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Animal Testing Speech Outline: Inhumane & Ineffective

Name: __Olivia Devino______________________________________
Topic: Animal testing___________________________
General Purpose: To Inform_______
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about animal testing.
Central Idea Statement:__Animals should not be tested on for the benefit of humans,
as animals have feelings and there are many alternatives to the usage of animal testing.
Main Ideas: Animal testing is unnecessary as it is an outdated procedure that inflicts
unnecessary pain upon animals when it has been proven to be ineffective.
1. Animal testing dates back to 500 B.C. The public did not oppose it until the mid1960s passage of the Animal Welfare Act.
2. Animals are not humans and will not react to toxins and chemicals in the same
way a human would.
3. There are many alternatives available to animal testing, and they are more
(Attention Grabber and Credibility)
Who here applied makeup this morning? If you answered yes, you may want to
listen up. Each year, 115 million animals are tested on worldwide in laboratories
for various cosmetic and pharmaceutical purposes. I have read various articles
and watched many videos about animal testing, and I am extremely passionate
about becoming a voice for helpless animals.
(Thesis Statement)
Animal testing is an awful, unnecessary, and inhumane way to test products
because of the cruelty and suffering it inflicts on helpless creatures.
Animal testing does more harm than good on a larger scale, and helpless animals
should not suffer in the name of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
Historically, animals had very few rights and were not viewed as living, sentient beings.
Main Point I: Historically, animals were used for experiments and medical purposes
because they were not regarded as living things.
1. The AWA did not define an “animal” until 1966, when an animal was considered
to be a warm-blooded creature, and only specific animals had this classification.
A. The AWA did not consider cold-blooded creatures, birds, mice, rats, and
farm animals to be an animal.
B. Ibn Zuhr was the first doctor to use animals for experimental tests so he
could later apply his findings to human patients.
(Transition) While the AWA regulates the housing and transportation of animals in
laboratories, they cannot regulate the horrors of individual experiments.
Main Point II: Animal testing is a horrific, painful and outdated method as it has
proven to be unreliable.
Most experiments do not yield results that can be applied to humans, as animals
and humans are biologically very different.
A. Laboratory animal testing on animals fails
95% of drugs tested on animals are later found to be unsafe for
human consumption.
Less than 10% of laboratory testing results can be applied clinically
to humans.
2. Mice and humans are two different creatures, and mice are usually the first
animal to be tested on in experiements.
(Transition) With so many alternatives to animal testing, it is difficult to see the
benefit in such a cruel and outdated system.
Main Point III:
1. The three R’s; reduction, refinement, and replacement have been discovered as
testing alternatives.
A. Replacing animals with models and tools can help to avoid the use of
animals in research.
2. Reduction and refinement also are effective in modern research
A. The number of animals used in individual experiments can be reduced so
fewer animals suffer.
B. With refinement, the pain and suffering of animals can be reduced by
providing them with more comfortable laboratory environments, and
painless procedures.
(Transition) Animal testing is cruel, inhumane, and something that could be avoided
if proper measures are taken by researchers.
(Tie in to introduction)
Our cosmetics and pharmaceuticals should not be tested on animals, and we have the
option to choose cruelty-free products.
All humans should be interested in ending or at least reducing the need for animal
testing, and it all starts with the labels on the products we buy. We are not required to
purchase items that have inflicted pain upon animals, and once companies are met with
our resistance, we will begin to see a change.
We must disengage with the cruel and outdated methods of animal testing, and your
mascara, lip-balm is not worth the pain it inflicts upon an animal. Do you call it medical
research? I call it murder.
References (with full APA or MLA citations)
1) “Alternatives to Animal Testing.” Cruelty Free International,
2) Akhtar, Aysha. “The Flaws and Human Harms of Animal Experimentation.” Cambridge
Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics : CQ : the International Journal of Healthcare Ethics
Committees, Cambridge University Press, Oct. 2015,
3) “History of Animal Testing.” Animal Testing ProCon, 8 Sept. 2021, https://animaltesting.procon.org/history-of-animal-testing/.
Visual aids (Powerpoint, Prezi, Poster, etc)
I will use a Prezi as my visual aid
Things to ponder:
What Organizational pattern did you use? Did you use it consistently? Do you have a minimum of 3
sources that you will cite verbally in the speech? Do your sub points match your main points? Are you
citing them in APA or MLA format? Did you review the final informative speech checksheet?