See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Spatial variability in seepage flow through earth-fill dams Conference Paper · October 2013 DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1245.3769 CITATIONS READS 6 999 3 authors, including: Melih Calamak Elcin Kentel University of South Carolina Middle East Technical University 37 PUBLICATIONS 165 CITATIONS 66 PUBLICATIONS 1,457 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: GIS-based site selection approach for wind and solar energy systems: a case study from Western Turkey View project Investigation of Burrowing Animal Impacts on Seepage through Earth-fill Dams View project All content following this page was uploaded by Melih Calamak on 30 August 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. CANADIAN DAM ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE DES BARRAGES CDA 2013 Annual Conference Congrès annuel 2013 de l’ACB Montréal, Québec October 5-10, 2013 Du 5 au 10 octobre 2013 SPATIAL VARIABILITY IN SEEPAGE FLOW THROUGH EARTH-FILL DAMS Melih Calamak, Res. Asst., Dept. of Civil Eng., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey Elcin Kentel, Assoc. Prof. Dr., Dept. of Civil Eng., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey A. Melih Yanmaz, Prof. Dr., Dept. of Civil Eng., Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey ABSTRACT: Dams made of earth materials show highly variable hydraulic properties because of uncertain nature of the earthen embankment. Uncertain nature of soil properties may result in variations in flow fields in embankment dams. Determination of seepage characteristics of a dam is crucial since it directly affects the stability. Underestimation of the seepage may lead to catastrophic failures of dams. In this paper, uncertainty in the hydraulic conductivity of the embankment is evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations (MCS) to reveal its effects on unsaturated seepage flow. A software utilizing finite element method for seepage analysis is modified to conduct MCS. Also a code is written for generating saturated/unsaturated random hydraulic conductivity values from defined probability density functions (PDFs). The solution of the flow problem yields the free surface through the dam body and the quantity of seepage for each simulation. The proposed method is applied on a 20 m high simple zoned earth-fill dam. Steady state, two-dimensional and unsaturated seepage flow characteristics are determined for different PDFs of the hydraulic conductivity. The focus of the study is on the discussion of the seepage flux variance. Resulting probability density functions of the flow rate are determined and probability distributions are fitted to characterize them statistically. It is found that most of the probability density functions of flow rate follow beta or gamma distributions. Also, if the mean hydraulic conductivity of the core material of the simple zoned embankment is relatively very small, the uncertainty of the flow rate may be considered insignificant when compared to that of a homogeneous earth-fill dam. RÉSUMÉ: Les barrages en remblai présentent des propriétés hydrauliques très variables en raison de la nature incertaine des matériaux qui les composent. L'incertitude sur les propriétés des matériaux de remblai peut entraîner des variations au niveau du domaine d'écoulement des ouvrages en remblai. La détermination des caractéristiques du régime d'écoulement d'un barrage est cruciale car elle affecte directement sa stabilité. Une sous-estimation des infiltrations peut conduire à des ruptures catastrophiques de barrages. Dans cet article, l'incertitude sur la conductivité hydraulique des matériaux de remblai est évaluée par des simulations de type Monte Carlo (MC) afin de révéler ses effets sur les le régime d'écoulement non saturé. Un logiciel, utilisant la méthode des éléments finis pour la réalisation d'analyses d'écoulement a été modifié pour mener les simulations MC. De plus, un code a été écrit pour générer des valeurs de conductivité hydraulique aléatoires saturées / nonsaturées selon des fonctions de densité de probabilité (FDP) définies. L'application de cette méthode permet de définir la surface libre à travers le corps du barrage et le débit de fuite pour chaque simulation. La méthode proposée est appliquée à un barrage zoné en remblai d'une hauteur de de 20 m. Les caractéristiques de l'écoulement non-saturé bidimensionnel en régime permanent sont définies pour les différentes FDP de la conductivité hydraulique. Dans cette étude, on portera une attention particulière à la variance des débits de fuite. Les fonctions de densité de probabilité des débits de fuite sont déterminées et sont caractérisées au moyen de distributions de probabilités. On montre que la plupart des fonctions de densité de probabilité de débit suivent des distributions béta ou gamma. En outre, si la conductivité hydraulique moyenne du matériau du noyau d'un barrage zoné est relativement très faible, l'incertitude sur le débit peut être considérée comme négligeable par rapport à celle d'un barrage homogène en terre. 1 INTRODUCTION All soils are heterogeneous in some degree in nature and hydraulic properties of natural earth materials may show extremely high spatial variability. From field test, it can be said that properties governing the seepage flow through an earthen dam body are uncertain in nature and this uncertainty may have a strong effect on seepage flow. Spatial heterogeneity with the combination of inadequate number of field observations may be the main reason of uncertainty in seepage flow (Zhang, 1999). Since the seepage flow greatly affects the stability and the performance of the dam body, it is important to conduct a stochastic study while determining the seepage. Many researchers have conducted stochastic studies on groundwater flow through last fifty years by considering a number of statistical techniques and numerical and analytical simulation tools (Warren and Price, 1961, Freeze, 1975, Bakr et al. 1978, Gutjahr et al. 1978, Smith and Freeze 1979, Gutjahr and Gelhar, 1981, Fenton and Griffiths, 1996, Tartakovsky, 1999, Lin and Chen, 2004). More recent of these studies have focused on the effect of spatial variability on unsaturated flow (Yeh et al. 1985a, 1985b, Mantoglou and Gelhar, 1987, Mantoglou, 1992, Zhang, 1999, Li et al. 2009, Le et al. 2012). Findings of some of these studies are summarized below. First researchers have focused on stochastic solution of one dimensional, steady or unsteady groundwater flow problems by Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) (Warren and Price, 1961, Freeze, 1975, Smith and Freeze 1979, Gutjahr and Gelhar, 1981). Then studies considering stochastic model of unsaturated flow were presented in the literature. Yeh et al. (1985b) analyzed steady state, unsaturated flow stochastically using perturbation approximation. A simple approximation with the Mualem’s soil catalog data was used for the derivation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Mantoglou and Gelhar (1987) proposed a general methodology for large-scale transient unsaturated flow in spatially varying soils. They used soil moisture retention curves and a parametric approximation for modeling the flow in unsaturated zone, in addition to the hysteresis effect in local variables of the soil. Li et al. (2009) presented the probabilistic collocation method (PCM) for stochastic analysis of steady and unsteady flow in unsaturated zones. Models of van Genuchten and Mualem were adopted for the estimation of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Also, a comparison was made between the results of PCM and MCS. They found that PCM can accurately calculate the flow with less computational effort than MCS. Le et al. (2012) investigated the unsaturated seepage through earth embankments by considering random field of porosity. Random field was generated by using local average subdivision (LAS) technique. MCS approach was adopted with the finite element method and van Genuchten model for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Studies on stochastic seepage analysis through earth dams have started with Fenton and Griffiths (1996) and continued with Ahmed (2009). Both studies considered the random field of hydraulic conductivity having lognormal distribution with known mean, variance and correlation structure. LAS method were used for the simulation of the random field. In the later one, it was found that the seepage flow found from stochastic analysis is smaller than that is found by deterministic analysis. It was also found that if the earthen material of the dam is highly heterogeneous, the construction of a core structure may not be required. The objective of the study is to investigate the effect of soil uncertainty on saturated and unsaturated seepage flow through earthen embankments. In order to achieve this, a random field simulation method with Monte Carlo simulation is proposed and applied on a simple zoned earth-fill dam. By the recent enhancements in computer processors, MCS technique become the most widely used approach in solving stochastic problems. In this approach, the input parameters of the problem are randomly generated from prescribed distributions repeatedly. Each of the generated set of inputs are called realizations and for every realization, governing equations of the problem are solved and the random field of the output is obtained. For statistical convergence, a large number of realizations are needed. In the study, one thousand realizations are performed for each combination of variances of conductivity. For each realization of spatially varying hydraulic conductivity, a set of values are generated from prescribed mean and variance and analyzed separately to obtain the set of seepage flow rates and free surface profiles. Box-Muller Transformation algorithm is used for random number generation. The van Genuchten Method is adopted for calculating the unsaturated seepage flow. Seepage flow results are evaluated statistically. The statistical distributions and descriptive statistics of the seepage flow are derived for various statistical distributions of the hydraulic conductivity. _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 2 2 METHOD The method used for modeling saturated and unsaturated seepage flow with the random field model of hydraulic conductivity and the numerical method are briefly introduced herein. 2.1 Saturated/unsaturated Seepage Flow Model The partial differential equation governing two-dimensional, steady-state free surface seepage flow can be written as div K grad 0 (1) where is the summation of pressure head (h) and elevation head (z) and defined as the total head; K is the conductivity tensor (K=K(x,z)). The hydraulic conductivities of the saturated and unsaturated zones greatly differ from each other. The mechanism and modeling of unsaturated flow is more complex than that of saturated flow. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is dependent on the volumetric water content, the volumetric water content is dependent on the pressure, and the pressure is dependent on the hydraulic conductivity (Gelhar, 1993). The functional relationship between the water content and the soil suction is given by soil water retention curve (SWRC) and it can be used to understand the behavior of an unsaturated soil (Pham, et al. 2005). There are many physical based and empirical models used to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the unsaturated part of the soil with the characteristic of SWRC. However, the most commonly used one is the van Genuchten Method. Closed form analytical expressions for the relative hydraulic conductivity, K r are introduced by using water content and pressure head curve, relationship in this method (van Genuchten, 1980). This empirical SWRC model contains three shape parameters namely, α, n, and m. The SWRC function has the following form in van Genuchten Method. s r r n m h 1 h s ( h 0) (2) ( h 0) where, is the volumetric water content, s is the saturated water content, r is the residual water content, h is the pressure head, and α, n and m are shape parameters, in which m 11 n (3) The hydraulic conductivity function of saturated and unsaturated soils is given by the following expression. ( h 0) K s K r ( h ) K h K s (4) ( h 0) in which, K is the hydraulic conductivity, Ks is the saturated hydraulic conductivity and Kr(h) is the relative hydraulic conductivity function. The function of Kr(h) can be written both in terms of volumetric water content and pressure head. The following equation was established by Mualem (1976) and relates (h) with Kr(h). K r 1 / 2 1 1 1/ m m 2 (5) In above equation is the effective saturation where, _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 3 h r (6) s r The relative hydraulic conductivity can also be expressed by the following equation (van Genuchten, 1980) and in this study the below equation is utilized for calculating unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. 1 h 1 h K h n m n 1 r 2 (7) 1 h n m/2 2.2 Random Field Model for Hydraulic Conductivity The use of random field models allows understanding the behavior of spatially variable soils and becoming ever more important (Fenton and Griffiths, 2007). There are many approaches used to generate random fields to model soils. In this study, for spatially varying hydraulic conductivity, a random number generation algorithm utilizing Box-Muller Transformation is written in C# language. The random field generator of the study provides random hydraulic conductivity values generated from a known probability density function which is defined with a mean and a coefficient of variation (COV), which is the ratio between the standard deviation and mean. Random field is generated without a correlation structure. The shape parameters of the van Genuchten Method are assumed to be deterministic in the study. Random field generation procedure is explained herein. Hydraulic conductivity (K) of soils follow log-normal distribution in nature (Law, 1944; Bulnes, 1946; Warren et al. 1961; Willardson and Hurst, 1965; Bennoin and Griffiths, 1966) and it is statistically defined with a mean, K, and variance, σK2. Then, it can be said that ln K follows a normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean μ lnK and variance σ2lnK. These parameters can be obtained using the following transformations (Ang and Tang, 1975): 2 ln2 K ln 1 2K K (8) ln K ln K (9) 1 2 ln K 2 Then, log-normally distributed random values of hydraulic conductivity can be produced using the following transformation. K i exp( ln K ln K ri ) (10) where, Ki is the hydraulic conductivity of the i th element of the finite element mesh and ri is the standard normally distributed random number generated obtained from Box-Muller Transformation (Box and Muller, 1958): ri 2 ln u 1i sin 2 u 2 i (11) in which u1i and u2i are independently and uniformly distributed random variables within the interval (0,1]. 2.3 Finite Element Model In this study, Monte Carlo simulation is adopted with the finite element method for stochastic modeling. A large number of random field realizations for hydraulic conductivity is generated and seepage flow is solved in the problem domain with finite element method. For each realization, the seepage flow rate through the body and the location of the free surface is calculated using SEEP/W software which utilizes an iterative finite element _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 4 method. The finite element equations are obtained by applying Galerkin’s weighted residual approach to Eq. (1). A repeated substitution technique is utilized to compute the total heads and flow rates. A detailed information about the finite element method and the iterative process of this program can be found in Geo-Slope Intl. Ltd. (2008). The generation of the random field is handled by the use of the C# code which is employed as an add-in to the software. Also, for the solution of the large number of realizations, a code written in Windows command prompt line is utilized for calling the software. For acquiring and interpreting the results, some macro codes are written in Visual Basic language. The finite element mesh used is composed of quadrilateral and triangular elements and formed automatically by the software. A detailed presentation about meshing is supplied in Geo-Slope Intl. Ltd. (2008). Computed head values are used to predict the hydraulic conductivity of the elements. In a realization, the random hydraulic conductivity values of the elements are kept the same in every iteration. However, there is an exception for the elements changing its zone from saturated to unsaturated through the iteration procedure. Their hydraulic conductivity values are changed using Eqs. (4), (7) and (10). Iteration is stopped when the convergence is satisfied in the relative change of the total head of the element. 3 APPLICATION PROBLEM AND SIMULATION RESULTS In the study, a simple zoned, 20 m high earth-fill dam shown in Figure 1, is adopted to apply the proposed method. The dimensions of the core and the side slopes are determined according to the small dam design specifications given in USBR (1987). The upstream and downstream slopes are 1:3 and 1:2.5, respectively and the crest thickness is 7 m. The dam is assumed to be constructed on an impervious foundation. There is a constant 16 m of head at the upstream of the dam and there is no tailwater. The hydraulic and statistical properties of the dam materials are selected based on several studies given in the literature. The mean hydraulic conductivity of the shell material is determined using EPA (1986), checked with Rice (2007) and fixed at μKsh=6.49E-4 m/s. Besides, the coefficient of variation values of the shell material are determined from Cho (2012) and verified from Deb and Shukla (2012). The values vary between 0.3 and 1.0. For the core material, the mean hydraulic conductivity is selected from Benson (1993) and checked with Rice (2007) and fixed at μKc=1.0E-10 m/s. The coefficient of variation of hydraulic conductivity of clay is stated to vary between 0.68-2.40 in Duncan (2000). However, Benson (1993) showed that the COV values of compacted fine-grained soils have a larger range varying between 0.3 and 7.7. In the study, to consider the big variance in the clay material, the later stated range is selected as COV of clay. The van Genuchten’s soil water retention parameters are assumed to be deterministic and determined from the previous studies. For the shell material, the study of Wolf et al. (2007) and for the core material, the studies of Yates et al. (1989) and Ghanbarian-Alavijeh et al. (2010) are used to specify van Genuchten’s α, n and m parameters. The input parameters of the application problem are presented in Table 1. 2m 3m 2m 1V:3H 1V:2.5H 1V:0.425H 16 m Coarse sand to coarse gravel Shell Impervious foundation 1V:0.425H Clay Core 20 m 20 m Coarse sand to coarse gravel Shell Impervious foundation Figure 1: The geometry and material properties of the application problem _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 5 Table 1: The input parameters of the application problem References Core Material EPA (1986), Rice (2007) μKc 1.0E-10 m/s Cho (2012), {0.3,0.5,0.7,1.0} COV(Kc) {0.3,1.0,2.0,7.7} Deb and Shukla (2012) 0.175 α 0.03 2.85 Wolf et al. (2007) n 1.70 0.65 m 0.41 Shell Material 6.49E-4 m/s μKsh COV(Ksh) α n m References Benson (1993), Rice (2007) Benson (1993) Yates et al. (1989), Ghanbarian-Alavijeh et al. (2010) In the study, 1000 realizations (simulations) are conducted for each combination of COV values of both shell and core material. Therefore, there exist 16000 realizations in total for the application problem. For each realization, using random field generator, hydraulic conductivity field is mapped to the problem region and then solved by finite element method. A sample mapped random hydraulic conductivity for a realization is presented in Figure 2. Points having the same hydraulic conductivity are joined by contours. The higher variance in the core results in smaller areas of similar hydraulic conductivity. Large part of the downstream side of the shell remains unsaturated; therefore, relatively smaller conductivity values are observed there. Figure 2: A sample hydraulic conductivity variation in the dam body when COV(Ksh;Kc)={1.0;7.7} In Monte Carlo simulations, the number of the realizations affects the accuracy of the results. When the variance of the resulting parameter stabilizes, the number of the realizations can be said to be adequate. In the study, the adequacy of the number of realizations is checked by calculating the coefficient of variation of the flow rate. Figure 3 shows the change of COV(Q) with respect to number of realizations. It is clear that for all combinations of COV(Ksh;Kc), values of COV(Q) values stabilizes after around 500 iterations. The figure also proves that when the variation in the hydraulic conductivity of core material increases the variation in flow rate increases. 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 COV(Ksh;Kc)={1.0;7.7} COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.3;0.7} 0.1 COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.5;0.7} 0.08 COV (Q) COV (Q) 0.1 COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.5;2.0} 0.06 COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.3;1.0} 0.04 COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.3;2.0} COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.3;0.3} COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.7;2.0} 0.06 COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.7;1.0} 0.04 COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.3;0.3} COV(Ksh;Kc)={1.0;0.3} 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 No. of realizations COV(Ksh;Kc)={1.0;1.0} 0.02 0 0 COV(Ksh;Kc)={1.0;2.0} COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.7;0.3} COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.5;1.0} 0.02 COV(Ksh;Kc)={0.7;7.7} 0.08 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 No. of realizations Figure 3: Change of the coefficient of variation of the flow rate with respect to number of realizations for COV(Ksh;Kc) combinations _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 6 The location of the free surface and the flow rate passing through the dam body are calculated for all realizations. However, the study only dealt with the flow rate results statistically. Figure 4 demonstrates the free surface of the seepage flow and the contours of total head for both the deterministic and a stochastic solution. Flow rates passing through the body are shown at the toe of the dam. In the deterministic solution, mean hydraulic conductivity values are assumed to be the deterministic values. The flow rate computed in the deterministic solution is 10.14E-10 m3/s and the phreatic line through the core follows a regular pattern. However, there is an irregular phreatic surface in the stochastic solution. Flow tends to avoid low permeability regions and follow routes having higher hydraulic conductivity (see Figure 2 for hydraulic conductivity mapping for the same realization). Also, the computed flow rate is relatively smaller than that of deterministic solution. The high variation in core material resulted in decrease in the flow rate. (a) (b) Figure 4: Total head contours and water flux through the body (a) in deterministic solution, (b) in a stochastic solution when COV(Ksh;Kc)={1.0;7.7} After holding Monte Carlo simulations with finite element analysis, sets of the response variable are obtained. The response variable, namely the flow rate can be characterized by a statistical distribution which can be fitted to a probability density function. Then, this probability density function can be used to predict the likelihood of an event, such as piping and slope failures. In the study, the sets of flow rate values obtained from Monte Carlo simulation are statistically analyzed at first. Descriptive statistics of the flow rate passing through the dam body is provided in Table 2. For each combination of the coefficient of variation of the shell and core material, the maximum and minimum, the range, the mean, COV, skewness and kurtosis of the flow rate data are given in this table. Although the COV of K varies between 0.3 and 7.7, the coefficient of variation of the flow rate varies between 0.02 and 0.10 and it becomes larger when COV of K increases. This may be attributed to the fact that when the COV of K is small, it tends to be uniform through the body, resulting in smaller uncertainty in the flow rate. The variation in the flow rate is not much affected by the variation of the conductivity and its variation range is relatively small when compared to the range of COV of K. The mean flow rate decreases with the increase in the variance of the hydraulic conductivity of the core material. This may be explained by the fact that when the variance of K increases, the hydraulic conductivity rapidly _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 7 changes from one point to another and the chance of getting a small conductivity increases. This results in preferential flow paths, avoiding from low permeability regions and smaller flow quantities. Almost all mean flow rates computed with MCS are smaller than the deterministic flow rate result. This means the variability in soil results in decrease in the seepage flux through it. However, the mean flow rate resulting from relatively small variances of conductivity may not be smaller than that of the deterministic solution. Table 2: Descriptive statistics of the flow rate passing through the dam body for the combinations of the coefficient of variations of the shell and core material. Max Min Range μ Fitted COV values (*E-10) (*E-10) (*E-10) (*E-10) COV Skewness Kurtosis distribution Shell Core (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) type 0.3 0.3 10.85 9.75 1.10 10.23 0.02 0.17 -0.91 Beta 0.3 1.0 10.41 8.28 2.13 9.28 0.04 0.14 0.02 Gamma 0.3 2.0 9.33 6.54 2.80 7.73 0.06 0.21 0.16 Normal 0.3 7.7 5.78 2.91 2.86 4.06 0.10 0.38 0.22 Gamma 0.5 0.3 10.78 9.69 1.09 10.22 0.02 0.15 -0.90 Beta 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.0 10.50 9.20 8.35 6.36 2.15 2.84 9.26 7.70 0.04 0.06 0.18 0.14 -0.13 -0.05 Beta Gamma 0.5 0.7 0.7 7.7 0.3 1.0 5.62 10.78 10.72 2.76 9.75 8.34 2.86 1.02 2.37 4.02 10.23 9.29 0.10 0.02 0.04 0.27 0.10 0.26 0.24 -0.94 0.23 Gamma Beta Gamma 0.7 0.7 2.0 7.7 9.94 6.11 6.43 2.72 3.51 3.39 7.71 4.02 0.06 0.10 0.28 0.48 0.22 0.93 Beta Gen. Ex. Val. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.3 1.0 2.0 7.7 10.77 10.41 9.18 5.70 9.63 7.44 5.97 2.91 1.14 2.97 3.20 2.80 10.22 9.27 7.71 4.05 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.15 -0.01 0.21 0.40 -0.73 Gen. Ex. Val. 0.69 Gamma -0.07 Gen. Ex. Val. 0.13 Pearson V Then, the frequency histograms of the flow rate data are produced for each combination of COV values and to describe them statistically some distributions are fitted. For this purpose, common distribution functions, i.e., gamma, beta, generalized extreme value (Gen. Ex. Val.), normal, and Pearson V, are used. The distribution that best fits to the data is selected and plotted on the histograms. Figure 5 shows the probability density functions of the flow rate data and fitted statistical distributions for all combinations of COV(K sh;Kc). The types of the distributions and related distribution parameters are shown on the figures. The distribution fitting process and the determination of the distribution parameters are held with a software called EasyFit (Mathwave, 2013). Out of sixteen distributions, six of them fitted to gamma, five of them fitted to beta, three of them fitted to generalized extreme value and the remaining are fitted to normal and Pearson V distributions (see Table 2 for fitted distribution types and related COV combinations). Almost all distributions are positively skewed; therefore, normal distribution was insufficient to describe them. Skewness increases with the increase of the variance of the core material. Some of the distributions are platykurtic (Kurtosis<0), whereas the others are leptokurtic (Kurtosis>0). For small variance of the core material, the shape of the statistical distributions of the flow rate are more flat. The probability distributions derived for the flow rate can be used for dealing with uncertainty. In a design process of an earth fill dam, they may provide a good approximation for assessing failure risks. However, any risk computation is out of the scope of this study. _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 8 Beta 2.87 3.87 9.74E-10 1.09E-9 Probability density α1 α2 a b (b) Probability density (a) Normal 4.39E-11 7.73E-10 σ μ Probability density Probability density (c) (d) Q (m3/s) α β γ Gamma 26.73 8.11E-12 1.89E-10 α1 α2 a b Beta 10.35 16.96 7.84E-10 1.16E-9 Q (m3/s) Probability density Beta 3.31 3.61 9.66E-10 1.08E-9 (f) Probability density α1 α2 a b (e) Q (m3/s) Q (m3/s) Gamma 272.06 2.83E-12 0 α β γ (h) Probability density α β γ Probability density Gamma 131.46 3.11E-12 5.19E-10 Q (m3/s) Q (m3/s) (g) α β γ Q (m3/s) Gamma 101.68 3.96E-12 0 Q (m3/s) Figure 5: Histograms of the flow rate and fitted distributions when COV(Ksh;Kc) is equal to; (a) {0.3;0.3} (b) {0.3;1.0} (c) {0.3;2.0} (d) {0.3;7.7} (e) {0.5;0.3} (f) {0.5;1.0} (g) {0.5;2.0} (h) {0.5;7.7} (i) {0.7;0.3} (j) {0.7,1.0} (k) {0.7;2.0} (l) {0.7;7.7} (m) {1.0;0.3} (n) {1.0;1.0} (o) {1.0;2.0} p) {1.0;7.7} _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 9 Probability density Beta 2.90 3.36 9.73E-10 1.08E-9 Q (m3/s) Q (m3/s) Probability density Beta 17.99 60.90 5.49E-10 1.52E-9 k σ μ (l) Probability density α1 α2 a b (k) Gamma 65.43 4.34E-12 6.45E-10 α β γ (j) Probability density α1 α2 a b (i) Q (m3/s) Gen. Ex. Val. -0.17 3.84E-11 3.86E-10 Q (m3/s) k σ μ α β γ (n) Gamma 747.81 1.24E-12 0 Probability density Probability density (m) Gen. Ex. Val. -0.20 1.90E-11 1.01E-9 Q (m3/s) Q (m3/s) Probability density (o) Q (m3/s) Gen. Ex. Val. -0.20 5.36E-11 7.54E-10 α β γ (p) Probability density k σ μ Figure 5: cont’d _____________________________________________________________ CDA 2013 Annual Conference, Montréal, Qc, Canada - October 2013 Pearson V 93.03 3.72E-8 0 Q (m3/s) 10 4 CONCLUSIONS The effect of uncertainty due to random hydraulic conductivity field on seepage flow of an earth-fill dam is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. Random fields of hydraulic conductivity are generated using an algorithm and a software utilizing finite element method is used to conduct seepage analysis. The proposed method is applied for two-dimensional, steady state, saturated/unsaturated seepage flow through a simple zoned earth-fill dam considering various coefficient of variation values of shell and core material. Then, the statistics of the flow rate through the body is evaluated for the combinations of the coefficient of variations of the shell and core. Results indicated that the variance of the flow rate increases when the variance of the core material increases. Also, the mean flow rate decreases with the increase in the variance of the hydraulic conductivity of the core material. It is seen that the flow rate passing through a simple zoned earth-fill dam body is only affected by the hydraulic properties and the uncertainty of the core material. The uncertainty of the flow rate solely depends on the statistical properties of the core material. The uncertainty of the shell material has almost no effects on the flow rate statistics. It is found that the flow rate may have different types of probability distributions. They cannot be described by only the first and second central moments of the data. Most of the probability density functions of the flow rate can be defined by beta or gamma distributions; however, they may not be the best fitting distribution in every time. The skewness of the distribution increases when the variance of the core increases. The statistical distributions become flattened when the variance of the core decreases. The derived distributions can be used to estimate the probability of a failure event. Flow rate related risk analysis may be the main subject of a further study. For a complete seepage related risk analysis, stochastic solution of transient seepage flow problems occurring during rapid fill and drawdown of the reservoir should also be considered by taking the hysteresis effect in the soil into account. 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