kN-m 16T 16 1000 103 d3 (50 103 )3 16T 128GPa d3 Ans. My 1000 103 2 25 103 b I (50 103 ) 4 64 512 109 Pa 512GPa Ans. Hence, the correct option is (C). 9.10 (D) Shear stress 16T 16 300 3 56.6MPa d (30 103 )3 Bending stress My b I M P 0.3N-m 600 0.3 180 N-m Direct stress d P F 2 A 4b 180 15 103 b 67.9 MPa (30 103 ) 4 64 Hence, the correct option is (C). Strength of Materials 9.12 150 (D) direct max x y 2 y 2 x 2 2 67.9 67.9 2 (56.6) 2 2 max 99.95MPa tan 2P tan 2P Ans. 2 xy 16T 16 0.16103 103 d3 (40)3 16T 40MPa d3 max y x y 2 x 2 2 max 60 60 (40)2 2 2 2 x y 2 56.6 29.520 67.9 24103 N 2 (40) 2 mm 4 415MPa 60MPa 2 max Kulkarni Academy Ans. 2 max 30 302 402 max 30 50 80MPa Hence, the correct answer is 80. Hence, the correct option is (D). 9.13 80 T 0.16 kN-m P 24 kN 10.1 Introduction The main aim of machine design is to size the component. The component must be designed in such a way that it should not fail and if at all it falls it should fail safe. Failure is non ability of the component to perform its function. (failure does not necessarily) mean separation or fracture of component. Theories of failure provide a relationship between strength of the component subjected to combined loading with that obtained in uniaxial test Two modes of failure are considered (i) Yielding (Ductile) y (ii) Fracture (Brittle) 𝜎𝑢𝑡 Different theory of failures (i) Maximum principal stress theory (Rankine’s theory) (ii) Maximum principal strain theory (St. Venant theory) (iii)Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca / Guest theory) (iv) Maximum strain energy theory (Haigh’s theory) (v) Maximum distortion energy / max shear strain theory (Hencky-von mises theory) (i) Maximum Principal Stress Theory (Rankine’s theory): According to this theory failure occurs when the maximum principal stress in a loaded member reaches yield stress (for ductile materials) or ultimate stress (for brittle materials). 1, 2 x y 1 y Or 1 ut 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 Strength of Materials For no failure 1 y Or 152 2 y 1 y 2 y 1 ut 2 ut 1 uc 2 uc max 0.57 yt From experiments (In general yt yc ) If y 350 MPa Kulkarni Academy When a member is subjected to pure torsion though the maximum principal stress is less than yield stress the maximum shear stress is not less than the permissible maximum shear stress (as per experiments). It may fail by shear as ductile 9material are weak in shear therefore this theory is not used for ductile materials. (Maximum principal stress theory is applicable for brittle material. This theory considered only maximum principal stress and disregards other stresses). (ii) Maximum Principal Strain Theory: According to this theory for no failure maximum principal statin in a loaded member must be less than strain under yielding conditions when a member is subjected to uniaxial loading. max 200 MPa { 1 350 maximum principal stress is less than y it is safe.} max It fails in shear x 0 y 0 x y 1, 2 2 Principal strain 1 y 2 x xy 2 1 2 , 2 2 1 E E E E xy yt yt E For no failure 1 y y 350 300 MPa 2 1 yt ; 1 u2 yt E E 2 yt , 2 1 yt E E Kulkarni Academy 153 Theory of failure 1 2 y Principal strain theory is bounded by four lines and the shape is Rhombus. () y 1 2 yt (1 ) y 2 1 yt 1 1 yt 𝜎2 − 𝜇𝜎1 = 𝜎𝑦𝑡 1 2 yc 2 1 yc (1 ) For most engineering materials 0.3 0.77 y Limitations of this theory: In the first and third quadrant though stresses are greater than yield stress still it is safe according to this theory but as per maximum stress theory it is not safe. y 0.77 350 270 not safe since {max 200} This theory gives wrong result when a member is subjected to pure torsion and hence this theory is not used in practice. (iii)Maximum shear stress theory (Tresca /Guest): According to this theory, failure of the component occurs when the maximum shear stress in the actual loaded component exceeds yield shear stress. The results of maximum principal strain theory are not safe when a member is subjected to like stresses. The results are in good agreement when members are subjected to unlike stresses (second 4 fourth quadrant). 1, 2 x y 2 1 2 2 For uniaxial loading max x yt y 0 [max 0.57 y ] max 200 MPa y 350 MPa xy 0 C yt , 0 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 Strength of Materials 154 Kulkarni Academy 0 2 R yt 0 2 2 R yt 2 According to maximum shear stress theory max 0.5 y and hence it is safe (from experiment max 0.57 y ). As ductile materials are weak in shear and this theory takes care of shear failure therefore this theory is predominantly used for ductile materials. For no failure actual xy (iv) Maximum strain energy theory: According to this theory failure occurs when the total strain energy in the actual component exceeds strain energy under yield conditions. max 1 2 2 3 1 3 ; ; 2 2 2 For biaxial 3 0 max 1 2 2 1 ; ; 2 2 2 1 2 yt 2 2 2 yt 2 2 1 yt 2 2 1 2 y 2 y 1 y Actual loading 1, 2 1 2 yt 2 yt 1 yt x y 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 1 1 1 Total S.E density 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 ( 2 3 ) E E 2 2 (1 3 ) E E 3 3 (2 1 ) E E Kulkarni Academy 155 Theory of failure Uniaxial loading y y E 1 S .E y y 2 S .E 2y 2E 1 SE [1 1 2 2 3 3 ] 2 1 ( 2 3 ) 1 E 1 (1 3 ) 2 2 2 E 3 (2 1 ) 3 E 1 (1 2 3 ) 2 (2 1 3 ) 1 E E 3 2 (3 2 1 ) E 1 2 SE [1 22 32 2 (12 23 31 )] 2E According to this theory for no failure the actual total S.E must be less than strain energy under yield conditions. 2y 1 2 2 2 [1 2 3 2 (12 23 31 )] 2E 2E 1 2 2y 1 2 2 [1 2 212 ] 2E 2E 12 22 212 2y 2 ()2 2()() 2y 2 For biaxial case (3 0) 212 2 1 2 2 2 y Limiting condition, 12 22 212 2y {equation of ellipse} 2y 2(1 ) y 2(1 ) y 2 1.3 0.62 y Strength of Materials 156 Kulkarni Academy From experiments 0.57 y but as per total strain energy theory max 0.62 y . It is not safe under shear. (V) Maximum shear strain energy or maximum distortion energy theory or Hencky Von-Mises theory. x v v v E E y x z 1 1D v y x y z 2 2D v 3 x 3 3D v 3 1D , 2 D and 3D responsible for change in v responsible for change in volume. 1D (2 D 3 D ) E E 2 D 2 D (1D 3 D ) E E 3 D 3 D (2 D 1D ) E E 3 𝜎𝑣2 𝑈𝑣 = 2 1 𝑈𝑣 = 6𝐸 (𝜎1 + 𝜎2 + 𝜎3 )2 (1 − 2𝜇) Volumetric strain energy 1 1 1 U 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 in shape hence volumetric strain = zero. 1 2 D 3D v 1D (1 2) 0 E 1 3 2 E E 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 212 U 2 E 223 231 1D 2 D 3D 0 1 1D v Ud U Uv 2 2D v 1 2 3 v average 3 (1 − 2𝜇) 2 1D , 2 D and 𝜎3𝐷 Responsible only for change 1 2 3 1D 2 D 3D 3v 𝐸 3 1 2 3 Uv (1 2) 2E 3 ∈𝑣 =∈1𝐷 +∈2𝐷 +∈3𝐷 = 0 3 3D v v (1 2) E 1 U v v v 2 1 3 v v (1 2) 2 E shape. 1D v (1 2) E U d distortion strain energy 2 2 3 1 1 2 3 212 2 E 223 231 1 (1 2 3 ) 2 (1 2) 6E Kulkarni Academy Ud 157 Theory of failure 1 2 [1 22 33 12 23 31 ] 3E 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 Ud 6 E 212 223 231 Ud 1 [(1 2 )2 (2 3 )2 (1 3 )2 ] 6E For uniaxial yielding For Torsion: 1 y 2 3 0 Ud 1 2 y 3E (yield distortion strain energy U d ) According to this theory failure of component occurs when the distortional strain energy in the actual component exceeds yield distortional strain energy under uniaxial loading. 1 max For biaxial loading (3 0) 2 max 2max (max )2 (max )(max ) 2y 1 2 Ud (1 22 12 ) 3E 32max 2y For no failure, U d (U d ) yielding max 1 2 1 2 (1 22 12 ) y 3E 3E 12 22 12 2y * Results obtained from experiments are in complete agreement with the results of this theory and hence this theory gives accurate result. * Predominantly this theory is used for ductile materials. Maximum principal stress theory: 12 22 12 2y 12 22 12 is working stress sunder distortion strain energy. 3 max 0.57 y For limiting condition, y 12 22 12 y 1 y Strength of Materials 158 Maximum shear stress theory: 2 2 1 y 1 , , 2 2 2 2 Maximum distortion energy theory: 12 22 12 2y Theories max value Maximum principal stress yt Maximum principal strain 0.77 yt Maximum shear stress 0.5 yt Maximum strain energy 0.62 yt Maximum distortion energy 0.57 yt {Taking 0.3 } * Maximum principal stress theory is generally used for brittle materials and maximum shear stress and distortion energy theory is used for ductile materials. Comparison of Various theory of failure Distortion energy theory Maximum shear stress theory Maximum principal stress theory. Kulkarni Academy Element subjected to combined bending and torsion x M My I d 2 4 d 34 x 32M d 3 …. (i) T J r T 4 d d 32 2 16T d 3 1 …. (ii) x y 2 y 2 x 2 2 2 1 32M 1 32M 16T 3 3 3 2 d 2 d d 2 NOTE: The safest theory under static loading is maximum shear stress theory i.e. it is the most conservative theory. Equivalent Bending Moment ( M e ) : It is the single moment which produces same maximum stress as that under the combination of bending and torsion. 16M 16M 16T 3 3 3 d d d 1 16 M M 2 T2 3 d 2 2 Kulkarni Academy e 159 Theory of failure From equation (i) and (ii), 32M e d 3 16Te 16 3 M 2 T2 3 d d e 1 1 Me M M 2 T 2 2 Te M 2 T 2 Factor of safety: Equivalent torque Te : It is such a single torque when acting alone produces same maximum shear stress under the combined bending and torsion. It is the ratio of maximum stress to the working stress. This factor is provided for reserved strength, more is the FOS greater is the reserved strength, more are the dimensions and less economical. FOS varies from condition to condition. In case of shock and impact loads large FOS is used. x 32M d 3 max y 2 x xy 2 2 16T 3 d 1, 2 1 2 2 max x y 2 y 2 x xy 2 2 2 max 32M 1 16T 3 3 d 2 d max 16 M 2 T2 3 d max 16Te d 3 … (i) … (ii) Strength of Materials P Practice Questions Which theory of failure is used for aluminum compounds under steady loading? (A) Principal stress theory (B) Principal strain theory (C) Strain energy theory (D) Maximum shear stress theory 10.2 An element at the critical section of a component is in a bi-axial state of stress with the two principal stresses being 360 MPa and 140 MPa. The maximum working stress according to distortion energy theory is (A) 220 MPa (B) 110 MPa (C) 314 MPa (D) 330 MPa 10.3 Match List-I (Theory of failure) with Lit-II (Predicted ratio of shear stress to direct stress at yield condition List-I (A) Maximum shear stress theory (B) Maximum distortion energy theory (C) Maximum principal stress theory (D) Maximum principal strain theory List-II 1. 1.0 2. 0.577 3. 0.62 4. 0.5 (A) A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 (B) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2 (C) A-1, B-3, C-4, D-2 (D) A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3 10.4 A circular solid shaft is subjected to a bending moment of 400 kN-m and a trusting moment of 300 kN-m. On the basis of the maximum principal stress theory, the direct stress is and according to the maximum shear stress theory, the shear stress is . The ratio is is 1 3 (A) (B) 5 9 9 11 (C) (D) 5 6 160 Kulkarni Academy 10.5 10.1 A machine elements is subjected to the following bi-axial state of stress x 80 MPa, y 20 MPa, xy 40 MPa . If the shear stress of the material is 100 MPa, the factor of safety as per Tresca’s maximum shear stress theory is 10.6 (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 2.5 (D) 3 Which one of the following is NOT correct? (A) Intermediate principal stress is ignored when applying the maximum principal stress theory (B) The maximum shear stress theory gives the most accurate results amongst all the failure theories (C) As per the maximum stress energy theory, failure occurs when the strain energy exceeds a critical value (D) As per the maximum distortion energy theory, failure occurs, when the distortion energy exceeds a critical value 10.7 A thin walled spherical vessel (1 m inner diameter and 10 mm wall thickness) is made of a material with y 500 MPa in both tension and compression. The internal pressure Py at yield, based on the Van – Mises yield criterion is 10.8 (A) 500 MPa (B) 250 MPa (C) 100 MPa (D) 20 MPa A thin rectangular plate made of isotropic material which satisfies Von – Mises distortion energy failure criterion as yield strength of 200 MPa under uniaxial tension. As shown in the figure, if it is loaded with uniform tension of 150 MPa along the xdirection. The maximum uniform tensile stress that can be applied along the ydirection before the plate starts yielding is about Kulkarni Academy 161 Theory of failure 10.11 A specimen of steel has yield strength of 700 MPa. The specimen is subjected to a state of plane stress with 1 2 500 MPa . The factor of safety according to Van-Mises theory of failure is________________ 10.12 A batch of aluminum alloy yields in uniaxial tension at the stress of 330 MN/m2. If this material is subjected to the following state of 10.9 (A) 227 MPa (B) 77 MPa stress: x 140 MPa, y 70MPa (C) 87 MPa (D) 114 MPa xy X MPa . The value of x that would A circular shaft of diameter d, is fixed at one result is yield according to the Von – Mises end and subjected to an axial force P and a failure criterion is _____________. torque T, at the other end. The torque T is equal to Pd . The tensile yield stress of the 8 shaft material is y , a point on the surface of the shaft will yield according to the Tresca 10.13 The state of plane stress at a point in a body is shown in the figure. The allowable shear stress of the material is 200 MPa. According to the maximum shear stress theory of failure the maximum permissible value of (in MPa) is__________ yield criterion if P is equal to d 2 (A) y 4 2 d 2 (B) y 4 (C) y d 2 (D) y ( d 2 ) 10.10 A closed thin walled cylindrical steel pressure vessel of wall thickness t = 1 mm is subjected to internal pressure. The maximum value of P (in KPa) that the wall can with stand based on the maximum shear stress 10.14 A steel cylindrical pressure vessel ahs an inner radius of 1.8 m and wall thickness of 20 mm. At which of the following internal failure theory is ( ( y 200MPa and mean radius of the cylinder, r = 1 m ) pressures will the cylindrical vessel yield as per the Tresca criterion if the yield strength of the material in tension is 320 MPa (A) 100 (B) 20 (C) 300 (D) 400 (A) 3.55 MPa (C) 1.775 MPa (B) 7.1 MPa (D) 4 MPa Strength of Materials A 162 Answer Key Kulkarni Academy 10.5 (B) 10.1 D 10.2 C 10.3 D x 80 , y 20 , xy 40 , max 50 10.4 C 10.5 B 10.6 B 1,2 50 302 402 10.7 D 10.8 A 10.9 A 10.10 200 10.11 1.4 10.12 157.7 10.13 200 10.14 A E Explanation 50 50 1,2 100,0 FOS Hence, the correct option is (B). 10.6 10.1 100 2 50 (B) Hence, the correct option is (B). (D) Hence, the correct option is (D). 10.7 (D) Sphere 10.2 (C) d0 1m , t 10mm , y 500MPa 12 22 12 (360)2 (140)2 PD P 103 100 P 1 2 h 4t 4 10 4 (360 140) 2w Von 12 22 12 (500)2 w 314.32MPa 100 P 500 4 Hence, the correct option is (C). 10.3 P 20MPa (D) Hence, the correct option is (D). Hence, the correct option is (D). 10.8 10.4 (C) (A) y 200 , x 150 1 M 400kNm T 300kNm 16 (M M 2 T 2 ) 3 d 16 3 M 2 T2 d 400 500 900 9 500 500 5 Hence, the correct option is (C). xy 0 , y ? 2 12 22 12 y 1502 2y 150 y 200 22500 + 𝜎𝑦2 − 150𝜎𝑦 = 40000 𝜎𝑦2 − 150𝜎𝑦 = 17500 𝜎𝑦2 − 150𝜎𝑦 − 17500 = 0 y 227.07 MPa Hence, the correct option is (A). Kulkarni Academy 10.9 163 (A) Theory of failure 10.11 1.4 1 2 500MPa , y 700 Pd 8 𝜎𝑦 = 𝜎𝑦 T Working stress 16𝑇 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝜋𝑑3 2𝑃 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 12 22 12 700 16 𝑃𝑑 = 𝜋𝑑3 8 500 Working stress 𝜋𝑑2 𝜎𝑥 = 𝜎1 , 𝜎2 = 700 1.4 500 Hence, the correct answer is 1.4. FOS 𝑃 4𝑃 = 𝐴 𝜋𝑑 2 2𝑃 2𝑃 𝜋𝑑 2𝑃 𝜋𝑑 √( 2 ± 10.12 (A) y 330MPa , x 140 2 2) + ( 2𝑃 𝜋𝑑 2) 2 y 70 , xy X MPa 𝜎1 , 𝜎2 = 𝜋𝑑2 (1 ± √2) 1, 2 35 (105)2 X 2 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 1 35 (105)2 X 2 𝜎𝑦 2 𝜎1 −𝜎2 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2 35 (105)2 X 2 2 𝑃= 𝜋𝑑 2 𝜎12 + 𝜎22 − 𝜎1 𝜎2 = (330)2 𝜎𝑦 4√2 Hence, the correct option is (A). 2(352 (105)2 X 2 ) (352 1052 X 2 ) 3302 352 3 1052 3 X 2 3302 X 157.7MPa 10.10 200 Hence, the correct answer is 157.7 MPa. t 1mm 10.13 200 d 2m y max 200MPa Maximum shear stress theory, y Pd 2 P P Pd , 2 103 2t 4t 2 2t 2P 1 P 103 2t 1 max 1 2 1 2 , , 2 2 2 = 𝜏𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑃×103 2 = 𝜎𝑦 2 {𝜎𝑦 =200MPa P 200kPa Tresca 1 2 1 2 , , , 1 , 2 2 2 2 2 2 Note: As 1 and 2 are of opposite nature max max therefore absolute max. shear stress will be 1 2 . Hence, the correct answer is 200. 2 max 200 Hence, the correct answer is 200. Strength of Materials 10.14 (A) di 3.6m , t 20mm y 320 y 1 y 2 160 Pd 3.6 P 103 2t 2 20 1 90 P, 2 45 P max 1 45 P 160 2 P 3.55MPa Hence, the correct option is (A). 164 Kulkarni Academy 11.1 Introduction It is defined as the energy which is stored with in the material. When work has been done on the material. Here it is assume that the material within elastic limit. If there is no energy loss due to heat, the complete energy is recovered. Let us assume that the load is applied gradually from 0 to F therefore the average load 0 F F is 2 2 F Work 2 Strain energy due to axial loading : (Neglect self weight of the bar) SE P2 L 2 AE SE Resilience Volume SE P2 L 1 Volume 2 AE AL P2 2 2 A2 E 2 E Strain energy density SE 1 Volume 2 NOTE Strain energy is always +ve because if the load is the compressive load, is ve and is also ve and hence the product of and is +ve. Strain Energy under axial loading with self weight : 1 SE F 2 1 PL SE P 2 AE Strength of Materials 166 Kulkarni Academy F P Ax Fdx AE 1 SE F 2 1 L ( P Ax)2 dx 2 SE AE 0 1 SE M 2 1 L SE M 2 R SE 1 2 2 A2 L3 P L PAL2 2 AE 3 SE M 2L 2 EI Example 1 Find the strain energy in a cantilever beam with point load ‘P’ at it’s free end. Sol . Strain energy due to torsion : L 1 SE T 2 1 TL T 2 GJ SE T 2L 2GJ Strain energy due to bending : SE 0 L SE 0 SE M 2 dx 2 EI P 2 x 2 dx 2 EI P 2 L3 6 EI Case 2 : Cantilever beam with UDL ‘W’ M x Wx x 2 2 L R L R M E I R EI R M Wx 2 dx L 2 SE 2 EI 0 L W2 SE x 4 dx 8EI 0 SE W 2 L5 40 EI Kulkarni Academy Example 2 Calculate strain energy in AB portion Sol. RA RB P RB L P 2L RB 2 P RA P M x Px L P 2 x 2 dx SE 2 EI 0 SE P 2 L3 6 EI 167 Strain Energy Strength of Materials Kulkarni Academy 11.4 Practice Questions P 11.1 168 A stepped steel shaft is subjected to a clockwise torque of 10 Nm at its free end. A member having length L, cross-sectional Shear modulus of steel is 80GPa. The strain area A and modulus of elasticity E is energy stored in the shaft is subjected to an axial load W. The strain energy stored in this member is 11.2 (A) WL2 AE (B) WL2 2 AE (C) W 2 L2 2 AE (D) W 2L 2 AE What is the ratio of the strain energy in bar X (A) 1.73 Nmm (B) 2.52 Nmm to that in bar Y when the material of the two (C) 3.46 Nmm (D) 4.12 Nmm bars is the same? The cross-sectional areas 11.5 are as indicated over the indicated lengths. Two shafts of the same material and equal length are subjected to the same torque. The diameter of the first shaft is twice that of the second. The ratio of the strain energy of the first shaft to that of the second shaft is 11.6 (A) 16:1 (B) 1:16 (C) 1:2 (D) 2:1 Consider a simply supported beam loaded either by a uniformly distributed transverse (A) (C) 11.3 1 3 (B) 4 3 (D) 2 3 load or by a concentrated transverse load 1 6 bending stress in both cases is the same. The applied at the centre such that the maximum ratio of the strain energy for the two cases is A simply supported beam of span ‘L’ is subjected to a concentrated load W at mid- (A) 4 5 (B) (C) 8 5 (D) 1 span. The strain Energy due to bending in the beam would be W 2 L3 (A) 48 EI W 2 L3 (B) 96 EI W 2 L3 (C) 24 EI W 2L (D) 96 EI 11.7 5 8 A cylindrical steel bar of uniform crosssectional area is subjected to an axial tensile force P and a torque T. Assuming linear elastic deformation of the bar, the internal Kulkarni Academy strain 20P energy 2 169 stored in the bar is 11.10 For a bar of circular cross-section and length 8T 2 106 N-m. The axial extension L the ratio of the torsional to the axial strain of the bar for P 10 N and T 16 N-m is 11.8 Strain Energy energy is K times T 2 / P2 , (A) 256 m (B) 400 m T torsional moment, P = axial force , (C) 2000 m (D) 2048 m where K is A uniform rod of length l, cross-section area A and modulus of elasticity E is held rigidly at both ends as shown in figure. An axial load P is applied at mid-length of the rod. The elastic strain energy stored in the rod is 2 1 v 1 v (B) 2 r 3r 2 1 2v 2v (C) (D) 2 2r r2 (where r radius of gyration) (A) 11.11 An L-shaped elastic member with flexural rigidity EI is loaded as shown below: Total strain energy in the member due to bending is: (A) P2L 2 AE P2L (C) 4 AE 11.9 (B) P2L 16 AE P2L (D) 8 AE In the given pin jointed truss figure the strain energy stored in the horizontal bar is K times P2L , where K is AE (A) P2b2 b / 3 a / 2EI (B) P2b2 a / 3 b / 2EI (C) P2a 2 b / 3 a / 3EI (D) P2a 2 a / 3 b / 2EI 11.12 A cantilever beam is subjected to following three different loading conditions: (a) (A) 2.0 (B) 1.5 (C) 0.5 (D) 1 2 (b) Strength of Materials 170 (c) (A) A concentrated load P at its free end (B) A couple M 0 at its free end and (C) Both loads acting simultaneously The flexural rigidity of the beam may be assumed as EI. The strain energy due to bending when both loads act simultaneously (A) Can be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is P 2 L3 M 02 L 6 EI 2 EI (B) Can be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is P 2 L2 M 0 L3 6 EI 2 EI (C) Cannot be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is P 2 L3 M 02 L PM 0 L2 6 EI 2 EI 2 EI (D) Cannot be determined by applying the principle of superposition and the strain energy is P 2 L2 M 0 L3 PM 0 L2 6 EI 2 EI 2 EI Kulkarni Academy Kulkarni Academy A 171 Answer Key 11.3 11.1 D 11.2 B 11.3 B 11.4 A 11.5 B 11.6 C 11.7 B 11.8 D 11.9 C 11.10 A 11.11 A 11.12 C E Strain Energy (B) Mx Explanation W x 2 L /2 11.1 SE 2 (D) 0 L /2 SE 2 0 SE W 2L 2 AE L /2 (B) P2 L ( SE ) x 2 AE P2 L P2 L ( SE )Y 2 2 A 2 E 2 AE 2 P2 L 1 P2 L 2 AE 2 2 AE W 2X 2 dx 8EI W2 X3 SE 4 EI 3 0 (SE due to axial loading) Hence, the correct option is (D). 11.2 M x2 dx 2 EI 3 P2 L 2 2 AE P2 L 2 ( SE ) X 2 AE ( SE )Y 3 P 2 L 3 2 2 AE Hence, the correct option is (B). SE W 2 L3 4 3 8EI SE W 2 L3 96 EI Hence, the correct option is (B). 11.4 (A) T 2L T 2L SE 2GJ AB 2GJ BC (10 103 )2 100 (10 103 )2 100 2 80 103 (50) 4 2 80 103 (25) 4 32 32 SE 1.73 N-mm Hence, the correct option is (A). Strength of Materials 11.5 172 Kulkarni Academy (B) SE1 1st 2nd d1 2d d2 d T 2L 2G (2d ) 4 32 SE2 T 2L 2G (d ) 4 32 WL2 PL 8 4 P SE1 1 SE2 16 SE2 Hence, the correct option is (B). 11.6 WL 2 (C) P 2 L3 96 EI W 2 L5 SE2 384 EI 1 SE1 240 1 SE2 384 SE1 8 SE2 5 Hence, the correct option is (C). 11.7 (B) WL Wx 2 Mx x 2 2 L SE 0 M x2 dx 2 EI W 2 L2 x 2 W 2 x 4 W 2 Lx3 dx L 4 4 2 SE 2 EI 0 SE 1 W 2 L5 W 2 L5 W 2 L5 2 EI 12 20 8 SE W 2 L5 2 EI SE1 1 1 1 12 20 8 W 2 L5 240 EI SE (20 P2 8T 2 ) 106 Nm P 10 N T 16 Nm SE P2 L T 2 L 2 AE 2GJ SE 20 106 P2 8 106 T 2 Kulkarni Academy 173 Equate : Strain Energy 11.9 20 106 L 2 AE 20 2 106 (C) L AE PL 10 20 2 106 AE 400 106 m 106 m m 400 m R 2P Hence, the correct option is (B). 11.8 Q R cos 450 (D) Q 2P SE L L ( P RA ) 2 2 AE AE QP P2 L 2 AE SE 0.5 RA 1 2 P2 L AE Hence, the correct option is (C). 11.10 (A) RA P RA RA P 2 ( SE ) AC ( SE ) BC RB P 2 P2 L P2 L 2 4 2 AE 16 AE T2 ( SE )Torsion K 2 ( SE )Axial P P2 L 16 AE T 2L 2 2GJ K T 2 P2 L P 2 AE T 2 AE T2 K 2 2 P GJ P ( SE ) AB P2 L P2 L P2 L 16 AE 16 AE 8 AE Hence, the correct option is (D). K 0.5 Strength of Materials 174 I 2G(1 v) K K 2 G (2 I ) Kulkarni Academy 11.12 (C) 1 v K2 K r (Radius of gyration) K * 1 v K 2 r SE1 P 2 L3 6 EI SE2 M 02 L 2 EI Hence, the correct option is (A). 11.11 (A) M XX Px M 0 ( Px M 0 )2 dx 2 EI 0 L Strain energy due to bending SE L SE 1 ( P 2 x 2 M 02 2 PM 0 x) dx 2 EI 0 1 SE 2 EI ( S .E ) AB ( Pb)2 a 2 EI SE 1 2 EI L 2 x3 x2 2 P M x 2 PM 0 0 3 2 0 2 L3 2 2 P 3 M 0 L PM 0 L ( S .E ) BC ( Px)2 dx 2 EI 0 P 2 L3 M 02 L PM 0 L2 SE 6 EI 2 EI 2 EI ( S .E ) BC P 2b3 6 EI Hence, the correct option is (C). b ( S .E )due to bending ( S .E )bending P 2b2a P 2b3 2 EI 6 EI P 2b2 b a 2 EI 3 Hence, the correct option is (A). 12.1 Introduction The vertical shift of longitudinal axis after loading is known as deflection. Deflection is basically due to bending. The deflection diagram of the longitudinal axis that passes through centroidal axis is known as elastic curve. Methods of finding deflection 1. Double Integration method 2. Macaulay’s method 3. Strain energy method 4. Moment area method 12.2 Double Integration Method dx R d …(i) (Centroidal axis after loading) dy dx is small tan tan dy dx 1 d R dx Assumptions: (i) Loading is within elastic limit. (ii) The material is homogeneous and isotropic. (iii)Slopes and deflections are very small. …(ii) 1 d dy R dx dx 1 d2y R dx 2 M E I R (by theory of bending) { Strength of Materials M 1 EI R M d2y EI dx 2 d2y M dx 2 Due to transverse load (shear load) there is a deflection. As the cross-section of beam is very small compared to length this deflection due to transverse load is negligible and hence deflection due to bending is taken into consideration. Conditions for applying double integration method: (i) The beam should be prismatic. (cross section is same throughout) (ii) The bending moment equation does not change along the length. EI 176 Kulkarni Academy Integrate, EI dy x2 P C1 dx 2 Integrate, EI y P x3 C1 x C2 2 3 Px3 EI y C1 x C2 6 At the fixed end ( x L) y 0, dy 0 dx EI (0) 𝐶1 = − EI (0) PL2 C1 2 𝑃𝐿2 2 PL3 PL2 L C2 6 2 PL3 PL3 0 C2 6 2 C2 PL3 PL3 6 2 C2 PL3 3 EI ( y ) Px3 PL2 PL3 x 6 2 3 2 2 dy Px PL EI 2 2 dx Case-I: Cantilever with a point load at the free end dy Px 2 PL2 EI dx 2 2 3 Px PL2 x PL3 EI y 6 2 3 At the free end ( x 0) dy PL2 dx 2 2 dy PL dx 2 EI PL3 EI y 3 3 PL y 3EI EI EI 𝐸𝐼 d2y M dx 2 𝑑2𝑦 𝑑𝑥 2 = 𝑃𝑥 …(i) …(ii) Kulkarni Academy 177 2 dy PL Slope at the free end dx 2 EI Deflection at the free end ( y ) Deflection of Beam Case-III : Cantilever with a moment M 0 PL3 3EI Case-II : Cantilever with a point load not at the free end but some where EI d2y M0 dx 2 EI dy M 0 x C1 dx EI y M 0 x2 C1 x C2 2 At the fixed end ( x L), dy 0 dx EI (0) M 0 L C1 C1 M 0 L Pa 3 y1 3EI Pa 2 2 EI M 0 x2 EI ( y ) C1 x C2 2 At the fixed end x L, y 0 EI (0) 0 M 0 L2 ( M 0 L) L C2 2 M 0 L2 ( M 0 L) L C2 2 M 0 L2 C2 M 0 L 2 2 C2 tan y2 b y2 b y2 b Pa 2 y2 b 2 EI Deflection at the free end (𝑦3 ) y1 y2 Pa3 Pa 2b y3 3EI 2 EI M 0 L2 2 M 0 x2 M 0 L2 EI ( y) M 0 Lx 2 2 dy EI M 0 x M 0 L dx At the free end ( x 0) dy M L Slope 0 dx EI Deflection ( y ) M 0 L2 2 EI Strength of Materials Case-IV : Cantilever with uniformly distributed load throughout the length 178 Kulkarni Academy At the fixed end x L, y 0 EI (0) WL4 WL3 , L C2 24 6 C2 WL4 WL4 3WL4 6 24 24 C2 WL4 8 dy Wx3 WL3 EI dx 6 6 Wx 4 WL3 WL4 EI y x 24 6 8 At the free end ( x 0) 3 dy WL Slope dx 6 EI M XX x Wx 2 M XX W x2 2 EI d2y M dx 2 EI dy Wx 2 dx 2 EI dy W x3 C1 dx 2 3 EI dy Wx3 C1 dx 6 W x4 EIy C1 x C2 6 4 W x4 EIy C1 x C2 24 dy At the fixed end x L , 0 dx WL3 EI (0) C1 6 C1 WL3 6 Deflection ( y ) WL4 8EI Case V: Cantilever beam subjected to uniformly varying load with zero intensity at free end and maximum intensity at fixed end: Kulkarni Academy Load Load 179 Deflection of Beam Slope at the free end ( x 0) x Wx 2 L dy C1 dx EI 2 Wx 2L dy WL3 dy WL3 dx 24 EI dx 24 EI Case-VI : Simply supported beam of length L and load P at the centre Wx 2 x 2L 3 Wx3 M XX 6L 2 d y EI 2 M dx d 2 y Wx3 EI 2 dx 6L dy W x 4 EI C1 dx 6 L 4 dy Wx 4 EI C1 dx 24 L W x5 EIy C1 x C2 24 L 5 W x5 EIy C1 x C2 120 L M XX At the fixed end, ( x L) ; slope Calculate the deflection at the centre. M xx dy 0 dx WL4 C1 24 L WL3 C1 24 At the fixed end, x L, y 0 EI (0) EI (0) WL5 WL3 L C2 120 L 24 WL4 WL4 24 120 WL4 C2 30 Deflection at the free end ( x 0 ) C WL4 WL4 y 2 y EI 30 EI 30 EI C2 Px 2 EI d2y M dx 2 EI d 2 y Px dx 2 2 EI dy P x 2 C1 dx 2 2 EI dy Px 2 C1 dx 4 EI ( y ) Px3 C1 x C2 43 Px3 EI ( y ) C1 x C2 12 At x 0 , y (deflection) = 0 EI (0) P(0)3 C1 (0) C2 12 C2 0 At x L dy , 0 2 dx Strength of Materials 180 Kulkarni Academy EI d2y M dx 2 2 PL EI (0) C1 42 C1 PL2 16 EI d 2 y WLx Wx 2 dx 2 2 2 EIy Px3 PL2 x 0 12 16 EI dy WL x 2 W x3 C1 dx 2 2 2 3 Px3 PL2 x EIy 12 16 EI dy WL 3 W 3 x x C1 dx 4 6 L ycentre x 2 EI y WL x3 W x 4 C1 x C2 4 3 6 4 EI y WL 3 W 4 x x C1 x C2 12 24 3 P L PL2 L EI y 12 2 16 2 y PL3 48 EI Case-VII: Uniformly distributed load on simply supported beam At x 0, y 0 x L dy , 0 2 dx At x 0, y 0 EI (0) C2 C2 0 At x L dy , 0 2 dx 2 EI (0) 0 M XX WL x x Wx 2 2 WLx Wx 2 2 2 3 L C1 2 WL3 WL3 C1 16 48 C1 M XX WL L W 4 2 6 WL3 WL3 WL3 3WL3 2WL3 48 16 48 48 C1 WL3 24 EI ( y) WL x3 Wx 4 C1 x C2 12 24 Kulkarni Academy 181 Deflection of Beam d2y EI 2 M 0 dx WL x3 Wx 4 WL3 EI ( y) x 12 24 24 L x 2 ycentre ymax 3 EI ( ymax ) 4 EI WL L W L WL L 12 2 24 2 24 2 EI y M 0 3 WL4 WL4 WL4 96 384 48 4WL4 WL4 8WL4 384 ycentre 5WL4 (Maximum deflection) 384 EI 4 5WL 384 EI Case-VIII: Simple supported beam with end moments Mo x2 C1 x C2 2 At x 0, y 0 L EI (0) M 0 C1 2 ycentre dy M 0 x C1 dx At x M L L dy , 0 C1 0 2 dx 2 EI (0) 0 0 C2 C2 0 M 0 x2 M 0 L EI ( y ) x 2 2 𝐸𝐼(𝑦) = 𝑀0 𝑥 2 2 ymax ycentre − 𝑀0 𝐿 2 𝑥 L x 2 EI ( ymax ) M 0 L2 M 0 L L 2 4 2 2 EI ( ymax ) M 0 L2 M 0 L2 8 4 ymax M 0 L2 8 EI ( ve sign shows deflection(y) in downward direction) R1 R2 0 M R1 0 R2 ( L) M 0 M 0 0 R2 0 , R1 0 M XX M 0 ymax M 0 L2 8 EI 12.3 Macaulay’s Method It is a slight modification of double integration method and this method can be used when the bending moment equation VARIES ALONG THE LENGTH. Strength of Materials 182 Example 1 Sol. Kulkarni Academy Example 2 M XX R1 x P1 x a P2 x b Sol. M XX R1 x M1 M 2 EI d2y M XX dx 2 EI d2y R1 x P1 x a P2 x b dx 2 M XX R1 x M1 x a 0 M 2 x b 0 dy x 2 P1 x a 3 EI R1 dx 2 6 P x b 3 2 C1 x C2 6 Boundary conditions : At x 0, y 0 EI d2y R1 x M1 x a 0 M 2 x b 0 dx 2 dy R1 x 2 EI M1 x a M 2 x b C1 dx 2 EI y x L, y 0 Note : The term x a must be integrated as x a 2 x2 ax . but not 2 2 P 0 a 3 P2 0 b 3 EI (0) 0 1 0 C2 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 C2 C2 0 R1L P1 L a 6 6 P2 L b 3 C1L 0 6 P L a 3 P2 L b 3 R1L3 C1L 1 6 6 6 P P R L3 C1L 1 [ L a 3 ] 2 [ L b 3 ] 1 6 6 6 EI (0) C1 3 R1 x3 x a 2 M1 6 2 x b 2 M2 C1 x C2 2 Boundary conditions : At x 0, y 0 x L, y 0 0 a 2 EI (0) 0 M 1 2 0 b 2 M2 0 C2 2 0 0 0 0 0 C2 3 P1 P R L2 [ L a 3 ] 2 [ L b 3 ] 1 6L 6 6 C2 0 R1L3 L a 2 EI (0) M1 6 2 L b 2 M2 C1L 0 2 L b 2 L a 2 R1L3 C1L M 2 M1 2 2 6 C1 M 2 L b 2 M1 L a 2 R1L2 L 2 L 2 6 Kulkarni Academy 183 12.4 Strain Energy Method (i) Castigliano’s first theorem The partial derivative of total strain energy with respect to load gives deflection of that point under the load in the direction of load. U P If the deflection is to be calculated where there is no load, introduce an imaginary load at that point. Calculate the total strain energy and differentiate partially with that load and finally put the imaginary load zero. Example 3 Calculate deflection at the free end Deflection of Beam Sol. {At the free end no load present so introduce a imaginary load P and at last put imaginary load zero.} M XX M 0 Px (P is imaginary load) ( M 0 Px)2 dx 0 2EI L L 1 ( M 02 P 2 x 2 2 PxM 0 ) dx 2 EI 0 L 1 2 P 2 x3 x2 U M x 2 P M0 0 2 EI 3 2 0 2 P 2 L3 M L PM 0 L2 0 3 U 1 2 EI U 1 P 2 EI L3 0 2 P M 0 L2 1 3 Put P 0 (Imaginary load) Sol. (ii) Castigliano’s second theorem M XX Px L L M 2 dx P 2 x 2 dx 0 2EI 0 2EI Slope at any point is equal to the partial derivative of total strain energy with respect to moment at that point i.e. L P 2 x3 2 EI 3 0 P 2 L3 6 EI U M 0 L2 2 EI P 2 L3 6 EI U M If there is no moment introduced imaginary moment and calculate the total strain energy and differentiate partially with moment and put the moment zero to get this load at that point. U L3 PL3 2P P 6 EI 3EI Example 4 Calculate deflection at the free end M 2L U 2 EI U 2ML ML M 2 EI EI Strength of Materials 184 Kulkarni Academy ( Pa)2 b P 2b3 2GJ 6 EI U U AB U BC U BC There is no moment present in given problem so introduce an imaginary moment M at free end in clockwise direction. Bending moment at section X-X M XX Px M U U 2 Pa3 2 Pa 2b 2 Pb3 P 6 EI 2GJ 6 EI ( Px M ) 2 dx 0 2EI L P 3 3 Pa 2b (a b ) 3 GJ L 1 ( P 2 x 2 M 2 2 PMx) dx 2 EI 0 L 1 P 2 x3 2 PMx 2 2 M x 2 EI 3 2 0 1 P 2 x3 M 2 x PML2 2 EI 3 U 1 [0 2ML PL2 ] M 2 EI Put M 0 1 [ PL2 ] 2 EI P 2 a 3 P 2 a 2 b P 2 b3 6 EI 2GJ 6 EI Example 6 Find the deflection at point A under the load P. Sol. PL2 2 EI Example 5 Fine the deflection at point A under the load. M B PR sin /2 U 0 ( PR sin ) 2 Rd 2 EI P 2 R3 U 2 EI Sol. U U AB U BC a U AB ( Px)2 dx 2 EI 0 𝑃2 𝑎3 P 2 x3 = 6𝐸𝐼 6 EI 0 a sin 2 U sin 2 d 0 1 cos 2 2 P 2 R3 U 2 EI 2 /2 /2 0 3 /2 P R 4 EI 1 cos 2 d 2 (1 cos 2) d 0 Kulkarni Academy P 2 R3 U 4 EI P 2 R3 U 4 EI 185 Deflection of Beam 1 0 /2 sin 2 2 0 1 2 2 sin 2 2 P 2 R3 U 0 4 EI 2 P 2 R3 U 8EI U 2 PR3 PR3 P 8EI 4 EI 3 PR 4 EI ML EI ML 2 EI 2 0 Example 8 12.5 Moment Area Method M XX Px 1 0 2 1 Area dx Rd 1 d R dx M E 1 M I R R EI 1 M d R EI dx M d dx EI The difference in slope between any two points M is equal to area of diagram between those two EI points. Example 7 d 2 1 M L EI 1 PL PL2 L 2 EI 2 EI PL2 2 0 2 EI 2 PL 2 2 EI Example 9 Strength of Materials 186 2 1 Area 1 L PL 2 2 4 EI 2 0 Kulkarni Academy 12.5.1 Moment area method for deflection PL2 16EI PL2 2 16EI t A/ B : Tangential deviation of A with respect to B t B / A : Tangential deviation of B with respect to A Example 10 Example 11 2 1 Area of M diagram between (i) and EI (ii), 2 0 M 2L M L 2 EI 3 EI 3 2 ML ML 3EI 3EI 2 2ML 3EI tB / A yB Deflection at the free end. ML EI Moment of the area about B ML L EI 2 Area ML2 2 EI Kulkarni Academy 187 Deflection of Beam Example 12 t A/ B ycentre A 1 L PL PL2 2 2 4 EI 16 EI PL2 L 16 EI 3 PL3 48 EI tB / A y free end Example 14 Find the deflection at the free end. 1 PL PL2 Area L 2 EI 2 EI Moment of area about B PL2 2 L PL3 2 EI 3 3EI Example 13 Sol. tB / A y free end y free end A1 x1 A2 x2 ML L ML 2 L 3EI 6 3EI 3 ML2 2ML2 5ML2 18EI 9 EI 18 EI Strength of Materials 12.2 A steel beam of breadth 120 mm and height 750 mm is loaded as shown in the figure. A cantilever beam of length L, with uniform cross-section and flexural rigidity, EI is loaded uniformly by a vertical load, w per unit length. The maximum vertical deflection of the beam is given by (A) wL4 8 EI (B) wL4 16 EI (C) wL4 4 EI (D) wL4 24 EI wL4 48EI (B) 4 (C) 5wL 384 EI Assume Esteel 200 GPa. 12.4 A simply supported beam of span L and flexural rigidity EI carries a uniformly distributed load w/unit length. The deflection at the mid span of the beam is (A) 12.3 Kulkarni Academy Common Data Questions 12.4 & 12.5 Practice Questions P 12.1 188 12.5 5wL4 96 EI The beam is subjected to a maximum bending moment of (A) 3375kN-m (B) 4750 kN-m (C) 6750 kN-m (D) 8750 kN-m The value of the maximum deflection of the beam is (A) 93.75 mm (B) 83.75 mm (C) 73.75 mm (D) 63.75 mm 4 (D) 3wL 16 EI 12.6 The flexural rigidity (EI) of a cantilever beam is assumed to be constant over the length of the beam shown in figure. If a load P and PL beanding moment are applied at the free 2 end of the beam then the value of the slope at the free end is 12.7 (A) 1 PL2 2 EI (B) PL2 EI (C) 3 PL2 2 EI (D) 5 PL2 2 EI For the beam shown, if the maximum deflection occurs at a distance x from support P, which one of the following is TRUE? (A) 0 x a (B) x a (C) a x L (D) x L A cantilever beam of span L is acted on by a concentrated load P at the free end. To have the same rotation at the free end under the action of a concentrated moment M 0 at the free end, the value of M0 will be P (A) L (B) 1.5L (C) 1.75L (D) 2L Kulkarni Academy 12.8 12.9 189 The slope and deflection at the free end of a variable cross section cantilever beam subjected to a bending moment at the free end as shown in the figure is (A) 2ML 5ML2 , 3EI 18EI (B) ML ML2 , EI 2 EI (C) ML ML2 , 1.5EI 3EI (D) ML ML2 , 3EI 3EI A beam simply supported at the ends carries a uniformly distributed load at the mid span, If the span is doubled, the deflection at the mid span will become (A) 2 times (B) 4 times (C) 8 times (D) 16 times 12.10 A beam is fixed at the left end and supported by a spring at the other end. The length of the beam is L and its flexural rigidity is EI. The 3EI spring constant of the spring is k 3 , A L vertical downward load P is applied at the right end. The deflection of the point under the load P is Deflection of Beam 12.11 A free end of a cantilever is attached to a spring having a spring constant K as shown in the figure. Assuming that the spring is undeformed prior to the application of the load P, the deflection at the end C (Spring end) after the load is applied is. (A) PL3 3EI KL3 (B) PL3 3EI KL3 (C) PL3 3EI 6 KL3 (D) PL3 3EI 6 KL3 Common Data Questions 12.12 & 12.13 A cantilever beam of flexural rigidity EI 81MN-m2 is loaded as shown in Fig: 12.12 The bending moment at the fixed end is (A) 0 (B) 900 kN-m (C) 1800 kN-m (D) 8100 kN-m 12.13 The deflection at the free end is (A) 0 (B) 75 mm (C) 150 mm (D) 300 mm 12.14 Two identical cantilever beams are supported as shown, with their free ends in contact through a rigid roller. After the load P is applied, the free ends will have (A) Equal deflections but not equal slopes 3 3 (A) PL 9 EI (B) 2 PL 9 EI (B) Equal slopes but not equal deflections (C) Equal slopes as well as equal deflections 3 3 (C) PL 6 EI (D) 5 PL 9 EI (D) Neither equal deflections slopes nor equal Strength of Materials Common Data Questions 12.15 & 12.16 A cantilever beam of unknown material (which is homogenous, linearly elastic and isotropic) and an unknown cross-section (which is uniform and symmetric) is given in the figure. The stiffness of the end spring is k 2000 N/m and end load P 1000 N; length of the beam L 1m. 12.15 If the deflection at the free end (Under load P, with end moment M 0 ) is measured as 5mm, the flexural rigidity EI for the beam is (in Nm2) (A) 66, 666 (B) 66, 000 (C) 67, 3000 (D) 64, 000 12.16 The value of the additional end moment M (in N.m) required to obtain an upward deflection of 1 mm at the free end, is (moment is positive in counter clockwise direction) (A) 533.33 (B) 533.33 (C) 528 (D) 528 190 Kulkarni Academy 12.17 Neglecting the axial compression of member AB, the deflection of point C in the direction of the load is (A) 2PL3 Ea 4 (B) 4PL3 Ea 4 (C) 8PL3 Ea 4 (D) 16PL3 Ea 4 12.18 The maximum bending stress in the frame is (A) 3PL a3 (B) 6PL a3 (C) 9PL a3 (D) 12PL a3 12.19 Group I contains beams with different types of supports and loading conditions. The beams have the same flexural rigidity EI and span L. Group II contains the maximum deflections. Match the beam from Group I with the maximum deflection given in Group II. Group-I P. Common Data Questions 12.17 & 12.18 A frame ABC is shown in the figure Members AB and BC both have a length of L, and Young’s Modulus E. Members AB and BC both have a square cross-section of side a. A load P is applied at point C as shown in the figure. Q. R. S. Kulkarni Academy 191 Group-II 1. 1 FL3 3 EI 2. 1 FL3 8 EI 3. 1 FL3 48 EI 4. 5 FL3 384 EI (A) P 3, Q 4, R 1, S 2 (B) P 3, Q 2, R 1, S 4 (C) P 4, Q 3, R 1, S 2 (D) P 3, Q 4, R 2, S 1 12.20 The simply supported beam is constructed by welding a rigid beam to a deformable one (with flexural rigidity EI), as shown in figure. The deflection under the load P is (A) PL3 6 EI (B) PL3 8EI (C) PL3 12 EI (D) PL3 3EI 12.21 Consider a cantilever beam, having negligible mass and uniform flexural rigidity, with length 0.01 m. The frequency of vibration of the beam, with a 0.5 kg mass attached at the free tip, is 100 Hz. The flexural rigidity (in N.m2) of the beam is______. Deflection of Beam 12.22 The area moment of inertia about the neutral axis of a cross section at a distance x measured from the free end is (EI = Flexural rigidity) bxt 3 bxt 3 (A) (B) 12l 6l 3 bxt xt 3 (C) (D) 12l 24l 12.23 The maximum deflection of the beam is 12Pl 3 24Pl 3 (A) (B) Ebt 3 Ebt 3 8Pl 3 6Pl 3 (C) (D) Ebt 3 Ebt 3 12.24 The vertical deflection at the free end of the cantilever beam is shown in figure is 1400 1400 (B) 3EI EI 100 200 (C) (D) EI EI 12.25 A frame is subjected to a load P as shown in the figure. The frame has a constant flexural rigidity EI. The effect of axial load is neglected. The deflection at point A due to the applied load P is (A) Common Data Questions 12.22 & 12.23 (A) 1PL3 3EI (B) 2 PL3 3EI (C) PL4 EI (D) 4 PL3 3EI Strength of Materials 192 Kulkarni Academy 12.26 A frame of two arms of equal length L is 12.28 A force P is applied at a distance x from the shown in the adjacent figure. The flexural end of the beam as shown in the figure. What rigidity of each arm of the frame is EI. The would be the value of x so that the vertical deflection at the point of application displacement at ‘A’ is equal to zero? of load P is (A) PL3 3EI (B) 2 PL3 3EI (C) PL3 EI (D) 4 PL3 3EI 12.27 The horizontal displacement at D of the frame shown in figure is (neglect axial strain energy and assume EI to be constant throughout) (A) 6P EI (B) 9P EI (C) 45P EI (D) 729P EI (A) 0.5 L (B) 0.25 L (C) 0.33 L (D) 0.66 L Kulkarni Academy A 193 Deflection of Beam PL2 PL2 1 2 2 EI 2 EI Answer Key 12.1 A 12.2 C 12.3 B 12.4 A 12.5 A 12.6 C 12.7 B 12.8 A 12.9 D 12.10 B 12.11 B 12.12 A 12.13 C 12.14 A 12.15 B 12.16 A 12.17 D 12.18 B 12.19 A 12.20 C 12.21 0.0658 12.22 B 12.23 D 12.24 B 12.25 D 12.26 B 12.27 C 12.28 C PL2 EI M XX Px M ( Px M ) 2 dx 2 EI 0 L U L 1 P 2 x 2 dx M 2dx 2 PMxdx 2 EI 0 L E 12.1 1 P 2 x3 2 PMx 2 2 U M x 2 EI 3 2 0 Explanation (A) U 1 P 2 L3 M 2 L PML2 2 EI 3 U 1 [0 2ML PL2 ] M 2 EI 1 2 EI Hence, the correct option is (A). 12.2 PL 2 2 L 2 PL PL2 EI Hence, the correct option is (B). (C) 12.4 (A) Deflection is maximum at the center Max. deflection = 5wL4 384 EI Hence, the correct option is (C). 12.3 (B) b 120 mm , d 750 mm E 200 103 MPa , L 15m PL2 Slope due to P 1 2 EI ML PL L PL2 Slope due to M 2 EI 2 EI 2 EI M max 120 kN / m (15)2 m2 8 M max 3375kNm Hence, the correct option is (A). Strength of Materials 12.5 194 (A) ymax ycentre 12.8 5WL4 384 EI 120 750 bd 12 12 9 I 4.218 10 mm4 l 15m 15000 mm I 3 (A) Hence, the correct option is (A). 12.9 (D) 3 5 120 103 (15000) 4 384 103 200 103 4.218 109 ycentre 93.75mm Hence, the correct option is (A). 12.6 Kulkarni Academy (C) ymid 5WL4 384 EI ymid L4 ymid (2L)4 ymid 16L4 Hence, the correct option is (D). 12.10 (B) aL axL In case of simply supported beam with a point load not at the center the maximum deflection occurs at the mid point of load and center of the beam. Hence, the correct option is (C). 12.7 (B) PL3 3EI KL3 Given, K 3EI L3 PL3 3EI 3EI 3 L3 L PL3 6 EI Hence, the correct option is (B). 12.11 (B) PL2 2 2 EI PL M 0 L EI M 0 L 2 EI EI M0 L P 2 M0 0.5 L P Hence, the correct option is (B). Kulkarni Academy 195 PL3 y1 3EI y2 Deflection of Beam 12.13 (C) FS L3 3EI Net deflection y1 y2 Deflection of spring PL3 100 103 N 93 m3 3EI 3 81106 Nm 2 FS F K S K y1 y1 y2 y1 0.3m 300mm PL3 FS L3 FS 3EI 3EI K ML2 900 103 92 y2 2 EI 2 81106 PL3 FS L3 FS 3EI 3EI K PL3 FS KL3 1 3EI K 3EI 3 12.14 (A) 3EI KL PL 3EI 3EI 3 ynet y2 y1 450 300 150mm Hence, the correct option is (C). KL PL 1 3EI 3EI 3 y2 0.45m 450mm 3 PL3 3EI KL3 Hence, the correct option is (B). 12.12 (A) As the roller is always in contact with both the rollers. Therefore, the deflection is same but slopes are not same. Hence, the correct option is (A). 12.15 (B) K 2000 N / m P 1000 N L 1m EI 81MN-m2 81106 Nm2 Hence, the correct option is (A). y1 PL3 3EI FS L3 y2 3EI Strength of Materials 196 FS FS K FS K Kulkarni Academy 12.17 (D) K 2000 5 103 10 Spring deflection y1 y2 FS PL3 FS L3 K 3EI 3EI L3 5 103 ( P FS ) 3EI 13 5 103 (1000 10) 3EI 1 5 103 (990) 3EI 990 EI 3 5 103 EI 66000 Nm2 U U AB U BC a a3 a 4 I 12 12 L ( Px)2 dx U BC 2 EI 0 Hence, the correct option is (B). 12.16 (A) FS FS K K U BC P 2 L3 6 EI U AB P 2 L2 L 2 EI U AB P 2 L3 2 EI P 2 L3 P 2 L3 U 2 EI 6 EI 3 2000 N / m 110 m 2 N U 2 PL3 2 PL3 P 2 EI 6 EI PL3 PL3 PL3 1 1 EI 3EI EI 3 PL3 FS L3 ML2 1103 3EI 3EI 2 EI 1000 1 2 1 M 1 1103 3 66000 3 66000 2 66000 M 533.33 Nm Hence, the correct option is (A). 3 3 2 4 PL3 4 PL3 12 3EI 3E a 4 16PL3 Ea 4 Hence, the correct option is (D). Kulkarni Academy 12.18 (B) 197 Deflection of Beam 12.20 (C) Note : I I a a3 12 Rigid member cannot deform and hence it will not absorb any strain energy. Only deformable member absorbs strain energy. Px 2 M 4 a 12 L M max PL U 0 P 2 x 2 dx 4 2 EI L P2 x2 U 24 EI 0 M I y My I max M y max max I max a PL 2 a4 12 max U P 2 L3 24 EI U 2 PL3 P 24 EI PL3 12 EI Hence, the correct option is (C). 12.21 0.0658 L 0.01m m 0.5kg f 100 Hz EI ? 6PL a3 Hence, the correct option is (B). 2f f 12.19 (A) Hence, the correct option is (A). K m 1 2 f 1 K 2 m Strength of Materials 100 1 K 2 0.5 K 197392 N/m PL3 P 3EI K 3 3EI L K 3EI L3 197392 198 Kulkarni Academy 12.23 (D) M XX Px L ( Px) 2 dx 0 2EI L U 0 P 2 x 2 dx 12 L 2 E bxt 3 L 6P2 L xdx Ebt 3 0 U 3 EI (0.01)3 EI 0.0658 Nm2 Hence, the correct answer is 0.0658. L 6P2 L x2 6 P 2 L L2 U Ebt 3 2 0 Ebt 3 2 U 3P 2 L3 Ebt 3 U 3.2 PL3 P Ebt 3 12.22 (B) 6 PL3 Ebt 3 Hence, the correct option is (D). 12.24 (B) b bx L x bx a 2 m , b 1m , L 3m , P 100 103 N bx L Pa 3 y1 3EI bx t 3 I 12 I bxt 3 12 L Hence, the correct option is (B). Pa 2 2 EI y tan 2 y2 b tan b y2 b Pa 2 y2 b 2 EI Kulkarni Academy 199 y y1 y2 P 2 L3 P 2 L3 U 6 EI 6 EI Pa3 Pa 2b 3EI 2 EI y Deflection of Beam 100 103 23 100 103 22 1 y 3EI 2 EI 1400 y 3EI Hence, the correct option is (B). 12.25 (D) P 2 L3 U 3EI U 2 PL3 P 3EI 2 PL3 3EI Hence, the correct option is (B). 2 3 U BC P L 6 EI U AB P 2 L2 L 2 EI 12.27 (C) U U AB U BC P 2 L3 P 2 L3 U 2 EI 6 EI U 2 P 2 L3 3EI U 2.2 PL P 3EI 3 4 PL3 3EI Hence, the correct option is (D). 12.26 (B) U CD P 2 L3 6 EI U BC P 2 L2 L 2 EI U BC P 2 L3 2 EI M ( Px PL) ( Px PL)2 dx 2 EI 0 L U AB L U AB MB 0 RA ( L) PL 0 RA P U U AB U BC 1 ( P 2 x 2 P 2 L2 2 P 2 xL) dx 2 EI 0 L U AB 1 P 2 x3 x2 2 2 2 P L x 2P L 2 EI 3 2 0 U AB 1 P 2 L3 P 2 L2 L P 2 LL2 2 EI 3 Strength of Materials U AB P 2 L3 6 EI U U AB U BC UCD U P 2 L3 P 2 L3 P 2 L3 6 EI 2 EI 6 EI U 5P 2 L3 6 EI U 10 PL3 5PL3 P 6 EI 3EI 5P(3)3 3EI 45P EI Hence, the correct option is (C). 12.28 (C) PL3 P( L x) L2 3EI 2 EI L Lx 3 2 2L 3L 3x 3x L x 0.33 L Hence, the correct option is (C). 200 Kulkarni Academy