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RA 9262: Supporting Women & Children Against Violence

Illeana Angelique R. Gamara
I will be able to support or help other people using RA 9262 by consistently informing every
unaware woman, regardless of being a wife, mother or not, single or taken, about the importance of this
article and how it can save them in every tragic they could experience with their partner or future partner.
For the children, as much as they could understand already this article, I could try explaining it to them in
a way that they would appreciate its importance and they could identify such violations under this article.
As a woman, it is my duty to serve my community to battle for the rights of every woman whenever I have
the chance to. Be it standing for a mother, a sister, a friend, a niece, a nephew etc., and through this
article, the ones that violated its purpose will be held accountable.
Moreover, the things to take note of under this article is that VAWC is about any physical violence,
sexual violence, psychological violence, and economic abuse that may occur between partners with or
without a common child, and the said partner performing this violence to the victim/s must be penalized
based on his actions. While the said victims under this article can have a relief of Barangay Protection
Order (BPO) and/or Temporary/Permanent Protection order.
Furthermore, as a huge fan of woman empowerment, it is not new for me to spread awareness
for the woman’s right and protection. Therefore, I can spread awareness regarding VAWC by grabbing the
opportunity on social media to inform not just every woman, but also every man that the law will not
tolerate any violence to every Filipino woman and child, and by posting an information regarding this
article, I will be able to support and to gain possible supporters regarding this awareness.
For the additional task “Give a situation that can be raised under RA 9262”. One example scenario
or situation that can be raised under RA 9262 is when a partner withdraws his financial support for their
child, particularly, for the child’s tuition fees which could have a big impact about the child’s well-being.
Therefore, this situation falls under the said article. Another instance could be, when an individual is
prohibiting his partner to enjoy common properties, such as their house or car, this could fall under RA
9262 as well. These are some of the situations that should be reported and take an action in order to end
the violence and for the perpetrators to be punished.