Script para Submissão da Sinopse Page 1 of 1 Abstract Submission Instructions | New Abstract | Abstract Update | Status of Papers | Authors Update Data of Paper Code: 1163 Paper Title: Challenges on designing pipelines for the Brazilian Pre-Salt scenarios Original Title: Challenges on designing pipelines for the Brazilian Pre-Salt scenarios Contact Author: Danilo Machado L da Silva (Code: 301) Main Author: Danilo Machado L da Silva (Code: 301) Block: Subsea Pipelines Theme: Design and construction; Paper Presentator: Danilo Machado L da Silva (Code: 301) Preferred Presentation: Oral Abstract: Over the years, new discovers and associated technical challenges have spawned significant research and development efforts in a broad range of areas, in order to improve efficiency and reliability, and also to keep the risks associated with the new scenarios in an accepted range. Some aspect that can be mentioned include, for instance, improvements in line grade steels and innovations in the manufacture of tubular products; development of several pipeline installation methods and lay-vessels; establishment of the mechanical behavior and the expected modes of failure of long tubes and pipes under various loads; investigation of new problems in fluid-structure and soil-structure interactions, issues of corrosion, welding, fatigue, integrity management philosophy, and many others. Many of the problems mentioned have been brought about by the demands of the new frontiers, where the operating conditions and the environmental parameters may lead to the introduction of new risks and situations not fully covered in established standards and design codes. Therefore, the objective of this work is to present and discuss the unique design needs and challenges related to the offshore pipelines to be designed and installed on the Brazilian Pre-Salt fields. The paper presents and discusses, for instance, aspects related to materials, design criteria, installation issues, and an approach for the evaluation and qualification of new technologies. Warning(s): THE AUTHOR DANILO MACHADO L DA SILVA (DANILO.MACHADO@DNV.COM) BELONGS TO DATABASE OF AUTHORS (CODE=301) SOLICITATION FOR AUTHOR COMPLETE PERSONAL DATA (DANILO MACHADO L DA SILVA DANILO.MACHADO@DNV.COM): SENDED! REGISTRY OF AUTHOR IS SUCCESSFULLY: HÉLIO ALVES - HELIO.ALVES@DNV.COM (CODE=305)! SOLICITATION FOR AUTHOR COMPLETE PERSONAL DATA (HÉLIO ALVES HELIO.ALVES@DNV.COM): SENDED! THE AUTHOR LUIS DANGELO (LUIS.DANGELO@DNV.COM) BELONGS TO DATABASE OF AUTHORS (CODE=303) SOLICITATION FOR AUTHOR COMPLETE PERSONAL DATA (LUIS DANGELO LUIS.DANGELO@DNV.COM): SENDED! THE AUTHOR ANA PAULA SOUZA (ANA.SOUZA@DNV.COM) BELONGS TO DATABASE OF AUTHORS (CODE=304) SOLICITATION FOR AUTHOR COMPLETE PERSONAL DATA (ANA PAULA SOUZA ANA.SOUZA@DNV.COM): SENDED! ABSTRACT DATA IS SUCCESSFULLY REGISTERED! MESSAGE FOR YOU (DANILO.MACHADO@DNV.COM): SENDED! REGISTRY OF ABSTRACT IS SUCCESSFULLY! 16/12/2010