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Grade 2 Health: Our Teeth Textbook

Grade 2
Prepared by:
Teacher Vanessa
Chapter 2
Our Teeth
When you are 6 or 7
years old, your milk
teeth will begin to fall.
You will gradually have a full set of 32
permanent teeth.
This set of teeth will last you a long
You must take good care of
your teeth. We should brush
them regularly to keep them
clean and avoid tooth decay.
Permanent Teeth
Milk Teeth
32 teeth
20 teeth
Types of teeth
• The front teeth are called incisors.
• They are used for snipping food.
Types of teeth
• The pointed teeth next to the
incisors are canines.
• They are used for tearing food.
Types of teeth
• The premolars are behind the
• They flatter surfaces for chewing
Types of teeth
• The biggest teeth are at the back of our mouth are
the molars.
• The molars allow us to chew and grind food into
smaller pieces so that we can swallow our food
1. Label the types of teeth correctly.
page 18
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words
from the boxes.
The incisors in front of the mouth are good at
The pointed canines are good for
page 18
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words
from the boxes.
have flatter surfaces for
chewing food.
The biggest teeth are the
at the back
of the mouth.
page 18
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words
from the boxes.
A toddler has
An adult has
page 18
Tiny organism called germs cause tooth decay.
This hole or cavity in the tooth should be filled by a
dentist. Otherwise, it will get bigger and bigger.
Eventually you will end up with a very bad toothache
and the affected tooth may even have to be removed.
Germs grow and multiply on and between the teeth.
They form a white material called plague on our teeth.
Germs grow and multiply on and between the teeth.
They form a white material called plague on our teeth.
If the plague is not removed, it becomes a hard material
called tartar.
Tartar can spread to other teeth and make the gums red and sore.
The gums may even bleed.
The gums surrounding the teeth may become weak.
Hence, the teeth become loose.
Gum diseases can cause bad breath.
Ways to care for our teeth
Ways to care for our teeth
Brush your teeth at least twice a day with
fluoride toothpaste. This gives extra protection
against tooth decay.
Ways to care for our teeth
Rinse your mouth in the morning and night with mouthwash.
A mouthwash kills the germs that cause plague and tartar. It
can also strengthen the gums and prevent bad breath.
Ways to care for our teeth
A dental floss is a thread made of fiber
Dental floss helps to clean the parts of the teeth that the
toothbrush cannot reach.
How to use dental floss?
You can slide it between your teeth to help
remove any tiny traces of food that are stuck
between the teeth.
Ways to care for our teeth
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Keep
your toothbrush clean and change it
every six months.
Taking calcium-rich food will strengthen our
Germs act on sugar to produce acid which
causes the teeth to decay.
We should eat less sugary food to prevent tooth
Any plague or tartar on the teeth can be removed by the dentist.
Cavities in the teeth should be filled to stop serious tooth decay.
The dentist can also clean and whiten your teeth.
You should visit the dentist every six months.
Take care of your teeth!