Uploaded by Aceriel Villanueva

Electrical Distribution Systems Exam

TRADIS: FA1 – 20/20
Question 7
Question 1
1 pis
A power failure, short-circuit, or a downed power line in a
1 pis
The radial system is more expensive than the loop system
because more switches and conductors are required.
radial distribution system would interrupt power in the
entire line which must be fixed before power can be
Question 8
le) True
1 pis
Primary selective systems can be used as a backup for
critical loads such as hospitals.
Question 2
1 pis
A radial system has two or more power sources for a
group of customers.
Question 9
1 pis
L!) False
What distribution system is the cheapest to build, and is
widely used in sparsely populated areas?
Question 3
1 pts
Loop distribution system
Ring distribution system
A loop system, as the name implies, loops through the
• Radial distribution system
service area and returns to the original point.
Network distribution system
Which of the following is economical and widely used in
1 pis
low load density areas?
In a loop system, it is usually tied into an alternate power
Rin& systen
Networt. system
[!] Rad a1sys:ern
I.cop system
Question 11
Question 5
1 pis
1 pis
Loop systems can be used in underground residential
The loop system has higher reliabi lity than the radial
distribution (URD), where faults are frequent but are
usually transient.
[!] True
(!J True
Question 6
1 pis
In the radial distribution system, the distributor is f ed ___ .
Question 11
Loop systems can be used in underground residential
distribution (URD), where faults are frequent but are
from both ends
usually tran sient.
from the center
at different points
[!J tromoneend
[!) False
1 pis
TRADIS: FA1 – 20/20
Question 12
1 pis
Question 18
1 pis
What is the main advantage of the ring main system over the radial
Where the radial systems are generally employed?
i. The voltage drop in the feeder is less.
Where power is generated at hi8J, ~ and substation is located at the center of the met
ii. The power factor is higher.
iii. Supply is more reliable.
Where power is generated at high vo'tage.
• IWhere power is aeoerated at low voltage and substation is located at the center of the load
Which among the above statement s are correct?
Where power is generated at low voltage.
Question 13
i,iiand iii.
1 pis
i and ii only
The part of the electric distribution system between the
• ' i andiiionly.
ii and iii Ofiy.
distribution substation and distribution transformers.
primary tr.insmisSK>n system
Question 19
1 pis
secondary transmission system
• 1
primMY distribution system
Which distribution system is energized by two or more
seconda,y distribution system
generating stations or substations?
Question 14
1 pis
All of these.
Ring main systfflls
In a loop system, the feeder conductors are sized to feed
the entire loop.
Radial systems
lntcrconnec:ted systems
Question 20
Question 15
1 pis
The loop or ring system is used where higher service
reliability is required.
A type of distribution system built to serve commercial
and light industrial buildings and shopping malls, where
power outages are more likely to endanger human lives or
result in property losses.
• Loop system
Series/parallel system
Question 16
1 pis
The main advantage of ring distribution over radial is that
it gives the user greater security of supply.
• True
Question 17
1 pis
A system whereby power is received at the utility supply
voltage level by a single, incoming substation.
•!Radial distribution system
Loop d1s1ribution system
Allol tMSe
Rina: distribution system
• True
1 pis