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IB History Exam Questions: New Syllabus

IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
Paper 1 Sources
Specimen: Freedom Summer, bus boycott (USA)
May 2017: Segregation/education, Brown vs Board (USA)
Nov 2017: Role of Malcolm X / LB Johnson (USA)
May 2018: Civil Rights Act (USA)
Nov 2018: Montgomery bus boycott (USA)
May 2019: Protests & action; non-violent protests: Freedom Charter (South Africa)
Nov 2019: Protests & action; Rivonia Trial (South Africa)
Nov 2020: Nature & characteristics of discrimination: The Bantustan system (South Africa)
May 2021: The role and significance of key actors/groups (USA)
Nov 2021: Protests & action; legislative changes, Civil Rights Act 1964, Voting Rights Act 1965 (USA)
May 2022: The role and significance of key actors/groups: Nelson Mandela (South Africa)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
Paper 2 Essays
Topic 10: Authoritarian states (20th century)
19. “Successful foreign policy was essential for the maintenance of power by authoritarian leaders.”
With reference to one authoritarian leader, to what extent do you agree with this statement? (Spec)
20. Compare and contrast the impact on women of the policies of two authoritarian states, each chosen
from a different region. (Spec)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
19. “The conditions in which authoritarian states emerged were mainly determined by economic
factors.” Discuss with reference to two authoritarian states. (May 2017)
20. Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a
different region. (May 2017)
19. To what extent did economic factors contribute to the emergence of two authoritarian states, each
from a different region? (Nov 2017)
20. “The maintenance of power was dependent on the successful control of opposition.” Discuss with
reference to two authoritarian leaders. (Nov 2017)
19. Compare and contrast the importance of propaganda to the emergence of two authoritarian states.
(May 2018)
20. To what extent was authoritarian control achieved in two 20th century states? (May 2018)
20. “The domestic policies of authoritarian states rarely benefitted women.” Discuss with reference to
two authoritarian states.
19. Examine the impact of foreign policy of two authoritarian states on the maintenance of power in
those states. (Nov 2018)
20. “Social and economic policies in authoritarian states did not always achieve their aims.” Discuss with
reference to one authoritarian state. (Nov 2018)
19. “Control of opposition was the most important method used to maintain power in authoritarian
states.” Discuss with reference to two authoritarian states. (May 2019)
20. Compare and contrast the impact of the policies of two authoritarian states on women. (May 2019)
19. Compare and contrast the importance of the use of force on the emergence of two authoritarian
states, each from a different region. (Nov 2019)
20. Evaluate the impact of domestic economic policies on the maintenance of power in two
authoritarian states, each from a different region. (Nov 2019)
19. Compare and contrast the use of force in the maintenance of power in two authoritarian states.
(Nov 2020)
20. “Authoritarian states had total control over the population.” With reference to two states to what
extent do you agree with this statement? (Nov 2020)
19. Evaluate the impact of foreign policy on the maintenance of power in two authoritarian states, each
chosen from a different region. (May 2021)
20. “Full authoritarian control could not be achieved.” With reference to two states to what extent do
you agree with this statement? (May 2021)
19. “Propaganda was the key factor in the emergence of authoritarian states.” Discuss with reference to
two states, each from a different region. (Nov 2021)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
20. Evaluate the effectiveness of methods used to control opposition in two authoritarian states each
chosen from a different region
19. “Weak political systems were the most significant factor in the emergence of authoritarian states.”
Discuss with reference to two states. (May 2022)
20. Evaluate the impact of social and cultural policies in two authoritarian states.(May 2022)
Topic 12: The Cold War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century)
23. Examine the impact of the US policy of containment on superpower relations between 1947 and
1964. (specimen)
24. Evaluate the impact on the course of the Cold War of two crises, each chosen from a different
region. (specimen)
23. To what extent did economic interests rather than ideology lead to the breakdown of the grand
alliance between 1943 and 1949? (May 2017)
24. Evaluate the impact of Cold War tensions on two countries (excluding the USSR and the US). (May
23. “Confrontation rather than reconciliation ended the Cold War.” Discuss with reference to the period
from 1980 to 1991. (Nov 2017)
24. Evaluate the impact of two leaders, each from a different region, on the course of the Cold War.
(Nov 2017)
23. “Economic problems between 1980 and 1991 were the most significant reason for the end of the
Cold War.” To what extent do you agree? (May 2018)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
24. Compare and contrast the impact of two leaders, each from a different region, on the development
of the Cold War. (May 2018)
23. “Economic problems between 1980 and 1991 were the most significant reason for the end of the
Cold War.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (Nov 2018 TZ2)
24. Compare and contrast the impact of two leaders, each from a different region, on the development
of the Cold War. (Nov 2018 TZ2)
23. “Superpower rivalry in Europe and Asia between 1943-1949 led to the break up of the Grand
Alliance.” To what extent do you agree? (Nov 2018 TZ1)
24. Discuss the impact of two Cold War crises, each from a different region, on the development of
superpower tensions. (Nov 2018 TZ1)
23. “China’s relations with the USSR and the US were largely shaped by increasing mistrust and
suspicion.” Discuss with ref to the period 1947-1979. (May 2019)
24. “The actions of individual leaders had a significant impact on the development of the Cold War.”
Discuss with reference to two leaders, each from a different region. (May 2019)
23. Evaluate the impact of détente upon US-USSR relations up to the end of 1979. (Nov 2019)
24. “Ideology was the most important cause of Cold War crises.” Discuss with reference to two Cold War
crises, each from a different region. (Nov 2019)
23. To what extent was the arms race the most important reason for the end of the Cold War 1980-91?
(Nov 2020)
24. Examine the economic impact of the Cold War on two countries, each chosen from a different
region. (Nov 2020)
23. Evaluate the factors which led to détente between the USA and USSR between 1971 and 1979. (May
24. Discuss the impact of two Cold War crises on superpower rivalry. (May 2021)
23. “The arms race made the greatest contribution to the ending of the Cold War.” Discuss with
reference to the period between 1980-1991. (Nov 2021)
24. Examine the influence of two leaders, each chosen from a different region, on the development of
the Cold War. (Nov 2021)
23. “Fear, rather than aggression, was the main cause of superpower rivalry between 1943 and 1949.”
To what extent do you agree with this statement? (May 2022)
24. Examine the impact of the Cold War on two different countries, each chosen from a different region.
(May 2022)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
Paper 3 Essays
The Reformation (1500–1563)
11. To what extent were the attitudes of the German princes responsible for the spread of Lutheranism
in Germany between 1517 and 1547? (specimen)
12. Examine the importance of the Council of Trent for the Catholic Church. (specimen)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
11. Evaluate the role of the German princes in the spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany up to 1547.
(May 2017)
12. To what extent was the Catholic Church reformed between 1517 and 1563? (May 2017)
11. Evaluate the reasons for criticism of the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century. (Nov 2017)
12. Evaluate the reasons for the spread of Protestant ideas in England or Scotland or France or the
Netherlands. (Nov 2017)
11. “The religious ideas of Luther did not have a long lasting effect on Europe.” Discuss. (May 2018)
12. Evaluate the reasons for the Peasants’ War in Germany. (May 2018)
11. Evaluate the state of the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th century. (Nov 2018)
12. Evaluate the impact of the Jesuits on the Catholic Reformation between 1540-72
11. Discuss the reasons for the Peace of Augsburg. (May 2019)
12. Evaluate the impact of Protestant ideas in one of the following: England, Scotland, France, The
Netherlands. (May 2019)
11. Discuss the reasons for the successful spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany. (Nov 2019)
12. To what extent can the Council of Trent (1545-1563) be considered a success for the Catholic
Reformation? (Nov 2019)
11. Discuss the significance of Luther’s three critical tracts of 1520 to the Reformation. (Nov 2020)
12. Evaluate the role of the Peace of Augsburg in resolving religious conflict. (Nov 2020)
11. Evaluate the contribution of the printing press in spreading Lutheran ideas in Germany. (May 2021)
12. “The response of the Catholic Church to the Reformation was successful.” Discuss. (May 2021)
11. Examine the role played by Frederick the Wise in the spread of Lutheran ideas in Germany. (Nov
12. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Roman Inquisition in support of the Counter Reformation. (Nov
11. Discuss the impact of Erasmus’s ideas on the Catholic Church at the start of the 16th Century. (May
12. Examine the reasons for, and the impact of, the Knights’ Revolt in Germany (May 2022)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
Post-war central and Eastern Europe (1945–2000)
35. Examine the extent of economic and social change in any one country in Central or Eastern Europe
from 1989 to 2000. (specimen)
36. “Popular support for local Communist parties was the main reason for Soviet dominance in Eastern
Europe during the period 1945 to 1955.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (specimen)
35. Evaluate Yugoslavia’s challenge to Soviet control under Tito. (May 2017)
36. Between 1945 and 1968, to what extent was there support for Soviet control within two of the
following: East Germany; Poland; Hungary; Czechoslovakia? (May 2017)
35. Evaluate the impact of COMECON and the Warsaw Pact on states dominated by the Soviet Union.
(Nov 2017)
36. Evaluate the developments in one central or eastern European country, excluding Russia, following
the collapse of Soviet control. (Nov 2017)
35. “Protests against Soviet domination in Central and Eastern Europe were unsuccessful up to 1980.”
With reference to East Germany and Poland or Hungary and Czechoslovakia, to what extent do you
agree with this statement? (May 2018)
36. Compare and contrast the role of Walesa in Poland and Havel in Czechoslovakia. (May 2018)
35. Discuss the political and economic measures undertaken by the Soviet Union to dominate Central
and Eastern Europe between 1945-1955. (Nov 2018)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus
36. Discuss the reasons for, and the results of, the uprising in Czechoslovakia in 1968. (Nov 2018)
35. To what extent did the Soviet Union dominate central and eastern Europe between 1945-55? (May
36. Discuss the reasons for the collapse of Soviet control in central and eastern Europe. (May 2019)
35. Discuss the reasons for the emergence of conflict in the Balkans in the 1990s. (Nov 2019)
36. Discuss the economic challenges of the post-communist era in one central or eastern European
country (1989-2000)
35. Discuss the reasons why Tito was able to resist Soviet control of Yugoslavia. (Nov 2020)
36. “Walesa was the main reason for successful Polish resistance to Soviet control.” To what extent do
you agree with this statement? (Nov 2020)
35. Discuss the reasons for the establishment of COMECON and the Warsaw Pact. (May 2021)
36. Compare and contrast the impact of opposition to Soviet control in two countries between 1968 and
1989. (May 2021)
35. Evaluate the impact of repression and protest between 1945 and 1968 in one of the following
countries East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary. (Nov 2021)
36. Evaluate the response to political challenges in the post-communist era in one Central or Eastern
European country (excluding Russia). (Nov 2021)
35. “Repression was the main reason for Soviet domination between 1945 and 1968.” Discuss with
reference to two of the following countries: East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia. (May
36. Examine the social and economic challenges faced by one country in central or eastern Europe
between 1989 and 2000. (May 2022)
IB History Exam questions
New Syllabus