Uploaded by Danielle Walsh

Kronos TimeKeeper Job Aid: Common Scenarios

KRONOS Procedural Job Aid
Kronos TimeKeeper Common Scenario Procedures
Applies to:
All Staff
The below scenarios address frequent procedures staff will encounter.
Please Be Mindful
1. Manager views timecard for each week of the pay period.
2. Check to see if total hours are more than 40 hours in each work week of the bi-weekly pay period.
3. Check to see if there are shift premium hours worked within the workweek (excluding Sunday Service).
4. If Overtime hours are greater than shift premium hours, then manager should apply the appropriate
Work Rule Transfer for the pay group.
Employees working over hours originally schedules.
When the employee is working more than their scheduled 35 hours per work week, any hours
under 40 will automatically be placed in compensatory time. To change this to straight time,
employees must fill out a change from Compensatory Time to straight time form and receive
approval through CLS.
When an employee works over 40 hours in a week and more the one hour during shift
premium (before 8 am or after 6pm), Overtime Shift Premium .10 will replace the Overtime 1.5.
If the total number of Shift Premium hours are equal to or greater then the Overtime hours, a
work rule transfer is not required. If the total number of Shift Premium hours are less then the
Overtime hours, a work rule transfer is required.
Scenario 1
An employee has 4 hours of Overtime 1.5 and 9 hours of Shift Premium .10 no action is
required. The employee will be paid 4 Hours of Overtime Shift Premium .10. and 5 Hours of
Shift Premium .10
Scenario 2
An employee has 4 hours of Overtime 1.5 and 2 hours of Shift Premium .10 a Work Rule
Transfer must be done in their timecard. The employee will be paid 4 Hours of Overtime
Shift Premium .10.
Overtime Shift Premium work rule transfer should be applied to everyday of the week
(Monday - Saturday).
Queens Public Library
KRONOS Procedural Job Aid
Kronos TimeKeeper Common Scenario Procedures
35 Hr. Work Week
Apply Work Rule Transfer
The OTSP.10 Work Rule Transfer is required on all days the employee worked for the hours
to calculate correctly.
1. Check to see if total hours are more than 40 hours in each work week of the bi-weekly pay
2. Manager views timecard for each week of the pay period to verify that the correct Overtime
shift premium is applied.
3. Check to see if there are shift premium hours worked within the workweek (excluding
Sunday Service).
4. If Overtime hours are greater than shift premium hours, then manager should apply the
appropriate Work Rule Transfer for the pay group.
5. From the employee timecard under transfers select FT U NEX 60L OTSP.10.
Queens Public Library
KRONOS Procedural Job Aid
Kronos TimeKeeper Common Scenario Procedures
Lunch Break Scenarios
The general rule is:
1. Employees do not normally clock in/out for lunch.
2. If they are using their lunch break for a scheduled appointment that will be longer than the
regular lunch break, you will need to schedule leave by adding a paycode. Employees should
clock in/out if they are leaving early for a scheduled appointment and returning to work to
finish their shift.
3. If an employee is leaving early/arriving late and wants to take a lunch break, a break must be
added to their schedule and the employee must punch in and out for lunch.
Right click into the cell and select Add a Shift and enter the first part of their shift (10-1, 10-12)
Use the + sign on the right to add another line. Under Type select break and enter the end time of the
Use the + sign on the right to add another line. Select the end of their scheduled time and click apply.
The manager should add the pay code via Exceptions Widget to cover the time employee left early.
Reminder - The total daily hours in the timecard should equal 7 or 8 hours.
Lunch Punch Errors
If an employee in error punches in and out for lunch:
1. The employee should complete the online Timecard Adjustment form and in the comments
section indicate ‘punched in and out in for lunch in error’.
2. After employee submits the Timecard Adj Form for adding the lunch punches in error, the
manager can delete those punches. The Timecard Adj Form acknowledges the error by The
manager should remove the lunch break error punches from the timecard.
3. employee and authorizes the manager to make the edits to the timecard.
If an employee unexpectedly returns late from lunch
1. The manager and employee should have a conversation to determine the paycode (i.e., annual
Leave or comp time) and total minutes to cover the lateness.
2. The manager should add the Paycode in the exceptions wizard for the late return. The
manager put in the start time and amount of time for this lateness.
Queens Public Library
KRONOS Procedural Job Aid
Kronos TimeKeeper Common Scenario Procedures
Reporting Daily LWOP & Paid Family Leave (PFL)
1. Manager's no longer have access to the LWOP pay codes in Kronos Timekeeper.
2. Manager/Supervisor- continue to report daily LWOP via email to Payroll Hours and HR.
Example e-mail to send to payrollhours@queenslibrary.org
Employee Name: John Doe
LWOP Date: 12/28/2021
LWOP Hours: 7:00
LWOP Reason: PFL
(Please refrain from including any personal information)
Returning from Continuous Leave (FMLA Or PFL)
1. Manager’s will not have any access to employee timecard or schedule editor in Kronos Timekeeper until
the employee has been reactivated in SAP.
2. Employee’s Kronos account will be re-activated by the end of the day they return to work.
3. Employee needs to complete the online Timecard Adjustment Form.
4. Managers will then be able to go into Kronos and add the missing punches to the employees Timecard.
Changes to Original Schedule
Change automated 60 minutes lunch break to 30 minutes
Go to Schedule Editor and create schedule
Important: When
creating schedule,
deduct 30 minutes
from schedule to
ensure total worked
hours for the week is
Apply work rule transfer to schedule, i.e. - FT U NEX 35 30L
Refer to Work Rule
Transfer Job Aid
Queens Public Library
KRONOS Procedural Job Aid
Kronos TimeKeeper Common Scenario Procedures
Changes to Original Schedule
Extreme Temperature Comp Time
When the Building is 62 degrees or below or 82 degrees or higher for more than 1 hour Comptime must be
applied to the employees time. From the Exceptions wizard, right click and add a PayCode. The paycode used
would be Extreme Temperature Comp Earned and enter the amount of time earned.
Early closing
Emergency Closings may occur randomly in the future and managers need to be aware the amount of Excused
time to add to cover the closure period depends on the employee’s schedule and /or if they take a meal period.
Managers should make sure the employee has a clock in and a clock out for the early closure and add the
Excused time to make up for the full scheduled day 7 or 8 hours typically.
1. Do not alter/change an employee’s original schedule on the Timecard
2. Due to the auto-meal deduction at the 6th hour of the schedule will determine the total amount of
Excused time to add
Please Note: In addition to the instructions above, if the meal period was taken and changed from 60L to 30L,
it will also affect the total hours of Excused time to add through the Schedule Editor.
Time and Leave
Queens Public Library