A longitudinal analysis of digitalisation in the Brazilian industry, 2017-2020 1. Introduction New digital technologies are transforming every industry and the digitization process has triggered a broader “digital transformation” phenomenon across most industries (Loebbecke and Picot, 2015; Richter et al., 2018; Ghosh et al., 2017; Butschan et al., 2018). Industrial digitalization is emerging as and will become a matter of utmost economic and competitive importance. From an entrepreneurial perspective, the impact of digitalization can be identified from three viewpoints: i) the internal efficiency, allowing organizations to streamline their own internal processes through changes in roles and tasks; ii) the external opportunities, leading to new business opportunities in existing business domains through new products, services, customers and insight; iii) the promotion of a more disruptive change, when it can completely change the entire business domains. The purpose of digital technologies is to support business processes, both within a company or between a company and its environment. The temporal path of adoption of digital technologies reflects changes in the perception of the digital generation already adopted, which may be related to changes in the techno-economic environment. Among those changes, we highlight the following: (i) the epidemiological effect associated to technological diffusion, which includes both the observation by each company of the speed of adoption by its competitors and the access to more information on the possibilities that digital technologies offer; (ii) the objective determinants of the adoption of digital technologies at the firm level, which are discussed with basis on the conceptual and operational tools provided by "probit models" used to explain the characteristics of technological diffusion; (iii) the effects of the environmental context on investment projects, including a lasting crisis faced by the Brazilian industry and the impacts of a global economic crisis, aggravated by the Covid pandemics. Considering the premises of the "probit models", the purpose of this paper is to identify the main factors affecting the evolution of the perception of adoption of digital technologies in the Brazilian industry using two direct surveys carried out in 2017 and 2019/2020. It is assumed that not all industrial firms do perceive in the same way the challenges and windows of opportunities associated with the adoption of digital solutions in their productive endeavours. Moreover, changes in the perceived stage of adoption are related to different "generations" of digital technologies taken as reference identifying situations of advance, stability or regression along the two considered periods. To do that, we use a model that measure the probability of advance in digitalization adoption considering variables related to the current adoption, the structural characteristics of the firm (size and industry), its behavior in terms of P&D and training involvement and its involvement in competitive markets, Beyond this introduction, the paper has 4 sections …. The Brazilian Manufacturing Context According to Wang et all (2017) a longitudinal research requires a proper perception about the “time horizon” of this research. At the sphere of research design, it is important to consider the context and characteristics of the temporal interval between two adjacent time points, in order to identify the relevance of events and trends that may interfere in the analysis as time passes. In this sense, the elaboration of a longitudinal analysis about the of the expectations for the adoption of digital technologies in the Brazilian industry requires a contextualization of the economic framework conditions more general business environment of the Brazilian economy in which these expectations are formed. Specifically, it is important to highlight the persistence of an unstable and relatively hostile environment, with important consequences on the willingness of economic agents agents' expectations and their predisposition to carry out various types of productive investments, including , which tends to have important impacts on the adoption of digital technologies. As external framework conditions must be taken into account in a longitudinal exercise, this section will illustrate the evolution of aggregate economic indicators. It will be shown that in the sedond half of the 20s the Brazilian economy was on the downward side of the cycle which inclined negatively even further by 2020 as a result of the COVID pandemic which is reflected . As a result, Indeed, the recent period is marked by important changes in the internal and external scenario, resulting in a relatively turbulent period, marked by mini-cycles of industry retraction and growth, in which an important aspect to be considered refers to the in the dynamics of economic activities, investment, idel capacity and confidence levels of economic agents. As shown in table XXX In recent decades, there has been a trend towards a reduction in the relative share of investment in GDP, with the lowest investment rate being recorded in 2017 (14.6%). According to a study of thee BCB (2019), the investment rate, measured by the ratio between Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in 2019, was around 5 percentage points below the level observed in the 2nd quarter of 2013 . Analyzing the period 2013-2019, it appears that the absorption of capital goods corresponded, in the 2nd quarter of 2019, to less than 70% of the level observed six years earlier. Concerning the manufacturing industry, it is possible to consider the broader evolution of the recent trajectory of investment informed by the PIA for the recent period. In this way, a measure can be defined by the relationship between the Acquisition of Assets (understood as an investment "proxis") and the Value of Industrial Transformation (VTI), defining an Investment Rate, in relation to which a significant growth can be observed between 2005 and 2014, reaching a maximum level of 20.6%, with a pronounced decrease thereafter, until reaching 14.6% in 2017, with a relative recovery in 2018, but still well below the level observed before the recession period. Information collected by the CNI also Indicates that in the last months of 2019 the Installed Capacity Utilization index evolved from an average close to 83% in 2013 to something around 77% in 2019, with a more pronounced drop being observed in some industrial sectors with strong linkage effects, such as those in the Chemicals, Metallurgy, Machinery and Equipment and Automotive vehicles. Some aspects help to clarify the reasons for the general recent trend of investments. One critical aspect concerns the role of public investment. In recent decades there has been a clear trend towards a reduction in the share of government investment in GDP (reflected in the public investment rate), interrupted only in the 2007/2010 period, in which it prevailed public investments under the so-called Growth Acceleration Program (PAC). Another important aspect refers to the evolution of the Industrial Installed Capacity Utilization Level (NUCI), estimated by the FGV. As the primary objective of making the investment is precisely the expansion of production capacity, it is expected that a dynamic of investment recovery will be accompanied by increases in the level of utilization of production capacity. However, despite the investments effectively returned to a positive trend from the end of 2017, at least until the coronavirus shock in 2020, this movement doesn't reproduce the most consistent trajectories of investment recovery in the Brazilian economy (1985/86 and 1993/94), driven by a robust NUCI growth, which is not observed in the 2018/19 biennium. In this context, an important key issue concerns the "quality" of these investments. In particular, the acceleration of investments that took place until 2013 occurred in the face of productivity growth, which remained relatively stagnant during that period, probably indicating that the activities that supported these investments were not able to promote a generalized increase in productivity in the industry. In this sense, it can be suggested that a portion of this impact "leaked" out of the industry, either in the form of the acquisition of services and/or imports. However, there are signs that the relative recovery of investments at the end of the period - reflected more in the value than in the investment rate - has been accompanied by a reasonable growth in productivity. It can be argued that this growth was in part driven by the fall in employment. However, it is important to consider to what extent this increase in productivity may have been affected by a greater "quality" of investments due to the incorporation of digital technologies associated with the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The modernization process anchored in the realization of investments can also be associated with the innovative efforts of the industrial sector. Concerning these innovative efforts, the analysis of data from the Brazilian Innovation Survey (PINTEC) for the 2015-2017 triennium, which largely reflect the serious economic crisis of 2015/2016 and the poor recovery observed in the subsequent period, points to a general picture of retraction of innovative investments. Despite evidence that the world is accelerating its efforts to innovate, starting a new technological paradigm, there is evidence that an environment that is not conducive to innovation persists in Brazil. In fact, according to information from PINTEC, between 2012-2014 and 2015-2017, the innovation rate of PINTEC's set of activities, which measures the proportion of companies that introduced new products and processes in the period, dropped from 36% to 33.6 %. The total volume of resources invested in innovation in the manufacturing sector dropped - 22%, while the indicator of the innovation effort in the manufacturing industry declined from 2.16% of sales revenue in 2012-2014 to 1.69% in 2015 -2017. In the case of expenditure on R&D, which is the most technological component of the innovative efforts, there was a drop of -2.9%, from 0.68% of revenues to 0.62% in the case of the manufacturing industry between 2012-2014 and 2015 -2017. In particular, there is a sharp drop in investments in R&D in the core of the equipment producing sectors, be they mechanical, electrical and electronic. According to PINTEC, the main difficulties reported by the 3 out of 5 companies in the survey that have not implemented innovations fall under the broad category “market conditions”. Although this category is very broad, there is evidence that companies face increasing difficulties in accessing resources to support innovation, which only increased in the period covered by the last edition of PINTEC (2015-2017), reflecting a weakness in the national system of innovation. In this sense, there is a substantial reduction in support for innovation registered in the period. On the one hand, large companies still have the incentives for innovation and R&D, but they cover a very small number of the Brazilian business demography. On the other hand, the set of public support programs reached a much smaller number of companies, with a reduction from 39.9% to 26.2% of companies compared to the previous survey. In particular, there is a significant reduction in the number of companies that relied on public resources to finance the acquisition of machinery and equipment for innovative products and processes, all of which suffered the greatest reduction - from 29.9% to 12.9% - which is consistent with the drop in investments (gross formation of fixed capital) observed in the period. The low dynamism of GDP in 2018 and 2019 and the shock of the covid19 pandemic in 2020 do not point to the reversal of the situation presented by the latest edition of PINTEC. Considering these trends, a controversial point concerns the critical factors to be considered to drive a new investment cycle in the Brazilian industrial sector. The traditional view (BCB, 2019) argues that a dynamization of private investment could be obtained from a reduction in risk premiums, from the favorable perspectives for investments in the area of infrastructure and from the gradual advancement of business confidence, as well as from initiatives that aim to stimulate the increase of productivity and efficiency gains, mainly through greater "flexibility" of markets and through the general improvement of the "business environment". In contrast to the emphasis on factors that encourage the reactivation of industrial investments strictly associated with the microeconomic plan, Bueno and Sarti (2019) argue that a new cycle of productive and technological investment will not be possible without an updating of the domestic productive structure. They argue, in this direction, that it is unlikely that a new investment cycle will start in a generalized way in the industrial sector, given the high idle capacity and the low operational profitability in view of a repressed demand for industrial goods and services. In this sense, the need to generate higher quality investments is a prerequisite for overcoming the hardships of the called "Brazilian industrial disease"(Kupfer, 2018), characterized by the persistence of incentives for industrial firms to adopt strategies that minimize productive investments, with periods of growth being based, fundamentally, on the use of existing capacity, due to the high aversion to the risks inherent to the decision to immobilize fixed capital. It is possible to argue that a more accurate analysis of the digitization process must consider this more general context, both in the sense of being constrained by it, as well as in the sense of eventually contributing to a reversal of this structurally adverse situation. In general, the evidences indicate that there are obstacles for the Brazilian industry to deepen its insertion in the digital universe, while they also show that companies are not standing still, with an ongoing process of technological updating driven by digitization being in progress, which, however, should be accelerated. It is in a context of a relatively unfavorable momentum - marked by an internal environment still hostile to the acceleration of investments, by the persistence of high levels of idle capacity, by the relative contraction of innovative efforts and by the difficulty to reverse a general adverse macroeconomic scenario - that the expectations of industrial firms in terms of the adoption of digital technologies were mapped, and it is against this background that the trends presented below should be considered. The external ambiance acted as a deterrent to adoption by all firms? Alternatively, did all or some firms used digitalisation as a defensive mechanism of survival? Having an increasingly hostile external framework conditions as the background, comparing 2020 to 2017, what is the likely profile of firms progressing, stagnating or regressing in the adoption of digital technologies? These are the issued to be explored in this paper. 1. Determinants of rhythms and paths of digital adoption technologies The process of digital adoption technologies can be referred to the general pattern and conditions for the adoption considered in the theory of technological diffusion. This theory focuses on how innovations and technology diffuse among the targeted users and how the use of them can be increased, rather than focusing on barriers and enablers in a wider perspective (Rogers, 1962; 2003). Based on reviews of different kinds of innovations adopted in different contexts, Rogers concluded that the diffusion process displayed patterns and regularities across a range of conditions, innovations, and cultures, describing diffusion as a dynamic process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system. For Rogers, adoption is a decision of full use of an innovation as the best course of action available and rejection is the decision of not-adoption. The newness characteristic of an adoption is related to the three first steps (knowledge, persuasion, and decision) of the innovation-decision process. In this context, the perceived characteristics of an innovation is supposed to critically affect its adoption, with five innovation attributes typically affecting rhythm of diffusion: (1) relative advantage, referring to the extent or degree to which the innovation is perceived to have significant advantages over current alternatives; (2) compatibility, referring to the degree to which the innovation is seen or perceived as being consistent with past practices or experiences, existing values and needs of potential adopters; (3) complexity, referring to the extent to which the innovation can readily be understood or perceived and easily used; (4) trialability, referring to new ideas that can be tried out at low cost before adoption; (5) observability, referring to the degree to which the use and benefits or results of the innovation are visible to others, and therefore act as a further stimulus to be adopted by others. Other attributes have also been identified as being potentially important, such as: adaptability, centrality to the day-to-day work of the organization, and little requirement for additional visible resources (Nutley et alii, 2002). To reduce the uncertainty of adopting the innovation, the potential adopters should be informed about its advantages and disadvantages to make them aware of all its consequences. Moreover, Rogers (2003) claimed that consequences can be classified as desirable (functional) versus undesirable (dysfunctional), direct (immediate result) versus indirect (result of the immediate result) and anticipated (recognized) versus unanticipated (intended or not). When assessing factors affecting technology adoption in specific contexts, there are many analytical models with similar focus, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis, 1989) and the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) (Taherdoost, 2017). TAM focuses on aspects that affect adoption of technology by the user of the technology, defining two main categories: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. ‘Perceived usefulness’ refers to the assumption that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance. ‘Perceived ease of use’ refers to the supposition that using a particular system would be free of effort. The perceived usefulness and ease of use are two determinants that affect if the user intends to use the technology, and consequently if the user uses the technology (Davis, 1989). The TOE framework assumes a more holistic perspective on how technology adoption must be handled (Tornatzky and Fleisher,1990). According to this framework, the process by which an organization adopts and implements technological innovations is influenced by the technological, organizational and environmental context. The consequences of the technology adoption are their progressive diffusion to the sector as a whole and to the economic system, amplifying the impacts generated. Two main general models have been used to represent this process: the traditional epidemic model and the models that conceived diffusion as the result of firm’s decisionβ making process (Geroski, 1999). The ‘epidemic’ model assume that what limits the speed of usage is the lack of information available about the new technology, how to use it and what it does. Reflecting this process, empirical studies of diffusion observed a time path of adoption which resembles an S-curve: a slow period of early take-up is followed by a phase of rapid adoption and then a gradual approach to satiation (i.e., the rate of diffusion first rises and then falls over time) (Karshenas and Stoneman, 1995; Baptista, 1999; Geroski, 2000). One of the main problems with the epidemic model is that information typically diffuses much faster than the use of new technology does; another is that the analogy with epidemics is misleading – potential users need to be persuaded and not just informed about the new technology. An alternative approach is the models that empathize on the firm’s decisionβ making process of the adoption, the intensity of the usage and the benefits a firm can get from the new technology. Such considerations have led some scholars to develop the so called "probit models" which assume that different firms, with different goals and abilities, are likely to want to adopt the new technology at different times. Probit models consider that the benefits derived from technology adoption and use depend on firm major characteristics, such as size, workforce, skills, involvement in innovation activities, among other features (Karshenas and Stoneman, 1995; Geroski, 2000). The more ambitious is the firm, the more likely is adoption given any specific rate of return (Bourke and Rope, 2018; 2019). There is also strong evidence that firm-level characteristics impact digital adoption, with micro-businesses with stronger internal resources (business plans, training, external finance) being, ceteris paribus, more likely to be digital innovators. For example, Fabiani et all (2005) indicate that the most important determinants of Italians firm’s digital adoption were size, the human capital of the workforce and the presence of large firms in the local environment. ICT adoption also tends to be associated with changes in a firm’s organizational structure. Using a probit model about eβcommerce adoption for Luxembourgish firms, Peltier et all (2012) choose wellβbased explanatory variables in the literature on ICT diffusion, confirming some preliminary hypothesis. Their work confirmed an expected positive effect of firm size; human capital, measured by workers with a college/university degree and IT specialists; the absorptive capacity indicated by the firms; and a variable related to whether the firm belongs to a group of enterprises. With expected positive effects but with unclear results, they included the age of the firm, which could either have a positive or negative influence depending on whether age indicates experience or less flexibility and the geographical market served by the firm. An important point to note is that prior adoption of digital technologies is negatively linked to subsequent adoption, while prior levels of sectoral adoption are positively linked to adoption, reflecting informational, competitive, or supply-side effects. Hypothesis Assuming the probit approach, the path of evolution about the perception of adoption of digital technologies between two periods depends, primarily, on firm’s structural behavioral and performance characteristics. Structural characteristics are firm size, sector, and qualification level. Behavioral determinants refers to firm’s investments in capability-building activities that involve learning and allow to create absorption capacity. The performance indicators allows to relate adoption to leadership in terms of competitiveness, this is, to associate the most aggressive strategies of adoption (and the pioneers) to the economic leaders. Beyond these determinants, and given the temporal dimension of the adoption, an additional determinant is the level of digitalization from which the firm departs. Following the logic of the convergence and catching-up models, the firms that are in earlier digital generations have more probability to move forward than those that already had adopted digital solutions in more advanced generations at the observed starting point. Parallelly, firms that already adopted a more advanced digital generation in the initial period face a more restrict potential advance in relation to the frontier or the threshold that represent the most advanced level of adoption. In this sense, the possibility of evolution among different generations of digitalization depends on the potential of advancement in relation to the current perception of adoption at the observed starting point. Under all the above considerations, the hypotheses are the following: Proposition 1. The less advanced generation adopted at the initial period, the higher the probability to advance in adoption. Movements of advance will be concentrated in firms whose perception in current adoption at the initial period is early generations of digital technologies, in comparison to firms in more advanced stages. This expected location of the advance represent a natural trend of "convergence" towards the most advanced digital generation when the movements between generations are strictly considered. That assumption implies implicitly that the perception of companies in relation to their relative position in terms of the frontier incorporates, to some extent, the perceived advance of the frontier between the two moments in time, that is, the frontier is a "moving target". Proposition 2. (Structural). The higher the size of the firm at the initial period, the higher the probability to advance in adoption. Following Fabiani et al (2005), given the specificity of the firms, adoption involves changes in both, internal organization and external relations (among firms and in the markets). Empirical evidence shows that adopting firms in information and communication technologies that introduce organizational changes obtain higher productivity gains and the scope of organizational improvements is higher in the larger organizations. Also, digital technologies allow to reduce transaction costs between firms and with customers, which represent an incentive to adoption. Finally, reorganization require codification and standardization of the organizational routines, which is easier to happen in large firms, while small firms depend on informal relationships and tacit knowledge. For these reasons, we expect that the probability of a most rapid adoption augments with the size firm. Proposition 3. (Structural). The higher the digital intensity of the industry in which the firm compete at the initial period, the higher the probability to advance in adoption. The rate of adoption among firms is also affected by the extend the digital technologies are more central in terms of competitive advantage in the set of entrepreneurial functions they have potential applications. According to OEDC …. Industries differ in the intensity of use of digital technologies having a more systemic character in ones (several functions) than in others. For example …. As the degree of application of digital technologies varies among industries, the adoption rate will be also different among firms that belong to industries with different digital intensity. In this sense, advances in adoption should be faster in those industries that are more sensitive to the applicability of digital solutions to the specific functions of the firm. Proposition 4. (Behavioral). The probability to advance in digital adoption is higher in firms that perform R&D and training at the initial period. Adoption generally involves large investment in capability-building activities, such as R&D, training and in new equipment and machinery. In this sense, financial and human resources play an important role in digitalization at the firm level (Delera et al , 2020). Even digital technologies are mainly process innovation (users of innovation are others than the producers of innovation), R&D is an important source of learning in the Cohen and Levinthal’s sense, that is, to create absorption capacity to adopt: to identify uses, potentialities, and gains. However, training plays a more decisive role than R&D in adopting process innovation of incorporated technologies. Training brings a dynamic idea about labour qualification and firm’s capabilities. Literature on technology diffusion suggest that adoption usually involves new investment in qualification of the labor force. Workers must learn new procedures, to identify and solve new problems and to use properly the possibilities that digital technologies offer. This kind of knowledge and competences is mainly acquired by training on specific technologies and applications than by formal education (for example STEM competences). Even more, qualification in static sense as formal education can even be a barrier to adoption when represents a rigidity to adapt to new knowledge and to leave behind routines based on old knowledge. Therefore, we assume that adoption rates depend on the firm's behavior to build new capabilities, competences and routines though learning provided by training and R&D. The improvement in adopting-capabilites involve absorption capacity, and it should be positively associated with adoption paths of advance. Proposition 5. (Performance). The probability to advance in digital adoption is higher in firms that exported at the initial period. The adoption pace is also associated to external environment which firms interact in. Competition (not perfect) in the markets stimulate innovation and adoption at least in two senses: (i) by the imitation effect, that is, firms get ‘contaminated’ by digitalization when these new technologies are seen as a source of the rival’s competitive advantage; (ii) by the competition effect, that is, the stimulus given by the competitive pressure consisting in the search of leadership positioning (in technological and economic terms). In this sense, firms capable of competing in foreign markets (exporting firms) have a more competitive pressure and a wider access to monitoring the technology strategies of their rivals in international markets and have a more rapid perception of the digital adoption and its importance as a competitive strategy. For example, Delera et al (2020) suggest that once controlling for innovative behavior and structural firm characteristics, firms participating into value chains are significantly more likely to adopt advanced digital technologies. Therefore, we assume that exporting firms have a higher probability of advance in the adoption path. 2. Digitalisation in 2017 and in 2020: descriptive and longitudinal analysis Data sources: I2027 and I2030 surveys Purpose: to present the basic concepts associated with a focus on generations and what would be perception of current adoption. The research programme from behind this paper recognises some characteristics of the rapid rate of progress of digital technologies and the related adoption process by firms which constitute the backbones of the surveys carried out in Brazil in 2017 and 2019-2020. First, digital technologies are transversal to all firms, but at the same time they take strong specificities to each firm. Therefore, questions about digitalization must be designed to be answered by any industrial firm, regardless the nature of its activities. Second, digital technologies are adopted across all business functions, from design to production to relations with clients. What matters then is to raise which digital solutions are adopted to carry out different business functions; not the specific technology in itself, such as painting robots or generic ones such as artificial intelligence. Third, technologies have been around for quite some time; so, it is important to consider that firms may adopt not only state of the art technologies but also older technologies, eventually well-adapted to their requirements and expectations; so, in the discussion of the process of adoption, it is necessary to specify “generations” of digital solutions, naturally having as the ultimate reference the most advanced ones. Para realizar o estudo longitudinal da adopção de tecnologias digitais, foram utilizadas duas pesquisas. A primeira, relativa ao projeto I-2027, tinha como objetivo verificar o uso atual e esperado de tecnologias digitais na indústria brasileira até 2030. Em 2020, realizou-se uma nova pesquisa no âmbito do Projeto I-2030 estendendo o período de uso esperado de tecnologias digitais até 2030 e incluindo, entre outras, um conjunto de variáveis de caráter estrutural (tamanho e setor), comportamental (R&D, treinamento) e de desempenho (exportação). A metodologia de ambas pesquisas pressupõe que o estado de adopção percebido pelas empresas pode estar referido a 4 gerações digitais para realizar 3 funciones empresariais: (1) relação com provedores; (2) gestão da produção; (3) relação com clientes. Tomando como referencia las soluciones digitales más avanzadas, se elaboró una clasificación de cuatro generaciones (G1, G2, G3 y G4) estilizadas en tres funciones empresariales: relación con proveedores, gestión de producción y relación con el cliente. La primera generación (G1) incluye soluciones digitales ya relativamente maduras y que normalmente se utilizan para fines específicos, esto es, en alguna función particular. En la G1, las tecnologías digitales desempeñan tareas muy específicas en funciones empresariales localizadas. La relación con proveedores y clientes se realiza a través de transmisiones manuales o telefónicas. En la segunda generación (G2), las tecnologías digitales tienen un campo de aplicación más amplio permitiendo hacer la producción más ágil y flexible. Así, puede haber algún grado de integración entre funciones empresariales como CAD-CAM, pero sin abarcar todo el ámbito de una función. Su adopción implica incrementos en la eficiencia de las empresas y en la calidad de sus productos y procesos. La transición de G1 a G2 no requiere grandes esfuerzos en términos de cambio organizacional e inversiones. En la tercera generación (G3), las tecnologías están más integradas e interconectadas para ejecutar el control de diferentes funciones empresariales. El grado de compromiso con proveedores y clientes es alto y la empresa puede activar o responder a las demandas casi en tiempo real. La transición de G2 a G3 requiere esfuerzos significativos de inversión en adopción para integrar plenamente sus funciones de negocio y estandarizar de forma integral y eficaz sus procesos y sistemas de información. En la cuarta generación (G4), las empresas logran la producción integrada, conectada e inteligente, es decir, las tecnologías digitales apoyan en tiempo real los procesos de decisión, con uso intensivo de inteligencia artificial. Para pasar de G3 a G4, son necesarios cambios sustanciales, ya que la generación G4 se caracteriza por el uso de dispositivos avanzados de comunicación, robotización, sensorización, big data e inteligencia artificial, entre otros. Tabela 1 - Caracterização do painel – dados extraídos da pesquisa de 2020, variáveis de estrutura e de conduta Número Porte Proporção (%) Qualificação Número Proporção (%) Pequenas 47 15,7% Baixa 85 28,4% Pequenas-Médias 107 35,8% Média-Baixa 57 19,1% Médias-Grandes 60 20,1% Média-Alta 78 26,1% Grandes 85 28,4% Alta 59 19,7% Intensidade digital** Low Número Proporção (%) NP* 20 6,7% 53 17,7% Fez P&D? Número Proporção (%) Medium - Low 120 40,1% Sim 174 58,2% Medium - High 101 33,8% Não 125 41,8% High 25 8,4% Fez Treinamento? Número Proporção (%) Número Proporção (%) Sim 182 60,9% Sim 127 42,5% Não 117 39,1% Não 172 57,5% Exportou? 2 Total Geral 9 9 100,0% NP*; empresas sem dado por problemas com CNPJ; **: According with classification Appendix Entre as 1003 empresas entrevistadas na pesquisa I-2030, apenas 299 tinham participado da pesquisa I-1727. This dataset forms the panel for the longitudinal analysis. Even the panel is not representative of the whole Brazilian industry, it allows to indicate trends about rhythms and paths of adoption to be considered for analytical, strategic, and policy-making purposes. A distribuição de empresas se concentra maiormente nos portes médio-pequeno (35,8%) e médio-grande (20,1%), embora quase um terço se encontra representado nas grandes (28,4) (Tabela1). A maior parte das empresas se concentra em indústrias de intensidade digital media-baja (40,1%) e média alta (33,8%), o qual acompanha o padrão de especialização da indústria brasileira. Em termos de capacitação, a proporção de empresas localizadas no primeiro quartil (Baixo) em seu setor é similar à proporção do terceiro quartil (Medio-Alto) (entre 26-28%); assim como a proporção de empresas localizadas no segundo quartil (Medio-Baixo) é similar ao do quarto quartil (Alto) (19,1-19,7). Não há então um padrão claro sobre a distribuição da qualificação em atividades STEM para o conjunto das empresas da amostra. Entre as características comportamentais, mais da metade das empresas da amostra realizam P&D (58,2%), e treinamento (60,9%) e, em termos de desempenho, quase a metade da amostra é exportadora (42,5%) (Tabela 1). 2017 x 2020: a longitudinal perspective of change Em termos de função empresarial, a propensão das empresas sobre sus percepção de adoção em tecnologias digitais de relacionamento com fornecedores registrou pequenos retrocessos nas gerações G2 e G3 e avanços nas gerações G1 e G4, o que estaria mostrando uma certa evolução para a polarização (gráfico 1). Na função empresarial relativa à gestão da produção, a tendencia é diferente. Houve um forte retrocesso na percepção de adopção digital em G2 (de 44% a 28%) e um retrocesso moderado em G1 (de 46% a 38%). Este forte retrocesso em G1 e G2 teve como contrapartida um elevado avanço da propensão a adotar tecnologias digitais de geração G3 (de 9% a 32%) e G4 (de 1% a 2%). Na função de relacionamento com clientes, a tendencia foi similar. O retrocesso moderado da percepção de adopção nas gerações G1 e G2 se traduziu num aumento da percepção de adopção nas tecnologias G3 e G4, embora de forma também mais moderada. Gráfico 1 – Percepção de adoção por função empresarial A percepção de adoção digital está positivamente relacionada com o porte nos dois momentos do tempo. As empresas pequenas estão fortemente concentradas na G1 (57% em 2017 e 62% em 2020), o que explica que entre este grupo a propensão a retroceder seja a menor (tabela 2). No entanto, houve uma leve redução da percepção de adopção em G2 para aumentar em G3 e G4, o que revela um caminho de polarização entre as empresas deste grupo. Entre as empresas grandes, a percepção de adopção em G1 se manteve constante, em quanto que se reduziu em G2 e aumentou em G3 e G4, o que também indica um caminho de polarização entre as empresas deste grupo (gráfico 2). As empresas de porte médio seguem uma tendencia similar à das empresas de porte grande, embora com mudanças mais moderadas; uma certa estabilidade com tendencia a retrocesso em G1; um retrocesso em G2 nas de porte médio-grande e um pequeno avanço nas de porte médiopequeno; avanços relevantes em G3; e estabilidade em G4. Entre as empresas de porte medio, o caminho para a polarização parece ser menos acusado (gráfico 2). Gráfico 2 – Percepção de adoção por porte Uma forma mais especifica de observar as mudanças na percepção de adopção é para cada uma das três funções empresariais em cada uma das 299 empresas, o que dá um total de 897 observações. As mudanças observadas por função empresarial permitem identificar as diferentes possibilidades de movimento incluso dentro de uma mesma firma. Desde esta perspectiva mais focalizada, a tabela 2 apresenta em linhas a geração de partida em 2017 e em colunas a geração de chegada em 2020. Os valores da diagonal representam a estagnação em cada uma das gerações; os valores por cima da diagonal (sombreados) representam os avanços; e os valores por debaixo da diagonal representas os retrocessos. Em termos agregados, a percepção sobre adopção digital entre 2017 e 2020 seguiu a seguinte trajetória: 36% das firmas mantiveram sua posição; outro 36% avançaram e 28% retrocederam (Tabela 2). Os totais indicam as variações por geração. Assim, 45,5% das empresas se encontram em alguma função em G1 em 2017 e esse percentual passou a ser 43,1% em 2020. O movimento de retrocesso nos percentuais de adopção também se observa em G2 (de 34,1% em 2017 a 26,2% em 2020). Alternativamente, os movimentos em G3 e G4 foram de avanço (de 19,3% em 2017 a 28,2 em 2020 e de 1,1% em 2017 a 2,5% em 2020 respectivamente). A tabela 2 revela também que 80% dos movimentos entre gerações de avanço, retrocesso e manutenção se concentram nas posições de partida em gerações G1 e G2 em 2017 e nas posições de chegada nas gerações G1, G2 e G3 em 2020. Assim, 21,1% das empresas que se encontravam em G1 em 2017, mantiveram sua posição, 12,4% avançaram para G2 e 11,5% avançaram para G3. Entre as empresas que se encontravam em G2 em 2017, 14,5% regressou a G1; 8,4% se manteve em G2 e 10,1% avançou a G3. Nesta seção de movimentos, o avanço (34%) foi menor que o não avanço (manutenção mais o retrocesso, 43,9%). Tabela 2 - Mudanças na percepção de adoção*. (%). Nível de adoção em 2020 Nível de adoção em 2017 G1 G2 G3 G4 Total G1 21,0 12,4 11,5 0,7 45,5 G2 14,5 8,4 10,1 1,1 34,1 G3 7,1 5,2 6,2 0,7 19,3 G4 0,6 0,2 0,3 0,0 1,1 Total 43,1 26,2 28,2 2,5 100,0 *; considerando 299 empresas x 3 funções empresariais A análise por caraterísticas estruturais revela que as empresas grandes e medias apresentaram uma maior propensão a retroceder, enquanto as empresas pequenas tenderam mais a manter os mesmos níveis de digitalização nos dos períodos. Em termos gerais não há muita diferenciação dos movimentos entre firmas grandes, médias-grandes e médias-pequenas. Já as firmas pequenas apresentam uma percepção de manutenção superior e de avanço inferior. Esse resultado pode se dever a dois motivos. O primeiro se refere ao caráter auto declaratório da pesquisa, isto é, dado que não sempre responderam os mesmos funcionários nos dois momentos, é possível que funcionários de firmas menores não foram capazes de reconhecer melhor as gerações de digitalização de divisões nas que não atuem. Alternativamente, o entrevistado na primeira pesquisa poderia conhecer uma divisão da firma com grau de digitalização distinto do entrevistado da segunda pesquisa. O segundo motivo se deve a que firmas pequenas tem menor propensão ao retrocesso por já estarem em uma situação digital inferior ou por não precisarem de controles avançados da produção e dos relacionamentos e, portanto, não haveria para onde retroceder na sua percepção de adoção. A propensão a avançar é maior nos setores de intensidade alta e média-baixa. Nos setores de intensidade digital média-alta e baixa, a maior propensão foi a de manter o nível de adopção de 2017 (tabela 3). Em geral, há poucas diferenças no perfil de mudança nos setores de baixa, médiabaixa e média-alta intensidade digital. Apesar disso, o fato de uma firma se encontrar num setor de alta intensidade digital não exclui a possibilidade de retrocessos na percepção da adoção, porém é inferior aos retrocessos observados em outras indústrias de intensidade digital menor. Em termos de comportamento, os resultados revelam que são precisamente os grupos de empresas mais ativas em criar capacitação através do aprendizado os que se revelam mais dinâmicos para a adopção. Assim, entre as empresas que não fazem treinamento, 45% mantiveram sua posição e 41% retrocederam, enquanto entre as que fazem treinamento, 51% avançaram na adopção entre períodos. Similarmente, entre as empresas que não fazem P&D, 39% retrocederam e 45% se mantiveram, enquanto entre as que fazem P&D, mais da metade avançaram da adopção digital. Finalmente, entre as empresas que não exportam, não há uma propensão clara ao avanço ou ao recuo; mas entre as firmas exportadoras, praticamente a metade registrou avanço. Tabela 3 – Movimentos de retrocesso, manutenção e avanço da adopção de tecnologias digitais (2017-2020) Total Porte Grande Media-grande Media-pequena Pequena Intensidade digital Alta Média-alta Média-baixa Baixa Treinamento Não Sim P&D Não Sim Exporta Não Sim Retrocesso Manutenção 28,0 36,0 36,0 40,0 38,0 38,0 25,0 32,0 35,0 32,0 50,0 28,0 27,0 30,0 25,0 19,0 29,0 28,0 31,0 32,0 37,0 34,0 37,0 49,0 33,0 38,0 32,0 41,0 20,0 45,0 30,0 15,0 51,0 39,0 20,0 45,0 29,0 17,0 51,0 34,0 20,0 38,0 32,0 28,0 48,0 Fonte: Elaboração própria; I-2027; I-2030. Nova tabela: Total Stay put or Falling behind 100.0% Moving forward 100.0% Size Large/Medium-large 46.3% 52.3% Medium-small/Small 53.7% 47.7% Avanço Digital intensity High 6.7% 11.3% Medium-high 35.4% 30.9% Medium-low 38.9% 42.2% Low 18.9% 15.6% High 21.9% 15.9% Medium-high 24.2% 29.4% Medium-low 21.4% 15.0% Low 26.3% 32.1% N/A 6.1% 7.6% No 52.6% 15.6% Yes 47.4% 84.4% No 54.9% 19.0% Yes 45.1% 81.0% No 65.4% 43.7% Yes 34.6% 56.3% STEM-related skill level Training R&D Export Finalmente a tabela 5 caracteriza os caminhos da adoção nas funções empresariais de acordo com as caraterísticas estruturais, comportamentais e de desempenho das firmas. O movimento de avanço se concentrou nas empresas de porte médio que se encontravam principalmente em G1 e grandes que partiam de G2, e atuavam em setores de intensidade digital médio-baixo e médio -alto. Mais da metade das empresas que avançaram desde G1 realizaram atividades de P&D e treinamento, assim como aproximadamente um quarto das empresas que avançaram desde G2. A atividade de exportação, entendida como um fator que revela a capacidade competitiva da firma, não se presenta caraterística do avanço, embora os dados mostram que quanto maior era a geração digital adotada em 2017, maior era a propensão a exportar respeito da de não exportar. A manutenção nas mesmas gerações digitais é uma caraterística da G1 para qualquer que seja o porte da empresa, embora um pouco superior nas de porte médio-baixo. Este grupo de empresas que partiam de G1 e não se movimentaram se distribuem na mesma ordem de importância em indústrias de intensidade digital média (44,0%), o que é esperado dada a estrutura produtiva do país mais concentrada neste tipo de indústrias. No grupo das estagnadas, aproximadamente a metade não realiza atividade de P&D nem de treinamento. Empresas que se mantiveram em gerações mais avançadas (G3 e G4) apresentam uma maior propensão a fazer P&D e treinamento do que a não fazê-lo. Um padrão similar segue a propensão a exportar: 42% das empresas que se mantiveram em G1 não são exportadoras e das que permaneceram em G2, a propensão a não exportar é ainda menor. No entanto, entre as que se mantiveram em G3, a propensão a exportar é claramente superior à de não exportar. Finalmente, o retrocesso, que de forma esperada se concentra nas gerações G2 e G3 dada o pequeno grau de adopção em G4 em 2017, se distribui de forma relativamente uniforme entre todos os tamanhos de firma, embora de forma mais destacada nas de tamanho médio-baixo (39%). Dado que é neste tamanho de firma onde se concentram também os principais avanços, cabe prever que será nesta faixa de tamanho onde a polarização da adoção digital é maior. O retrocesso também atravessa as indústrias independentemente de sua intensidade digital, tendo um peso relativamente mais alto nas de intensidade digital média. Novamente, como é nestas indústrias onde a digitalização avança mais, a polarização entre ritmos de adoção se prevê maior. Entre as caraterísticas comportamentais destaca o fato da menor propensão relativa a fazer P&D e treinamento entre as que retrocederam em G2. No entanto, a propensão a fazer ou não P&D ou treinamento é muito similar entre as que retrocederam em G3. Em termos de desempenho, 70% das empresas que recuam não são exportadoras e este padrão se segue para qualquer que fosse a geração digital inicial. Tabela 4 - Mudanças de percepção de adopção 2017-2020. Distribuição percentual por grupo de movimento Porte Avanço Manutenção Intensidade digital P&D Treinamento Exporta P P-M M-G G B M-B M-A A SIM NÃO SIM NÃO SIM NÃO ST G1 7,0 30,0 14,0 16,0 9,0 29,0 22,0 7,0 52,9 14,4 56,0 11,3 36,7 30,6 67,0 G2 4,0 7,0 6,0 14,0 7,0 13,0 7,0 4,0 26,6 4,3 26,9 4,0 18,0 12,8 31,0 G3 0,0 0,0 1,0 1,0 0,0 0,0 1,0 0,0 1,5 0,3 1,5 0,3 1,5 0,3 2,0 0,11 0,37 0,21 0,31 16,0 42,0 31,0 11,0 81,0 19,0 84,4 15,6 56,3 43,7 100,0 G1 18,0 20,0 11,0 10,0 13,0 22,0 22,0 3,0 14,7 44,2 16,9 42,0 14,4 44,5 59,0 G2 3,0 8,0 6,0 6,0 3,0 10,0 10,0 1,0 16,6 6,9 16,9 6,6 10,7 12,9 24,0 G3 1,0 3,0 3,0 10,0 3,0 7,0 3,0 4,0 16,3 1,3 16,9 0,6 12,9 4,7 18,0 G4 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 22,0 32,0 20,0 26,0 18,0 39,0 35,0 8,0 47,6 52,4 50,8 49,2 37,9 62,1 100,0 G2 8,0 20,0 10,0 14,0 12,0 18,0 19,0 3,0 17,5 34,3 16,7 35,1 14,3 37,5 52,0 Retrocesso G3 6,0 18,0 6,0 13,0 7,0 18,0 16,0 3,0 22,7 21,5 24,3 19,9 14,7 29,5 44,0 G4 0,0 1,0 2,0 1,0 0,0 4,0 0,0 0,0 1,6 2,4 2,0 2,0 1,2 2,8 4,0 14,0 39,0 19,0 28,0 20,0 39,0 35,0 6,0 41,8 58,2 43,0 57,0 30,3 69,7 100,0 N 141 321 180 255 159 360 303 75 15,7 35,8 20,1 28,4 17,7 40,1 33,8 8,4 375 41,8 546 60,9 351 39,1 381 42,5 516 57,5 897 % 522 58,2 N % 327 36,3 319 35,6 251 28,0 100,0 (N), número de empresas; (ST) subtotais. Porte: (P) pequeno; (P-M) pequeno-médio; (M-G) médio-grande. (G) grande. Intensidade Digital/Capacitação: (B) baixa; (MB) média-baixa; (M-A) media-alta; (A) alta. *; considerando 299 empresas x 3 funções Fonte: elaboração própria; I2027; I2030. 3. Structural, conduct and performance factors affecting the adoption of digital technologies a. The empirical model Descrição das variáveis e conexão com as hipóteses teóricas Especificar as variáveis da pesquisa de campo que estarão conectadas com as hipóteses do theoretical background The logistic regression is a methodological strategy consensually accepted for survey-based data and categorical variables. More specifically, the ordered version of logistic regressions is useful when there is a relative ordering of response values that are known, but the exact distance between them is not. This feature is essential for the present analysis as the purpose of the research is to identify the main factors behind the advance in terms of the adoption of digital technologies between the two surveys: 2017 and 2020. Then, advancing between one survey and the other means belonging to a higher category than that verified by firms that have either maintained or retreated in the analysed period. By means of a logistic function, these models estimate the probability that an outcome variable is associated to independent variables (both categorical or continuous): the regression produces the likelihood occurrence of a specific event from the logistic function to predict the corresponding target class of the categorical response variable (Long and Freese, 2006; Long and Freese, 2014). Other studies had already implemented the same model to verify different modes of digital adoption as was implemented in Ferraz et. al (2018). This study moves one step forward in this context as combines two surveys with the same question’s design and pool of firms order to capture which determinants affect the movement between 2017 and 2020. The general empirical equation to tests the hypotheses already specified in the theoretical background takes the specification of usual β-convergence models, where the growth of a variable (π¦) depends on the initial level from it departs (π¦0 ) and on a set of variables that theoretically have influence over π¦. The β parameter associated with π¦0 is usually negative, given that it is expected that those that departs from the most delayed positions present a higher capacity to grow. Here, the dependent variable (βπ¦) can be understood as the advance in terms of digital technologies adoption between both surveys. For the purpose of this paper, the general equation includes also three vectors of variables, one related to the structural variables (π), a second one related to conduct variables (πΆ) and a third one related to performance (π) as follows; (1) βπ¦ = πΌ + π½0 π¦0 + π½1 π + π½2 πΆ + π½3 π + π However, the general specification of β-convergence models of growth has to be adapted to serve to the specific purpose of this work. As the outcome and the independent variables are categorical and the usual OLS model can’t be applied, this reference model will be rewritten in terms of an ordered logistic regression1 (AGRESTI, XXXX). 1 There are a lot of applied references for ordered logistic regressions. Some of them that were useful for the current experiment was Abreu (2007), Williams (2016) and Calais (2019). (2) βπ¦ = As it is possible to observe in equations (3) and (4) ahead, the endogenous variable is the variation of the current adoption between 2017 and 2020 (βπΊ0 ). As the model is categorical, initially this variable took values [1,2,3] when in each function the firm recedes, remains or advances, respectively, as it was described in the previous section. However, due to an analytical simplification, βπΊ0 was transformed into a dichotomic variable that assumes value equals to 1 when the firm stood or retreated during the two surveys or 2 when the firm advances. The variable related to the initial position is the value of the generation adopted in 2017 (πΊ0−17 ) and takes values [1,2] when the firm reports being, for each function, in generation 1 or 2 and 3 or 4, respectively. In order to better analyze the isolated influence of structural, conduct and performance elements, it was decided to implement two equations, one just for the structural dimension and other to analyze the conduct and performance factors altogether. (3) βπΊ0 = πΌ + π½0 πΊ0−17 + π½1 π + π½2 π + π½3 π20 + π½4 π20 + π½5 π‘20 + π (4) βπΊ0 = πΌ + π½0 πΊ0−17 + π½1 π + π½2 π + π½3 π20 + π½4 π20 + π½5 π‘20 + π In relation to the structural variables as defined in (3), three independent variables are introduced in the model specification: firm size (π ), qualification of labour (π) and the digital intensity 2of the industrial activity (π) the firm is engaged. All of them do not change between 2017 and 2020, so they are the same independently of the survey. Size is a dummy variable and was divided between small and medium-small firms (code 0) and medium-large and large firms (code 1). The variable for the labour’s force qualification (π) takes values [1,2,3,4] when the relative position of the firm in the industry it belongs to is low, medium-low, medium-high and high, respectively. Finally, the digital intensity also assumes 4 categories: (1) low, (2) medium-low, (3) medium-high and (4) high. The variables related to conduct and performance are specified in equation (4) and are only available in the I2030 questionnaire. The variables that incorporate these characteristics in the model are: (1) if the firm does R&D (π) or not [1,0], respectively; (2) if the firm does training (π‘) or not [1,0], and (4) if it exports (π₯) or not [1,0]. Both equations previously defined have πΊ0−17 in common, so it is possible to control the starting point of each firm. The final panel has 897 observations considering the changes in generations related to the three business functions for each 299 firms. 2 b. E Results 4. Conclusão All the sectors were classified according to its digital intensity following the suggestion applied in OCDE (XXXX) Bibliografia ICT adoption in Italian manufacturing: firm-level evidence Silvia Fabiani, Fabiano Schivardi and Sandro Trento. 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