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Optimal Internet Service in Cebu for Computer Students

A Research Paper
Presented to the Senior High School Department
Cebu Institute of Technology – University
Cebu City, Philippines
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subjects
Paul M. Abellana
Christian Barry R. Alico
John Michael N. Borromeo
Francis Benedict Y. Chavez
Charles Luis G.Gaid
Jose Ely P. Perez
Tristan James Y. Tolentino
June 2022
This research paper entitled, A STUDY ON THE MOST OPTIMAL INTERNET
PRIVATE UNIVERSITY, prepared and submitted by Paul M. Abellana, Christian
Barry R. Alico, John Michael N. Borromeo, Francis Benedict Y. Chavez, Charles Luis
G.Gaid, Jose Ely P. Perez, and Tristan James Y. Tolentino in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the courses Research 3—Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion and
Research 4—Capstone Project is hereby accepted and recommended for Oral Examination.
ACCEPTED as partial fulfillment of the requirement for the courses of Research 3—
Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion and Research 4—Capstone Project.
APPROVED by the tribunal at the Oral Examination with the grade of _PASSED_.
Oral Examination: _PASSED_
Assistant Principal, Senior High School
Principal, Senior High School
This study was made successful through the help of these noteworthy people who
guided the researchers throughout this study. Their sincere gratitude is given to the
following individuals who shaped and supported the process of completing this study to its
intended vision:
To their loving parents, who supported them on the journey of this paper and
expenses by giving them the privilege of conducting this study;
To Dr. Lina N. Baguio, their research teacher, who helped them continue and finish
writing this thesis through their guidance, encouragement, and assessment;
To Sir Sam Lasiste, their external adviser, who helped with his knowledge and
expertise and supervised them in completing this thesis, which the researchers are grateful
To Dr. Beverly Taga, Dr. Patrick Bacalso, and Dr. Kurt Candilas, their panelists,
for their insightful remarks and suggestions for refining this research paper;
And lastly, to the almighty God, for giving the researchers strength and hope that
inspired them to have the persistence to complete the research paper.
This study is sincerely dedicated by the researchers to their families, loved ones,
and friends that supported them all throughout the journey of this research.
To their parents who unconditionally provide them with financial, moral, and
emotional support;
To their school, and internal and external advisers that provided them with
knowledge, guidance, and borrowed skills to further enhance the study until the end.
And most importantly, above all, thank you to our Almighty God for always being
there by the researchers’ sides to provide encouragement,
skills, and a healthy life. We offer all of these to You, our Almighty God.
Page No.
1.1 Background and Rationale of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Scope and Limitations of the Study
1.5 Definition of Terms
2.1 Theory
2.2 Theoretical-Conceptual Framework
2.2.1 Schematic Diagram of the Theoretical-
Conceptual Framework
2.3 Review of Related Readings
2.3.1 Review of Related Literature
2.3.2 Review of Related Studies
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Description of Experiment
3.2.1 Research Environment
3.2.2 Research Instrument
3.2.3 Research Procedure
3.2.4 Statistical Techniques
3.3 Description of Subjects
4.1 The Most Optimal Internet Service Provider
Based on Internet Speeds
4.2 Efficiency of Internet Services Offered by Internet
Service Providers Based on The Internet Speeds
4.3 Interventions or Proposed Changes
5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Further Recommendations for Research
Appendix A – Transmittal Letter
Appendix B – Curriculum Vitae
Appendix C – Turnitin Certification
Page No.
Schematic Diagram of the Theoretical-Conceptual
Framework of the Study
Graph of the Comparison between the Means of the
ISP’s Speeds
Page No.
Most Availed ISP
The Calculations for the Recorded Internet Speeds
The Calculations for the Recorded Internet Speeds
of Globe
The Calculations for the Recorded Internet Speeds
of Converge
The Calculations for the Recorded Internet Speeds
of Sky Telecom
A Comparison of the Different ISPs’ Speeds using
SD/Mean Scores
The Listed Prices of the Advertised Fiber Speeds
Difference Between Recorded and Advertised Speeds
Difference Between Recorded and Advertised Speeds
of Globe
Difference Between Recorded and Advertised Speeds
of Sky Telecom
Difference Between Recorded and Advertised Speeds
of Converge
The Average Ratings of Each ISP in Different Categories
The modern world as we know it has become heavily reliant on the use of the
internet to achieve numerous daily tasks. Both workers and students now require a network
connection to complete their requirements, and with that need comes the service providers
who supply an internet connection to their subscribers all over the country. However, it is
still somewhat unclear as to which internet service provider (ISP) truly provides the most
optimal internet service for its users’ needs. In this research paper, four of the most widely
availed ISPs in Cebu were compared with each other to determine which among them
offers the most optimal internet service. The study wanted to determine which ISP was the
most optimal, how efficient these services are, and the possible changes that would allow
for improvement in the ISPs. When choosing the right ISP, one must factor in the internet
speeds actually experienced by the customers, the prices of the deals and services offered,
and the overall willingness of the ISP to provide assistance and customer service to the
users who require it. Furthermore, using the GAP Model of Service Quality and the
SERVQUAL Model as bases for the evaluation, they were compared in terms of their
internet efficiency, their price, their overall customer ratings, and their average internet
speeds which were subdivided into groups based on the advertised speeds of the ISPs. Out
of the four, Converge came out on top with a decent internet efficiency, the best overall
customer ratings, and with the relatively highest speeds in most of the average internet
speed groupings. Further improvements to these ISPs were also determined in the form of
better-quality customer service and improvements in internet infrastructure.
This chapter introduces the study on the most optimal internet service available to
computer-course students studying in Cebu Institute of Technology. It also consists of the
background and rationale, the statement of the problem, the significance, and the scope and
limitations of the study.
1.1 Background and Rationale of the Study
The modern age of technology has certainly placed a huge emphasis on the
significance of an internet connection in the daily lives of the general population, and with
the Covid-19 pandemic still being a pestilent hindrance to public activities, the ability to
be online has become somewhat of a necessity. Due to these circumstances, many people
are stuck at home with limited capability to go out which has caused many institutes to
adopt an online mode of discourse. Furthermore, many workers and students have been
forced to complete their jobs and tasks at home, so educational and work obligations now
heavily require an internet connection. This requirement poses problems for those that have
slow connections and those that cannot afford such services entirely as it may hinder their
capability to do their work well. Thus, with the growing use of the internet in important
duties, it is imperative for people to at least have basic access to a good network connection
so that they have the best opportunities to engage in education and work (Reglitz, 2020).
The internet becoming a mandatory necessity for online schoolwork has also
revealed the importance of download, upload, and connection speeds since the ability to
attend live classes, submit works, and take exams are heavily dependent on a good
connection. A study done by Michigan State University (2020) stated that slow internet
connections or a lack of internet entirely can hinder students academically and can cause
some of them to fall behind. A slow connection does not only impede the completion of
schoolwork, but it can also influence how effectively students learn their subjects.
Furthermore, given that there is an abundance of resources on the internet, having a bad
connection makes it very difficult for students to utilize those resources properly. The lack
of proper internet can also lead students to develop a deficiency in digital skill and literacy
which may be important in taking online standardized tests and in applying for future jobs.
Internet service providers (ISPs) are the ones that provide their customers with a
network connection, and how well they conduct their services determines the network
speeds of their subscribers. In the Philippines, many ISPs have faced many complaints
from customers over their lack of effort in improving the internet situation of the country.
The situation had gotten to a point where the President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte,
had to implement a directive back in early 2020 for these Telco companies to properly
improve their services and internet speeds. Although the country has been able to slowly
improve and rise to 63rd in broadband internet speed and 72nd in mobile internet speed from
being 110th and 111th, respectively, this rise in the rankings does not truly represent any
actual changes in the services experienced by most of their subscribers, or at the very least,
the improvement has yet to make a large change in national (Araneta, 2021; Mercurio,
2021). With slow internet speeds and relatively unreliable customer service being present,
it is certainly important to determine which of these ISPs can actually provide the best of
these services.
In the Cebu City area specifically, the average download speed has been listed as
15.07 Mbps while the average upload speed is listed as 5.25 Mbps for the fourth quarter of
2021 (Ookla, 2021). For perspective, Armstrong (2021) stated that people are
recommended to have an amount of 10 Mbps of designated download speed and at least 1
Mbps of designated upload speed per person doing work related tasks at home. Other
studies have also stated that people are recommended to atleast have 25 Mbps oftotal
download speed accompanied by3 Mbps of total upload speed if they perform work or class
related activities at home (Novo, 2021; Reisinger & Westover, 2022). These amounts are
derived from the different tasks that people usually take on when working from an online
setting, such as attending and hosting meetings, sharing and downloading files, browsing
websites, sending or downloading large assets from emails or chat messages, streaming
required media, and performing different synchronous tasks with a team. Although these
tasks are still manageable for people with far lower internet speeds as most applications
and websites have features that allow them to run on relatively lower speeds albeit at the
expense of their quality. This entails interruptions in meetings or calls due to
disconnections or lag, long hours just to download or send files, and constant buffering
when trying to load websites, videos, or other types of media. Having the recommended
connection, or perhaps an even faster connection, largely prevents these nuisances from
hindering people’s work, and it generally allows them to complete their tasks more
efficiently and with less hassle.
Sufficient digital skills, a fast connection, and a good grasp of what the world wide
web has to offer can come in handy in computer courses. Therefore, having to deal with a
lacking or slow connection during one’s studies only makes it more difficult to perform
well in these particular courses. Most of the resources used in computer-courses also
require an internet connection to download programs or software and to upload and test
code. Some classes may also require live coding exercises and other live programming
activities which would be difficult with slow network speeds, and a poor internet
connection also proves to be disadvantageous to the academic performance of computer
course students. Additionally, with the internet speed in the cities of the Philippines, such
as Cebu, being described as generally slow and unstable, these students are presented with
a bigger hindrance. Hence, it is necessary for the computer-course students in Cebu to be
able to determine which internet service provider can offer the best connection.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
This study sought to determine the most optimal internet service provider available to
computer-course students in a private university for them to be able to reach peak
productivity when doing tasks. Specifically, this study aimed to answer these following
research questions:
1. What is the most optimal internet service provider available in Cebu for
computer-course students in a private university in terms of internet speed?
2. How efficient are the internet services offered by the internet service providers
based on their internet speeds?
3. Based on the findings of the study, what intervention or what changes may be
proposed in order to improve the internet services?
1.3 Significance of the Study
This research aimed to provide information and knowledge regarding the chosen
topic from recent studies or theses, respondents, and related sites needed for the
importance to individuals as follows:
Computer Instructors. The results would help the computer instructors evaluate
the internet services provided by the telecommunication companies and recommend
which is optimal and reliable in delivering their classes.
Computer-course Students. This study provides information regarding which
internet services are beneficial and optimal with their budget and location. This study
investigates the opinions and reasons of computer-course students, including Information
Technology, Computer Science, and Computer Engineering Students, on their preferred
internet service provider.
Future Researchers. Researchers could use this study as a reference to analyze
the findings of their studies and develop new tests and research models involving internet
services for future studies.
1.4 Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study was only focused on determining the most optimal internet service
provider available in Cebu for the computer-related students at Cebu Institute of
Technology – University (CIT-U). It was conducted by a group of grade 12 students from
CIT-U during the pandemic within the school year, 2021-2022, hence, there were several
limitations in terms of what can be accomplished in the short period given. The study aimed
to investigate the efficiency of each internet provider and the difficulties experienced by
customers – specifically, the computer-related course students in CIT-U. Furthermore, the
study also aimed to investigate the opinions and thoughts of these students regarding their
preferred internet service for coding, programming, and other tasks related to their courses.
This study was also only limited to computer-related course students enrolled in
CIT-U and currently staying in Cebu. It also did not extend its scope towards hardware and
software malfunctions that can inadvertently affect internet performance such as specific
models of the gadgets used, their operating systems, the applications downloaded, and the
like. The data and router speeds of the chosen internet services were, however, compared
in this study, and these speeds were mainly calculated using the Ookla speed test. There
were also unpreventable discrepancies in the collection of internet connection speeds,
depending on the time the data was taken and how many users were on the network at a
particular moment of time which were out of the researchers’ control. Furthermore, mobile
internet connections were not taken into account, and four of the most availed internet
services, namely PLDT, Globe, Sky, and Converge were the ones that were mainly taken
into consideration. With this strategy, the researchers aimed to be able to ascertain which
widely accessible internet service provider is the most optimal for peak productivity.
1.5 Definition of Terms
Internet –It is a network system that facilitates worldwide communication and data
access which using private, public, government, academic, and business networks spread
throughout the globe.
Internet Service - It is a provided service that allows customers to gain access to the
internet by means of different kinds of technology.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) – An ISP is a company that provides internet access to
individuals and companies/businesses.
Optimal - For the purpose of this study, it is defined as an internet service being stable,
having an internet speed close to what is advertised, and lacking or having minimal issues
in the service.
Mobile Internet - A wireless internet access by the means of mobile devices (i.e. mobile
data, Wi-Fi Hotspot, and other connections that use cellular data).
Broadband Internet - A wired or wireless fast internet access that provides at least 25
Mbps of download speed and 3 Mbps of upload speed.
Wi-Fi - It is the wireless technology used to connect computers, tablets, smartphones and
other devices to the internet.
Upload Speed - It refers to how quickly data can be transferred from a computer to the
Download Speed - It refers to how quickly data from the internet can be transferred to a
Advertised Internet Speed - The speeds of the internet services as listed by the internet
service providers.
Actual Internet Speed - The real-time internet speeds that users are really experiencing.
Network Latency - (Otherwise known as lag) It is the delays in communication or
transferring of data over a network.
Internet Efficiency - For the purposes of this study, internet efficiency is defined as a
minimal difference between actual internet speed and advertised internet speed.
Over Efficiency - The degree to which the actual internet speeds surpass what is
Mean - The calculated average of all data points in a data set.
Standard Deviation - It is a statistical measure that quantifies the amount of dispersion
of the individual data points in a dataset in relation to the mean. It essentially indicates
how spread apart the data points are from the mean.
Bandwidth - (also known as connection speed) The maximum amount of data
transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time
This chapter presents various published articles, studies, and reviews relating to the
efficiency of the internet service providers (ISPs) available in Cebu. This section also
introduces related literature and studies that deal with the determining factors affecting
internet speed and stability, the different internet service providers in Cebu, and the
psychological effects on the students encountering severe internet problems that cause
hindrance of peak productivity. The theoretical background and conceptual framework of
the study are also presented.
2.1 Theory
GAP Model of Service Quality
In the GAP Model of Service Quality, Parasuraman, ZeithamI, and Berry (1985)
stated that there are five main gaps when analyzing customer expectations in comparison
to the actual delivered services of service providers. It is essentially a framework to allow
businesses to examine customer satisfaction issues due to potential service inconsistencies
and to allow them to make the necessary improvements.
The first gap which is labeled as the knowledge gap deals with the contrast between
the customers’ expectations of a service and what the management or providers think their
consumers expect. Further exemplification of the knowledge gap would be an internet
service provider supposing that their customers want newer model routers when in reality,
the customers actually want more widespread internet infrastructure. This gap occurs when
the providers incorrectly assess what the customers may demand due to a lack of
data or due to poor analysis of data. However, the knowledge gap may be narrowed
through proper market research before introducing changes to services or by establishing
more avid communication channels with the target consumers. The second gap, which is
also known as the policy gap, handles the difference between the provider’s expectation of
their customers’ wants or needs and the quality specifications of their service. Furthermore,
this gap entails that the providers may correctly predict what service their customers
expect, but there is a poor implementation of delivered services since the expected quality
and standard is not properly specified or established. For example, the customers of an ISP
expect their internet systems to be installed neatly, and employees offer this expected
service; however, due to a lack of quality specifications, the personnel may not understand
the proper way to arrange the wires which may cause customer dissatisfaction. The second
gap can be dealt with by properly defining policies in maintaining service standards and
quality, by training personnel regarding proper service policies, and by adjusting and
updating these policies and standards when needed. The third gap, which is the
performance gap, deals with the difference between the quality specifications of a service
and what is actually delivered or implemented for that service. This gap occurs when
businesses establish proper service standard policies, but the service is still executed poorly
due to improper staff training or a lack of aptitude when delivering the service. Other
factors like the attitude, health, and the cultural orientation of the customer may also lead
to failure in consistently meeting expected service standards. An example of this gap is
when a technician is tasked to properly install a router in a household after only minimal
training leading to poor execution. To avoid or limit this gap, businesses should re-evaluate
whether their expected service standards are possible for personnel to achieve, and a proper
selection, training, and customer-orientation process for the new staff should be done.
Providing proper compensation and recognition to staff may also encourage service quality
standards to be properly met. In the fourth gap or the communication gap, the contrast
between the actual delivery of a specific service and what is externally communicated to
customers regarding the service specifications is handled. The gap occurs when consumers’
expectations of services due to promotional advertising from a company is different from
what customers actually receive or experience. It is mainly due to false claims and
businesses over exemplifying their products. For example, the actual upload and the
download speed of an internet service is vastly different from the advertised speeds of the
ISP. In order to minimize this gap, service providers must be accurate, consistent, and
realistic when relaying or presenting information about their product. The fifth gap or
customer gap deals with the difference between the quality-of-service customers expect to
receive as advertised by the company and the perceived quality of service of the customers.
Additionally, this gap is due to the service issues from previous gaps or consumers’
misconception of the advertised quality of a legitimate service. A further exemplification
of this would be the internet speed of an ISP’s service being reliable and exactly accurate
with the advertised speed of the company; however, due to a long installation time or
unavoidable problems during the process, the customer may perceive the service as
possessing a low quality and be dissatisfied overall. Limiting the customer gap comes down
to regularly collecting and properly analyzing customer feedback and also limiting the
differences found in the aforementioned gaps (Lumen, 2022; Indeed, 2021; Expert Program
Management, 2018).
The first four gaps can be mainly described as functions of service delivery, while
the fifth gap mainly pertains to customers, which makes it regarded as the main measure
of quality in offered services. Additionally, all the gaps presented in the model are used by
businesses to enhance or optimize service quality for the overall improvement of consumer
experience (All Answers Ltd., 2018).
Another theoretical model of service quality, known as the SERVQUAL Model,
was derived from the GAP Model of service quality by the same proponents. It further
explains that the definition of service quality is that it is the contrast between what
consumers expect out of the quality of a service before its delivery and the consumer’s
perception of the service once it is delivered or implemented. Essentially, if customer
expectations are greater than the actual execution of the service, then the perceived quality
is less, and consumers become dissatisfied which denotes lower service quality.
Furthermore, the model is essentially used to determine shortcomings in services so that
businesses can deal with them accordingly. Although originally possessing ten main
factors, further study led to the reduction of these factors into five key dimensions that
express the difference between the perception of service quality and the expectations of
customers (Parasuraman, et al., 1988).
The five dimensions of the SERVQUAL Model are as follows: Reliability,
Responsiveness, Tangibles, Assurance, and Sympathy. The Reliability dimension deals
with service providers to provide their services reliably, accurately, and on time. The
Responsiveness dimension measures how effectively and how willingly service providers
deal with problems and consumer complaints. The Tangibles dimension deals with
physical facilities, machines, equipment, communication materials, and personnel of a firm
or company; and how these things affect customers during service delivery. The Assurance
dimension tackles possible credibility and trust firms have with their customers because of
excellent professional services, attitude and courtesy of personnel, and proper
communication. The final factor is the Sympathy/Empathy dimension, and it involves the
potential care and consideration companies or firms provide to their customers so that the
customers feel as if their expectations are truly met. These dimensions are used to analyze
and evaluate expectations of services and customer perception, so that service providers
have the room to truly improve and optimize their services (Parasuraman, et al., 1988;
Marketing Study Guide, 2022; Commbox, 2020).
These two theories were later supported by Arash Shahin in 2006 and have already
been used and applied by many researchers in their own studies. They have stated that these
models are some of the best received and most applied models in services literature. It has
also been stated that it is one of the most efficient approaches to which has helped to prove
the validity of these theories (Shahin, 2006)
2.2 Theoretical-Conceptual Framework
The study uses Ananthanarayanan Parasuraman, Valarie Zeithaml, and Leonard L.
Berry’s GAP Model of Service Quality and SERVQUAL Model as theoretical bases in
determining the most optimal internet service provider in Cebu. The theories allow the
researchers to be able to determine and define the parameters for determining which
internet service is of the highest quality and therefore, the most optimal. In terms of the
GAP Model, the research study mainly utilizes the fourth and fifth gap as they are the gaps
that fit most into the scope of the paper. This is because they deal with the difference
between actual service delivery and customer expectation due to product promotion (i.e.,
differences in advertised internet speeds and actual internet speeds experienced by
customers) and the difference between customer expectation due to product promotion and
the perceived quality of the delivered service (i.e. customer’s dissatisfaction due to
problems during the installation and use of an internet service). In terms of the
SERVQUAL Model, five dimensions are used to identify gaps in the several characteristics
of an internet service as follows: the Tangible dimension for the price, benefits, and types
of internet technologies used in an internet service, the Reliability dimension for the
dependability (i.e. stableness and speed) of the installed internet service in comparison to
what was promised by the ISP, and the Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy
dimensions for determining how effectively and readily ISPs deal with customer
complaints and possible problems in the internet service. Furthermore, the study does not
aim to bridge the gaps that the internet services may possess, but rather, it aims to ascertain
how wide those gaps are. Depending on the size of the gaps, the researchers must provide
the proper information that allows the students to choose the most optimal internet service.
Characteristics of the Internet
Services offered by Internet
Service Providers
GAP Model of Service Quality
Sub-Theory: SERVQUAL Model
Ananthanarayanan Parasuraman,
Valarie Zeithaml and Leonard L. Berry
Most Optimal Internet
Service Provider for Students
Efficiency of Internet Services
Proposed Changes or
Interventions to Improve
Internet Services
Figure 1 Schematic Diagram of Theoretical-Conceptual Framework
2. 3. Review of Related Readings
2.3.1 Review of Related Literature
In 1994, the Philippine government was able to prioritize the availability
of the internet in the country for the advantages that may come with the rise of
technology. Based on the Statista Research Department (2021) statistical report, the
Philippines had approximately 79.5 million internet users in 2020 making it one of
the countries with the most internet users. On the contrary, with many internet users
in the country, internet service providers are still having a hard time ensuring fast
and stable internet connectivity. To further improve the coverage and service
quality, studies have seen a major problem which is the insufficient amount of cell
sites in the country. (The main reason for the poor connection is believed to be the
slow progression in the addition of new ICT infrastructures (fiber optic cables, cell
towers, etc.) (Pineda, 2021). According to Encarnacion (2020), building a single
cell site requires at least 29 local government permits before it gets to be built. With
the amount of time taken before each cell site is approved to be built, this also drags
the improvement of the coverage of these ISPs. Globe (2020) stated that if only the
government can make the process time and number of permits required be lessened,
more cell sites would be built and functioning. Solving this problem would take
months or years, but for now, the researchers from CIT-U would take a step towards
this through investigating the most optimal Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in
According to Howard (2022), one of the biggest considerations when
selecting an ISP is internet speed because it refers to the amount of information and
data that can be transported over the web on a single connection at any instant.
Although internet speed is a very important consideration, its stability also matters
in day-to-day life. There are factors that affect the internet speed of a customer. The
hardware used for connection such as cable or router, the number of users, the
router location, the type of plan availed by the customer, the host server and using
wireless connection are one of the factors that needs to be considered in testing the
internet speed (Widjaya, 2020).
Three of the internet service providers in the Philippines with widest
coverage like Globe, PLDT, and Sky offer fiber optic internet, which is a good basis
in choosing a plan. Although these companies have the fastest options, their
customers still encounter several problems, especially their speed and stability.
With the Philippines having to struggle in giving customers quality services to
internet connection, there are still rising companies that are potentially going to
provide the population with fast and stable services. These rising companies include
Converge, DITO Telecommunities, and RISE.
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic rose which tested various situations that
needed to be adapted. A controversial event would be online class learning.
According to an Ookla report, the Philippines was able to move up to the 86th spot
in the global rankings for mobile internet speed during the first quarter of 2021
(DICT, 2021). Although the global ranking of the Philippines is getting better, this
still doesn’t represent the totality of the whole population experiencing a better
internet connection. In May 2021, the Commission on Higher Education announced
that there would be no face-to-face classes to avoid increasing cases in the country
even more. In this online class set-up, the internet has been very beneficial in
disseminating information, learning materials, and holding synchronous meetings.
In a news article by Chen (2020), he asked experts for help on what causes
internet speed problems and how to solve them. In the list are several guidelines on
what people can do, but ultimately, if the problem is within the internet provider,
all they can do is call and wait for the internet providers’ assistance. Currently, in
Cebu, many of the localities still have slow internet connections due to the
aftermath of Odette, despite numerous complaints, efforts of restoration haven’t
come to fruition (Saavedra, 2022). According to Chen, Liu, and Song (2019), the
high-speed internet significantly influences work productivity. In relevance to the
current situation in Cebu and the new semester in motion in schools, slow internet
can cause hindrance to students’ academic performance.
2.3.2 Review of Related Studies
Over the years, the Philippine telecommunication industry showed a
significant change and development and faced a challenge in managing its services
to meet the demands of its customers. Service quality is associated with customer
satisfaction. Because of this, it attracted interest and is a crucial element in any
business strategy. Customer satisfaction is essential to any business since it implies
consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty: differentiation, reduced customer
churn, increased customer lifetime value, reduced negative word-of-mouth, and
customer retention (Alvarez & Saldivar, 2015).
The emergence of the Covid-19 Pandemic, which immobilized most of the
human society, created challenges people hadn't foreseen. Due to this, the
educational system quickly remedied the problem of student learning. A study by
Abarintos et al. (2021) found that internet connectivity is a big concern for students'
online learning. The institution, the school administration, the faculty, and the staff
are all affected by this concept. As also shown in the study, the majority of the
students have smartphones, which are helpful in today's learning because of their
multiple functions.
A study conducted by Salac and Kim (2016) suggests that the inefficiency
of the slow internet speeds of the ISPs in the Philippines hinders the motivation and
productivity of users to create and innovate in a way that will help contribute
something to their work or development. This can indicate that the internet speed
can have effects on the productivity of an individual which is relevant in the scope
of our research. This claim is also backed up by a study made by Azcarraga and
Peña (2019) stating an increase in Internet efficiency will also increase the
productivity of firms, and so an improvement in internet connectivity and an
increase in firms adopting internet to their workplace can both increase their
productivity. Upon further investigation, Salac and Kim identified that ISP’s
services and procedures can influence the internet cost and speed (Salac & Kim,
2016). Based on this information, some assumptions that there are Internet
Providers here in the Philippines may have done something to affect their internet
speed in order to make some changes in their price.
One study recommends several strategies to improve the country’s internet
connection such as tax reliefs in telecommunications, demanding creation for
connectivity, increased and improved infrastructure, and more competition in the
telecommunication industry to spur on these improvements (Salac & Kim, 2019).
Despite having an average of 4.3 Mbps in the country, the Philippines is still ranked
one of the slowest internet speeds in Asia (Casillano, 2019). When talking about
solutions on a slow internet speed, making use of this information can be an
indication on which areas have good accessibility and connectivity. Taking
increased infrastructure in mind, areas that are near a cell tower may have increased
internet speeds on that certain ISP who owns that cell tower. Making that ISP
optimal on their area, or a conclusion can also be made stating that the ISP who has
more infrastructures are expected to have higher speeds than those who have lesser,
making them take the most optimal spot.
This chapter presents the research design, technique, and the procedure used by the
researchers in collecting data. The analysis of the data gathered is also presented in this
3.1 Research Design
The study utilized a quantitative research design that focused on the evaluation of
the various internet services of different internet service providers available in Cebu. It was
also descriptive in nature as collected information was statistically analyzed. The survey
method which involves collecting and analyzing data from the target population through
survey questionnaires to allow the researchers to gain relevant data directly from the
respondents was also employed in the study. It was considered as a suitable data collection
technique for the situation as it is accessible, online, cost-effective, time-efficient, and most
importantly safer for both the researchers and the respondents in the midst of the pandemic.
The researchers used the survey method to gather information directly from the
respondents mainly regarding their actual internet speeds, the package availed with its
prices, whether respondents were located in Cebu, the ISP used, and the customer’s
problems or lack of problems regarding the service received.
Furthermore, secondary data analysis, which involves the use and examination of
existing information that was previously collected by other researchers, organizations and
institutions was employed in this study. Aside from that, gap analysis, which involves the
comparison between actual results and intended results, was also utilized. Secondary data
analysis allowed the researchers to gather statistics and other applicable information from
the internet service providers, organizations, and other relevant sources; whereas gap
analysis allowed the researchers to investigate the differences between the actual service
experience and the advertised service experience for different internet services in Cebu.
3.2 Description of Experiment
To gather data, the researchers opted for standardized survey questionnaires as its
first approach and secondary data analysis to attain existing valuable information that is
relevant to the study. The Description of Experiment further describes the approach and
presents more details about the experiment that were to be used. This provides an idea on
where our data was gathered, how it was gathered, and how it was processed, as well as
how the statistical values were calculated.
3.2.1 Research Environment
The standardized survey was conducted online, and it had a strict location
requirement, so the respondents only consisted of those located in Cebu City, Cebu,
Philippines. This was because the study focused only on this area in order to give
out correct, specific, and accurate information about the Internet Speeds of the
different ISPs in Cebu City to provide useful information and to help ComputerCourse college students of CIT-U, or researchers who are studying the same topic,
choose what the most optimal Promo and ISP that is available in their location.
Furthermore, the study was only conducted within the college computer
departments of CIT-U. Upon choosing this location, the researchers were able to
collect the appropriate data and present relevant information.
3.2.2 Research Instrument
The instrument used in this research study was a standardized survey or
questionnaires, wherein the researchers revised a set of close-ended questions for
the survey from a related study and encoded them in Google Forms. With closeended questions, results relating to yes or no, multiple choice, or rating answers
were gathered from each response and were then analyzed further in the results and
Online sources were also utilized to collect secondary or existing data that
were relevant to the study. Statistical data from existing studies, articles, and
sources relating to internet service providers’ deals, prices, and any other relevant
information to this study were gathered to find out the most efficient and costfriendly deal for students.
3.2.3 Research Procedure
Upon the approval of the research instrument, the researchers formally
wrote a letter addressed to the CIT-U administration for their consent to conduct
the study and the request to get the email addresses of the respondents to facilitate
the research instrument via Google forms. Once the request was granted, the
standardized online survey questionnaire using Google forms was sent to the CITU students, based on the research design.
After collecting all the data gathered, the researchers then carefully
conducted the following phases:
Phase 1: An Assessment of the Characteristics and the Services of the ISPs to
Determine which is the Most Optimal
With the biggest consideration being internet speeds, this step involved the
comparison of the results of each ISPs based on their efficiency, similarities, and
the possible outlying details with their prices, service packages, internet speeds,
and also, determining the reasons and causes behind these outlying details, and the
potential differences in efficiencies. The main objective of this was to determine
which of the most availed ISPs is the most optimal for students. Data related to
these parameters was gathered through the survey questionnaire and from
previously collected data from online sources.
Phase 2: Analysis of the Efficiency of the Internet Services
For the analysis, the step utilized statistical techniques in order to calculate
and examine the efficiency of the internet services. The actual experienced internet
speeds, which were collected from the respondents, were recorded and enumerated,
and were then carefully averaged and arranged. Furthermore, this data was also
presented in tables and graphs in order to compare them with the advertised internet
speeds of the ISPs for the purpose of determining the efficiency of the internet
Phase 3: Proposing Possible Interventions or Changes to Improve the Internet
Services based on the Gathered Data
In relation to the procedure in phase one and two regarding which ISP
available in Cebu is the most optimal and the efficiency of their services, this step
focused on using previously analyzed data to determine possible problems that the
internet services may have in order to propose potential changes or interventions.
These changes or interventions were for the main purpose of suggesting ways of
improving the services as a whole and for the benefit of the computer-course
students’ work and studies.
3.2.4 Statistical Techniques
The data gathered from the standardized survey questionnaires given
through Google forms was carefully recorded in tables, analyzed and interpreted
accordingly based on the results of the statistical treatment using the following
statistical techniques:
Calculating the Means of the Recorded Internet Speeds from the
𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 =
𝑠𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑠 (𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑)
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠
In order to get a general idea of the internet speeds actually
experienced by customers, the separate means (averages) of the recorded
upload speeds, download speeds, and network latency were calculated.
Furthermore, these values were further divided into the different ISPs and
the specific packages availed by the respondents as different internet
service packages may offer different internet speeds. It essentially helped
individually summarize the speeds of the different service packages
offered by separate ISPs.
Calculating the Standard Deviation and the Variance of the Recorded
Internet Speeds
∑(𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 − 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛)2
𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = √
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠 − 1
In order to get a general idea of how much the actual internet speeds
in a package deviate from the mean, the standard deviation was also
calculated as it can also be considered to show how consistent a service is
regardless of other factors through the spread of the data. Essentially, if the
lowest or the highest values are very far from the mean, then, perhaps, there
could be a lot of variability in the package of that service. This showed
whether the internet service packages were consistent in terms of the
customers’ experience speeds. Furthermore, these values were also
Breaking Down the Respondents per ISP and Package Availed
The respondents were grouped according to their availed ISPs and
packages in order to perhaps determine patterns, trends, or any outlying
information depending on the characteristics of these different respondents.
Aside from that, separating the respondents also allowed for further
investigation on the most availed internet services and the potential
underlying reasons behind their mass subscription.
Comparison of Different Data Sets of Different ISPs using Graphical
As the previous statistical techniques only described data collected
for an individual ISP, the study utilized different joint graphs (ie. bar graph,
pie chart, line graph) to be able to compare different ISPs’ services by
placing the recorded data sets and values side-by-side. The comparison of
the means of the actual experience internet speeds and the advertised speeds
were also done through graphing. The discrepancies, similarities, and the
outlying details were also analyzed in graphs.
3.3 Description of Subjects
In this study, the respondents were students from CIT-U in computer-related
courses. Specifically, college students enrolled in IT and CS courses, which are available
in CIT-U. These courses take up to 4 to 5 years to accomplish, and they deal with either
software or hardware or even both areas in computers. Furthermore, only a sample of the
students, which consisted of 278 respondents out of a population of 1000, participated in
answering the standardized survey for the study.
This chapter presents the presentation and interpretation of the data collected by the
researchers. The analysis of the data gathered is also presented in this section.
4.1 The Most Optimal Internet Service Provider Based on Internet Speeds
This section presents the data on the four internet service providers that will be
analyzed in this paper. The main factor for ranking the ISPs and establishing the most
optimal of them all is the comparison of their internet speeds.
4.1.1 Most availed ISP
Internet Service Provider
Number of Users
Sky Telecom
Table 1 Most Availed ISP
The table above simply shows which of the four ISPs is the most availed with PLDT
being the main leader, owning about 53.2% (142 students) of the sample population. Globe
comes in second with 83 students which makes up 31.1% of the sample population while
Converge with 8.2% (22 students) and Sky Telecom with 7.5% (20 students) come in third
and fourth, respectively. Out of all the ISPs, PLDT is the most widespread one with the
most users, and this metric is also affected by the fact that it is the first ISP ever established
in the Philippines. It can also be said that Converge’s lower number of subscribers has to
do with the fact that it is a relatively new ISP in Cebu City, hence not as many people have
been able to subscribe to the service yet.
4.1.2 PLDT
PLDT Advertised
Mean of Recorded
Standard Deviation of Recorded
Internet Speed
Internet Speeds
Internet Speed
22.59 MBPS
9.80 MBPS
45.94 MBPS
27.87 MBPS
100 MBPS
90.15 MBPS
27.12 MBPS
200 MBPS
178.76 MBPS
48.15 MBPS
300 MBPS
291.15 MBPS
93.96 MBPS
Table 2 The Calculations for the Recorded Internet Speeds of PLDT
Table 2 shows that the means of the recorded internet speeds are relatively close to
what is advertised with the highest difference being only 21.24. However, the standard
deviation is quite high for most of the sections which indicates that there is a lot of variation
in the speeds experienced by the customers with the highest standard deviation from the
mean being 93.96. This also means that there is a big inconsistency with what customers
expect to experience and what they actually experience.
Furthermore, due to the differences in the history of price plans and the frequent
updates in the newer subscriber plans, there is really a lack of consistency with what price
belongs to which advertised speeds. At times, customers who pay more experience the
same speed than customers who pay less simply because they subscribed at different dates
or because their service had not been updated yet. For this reason, the data in the table was
arranged by advertised speeds and not by price.
4.1.3 Globe
Globe Advertised
Mean of Recorded
Standard Deviation of Recorded
Internet Speed
Internet Speeds
Internet Speed
15.95 MBPS
10.71 MBPS
54.93 MBPS
14.57 MBPS
100 MBPS
97.82 MBPS
14.30 MBPS
150 MBPS
147.28 MBPS
31.14 MBPS
300 MBPS
187.74 MBPS
70.99 MBPS
Table 3 The Calculations for the Recorded Internet Speeds of Globe
Table 3 shows that the means are still relatively close to what is advertised with the
exception of the 300 Mbps speed group. The difference between the mean and the
advertised speed reached 112.26 Mbps which indicates that many of the users who availed
of that speed did not experience an internet speed close to what was promised. It is also
noteworthy to mention that the users in the 30 Mbps speed group, on average, only
experience about half of what is promised. Furthermore, the variation between the
individual speeds from the mean is relatively not too high, but again, with the exception of
the 300 Mbps speed group whose standard deviation reached 70.99 Mbps. This indicates
that the individual values are quite far in value to the mean, but it must be mentioned that
the mean itself is much lesser than what is advertised.
Similar to PLDT, Globe has also been active for a very long period; hence, the
pricings and promised speeds may vary greatly due to the fact that over their history, they
had to keep updating and changing the prices and speeds of their services to suit the
changing requirements of the masses. This indicates that some of the deals that customers
have acquired may not be the most updated which causes some of the indicated advertised
speeds that the respondents inputted to be different in terms of price. Therefore, the speeds
were grouped in terms of advertised speeds to make it more consistent.
4.1.4 Converge
Converge Advertised
Mean of Recorded
Standard Deviation of Recorded
Internet Speed
Internet Speeds
Internet Speed
121.84 MBPS
75.36 MBPS
100 MBPS
166.58 MBPS
9.24 MBPS
200 MBPS
144.43 MBPS
1.82 MBPS
300 MBPS
272.74 MBPS
128.71 MBPS
Table 4 The Calculations for the Recorded Internet Speeds of Converge
For table 4, the data is quite interesting as for both the 50 and 100 Mbps groups,
the means go way beyond what is advertised with the 50 Mbps group having a mean that
is 71.26 points above 50 Mbps. In the 200 and 300 Mbps groups, however, the means are
smaller than the advertised speeds as expected, but they are not too far off with the
largest gap being only 55.57 Mbps from the promised 200 Mbps. Additionally, the
standard deviations for Converge are small for the 100 and 200 Mbps groups. For the 50
and 300 Mbps groups they are relatively high, but for this case, they do not necessarily
mean anything negative. Although there is a lot of variation in the speeds, many of the
individual recorded speeds, especially in the 50 Mbps group and even the 300 Mbps
group, surpass the speed that was promised; therefore, for this special case, the variation
in speeds benefits the users as they go above the mean and above what was advertised.
4.1.5 Sky Telecom
Sky Telecom Advertised
Mean of Recorded
Standard Deviation of Recorded
Internet Speed
Internet Speeds
Internet Speed
13.09 MBPS
9.91 MBPS
19.22 MBPS
15.62 MBPS
26.45 MBPS
24.80 MBPS
100 MBPS
36.87 MBPS
34.46 MBPS
150 MBPS
64.68 MBPS
35.03 MBPS
Table 5 The Calculations for the Recorded Internet Speeds of Sky Telecom
Table 5 shows that most of the means of the recorded speeds have a very large
difference when compared to what is advertised with the largest gap being 85.42 points
below the 150 Mbps that is promised. Although the standard deviations are not too high as
compared to the other ISPs with the highest standard deviation being 35.03, the fact that
the means are way below what is advertised indicates that this low variation means that
many of the individual speeds are also way below what is advertised. This means that
overall, the experienced internet speeds of Sky Telecom users are quite low in comparison
to the other ISPs.
4.1.6 Comparison of the ISPs
Figure 2 Graph of the Comparison between the Means of the ISP’s Speeds
The comparison in Figure 2 points to the fact that overall, Converge has the highest
average speeds in terms of at least the 50 and 100 Mbps speed groups with the gap between
the nearest mean of the next ISP being more than 50 Mbps. Being practically linear,
PLDT’s graph is the most consistent in terms of the means of their recorded speeds being
relatively close to the advertised one, and their mean for the 150/200 Mbps and the 300
Mbps are even the highest among the four ISPs with Converge being a close second. Globe
is about third in terms of overall speeds with their 150/200 Mbps and 300 Mbps groups
being relatively far from the mean, and Sky Telecom is the overall lowest since all their
means are much lesser when compared to the other ISP’s means and to the advertised
Speed. Out of all of them, Converge ranks first in terms of just the means of the experienced
speeds, while Sky Telecom ranks at the very bottom.
Advertised Speed
SD/Mean Score (CV)
150/200 MBPS
150/200 MBPS
150/200 MBPS
150/200 MBPS
Sky Telecom
Table 6 A Comparison of the different ISPs’ Speeds using SD/Mean Scores
Note - Lower Coefficient of Variation (CV) or SD/Mean scores usually indicate that the mean of
the internet speeds are close to what is advertised while having low variation, whereas higher CV
scores indicate the opposite. The lowest scores of each group were also colored green while the
highest were colored red.
Since the number of those who availed per ISP greatly varies in amount, the
researcher used the mean/SD score to somewhat give a more leveled comparison between
the ISPs speeds using a unitless ratio assigned to three specific advertised speed groups
namely 50 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 150/200 Mbps. This metric allows for another method to
compare the ISPs while somewhat balancing out the disparity in their number of users.
For the 50 Mbps group in table 6, Globe leads all ISPs followed by PLDT,
Converge, and then Sky Telecom. For the 100 Mbps Group, Converge vastly leads all ISPs
with the lowest CV score followed by Globe, PLDT, and then Sky Telecom. For the
150/200 Mbps Group, Converge again vastly leads all ISPs followed by Globe, PLDT, and
then Sky Telecom. Converge boasts the two lowest scores out of the three groups, while
Sky Telecom owns the highest of the scores in all groups. This indicates that generally out
of all the four, Converge recorded the highest average speeds while having very low
variation from the mean. Whereas, Sky had the lowest averages for the recorded speeds
while having relatively intermediate variations in the individual speeds when compared to
the mean.
Advertised Fiber Speeds
Price (in Philippine Pesos)
₱ 1699
100 MBPS
₱ 2099
300 MBPS
₱ 2699
₱ 1599
150 MBPS
₱ 2099
300 MBPS
₱ 1500
₱ 1599
300 MBPS
₱ 2500
₱ 1699
150 MBPS
₱ 2299
200 MBPS
₱ 2799
Sky Telecom
Table 7 The Listed Prices of the Advertised Fiber Speeds
Since the four ISPs have varying prices and special deals or promos that change
every year, only the most recent prices for the base fiber speeds will be used in the
comparison to make it more consistent. Furthermore, not all ISPs offer the same speeds as
the others like for example PLDT which still offers a 100 Mbps fiber internet deal while
Converge, Globe, and Sky Telecom do not. Hence, the main comparisons will be done for
the prices which offer the same speeds.
In terms of the 50 Mbps group in table 7, Converge offers the cheapest price of
₱1500 for that speed. Additionally, Sky Telecom offers 75 Mbps for ₱1699 which is the
same amount that PLDT is charging for 50 Mbps. For the 100 to 150 Mbps offers, Globe
offers the cheapest price of ₱2099 for 150 Mbps which is the same amount PLDT is
charging for 100 Mbps. For the 300 Mbps Group, Converge offers the cheapest deal of
₱2500 for 300 Mbps; whereas, Sky Telecom charges ₱2799 for 100 less Mbps. Overall,
Converge offers the cheapest prices.
4.1.7 The Most Optimal ISP
Based on the calculated means, standard deviations, mean/sd scores, and specific
prices (more specifically the 50 and 300 Mbps Groups), the overall most optimal internet
service provider is Converge. It led in most areas of those categories while having recorded
internet speeds whose means went above what was advertised. Therefore, Converge is the
most optimal ISP based on these metrics.
4.2 Efficiency of Internet Services Offered by Internet Service Providers Based on
The Internet Speeds
Based on the findings, data for PLDT, Sky, and Globe was filtered and treated
differently to deal with the variability of prices due to different fiber plans that are not
recent and changed or phased out on their services. In solving the inconsistencies, the data
from the survey were grouped based on the internet speed ranges. As for the advertised
speed, the researchers decided to make the latest 2022 fiber plans of the ISPs as the
reference. Also, the data plans provided by the respondents served as a secondary variable
in choosing their range group, e.g., a respondent with an average internet speed of 100
Mbps was placed on a 50 Mbps advertised speed range because of his 50 Mbps plan
After grouping the data with their respective internet speeds, the mean of each
recorded internet speed per range group was calculated and subtracted by its corresponding
advertised internet speed. The difference between the mean of the recorded internet speed
and the advertised internet speed indicates the loss or gain of the internet speeds. The
denoted negative values imply that the internet speed delivers less and is lacking from what
they have advertised. In the case of positive values, those indicate that the recorded internet
speeds surpassed the advertised internet speeds. Then, the researchers calculated the
percentage of the mean of the recorded internet speeds to the advertised speeds for each
range group to prove the efficiency rating of service delivery. In correlation to the fourth
gap of the GAP Model of service quality, if the efficiency rating or the consumer's
experienced internet speed is closer to or more than 100% of the advertisement, it shows
that the internet service providers are relatively accurate and realistic in relaying their
services. Hence, their effort in delivering or giving more from what they advertised.
The following tables show the difference and percentage of the mean of the
recorded speeds from their corresponding advertised internet speeds for every ISPs, i.e.,
PLDT, Globe, Sky Telecom, and Converge.
4.2.1 PLDT
PLDT Advertised
Internet Speed
Mean of Recorded
Difference between
Recorded and Advertised
22.59 MBPS
45.94 MBPS
100 MBPS
90.15 MBPS
200 MBPS
178.76 MBPS
300 MBPS
291.15 MBPS
600 MBPS
519.38 MBPS
Table 8 Difference Between Recorded and Advertised Speeds of PLDT
The table above shows that PLDT's difference between recorded and advertised
speeds scales from -80.62 to -4.06 Mbps with a 75 to 97 percentage. Its 300 Mbps plan has
a 97% efficiency rating, making it the most efficient of their plans, followed by their 50
Mbps plan with a 92% efficiency. The 30 Mbps plan had the least efficiency rating of 75%.
4.2.2 GLOBE
Globe Advertised
Internet Speed
Mean of Recorded
Internet Speed
Difference between
Recorded and
15.95 MBPS
54.93 MBPS
100 MBPS
97.82 MBPS
150 MBPS
147.28 MBPS
300 MBPS
187.74 MBPS
500 MBPS
527.37 MBPS
Table 9 Difference Between Recorded and Advertised Speeds of Globe
The table above presents the difference between Globe's recorded and advertised
speeds ranging from -112.26 to +27.37 Mbps with a 53 to 110 percent. The 50 Mbps plan
had reached a 110% efficiency rating making it the most efficient, followed by 500, 100,
and 150 Mbps plans. Sadly, their 30 and 300 Mbps plan had 53% and 63% efficiency,
respectively, making both the least efficient for Globe.
Sky Telecom
Advertised Internet
Mean of Recorded
Internet Speed
Difference between
Recorded and Advertised
13.09 MBPS
19.22 MBPS
26.45 MBPS
100 MBPS
36.87 MBPS
150 MBPS
64.68 MBPS
Table 10 Difference Between Recorded and Advertised Speeds of Sky Telecom
Sky Telecom's difference ranges from -85.32 up to -6.91 Mbps with a 37 to 65
percentage. Their 20 Mbps plan, with their highest efficiency rating for Sky Telecom, had
a 65%, while the lowest efficiency rating is the 100 Mbps plan, with a 37% efficiency.
Since Converge is relatively new to the rest of the ISPs, there were fewer
inconsistencies in the prices provided by the respondents. Also, the 2022 plans on their
website are the same as the responses. Therefore there is no need to use the said procedures
of filtering and grouping like the other ISPs for the advertised internet speeds. However,
finding the mean of recorded internet speed, the difference between recorded and
advertised speed and efficiency rating has the same procedure.
Converge Advertised
Internet Speed
Mean of Recorded
Internet Speed
Difference between
Recorded and Advertised
121.84 MBPS
100 MBPS
166.58 MBPS
200 MBPS
144.43 MBPS
300 MBPS
272.74 MBPS
Table 11 Difference Between Recorded and Advertised Speeds of Converge
The table for Converge shows that the difference ranges from -55.57 to +71.84 with
a 72 to 244 percentage. Since exceeding its advertised speed, the 50 Mbps plan reaches an
efficiency rating of 244%, making it the most efficient of all the available internet plans
for all four ISPs. Next to the highest efficiency rating is their 100 Mbps plan with a 167%
efficiency rating. The lowest efficiency rating for Converge is their 200 Mbps having 72%.
The basis for determining the most efficient plan will be the efficiency rating for
all four internet service providers. From the result stated above, Converge had two of the
most efficient internet plans, with its advertised 50 and 100 Mbps plan having a 244% and
167% efficiency rating, respectively. Following Converge, Globe had a 110% and 105%
efficiency rating with their 50 and 500 Mbps plan. Sky Telecom had the least efficient
internet plan, with their 100 Mbps plan to experience a 37% efficiency rating.
4.3 Interventions or Proposed Changes
Average Rating
Sky Telecom
Price Rating
Reliability Rating
Internet Speed Rating
Customer Service Rating
Rating for ISP as a whole
Table 12 The Average Ratings of each ISP in Different Categories
Based on the gathered data, the other factors users look at when availing an internet
service from an ISP are the reliability of connection, the price, the internet speed, and the
customer service. Table 12 shows the mean for each grouped data for each ISP rating. In
connection with the 5th Gap of the Gap Model, the closer the rating is to 5, the more
satisfied the customers are with their services and the closer it is to 1, the more dissatisfied
the customers are on the other hand. As shown in the table, customer service rating for each
of the ISP is the aspect that needs to be improved even more as it gathered the least ratings.
Regarding the prices, Sky Telecom needs to improve their plans by making the
prices at a lower range but could deliver good quality service. Once Sky Telecom would
change its’ services for the better, its’ overall rating as an ISP would also increase as it had
the least satisfactory level too from the customers. Although PLDT has the most users
based on the responses, its average rating for each aspect is just third in the ranking, Globe
- second, Sky Telecom - last, and Converge leading the survey in totality.
In terms of proposed changes, the researchers recommend the ISPs to improve their
ability to respond to their customers and their willingness to empathize and help their
customers with their issues. This is for purpose of essentially decreasing the customer gap
or the gap between the quality-of-service customers expect to receive as advertised by the
ISP and the perceived quality of service of the customers. With this improvement, the ISPs
can eliminate a lot of the issues as a quicker and higher quality customer service or response
can help in fixing the connection reliability issues, in quickly dealing with customer
complaints, and in improving the customer’s overall impression of the ISP. Another
suggested improvement would be in the form of an increase in internet infrastructure to
further improve internet speeds as the years go on. There is definitely still a lot of room to
improve in terms of infrastructure and the areas it reaches, so an improvement here will
help deal with problems in internet speeds. The researchers also recommend that the ISPs
always engage in proper competition with each other in the market as these ISPs are
businesses and what bolsters fast improvement in the service industry is competition
among other businesses.
This chapter presents the summaries, the conclusions, and the recommendations to
be made regarding the findings of this research study. It also includes further
recommendations for researchers who plan to study topics similar or relating to the subject
of this study.
5.1 Summary of Findings
The findings of the study were subdivided according to the sub-problems found in
Chapter one and were further summarized in this section.
1. In terms of the most availed ISP, PLDT had the most subscribers with 53.2%
or 142 users from the total number of respondents. For the mean, standard
deviation, and coefficient of variation calculations of the internet speeds,
Converge led in most of the categories during the comparison while even
having mean internet speeds that surpassed the advertised speeds. In terms of
the price of each ISPs’ fiber deals, Converge had the cheapest deals in terms of
the 50 Mbps and 300 Mbps speed groups. From all the collected data, Converge
was found out to be the overall most optimal internet service provider available
in Cebu.
2. For the most efficient internet service provider in delivering an internet
connection, Converge had the highest results out of the four major ISPs in Cebu
City, with their 50 Mbps plan having an efficiency rating of 244%. Globe is the
second ISP having a 110% efficiency rating with their 50 Mbps plan. One can
clearly see that Sky Telecom had the least efficient internet service, especially
with their 100 Mbps plan having a 37% efficiency rating.
3. The customer service rating for each of the ISP is consistent in terms of the
aspect that needs to be improved even more as it gathered the least ratings.
Although PLDT has the most users based on the responses, its average rating
for each aspect is just third in the ranking, Globe - second, Sky Telecom - last,
and Converge leading the survey in totality. In terms of proposed changes, the
researchers recommend the ISPs to improve their ability to respond to their
customers and their willingness to empathize and help their customers with their
issues. With this enhancement, ISPs can eliminate a number of concerns, as
faster and higher-quality customer service or response can aid in the resolution
of customer complaints, and the improvement of the customer’s overall
perception of the ISP. An increase in internet infrastructure to further improve
internet speeds as the years go on would also help in lowering the gap of the
internet speeds being relatively slow in general.
5.2 Conclusion
After collecting and analyzing the data from the respondents and external sources,
the best internet services available in Cebu, in conclusion, are provided by Converge. It not
only performed relatively better than the other internet service providers in terms of internet
speeds, efficiency, and price for most of the groupings, but it also led all ISPs in terms of
the overall rating. Converge was the most highly rated, consistent, decently efficient, and
relatively affordable ISP compared to the rest; hence, determined to be the provider with
the most optimal internet service available in Cebu for computer-course students.
5.3 Recommendations
The study presented the results of the four internet service providers, i.e., PLDT,
Globe, Sky Telecom, and Converge. Thus, the following recommendations are hereby
1. With the given data by the respondents, Converge is the most optimal internet
service provider in terms of internet speed. With its 50 Mbps only at 1500 pesos
and being over efficient compared to the more expensive plans, certainly the
go-to plan with a tight budget. An upgrade is not advisable, but wanting to
spend on higher services, Converge's more expensive plans are trustworthy.
2. Given the results for the efficiency ratings of the four major internet service
providers in Cebu City, computer-course students could choose an internet
service based on their preferred target internet plans. Computer instructors
could deliver, improve and maintain a quality education knowing the most
efficient ISP available is Converge. Globe is the second wise option, especially
with their 50 Mbps plans. Though Sky Telecom offers lesser internet speed
plans, the efficiency of their internet services is lesser compared to the three
3. The customer service rating needs to be addressed by the internet service
providers. If they want to improve and provide better service, they have to listen
to their customers. For instance, if an ISP says that the internet service will
return the next day at a specific time, they should follow what they announced
or deliver faster customer service. The researchers also experienced these
problems with their service. The only thing the consumers could do is report
the problem immediately to the ISPs if it is troublesome, serious, and in need
of attention.
5.4 Further Recommendations for Research
For further recommendations, researchers may dig deep more about the factors
affecting the internet speeds in terms of a wireless connection and do something similar in
this research, but instead using the wireless connections of different ISPs. Future
researchers could also try to determine which ISP has the most efficient wireless
connection (e.g., data and load-dependent routers). In addition, exploring the possibilities
of the hardware and software factors affecting internet speeds can perhaps open up new
possibilities for the study. We then would use this new information that we gathered to
devise a solution that would fix both software and hardware malfunctions affecting internet
speeds. Additionally, future researchers may also factor in the time and the specific
areas/zones the respondents took the spend test in, and they can also experiment with other
speed tests that are directly installed into the computer as they may yield more accurate
results. With that being said, the recommendations above are some of the limitations of the
study that these researchers would have included if given more time to conduct and analyze
the data as a whole.
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Appendix A – Transmittal Letter
April 14, 2022
Cherry Lyn Sta. Romana
Dean, College of Computer Studies
Cebu Institute of Technology – University
Dear Ma’am Romana,
We, the Senior High School students from Grade 12 – Competence, are currently
conducting a study entitled, “A Study on the Most Optimal Internet Service Available in Cebu for
Computer-Course Students in Cebu Institute of Technology University.” The objective of this study
is to provide information on and to determine the most ideal internet service that computer course
students residing in Cebu can avail so that they can achieve their tasks most efficiently.
For this purpose, we are requesting permission to allow us to collect data through a
standardized survey questionnaire which will be distributed among the computer-course College
Students (IT & CS departments) as a basis for the research study. We humbly hope that this
proposal will gain your approval. Thank you and God bless!
Respectfully yours,
Paul M. Abellana
Christian Barry R. Alico
John Michael N. Borromeo
Francis Benedict Y. Chavez
Charles Luis G. Gaid (Group Leader)
Jose Ely P. Perez
Tristan James Y. Tolentino
Noted by:
Research Adviser
Instructor, Research 3 & 4
Assistant to the Principal, SHS Department
Principal, SHS Department
Dear Respondents,
We, the students from Grade 12 - Competence of the STEM strand are conducting an initial online
survey questionnaire for our research study entitled "A Study on the Most Optimal Internet
Service Available for Computer-Course Students in Cebu Institute of Technology - University
CIT-U". This survey will help us gather firm and necessary information for our research study.
This study aims to find the most optimal internet service provider which can help for the peak
productivity of the computer-course students in CIT-U. This survey assesses the three most
common internet service providers (Sky, Globe, Converge, and PLDT) that could benefit people
by summarizing the data gathered on which of the three gives the utmost satisfaction among the
respondents, computer-course students in CIT-U.
We appreciate your time and effort in taking up this survey despite your hectic schedules. We
assure you that all responses from this survey will be treated with strict confidentiality and will be
used solely for research purposes only.
According to the RA No. 10173, information that will be disclosed here will only be used for the
study and will not be revealed to the general public.
Preliminary Questions:
2. Institutional Email Address (@cit.edu)
3. Please Specify your Department/Program Degree and Year (ex. BCS/2 or BIT/1)
3. Are you a current resident of Cebu? (If NO, then please skip this survey. If YES, please
4. Do you have Internet access at home? (If NO, then please skip this survey. If YES, please
5. Biological Sex
6. Age
Main Questions
8. What is your current Broadband Internet Service Provider (ISP)? (Check all that may apply)
o PLDT (Includes Smart and Sun)
o Globe
o Converge
o Sky Telecom
o Other (Please Specify)
9. How long have you been with your current Broadband ISP?
o Less than one month
o Less than one year
o 1 to 3 years
o 3 to 5 years
o More than 5 years (Please specify number of years)
10. What kind of Internet connection do you have at home? (Check all that apply)
Note: These all include Wi-Fi with the use of a router.
o Dial-up telephone line
o DSL enabled phone line
Cable TV modem
o Fiber optic (for example, PLDT Fiber or Globe Fiber)
o Don’t know
o Other (please specify)
11. For what main purposes do you use the internet (Check all that apply)
o Online meetings
o School tasks/Work tasks
o Downloading or Uploading files
o Performing synchronous activities
o Studying
o Viewing Websites
o Playing Games or Going on Social Media
o Other (Please Specify)
12. How many devices use the internet in your home?
o 1
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
o 6
o More than 6 (Please Specify how many)
13. What is your current Internet bandwidth or connection speed in Mbps? (Please use the attached
speed test link to get your results, and, if you are willing, please also do 3 attempts)
Attempt 1
Download Speed ____________
Upload Speed
Attempt 2
Download Speed ____________
Upload Speed
Attempt 3
Download Speed ____________
Upload Speed
14. What kind of Device are you using to complete the speed test?
o Desktop Computer
o Laptop Computer
o Smart Phone
o Tablet or Ipad
o Other (Please Specify)
15. To the best of your knowledge, how much are you currently paying per month for Internet
16. What was the advertised Internet speed for the amount you paid? (ex. 1299 for 5 Mbps)
17. Are you acquiring any extra internet service bundles from your ISP, please specify? (ex. Internet
service + landline + cable)
18. Overall, do you feel that your service plan is value for your money?
o Yes
o No
o Slightly
19. Please rate your current Internet service on Speed of Connection (bandwidth)?
□ Very Adequate – meets all our needs
□ Adequate – Mostly meets our needs
□ Inadequate - rarely meet our needs
□ Very Inadequate – does not meet our needs
20. Please rate your current Internet service on Customer Service and support?
□ Very Adequate – meets all our needs
□ Adequate – Mostly meets our needs
□ Inadequate - rarely meet our needs
□ Very Inadequate – does not meet our needs
21. How would you describe the consistency of your connection speed most of the time?
□ The connection is very stable with no single disconnection
□ The connection sometimes disconnects itself
□ The connection is very unstable and disconnects itself frequently
22. How would you describe your overall satisfaction with your current Internet service?
□ Very satisfied □ Somewhat Satisfied □Satisfied □Somewhat dissatisfied □ Very
23. What are your reasons for any dissatisfaction with your current Internet service?
□ Price too high
□ Connection too slow/not enough bandwidth
□ Frequent Disconnections
□ Incorrect Billing (i.e., unusually high fees)
□ Lack of technical support
□ Other (Please Specify
□ Poor customer service
24. If another more affordable, higher-speed Internet service were available to you, how likely
would you be to switch your current ISP?
□ Very likely □ Somewhat likely □ Not likely
Appendix B – Curriculum Vitae
Paul Thomas M. Abellana
Purok Tambis, Brgy. Vito, Minglanilla, Cebu
Personal Information
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Date of Birth: November 6, 2003
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Parents: Faith M. Abellana
Ian Paul A. Abellana
Educational Background:
Senior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Junior High School
Sage Prep Schoolhouse
Salinas Drive, Nivel Hills, Brgy. Lahug, Cebu City
Lahug Elementary School
Gorordo Avenue, Lahug, Cebu City
Southern Bethany Christian School
Cebu South Road Upper, Minglanilla, Cebu
2016 On-the-Job-Training (OJT) for Hotel Operations at Verbena Hotel
2017 “Laser Cutting Puzzles” at Fablab UP Cebu
2022 Online Intellectual Property Rights Seminar at Cebu Institute of Technology University
Special Awards
With High Honors
Sage Prep Schoolhouse
With High Honors
Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Christian Barry R. Alico
Tres de Abril St., Punta Princesa, Cebu City
I. Personal Information
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Date of Birth: October 19, 2003
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Parents: Hazel R. Alico
Glenn B. Alico
II. Background
Senior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Junior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Little Angels Montessori School
Tres de Abril St., Punta Princesa, Cebu City
III. Seminars
2022 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights: A World IP Day Special”
at Cebu Institute of Technology - University
2021 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights and Basic Research Ethics”
at Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Special Awards
With Honors
Cebu Institute of Technology - University
CESAFI Robotics Competition
Cebu Institute of Technology – University
John Michael N. Borromeo
Purok centro 2, Langtad, City of Naga, Cebu
Personal Information
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Date of Birth: May 17, 2003
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino, Bisaya, Bisdak, Gwapo
Parents: Silvano L. Borromeo
Mildred N. Borromeo
II. Background:
Senior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Junior High School
Exceed Learning Center
South Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu
Exceed Learning Center
South Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu
III. Seminars
2022 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights: A World IP Day Special”
at Cebu Institute of Technology - University
2021 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights and Basic Research Ethics”
at Cebu Institute of Technology - University
IV. Special Awards
With Honors
Exceed Learning Center
2012 – 2020
Loyalty Awardee
Exceed Learning Center
2012 - 2020
Francis Benedict Y. Chavez
Dapdap St., Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City
Personal Information
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Date of Birth: December 7, 2003
Civil Status: Single, self-love
Citizenship: Filipino
Parents: Meljane Y. Chavez
Rutchel M. Chavez
Educational Background:
Senior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Junior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Mambaling Elementary School
N. Bacalso Ave., Mambaling, Cebu City
2022 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights: A World IP Day Special” at Cebu
Institute of Technology - University
2021 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights and Basic Research Ethics” at
Cebu Institute of Technology – University
Special Awards
With High Honors
Cebu Institute of Technology - University
With High Honors
Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Young Minds Academy Scholar
Charles Luis G. Gaid
Agila St., Kalunasan, Cebu City
I. Personal Information
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Date of Birth: July 5, 2003
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Parents: Luiggi M. Gaid
Christie G. Gaid
Educational Background:
Senior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Junior High School
Child Learning Foundation Inc.
2nd St., Happy Valley Rd., V. Rama Ave., Cebu City
Child Learning Foundation Inc.
2nd St., Happy Valley Rd., V. Rama Ave., Cebu City
2022 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights: A World IP Day Special” at Cebu
Institute of Technology - University
2021 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights and Basic Research Ethics” at
Cebu Institute of Technology – University
Special Awards
With High Honors
Child Learning Foundation Inc.
Valedictorian Award
Child Learning Foundation Inc.
1st Place Science Fair Award
Child Learning Foundation Inc.
With Honors
Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Perez, Jose Ely P.
Purok four, Poblacion, Alcantara, Cebu
Personal information
Place of Birth: Perpetual Succour hospital, Cebu city
Date of Birth: November 18, 2003
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Parents: Ely P. Perez
Rosalinda P. Perez
Educational Background:
Senior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Junior High School
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Learning Center Inc.
Tunga, Moalboal, Cebu
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Learning Center Inc.
Tunga, Moalboal, Cebu
2017 “Photoshop Online workshop” at OLMCLC
2022 Online Intellectual Property Rights Seminar at Cebu Institute of Technology University
Special Awards
With Honors
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Learning Center Inc.
Tunga, Moalboal, Cebu
Loyalty Award
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Learning Center Inc.
Tunga, Moalboal, Cebu
Tolentino, Tristan James Y.
Tubod, Valladolid, Carcar City, Cebu
I. Personal Information
Place of Birth: Cebu City
Date of Birth: September 22, 2003
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Parents: Grace Y. Tolentino
Eduardo Z. Tolentino
Educational Background:
Senior High School
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City
Junior High School
Saint Catherine’s College
Poblacion 1, Carcar City, Cebu, 6019.
Saint Catherine’s College
Poblacion 1, Carcar City, Cebu, 6019.
Millennium Star International School
Ibn Al Rumi Street Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11461
2015 “Journalism Workshop” at Saint Catherine’s College
2020 “Theater Workshop” at Saint Catherine’s College
2021 Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights and Basic Research Ethics”
at Cebu Institute of Technology - University
2022 Online Intellectual Property Rights Seminar at Cebu Institute of
Technology - University
Special Awards
Best in Stinger
DSPC Carcar City
3 placer best in Stinger
DSPC Carcar Ciy
With High Honors
Saint Catherine’s College
With Honors
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
Appendix C – Turnitin Certification