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Paper Presentation Protocol: Effective Delivery Guide

Proper Protocol during
Paper Presentation
Prepared by Ms. Kesiah Cyd G. Maligro
EDEM 512 Graduate Seminar
Key things to consider:
An effective presenter should have led the study, participated in the analysis and drafting of the
abstract and manuscript, i.e. the presenter should know the subject of his or her talk inside out.
One should therefore be prepared to PRESENT:
Plan from the start (place integral parts of the presentation in logical sequence);
Reduce the amount of text and visual aids to the bare minimum;
Elucidate (clarify) methods;
Summarize results and key messages;
Effectively deliver;
Note all shortcomings, and
Transform your own and the current thinking of others.
Presentation guide
Presentation in brief:
Whether presentation is a group project or
individual project. Think of this as a visual
version of your paper.
The presentation should include: a short
intro, your hypotheses, a brief description
of the methods, tables and/or graphs
interpretation of your data.
Title slide
 It has 1 slide. Title of the talk .
 The names of all group members, the class and
university names, and the date the talk is
 Introduction (typically 3-4 slides)
 Explain why your work is interesting. Place the study
in context – how does it relate to / follow from the
scientific literature on this subject. If it relates to any
applied issues (e.g., environmental problems),
mention this here.
Materials and Methods
 typically 2-3 slides
 Clearly summarize the design.
 Show a diorama of your experimental design (with
sample sizes, number of replicates, sampling
frequency, etc.). Mention what parameters you
measured but do not go into detail on exact
procedures used. Do state what statistical tests
you used to analyze your data.
 Delivering a Presentation
 Effective presenters capture audience attention and stay focused on
key messages .A study was performed at scientific conferences
asking reviewers to identify the best features of effective
 The most frequent comments on best features of presentations with
respect to ‘content' were identifying a key concept (43% of
presentations) and relevance (43%). Best features in evaluations of
‘slides' were clarity (50%), graphics (27.3%) and readability of the
text and font size (23%).
 Finally, best features in ‘presentation style' were clarity (59%),
pace (52%), voice (48%), engaging with the audience (43%),
addressing questions (34%) and eye contact (28%).
(typically 2-4 slides)
First show a photograph (or sketch) that shows
an interesting qualitative results (e.g., trays of
plants in which one set is noticeably bigger than
the other, ) and state that result.
Then display the results in graphical form,
reminding the audience of your hypothesis and
stating whether it was supported as you do so.
Use simple, clean, clearly labeled graphs with
proper axis labels.
Implications and Conclusions
typically 2-3 slides
Correctly interpret your results.
 1 slide
 Thank anyone who provided advice or assistance. Verbally
thank your audience for their attention and tell them you
would be happy to answer any question.
Thank you and God bless
us all!