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Media Literacy & Netiquette Research Paper

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A Research Paper presented to the
Senior High School Department
Jose V. Yap National High School
San Miguel Tarlac City
Glenn Paul M. Cataylo
Mary Lai Pineda
Resty P. Pangilinan Jr.
Symon Louie Poblete
Wenzel Tolentino
November 2022
Chapter 1
Context & Rationale
The empowerment of human resources through the media and information literacy
is an important prerequisite for the promotion of access to information and knowledge
equally. Which is the basis for everyday life faced by the media and information in a wide
range of changes and advances in all aspects of the local problems. Media and
information literacy as key principles for freedom of opinion and access to information. This
will enable people to understand the role of media and information sources, and assess
critically about content (Tuazon,2015). As well as the decisions of the users and producers
of media content and information. The definition of such skills it can be seen that the media
and information literacy skills are not only searching for information or access to
information that is found in today’s youth only. However, skills assessment, interpretation
and implementation of critical information to meet their requirements and needs.
Media and Information Literacy-consists of the knowledge, the attitudes, and the sum
of the skills needed to know when and what information is needed; where and how to obtain
that information; how to evaluate it critically and organize it once it is found; and how to
use it in an ethical way. The concept extends beyond communication and information
technologies to encompass learning, critical thinking, and interpretative skills across and
beyond professional and educational boundaries. Media and Information Literacy includes
all types of information resources: oral, print, and digital. Media and Information Literacy
is a basic human right in an increasingly digital, interdependent, and global world, and
promotes greater social inclusion. It can bridge the gap between the information rich and the
information poor. Media and Information Literacy empowers and endows individuals with
knowledge of the functions of the media and information systems and the conditions under
which these functions are performed (IFLA, 2011).
Netiquette-represents the importance of proper manners and behavior online. In
general, netiquette is the set of professional and social etiquettes practiced and advocated in
electronic communication over any computer network. Common guidelines include being
courteous and precise, and avoiding cyber-bullying. Netiquette also dictates that users
should obey copyright laws and avoid overusing emoticons (Digital Citizenship).
MIL can be described as a set of skills that enable users to understand, objectively
assess, and respond wisely to media content. This helps them to raise awareness of human
rights on the Internet, fight hate speech, false news, and online bullying, and utilize media
technology to foster equity and self-expression. (Al-Shammari, et al.2018). Welsh and
Wright (2010) define MIL as the ability to decode, encode, analyze, evaluate, and produce
media content in its various forms. Lee (2010) believes that MIL refers to the acquisition of
the skills that help individuals understand, produce, and criticize media content.
However, pedagogy corresponding to the learning management and training in Media
and Information Literacy is constructivist theory. Constructivism focuses on learning by
giving students the knowledge itself, on how to manage learning for the students to face the
problem in real time, teachers need to have integration between science and teaching
methods, content, and skills needed. Including the provision of learning resources, tools,
and guidance to help resolve issues for students, called “learning environment". In education
and learning environment in the current integration of both a science and teaching methods,
content, skills required, and the media, or technology that provides a little more. In the
current study about designing and developing the learning environment with the integration
of both pedagogy and teaching methods, content, skills required, and Media Information
Literacy that provides a little more (Somabut,2016).
The majority of studies, past and present, have aimed to assess the effect of MIL in
enabling people to develop the skills needed to identify false news. For instance, Nyhan,
Reifler and Sircar (2020) devised an intervention based on the largest campaign for media
literacy in the world. This campaign provided people in 14 countries with advice on methods
to identify false news. They applied this to elections held in the U.S. and India. The results
indicated that those who received this intervention were far less able to determine the
veracity of false news headlines and headlines presented in mainstream news, with this
effect being more marked for the former.
According to Jamiai (2019), Social behavior dates back to the naissance of humanity.
Recently, much interest has been devoted to research in human relationships with their
strengths and breakdowns. In the ongoing swift change from communicating in face-toface to online communication, researchers embark on those hidden issues that may uncover
both realities. In this respect, ‘Netiquettes’ or ‘Network Etiquettes’ is given a space, though
insufficient in the literature in comparison to other online subjects, to be looked into.
Netiquette is lexically the fusion of ‘network’ with ‘etiquette’ to refer to the social norms
that should be adopted by online users while belonging to a virtual learning environment
so as to interact. This interactivity, though free, is constrained by some limits that should
not be surpassed. Thus, netiquettes are seen as a replica of social etiquettes.
Netiquette is an online term used for internet etiquette guidelines which explain how
to act while online using digital formats. Netiquette is a necessary component to becoming
a digital citizen, which is a person able to use technology to interact well with other people
in society. According to Shea (2011), the ten core rules of netiquette include: Remember
the human, adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life,
know where you are in cyberspace, respect other people’s tie and bandwidth, make yourself
look good online, share expert knowledge, help keep flame wars under control, respect
other people’s privacy, don’t abuse your power, and be forgiving of other people’s mistake.
In the Philippine context, the internet usage rose from 9% of the population in 1998
to 35% in 2014 (Labucay, 2014). Towards the end of the decade, with a population of about
106 million Filipinos in 2018, findings have revealed that a rise to 62-63% or about 67
million Filipinos have access to internet and thought of as internet users (Estella &
Löffelholz, 2019; Khalid & Lavilles, 2019). This shows that ICT in the Philippine education
context serves as a milestone which opens wide range of teaching and learning opportunities
(Lorenzo, 2016).
Tibaldo (2022) identified the level of media and information literacy (MIL)
competencies of language and communication students in the Philippines using UNESCO's
access, evaluation, and creation components. A self-report survey of a small sample of
university students was carried out, and the results show that respondents have intermediate
MIL competency across the three components. But most participants struggled to recognize
the concepts of metadata and indexing and the practice of creating arguments using evidence
and drawing conclusions from information. They also struggle with the application of
international standards and requirements for new knowledge creation in an ethical manner.
These findings indicate the need for continuous development of language and
communication students' MIL competencies, as these are vital to the formation of
tomorrow's teachers, as well as communication and media professionals.
The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between media
information literacy and netiquette among learners. This study focuses on the learner’s
lived experiences of the opportunities and challenges of dealing with social media in the
right way. The respondents of the study are the learners at Jose V. Yap National High
School. The study will be conducted at the Jose V. Yap National High School and cover
the entire period of the first semester (S.Y. 2022-2023) to gather data and information
through a survey.
The study in itself is important as it serve as a valuable contribution to the Media
Information Literacy and Netiquette among learners to make them aware while dealing to
internet. It is important because this study help them to gain more knowledge about
technological literacy. Furthermore it is vital to be knowledgeable about media information
literacy in order to be more conscious of how to access information, use technology, and,
of course, be cautious when using social media.
Statement of the Problem
Specifically, this study aims to answer the following research questions:
How may respondents’ Media Information Literacy according to:
1.1 Media Access and use;
1.2 Media Language and critical comprehension;
1.3 Production and programing process;
1.4 Transforming one’s situation through communication?
What is the level of Netiquette of respondents in terms of;
2.1 Familiarity
2.2 Necessity and adequacy?
Is there a significant relationship between Media Information Literacy and
netiquette among learners?
What is the implication of the study on addressing the learner’s Media
Information Literacy and Netiquette?
1. There is no significant relationship between Media Information Literacy &
Netiquette among to respondents of the study
Significance of the Study
The study in itself is important as it serve as a valuable contribution to the Media
Information Literacy and Netiquette among learners to make them aware while dealing to
internet. It is important because this study help them to gain more knowledge about
technological literacy. Furthermore, it is vital to be knowledgeable about media
information literacy in order to be more conscious of how to access information, use
technology, and, of course, be cautious when using social media.
To the School Administrators. The findings of the study will help them
realize the strengths and weaknesses of the students' abilities to access and locate
suitable media and information sources. The outcomes can also be used to start
efforts for faculty enrichment that will help the students improve their competence
due to the improvement of its media-based curriculum.
To the Teachers. Since teachers have a significant impact on pupils' growth, they
could find this research helpful in figuring out how to enhance the teaching at their
communication degree-granting institution and to teach the basics of media and
information literacy and netiquette to the students. as guides to all their learners.
To the Parents. The results of this study will make parents more conscious
of how important their home environment is for promoting their child's media
literacy. to support them and guide them properly in their learning.
To the Student. This study will help to provide a little awareness of this serious
issue experienced by their children. This research also helps to provide information about
this issue so that they know how they can help their children in handling and coping up
with it.
To the Future Researchers. The concepts discussed in this study can be used
as a resource to investigate other insights and factors related to media information
literacy and netiquette.
Scope and Delimitation
This quantitative study will use the causal comparative method to examine the
relationships and attempt to determine the influence of parental bonding in the self-esteem
and quality of life between lesbian, gay and bisexual learners. The gathering of data will
be conducted at the Jose V. Yap National High School from November 2021 up to January
2013, S.Y 2022-2023 to gather data and information through survey questionnaires.
Furthermore, it will investigate respondents’ parental bonding in terms of four
quadrants namely: affectionate constraint, affectionless control, optimal parenting,
neglectful parenting. Also, it aims to measure the difference in the self-esteem and
perceived quality of life and its significant effects among the young LGB groups. Lastly,
based on the result of the study, a gender mainstreaming initiatives/plans will be proposed.
The study will be delimited to the respondents comprising of ___ respondents
coming from the grade 11 and grade 12 level. The respondents must have met some
qualifications such as: (a) must be identified as part of the non-binary groups (Lesbian,
Gay, and Bisexual) and (b) must be official enrolled at the Jose V. Yap National High
Definition of Terms
In order to understand clearly the terms will be use in the present study the
following are operationally and conceptually defined:
Access. The ability to use or enter on something that you have access in technology.
Adequacy. Is the state of being sufficient for the purpose concerned. The meaning
doesn't suggest abundance or excellence, or even more than what is absolutely necessary.
Adequacy is simply the state of sufficiency (Vocabulary.com, 2014)
Critical comprehension. It is like the deep meaning of reading, in critical
comprehension you'll not just evaluate what the context is all about, you should evaluate
the quality of the writing, the objectivity of the author and weather it is believable or not.
Familiarity. when you have background knowledge of something, or you
recognize it based on events from the past.
Implication. The implications of something are the things that are likely to happen
as a result (Collins, 2014).
Level. Having no part higher than another; having a flat or even surface. being in a
plane parallel to the plane of the horizon; horizontal. equal, as one thing with another or
two or more things with one another. even, equable, or uniform (Dictionary.com 2022).
Media Language. It is the way in which media text was conveyed, it uses signs
and symbol.
Necessity. A necessity is something that you must have in order to live properly or
do something (Collins Dictionary, 2019).
Programing process. it is the process of taking algorithm and encoding it into a
programming language.
Significant Relationship. Significant relationship means a situation in which the
actor is: the complainant's parent, stepparent, or guardian; any of the following persons
related to the complainant by blood, marriage, or adoption (Law Insider, 2004).
Scope and Delimitation
This quantitative research will focus on the degree of relationship between two
variables: media information literacy and netiquette. The gathering of data would take
place within the vicinity of Jose V. Yap National High School from November 2022 to
January 2023. It aims to identify the relationship between media information literacy and
netiquette. It will, however, identify (a) learners' internet behavior (b) knowledge and skills
to be active, ethical, and critical participants online (c) the significant relationship between
media information literacy and netiquette.(d) the implication of the study for the promotion
of academic discipline.
The study will only include responses from students at Jose V. Yap National High
School. The respondents must meet some qualifications: (a) the respondent must be
presently enrolled in Jose V. Yap National High School; (b) the respondents must be active
on social media; and (c) the respondent must be an active student.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the related literature and studies reviewed for discovering the
facts about the topics under investigation. It presents the related literature and studies used
reference that will give helpful insight on the direction of this study.
Related Literature
A. Foreign
According to Digital Citizenship Education (2020) Media, information channels and the
ubiquity of the internet may leave the impression that the digital age has turned everyone
into media users and that the digital can be found everywhere, including in schools. This
impression is false and, moreover, schools are the notable exception. School is the one
place where it is absolutely crucial to train future citizens to understand, to criticize and to
create information. It is in schools that the digital citizen must begin and maintain constant
critical thinking in order to attain meaningful participation in his or her community.
Media and information literacy (MIL) is an umbrella concept that covers three often
clearly distinguished dimensions: information literacy, media literacy and ICT/ digital
literacy. As UNESCO highlights, MIL brings together stakeholders including individuals,
communities and nations to contribute to the information society. Not only does MIL act
as an umbrella, it also encompasses a full range of competences that must be used
effectively in order to critically evaluate the different facets of MIL (Darnton,2020).
Media and information literacy is an interrelated set of competencies that help people
to maximize advantages and minimize harm in the new information, digital and
communication landscapes. Media and information literacy covers competencies that
enable people to critically and effectively engage with information, other forms of content,
the institutions that facilitate information and diverse types of content, and the discerning
use of digital technologies. Capacities in these areas are indispensable for all citizens
regardless of their ages or backgrounds (UNESCO,2022).
According to knowledge is created and disseminated in all forms and formats. Media
and information increase every day and it becomes so abundant that it can be found
anywhere, anytime especially in the booming era of data and information explosion.
Becoming media and information literate individuals will test our patience on how we deal
with information and misinformation. It includes a certain level of respect towards those
who need and request it. Respect for information need means we allow each and everyone
to express their ideas, opinions, and expressions fully without any judgment or prejudice.
MIL teaches us to use information and media content in an ethical, efficient, and effective
manner (Nazarbanyev University,2022).
The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
defines it as the "set of competencies to search, critically evaluate, use and contribute
information and media content wisely; knowledge of one’s rights online; understanding
how to combat online hate speech and cyberbullying; understanding of the ethical issues
surrounding the access and use of information; and engage with media and ICTs to promote
equality, free expression, intercultural/interreligious dialogue, peace, etc." (UNESCO,
Furthermore, for good or bad, technology has advanced to such a point that anyone
can create content. All that people need is a laptop, tablet, or mobile phone and some means
of recording and presenting their thoughts. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to
accuracy or ethics. However, thanks to the community-building power of the Internet and
social media, like-minded people can now gather and organize into groups. It doesn’t
matter if their ideas are grossly misguided or outright wrong; when people collect
themselves into an organized unit, it implies that they may have a valid point (Terra,2022).
During adolescence, the Internet is mainly used for purposes of socialization. Nonverbal elements limit online communication, thus leading to widespread use of emotional
resources. It would be preferable if virtual interaction did not reduce the quality of personto-person contacts, particularly thanks to the adoption of netiquette (respectful treatment
of others online). Phubbing, the tendency to check one’s mobile phone during a face-toface conversation, has become a widespread practice that causes anxiety and can lead to
social exclusion. Educating on this behavior could be related with emotional content and
with netiquette. This study’s objectives are to analyze the extent to which the use of
netiquette and online emotional content are associated with and can predict phubbing,
taking gender differences into account. 935 adolescents (ages 12-17, 55,1% female) from
13 schools in the region of Aragon (Spain) responded to our questionnaire. Results are
revealing: the level of online emotional content increases the level of phubbing; online
emotional expression is the most influential risk factor in both genders; netiquette protects
girls to a greater degree. We discuss the educational challenges posed by guaranteeing the
responsible use of social networks (Salinas,2022).
Netiquette is a set of rules that encourages appropriate online behavior related to
the social and cultural norms of a community (Preece, 2004). These rules can vary
depending upon the environment/context (informal/formal), people (familiar/unfamiliar
with each other), activity, and type of technology used (Center for Teaching, Learning and
Technology, UBC, n.d.; Preece, 2004; Rinaldi, 1996). Noncompliance of netiquette rule
use can be interpreted as a sign of disrespect (Kozik & Slivova, 2014).
Berk (2011) wrote an article about Netiquette. He stated that: The problem is that
there are professionals who are not as sensitive to these “Be-Attitudes” as you maybe. Not
only is incivility and bullying spreading in the academic workplace, but many of those
behaviors also manifest themselves in communications on the Internet. Cyberbullying is
on the rise.
In line with Berk’s statement, some of the strategies listed by Cole (2016) are:
Include a netiquette statement in the course syllabus.1 Refer to the Student Code of
Conduct, and consider placing this alongside Academic Integrity; Incorporate netiquette
standards into grading rubrics. For example, criteria for grading discussion posts may
include overall professionalism; and facilitate a discussion among students early in the
course in which they define “good” netiquette. Wrap up by clarifying your expectations for
their interactions when participating in discussion forums. Cole (2016) also suggested to
utilize other’s netiquette guidelines that are deemed appropriate for your own students. The
basic and common fundamental rules are being scholarly, being respectful, being
professional, and being polite. According to Cole (2016), rules and guidelines in Common
discussion boards are also used in online learning: Read all other comments before posting;
be clear and stay on topic; be mindful of your tone; be credible; and respect diversity
One adjustment done by those who focused online was to make sure that netiquette
was being applied. The term “netiquette” came from “internet” and “etiquette” referring to
proper style and manners in communication on the internet. The term was first coined in
1993 (Online Etymology Dictionary, n.d.). This was to make sure that there are certain
rules to follow and that abuse of the use of internet or online would be avoided. Since it is
an “unwritten social code”, it helps teachers strategize in teaching online.
Related Studies
A. Foreign
In 2011, UNESCO released the MIL Curriculum and Competency Framework
for teachers that would help them develop a greater understanding of the role of media and
information technology. The framework combines two distinct areas – media literacy and
information literacy – under one umbrella term: MIL. An essential recommendation for
teaching MIL is that teachers see it not as a form of protection but as an opportunity for
preparing students for their roles as citizens and consumers and effective participation in
democratic discourse (Wilson, 2012). Teaching MIL should engage students in critical
analysis, production, and dialogue, rather than a process where the teacher controls the
outcome and interpretation. UNESCO’s MIL Curriculum (2011) further identifies ten
pedagogical approaches for the teaching of MIL. These include the issueinquiry approach,
problem-based learning (PBL), scientific inquiry, case study, cooperative learning, textual
analysis, contextual analysis, translations, simulations, and production.
Al Zou'bi,(2022) investigate the impact of media and information literacy (MIL)
on education faculty students’ acquisition of the skills needed to detect fake news. A onegroup experimental design was employed with a randomly selected sample of 100
Jordanian undergraduate students. The participants completed one pre-test and two posttests, each of which consisted of 10 closed-ended questions and one open-ended question
on how to detect fake news. The results indicated that studying MIL has an impact on
students’ acquisition of the skills needed to detect fake news. The findings also suggested
that the methods students employed to identify and detect fake news after studying the MIL
course were scientific and well-reasoned. Based on the results, several recommendations
are made that will be of value to researchers and workers in this field.
With the growing popularity of digital technologies and computer mediated
communication (CMC), various types of interactive communication technology are being
increasingly integrated into foreign/second language learning environments. Nevertheless,
due to its nature, online communication is susceptible to misunderstandings and
miscommunications, which necessitates online learners' awareness of existing netiquette
(ie, network etiquette) rules (Shetzer & Warschauer, 2000).
The user base of the Internet is today more diverse than ever. People with different
cultural backgrounds may have very different views on some crucial Internet-related
matters, such as the regulation of the Internet, the responsibility of an individual in the
Internet, copyright issues, issues of anonymity, and so forth. Differing opinions on these
matters have already roused heated debates. Although there are a number of local codes of
conduct for proper behavior on the Internet, and although countries have set laws and
regulations concerning the net, there are almost no studies on the set of rules that would be
commonly agreed on by all users of the Internet, in all their cultural diversity. In this paper
we propose a study that will be based on established qualitative, anthropological methods,
and that aims at finding a commonly agreed core set of rules for appropriate use of the
Internet (Tedre, et.al, 2006).
The use of Internet for entertainment and socialization is widespread in adolescence
(Smahel et al., 2020): thus, adopting netiquette for online communication is key. Netiquette
is defined as “a set of rules for behaving properly online” (Shea, 1994). This is a broad
concept that includes a sense of ethics and responsibility towards others in a virtual
environment, acknowledging specific guidelines that determine what is feasible and how
ethical principles can be responsibly applied in action on the web (Freestone & Mitchell,
2004). In our study, netiquette refers to the responsible use of the Internet: that is,
addressing others with respect in virtual communication, e.g., asking permission to publish
someone’s personal information, considering the consequences before sending an online
message, and responding assertively and positively on social networks (Ortega, Rey, &
Sánchez, 2012).
This study examined causal relationships between cyber-bullying, ICT skills, and
netiquette by using a two-wave panel study of 884 elementary, 2,421 secondary, and 1,003
high school students in Japan. ICT skills were skills for managing information and
communication processing technology. Netiquette was defined as appropriate right/wrong
judgment about Internet communication. As the result, having proficient ICT skills
significantly increased cyber-bullying in secondary students. Having good netiquette did
not significantly affect cyber-bullying, but it significantly decreased school-bullying in
elementary and secondary students. And, in secondary and high school students, having
good netiquette diminished the augmenting effects of ICT skills on cyber-bullying
Berk (2011) wrote an article about Netiquette. He stated that: The problem is that
there are professionals who are not as sensitive to these “Be-Attitudes” as you maybe. Not
only is incivility and bullying spreading in the academic workplace, but many of those
behaviors also manifest themselves in communications on the Internet. Cyberbullying is
on the rise. Volume 6, Issue 11, November – 2021 International Journal of Innovative
www.ijisrt.com 309 In line with Berk’s statement, some of the strategies listed by Cole
(2016) are: Include a netiquette statement in the course syllabus.1 Refer to the Student
Code of Conduct, and consider placing this alongside Academic Integrity; Incorporate
netiquette standards into grading rubrics. For example, criteria for grading discussion posts
may include overall professionalism; and facilitate a discussion among students early in
the course in which they define “good” netiquette. Wrap up by clarifying your expectations
for their interactions when participating in discussion forums. Cole (2016) also suggested
to utilize other’s netiquette guidelines that are deemed appropriate for your own students.
B. Locale
Rubinas,(2019). Media literacy Metro Manila youth: A mixed-method analysis of
the levels of media literacy of Metro Manila youth as determined by their digital news
consumption, Unpublished undergraduate thesis, University of the Philippines College of
Mass Communication. As the digital media landscape continues to develop, there is a need
to inquire about whether or not consumers are efficiently making use of the various means
of consuming media contents. In line with this, the study aimed to examine Metro Manila
youth’s levels of media literacy in terms of their consumption behaviors when it comes to
news on digital media platforms. Given the multiple issues in the measurement of media
literacy, as well as the lack of a measurement that fits the local context, the first task
undertaken for this study was the development of a media literacy scale that addresses the
abovementioned concerns. The design of this instrument was guided by the Five-Factor
Model of Media Literacy, Levels of Participation Model, and Resource Theory of
The Philippines has been a pioneer in MIL education, with its beginnings traced to the
1960s when elementary students attended Good Manners and Right Conduct classes
(Alagaran, 2011). Several organizations introduced media education in the late 1970s to
early 1980s but are closely linked with religious establishments (Kubey, 1997). The Jesuits
then introduced media education in the Philippines through the Media Education Project
(MEP) (Hernandez, 2010).
Just as the year 2020 was about to start, the Covid-19 shattered everyone’s school
calendar. Pandemic has not only affected the lives of those who are working but also the
lives of those who are studying. This study focuses on the netiquette being applied in an
aeronautical school in the Philippines. This includes the identification of the most complied
netiquette and the least complied one with hopes for improvements and application not
only in the study’s locale but also in the entire country’s approach to online learning. The
study’s respondents were the aeronautical school’s faculty members, employees, and
students. The study used Descriptive method using the modern way of survey, the use of
Google forms. The study was based on the following variables: Netiquette for Planning,
Monitoring, and Evaluating (Del Rosario,2021).
A major adjustment was done to get by the pandemic. Since workplaces,
businesses, and schools were closed, a shift to online systems was made. This shift
happened quickly. Until now, the Philippines is still implementing the online learning
systems since schools are still not allowed to operate for face to face classes. The education
system here in the Philippines shifted drastically to accommodate the needs of both
students and teachers. Slow internet connections, outdated gadgets and even the thought of
facing the laptop or mobile phones for the whole day challenged the mental health of
everyone. Most Filipinos had a hard time adjusting. Some chose the modular system while
the others chose online learning. Those who chose the former were challenged by learning
on their own or selfstudying. Those who chose the latter were faced struggles with internet
connection. Eitherway, there are challenges. It is a matter of how we would deal with it
(Del Rosario, 2020).
In 2017, Remoto wrote an editorial in Philippine Star. He gave the reader ten
important guidelines from Virginia Shea’s book, the Netiquette: We should always ask
ourselves before sending or commenting if we would say this to the person’s face; we
should follow the same standards online that we follow in real life; we should respect other
people’s time and bandwidth; we should be concise, sensible, and correct in both spelling
and grammar even online; we should share our expert knowledge; we should not abuse; we
should avoid flaming; we should not abuse our power – keep things private; we should
respect other people’s privacy; we should keep in mind that everybody commits mistakes;
and we should know the recipient of or message.
Research Design
A study design used is quantitative research. It is the most appropriate way of
method that can be used. Quantitative research is important because it enables the
collection and analysis of numerical data that can be used to establish causality and draw
statistical inferences about populations. Commonly used in fields such as medicine,
economics and political science, this type of research can make research issues more
objective and credible. Additionally, quantitative studies can be used to test hypotheses
and theories and can be replicated and independently verified, increasing their credibility.
Correlative study design is useful for all kinds of quantitative data sets. This study design
aims to explore how different variables are related to each other. Correlation studies are
important in research because they allow the study of relationships between variables. This
kind of research can help identify patterns and connections that may not be immediately
apparent, and can provide insight into complex phenomena. Correlative studies can also be
used to predict future outcomes and inform intervention and treatment decisions. In this
way, the researchers can identify the relationship between the Media Information Literacy
and netiquette among of the respondents of the study.
Research Respondents
The participants of the study are composed of one-hundred (100) ABM learners of
Jose V. Yap National High School for the S.Y. 2022-2023. They are the one classified as
the respondents of the study.
Sampling Technique
The sampling technique used by the researchers is convenience sampling. It is most
appropriate method to use. Convenience sampling is a type of non-probabilistic sampling
that is commonly used in research because it is quick, easy, and inexpensive. This includes
selecting participants who are readily available and willing to participate in the study. The
importance of convenient sampling is that it allows researchers to collect data quickly and
efficiently. This is especially useful when time and resources are limited. This sampling
method is commonly used in exploratory or pilot studies and when population access is
difficult. It is to select a sample from the population as it is accessible. In other words,
people are selected for study not because they meet statistical criteria, but because they are
readily available.
Research Instruments
The researchers used a survey questionnaire to gather data regarding to the
relationship between the Media Information Literacy and netiquette among ABM learners
of Jose V. Yap National High School for the S.Y. 2022-2023. The survey questionnaire
has two (2) parts.
Part I and II consists of an answer sheet that has researcher-made questions that are
answerable by strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. It includes of how
respondents Media Information Literacy according to the media and access use, media
language and critical comprehension , production and programming process, and
transforming one’s situation through communication. Lastly, it contains of level of the
netiquette of the respondents in terms of familiarity, necessity & adequacy, and implication
of the study on addressing the learner’s Media Information Literacy and Netiquette. It is
the most suitable method and instrument to use as it has huge help to determine the
relationship between the two variables.
Reliability and Validity of the Research Instruments
In order to ensure that the data gathered by the researchers are all valid and reliable.
The researchers seek an advice and help to some professionals who have enough credential
to give an input about the research instrument. In this way, the researchers can guarantee
that all data and information gathered are all valid, credible, and reliable.
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers provided questionnaires to the respondents to determine the
relationship between the Media Information Literacy and netiquette among ABM learners
of Jose V. Yap National High School for the S.Y. 2022-2023. The researchers used the
weighted mean and Pearson r to answer all the research questions and accomplished the
research objectives of the study.
Also the researchers browsed the internet, read articles, checked research and
studies, look through in the journals and studied books to have an additional information
and data that is essential to the study.
Data Analysis
1. Weighted Mean
The researcher used weighted mean formula to obtain weighted mean to identify the
Media Information Literacy and Netiquette of the respondents which are the ABM learners
of Jose V. Yap National High School for the S.Y. 2022-2023, the formula of weighted
mean is;
𝑊𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 =
– Frequency
– Data
- total number of respondents
∑ 𝑓𝑥
Table 1.
Likert Scaling Table
Weighted Mean
4.20 – 5
Strongly Agree
3.40 – 4.19
2.6 – 3.39
1.8 – 2.59
1 – 1.79
Strongly Disagree
2. Pearson R
In determining the significant relationship between the Media Information Literacy
and netiquette among ABM learners of Jose V. Yap National High School for the S.Y.
2022-2023, the researchers used the Pearson r. Pearson r is;
𝑛(∑ 𝑥𝑦) − (∑ 𝑥)(∑ 𝑦)
√(𝑛 ∑ 𝑥 2 − (∑ 𝑥)2 )√(𝑛 ∑ 𝑦 2 − (∑ 𝑦)2 )
– correlation coefficient
– values of x-variable in a sample
– values of y-variable in a sample
Table 2.
Rule of Thumb Table
Absolute Value of r
Strength of relationship
r < 0.25
No relationship
0.25 < r < 0.5
Weak relationship
0.5 < r < 0.75
Moderate relationship
r >0.75
Strong relationship
Table shows 2 shows the rule of thumb table for interpreting the strength of the
relationship between two variables based on the value of r.
Study collections