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WVU Athletes Box-and-Whisker Plot Project Worksheet

Box-and-Whisker Plot Project: WVU Athletes
1. Go to wvusports.com and select a sport and its roster.
Sport and Gender:
2. Record either the athlete’s height or weight. If you choose height, you will have to convert it to inches!
It is not important to record their names here. It will be helpful to go ahead and put them in order from
least to greatest.
3. Find the following information about your data set:
Number of Athletes
Lower Quartile
Upper Quartile
Interquartile Range
4. Create a box and whisker plot of your data. Be very neat! A grid has been provided for you to keep it
neat. There are 50 boxes across. You will have to create your own scale.
5. Answer these questions about your athletes:
a. What is the height or weight range of the bottom 25% of your athletes?
b. What is the height or weight range of the top 25% of your athletes?
c. What is the height or weight range of the middle 50% of your athletes?
6. Find a classmate who had a different set of athletes than you, but who recorded the same statistic
(height or weight). Compare your box and whisker plots.
a. Signature of classmate:
Their sport:
b. How do the heights or weights of your athletes compare to the heights or weights of your classmate’s
athletes? Think about which sport produced taller athletes, which sport had a larger range, etc.
c. Why do you think these differences exist? Think about the selected sports and gender.