Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Quality Management Plan Deliverable No. Workpackage No. 10 Authors Status Dissemination level File Name Project start date and duration D10.1 Workpackage Title Consortium Management Dr. Evangelia Portouli, Evi Brousta (ICCS) FINAL Public SENSKIN_D10_1_v3.doc 01 June 2015, 48 Months Issue date Creation date 2015-08-28 2015-07-15 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 August 2015 0 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 1 TERMS .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................. 3 SCOPE OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 QUALITY WITHIN THE PROJECT..................................................................................................................... 3 2. QUALITY SYSTEM REVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 4 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE QUALITY MANAGER ....................................................................................... 4 4. PROJECT QUALITY CONTROL BOARD (PQCB) ........................................................................................... 5 5. MAIN PERFORMANCE PROCESSES........................................................................................................... 6 5.1. WPS / TASKS PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE.................................................................................................. 6 5.2. PROCESS FOR INITIATION / PLANNING OF WPS AND TASKS ................................................................................ 6 5.3. PROCESS FOR WPS AND TASKS PERFORMANCE................................................................................................ 7 5.4. PROCESS FOR MEETINGS ORGANISATIONS ...................................................................................................... 7 5.5. REPORTING AND MONITORING..................................................................................................................... 7 5.5.1. Interim technical reports ................................................................................................................. 8 5.5.2. Interim financial reports .................................................................................................................. 8 5.6. DATA COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS ............................................................................................................ 9 5.7. DISSEMINATION ACTIONS SCHEDULING AND REPORTING ................................................................................. 10 6. SUPPORTING PROCESSES ...................................................................................................................... 11 6.1. DELIVERABLES REVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 11 6.1.1. Content .......................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1.2. Process .......................................................................................................................................... 11 6.2. REVIEW OF OTHER DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................. 12 6.2.1. Content .......................................................................................................................................... 12 6.2.2. Process .......................................................................................................................................... 13 6.3. DOCUMENT AND DATA CONTROL ............................................................................................................... 13 6.3.1. Document referencing ................................................................................................................... 13 6.3.2. Documents layout ......................................................................................................................... 15 6.4. LIST OF TEMPLATES TO BE USED.................................................................................................................. 15 6.5. CORRECTIVE AND PREVENTIVE ACTIONS ....................................................................................................... 16 7. CONCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 17 8. ANNEXES ............................................................................................................................................... 17 August 2015 1 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 TERMS Abbreviation Definition Beneficiary An entity who has signed the SENSKIN project grant agreement and is a member of the SENSKIN project consortium. Conformity The fulfilment of a specified requirement by a quality characteristic of an item or service, the assessment of which does not depend essentially on time. PQCB Project Quality Control Board. Process The method of operation in any particular stage of development of the material part, component or assembly involved. Prototype The result of project activities or processes. It may include service, hardware, processed materials, software or a combination thereof. QM Quality Manager. Quality The totality of features and characteristics of a prototype or service that bear on its ability to satisfy a given need. Quality Management Plan A document setting out the general quality policies, procedures and practices of the Project. Quality system The organisational structure, responsibilities, activities, resources and events that together provide organised procedures and methods of implementation to ensure the capability of the Beneficiary / Consortium to meet quality requirements. SC Steering Committee. WP Workpackage. August 2015 2 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose The Quality Management Plan is the document setting out the quality assurance procedures for the SENSKIN project. Its aim is to assure that the results and deliverables of the project are of high quality and meet the specifications set in the project Description of the Action. Once accepted by the Consortium, this Quality Management Plan becomes an official project document, which should govern all beneficiaries' and consortium's actions. It has been written in accordance to ISO 9000 guidelines. 1.2. Scope of the Quality Management Plan This Quality Management Plan is to be used by: - All Beneficiaries, - Quality Experts, responsible for reviewing completed Deliverables, - Any responsible person of a Beneficiary for approving works to be done by third parties. This Quality Management Plan is compiled and documented by the Quality Manager and is authorised by the Steering Committee. All subsequent changes / revisions should also be approved / authorised by the Steering Committee. 1.3. Procedure Description Quality Management Planning is an integral part of management planning. As a pre-requisite to its preparation, the Quality Manager has reviewed all requirements in order to determine the necessary activities that need to be planned. This Quality Management Plan has been prepared early in the project in order to demonstrate and provide the Consortium with the assurance that: a) the requirements and conditions of the grant agreement have been reviewed, b) effective Quality Management Planning has taken place, c) the quality system is appropriate. To ensure relevance of the Quality Management Plan, the Quality Manager should conduct quality reviews, throughout the duration of the contract, and when contractual changes occur. The Quality Manager shall ensure that the Quality Management Plan is available to all concerned and that its requirements are met. 1.4. Quality within the Project This section specifies the activities to be implemented, including their sequence, in order to ensure that the project and its deliverables conform to the project requirements. Those responsible for ensuring that the required activities are carried out are identified within the subsequent chapters of this document. The Quality Management Plan includes explanation, necessary to show how quality requirements for activities are met. A list of such activities is August 2015 3 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 given below: - Quality system review, Responsibilities of the Quality Manager, Project Quality Control Board, Main Performance Processes, Supporting Processes. 2. Quality System Review The Quality system is to be reviewed within the Steering Committee meetings. In subsequent reviews the following will be taken into account: the results from project reviews, the status of official project Deliverables (Reports and Prototypes), any corrective action requests, the preventive actions on all the above, any project prototype deficiencies and subsystems/parts problems, level of used resources per cost category and adequacy of spent resources for the particular task. The outcomes from the above shall be discussed at Steering Committee meetings, and their results shall be minuted and may include: - Status of corrective actions requests, Dissatisfaction and requirements for further corrective actions, Satisfaction with the corrective actions taken by the relevant benefeciary(ies). An agenda of such a meeting may include some of the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Corrective actions requests received Defects in prototypes / deliverables Expressed complaints Supplier problems Needs for preventive actions Review of quality policy and objectives Introduction of new Quality Management Plans 3. Responsibilities of the Quality Manager The current Quality Management Plan is applicable to all the activities, which are related to the project. Hence, compliance of its execution with the Quality Management Plan is mandatory for all involved. August 2015 4 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 The Consortium quality policy is as follows: - To implement and maintain a quality system according to ISO 9001, to identify for all involved their responsibilities regarding quality, to ensure that all deliverables comply with the provisions of the grant agreement. The Quality Manager is responsible for the administration of the Quality Management Plan, and has the authority to identify problems. In such cases, the Project Coordinator is responsible for initiating actions, resulting in complete solutions to the problems. All problems are raised within the SC meetings, and the minutes should also record the agreed solution and the deadline for action to be taken. There is a requirement to provide evidence that the problem has been solved. The Quality Manager is the person who has the authority to manage, perform and verify all quality work. This is documented in the present manual and is meant to encompass the following aspects: a. b. c. d. e. Initiate actions to prevent the occurrence of any non-conformity, identify and record any relevant problem, initiate, recommend and/or provide solutions through the reporting system, verify the implementation of solutions, monitor and control any preferred solution to ensure that any reported nonconformance has been corrected, f. monitor the project risks registry and manage the project risks in cooperation with the Project Coordinator. All the above responsibilities and authorities will be exercised through the Project Coordinator. 4. Project Quality Control Board (PQCB) The Project Quality Control Board (PQCB), in general will be responsible, for: - assuring the conformity of all deliverables, with the initial criteria defined for them and guaranteeing that the deliverables are in accordance with the Description of Action, consulting the Work Package Leaders, on the expected technical characteristics of the deliverables. Thus, the main Tasks of this board are: - Overview of the technical reports produced - Quality control of all deliverables submitted - Guidance (upon request) to the WP Leaders on the expected characteristics and contents of the relevant Deliverables August 2015 5 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Its main objective is to ensure that: - All the outputs are consistent, with their contractual requirements - All the project reports / documents do have the highest quality, regarding their overview / context The Quality Manager, as chairman of the Project Quality Control Board (PQCB), will report directly to the Project Co-ordinator. The PQCB consists of: - The Quality Manager. - 1 representative (high level personnel) from each Consortium Member, not involved in the production of the deliverable under review, acting as internal peer reviewers, who are the most relevant (technically wise) with the deliverable under review. Annex 1 presents the list of the PQCB members who are responsible to review each Project Deliverable. 5. Main performance processes 5.1. WPs / tasks planning and performance The SENSKIN project is divided in 10 WorkPackages (WPs). Each WP has a WP leader, a planned start and end date and expected Deliverables. Each WP is divided into Tasks. Each task has a task leader and a planned start and end date. The above are defined in the SENSKIN Description of Action (Annex 1 of the grant agreement). 5.2. Process for initiation / planning of WPs and tasks 1. The Project Coordinator asks the WP leader to initiate the WP15 days before its planned start date. 2. The WP leader asks the task leaders to plan their tasks. 3. The task leaders prepare in the first week of the WP an internal report with the scheduling of work to be performed in each task, including responsibilities, expected input by each partner, expected outputs and deadlines. This is circulated to WP participants. 4. The WP leader prepares within 5 days an internal report with the draft structure of the planned WP deliverables (list of chapters) and circulates it to the WP partners. 5. WP participants send comments to the deliverables outline and the tasks scheduling within 5 days. 6. The task leaders finalise task scheduling within 2 days and send it to the WP leader. August 2015 6 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 7. The WP leader finalises deliverables structure and submits this together with the task scheduling to the Project Coordinator. 8. These are discussed in the next WP meeting. Any revisions are sent to the Project Coordinator. 5.3. Process for WPs and tasks performance 1. Each partner responsible for performing part of a task prepares an internal report with the results achieved as soon as the task finishes. This internal report is sent to WP partners. 2. WP partners send comments, if any, on this report within 5 days. The author revises the report and submits the final one to the WP leader with copy to all partners. 3. If one or more tasks result into a deliverable, the deliverable main author synthesises the tasks internal reports into the expected deliverable. 4. The deliverable main author submits the deliverable for peer review. 5. As soon as all deliverables in a WP are submitted to the European Commission through the Coordinator (after having been peer reviewed), the WP is terminated. 5.4. Process for meetings organisations 1. The first meeting of the Steering Committee (SC) is called and hosted by the Coordinator. 2. During the first meeting , the next meetings and meeting hosts are planned and agreed. 3. Three weeks before each scheduled meeting, the Coordinator prepares a draft agenda (using the format of Annex 2) and sends it to expected participants. 4. Recipients should send comments on the agenda within 5 working days. 5. The Coordinator updates the agenda and sends final version at least 5 working days before the meeting. 6. During the meeting, the Coordinator is responsible for keeping minutes, which are then written in the template of Annex 3. 7. The Coordinator sends the meeting minutes to the expected participants within 7 working days after the meeting end. 8. Recipients should send comments on the minutes within 5 working days. 9. The Coordinator sends the final revised meeting minutes to the whole Consortium within another 2 working days. 5.5. Reporting and monitoring All participants are requested to send, in addition to all official deliverables, milestones and financial statements, mentioned in the Description of Action, a brief Interim technical and financial report to the Project Coordinator and the QM, every 6 months. These will be used by the QM to produce warning milestones for the Project Coordinator and the particular Partner involved. Also, when other key issues / problems are found, they will be evaluated and may cause alarm warnings by the QM. August 2015 7 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Warning alarm may be raised if any of the following deviations is found out for any of the partners or the project deliverables: 1. Related to Resources: +- 10% deviation of actual resources spent versus the plan for the first 6 months, +-15% for the first year, +-20% for the second year, +-20% for the third year and fourth year. 2. Related to timing of Deliverables: if 2 months before its due date no draft is available, or 1 month before due date, no deliverable is provided. This is valid for each deliverable. 5.5.1. Interim technical reports Partners prepare and submit a report with the technical work they have performed per WP. 1. The Project Coordinator initiates the reporting process by sending out a request for Interim technical report and timeplan. 2. Partners fill in one Interim Technical Progress Report in the provided template of Annex 4. 3. Partners send the files to the corresponding WP Leaders. Filename shall be “SENSKIN-InterimTechnicalReport-IPx-Py.doc” where X = SENSKIN Interim Period number Py = SENSKIN Partner name 4. The WP Leader checks that the reports conform to reality and consolidates them into an Interim WP Progress Report and sends it to the Project Coordinator Filename for Interim WP Report shall be “SENSKIN-InterimTechnicalReport-IPx-WPz.doc” where X = SENSKIN Interim Period number Z = SENSKIN WP number 5. The Coordinator consolidates the WP reports into an Interim Project Technical Report and submits it to the Steering Committee and the EC. Filename shall be “SENSKIN-InterimTechnicalReport-IPx.doc” where X = SENSKIN Interim Period number 5.5.2. Interim financial reports All partners report personhours spent in the reporting period per WP and estimations of expenditure in the reporting period per cost category. August 2015 8 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 These are reported in the SENSKIN Interim Financial Contractor Report (annex 5). Process 1. The Project Coordinator initiates the reporting process by sending out a request for Interim Financial report and timeplan. 2. Partners fill in one Interim Financial Contractor Report in the provided excel template. 3. Partners send the files to the respective WP Leaders and to the Project Coordinator and Quality Manager. Filename shall be “SENSKIN-InterimFinancialReport-IPx-Py.xls” where X = SENSKIN Interim Period number Py = SENSKIN Partner name 4. The WP Leader checks that the declared resources are in accordance with the actual work performed in each WP. The Coordinator generates the Interim Financial Project Report and prepares tables and graphs to be included in the Interim Technical Project Report. Filename shall be “SENSKIN-InterimFinancialReport-IPx.xls” where X = SENSKIN Interim Period number 5.6. Data Communication protocols The consortium partners will use a variety of tools for communicating, exchange/store files and taking decision on day to day management issues. The tools and means to be used for internal communication are listed below: Virtual meetings to be organised via GoToMeeting or other web meeting tool available to each chairman convening a meeting. Doodle to be used for voting and taking decisions. Redmine to be used as document repository. Indeed, for the effective exchange of all SENSKIN related documents a project repository has been developed and is already in use at: “redmine.iccs.gr” All documents and data files are uploaded in this repository at the appropriate folder. After uploading a file, an explanatory e-mail should be sent to all partners concerned, including a short description of file contents. Files may be circulated also as attachments to e-mails but they should always be uploaded to the repository. Also in this case an explanatory e-mail should be sent to all relevant recipients. If acknowledgement is requested, an explicit request will be included by the sender at the August 2015 9 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 end of the message (E-mail, fax, etc.), stating “PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE”. Then, the recipient is required to send a message acknowledgement within the next two (2) working days. Two mailing lists, namely “senskin-all@iccs.gr”, “senskin-all-ext@iccs.gr” have been set up to facilitate the internal communication of the consortium. In case there is a need for separate lists (e.g. per WP) in the course of the project, then additional lists will be created. E-mail headings will always start with [SENSKIN] followed by [WPx] where "x" is the corresponding work package. Then an descriptive email subject will follow. Example of a subject line tag: [SENSKIN] [WP1] D1.2 review. The main software standards have been defined as follows: Operating System: Windows XP/VISTA/7/8; MS Word 2007/2010: textual deliverable for working documents; pdf for final deliverables to be delivered and distributed externally MS Excel 2007/2010: textual deliverable support, cost statement, etc.; MS PowerPoint 2007/2010: transparencies, slides, posters, etc.; MS Project 2007/2010 for monitoring of work; Alternative systems fully compatible with the above mentioned. 5.7.Dissemination Actions scheduling and reporting The following are considered dissemination actions: Publications in Scientific, Technical or Commercial Journals Publications and/or presentations in Conferences/Congresses Exhibition stands and demos Participation in non-project workshops, forums and/or events The participation of any Partner in an event as well as the performance of every dissemination activity related to the SENSKIN project has to be approved beforehand by the SENSKIN Project Coordinator and the project Steering Committee (SC). Thus a dissemination procedure have been establish from the early beginning of the project duration to: Avoid repetition of publication of the same work; Avoid publication of restrictive and/or confidential data; Avoid misunderstandings between partners and copyright or know-how issues; Ensure the optimum use of dissemination resources of the project; Guarantee the proper archiving of all dissemination material. The detailed procedures that the lead partner of every dissemination activity needs to follow is described in details at the following wiki page: http://redmine.iccs.gr/projects/senskin/wiki/Dissemination_procedures The respective to the dissemination procedures templates can be found in Annex 6. August 2015 10 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 6. Supporting processes 6.1.Deliverables review 6.1.1. Content Each official project deliverable is reviewed regarding content and layout by at least three experts, including at least one member of the Core Group, which will not be involved in the preparation of this deliverable. The reviewers per deliverable are shown in Annex 1. All reviewers after having studied the Deliverable under consideration, must evaluate it with respect to the following issues and must conclude whether the deliverable is accepted or not. General comments: Deliverable contents thoroughness; Correspondence to project objectives as in the Description of Work; Correspondence to programme objectives. Specific comments: Relevance; Methodological framework soundness; Quality of achievements; Quality of presentation of achievements; Deliverable layout (format, language, spelling, etc.). The final rating of the Deliverable draft will be marked as: Fully accepted Accepted with reservation Rejected unless modified as suggested Rejected The relevant comments will be included in a Deliverable Peer Review Report, as provided in Annex 8. 6.1.2. Process 1. Two months before the official delivery date of a Deliverable, the Quality Manager confirms the actual delivery date with the deliverable responsible and informs via email the assigned reviewers about the date. 2. The deliverable responsible uploads the final draft of the deliverable on the Redmine and informs the Quality Manager (QM). This should be not later than one month before the deadline set in the Description of the Action. Filename is according to section 6.3 below. Deliverable format is according to Annex 7. 3. The QM forwards immediately the deliverable to the appointed reviewers. 4. The reviewers within five (5) working days do study and revise the deliverable and prepare the «Peer Review Report» (Annex 8), which they send to the QM. Filename of reports is according to section 6.3 below. 5. The QM upon receiving the above reports makes a synthesis of them into the August 2015 11 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 integrated «Peer Review Report». The above integrated «Peer Review Report» is uploaded in the Redmine by the QM within 2 working days, who informs in parallel the Co-ordinator, WP leader and the Deliverable author. 6. The deliverable author revises within 5 working days the deliverable, as required, and sends the final, revised one to the QM. The author explains the main actions taken and revisions made in the peer review report. 7. The QM registers the final deliverable, properly names it and uploads it to the Redmine under folder “Final Deliverables”. Then, the QM sends an e-mail to all partners, announcing the upload of the final deliverable. 8. The Coordinator submits the final deliverable to the European Commission. The above procedure should last for 4 weeks at most. It is depicted in the following table. Step Duration One month Deliverable main author sends before deliverable draft to QM deliverable deadline On draft QM requests reviewers to review deliverable the deliverable submission 5 working days Reviewers send completed peer from QM review report to QM request 4 working days QM prepares synthesised review from receipt of report and sends it to deliverable single peer author, Coordinator and WP leader review reports Deliverable main author revises 5 working days the deliverable and sends final from receipt of version to QM, together with synthesised explanation on actions taken in the review report review report 3 working days QM registers final deliverable, from receipt of uploads it and informs all partners final document Coordinator submits final version Within 3 to the EC working days Document format Communication via Form in Annex 7 e – mail + Redmine e-mail + Redmine / attachment Form in Annex 8 e-mail + Redmine / attachment Form in Annex 8 e-mail + Redmine Form in Annex 7 e – mail + and Annex 8 Redmine Form in Annex 7 e-mail + Redmine Form in Annex 7 Online platform Table 1: Process for deliverable review. 6.2.Review of other documents 6.2.1. Content All other reports, like agendas, minutes, presentations are reviewed by the QM regarding August 2015 12 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 consistency with the templates. Responsible partners should send the respective documents to the QM at least 5 working days before the set up deadlines for internally releasing this material. 6.2.2. Process 1. The author of the report uploads it on the Redmine and informs among others involved the QM. Filename is according to section 6.3 below. 2. The QM checks the report for consistency with the templates of SENSKIN, as well as checks if the file name is in accordance with section 6.3 below. 3. All relevant comments are sent by the QM to the author within 5 working days. The above procedure is depicted in the following table. Step Duration Report author circulates the report with copy to QM QM checks the report naming as well as consistency with the templates and sends comments to author On report release Document format Communication via Redmine + eForm in Annex 9 mail 5 working days from receipt Plain e-mail e-mail Table 2: Process for other documents review. 6.3.Document and data control The QM is responsible for ensuring that all documents are consistent and easily traceable through a unique codification. There are two levels of control by the PS. Level 1: The control of deliverables registration and all documents referencing; Level 2: The control of consistency of documents layout and appropriate storing inside the project repository. 6.3.1. Document referencing There will be a unique project document coding system for all internal documents, as indicated below. The following do not apply to official project deliverables, and to interim reports. The naming of quarterly reports is presented in section 5.5. The naming of deliverables is presented at the end of this section. The unique document referencing scheme is not applicable however for informal data and views exchange between Partners via simple e-mail. It is only valid for official Consortium documents, falling in one of the above categories of the previous section. Still, if a partner selects not to classify one of his/her communications, s/he may not raise claims later, if another partner has not considered it. Document Code August 2015 Document Type Template to be used 13 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 RR IR PR Deliverable Review Report Peer Review Report Template Internal Technical Report Internal Report Template Workpackages Plans and Internal Report Template Progress Reports A Meeting agendas Meeting agenda Template M Minutes, Action Lists, Meeting minutes Template Decision Lists C Correspondence between Internal Report Template Partners L Legal documents Internal Report Template COM Commercial documents Internal Report Template GI Documents of general Internal Report Template interest OTH Other subjects Internal Report Template Table 3: SENSKIN project document coding system. The codification for the names of the project internal documents (except from official Deliverables and quarterly reports) follows below. First digits : Underscore Next 3-4 digits : Underscore Next 2-3 digits : Underscore Next digits : Underscore Next digits : Underscore Next digits : Underscore Next digits : "SENSKIN" Abbreviated name of the author Partner Document Code as in Table 3. Level in project hierarchy: "SC" means that the document content focuses on SC issues; "WPx" means that the document content focuses on WPx issues; This should not be confused with the dissemination of the document. "v" and number of revision of this specific report. The document save date, "yyyy-mm-dd". Short explanatory title for the document. In case of meetings this can be the location and date of the meeting. Table 4: SENSKIN internal documents coding system. Example: "SENSKIN_ICCS_IR_WP7_v1_20160129_EvaluationMethodology.docx" means first version of a report by ICCS in WP7, last saved on 29 January 2016, entitled “Evaluation Methodology”. As regards project deliverables naming and since they are already coded in the Description of the Action, their naming will be as follows: August 2015 14 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan First digits : Underscore Next 3-4 digits : Underscore Next 2-3 digits : Underscore Next digits : Underscore Next digits : Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 "SENSKIN" “D” + deliverable number according to description of work. "V" and number of revision of the deliverable. The document save date, "yyyy-mm-dd". Deliverable title as in the Description of the Action Example: “SENSKIN_D10.1_V1_20150813_ QualityManagementPlan.docx”, means the first version of D12.2 deliverable, last saved on 13 August 2015, entitled Quality Management Plan. 6.3.2. Documents layout All official Consortium documents in the previous section follow the relevant template. In the same way, official Project Deliverables should have a first page template as in the template of Annex 7. They should also use the page layout (headers / footers) suggested in the same Annex. Furthermore, they should abide to the following rules: Have a revisions list; Have a list of abbreviations used within the Deliverable; Start with an up to two pages executive summary; This should be a summary of the deliverable objectives, methodology, outcomes. It should be suitable for a person who is not an expert in the field, namely it should not include acronyms or very technical details. It should also be appropriate for communication outside the consortium, namely it should not include confidential information. Have a table of contents; Have a list of Figures (including the ones of the Annexes); Have a list of Tables (including the ones of the Annexes); End the main part with a Conclusions section of around 1 page; Include a References section after the Conclusions section; Include all detailed technical and other information in Annexes. Meeting minutes follow the template of Annex 3. Meeting agendas follow the template of Annex 2. All slides developed for presentations relevant to SENSKIN should follow the template of Annex 10. 6.4.List of templates to be used The templates, which correspond to each type of document that is foreseen to be circulated in terms of the SENSKIN project, are provided as Annexes of this document. August 2015 15 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 The types of documents, addressing both internal communication and official documentation towards the EC, are namely: Annex 2: Template for meeting agendas; Annex 3: Template for meeting minutes; Annex 4: SENSKIN Interim Technical Progress Report Template; Annex 5: SENSKIN Interim Financial Progress Report Template; (to be submitted in a later stage) Annex 6: Dissemination Forms + Non-EU travel template; Annex 7: Deliverables template; Annex 8: Peer review report template; Annex 9: Internal reports template; Annex 10: Template for slides. 6.5. Corrective and preventive actions 1. Any Beneficiary may raise a request for a change in the Description of the Action or an issue regarding the performance of another Beneficiary by sending an e-mail to the relevant WP leader, Project Coordinator and the QM. Possibly, also a proposal on corrective action is being done. 2. The Project Coordinator brings this issue to the Steering Committee, which decides on the corrective action to be taken. 3. The Project Coordinator compiles a Decision on Corrective Action Request and sends this to all involved and checks that the actions are implemented. August 2015 16 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 7. Conclusions This deliverable consists the SENSKIN project Quality Manual and specifies the procedures to be applied by the partners and the project governing bodies, in order to guarantee the high quality of project results and the easy monitoring of the project process. Templates for interim reports, deliverables, internal reports, peer review reports, meeting agendas, meeting minutes and slides have been also developed. The proposed management and quality scheme is flexible and well-defined, thus allowing for robust project monitoring and handling of any problems that may arise. It must be noted that the present manual is applicable to all the activities, which are related to the project. Hence, compliance with the manual is mandatory for all partners involved. 8. Annexes Annex 1: List of deliverables’ reviewers Annex 2: Template for meeting agendas; Annex 3: Template for meeting minutes; Annex 4: SENSKIN Interim Technical Progress Report Template; Annex 5: SENSKIN Interim Financial Progress Report Template; (to be submitted later) Annex 6: Dissemination Forms + Non-EU travel template; Annex 7: Deliverables template; Annex 8: Peer review report template; Annex 9: Internal reports template; Annex 10: Template for slides. August 2015 17 ICCS ANNEX 1: Deliverables review responsibilities Del No Deliverable Title D10.1 Quality Management Plan D1.1 User Requirements D9.1 Web Site of the Project D10.2 Internal Website and Collaborative Tool D9.2 Dissemination Plan (Draft) Specification set of the SENSKIN system and D1.2 definition of the overall system architecture First prototype of the sensor device sent to D2.1 TRL D8.1 Preliminary Exploitation plan (Draft) Refined prototype of the sensor device sent to D2.2 ICCS D3.1 Design of the communication system Recommendations for refinements or D4.1 adjustments needed to the sensors Dissemination and Communication Activities – D9.3 first draft D10.3 Management Report (for the period M1-M18) D2.3 SENSKIN Integrated device initial version Delivery of the alpha version of the D3.2 communication system SENSKIN Integrated device prototype beta D3.3 version August 2015 WP Leader 10 1 ICCS EOAE 9 FEHRL 10 ICCS 9 FEHRL 1 ICCS 2 UP 8 MGH 2 UP 3 DUTH 4 TRL 9 FEHRL 10 2 ICCS ICCS 3 DUTH 3 ICCS 18 Reviewer Reviewer 1 2 Nature RISA KGM ICCS TECNIC FEHRL DUTH EOAE TRL ICCS MGH TTRONIC USTUTT TRL USTUTT DNDI MGH FEHRL ICCS UP UP ICCS TTRONIC KGM ICCS EOAE USTUTT TRL TTRONIC MGH DNDI Report Report Website, patents etc Website, patents etc Report Dissem. Delivery Public Public 3 4 Public 4 Confidential 4 Public 6 Report Confidential 8 Demonstrator Confidential 12 Report Confidential 15 Demonstrator Confidential 18 Report Confidential 18 Report Confidential 18 Report Public 18 Report Demonstrator Confidential Confidential 18 20 Demonstrator Confidential 22 Demonstrator Confidential 23 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan D4.2 D5.1 D2.4 Public Detailed test report (see Task 4.5) The Structural Modules SENSKIN Integrated device second version Mid-term dissemination and communication D9.4 activities Firmware of the SENSKIN integrated device with completed operational, communication and management software suites and support D3.4 for hardware interfaces Brochure and CD demo for the monitoring D8.2 system and the DSS D6.1 The Module on ‘Repair Planning’ Development of conventional strain D2.5 monitoring system Final version of the SENSKIN monitoring D2.6 system SENSKIN Integrated device prototype final version including refinements to all components of the device after the field tests D3.5 in Istanbul The integrated DSS and the integrated D6.2 SENSKIN package D10.4 Management Report(for the period M19-M36) Report detailing the results of the calibration D7.1 of the LCA and LCC module within the DSS Report detailing the results of field testing including economicand technical benchmarking and cost/benefit analysis and recommendations on future modifications of D7.2 the package August 2015 Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 4 5 2 TRL TECNIC TTRONIC 9 FEHRL 3 ICCS 8 FEHRL 6 USTUTT 2 MGH 2 UP 3 ICCS 6 RISA 10 ICCS 7 USTUTT 7 EOAE 19 TTRONIC RISA TRL DUTH USTUTT DNDI KGM RISA UP TTRONIC RISA TECNIC TECNIC UP EOAE DUTH KGM EOAE KGM DNDI EOAE USTUTT TRL RISA DNDI FEHRL Report Demonstrator Demonstrator Confidential Confidential Confidential 28 28 29 Report Public 30 Other Confidential 31 Website, patents etc Demonstrator Public 31 Confidential 33 Demonstrator Public 34 Demonstrator Confidential 34 Demonstrator Confidential 34 Demonstrator Confidential 34 Report Confidential 36 Report Confidential 42 Report Confidential 42 ICCS D10.1 Quality Management Plan Public Final Exploitation Plan and Industrialisation D8.3 Roadmap D8.4 Standardisation report D9.5 Report on the Dissemination of Results The Proceedings of the Workshop in Month no D9.6 41 Management Report (for the period M37D10.5 M42) Final Management Report (Whole project: M1D10.6 M42) August 2015 Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 8 MGH 8 9 TRL FEHRL 9 DNDI 10 ICCS 10 ICCS 20 FEHRL DUTH MGH ICCS FEHRL EOAE USTUTT TECNIC - - - - Report Confidential 42 Report Report Public Public 42 42 Report Public 42 Report Confidential 42 Report Confidential 42 ICCS Annex 2.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Annex 2 – Agenda Template Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Agenda of SC / WP / other meeting Location, Date Authors Summary Status Distribution File Name Project start date and duration Issue date (per company, if more than one companies provide it together) <Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.kk/ll/xxxx> (Final, Draft, Revised draft) SENSKIN_ICCS_A_SC_v1_yyyymmdd_AgendaLocationDates.docx 01 June 2015, 48 Months Creation date This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Annex 2.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Table of contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ II REVISION CHART AND HISTORY LOG ................................................................................................................ 1 EXPECTED PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................................................................. 1 AGENDA ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Annex 2.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Revision chart and history log Version 1 Date Reason Expected Participants No 03/09/2015 Partner Name {Partner abbreviation} Annex 2.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Agenda Date Time 03/09/2015 Topic Presenter {Partner abbreviation} Annex 3.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Annex 3 – Minutes Template Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Minutes of SC / WP / other meeting Location, Date Authors Summary (per company, if more than one companies provide it together) <Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.kk/ll/xxxx> (Final, Draft, Revised draft) Status Distribution File Name SENSKIN_ICCS_M_SC_v1_yyyymmdd_AgendaLocationDates.docx Project start date and duration 01 June 2015, 48 Months Issue date Creation date This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Annex 3.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Table of contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ II REVISION CHART AND HISTORY LOG ................................................................................................................ 1 EXPECTED PARTICIPANTS ................................................................................................................................. 1 AGENDA ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 MINUTES .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 ACTION LIST ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Annex 3.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Revision chart and history log Version 1 Date Reason Expected Participants No 03/09/2015 Partner Name {Partner abbreviation} Annex 3.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Agenda Date Time 03/09/2015 Topic Presenter {Partner abbreviation} Annex 3.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Minutes 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Annex 3.docx CO SENSKIN, 635844 Action List No Who Action To Whom Due Date Status (If applicable) 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Interim Technical Progress Report Template Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Annex 4 – Interim Technical Progress Report Template Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Interim Technical Progress Report Period (from month to month) Partner name: Authors File Name Project start date and duration Issue date (per company, if more than one companies provide it together) SENSKIN-InterimTechnicalReport-IPx-Py.doc 01 June 2015, 48 Months Creation date This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Interim Technical Progress Report Template Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Introduction WPx.y To be completed by ALL WP Leader and ALL WPs (active in the reporting period) 1.1 Main WP objectives 1.2 Summary of progress towards objectives and details for each task 1.3 WP Achievements, Results and progress in the period 1.4 Critical overview of technical progress made 1.5 Deviations from Annex I and their impact on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning 1.6 Reasons for failing to achieve critical objectives and/or not being on schedule and explain the impact on other tasks as well as on available resources and planning 1.7 Corrective actions taken (if needed) 1.8 Deliverables and milestones (status) 1.9 Planned activities for the next reporting period 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Interim Technical Progress Report Template Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 ACTIVITIES PER PARTNER To be completed by EACH partner 1. ICCS Task Activities 2. UP Task Activities 3. EOAE Task Activities 4. RISA Task Activities 5. TECNIC Task Activities 6. DUTH Task Activities 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Interim Technical Progress Report Template Public 7. MGH Task Activities 8. USTUTT Task Activities 9. TRL Task Activities 10. DNDI Task Activities 11. FEHRL Task Activities 12. TTRONIC Task Activities 03/09/2015 Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 {Partner abbreviation} Interim Technical Progress Report Template 13. KGM Task 03/09/2015 Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Activities {Partner abbreviation} Interim Technical Progress Report Template Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Conclusions 03/09/2015 {Partner abbreviation} Dissemination Activities Report Public Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Dissemination activities report Lead partner Status Version No Type of activity Please choose one: conference, special session, paper presentation, workshop, demonstration, exhibition, trade fair, press/media activity, poster, video, website, ...,other Project start date & duration 1st June 2015, 42 months Issue date Creation date This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 Dissemination activities report Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 The Dissemination activities report should be filled in by the lead partner of every performed dissemination activity related to the SENSKIN project. The purpose of this report is to provide the necessary information to the WP9 Leader (Adewole.Adesiyun@fehrl.org) for using the provided material for website announcements and other publication purposes, as well as for properly reporting project WP9 activities to the European Commission. The lead partner of every communication and dissemination activity should also provide the WP9 Leader with photos from the activity. Report Form A. In case of article publication (journals/magazines) Main Leader (name, organization) Title of publication Authors Title of journal or magazine Volume, page Editor/publisher Date of publication URL (if available) ISNN (if a book or a book chapter) DOI number 2 Dissemination activities report Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Open access publication NO YES Where to get it: Additional info B. In case of an event & any other purposes Title of event/place & date of realisation Title of presentation and/or paper Authors Title & editor of proceedings (if available) URL Liaison & cooperation NO YES Type of audience (if participation in an event) Please specify: Scientific community (higher education, research) Industry Civil society Policy makers/Public authorities Media Other Please specify: 3 Dissemination activities report Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Size of audience (if participation in an event) Dimension (if participation in an event National Hosting country: International Hosting country: Addressed countries: C. For all dissemination and communication activities Full paper/article/poster or presentation In case of press release Attached to this form Link to Redmine: Number of press articles URL links: published: PFD files of published media articles Attached to this form Link to Redmine: Short report (Up to 5 sentences) for project website Pictures from the event Attached to this form Link to Redmine: Permission to publish the YES material on the SENSKIN website NO Why? Other comments 4 Report Template on Non European Travel Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Report on Non-European Travel Please fill-in before the travel and send the form to the project coordinator (a.amditis@iccs.gr) and the WP9 Leader (Adewole.Adesiyun@fehrl.org), so as to inform the EC. For possible enquiry by the auditors in the future it is recommended to keep the form and EC’s response with the respective travel documents. Partner Name Name of traveller(s) E-mail of traveller(s) Date, place and title of venue (URL) Estimated costs (Flight, hotel, subsistence) Justification (Please name the reason and your motivation for the travel. Describe how SENSKIN will benefit from this travel). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Annex 7 – Deliverable Template Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Title Deliverable No. Workpackage No. x Authors Status Dissemination level File Name Project start date and duration Dx.y Workpackage Title Issue date Creation date Draft / Final SENSKIN_Dx.y_Vz_yyyymmdd_Title.docx 01 June 2015, 48 Months This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 03/09/2015 i {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ II LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................................. III LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................ IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................... V VERSION....................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... VII 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... VIII 2 CHAPTER TITLE ..................................................................................................................................... VIII 2.1 SUBCHAPTER TITLE ....................................................................................................................................... VIII 2.1.1 Subchapter title ........................................................................................................................... viii 2.1.2 Subchapter title ........................................................................................................................... viii 2.1.3 Subchapter title ........................................................................................................................... viii 3 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................................... VIII REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................... IX ANNEXE/S ........................................................................................................................................................ X 03/09/2015 ii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 List of Figures Error! No table of figures entries found. 03/09/2015 iii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 List of Tables Error! No table of figures entries found. 03/09/2015 iv {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 List of abbreviations Abbreviation/Term 03/09/2015 Definition v {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 REVISION CHART AND HISTORY LOG Revision 03/09/2015 Reason Date vi {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Executive Summary 03/09/2015 vii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 1 Introduction 2 Chapter title 2.1 Subchapter title Figure 1: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1.1 Subchapter title 2.1.2 Subchapter title 2.1.3 Subchapter title 3 Conclusions 03/09/2015 viii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 References 03/09/2015 ix {Partner abbreviation} Annex 7.docx CO/RE/PU Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Annexe/s 03/09/2015 x {Partner abbreviation} Annex 8.docx CO Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Annex 8 – Peer Review Template Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Review Report for Dx.y Deliverable Title Deliverable No. Workpackage No. x Authors Status Dissemination level File Name Project start date and duration Dx.y Workpackage Title Issue date Creation date Draft / Final SENSKIN_Partner_RR_WPx_vy_yyymmdd_Title.docx 01 June 2015, 48 Months This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 03/09/2015 i {Partner abbreviation} Annex 8.docx CO Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Procedure used for Peer Review The SENSKIN Consortium uses the Peer Review process for its internal quality assurance for deliverables to assure consistency and high standard for documented project results. The Peer Review is processed individually by selected reviewers. The author of the document has the final responsibility to collect the comments and suggestions from the Peer Reviewers and decide what changes to the document and actions are to be undertaken. Reviewers Mr/Ms Y (Quality expert) – Company name Mr/Ms Y (Quality expert) – Company name Quality Manager ______________, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) Overall Peer Review Result Deliverable is: Fully accepted 03/09/2015 Accepted with reservation ii Rejected unless modified as suggested Rejected {Partner abbreviation} Annex 8.docx CO Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Suggested actions to the authors 1. The following changes should be implemented 2. Specify missing chapters / subjects 3. Required changes on deliverable essence and contents 4. Further relevant required improvements 03/09/2015 iii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 8.docx CO Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 COMMENTS OF PEER REVIEWER General comments These refer to any issue not covered by the particular topics below. They refer to general contents thoroughness, correspondence of the reported work to the project objectives as in the Description of Work and correspondence to the general programme objectives . Specific comments Topic A: Relevance Please answer the question: "Is this deliverable relevant to SENSKIN and to the particular WP activities it covers?" Reviewer comment Author response Topic B: Methodological framework soundness Please comment on the soundness of the methodology followed and how it is explained. "Are the results arbitrary or based upon a clear methodology, involving users’ tests, expert opinions, etc.?" Reviewer comment Author response 03/09/2015 iv {Partner abbreviation} Annex 8.docx CO Copyright SENSKIN Contract N. 635844 Topic C: Quality of achievements Please comment on the essence of the results. "Are they of high value? Are they what one should expect?" Reviewer comment Author response Topic D: Quality of presentation of achievements Please comment on the results presentation. "Are the results adequately explained and commented or just mentioned? Is there a link between methodology and results?" Reviewer comment Author response Topic E: Deliverable Layout / Spelling / Format Please comment on the deliverables layout. "Does it include all necessary chapters; is it readable, in comprehensive language, etc.?" Reviewer comment Author response 03/09/2015 v {Partner abbreviation} Annex 9.docx CO/RE/PU SENSKIN, 635844 Annex 9 – Internal Report Template Horizon 2020 programme Grant Agreement number: 635844 Title Workpackage No. x Authors Status Dissemination level File Name: Project start date and duration Issue date Workpackage Title (per company, if more than one companies provide it together) Draft SENSKIN_Partner_IR_WPx_vy_yyymmdd_Title.docx 01 June 2015, 48 Months Creation date This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 635844 03/09/2015 i {Partner abbreviation} Annex 9.docx CO/RE/PU SENSKIN, 635844 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ II LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................................................. III LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................ IV LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................... V 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... VI 2 CHAPTER TITLE ....................................................................................................................................... VI 2.1 SUBCHAPTER TITLE ......................................................................................................................................... VI 2.1.1 Subchapter title ............................................................................................................................. vi 2.1.2 Subchapter title ............................................................................................................................. vi 2.1.3 Subchapter title ............................................................................................................................. vi 3 CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................................................................................ VI 4 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... VII ANNEXE/S ..................................................................................................................................................... VIII 03/09/2015 ii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 9.docx CO/RE/PU SENSKIN, 635844 List of Figures Error! No table of figures entries found. 03/09/2015 iii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 9.docx CO/RE/PU SENSKIN, 635844 List of Tables Error! No table of figures entries found. 03/09/2015 iv {Partner abbreviation} Annex 9.docx CO/RE/PU SENSKIN, 635844 List of abbreviations Abbreviation/Term 03/09/2015 Definition v {Partner abbreviation} Annex 9.docx CO/RE/PU SENSKIN, 635844 1 Introduction 2 Chapter title 2.1 Subchapter title Figure 1: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 2.1.1 Subchapter title 2.1.2 Subchapter title 2.1.3 Subchapter title 3 Conclusions 03/09/2015 vi {Partner abbreviation} Annex 9.docx CO/RE/PU SENSKIN, 635844 References 03/09/2015 vii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 9.docx CO/RE/PU SENSKIN, 635844 Annexe/s 03/09/2015 viii {Partner abbreviation} Annex 10 – Presentation Template SENSKIN PRESENTATION TEMPLATE (name of presenter &affiliation) meeting name, City, Country 2-3/6/2015 Project co-funded by the EU under H2020 General remark • This template includes basic information on how to create a SENSKIN presentation; • Don’ t change the already given slide layouts . • Select among the different slide layouts provided in this template by highlight the slide in the review window, right click on the specific slide button “Layout” and select your preference. • Do not enter more sections/sentences than the available space in each slide. • Edit the footer of the whole presentation as follows: ▫ Go in the toolbar on tab “insert”, and press the button “header and footer”. ▫ Update the footer information and press the button “apply to all” meeting name, City, Country 2-3/6/2015 Agenda • Section 1 ▫ This is the line for sub-section 1.1 (Use “tab” to create subsection) This is the line for sub-section 1.1.1 (Use “tab” to create sub-section) • Section 2 ▫ To highlight the section 2, drag and drop the light blue frame; change height of frame according to the size of the text you want to highlight. • If you want more slides of this type just choose the original slide in the preview window and press “ctrl” + “m”. meeting name, City, Country 2-3/6/2015 Title of slide including text • Section 1 ▫ This is the line for a first sub-section (Use “tab” to create sub-section) This is the line for a second sub-section (Use “tab” to create subsection) • Section 2 (use “shift” + “tab” to create main section following a sub-section) • ... meeting name, City, Country 2-3/6/2015 Title of slide including images/diagrams Add a sub-title or a short description of max one sentence here This is the maximum dimension for a figure/image. Click on the icon at the center of this box to add picture and remove this text box. meeting name, City, Country 2-3/6/2015 Title of slide including table Add a sub-title or a short description of max one sentence here meeting name, City, Country 2-3/6/2015 Two columns slide for comparison meeting name, City, Country 2-3/6/2015 Two columns slide meeting name, City, Country 2-3/6/2015 THANK YOU! ANY QUESTIONS? Project co-funded by the EU under H2020