Uploaded by Reid Mills

Interview Preparation: Ace Your Next Job Interview

Preparing to
Mills 2022
Why are interviews used?
Companies use interviews to get more specific information about a potential employee and how
they will fit into the company. As the needs of the position grow more intense, the interview
process may change
What are a few different types of interviews?
Telephone interview/screening
In-person interviews
Group interviews
Video interviews
Multi-level interviews
Work sample
Interview assignment
How can I be successful in my interview?
Prepare answers to common questions beforehand
Come up with a few questions that you would like to ask about the position or company
What is the salary range for this position?
Is there a chance to be promoted?
How is your company run?
Display confidence and professionalism
Tell us about yourself.
What would you consider to be your greatest strength? Weakness?
Describe a problem that arose in a past situation and how you dealt with it.
Arrive early.
Dress professionally.
Firm handshake, eye contact, smile!
Give yourself a second to develop your response in your head before you deliver it, answer
End with a good impression
Thank employer for opportunity to interview.
Restate interest in position or company.
Clarify how the decision process will work.
Answering interview questions
When answering questions, interviewers are looking for assurances in the following areas:
Your abilities and/or leadership qualities
Why you are a good fit for the job
Why you want the job
How committed you are to the position
How you might fit into the company culture
With this in mind, what are some things you can include in the answer to the top interview
question of all time, “Tell me about yourself,” as directly as possible?
You are applying for a position as an IT Technician for a large
networking company. You have a computer science degree, and have
worked in IT before for another company. What would a good answer
to “tell me about yourself” be?
Table Group
You are applying for a position as a coach for a professional
sports team. You have a degree in sport sciences, as well as first
aid and physical therapy experience. You also have your
personal training certificate. How do you answer the following
“Why have you chosen this field of work?”
You have 5 minutes to
come up with the best
response as a group
Now you
do it!