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TRIF Induction Program Schedule

At the end of the 2-week induction programme, the inductees will be to
Complete settling down formalities and address any concerns and doubts about their engagement in TRIF.
Explore and express their journey with self, community, and perspectives from their journey before TRIF and build alignment with TRIF’s intent, ToC, thematic engagements, opportunities, and value add in the sector.
Concrete experience of CBO-PRI-LA compact model plus PPIA model and explore their contribution to the well-being of individuals and community.
Comprehensively understand what and how TRIF’s model is operationalized on the ground.
Articulate the skills and knowledge required to deliver results on the ground.
Session 1 (10-11 AM)
Session 2 (11:15- 12:15)
Session 3 (12:15- 13:30)
Session 4 14:30- 15:30)
Session 5 (15:45- 17:30)
17:30 - 18:00
TRIF's strategy for rural 2025 (60 min)
SGA- 3 people pe rgroup My
Professional Journey so far (45 Min)
Participants reflect on their journey
that brought them to TRIF
The TRIF journey (30 min)
19-Jan-23 Day1
Introduction to the induction program - sharing
objectives & participants get to know each other
(Gauri & Rupak) , Norms and Logistics
announcement, Ice Breaking (60 Min)
Individual Exercise: 1. How you
came the sector? (What was/were
the critical incident or event or
person that brought you to this
sector?) (10 min)
2. What have you found satisfying
and fulfulling in this sector?
Share in the plenary about what we
learnt in SGA (15 Minutes)
->The rural divide & drivers that can
-> Poverty is intergenerational &
multidimensional "
-> TRIF's dream for stranded India
-> raison d'etre
-> TRIF's value proposition (Samaj,
Sarkar, Bazar) (Presentation &
SGD) (Anirban / Prabhat- Jitendra)
-> TRIF's approach (long-term and intermediate
-> Vision 2025 (community aciton pilots & public
policy in action)
-> Introduce TRIF's new collaborations (messaging
that TRI is an idea that is owned by the sector as a
whole including the staff) (Anish/ Jitendra/Prabhat)
__> Connecting MDC
Values of TRIF
-> Brief on TRIF Values
-> How do our values reflect on individual
professional journey
SGA: What I like most in the sharing about
TRIF, what needs to be done Differtly? Share
in Triads. Sample sharing in PLenary-
Individual reflection: Which value do you align with
the most? Which value do you align with the least?
(Gauri & Rupak)
Introduction to M25M programme
-> how it fits into the larger vision and mission of
-> what solution does it provide for the community
-> what is the potential of its impact
Alignmentnt of M25 with TRIF Mission - SGA
Rupak & Prabhat
TRIF solutionscape: Action Pilots
20-Jan-23 Day2
21-Jan-23 Day3
22-Jan-23 Day4
23-Jan-23 Day5
24-Jan-23 Day9
25-Jan-23 Day6
26-Jan-23 Day7
27-Jan-23 Day8
"" ·TRIF is a solution provider (unique value
proposition, strategic leverage, scale)
-> Why an action pilot / PPIA? Defining growth of an
action pilot
-> Various solutions from action pilots that exist
Basic about Community Institution
within TRIF - youth initiative, health & education
-> Structure of SHG VO & CLF
-(Prabhat- Jitendra)
>High parforming CLF
--> Roles Creative presentation : simulation of
of deferent steck holders
given scenario
Rupak & Prabhat
Community Communication - Amjad
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need
Amjad Delhi
Community Communication - Amjad
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need
Amjad Delhi
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need
Amjad Delhi
Preperation for Field Visit: Group Formation,
Activity during visit, what is your expecttion at
field, Logistics Announancement
Community Communication - Amjad
28-Jan-23 Day10 Petlawad
Village Immersion - Before going to the village write down what do you expect to encounter in the village? during the immersion observe - How the village looks like, History of the village, how the settlememnt started? Observations
and interaction with the community in learning groups (2-3 people). Explore about the life in villages, How people are engaged, What is their normal day look like, for Women and Men. Why they do what they are doing. Understand
about the People, (Demographies, social groups etc) Resources and Institutions (Community, Government, Private, etc..). What are their Aspirations for Self and their children?
- story of the village
Immersion with Block/ District Admin - Immersion
with CLF
Interact with the CLF, Understand what problem they are solving, What is the structure and function of CLF, Who does what Interactions and trnsactions. How CLF started, what
they want to do, how they are inflencing the lives of women and getting influneced by external agents.
SGA - preperation - sharing story of village through
our eyes: Individual Report & Reflection in Small
Group & Finalization of Group Presentation
Introduction to M25M program
TRIF's Throey of Action
Presentation on Field Immersion under ToC Mentor (in Sub Group): (Best obtion Anish, Anirban da, Ashok Da if possible)
Facilitator synthesizes the group presentation and
connects the groups's observations to TRIF Theory
of Action
29-Jan-23 Day11 Petlawad
Facilitator introduces the M25M project.
Elaborates on how it's connected to TRIF's
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
larger vision & ToC; Brief around expectations takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
from the group in terms of their contribution to learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
the project as well as TRIF.
3 most necessery Learning Need
Anish, Anirban, Ashok Da
Starting your Action Plan
Articulating the vision of M25M
SGD: Based on your reflections from the previous sessions, what is the vision of M25M project in not more than 2 lines?
Role of institutional structures and processes in the
M25M program: CLF-VO-SHG, Panchayats, Block
Administration, District Administration
Plenary Discussion on presentations and clarifications if required (Amjad (JK) & Gaurav / Mansoor )
30-Jan-23 Day12 Petlawad
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need
Identify various stakeholders and their roles in
each of these activities?
Groups present and feedback is given by
Livelihood (Ashok Da ) & FP - relate with observation during village immersion
31-Jan-23 Day13 Petlawad
What are the major activities that will be
undertaken to operationalise the vision of the
NF, Skill & Enterprise ( Aliva, Neeraj, Rajesh)
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need
Mansoor & Amjad -(Ranchi)
Ashok Da, Aliva
2-Feb-23 Day14 Petlawad
PRI CBO LA Convergence (Jitendra/ Rajesh/
Pankaj/ Sanjay) -- relate with observation during
village immersion
how to engage with SRLM & CLF system ( Sub
committee, CV at VO & CLF) & Connecting
with Public System
Coordination with District & Block
Administration - Darshan/ Gajanan/
Neerija/ Shrish
Evidance based communication & Cordination with
Public system - Darshan/ Gajanan/ Neerija/Shirish
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need
1 from Governance, Darshan, Sherish,
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need
Biswa, Javed, Shriya
Gender - (Seema/ Shriya) - relate
with observation during village
3-Feb-23 Day15 Petlawad
Education - (Javed) - relate with
Introduction to Gender Unit? What is
observation during village immersion purpose within the larger
organisational framework?
What is TRIF's approach to
How does the work on gender
Health - (Biswadeep) -- relate with observation
integrate with livelihoods/ NRLM
during village immersion
Sharing case studies/ field
experiences on our work Expectation on the integration of
What is TRIF's approach in health?
opportunities & challenges
gender within M25M project
What is the work done in health so far? - case
how to engage with SRLM & CLF
how to engage with SRLM & CLF
study/ field experiences
how to engage with
system ( Social Action Sub
system ( Social Action Sub
SRLM & CLF system ( Social Action Sub committee, committee, CV at VO & CLF) &
committee, CV at VO & CLF) &
CV at VO & CLF) & Connecting with Public System Connecting with Public System
Connecting with Public System
TRIF values and work culture
HR / Admin/ Finance rules and procedures
4-Feb-23 Day17 Petlawad
"Leave, travel policies, process of getting approvals,
360 degree feedback etc.
Identifying supervisor and work group at the time of
issuance of letter"
Mobile Aplications:
5-Feb-23 Day16 Petlawad
Sharding of : Action Plan & presentation, Handover
to State Team (1) what you do with Community (2)
Government (3) Market when you arive at your
respective locations
7 Days gap
Start from individual exercise on Day Regulatory policies and implications for TRIF
"Regulatory policies: Highlights of POSH, whistle
"·What is culture?
blower, child protection, Code of Conduct
Understanding and relating to TRIF What these imply for the interactions within and
values and everyday work
outside TRIF?
management behavior.
Gender intentionality and programmes and its
· Respecting colleagues and
sustaining a collaborative and
inclusive culture."
Reflections Individual from the Event , Individual
learning Needs,
Written Feedback and Closure
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need
# Individual Exercise: Note down (1) My
takeaway from the day (2) what you need to
learn to deliver in the ground # Flash card :
3 most necessery Learning Need