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Internet Banking Seminar Report

Seminar report
Internet banking
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Dr. Sakshi Sharma
Nitin Bedi
B.com Regular 2nd sem
Roll no. 20302162
I am very thankful to my guide Dr. Sakshi Sharma who helped me in completion of
this project Internet banking . It make my concepts more clear and enhanced my
knowledge and helped me in realizing the importance of it.
I would also like to thank my parents and friends who have helped me with their
valuable suggestions and guidance has been very thankful in various phrases of
the completion of the project.
Nitin Bedi
SR. No.
History of Internet Banking
Features of Internet Banking
Role of Internet banking in today's era
Comparison between traditional banking and Internet Banking
Internet banking, also known as online banking or e-banking or Net Banking is a facility offered by
banks and financial institutions that allow customers to use banking services over the internet.
Customers need not visit their bank’s branch office to avail each and every small service. Not all
account holders get access to internet banking. If you would like to use internet banking services, you
must register for the facility while opening the account or later. You have to use the registered
customer ID and password to log into your internet banking account.
In a broad sense, it is the use of electronic means to transfer the
funds directly from one account to another, rather than by cheque or cash.
Internet banking, also known as online banking, web banking or home banking, is an electronic
payment system that allows customers of bank or another financial institutions to conduct a range of
financial transactions through the financial institutions website.
A system of banking in which customers can view their account details, pay
bills and transfer money by means of internet.
The remote delivery of new and traditional banking products and services
through electronic delivery channels.
History of Internet Banking
Online services started in New York in 1981 when four of the city's major banks:
Chase Manhattan
Manufacturers Hanover
Offered home banking services using the videotext system.
Informational Internet Banking
Communicative Online Banking
Transactional Internet Banking
1. Informational Internet Banking: This fundamental level of banking does not allow
patrons to view or maintain accounts, nor does it allow for communication between the
financial institution and customers. Informational Internet banking simply means the bank
provides basic information about its products and services, much like a brochure. This is meant
for marketing purposes only, and there is no connection to the bank's main computer systems.
2. Communicative Online Banking: Communicative online banking allows for some
communication between the patron and bank. However, this is typically limited to fundamental
interactions such as account inquiries, new account updates, loan or mortgage applications,
contact information updates and balances. Communicative online banking may connect with the
bank's main computer systems.
3. Transactional Internet Banking: The most popular online banking type, transactional
Internet banking offers all of the benefits of a traditional brick-and-mortar institution. This
includes full control over your accounts—deposits, withdrawals, transfers, updates and online
payments. Increased security measures now make Internet banking safe, secure and convenient,
especially in the case of mobile online banking.
Features of Internet Banking
Check the account statement online.
Open a fixed deposit account.
Pay utility bills such as water bill and electricity bill.
Make merchant payments.
Transfer funds.
Order for a cheque book.
Buy general insurance.
Recharge prepaid mobile/DTH.
Advantages of Internet Banking
The advantages of internet banking are as follows:
Availability: You can avail the banking services round the clock throughout the year. Most of the
services offered are not time-restricted; you can check your account balance at any time and
transfer funds without having to wait for the bank to open.
Easy to Operate: Using the services offered by online banking is simple and easy. Many find
transacting online a lot easier than visiting the branch for the same.
Convenience: You need not leave your chores behind and go stand in a queue at the bank branch.
You can complete your transactions from wherever you are. Pay utility bills, recurring deposit
account instalments, and others using online banking.
Time Efficient: You can complete any transaction in a matter of a few minutes via internet
banking. Funds can be transferred to any account within the country or open a fixed deposit
account within no time on net banking.
Activity Tracking: When you make a transaction at the bank branch, you will receive an
acknowledgement receipt. There are possibilities of you losing it. In contrast, all the transactions
you perform on a bank’s internet banking portal will be recorded. You can show this as proof of
the transaction if need be. Details such as the payee’s name, bank account number, the amount
paid, the date and time of payment, and remarks if any will be recorded as well.
Disadvantages of Internet Banking
The disadvantages of internet banking are as follows:
Internet Requirement: An uninterrupted internet connection is a foremost requirement to use
internet banking services. If you do not have access to the internet, you cannot make use of any
facilities offered online. Similarly, if the bank servers are down due to any technical issues on
their part, you cannot access net banking services.
Transaction Security: No matter how much precautions banks take to provide a secure network,
online banking transactions are still susceptible to hackers. Irrespective of the advanced
encryption methods used to keep user data safe, there have been cases where the transaction
data is compromised. This may cause a major threat such as using the data illegally for the
hacker’s benefit.
Difficult for Beginners: There are people in India who have been living lives far away from the web
of the internet. It might seem a whole new deal for them to understand how internet banking
works. Worse still, if there is nobody who can explain them on how internet banking works and
the process flow of how to go about it. It will be very difficult for inexperienced beginners to
figure it out for themselves.
Securing Password: Every internet banking account requires the password to be entered in order
to access the services. Therefore, the password plays a key role in maintaining integrity. If the
password is revealed to others, they may utilise the information to devise some fraud. Also, the
chosen password must comply with the rules stated by the banks. Individuals must change the
password frequently to avoid password theft which can be a hassle to remember by the account
holder himself.
Role of Internet in today’s era
The Internet usage has increased in the current generation due to the change in the astounding rates with the
advancements in the technology. The studies carrying out ion the impact of the technological advancements have
revealed that the technology has been impinged in all aspects of the common people’s life. The electronically
handling capability for all the complicated works are increased in this situation. The Internet is treated as the global
trend which can reduce the time and distance to perform the important transactions. The change emerged to the
internet banking from the conventional banking is termed to be leap transformation.
The banking sector in the current days is able to provide with the novel services to the consumers through effective
exploitation of the internet. This has given the advantages in two folds that are for bank as well as for the customers.
The banks have emerged in to hi – tech service providers and to develop the services to eliminate the banking
concerns with better focus on the needs and requirements of clients. The current banking sector is implementing
novel technologies and expertise to make the complication and concerns of original banking plan to much easier and
easily accessible by the consumers.
The commencement of the electronic banking initiated with the ATMs. And at present the trend has emerged to
carry out the transactions through mobile phone, through internet, direct bill payment, electronic fund transfer and
the I – banking. The augmentation in the E – commerce and the utilization of the internet banking has been
supporting the transactions in the banking with better security options with confidentiality in transaction has led to
the importance of Internet banking in the current day.
Thus the current project is aimed carry out a thorough study on the concept of Internet and the applicability of the
same in the highly service oriented sector like banking. Thus the project is able to reveal the benefits that will improve
the customer loyalty which is very much necessary in the banking sector further the project will explain the extent of
applicability of internet in banking sector.
Security of a customer's financial information is very important, without which online banking could not operate.
Similarly the reputational risks to banks themselves are important. Financial institutions have set up various security
processes to reduce the risk of unauthorized online access to a customer's records, but there is no consistency to the
various approaches adopted.
The use of a secure website has been almost universally embraced.
Though single password authentication is still in use, it by itself is not considered secure enough for online banking in
some countries. There are essentially two different security methods in use for online banking:
• The PIN/TAN system where the PIN represents a password, used for the login and TANs
representing one-time passwords to authenticate transactions. TANs can be distributed in
different ways, the most popular one is to send a list of TANs to the online banking user by
postal letter. Another way of using TANs is to generate them by need using a security token.
These token generated TANs depend on the time and a unique secret, stored in the security
token (two-factor authentication or 2FA).
Precautions taken while Internet Banking
Change your password regularly
For the first time you login to your internet banking account, you will need to use the password
provided by the bank. However, you need to change this password in order to keep your
account safe. In addition, keep changing your password at regular intervals. More importantly,
keep the password confidential at all times.
Do not use public computers to login
Avoid logging in to your bank account at common computers in cyber cafes or libraries. These
are crowded places, and there are more chances of your password being traced or seen by
others. If you have to login from such places, make sure you clear the cache and browsing
history, and delete all the temporary files from the computer. Also, never allow the browser to
remember your ID and password.
Do not share your details with anyone
Your bank will never ask for your confidential information via phone or email. So whether you
get an apparent phone call from the bank or an email requesting your details, do not give out
your login information. Use your login ID and password only on the official login page of the
bank, which should be a secure website. Look for 'https://' in the URL when logging in; it means
that the website is secure.
Keep checking your savings account regularly
Check your account after making any transaction online. Verify whether the right amount has
been deducted from your account. If you see any discrepancies in the amount, inform the bank
Always use licenced anti-virus software
To protect your computer from new viruses, ensure that you always use licenced anti-virus
software. Pirated versions of anti-virus softwares may be available for free, but they may fail to
protect your computer from new viruses prevalent in the online world. In addition, you will get
notifications for updates in the software periodically. Make sure that you keep your anti-virus
updated, so that your confidential information is always protected.
Disconnect the internet connection when not in use
Most broadband users do not disconnect the internet connection on their computer when they
are not using it. Malicious hackers can access your computer via an internet connection and
steal your confidential banking information. To keep your data protected, ensure that you
disconnect from the internet when you do not require it.
Type your internet banking URL
It is a safer to type your bank URL in the address bar of the browser than clicking on links given
in an email. There are instances of fraudsters sending emails with fraudulent websites links that
are designed exactly like the bank’s original website. Once you enter your login details on such a
website, they may be used to access your account and steal your money. While logging on,
check for 'https://' in the URL and ensure that it is your bank’s authentic website.
Traditional Banking
E- Banking Practices
Traditional Practice provides limited
E-Banking Practices involve global coverage
while sitting at home/office.
Traditional Practice does not provide proper
marketing tools.
E-Banking provides the facility of marketing
of products/ schemes online easily.
Traditional Practices involves process which
requires more time.
E-Banking same lot of line as there is no need
to stand in long queues.
Reduction of
errors/ Frauds
Traditional banking practices do not provide a
complete check on banking transactions.
With the system of reconciliation of interbranch transactions, frauds and errors could
be reduced.
Bank executives have to perform a lot of
paperwork which increases both time and
Cost and time could be reduced or everything
is to be through some interval and no need
for huge paperwork.
Risk of
carrying cash
In the case of traditional business, a person
has to carry cash at each point of time.
E-banking provides banking without carrying
cash as plastic money (ATMs, Credit cards are
The mobile and wireless market has been one of the fastest growing markets in the world. The arrival of
technology and the escalating use of mobile and smart phone devices, has given the banking industry a
new platform. Connecting a customer anytime and anywhere to their money and needs is a must have
service that has become an unstoppable necessity. This worldwide communication is leading a new
generation of strong banking relationships. The banking world can achieve superior interactions with
their public base if they accommodate all their customer needs. They have a unique challenge to keep
their customer alliances and keeping up with the new technologies, and competitive strategies that
other banks also have to offer the public. Conveniences of services plus outside locations like ATMS are
crucial to every banks success. Meeting all challenges including safety and security are perfect examples
of good banking strategies. In order for the financial institutions to effectively grow they must embrace
the new technologies and customize them to suit their economic success and the public’s success.
Online banking is certainly here to stay. Online banking is a necessity for the bank's that we studied and
others in order for them to stay in business. While its existence doesn't necessary give them a
competitive edge because it is so common place, it is truly a cost of doing business. As a tool of modern
living and as a lifestyle aid, it is absolutely indispensable. The fact is that many services that are now
being offered with online banking are almost impossible to do conveniently with regular banking. As we
venture into the future, the internet will undoubtedly continue to change the banking industry.