Uploaded by Jarawi Annaluiza

Nursing Activity Sheet: Respiratory Care Questions & Exercises

R.T. Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City
Tertiary Education Department
Nursing Program
A.Y 2022 – 2023
NCM 112
Submitted by:
Jarawi, Annaluiza
Submitted to:
Kate Alegre, RN
Clinical Instructor
Questions to Ponder #1: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.
1. Why should the nurse avoid giving antitussive agents to clients with a head
Because: Antitussive drugs depresses the cough reflex at the center of the brain and may cause
increased pressure to the patient who has head injury that may lead to vomiting and nausea.
2. Why are some bronchodilators administered with food and some are not?
Because: some bronchodilator causes gastric irritation like xanthine which increases
diaphragmatic contractility and need to be administer with food same with the steroid that
which may cause stomach irritation and needs to take with food or milk. For albuterol it must
not be take with food since it is an inhaler type which may cause obstruction when food is taken
3. Why are opioids regulated?
Because: the misuse of opioids can lead to addiction, which is extremely risky since high dose
of opioids can harm a person's health, leading to hypoxia and rapid heart rate that may lead
death and that is why it needs to be regulated.
Questions to Ponder #2: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.
1. Why should the nurse instruct the patient to avoid coughing or clearing the
throat following a bronchoscopy?
Because: there is a possibility that a blood clot that has formed during the procedure could
dislodge and can cause bleeding
2. Why is chest radiography required pre- and post-thoracentesis?
Because: for us to determine whether or not there was any remaining pleural fluid and to look
for other abnormalities or aberration that were previously concealed by pleural effusion.
3. Why is continuous bubbling in the water-seal drainage bottle not a good sign?
Because: there is an air leak and causes an increase in pleural pressure and a reduction in
airflow and lung volume.
Questions to Ponder #3: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.
1. What measures could the nurse provide to help a patient who is on voice rest?
Encourage patient to drink plenty amount of water
Avoid the patient to eat sweet and spicy food
Advise patient to avoid clearing his throat as well as coughing
Advise patient to talk or speak in a soft tone
If patient is smoking, encourage him or her to stop from smoking
Advise patient to not exert effort when talking
2. How may the nurse promote the nutritional well-being of a patient with
odynophagia/dysphagia secondary to pharyngitis?
Advise patient to eat food that are soft or moist
Allow patient to chew and swallow the food slowly
Encourage client to drink warm water and avoid drinks that are carbonated
Educate the patient to avoid eating food that is sour, spicy and sweet
When eating advise patient to position in high fowler or upright position
Feed the patient with small portion food to avoid exhaustion while eating
Questions to Ponder #4: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.
1. What is the significance of classifying pneumonia based on how it is acquired?
It is essential to determine how pneumonia was acquired to render the proper treatment
base on its classification. We have four pneumonia classifications: CommunityAcquired Pneumonia, Hospital Acquired Pneumonia, Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia,
and Hospital Care Associate Pneumonia, which is a complicated classification of
pneumonia to treat.
2. Why should nurses emphasize to patients with tuberculosis to comply with the
multi-drug therapy
Because multi-drug therapy could help them better in treatment since there are bacteria
that is resistant to one or more drugs. So, to provide a proper care, we must emphasize
its importance why multi-drug therapy is needed. Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol and
Isoniazid are some of the drugs that can be use in this treatment.
Question to Ponder #5: Give your best answers. Share your answers with the class.
1. What is the significance of setting IATF-EID protocols in terms of CoViD – 19
The IATF-EID, or the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging
Infectious Diseases, helps monitor the covid cases in our country, the Philippines. It also
not just monitors the infectious disease, the coronavirus but it also controls to prevent the
disease massively spread that could affect various amount of people’s lives.
Brain Exercise # 1: Test Yourself!
Direction: Supply the correct answer on the answer sheet attached. Use BIG BOLD LETTERS.
Use permanent blue/black ink. Any form of alteration is not accepted.
PAROXYSMAL NOCTURNAL DYSPNEA 1. This refers to difficulty of breathing when in
a lying position.
500 ML 2. This is the normal tidal volume (measured in mL) for most adults.
INTERNAL RESPIRATION 3. This refers to the gas exchange between the lungs and blood
and between the blood and tissues.
PNEUMOTHORAX 4. This fatal condition occurs when the lung collapses, resulting in
labored breathing.
ALVEOLI 5. In which specific structure does gas exchange take place in the respiratory
PULMONARY EDEMA 6. This condition occurs with rapid accumulation of fluid in the
alveolar spaces.
OPEN PNEUMOTHORAX 7. This type of pneumothorax is also known as sucking chest
PULSE OXIMETER 8. This device is used to monitor the pulse rate and oxygen saturation.
PULMONARY ARTERY 9. These components are responsible to take up oxygen as it enters
the lung capillaries.
DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS 10. This is a steady clot in the vein that often forms from blood
or fat components.
Exercise # 2: Test Yourself
Direction: Supply the correct answer on the answer sheet attached. Use BIG BOLD LETTERS.
Use permanent blue/black ink. Any form of alteration is not accepted.
Scenario: 53-year-old Mr. Tebee Hoon is admitted in the respiratory unit for thoracentesis. Mr.
Hoon claimed that he had been having shortness of breath and chronic cough that caused him
to seek medical assistance. Mr. Hoon works in a construction company as an electrician and
carpenter. Accordingly, he is a cigarette smoker since he was 22 years old. He seldom drinks
alcohol. He has a history of asthma with his last attack 2 years ago. He has no history of any
surgery. Questions 1 – 5 refer to this case.
UPRIGHT POSITION 1. Mr. Hoon should be placed in which ideal position for the
should the nurse instruct Mr. Hoon about his breathing during the procedure?
THE STABILITY OF VITAL SIGNS 3. What should the nurse PRIMARILY check during
the immediate post thoracentesis period for Mr. Hoon?
2ND – 3RD INTERCOSTAL SPACE 4. The nurse expects the physician to use which specific
site for needle insertion during a thoracentesis?
WHEEZING 5. Mr. Hoon manifests high-pitched, whistling sounds during exhalation. The
nurse should document which breathing sound finding in her notes?
ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME 6. Confusion is usually manifested as
a very late symptom of which most common respiratory complication?
CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE 7. Emphysema is likely present in
the case of Mr. Ace. The nurse understands that this chest configuration with thoracic
assessment is common with the case.
CHRONIC BRONCHITIS 8. Expansion of the bronchi and bronchioles due to chronic couch
likely occurs with which condition?
TIDAL VOLUME 9. This refers to the volume of air inspired or expired with each normal
breath plus the extra volume of air that can be inspired over & beyond.
HEMOPTYSIS 10. A patient gives out blood-tinged sputum when coughing. The nurse shall
document what specific symptom in her notes?