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Cybersecurity Awareness Training & Introduction

Due Date: jan 22
Post a topic in the "Introduction Forum" in the discussion board.
Address the following items:
Your name, where from, occupation, major, and your in experience in Computing, Programming,
Cybersecuirty, and/or any other form of computing.
Also, Search the Internet for cybersecurity awareness training programs and discuss what the
programs are designed to deliver the audience. Share what you found with the class via your
initial post. (50 words)
Bio :
I’m Sowmya, from Tamil nadu, India. I did my bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering
and worked at Verizon as a Software Developer for about 2 years. I worked with Data and UI
creating a dashboard for Verizon FIOS. I worked on creating Report, a bug tool for
customer service agents and network technicians to report issues. I was also involved in
an application for Network Troubleshooting and Fault Isolation used by the same
technicians. Working with data intrigued me to learn more about it and I applied for the
Data Science master’s program at UNT.
Online Cybersecurity Awareness Training:
After going through the syllabus of the various cybersecurity awareness training courses
by leading training providers, they all seem to be addressing the most prevalent security
threats of modern day. All of the above listed training programs touch on the Top
Cybersecurity threats of 2022 which are Social Engineering, Configuration Mistakes,
Cloud Vulnerabilities, Mobile Vulnerabilities and Internet of Things. These programs
cater to almost everyone ranging from large organizations to individual End-Users. The
topics covered are important as it relates to our day to day life.