Procedures for when TRIF funds are used as committed Cost Share.

RATIONALE: TRIF funds and the expenditures associated with those funds CAN BE used for committed Cost
Sharing on other Sponsored Projects. However, TRIF funds are also managed within the PeopleSoft Grants
Module as with all externally funded sponsored projects.
Issue – TRIF funds have a Project ID number (example 1002089) and the Sponsored Project with the
committed cost share also has a Project ID number (example 1000177). The PeopleSoft Grant Cost
Sharing system has internal controls instilled within that will not allow you to use a Sponsored
Project ID to cost share with another Sponsored Project ID. Per OMB Subpart C – Post Award
Requirement, Financial and Program Management _ 23 Cost Sharing or Matching. (a) 1 thru 7.
2. Work-around
a. To establish and collect the expenditures for cost sharing you must use a Department ID
(example 2770900) associated with 2400/2500 funds, this Department ID will be provided at
the time of award activation by OGCS.
i. PAASFC will set up the Cost Sharing using the 2400/2500 Department ID for the
committed amount for the Sponsored Project ID.
ii. PAASFC will set up a Cost Sharing Speedchart (example M25A00177) and provide the
Speedchart number, along with this procedure document, to the department. The
Speedchart will enable the department staff to effectively tag the committed cost
sharing to the award project id in addition to providing them with reference
materials for managing their TRIF cost share.
b. The Department will transfer out (IDT account code 8300) of the TRIF Project ID and transfer
in ( IDT account code 8100) to the 2400/2500 designated Cost sharing Department ID the
amount equal to the monthly expenditures tagged as cost sharing for that particular award.
i. This can be done no more frequent or less than monthly as the transfer out of the
TRIF’s Project ID affects the TRIF reports to ABOR.
3. PAASFC review of IDT
a. Full committed cost share CANNOT be transferred!
i. View Commitment Control for the Cost Sharing Department ID to ensure that the
Transfer Out is NOT greater than the monthly expense tagged as cost sharing for the
award with the committed cost sharing. See examples on the next page.