BENUE STATE UNIVERSITY, MAKURDI (Office of the registrar) 2020/2021 Examination Card Date Paid: 2021-12-14 Date Registered: 2022-01-26 Ref. No: 2021230763776301 Matriculation Number: 29744153CF To the Invigilator Exam No: FSE/29744153CF Please Admit AVALUMUN FELIX TERKIMBI in the Department of MASS COMMUNICATION Faculty of SOCIAL SCIENCES to write First Semester DEGREE Examinations for 2020/2021 Session Instructions: 1. Do not write anything on your examination card 2. Do not write anything on your question paper 3. Do not exchange your examination card 4. Do not impersonate or be impersonated 5. Fill in your particulars accurately on the front cover of the examination booklet 6. Ensure that your attendance slip is fully completed and submitted 7. Submit your answer script before you leave the examination hall 8. Ensure that you have your student I.D Card on your person. Signature: CORE CORE UM UN AL CORE .AV GST CORE S/NO COOURSE COURSE TITLE CODE 2 GST 211 History and Philosophy of Science 4 COM 203 Marketing Foundations for Advertising and Public Relations 6 COM 207 Editing and Graphics of Communication 8 COM 211 Theories of Mass Communication 10 COM 215 Introduction to Book Publishing and Manuscript Editing EF STATUS IL S/NO COOURSE COURSE TITLE CODE 1 EPS 201 Entrepreneurship Studies I 3 COM 201 Introduction to Mass Communication Reseach II 5 COM 205 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 7 COM 209 News Writing and Reporting 9 COM 213 Information and Communication Technology I STATUS GST CORE CORE CORE CORE 29 74 4 15 3 cf T ER KI M BI .X EXAMINATION REGULATIONS 1. Only writing materials or any other specially allowed shall be introduced into the examination hall. 2. Candidates must be seated in the examination hall at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time. 3. No candidate shall be allowed into the examination 30 minutes after its commencement or leave the hall before the expiration of the first 45 minutes or the last 15 minutes. 4. Assisting, aiding or abetting cheating in any examination is prohibited. 5. Silence must be maintained during examination. To call the attention of the invigilator, only raise your hand. 6. Smoking is prohibited in the examination. 7. No examination answer scripts/sheets shall be taken out by any candidate. 8. Introduction of cheat-notes, pieces of paper or any other material relevant to the examination or not is prohibited. 9. Introduction of mobile phones and or similar electronic devices into the examination hall whether switched on or off is prohibited. 10. No candidate shall be allowed to leave examination hall unaccompanied and return to the hall. 11. Any infraction of any of the contents of the examination card shall constitute an examination irregularity and be subject to appropriate sanctions. 12. Your exam card is a security document ensure that you protect it. 13. Exchange of exam Card is misconduct. 14. Avoid misplacement of your exam card.