rESr coDE 01210010 FORM TP 2016051 .MAY/JUNE2016 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAI\T SECOIIDARY EDUCATION CERTfF"ICATE@ EXAMINATION CARIBBEAN HISTORY Paper 0l I - Generat proficiency hour 15'minutes 02 JUNE 2016 (p.m.) REN) THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFTILLY. This test consists of 60 items. You 2. 3' 4' will have I hour and l5 minutes to answer them. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Each item in this test has pu.r.rueggrled-answers lettered (A), (B), are about to answer and decide which choice is best. (c), (D). Read each item you on your answer sheeg find the number which _corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Sample Item . .l Which of the following was used by earty navigators to determine the position of the shii in ,"tutiont the starsr (A) (B) (9) (D) Sample Answer A map A compass A lodestone An astrolabe @@@o The best answer tb this item is ',An astrolabe,,, so (D) has been shaded. 5' 6' If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. when you are told to begin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you candot answer an item, go on ib the npxt one. You may retum to that item 1ater. rI - rI -t H ,Il - I DO NOT TURN TIIIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE IOLD TO DO Copyright @ 20 I 4 Caribbean Exami nations Counci All rights reserved. I SO. -2I i'Which of the following BEST explains 6. why the indigenous peoples migrated to the Americas from their original homelands? (A) They were following herds of deer (B) which they hunted. They were searching for grasslands to feed their livestock. (c) They were driven out of their MAINLY because he wanted to (A) (B) (C) (D) homelands by warlike people. 7 Their populations had grown too large to survive in their (D) Christopher Columbus sailed west . discover the Americas find a passage to the East corhpete with thq English prove that the world was round The MAIN reason why the English attempted to break the Spanish monopoly in the New World was to homelands. (A) (B) 2 In which istand ofthe GieaterAntilles were BOTH Kalinagos and Tainos found at the end of the fifteenth century? (A) (B) (C) (D) 3 (D) Cuba Jamaica Hispaniola Puerto Rico gold (B) bronze (c) leather diamonds The ruler of a Mayan city state was called the (A) (B) Cacique Oubbutou (c) Audiencia Halach Uinich (D) Which of the following islands was the FIRST to be settled by the English? (A) (B) (C) (D) of (A) (D) t. 8 Ornaments worn by the Taino leaders were often made tl. (c) 9 obtain new trade routes to the East obtain a share of the wealth of the New World supply captive Africans to the Spanish colonies gain a base from which to attack the native peoples St Kitts Antigua Grenada Barbados The duty of the encomendero towards the indigenous peoples was to (A) (B) (C) (D) free them from enslavement protect and christianize them keep records of their punishment ensure that they worked in the mines Which of the following did the Maya use as money? (A) (B) (c) (D) . Qopper bars 'Cocoa beans , Gold nuggets Cowrie shells .: ^n nr I +A -t tr ttrl/f ht ^r -3- 10. i'Which of the following statements are TRUE of the British Caribbean colonies in the l8th century? I. u. m. t4 Africans? They imported most oftheir foods. They depended heavily on trade with Britain. (A) Uniting ofAfrica under European rule (B) They had developed strong navies to defend their routes. lncreased .importation of European goods (c) Reduction of the West African (D) population Increase in warfare among West African societies (A) I and II only (B) I aird.III onty (C) I[ and III only (D) I,II and III .15. tt Which of the following statements about the population of Barbados by the end In the I600s, Dutch islands in the West Indies were used MAINLy as (A) (B) (c) (D) Which of the following did NOT occur in Africa as a result of the trade in enslaved the 1600s is TRUE? of (A) There were more whites than military bases hading stations (B) plantation colonies (c) blacks. Blacks were far greater in number than whites. fishing ports Coloureds were far greater in number than whites. 12. Tobacco did not continue as a .profitable crop'for Caribbean settlers because of the (A) (B) (C) (D) l 13. (D) high cost of shipping and insurance increased competition from coloureds and blacks. 16. Virginia destruction .of plantations by the Kalinagos spoilage of tobacco on the longer transatlantic voyage Which ofthe following conditions didNOT result from the Haitian Revolution? (A) (B) (C) (D) Which of the following is TRUE of enslaved persons in the British Caribbean? (A) (B) (c) They were encouraged by their owners to educate themselves. They were allowed to raise a family without the owner's permission. They.were encouraged by their masters (D) to farm on small protision grounds. They werd allowed to own small . properties without the owner,s permission. There were equal numbers of 17. The mulattoes were wiped out. The pattern of land ownership changed. The country became independent from France The economy of the island was almost destroyed. The motive ofthe enslavedAfricans during the insurrection in. St Domingr" MAINLY to (A) (B) (C) (D) *"f associate with the whites acquire their own plantations free all the enslaved in the country establish the first independent republic blacl -418. Which of the following events in the Caribbean was influenced MOST by the 22 The arguments that the'British humanitarians used against slavery French Revolution? MAINLY (A) (B) (A) (B) The Maroon rebellion in Jamaica The Carib uprising in St Mncent The mulatto revolt in St Domingue The uprising of the enslaved in (c) (D) in the 1800s were Iegal moral (c) political (D) economic Doininica 23 19. The expedition sent by Napoleon to St Domingue in l80l underthe leadership of Le Clerc was intended MAINLY to (A) (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) abolish slavery (c) expelthe British punish the colonists (D) iestore French controt 24 20 The MAIN source of disputes between planters and formerly enslaved persons during apprenticeship was Which of the following was NOT included in the 1739 peace treaty between the child labour wage rates Sunday work property rentals Which of the following describes how MOST planters and colonial assemblies reacted to amelioration? Maroons ofTrelawny Town in Jamaica and the British authorities? (A) (A) (B) The Maroons were free to occupy an area set aside for them. (B) (C) (D) The Maroons would help the British figlrt off any invading . (c) foreign enemy. The Maroons could accept runaway slaves as members of their (D) community. The Maroons could farm and get licences to sell their produce in the markets. 25 2t Which of the following persons was NOT a leader in the Humanitarian movement? (A) (B) (c) (D) They completely rejected or largely ignored the proposals. They saw the proposals as a way to get the enslaved to produce more. They saw the proposals as a good way to prepare the enslaved for freedom. They adopted the proposals and introduced improvements to the enslaved Africans' living conditions. Most West Indian planters saw the period of apprenticeship MAINLY as (A) a time-to reorganize Lord Mansfield Thomas Clarkson (B) William Wilberforce Thomas Powell Buxton (C) (D) sugar production a time for training slaves in new skills an opportunity to educate the apprentice 'a means of ensuring a steady labour supply -526 27. ." The largest number of immigrants into the British Caribbean during the l gth century came from (A) (B) India China (c) Africa (D) Portugal Which of the following were benefits the Emancipation Act of 1833 gave enslaved Africans in the British Caribbebn? I. U. III. 30. between Emancipation and the First World War were employed as (A) (B) (C) (D) 3t small farmers unskilled labourers skilled factory hands The planters' MAIN intention in (A) (B) (C) (D) Assistance from stipendiary magistrates 28. shopkeepers encouraging formerly enslaved persons to settle near plantations after emancipation was to have them A chance to work for wages Social equality with the whites (A) I and II only (B) I and III only (C) II and III only (D) I,II and III Thb majority of imnfigrants brought to work in the British Caribbean in the years 32. use estate hospitals guard the plantations work on the plantations attend the nearby schools "William Knibb foresaw that planters would tr5l to force extra work from their free labourers by increasing rents on homes on the estate." Large-scale immigration to Trinidad and Guyana between 1838 and 1870 led to To which territory is the statement I. II. m. cultural diversity in those territories racial conflicts among the ethnic groups economic development in both territories (A) I only (B) I and II only (C) II and III only (D) I,II and III 29. Indentured workers from Madeira brought elements of a culture to the British Caribbean. From which of the following cultures were these elements drawn? (A) (B) (c) (D) referring? (A) (B) Guyana Jamaica (c) Trinidad Barbados (D) 33 What action did William Knibb take to assist frbed Africans to acquire land? (A) (B) (C) (D) Bribe the planters Warn the labourers Establish free villages Report to the governor Indiah African Chinese Portuguese AA \' MA F??F -6-. 34 Which ofthe following BESTexplains why 37 Guyana and Trinidad had the greatest need for immigrant labour? (A) (B) (c) (D) The planters wanted to introduce . new crops. The planters no longer employed , African labour. The creation of peasant villages led to a labour shortage. fhe ptanters were slow to adoPt new labour-saving devices' (A) (B) (c) (D) 38 (B) (C) the Easiern Caribbean Islands, after 1838 were interested MAINLY in (A) (B) (c) (D) (D) opening retail shoPs seeking higher wages working on sugar estates practising their religion freelY 39 Item 36 refers to the fotlowing quotation' The Prevention of new EuroPean colonization in the Americas The ending of European economic exPloitation of the Americas The establishmentof United States mititary control in theAmericas The establishment of United States economic control in the Americas Puerto Ricans could vote in the United States Presidential elebtions. (B) The United States dollar was no longer the official currencY of (c) The United States President appointed the judges of the (D) Puerto Rico became a self- Puerto Rico. "",,*u" 'f#'T'!'iii'o Puerto Rican courts' London, Andrd Deutsch 1970 36. paking use of Russian warshiPs joining forces' with foreign powers organizing armed internal uprisings Which of the following situations was a result of Puerto Rico becoming a Comnionwealth in 1952? (A) "...and if an apple severed by the tempest from its native tree, cannot choose but fall to the ground, Cuba, "' incapable of the self-support ,can grvvitate only toward North American Union"' using American financial helP Which of the following BEST summarizes the stated aims of the Monroe Doctrine? (A) The migrants to Guyana and Trinidad from 35 Fidel Castro overthrew the govemment of Fulgencio Batista bY governing countrY associated with the United States. By which agreement did the USA make . American C'uba "g.avitate toward the North Union"? (A) (B) (c) (D) The Platt Amendment The TellerAmendment The HaY-Pauncefote TreatY The C laYton-B u lwer TreatY 40 The policy by which the United States goreinrn"nt was actively involved .in iirecting the financial affairs of the Caribbean between 1905 and 1930 was known as (A) (B) (c) (D) Dollar DiPlomacY Operation BootstraP the Big Stick PolicY the Good Neighbour PolicY -7 41. Which of the following factors were responsible for the outbreak of riots and 45. strikes in the British Caribbean during the I 930s? I. II. I II. (A) A high level of unemPloYment The inadequate education sYstem An increased awareness of injustice towards workers (A) (B) (c) (D) 42 (B) (c) (D) I and II onlY 'l and III onlY 46 promotesocialrevolution sYsTT Promote the two-ParlY econohically colonies the develop With which of the following is the above (A) (B) (c) (D) the' To identif, the persons causing unrest and iecommend Penalties 47. To investigate the economic' sociat and Political situation in the colonies and to make betweeq the t9ids, there was a strong link political parties and trade unions Plantation owners ihe established Church stiPendiarY magistrates Which ofthe following Caribbean countries state became the first free and associated (A) (B) between indentured immigrants and freed Persons in the British during In many British Caribbean territories (A) (B) ici iOl Jamaica's decision to withdraw from the 1958 federation British control ofthe foreign policy ofthe 1958 federation of the USA? To investigate ethnic conflict recommendations 44 Jamaica's objections to a federal customs union join the Guyana's decision not to 1958 federation To end the unrest in the British (c) Caribbean (D) improve wages and living statement associated? for them (c) organize strikes on estates and at the docks create equalitY among all men in the societY obtain self-government Caribbearr immediatelY 't people "One from ten leaves nought"' Commission? (B) ' Item 46 refers to the following statement' Which of the following statements BEST describes the focus of the Moyne (A) extend the vote for all working conditions for workers II and III onlY I, II and III Most of the Caribbean political leaders in the 1930s advocated constitutional changes MAINLY in order to (A) igi (C) iri 43 During the post-1938 period, trade unions in the-British Caribbean sought MAINLY to (D) 48. Cuba Margarita Hispaniola Puerto Rico Which ofthe following Caribbean territories were assimilated bY France in 1946? (B) Haiti, Martinique, QuadelouPe Marie Galante, Haiti, Dominica (c) Saint Barthel6my, Haiti, Martinique (A) (D) . GuadelouPe, French Guiana' Martinique ^n n\t 'T'n .r'r-tE \IE\/T DA /-:E -849 The first Caribbean country to gain its 53 independence was In which area of thd African continent was the transatlantic trade in captive Africans MAINLY conducted? (A) Cuba (B) Haiti (A) Jamaica Grenada (B) (c) (D) Africa WestAfrica' North Africa South Africa .East (c) (D) 50 51 In what order did the following countries gain political independence? I. II. III. Guyana (A) (B) In which chronological order did the British Caribbean planters first face competition from the following? Jamaica Grenada il I. French beet sugar Cuban slave-grown sugar I, II, m Sugar from St Domingue (c) III II, UI,I II, I, III I, II, (D) III, II, I (A) (B) The body that had complete control over all the Spanish colonies of the New World was the (A) (B) (c) (D) 52. 54 (B) (C) (D) The planters did not provide the . enslavedAfricanswithsufficient provisions. The missionaries encouraged the enslaved Africans to fight for their freedom. The enslavedAfricans feltthat their owners should PaY them fortheir ' hard work. The enslaved Africans thouSht that their freedom was being withheld bY the Planters. (c) (D) U,LilI Which of the following persons is NOT associated with the place with which he is paired? House of Trade Board of Finance Council of Castile Council o{the Indies Which of'the following causes is shared by the Barbados Rebellion of l8l6 and the Jamaican Rebellion of I 831? (A) 55. III II, III,I III, [I, I (A) (B) (C) (D) 56. Marcus GarveY ... Jamaica Henry Morgan ... Port RoYal Thomas Warner ... Trinidad Toussaint L'Ouverture .-. Haiti In which order did the following stages in the movement towards independence in British Caribbean territories take place? IV. Introduction of the ParlY sYstem Election of a prime minister or premier Achievement of universal adult suffrage Full intemal self-govemment (A) [, II, III, IV I. II. III. (B) (c) (D) ' I,III, N,IV II,IV III,I TV,II,III,I ' -^ 6rrF rrnv'Tr nA /:E -9s7 Which ofthe following British amelioration proposals applied to enslaved females ONLY? (A) (c) No more floggings Protector to be appointed No more separation of families (D) Religious instructions to (B) I 59 Mercantilism was.the policy used by England and France to (A) (B) (C) (D) be provided control the trade of their colonies invest their profits in their coionies uansfer their, way of life to the colonies win the friendship ofthe Kalinagos in St Kitts i s8 In which chronological order did the following industries deVelop in the 60 In which order did the following occur during the 1960s in the British Caribbean? Caribbean? I. I. II. III. II. III. Petroleum Sugar Banana (A) (B) (A) I,lt,ltl (B) II,l, III (c) II, III, I (D) III, II,I (c) (D) Associated statehood Federation Independence I, II, III II, I, III I, III, II II, III, I END OF'TEST IF'YOU FIMSH BEFOH.E TIME IS CALLED, CI{F',CK YOI]R WORI( ON THIS TEST.