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Winter Break Reflection: Activities, Memories, and Study

My Winter break
Yehia Mohamed Abdelkawy (Jan 17 2023)
AIS | Taha Hussien Street
A Well Spent Winter Break
My winter break, one that lasted between Dec. 20 till Jan 8th was one well spent, where
I got to hang out with friends + relatives frequently. What made this winter break special was
perhaps how slowly it went by, not too fast yet not too slow, which makes this break a
memorable one. This if not, was the winter break that I feel like I had gotten enough rest and
was ready to go back to school right when it ended. Where I went to spend my winter break
made it special too, at places such as my grandma’s house, the football pitch, the club, my
cousin’s house, and my friend’s houses. I can absolutely say that I had fun at these spots, as not
only did I spend time there with people I love but these places hold so many memories to me.
Memories of doing things I love, such as chatting with friends, playing football, eating good
food, and places with good weather all make a memory special⋇ to me, which is part of the
reason why I can say this break was a good one.
But perhaps, the place that I had the best time would undoubtedly be the football pitch, where
I had gone there countless times over the break to play football with friends, one of the most
things I have fun with. Playing football means more than just scoring goals, but rather playing it
with people you know makes it undoubtedly funner too. Not to forget that the competition and
spirit football gives us, something very special to me. The football pitch means more than a
place where we play football, but a place where we socialize, play, eat, drink, and spent time in.
The pitch undoubtedly gave me lasting memories and for many more to come. Another thing I
did, was spend new years with a friend. We went karting, eating, and socializing over the new
years, where we got to watch fireworks being launched due to the new years. Rather what
made this new year special was the time I spent hanging out rather than watching the
Lastly, I studied over the winter break a lot. I studied SSA, Religion, and Arabic, which was not
fun at all. I had tutors, my mom, and my dad helping me study, in preparation for the ministry
exams. The exams are a big deal, which I had to make sure I was extremely prepared for. A lot
of my free time was sacrificed to ensure I was prepared, which I knew was essential and did
give up. In SSA, I went over our Egyptian history, ranging from the French Revolution till Egypt’s
independence, and other extremely important parts of our Egyptian history that we had to
make sure we studied. In Arabic, we went over grammar essentials, lessons, and a series of
short stories that covered “Najm Al Din Ayyub’s” life, and how he essentially got to Egypt’s
throne. In religion, we went over important stuff, such as respecting our environment,
community, working towards progress, and other essentials that ensure we live a fulfilled life.
All this studying took a great portion of my break, where the history lessons made up much of
this time. History that gives us national pride, consciousness of our roots, and one that honors
our ancestors, is why it is absolutely crucial that we learn it and teach it to our children.
This is me in computer class
I sure do love ∞ and ≤