KRASHEN'S THEORY Today 's Ag e n d a The A c Hypot quisition h e Learn s Natur is i n g a l Monit Order H o r Input Hypoth ypothesis e H y Affect pothes sis ive Fi is lter H ypoth esis THE ACQUISITION/LEARNING HYPOTHESIS distinction between acquisition & learning acquisition is a painless process, subconscious in an informal situation a child learns a language because it is equipped with LAD learning is a conscious process in a formal situation we might learn the rules that govern the language but that does not guarantee the TRUE acquisition of the language (native-like) NATURAL ORDER HYPOTHESIS There is a natural order in which learners pick up a language Learners will make mistakes while learning the language but these mistakes are not random similar to the errors that was made while learning their first language Mistakes will be made in the same order whether the learners have been taught the grammar or not (teaching grammar will NOT help them change the order) MONITOR HYPOTHESIS Formal grammar teaching isn't entirely pointless. The formal rule feeds into the MONITOR (a small grammar teacher that sits in your brain and yells out when we make a mistake) Overusing it - speech becomes slow & hesitant THE INPUT HYPOTHESIS There should be comprehensible input There really is no point if the input is too low for the learners (no meaningful learning) or if the input is too high (no understanding) Teachers should use realia & authentic teaching aids to make sure the input is understandable. AFFECTIVE FILTER HYPOTHESIS Barrier to language learning - negative feelings about the language, method, institution & teacher These feelings may constitute a filter - keeps the input out A mental block that prevents the input from reaching the LAD A part of the teacher's job - make learning as free of stress and as enjoyable an experience as possible WRAP UP This is the basis of what Krashen refers to as the NATURAL APPROACH It is an INPUT MODEL - learn language through exposure to large amounts of authentic language The input should be contextualized in order for students to understand Teaching & learning should be done in a relaxing & friendly environment REFERENCES 1.Krashen, Stephen D. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Prentice-Hall International, 1987. 2.Krashen, Stephen D. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. PrenticeHall International, 1988 THANK YOU