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12 Strategies to Attract High Value Clients

12 Strategies That Attract High Value Clients
Having created growth models and marketing and selling systems for organisations in over 40
industries including professional consultancy firms, construction, manufacturing and health,
we’ve noticed the vast majority make 10 common business building mistakes which undermine
their profitability.
Could you be in the same boat?
If so, these 12 proven, easy to implement strategies which will help you consistently bring in a
steady stream of new, high value clients!
Which ones are you implementing?
Strategy 1 – Constantly market
1. Marketing is the activity that fills your sales pipeline.
2. Strategy first, then tactics.
3. Marketing activity must be performed regularly – ideally
daily – even if it just is a phone call or an email to a
customer, prospect or business partner.
If your phone stops
4. The 90 Day rule – Keeping in touch with clients at least once
ringing, then what?
every three months is critical to ensure they remember you
when making purchasing decisions.
5. Test & measure. Know your numbers. Do more of what’s working. Ditch the rest.
Strategy 2 – Focus on sales conversion
Sales is where the rubber hits the road.
Generating more leads that don’t convert is a waste of time.
Improve your sales conversion rate first.
Have a structured selling system.
Strategy 3 – Only talk about them!
1. The most important word in marketing is YOU!
2. People are interested in your product or service because they
want to achieve something or solve a problem.
3. Your clients are not interested in the processes and procedures
– they want a RESULT.
4. Your marketing material needs to point to the result not your
Your prospects only care
about themselves and the
results they want
© 2018 Revealed Resources Email:Rashid.Kotwal@revealedresources.com
Strategy 4 - Let them “buy”
1. Let’s be clear. Ultimately you can’t sell anything to anyone if they don’t want to buy.
2. Demonstrate and prove to your prospects and clients that your product or service can solve
their problems.
3. Don’t talk features – talk benefits. Hook into their emotions.
4. Familiarise yourself with the buyers journey – make content available for each step of the
journey to ensure that your prospects can get the information when they’re ready to
“consume” it and therefore move on to the next step in the journey.
a. Sidewalk – Awareness that they might need something.
b. Slow Lane – Research – know they have a problem – looking around to see if it is
solvable and by whom.
c. Fast Lane – the problem/pain is so big or enough research has been conducted –
that they are now ready to buy.
Strategy 5 – Separate yourself from your competition and
communicate your value
1. All marketing is communication and education.
2. Be clear about your value proposition. It’s all about the pain and
gain equation.
3. Figure out what makes you unique and what you stand for. Then
communicate it everywhere!
4. Some important numbers to consider:
All marketing is
a. 94% of your prospects will go online to research you.
b. 80-92% of senior business executives research business
problems online.
c. Buyers of high ticket items are 57% or more of the way through the purchasing
decision before contacting a potential vendor.
5. Create, improve and maintain an effective system that puts your name in front of prospects
6. Build trust by giving away knowledge – ensuring that prospects want to buy from you.
7. All marketing material must speak to your prospect’s issues.
© 2018 Revealed Resources Email:Rashid.Kotwal@revealedresources.com
Strategy 6 – Everyone is NOT your
1. Who is your IDEAL client?
2. The niche is where the money is.
3. The narrower the niche, the clearer and more
accurate your marketing message becomes which means better return on your marketing
Want better
clients and to be
paid more?
Narrow down
your market niche
Strategy 7 – Constantly communicate
1. The failure to regularly communicate means you could miss out on over 80% of possible
future sales and here is why:
a. Only 3% are ready to buy now.
b. A further 7% are open to the offer and
consider it actively.
c. 30% aren’t talking about the issue – but
might still be looking for a solution.
d. Another 30% think they’re not interested at
this point in time.
Failure to regularly
e. The final 30% are not interested full stop.
communicate means
2. the multi-touch process in numbers:
you could miss out on
a. 2% of sales are made on the first contact.
over 80% of possible
b. 3% of sales are made on the second contact.
future sales
c. 5% of sales are made on the third contact.
d. 10 of sales are made on the fourth contact.
e. And here’s the clincher – 80% of sales are made on the 5th to 12th or
more contact.
3. The reward of being persistent and consistent:
a. 48% of all sales people give up after the first contact.
b. 25% give up after the 2nd contact.
c. 17% give up after the 3rd or 4th contact.
4. The tragedy is that 90% of sales people give up before 80% of the sales will ever be
© 2018 Revealed Resources Email:Rashid.Kotwal@revealedresources.com
Strategy 8 – Use multiple lead generation
1. Only having one lead generation method is asking for
trouble. Diversify your lead generation methods.
2. Diversity = Stability.
3. Start small, test what’s working and move on the next lead
generation method.
4. In the early stages at least – less can be more as long as you
are aware of the vulnerabilities.
Diversify your lead
generation methods.
Strategy 9 – Measure your marketing results
1. All marketing must fulfil 2 criteria:
a. Get qualified prospects to raise their hands and express interest in your product
or service.
b. Cost you less than the profit you make per customer.
2. Why direct response marketing?
a. Material is designed to attract attention, evoke interest, create desire and most
important, generate action.
b. Uses a rifle shot approach which allows you to precisely target your audience.
c. It is 10 to 100 times more effective than brand advertising alone.
d. Works with just about any marketing media.
3. Make sure there always is a call to action as part of your marketing copy.
4. Automate your marketing campaigns as much as you can, this will free up time for more
sales conversations with highly qualified prospects.
Strategy 10 – Create a predictable referral system
1. Don’t leave referrals to chance.
2. Take control of your referral process.
3. Create a referral kit – something tangible that your referrers
can hand out on your behalf. Designed to “sell” you.
(Documents/CD’s/Videos etc.)
Don’t leave referrals to
© 2018 Revealed Resources Email:Rashid.Kotwal@revealedresources.com
Strategy 11 – Ask for repeat business
1. 3 Ways to grow a business
a. Get more customers.
b. Increase average purchase amount.
c. Increase purchase frequency.
2. Acquiring a brand new client is much more expensive than
selling more to existing clients because they already know and
trust you.
3. Significantly improve your bottom line profits by offering
additional complementary products/services.
4. Calculate the lifetime value of your client – this will help you
determine how much you can spend on marketing to acquire
a client – Calculator here.
How much money are
you leaving on the
Strategy 12 – Invest in yourself
1. You are your most valuable asset in your business.
2. Your mindset and willingness to invest in yourself will ultimately determine your level of
3. Working with a mentor/coach will help you achieve results far faster.
Dissatisfied with your lead generation and sales results?
Call Rashid on +61-414-913-334 for a confidential discovery session where we’ll discuss how to
create sustainable growth in your business.
Rashid Kotwal & Barbara Sauter
P: +61-414-913-334
E: Rashid.Kotwal@revealedresources.com
W: www.revealedresources.com
P.S. If you’d like a comprehensive version of this document which goes into a lot more detail
with examples, head over to https://revealedresources.com/10-strategies-attract-high-valueclients
© 2018 Revealed Resources Email:Rashid.Kotwal@revealedresources.com