SOLAR 1. The term photo voltaic comes from ________ a) Spanish b) Greek c) German d) English 7. The amount of photo generated current increases slightly with an increase in _________ a) Temperature b) Photons c) Diode current 2. The volt is the units of emf that was named after its inventor _________ d) Shunt current a) Alessandro volta 8. Solar cells are made from bulk materials that are cut into wafer of _________ thickness. b) Alxender volta a) 120-180μm c) Alexa volta b) 120-220μm d) Alexandro volta c) 180-220μm 3. The term photo voltaic is in use since _________ d) 180-240μm a) 1840 b) 1844 9. __________ is one of the most important materials is also known as solar grade silicon. c) 1849 a) Crushed silicon d) 1850 b) Crystalline silicon 4. When the source of light is not sun light then the photo voltaic cell is used as ____________ c) Powdered silicon a) Photo diode b) Photo voltaic cell 10. __________ photo voltaic devices in the form of thin films. c) Photo detector a) Cadmium Telluroide d) Photo transmitter b) Cadmium oxide 5. The region where the electrons and holes diffused across the junction is called ________ c) Cadmium sulphide a) Depletion Junction 11. __________ is a direct band gap material. b) Depletion region a) Copper Indium Gallium Selenide c) Depletion space b) Copper Selenide d) Depletion boundary c) Copper Gallium Telluride 6. The current produce by the solar cell can be given by _________ d) Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide a) IL – ID + ISh 12. Dye-sensitized solar cells are made from ________ organic dye. b) IL + ID – ISh a) Ruthium melallo c) IL + ID + ISh b) Aniline d) IL – ID – ISh c) Safranine d) Silicon d) Cadmium sulphate d) Induline 4. What is the main source for the formation of wind? 13. Quantum dot solar cells are based on _______ a) Uneven land a) Gratzel cell b) Sun b) Solar cell c) Vegetation c) Voltaic cell d) Seasons d) Galvanic cell 5. Which country created wind mills? 14. The quantum dot used are _______ a) Egypt a) Cds b) Mongolia b) CdTe c) Iran c) PbO d) Japan d) GaAs 6. “During the day, the air above the land heats up more quickly than the air over water”. 15. Organic polymer solar cells are made from Polyphenylene. a) True a) True b) False b) False 7. What happens when the land near the earth’s equator is heated? WIND 1. What does Heating and cooling of the atmosphere generates? a) All the oceans gets heated up b) Small wind currents are formed a) Thermo line circulation c) Rise in tides b) Radiation currents d) Large atmospheric winds are created c) Convection currents 8. What type of energy is wind energy? d) Conduction currents a) Renewable energy 2. How much is the energy available in the winds over the earth surface is estimated to be? b) Non-renewable energy a) 2.9 X 120 MW b) 1.6 X 107 MW c) Conventional energy d) Commercial energy c) 1 MW 9. What are used to turn wind energy into electrical energy? d) 5MW a) Turbine 3. How much wind power does India hold? b) Generators a) 20,000 MW c) Yaw motor b) 12,000 MW d) Blades c) 140,000 MW 10. What is the diameter of wind turbine blades? d) 5000 MW a) 320 feet b) 220 feet c) 80 feet d) 500 feet 11. At what range of speed is the electricity from the wind turbine is generated? 4. Which type of turbine is commonly used in tidal energy? a) Francis turbine b) Kaplan turbine c) Pelton wheel a) 100 – 125 mph d) Gorlov turbine b) 450 – 650 mph 5. How is water trapped from coastal waters? c) 250 – 450 mph a) By building canals d) 30-35 mph b) By building dams 12. When did the development of wind power in India began? c) By digging wells a) 1965 d) By storing in tanks b) 1954 6. Water to the turbine is allowed through the __________ c) 1990 a) Pipes d) 1985 b) Sluice gates TIDAL c) Canals 1. How is OTEC caused? d) Pumps a) By wind energy 7. The tides are rhythmic and constant. b) By geothermal energy a) True c) By solar energy b) False d) By gravitational force 8. For exactly how much time does it take for one tidal cycle? 2. What does OTEC stand for? a) Ocean thermal energy cultivation b) Ocean thermal energy conversion c) Ocean techno energy conservation d) Ocean thermal energy consumption 3. Which country has world’s largest tidal power plant? a) Netherlands b) South Korea c) Laos d) Bolivia a) 22h, 20min b) 24h, 50min c) 20h, 10min d) 22h, 50min 9. What type of tide is it if the difference between high and low tide is greatest? a) Diurnal tide b) Neap tide c) Spring tide d) Ebb tide 10. A tide whose difference between high and low tides is least is called as __________ a) Diurnal tide a) Sugar cane b) Neap tide b) Wheat straw c) Spring tide c) Corn stover d) Ebb tide d) Orchard prunings 11. Which of the turbine can be mounted vertically and horizontally? 5. Which of the following forestry materials can be used as biomass? a) Pelton wheel a) Logging residues b) Kaplan turbine b) Tallow c) Gorlov turbine c) Fish oil d) Francis turbine d) Manure 12. What types of tides occur when there is so much interference with continents? 6. Which of the following is not used as biomass? a) Diurnal tide b) Neap tide c) Spring tide d) Ebb tide BIOFUEL/BIOMASS 1. The term biomass most often refers to ___________ a) Inorganic matter b) Organic matter c) Chemicals a) Hybrid poplar b) Willow algae c) Iron nails d) Trap grease 7. The aerobic digestion of sewage is used to produce __________ a) Biomass b) Bio fuels c) Synthetic fuels d) Metal articles d) Ammonium compounds 8. Bio ethanol is denatured alcohol that is also called as __________ 2. Dead organisms also come under the biomass. a) Ethylene a) True b) Methylated spirit b) False c) Ethylene glycol 3. Biomass is useful to produce __________ d) Methylene a) Chemicals 9. The production of bio ethanol is by fermenting the _________ and starch components. b) Fibres c) Biochemicals d) Transportation fuels 4. Which one of the following is an example of starch crops biomass feed stocks? a) Acid b) Milk c) Sugar d) Alcohol 10. The bio ethanol is subjected to rectification to remove ___________ a) Sugar d) 55-60 OCEAN THERMAL b) Enzymes 1. The ocean thermal energy conversion(OTEC) is uses ___________ c) Yeast a) Energy difference d) Impurities b) Potential difference 11. The bio ethanol obtained in the fermentation process has __________ purity. c) Temperature difference a) 99% b) 99.2% c) 99.4% d) 99.7% d) Kinetic difference 2. OTEC is developed in ___________ a) 1880 b) 1926 c) 1890 12. The by-products that are produced during rectification of bio ethanol is used as_________ d) 1930 a) Pig feed 3. The OTEC is constructed in __________ b) Cow feed a) 1920 c) Dog feed b) 1924 d) Sheep feed c) 1922 13. To make transport fuel the bio ethanol is blended with _________ d) 1926 a) Diesel 4. The by-product of the ocean thermal energy conversion is ____________ b) Petrol a) Hot water c) Oil b) Cold water d) Kerosene c) Chemicals 14. _________ is called as the bio gas. d) Gases a) Bio ethanol b) Bio methane 5. In ocean thermal energy conversion, the plant pumps the deep cold sea water and do not pump the surface sea water. c) Bio diesel a) True d) Bio butanol b) False 15. The percentage of carbondioxide in the bio methane is ____________ 6. How many types of OTEC plants are there? a) 30-40 b) 32-43 c) 35-45 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 7. Closed cycle systems use the fluid having ___________ 13. The open cycle system produces ___________ water. a) Desalinated a) High boiling points b) Impure b) Low boiling points c) Contaminated c) High viscosity d) Chlorinated d) low viscosity 14. In _________ method the sea water enters a vacuum chamber and flash evaporated. 8. Warm surface sea water is pumped through a ____________ to vaporise the fluid. a) Closed cycle system a) Heat exchanger b) Open cycle system b) Generator c) Hybrid OTEC c) Evaporator d) Neither closed nor open system d) Condenser 15. Depending on the embodiment ____________ technique generate power from hydro electric turbine. 9. The heat exchanger ___________ the vapour into a liquid which is recycled. a) Closed cycle a) Condenses b) Open cycle b) Heats c) Hybrid c) Cools d) Steam lift pump d) Evaporates 10. Open cycle OTEC uses ________ surface water directly to make electricity. a) Hot b) Warm c) Cool d) Icy 11. In some cases, the steam drives the low pressure turbine attached to the electrical generator. a) True b) False 12. The steam leaves the _______ a) Salts b) Aluminium c) Copper d) Silver