Approved by Chair: signed by Susan Heximer Susan Heximer Digitally Date: 2023.01.06 18:02:41 -05'00' Signature COURSE SECTION INFORMATION FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY School of Liberal Arts and Sciences - General Education Teacher’s Name: Jaswant Bajwa Email: Phone: Please contact using email Office: 408, 200 King Street East Out of Class Assistance: Via email/BB Course Code: GSSC1054 Course Section/s: 46969 Academic Year: 2022-2023 Term: Winter 2023 (202202) Textbook / Learning Resources Pozzulo, J., Bennell, C. and Forth, A. (2020) Forensic Psychology: 5th Edition. Pearson, Canada. Other Course Specific Information This course is delivered through an online platform, Blackboard. The course will be a combination of live video lectures, discussion posts, and independent learning. Online live classes will be scheduled on Thursday from 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM. Students are expected to keep up with the readings and videos to participate inclass exercises and discussions, and, be prepared for testing as specified in the course outline. Students will be responsible for all assigned material, whether it is covered in class or not. Students should be aware that the topical outline is the plan for the course but that the order of and/or inclusion of topics may vary in response to current events, student questions, availability of guest speakers, resource material, etc. Testing and Assignment Policy All quizzes / tests and in-class exercises must be done on the scheduled dates as seen on the topical outline. There will be a set time for each quiz / test. Quizzes / GSSC1054 202202 JKaur 46969 tests can only be written at another time for illness if there is a doctor’s note and a phone call from the student in advance or as an accommodation plan for a student with the identified learning needs. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate any prior arrangements and schedule any alternate work time. If no prior negotiation has taken place with the instructor, the student will receive a mark of zero. In the event of an emergency, students must negotiate with the individual faculty member whether or not a quiz / test rewrite will be permitted. Submitting Assignments Assignments are due in class on the due date. Requests for extensions are at the professor's discretion and must be made in writing in advance of the due date. Late Assignments Late assignments will be penalized a minimum of 10%. Submission of late assignments must be arranged with your professor. All papers must be typed and printed before submission. Handwritten papers and disks will not be accepted. Detailed Evaluation System The evaluation system for this section of the course may vary somewhat from the evaluation system described in the parent document to support alterations in delivery and student learning. Cardinal rules for participating in the classroom, in-class activities and on the Discussion, Board are – 1. Please remember that mutual respect, a safe learning environment and inclusive dialogue are part of this course and extend into the virtual classroom environment as well. 2. Participation in the discussion boards is required. 3. Participation alone is not enough or adequate; a thoughtful and meaningful approach in your posts is required Assessment Tool: Discussion Questions (Inclass and online) Description: An application of course concepts in real life examples and reflection questions. These questions will be in-class and via discussion forums. Online discussion posts will require meaningful responses to peers’ post. There will be no feedback from the instructor. Discussion Board GSSC1054 202202 JKaur 46969 Due on week: % Of Final Grade Weeks 3, 6, 12 3 Each worth 5%=Total of 15% topics will remain open only for one week. Individual or Group Assignment Case Study and In-Depth Analysis of a Real Case using class ideas Week 13 25% of the Total Grade Tests Online Tests via Blackboard exploring theories and concepts from the course. Tests will be open book with a total of 2 attempts. Tests are not cumulative. Week 4 Week 7 Week 15 60% (3 Tests in total each worth 20%) (20 questions per Test) 100% Total Learning Schedule / Topical Outline (subject to change with notification) Week & Date Topic Resources Week 1 Orientation to college What is Forensic Psychology? Chapter 1 Week 2 Police Psychology Chapter 2 Week 3 Police Investigations Chapter 3 Week 4 Deception Chapter 4 Week 5 Eyewitness Testimony Chapter 5 Week 6 Mental Illness in Court Chapter 8 In-class activity or Discussion Board Reflection #2 (5%) Week 7 Mental Illness in Court continued Chapter 8 Test 2 - 20% - Two Attempts only - To be GSSC1054 202202 JKaur 46969 Evaluation/% In-class activity or Discussion Board Reflection #1 (5%) Test 1 - 20% - Two Attempts only - To be completed before the end of the class. completed before the end of the class. Week 8 Week 9 NO CLASS – Intersession Week Chapter 12 Youth offenders Week 10 Psychopaths Chapter 11 Week 11 Psychopaths continued Chapter 11 Week 12 Intimate Partner Violence Chapter 13 Week 13 Sexual offenders Chapter 14 Week 14 Homicidal offenders Chapter 15 Week 15 Catchup, Celebration, and Reflection on Class learning In-class activity or Discussion Board Reflection #3 (5%) Analysis of Real-Life Case Study using the concepts discussed in the class – Group Assignment (25%) End of the class Test #3 (20%) - Two Attempts only - To be completed before the end of the class. Important dates regarding the College Academic Calendar can be found at: Important College Dates GSSC1054 202202 JKaur 46969