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Effective Presentation Skills: Types & Techniques

What are presentation skills?How can we make effective
• Submitted To:Mam sumaria Noor
◦Submitted by:Ayesha Mazhar
Saba yaseen
Omama babar
Faiqa Amir
What is presentation?
◦ A Presentation Is…
◦ A presentation is a means of communication that can be
adapted to various speaking situations, such as talking to a
group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team.
◦ A presentation can also be used as a broad term that
encompasses other ‘speaking engagements’ such as making a
speech at a wedding, or getting a point across in a video
Types of presentation:◦ Informative Presentations. …
◦ Instructive Presentations. …
◦ Persuasive Presentations. ..
◦ Decision-makin presentation…
◦ Motivational presentation….
◦ Progress presentation….
Informative presentation:◦ Informative presentations serve to present specific information for
specific audiences for specific goals or functions. The type of
presentation is often identified by its primary purpose or function.
Informative presentations are often analytical or involve the
rational analysis of information.
Instructed presentation:◦ A presentation that teaches something is similar to an informative
presentation, but it goes beyond sharing facts. It also instructs the
audience on a specific topic.
Persuasive presentation:◦ The ability to clearly and convincingly present one’s ideas to
others and to connect deeply, both emotionally and
thoughtfully, with an audience—is a highly valuable lifelong skill
that promotes deeper learning for both the presenter and the
audience. Digital Promise.
Motivational presentation
◦ A motivational speech is a public speech intended to
inspire an audience to make a change in their lives. It
usually has a clear purpose, a personal story written for
a specific audience and a conclusion that includes a
call to action
◦ The PowerPoint Progress templates are timeline and process flow
diagrams to demonstrate performance reports. These progression
slides are suitable to display performance parameters and future
goals. Progress refers to a professional approach for completing
a job, project, or operations. The progress templates include a
range of linear process flow diagram and charts. The progress
chart layouts are helpful for comparing performance of multiple
processes. All these progress layouts are fully editable and easy
to adjust to any business and informal presentations.
Decision making presentation:◦ Decision making process indicates recognizing and defining the
nature of a decision situation, identifying alternatives, choosing
the “best” alternative, and putting it into practice
Presentation skills:◦ Presentation skills are the skills you need in delivering effective
and engaging presentations to a variety of audiences. These skills
cover a variety of areas such as the structure of your
presentation, the design of your slides, the tone of your voice and
the body language you convey.
Presentation skills:-
What is effective presentation?
◦ A effective presentation makes the best use of the
relationship between the presenter and the audience. It
takes full consideration of the audience’s needs in order
to capture their interest, develop their understanding,
inspire their confidence and achieve the presenter’s
Goals of effective
SkillS Of effective presentation:-
Effective presentation:-
PRESENTATION:◦ It has a clear objective.
◦ It’s useful to your audience.
◦ It’s well-rehearsed.
◦ Your presentation deck uses as little text as possible.
◦ Your contact information is clearly featured.
◦ It includes a call-to-action.
How to make an effective
◦Effective presentation:◦Know your audience – create a persona. …
◦Develop your idea – start at the end. …
◦Plan your presentation – step away from your
computer. …
◦Create your visual aids – and keep text to a
minimum. …
◦Set aside time to rehearse – keep to time. …
◦Prepare to present – check the technology.
Strategies of effective
presentation:◦ Strategies to Give an Effective Presentation
◦ Tell a Story. Experts agree that stories are the crucial factor to
compelling presentations. …
◦ Slow Down. …
◦ Stay Relaxed. …
◦ Don’t Overdo Slides. …
◦ Practice.
Keys of effective presentation:◦ 6 Key Elements of a Great Presentation
◦ It has a clear objective.
◦ It’s useful to your audience.
◦ It’s well-rehearsed.
◦ Your presentation deck uses as little text as possible.
◦ Your contact information is clearly featured.
◦ It includes a call-to-action.