1. FBS Normal: <5.6 mmol/L Abnormal: >/= 7mmol/l Meaning: If the patient reached 7 mmol/l or higher FBS, his pre-diabetic status progressed to Fullblown Diabetees Mellitus 2. HbA1c Normal: <5.7% Abnormal: >/= 6.5% Meaning: A >/= 7% HbA1c Sugar level was not controlled in a span of 3 months which also signified Diabetes Mellitus. 3. 2hrs FBS Normal: <7.8 mmol/l Abnormal: >11.1 mmol/l Meaning: If the patient reached 11.1 mmol/l or higher 2nd hr FBS, his pre-diabetic status progressed to Full-blown Diabetes Mellitus 4. Triglyceride Normal: <150mg/dl Abnormal: >200mg/dl Meaning: If the patient has >200mg/dl, patient has dyslipidemia since he's also obesity. 5. WBC Normal: 5,000-10,000 Abnormal: >10,000 Meaning: A count greater than 15,000/µL suggest osteomyelitis since has stage 3 pressure ulcer.