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syngo Service Information
1 _________ Service Software Introduction _______________________ 2
Local Service Software Access
Remote Service Software Access
SAL Strategies
Starting the Service Software ....................................................................
Service Software Home Menus ..................................................................
How to use the Service Software ........................................................
File Tools
Backup & Restore
Service Image ..........................................................................
Auto Report
Event Log ..............................................................................
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Service Software Introduction
The Service Software is designed to follow the Med Software General Error Concept as
described in General Error Concept Med, Specification Catalog. The Service Software
provides the Siemens Acuson X300 with the mechanism to comply with the General
Error Concept.
Service Software of Siemens Acuson X300 is based on the Syngo Lite VE25A. However, Siemens Acuson X300 has a unique customer UI compared to other Syngobased modalities so the steps that the user must take to enter some of the Service
applications is not common with other modalities. Once a service application has been
entered, the functionality is as similar as possible to the standard Syngo equivalent.
Where the behavior differs from standard Syngo behavior, it is noted within this document.
The Service Software functions allow the user to check the operation of the hardware
and to detect failed circuit boards. Use the methods described in this section to investigate the cause of malfunctions and the circumstances that existed when the malfunction occurred. The Service Software screens support only the English language.
The installation and service of the equipment described here are to be
performed by qualified personnel who are employed by Siemens or one of its
affiliates or who are otherwise authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates to
provide such services.
Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise directly
affiliated with or authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates are directed to
contact one of the local offices of Siemens or one of its affiliates before attempt
ing installation or service procedures.
Local Service Software Access
Local Serivce Software Access is a service session that is displayed locally on the system using the system’s control panel, keyboard, and monitor.
For local users of the ultrasound system, the entry point for Service functionality is the
Presets, then Service menu. The Service menu is an ultrasound-specific page, which
is visible only to local users of the Siemens Acuson X300. It is not a part of the Syngo
Service UI; however, part of its functionality is to provide a link for the user to open the
Syngo Service UI. This dialog provides information to the user as detailed below.
Firstly, go to the Preset main screen, by press the Presets button on the Control Panel
of the Siemens Acuson X300.
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Fig 1. Preset Main Screen
Then, select the Service within the menu tree of the Preset main screen.
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Fig 2. Serivce Main Screen
Local Service Sessions are performed at the ultrasound system using the system’s
keyboard, control panel, and monitor.
Remote Service Software Access
Remote Serivce Software Access is a service session where the service UI is executed
from some other location. It is used by network connection; a stand-alone PC which is
connected to the system via an Ethernet crossover cable, or a remote PC which is connected via a LAN connection. This allows a Customer Service Engineer to perform
service takes on a system without being at the physical location of the system.
Remote Serivce Software Access differs from a Local Service Software Access in that
access is controlled by the ultrasound user via the Remote Service Access Control dialog.
The following figure shows the Remote Service Access Control Dialog.
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Fig 3. Remote Service Access Control Dialog
Tab. Remote Service Access Control Dialog
Allows the remote access.
Mode/Limited Access Perma- User allows the limited remote access.
Mode/Limited Access /User
User allows more limited remote access than Limited Access Permanent.
Mode/No Access/User
User does not allow the remote access.
To use the remote control mode, Full Access mode has to be set before using.
SAL Strategies
Service Software Access Level shceme for Siemens Acuson X300 borrows heavily
from the Siemens Med Shared Service concept, which was applied as of Syngo VE25.
There are multiple service access levels available. Each successive level allows
access to the applications of all lower levels, the following table describes each level of
access and who it is intended for. This table describes the general stragegy only.
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Tab 1. Service Level Strategies
Syngo Service Level
Siemens Acuson X300s Level
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Not Mapped
Level 3
Not Mapped
Level 4
Not Mapped
Level 5
Not Mapped
Level 6
Not Mapped
Level 7
Level 2
Level 8
Level 3
Level 9
Level 4
Above table show the mapping of syngo service levels to Siemens Acuson X300 service levels. Siemens Acuson X300 removed the functionalities which are not relavent
i.e. Tune-up and DICOM Tests. DIMAQ page in Preset page provides the DICOM functionality.
The following figure shows the Syngo SAL structure diagram.
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Fig 4. Syngo SAL Structure Diagram
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Starting the Service Software
The following steps guide how to start the service software of Acuson X300 system.
1. Press the Presets key on the control panel of the system. Then, the following figure
is displayed.
Fig.1: Preset Main Screen
2.To access the service software functions, select the Service from the left-side of the
menu tree.
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Fig.2: Service Main Screen
3. Click on Service button from the Service Main screen.
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Fig.3: Service Button Selection
4. Then, authentication screen is displayed as follows. Enter the password and click on
OK button.
Fig.4: Authentication Screen
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Refer to the SAL strategies, see US11-104.850.01.01.02, syngo
Service Information, for information on entering password
informatio. It the check box of “Set as Default” is activated, it
is automatically set to the customer level.
5. When the proper password is entered, the following figure is displayed.
Fig.5: Service Software Home Menu Screen
To exit the service software: click CLOSE.
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Fig.6: Selection Close Button
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Service Software Home Menus
Service Software Home Menu screen displays the site name and system information.
Also, it provides menu items to access the service software.
Fig.7: Service Software Home Menu Screen
The section 1 in the above figure displays the site name and system information as
Tab.1 Site Name and System Information
Site Name
It displays the hospital name.
System Serial Number
It displays the system serial number.
System S/W Version
It shows the software version of the system.
The section 2 provides menu buttons for the service software items. The following
table lists the menu items that can be accessed through the Service Software Home
Menu screen.
Tab.2 Service Software Home Menu Screen Items
Menu Items
See Section “Configuration”.
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See Section “Diagnostics”.
File Tools
See Section “File Tools”.
Backup & Restore
See Section “Backup & Restore”.
Service Image
See Section “Service Image”.
Auto Report
See Section “Auto Report”.
See Section “Utilities”.
Event Log
See Section “Event Log”.
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How to use service software
The following descriptions explain how to use each item of the service software.
When the reboot request message displays, make sure to restart
the system. If the operation needs to be finished in the middle,
ABORT, then click HOME. HOME is strongly recommended for
use when returning to the Service Software Home menus.
1. Configuration
Access the Configuration screen by selecting Configuration button from the Service
Software Home Menu Screen.
Fig.8: Selection Configuration Menu
Configuration menu is used to edit or enter the data value for software configuration. If
a data value has not assigned, it will be displayed as a blank. Configuration menu consists of two items: Local Host, and Service.
Local Host
Site Information Screen
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The following figure illustrates the Site Information screen.
Fig.9: Site Information Screen
The following table lists the fields and comments located on the Site Information
Tab.3 Site Information Screen
Field Titles
Hospital Name
The hospital name entered here is displayed on the
Service Software Home menu.
Hospital Location
Enter the building or room number in which the system
is located.
Customer ID
Enter the identity number of the responsible individual.
Customer Name
Enter the name of the individual who is responsible for
the system.
Enter additional information that must be associated
with the system.
System Information Screen
The following figure shows the System Information screen.
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Fig.10: System Information Screen
The following table lists the fields and comments of System Information screen.
Tab.4 System Information Items
Field Titles
Product (Model) Name
Product name entered here is displayed on the Service
Software Home menu.
Product Serial Number
Product Serial Number is displayed here.
It displays the region which the system locates.
System Use Time
Click Reset to set the system time usage to Zero.
Service Use Time(Day)
Click Reset to set the system time usage to Zero.
Inspection Schedule
Select this check box to display for next inspection.
Information message
Reset User Accounts
Click the Reset button to reset.
The following figure shows the TCP/IP LAN screen.
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Fig.11: TCP / IP LAN Screen
In this section, computer name and other network configuration information are displayed.
Licensing & Components Screen
The following figure shows the Licensing & Components screen.
Fig.12: Licensing & Components Screen
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The following table lists the field titles and comments located on the Licensing & Components screen.
Tab.5 Licensing & Components Items
Field Titles
Name of the installed license is displayed here.
Version of the installed license is displayed here.
Expire Date
Expiration Date of the installed license is displayed
here. If it’s permanent, permanent is displayed.
The status tells the corresponding feature is available
or not in the current system.
The following figure shows the screen when “Select New License File” is selected.
Fig.13 Licensing Components Screen - Select New License File
In this section, the license file can be found by using Browse button, or searching for
the hard drive history.
Hardware Screen
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The following figure shows the Hardware screen.
Fig.14: Hardware Screen
This section shows the Hardware information such as Hardware ID, Hardware ID type,
IVK list, IVK + list, etc.
Mail Screen
The following figures shows the Mail screen.
Fig.15: Mail Screen - The front page
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Every field has to be filled with Host data, especially, write down the mail server TCP/IP
into the TCP/P address field.
Then, go to the next page, and fill the every field with proper data.
The following figure shows the next page of the Main screen.
Fig.16: Mail Screen - The next page
Make sure to write the receiver’s e-mail into the e-mail address field.
FTP Screen
This section shows the FTP configuration information such as Host Properties, connected information, TCP/IP address, FTP password, etc.
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The following figure shows the front page of FTP screen.
Fig.17 FTP Screen - The front page
The following figure shows the next page of the FTP screen.
Fig.18: FTP Screen - The next page
Auto Transfer Screen
In this section, user can make the Auto Transfer function to be activated or deactivated. The following figure shows the Auto Transfer screen.
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Fig.19: Auto Transfer Screen
2. Diagnostics
Access the Diagnostics screen by selecting the Diagnostics located on the Home
Menu screen as follows.
Fig.20: Selection Diagnostics Menu
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The Diagnostics screen has 6 categories; Auto Test (or Manual Test), Report, POST,
Pattern Test, Control Panel Test, and Check Disk.
The below figure shows the Diagnostics screen.
Fig.21 Diagnostics Screen
When the user logs on the service software with SAL 1,
Auto Test is displayed -instead of Maual Test. Refer to
(US11-104.850.01.01.02/Service Software Introduction)
for the SAL strategies.
1. Manual Test
When the user logs on the service software with SAL 7, 8, or 9, Manual Test is displayed instead of Auto Test.
On the Manual Test screen, check boxes arranged according to hierarchy levels. They
are displayed adjacent according to the related test targets. Select All button enables
to test all packages. Otherwise, Reset button enbles to remove the check mark from
the selected targets. Checking a box in the higher hierarchy will enable testing of the
targets in the hierarchy, that is located below that checked target. Placing a check in a
single box will cause only that target to be tested.
For the Manual Test, follow these steps:
1. When the check marks have been entered in the boxes for the targets, click Start to
test the selected targets.
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Fig.22 Manual Test Screen in Diagnostics
2. There will be a pop-up dialog.
Fig.23 Diagnostics Pop-up Dialog
Click OK button, then Manual Test begins.
3. Wait till the progressive bar gets filled. If you wish to stop during the test, click Abort.
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Fig.24: Running Manual Test
4. After the progress bar reaches 100%, the following pop-up window displays.
Fig.25: Reboot Request Window
Click OK button, and the system reboots automatically.
During the operation of Auto Test, or Manual Test,
pressing any key is not recommendable, especially
Home button and Close button, due to system safety reason.
When the system is executed in the Remote Service Software
Access mode, this caution is commonly applied to also.
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When the Auto Test or Maual Test is completed, and the pop-up
message for reboot comes up, make sure to restart the system..
the Abort button has to be used, when the Auto Test or
Manual Test needs to be aborted in the middle of its operation.
2. Report
Follow the steps to report:
1. Click Diagnostics on the Service Software Main screen, and select Report.
Fig.27: Report Screen in Diagnostics
2. Select the item to report within the drop-down list.
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Fig.28 Selection Report Item
3. The test result is shown as the following figure.
Fig.29 Report Screen
4. When the report procedure is completed, click Close to exit.
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It is required to connect at least a single transducer into the
the right side of port during running of the B mode or BC mode.
in order to get an expected test image. If you connect more
than two transducers, the system priority uses the port located
on the right side.
3. POST(Power-On Self Test)
This performs fundamental diagnostics during system power-up. Decide the frequency
of the test schedule and click on the radio button as a preference.
Fig.30: Test Schedule Screen
User can determined the test schedule among these: daily / weekly / monthly / off /
every bootup.
POST list is as below.
Tab.6 POST List
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File Name
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Front End
Back End
Real Time controller memory test
Receive beamformer ASIC built in self test
Transmit pulse generator ASIC built in self test
TR FPGA memory test
Transducer interface memory test
Digital receiver ASIC built in self test
RMP FPGA memory test – BE
Echo processor ASIC built in self test – BE
Flow processor ASIC memory test – BE
Flow processor FPGA memory test – BE
Scan converter ASIC memory test
DF FPGA memory test – BE
Digital signal processor memory test – BE
VP FPGA memory test - VI
4. Pattern Test
Access the Pattern Test screen by clicking Pattern Test on the Diagnostics screen.
Through this test, the VCR, printer, and the monitor of the system can be adjusted.
The following figure shows the Patten Test screen.
Fig.31: Pattern Test Screen
Select the desired test screen from the Patten Test screen. To return to the Pattern Test
screen, click the displayed screen independently of location.
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Fig.32: Colorbar Pattern Test
Fig.33: Graybar Pattern Test
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Fig.34: Linearity Pattern Test
Fig.35: Resolution Pattern
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Fig.36: SMPTE Pattern Test
Fig.37: Black Pattern Test
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Fig.38: Gray20 Pattern Test
Fig.39: White Pattern Test
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5. Control Panel Test
Select CPTest, and click on the Start button.
Fig.41: Selection CPTest
Then, the following figure is displayed.
Fig.42 Control Panel Test Screen
When a button, key, or knob (including DGC slide) on the actual control panel is click
ed, the corresponding feature is pressed (or moved) on the Control Panel Test Screen.
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To test LED operations of the actual control panel, click the blank boxes (or a box you
want to check) of the buttons and knobs (except Key Board and DGC slides) on the
Control Panel test screen.
Fig.43 CP Test LED Selection
Verify the selected LED has been lighted-on of the actual control panel.
5. You can adjust the LED illumination to be blinking, high intensity, low intensity, or off,
by selecting the desired button.
Fig.44 CP Test LED Control
6. To test buttons and knobs (except the Key board and DGC slides) on the control
panel with beep sound, adjust the Volume and Time (duration) of the Beep Sound
field. The duration of beep sound can be controlled from 0.1 sec to 1 sec.
Fig.45 CP Test Beep Sound
6. Check Disk
Follow the procedures below to check the system disk.
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1. Select the CheckDisk from the Diagnostics drop-down list as follow.
Fig.46: Selection Check Disk
2. The following figure is displayed. Enter the desire disk drive name within the Parameter field, then click on the Start button as below.
Fig.47 Selection Drive to Check
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3. The following figure shows an example of C drive check. User entered C: into the
Parameter field, then cilicked Start button. The result of the C drivce check is displayed
as following.
Fig.48: Check Disk Result - The front page
Fig.49: Check Disk Result - The last page
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The Check Disk test is available for a single drive at once.
Therefore, only one drive name has to be entered within the
3. File Tools
Access the File Tools screen by clicking File Tools from the Service Home Menu
Fig.50: Selection File Tools
The following procedures show an example of the File Tools. In this case, user sets
“File” as a source, and “Transfer from system” as an action.
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Fig.51: File Tools Screen
Then, the following figure is displayed.
Fig.52: File Tools Screen Example
The following table shows the source items and action items that can be choosed from
File Tools.
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Tab.7 File Tools Lists
Transfer from system
Transfer to system
Extract Only
Download List
Extract List
Transfer from system
Transfer List
4. Backup & Restore
Access the Backup & Restore screen by clicking Backup & Restore from the Service
Home Menu Screen.
Click the Backup & Restore screen on the Service Home Menu Screen.
Fig.53: Selection Backup & Restore Menu
For more details about Backup & Restore, refer to the (US11-104.816.01.01.02/Backing Up Data) and (US11-103.816.01.01.02/Restoring Data).
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5. Service Image
Access the Service Image screen by clicking Service Image memu from the Service
Home Menu Screen.
Fig.54: Selection Service Image Menu
The service image screen is displayed as following.
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Fig.55: Screen Capture Images Screen
The captured images by user are displayed in this menu. From this screen, user
obtains the image information such as file name and capture date.
Tab.7 Screen Capture Images Screen Items
It shows the file name and the captured date of the selected file.
It zooms in/out the selected file.
It collects the selected service image.
When the check box of Conduct “Screen Capture” with “Save Log” is activated, the
screen capture image will be saved with save log files.
6. Auto Report
Access the Service Image screen by clicking Auto Report memu from the Service
Home Menu Screen.
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Fig.56: Selection Auto Report
In this section, customize the particular template according to the user preference. The
following table shows auto report items.
The following table shows items and selections that can be selected from the auto
report menu.
Tab.8 Auto Report Items
Event Log
Time Triggered
Event Triggered
Customer Log
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with no attachment
with full attachment
with partial attachment
as separate file(s)
as separate file(s) without mails
The following figure shows an example of the user defined template.
Fig.57: Auto Report Screen Example
After entering the field data, click on the Save button. Then, the template is created as
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7. Utilities
Access the Utilities menu by clicking Utilities from the Service Home Menu Screen.
Fig.58: Selection Utilities
The following figure shows the Utilities screen.
Fig.59: Utilities Screen
Three fields are displayed on the Utilities Screen: Installation Software, Disk Defragmentation, Manage User Accounts. When the Service Software is accessed with SAL
7, 8, or 9, Exit to OS Shell menu will be displayed also.
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1. Install Software
When the Install Software menu is selected, the following message comes up.
Fig.60: System Reboot Request
For more details about software installation, refer to the (US11-101.816.01.01.02/Loading Software).
2. Disk Defragmentation
Disk Defragmentation allows the analyzation and defragmentation of the selected disk.
Fig.61: Disk Selection for Defragmentation
Select the desire disk, and click the Analyze button. Then the following figure is displayed.
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Fig.62: Disk Analyzing
After the analyzing, the following pop-up window comes up.
Fig.63 Analysis Completion Message
Click the Defragment button, to perform the disk defragment.
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3. Manage User Accounts
View and configure user accounts in this section. Select Manage User Accounts, then,
the following figure shows the user accounts.
Fig.64 Manage User Accounts
4. Exit to OS Shell
When the service software is accessed with SAL 7,8, or 9, Exit to OS Shell menu is
displayed from the drop-down list as below.
Fig.65 Exit to OS Shell Screen
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The following figure shows an example of the Exit to OS Shell screen. The Command
is set as ‘Directory usage’, and Parameter field is set as ‘C:’.
Fig.66 Exit to OS Shell Screen Example
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8. Event Log
Access the Event Log screen by clicking Event Log on the Service Home Menu
Fig.67 Selection Event Log
For more details about the Error Log, refer to the (US11-104.840.01.01.02/Accessing
Diagnostic and Error Log Messages).
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