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Mindanao Local Fashion: Sustainability vs. Fast Fashion

A Position Paper
Presented to Faculty of the
English Contextualized Cluster of the
Ateneo de Davao University Senior High School
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the subject EAPP
(English for Academic and Professional Purposes)
Almadin, Mickyla Loriene B.
Chavez, Razendo Jr.
Embalsado, Riddick
Monteverde, Hillary George
Ocapan, Bea Jane
So, Alyssa Mae
November 2022
wealth creation and equitable distribution
Local Brands over Fast Fashion Brands
Local Brands are more sustainable in this time Fast Fashion is in demand.
Local brands strictly conform to several Philippine Laws. (ethical)
Local brands promote and boost economic growth of Mindanao and Philippines. (economical)
Local brands and their practices are more enviromentally acceptable (environmental)
Mindanao has rising trendy yet sustainable fashion brands yet most are still supporting the unethical
fast fashion brands, thus Mindanaoans should support local fashion more due to how local brands
strictly conform to several Philippine Laws, local fashion brands boosting Mindanao and the
Philppine’s economy, and how local fashion brands’ practices are more environmentally acceptable.
A. Introduce the topic
Fashion is a concept that allows people to show their creativity and express
themselves in the style they wish to be viewed in the world. Today's culture places a high
value on appearing an appealing way in order to fit in and be considered "trendy,"
however high quality products is not the only attraction for consumers when buying
clothes. Many consumers cannot afford high-priced clothing, thus they eventually resort
to purchasing comparable items from low-cost labels; this is known as fast fashion. Fast
fashion is a relatively recent phenomenon in the business industry due to cheaper, faster
manufacturing and shipping methods. However, fast fashion is immensely immoral since
it is associated with pollution, waste, and the propagation of a "disposable" culture. With
the threat of the impacts of fast fashion emerging, Filipino eco-conscious sellers and
small businesses took the opportunity to participate in their sustainable initiatives.
B. Provide a brief background on the topic (deductive order)
Fast fashion began during the 18th century as a result of the Industrial Revolution,
which saw the introduction of new technologies such as the sewing machine. As a result,
shopping for new clothes became a pleasure for most people during 1960s, as an
abundance of cheap, mass-produced, and low-quality apparel took over. The popularity of
low-cost fashion peaked in the late 1990s and early 2000s. As internet shopping
increased, fast-fashion retailers flooded the main street. These companies, such as H&M,
Zara, and Shein, quickly and cheaply reproduced the styling and design features of the
popular fashion brands. On the other hand, a few years ago, Mindanao was clearly
considered a fashion backwater due to its location in the country's far south (Boga, 2014).
However, during the pandemic, when most malls and stores were closed and sales had
shifted online, a number of local fashion businesses arose (Bautista, 2020), like as Maria
& Co.'s Urban Label (Dakudao, 2021). In light of all of this, especially this rising
competition between fast fashion and Mindanao local brands, we cannot ignore the fact
that change is unavoidable. The fashion industry in the Philippines is continually
growing, and as the internet has made fashion trends more accessible, many local
clothing brands have emerged. Many artists, designers, and entrepreneurs try to enter into
the business by offering timely pieces that are perfect for Filipinos while also being
environmentally friendly. As people become more aware of global warming, sustainable
fashion has emerged as one of the fashion industry's primary concerns. As a result, the
rise of Philippines local clothing brands, particularly in Mindanao, is a fantastic
opportunity to fight for sustainability.
C. Assert the thesis (your claim) – pro con thesis statement format
Fast fashion does have advantages such as it allows you to have many options
since it has a lot of variety. Moreover, it is affordable and fits people’s preference more,
especially young adults. However, fast fashion produces significant damages. Fast
fashion is unsustainable and unethical as it goes against the law in contrary to the local
brands’ strict obedience to them. Moreover, local brands are more sustainable and buying
clothes from them helps in promoting and boosting the economic growth of Mindanao. It
is environmentally safe since most are often environmentally conscious and always look
for alternative ways to make clothes without harming the environment. Overall,
Mindanao has rising trendy yet sustainable brands yet most are still supporting the
unethical fast fashion brands, thus Mindanaoans should support local fashion brands
more due to how local brands strictly conform to several Philippine Laws, local fashion
brands boosting Mindanao and the Philppine’s economy, and how local fashion brands’
practices are more environmentally acceptable.
A. Introduction
a. The production process of fast fashion causes a lot of controversy because it uses
cheap labor and harms the environment. However, despite the controversy, fast
fashion has a few advantages. In order to satisfy these desires for instant
gratification, cheaper, quicker manufacturing and shipping methods, an increase
in consumers' appetite for cutting-edge styles, and an increase in consumer
purchasing power, particularly among young people, led to the rise of fast fashion.
B. Fast fashion offers variation in designs and products.
a. The fact that it allows for a lot of variety is another reason why fast fashion is so
popular. As a result, you have a lot of options when it comes to the collections for
each season. Customers of today tend to only buy what they need or want, and
they change their product preferences frequently. In response, the businesses must
broaden the range of their products in order to maintain global competitiveness
and increase their share of the market.
C. Fast Fashion are affordable
a. In regards on how an individual puts themselves in a situation where they gain
popularity or relativity in the environment that they are at due to the image that
they uphold. The image where the forefront of what they amass is the clothing
that they are wearing in which it is easily acquired due to its cheap and very high
sense of relevance to onwards society where imagery og what a person wears is a
part of who they are. A fashionable person that can acquire quick means of high
fashion in its affordable state is very upfront on current society. The affordability
of such clothing can influence and strike a large number of individuals in that can
boost the sales of such brand that can provide such affordable quick fashion.
D. Fast Fashion fits people’s preference more
a. The popularity in which something that resembles something of line quality and
good imagery can be define of what a person shouch be in today’s society, where
fashion can be of advantage and disadvantage to an individual and how they wear
such fine clothing in which different variables and aspects are in play that boosts
such relativity of what preferred by the person or in general, thee society, being
able to express one’s self in the form of what they wear can be of value to others
and in general the population on how one’s self can be placed in such an aspect.
In societies today wearing something is also one thing that can be judge bye other
individuals in a sense that the opinions og others are important in proceeding
within a life to be live by and individual on a basis of what they wear and which
of which is preferable, and also reinstate labels that can affect an individual in
mental, emotional, and physical aspects where a person can become unmotivated
on how they live their life
A. Local brands strictly conform to several Philippine Laws. (ethical)
a. Laborers Law
i. Local businesses are sternly monitored by the country’s government, all
laborers under local brands are being ethical and assured that they strictly
follow the rules of this law. Specifically following the mandated working
hours of 8 hours per day with corresponding overtime compensation, a
minimum wage of estimated 500 pesos, giving of healthcare benefits like
insurance health cards, and the right of having leaves or paid leaves if
needed and necessary.
Fast fashion goes against the Labor Code of the Philippines as workers in
this industry are paid below the legal minimum wage, forced to work long
hours in unsafe environments, and don’t have access to healthcare or paid
leaves. The fast fashion industry exploits local and underdeveloped
communities to cheap garments, mostly more then 300 million people in
the world, but doesn’t received any form of wages.
b. R.A. 9231 or the Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse,
Exploitation and Discrimination Act
i. In contrast to rising local brands, it is ensured that whom are being
employed is in the legal age to work and may these workers are still teens,
local brands are cautious in giving workloads. Especially in Mindanao
wherein according to Lagsa (2022), the portion in the country that has the
most child laborers are in Northern Mindanao with an estimated 20,000
children forced to do hazardous work because of poverty
In Fast Fashion companies, low-skilled labour is required as the clothes
being produced are cheap and quickly produced, with that children from
underserved countries or cities are being employed illegally. Commonly,
poor families send out their children to work in these companies in
exchange for a low wage that barely meets the minimum wage, and a lump
sum payment to pay for their dowry. To make it worse, these children are
overworked due to unreasonable working hours, the work environment are
unethical, and forced to stay in appalling conditions. with everyone now
able to shop for on-trend clothes anytime they want, since it is low-cost
and satisfies customers, and not only helps consumers but also sellers
because it is a quick source of income it's clear to see how the phenomena
c. Article 272 of Philippine Revised Penal Code (AntiSlavery in Domestic
i. Local brands rarely defies this law as it is overt in the country the
importance of freedom. Businesses in the country follows procedures to
ensure that whom will be employed does not only fits the role but also are
consensual in all forms wherein contracts are given to see what are
expected to receive and given by them which are far from the practice of
fast fashion.
The fast fashion industry employs approximately 75 million workers
globally whereof only less than 2% are receiving the required living or
minimum wage. For this reason, most countries described the conditions
of these workers as “slave labor”. Furthermore, garment and factory
workers under this industry are forced as well to work up to 16 hours a
day and 7 days a week with no additional compensation or even leaves.
These amount of working hours are devastatingly exceeds the mandated
8hours per day and 6 days per week but beyond those hours, it is a
company’s responsibility to have additional compensation for the overtime
hours rendered. For that, fast fashion companies undeniably complies to
modern slavery and uncompliant of the AntiSlavery Law and Philippine
Employment Law
B. Local Brands promotes and boosts economic growth in Mindanao
a. The way local brands make money
i. The Filipino weaving culture highlights the artistry and creativity of each
of our communities. Garments made from the expert fabrics of local
handloom weavers are dedicated to promoting the traditional culture and
art of weaving in the Philippines. Creating alternative livelihoods for
women in poor rural areas of the province through the teaching of pina
weaving techniques. They started by using 100% Filipino cotton and have
been producing scarves, shawls and blankets since then. In addition, they
hold advanced weaving workshops where they teach weavers how to dye
naturally using local plants. A mix of modern and traditional weaving
methods are incorporated into the products, which are then sold locally
and internationally.
b. A boost to economic growth
i. Because of the pandemic, many local businesses business was affected by
the blockade and strict quarantine restrictions. The rise of e-commerce
here in the Philippines has given Filipinos another source of income and
an opportunity to sell local brands, especially in Mindanao. The fashion
industry is growing here in the Philippines and many clothing brands have
been created as the internet has made fashion trends more accessible.
Sustainable fashion has become one of the main concerns of the fashion
industry. This is why the rise of local clothing brands in the Philippines is
a great opportunity to fight for sustainability.
c. Sustains the livelihood of local and ethnic communities.
i. Mindanao is known for being supportive of local groups and the home of
several ethnic cultures. As modernity rise in the country, Mindanao does
not fall last in having new brands and products that centers on these ethnic
groups, one of that is the Aldevinco Shopping center, which is now in
Poblacion Market Central, that is known for selling Mindanaoan arts and
crafts products that is not only known for souvenirs but also for its quality
that is definitely worth the price. Another is one of the rising local brand,
KAAYO Modern Mindanao which sells weaved but modern pieces which
distinctly shows the culture of Mindanao. There is also the YAKANG
YAKA Barter which aims to preserve the art and tradition of Philippine
weaving through its eclectic array of products through allotting sales from
these brand to help an indeginous community in Mindanao. These brands
all sell products that are not factory-made but made solely by Mindanao
and Ethnic citizens, making the sales from these brands sustains their
livelihood and recognize their undying talent that makes Mindanao what it
is until today - rich in culture and sustainability.
C. Local brands are more environmentally acceptable.
a. Production of products does not contribute to pollution
i. local fashion brands do not utilize as much factory work compared to fast
fashion brands. It mainly relies on locally and often handmade/stitched
fabrics produced by the hands of their employees which is also known as a
slow fashion technique.
b. Local fashion brands do not involve to cruelty in any form
i. As local brands are particular with their fabrics and productions, cruelty
has never been supported; Eco-friendly fabrics are often used like Abaca,
not leather, fur, and wool that affects animals. Worthy to raise as well that
most pieces of these brands can be revamped in several ways.
Unlike fast fashion pieces which are disposable and made with toxic dyes
and microfibers like Azo dyes that can affect animals. Fast fashion brands'
production in factories involves the usage of thousands of toxic
substances, heavy metals, and synthetic dyes in the process which can be
completely hazardous to the environment and eventually affect organisms.
Most especially that these chemicals lead to long-term health risks,
including cancer, developmental issues, and skin irritation
(FashInnovation, 2022).
c. Local fashion brands promote reduced wastes.
i. As local fashion brands mainly utilize eco-friendly and cultural fabrics and
materials, waste is limited since it can be easily reused, revamped, or
donated. Same with how Good Luck, Humans of Apol Massebuau in
Mindanao makes pieces from recycled fabrics from other local brands
which are still of premium quality (Sorilla IV, 2020). The facts stated
strengthen how helpful it is to be environment-friendly in the fashion
industry. Fashion brands and designers should be encouraged to use fewer
materials that could greatly affect the environment the same as the fashion
designer who used traditional garments for designs.
A. Summary
a. In this paper, it was tackled how Mindanao has rising trendy yet sustainable
brands yet most are still supporting the unethical fast fashion brands, thus
Mindanaoans should support local more due to its ethical, economic, and
environmental repercussions. The stand in this paper was priorly countered by the
arguments that make fast fashion known which are fast fashion’s variety,
affordability, and how the fast fashion industry fits people’s preferences more. All
these arguments are interrelated and have a common ground of fast fashion’s skill
of adapting to fast-changing trends that could garner impressive sales results.
However, these counter-arguments can easily be refuted by the repercussions that
this industry violates and deems the local brands in a better light, particularly in
the ethical, economic, and environmental aspects; The ethical aspect focuses on
the several laws in the Philippines that local fashion brands strictly observe, the
economic aspect which dwells on how local brands unequivocally promotes and
boosts economic growth in Mindanao which includes the profit and sustainability
of these brands that benefit Mindanao and the livelihood of local and ethnic
communities, and the environmental aspect which highlights how unlike in fast
fashion, local brands, especially in Mindanao which values environment to a great
extent, does not involve cruelty, contributes to pollution, and sought for reduced
B. Call to Action
a. Through this paper, Mindanaoans will be called to stop turning a blind eye to
what fast fashion causes to our community and allow themselves to be more
supportive of local brands and appreciative of how it incorporates different
cultures and promotes what citizens of Mindanao should be proud of. Immediate
withdrawal is not expected from them, but slow embargoing of their participation
to fast fashion and starting to purchase from local brands will already be a big
step. Doing this will allow the entire Mindanao community to truly experience the
growth it must experience, especially in the fashion industry.
Today's culture places a high value on appearing in an appealing way in order to fit into
trends, however, high-quality products are not the only attraction for consumers when buying
clothes. Many consumers cannot afford high-priced clothing, thus they resort to purchasing
comparable items from low-cost labels; this is known as fast fashion. Fast fashion is a relatively
recent phenomenon in the business industry due to cheaper, faster manufacturing and shipping
methods. As modernity occurs, fast-fashion retailers flood the main street. Companies such as
H&M, Zara, and Shein, quickly and cheaply reproduced the design features of popular fashion
brands (Hayes, 2022). However, this is immensely immoral since it is associated with pollution,
waste, and the propagation of a "disposable" culture. Looking at a better perspective, there’re
local fashion brands that should be given recognition due to their roots and practices. Especially
in Mindanao, which is known to be the home of different indigenous groups and cultural history
where these have been commonly incorporated into several up-and-about local fashion brands. A
few years ago, Mindanao has clearly considered a fashion backwater due to its location in the
country's far south (Boga, 2014). However, during the pandemic, when most malls and stores
were closed and sales had shifted online, a number of local fashion businesses arose (Bautista,
2020), like as Maria & Co.'s Urban Label (Dakudao, 2021). As people become more aware of
global warming, sustainable fashion has emerged as one of the fashion industry's primary
concerns, and with these threats emerging, Mindanaoans’ eco-conscious sellers and businesses
took the opportunity to participate in sustainable initiatives. Many artists, designers, and
entrepreneurs attempt to start businesses that offer products that are perfect for Filipinos while
being environmental-friendly. The rise of the Philippines' clothing brands, particularly in
Mindanao, is a fantastic opportunity to fight for sustainability, something that fast fashion
immensely lacks. Even so, fast fashion has advantages such as it has a lot of variety in designs
and products, it is affordable, and fits people’s preferences more, especially young adults.
However, looking at the bigger picture, fast fashion is unsustainable and unethical as it goes
against the laws of the country which is contrary to how local fashion brands strictly follow the
national laws. Moreover, local brands are more sustainable, and buying clothes from them helps
in promoting and boosting the economic growth of Mindanao. And in comparison to fast fashion,
local brands exhibit environmentally-friendly practices that do not worsen pollution, animal
cruelty, and waste disposal, Overall, Mindanao has rising trendy yet sustainable fashion brands
yet most are still supporting unethical fast fashion brands, thus Mindanaoans should support
local fashion brands more due to how local brands strictly conform to several Philippine Laws,
local fashion brands boosting Mindanao and the Philippine's economy, and how local fashion
brands’ practices are more environmentally acceptable.
Some people argue that fast fashion is admirable for its practicality for its consumers.
Despite the controversies and ramifications circulating about it, there are countless consumers
out there that prefer fast fashion because of its few advantages. First is how it is mass-produced
to quickly meet the demands of the fashion community. Fast fashion is typically produced in a
matter of months. Barrigan (2022) writes, “With low-cost production, enables the ability for fast
fashion brands to mass-produce thousands of products in a small amount of time for a low
market value which is extremely attractive to consumers.” You can find trendy items that are
manufactured in a short period of time wherein which means that anyone, regardless of income,
can go shopping for new clothes and be part of the trend. In relation to fast fashion’s capability to
catch up with fast-changing trends, another advantage of fast fashion is its wide variety of
clothing products and designs. The fact that it features variety is another factor why fast fashion
is popular. When it comes to the collections for each season, you have a lot of options that would
fit frequently-changing trends or consumer preferences. In response, in order for businesses to
maintain global competitiveness and increase their market share, they must expand the range of
their products, which fast fashion is distinctively good at (Nguyen, 2022). Moreover, another
notable argument is fast fashion’s affordability. According to Le (2022), “With fast fashion,
you’re getting a lot of items for your money.” This means that you’re not likely to spend as much
due to the products that are trend-replicated but made with affordable synthetic fabrics. A huge
example of this are the overrun products of luxury brands being widely resold or retailed at a
strikingly lower price, which is a known occurrence in Mindanao, particularly the small stores
around the cities that only sell products sourced from fast-fashion businesses commonly. Some
may consider this rubbish, but most customer values being able to hop on with styles and trends
without spending much a lot more. Thus, fast fashion being able to conduct these advantages that
meet the desires of most consumers that value practicality, affordability, variety, and the other
mentioned arguments, will undoubtedly contribute to continuing rise of fast fashion.
With all the glamour and ease that comes with Fast Fashion that piques the interest of
most citizens, there are arguments that will make these advantages and praises devalued and
arguments that will deem light how local brands should truly be recognized more than any form
of fashion and business. Starting with the first obvious one, local fashion brands are strictly
compliant with Philippine laws. With all the overlooked issues that the fast fashion industry
abuse, local brands overweigh the aforementioned benefits of fast fashion just through its ethical
First on the list is the Laborer’s Law. Local businesses are sternly monitored by the
country’s government, all laborers under local brands are being ethical and assured that they
strictly follow the rules of this law. Specifically following the mandated working hours of 8
hours per day with corresponding overtime compensation, a minimum wage of estimated 500
pesos, giving of healthcare benefits like insurance health cards, and the right of having leaves or
paid leaves if needed and necessary. Unlike fast fashion which goes against the Labor Code of
the Philippines as workers in this industry are paid below the legal minimum wage,
manufacturers and workers are forced to work long hours in unsafe environments and don’t have
access to healthcare or paid leaves. In addition to that, the fast fashion industry exploits local and
underdeveloped communities, wherein mostly more than 300 million people in the world are
being employed by companies in this industry, but don’t receive any form of wages (Assoune,
2022). As most Fast Fashion brands are international, these important factors in laboring are
overlooked which makes this whole industry truly unethical and detrimental to the country.
Another law present that Fast Fashion violates in the Philippines is the R.A. 9231or the Child
Labor Law. In Fast Fashion companies, low-skilled labor is required as the clothes being
produced are cheap and quickly produced. With that, children from underserved countries or
cities are being employed illegally which were pushed by poverty to act accordingly but in
exchange only for a lump sum of payment. To make it worse, these children are overworked due
to unreasonable working hours, the work environment is unethical, and forced to stay in
appalling conditions. Particularly in Mindanao, where it has been a concern that street children
and children from indigenous groups are taken to work with false pledges of income. As even
said by Lagsa (2022), the portion in the country that has the most child laborers are in Northern
Mindanao with an estimated 20,000 children forced to do hazardous work because of poverty;
works commonly like domestic work where Fast Fashion falls under. In contrast to rising local
brands, it is ensured that who are being employed are of legal age to work, and may these
workers are still teens, local brands are cautious in giving workloads. With that, it is alarming
that the Fast Fashion industry both violates concerningly this law and contributes to the prevalent
issue of child labor in Mindanao. In relation to the aforementioned laws, the Fast Fashion
industry mostly should be banned and unsupported by the citizens not only in Mindanao but in
the whole country as it also breaches the Anti-Slavery in Domestic Legislation Law. Local
brands rarely defy this law as it is overt in the country the importance of freedom. Businesses in
the country follow procedures to ensure that who will be employed not only fits the role but also
are consensual in all forms wherein contracts are given to see what is expected to receive and
given by them which is far from the practice of fast fashion. The fast fashion industry employs
approximately 75 million workers globally whereof only less than 2% are receiving the required
minimum wage. For this reason, most countries described the conditions of these workers as
“slave labor”. Furthermore, garment and factory workers in this industry are forced as well to
work up to 16 hours a day and 7 days a week with no additional compensation or even leave
(SustainYourStyle, 2022). This amount of working hours devastatingly exceeds the Philippines’
mandated 8 hours per day and 6 days per week but beyond those hours, it is a company’s
responsibility to have additional compensation for the overtime hours rendered. From the
evidences presented, fast fashion companies undeniably are non-compliant with Philippine Laws
in comparison to the local brands the country has. Especially in Mindanao which has been
known for valuing peace and respect, and with a history of slavery, supporting the fast fashion
industry devalues the hardship to attain the independence and values Mindanao now treasures.
Overall, with all the laws that the local brands value and the Fast Fashion industry violates, it
should be deemed righteous that this industry must be regulated or even boycotted, and make the
local fashion brands, especially in Mindanao, must be supported and recognized more.
Moreover, local brands contribute gravely to boosting the economic growth of the
Philippines. As Mindanao is rising with the number of local brands that incorporate ethnic
culture, Mindanao will undeniably be promoted and boosted for the better. Firstly is how local
fashion brands incorporate meanings or symbolism into trendy pieces. Just like any fashion
brand, it targets what the market or customers demand, yet what makes local fashion brands
distinct is how the owners or designers make it remarkably known that it is a Filipino brand. This
pertains to pieces that use fabrics that are locally sourced or made, or non-factory produced.
Especially since most rising local fashion brands tend to highlight the artistry and creativity of
different Philippine cultures. Just like how Davao designers such as Toping Zamora, Bea
Constantino, and Marga Nograles draw inspiration for their pieces from their environment
(Zubiri, 2021). Their pieces incorporate indigenous motifs, custom-woven fabrics, ethnic
patterns, traditional beadworks, and more. Through these creative steps of local fashion brands,
Mindanao and Philippine Fashion experience gradual emergence and opportunity of
appreciation. Not only that, it will allow recognition of how Philippine cultures will always have
a role in the growth of all Filipinos. Furthermore, unlike fast fashion brands, local fashion brands
alleviate societal issues and are ethically responsible. Especially regarding employment wherein
due to ethnic and cultural incorporation of local fashion brands, employing poverty-stricken but
skilled citizens is being done. For a better understanding, an example is the Interweave Concepts.
This brand hires and trains unemployed citizens to be interweavers with the intention to create a
steady income for weavers in the Negros community, the same goes for the Filip+Inna brand
which coordinates with T’Boli tribes in Mindanao to make their intricate cross-stitch embroidery
is needed for the brand’s shorts, shirts, and skirts (Sorilla IV, 2020). Lastly, local fashion brands
sustain the livelihood of local and ethnic communities. With the rise of the fashionable product
era, Mindanao has not been left behind in having an ethnocentric product, one of which is now
the Aldevinco Mall located in the heart of Poblacion Market which is famous for selling local art
and handicraft products. Not only are these souvenir products famous, but their quality is also
guaranteed and worthy of being bought by travelers to take home. Another is one of the rising
local brands, KAAYO Modern Mindanao, which combines modern and local culture, using the
combination of the two to showcase Mindanao's culture. According to Sorilla IV of Tatler Asia
(2020), “KAAYO is a curated collection of different stories and livelihoods [sic] centered on the
southernmost part of the Philippines, Mindanao. It promotes weaving tradition and [sic]
modernization to produce one-of-a-kind pieces that are uniquely Mindanaoan.” There is also the
YAKANG YAKA Barter which aims to preserve the art and tradition of Philippine weaving
through its eclectic array of products by allotting sales from this brand to help an indigenous
community in Mindanao. These brands and stores all sell products that are not factory-made but
made solely by Mindanao and Ethnic citizens, making sales from these brands sustains their
livelihood and recognizes their undying talent that makes Mindanao what it is today - rich in
culture and sustainability.
Furthermore, purchasing local brands is environmentally acceptable. Firstly, because it
does not contribute to pollution. As mentioned in earlier arguments, local fashion brands do not
utilize as much factory work compared to fast fashion brands. It mainly relies on locally and
often handmade/stitched fabrics produced by the hands of their employees which is also known
as a slow fashion technique. Local and growing fashion brands, as said by Pure Blanxed (2021),
“...are quite often environmentally conscious and always searching for alternative ways to create
their garments without harming Mother Earth…Slow fashion techniques also tend to cause less
harm to the environment due to the ethical sourcing of material and local manufacturing
processes.” Also, local fashion brands are environmentally acceptable due to no cruelty in any
form being involved in their production and after-production. As local brands are particular with
their fabrics and productions, cruelty has never been supported; Eco-friendly fabrics are often
used like Abaca, not leather, fur, and wool that affects animals. Worthy to raise as well that most
pieces of these brands can be revamped in several ways. Unlike fast fashion pieces which are
disposable and made with toxic dyes and microfibers like Azo dyes that can affect animals. Fast
fashion brands' production in factories involves the usage of thousands of toxic substances,
heavy metals, and synthetic dyes in the process which can be completely hazardous to the
environment and eventually affect organisms. Most especially that these chemicals lead to
long-term health risks, including cancer, developmental issues, and skin irritation
(FashInnovation, 2022). Lastly, local fashion brands promote reduced wastes. As local fashion
brands mainly utilize eco-friendly and cultural fabrics and materials, waste is limited since it can
be easily reused, revamped, or donated. Same with how Good Luck, Humans of Apol Massebuau
in Mindanao makes pieces from recycled fabrics from other local brands which are still of
premium quality (Sorilla IV, 2020). The facts stated strengthen how helpful it is to be
environment-friendly in the fashion industry. Fashion brands and designers should be encouraged
to use fewer materials that could greatly affect the environment the same as the fashion designer
who used traditional garments for designs. As the fashion industry can make or break our
environment, it is in the hands of the citizens on knowing what is worthy of support, considering
its impact on the citizens.
Therefore, as enticing fast fashion is at the forefront of affordability and adaptability to
different trends and demands in the fashion industry, looking at the bigger picture will make one
realize easily yet devastatingly how the whole fast fashion industry is deceiving. Especially in
Mindanao where most citizens source their clothes in stores that belong to this industry, yet not
fully understanding what it compromises and disregards in our country. Also, distinctly how it
overweighs local brands which any citizen must value and promote more than anything. In this
paper, it was tackled how Mindanao has rising trendy yet sustainable brands yet most are still
supporting the unethical fast fashion brands, thus Mindanaoans should support local more due to
its ethical, economic, and environmental repercussions. The stand in this paper was priorly
countered by the arguments that make fast fashion known which are fast fashion’s variety,
affordability, and how the fast fashion industry fits people’s preferences more. All these
arguments are interrelated and have a common ground of fast fashion’s skill of adapting to
fast-changing trends that could garner impressive sales results. However, these
counter-arguments can easily be refuted by the repercussions that this industry violates and
deems the local brands in a better light, particularly in the ethical, economic, and environmental
aspects; The ethical aspect focuses on the several laws in the Philippines that local fashion
brands strictly observe, the economic aspect which dwells on how local brands unequivocally
promotes and boosts economic growth in Mindanao which includes the profit and sustainability
of these brands that benefit Mindanao and the livelihood of local and ethnic communities, and
the environmental aspect which highlights how unlike in fast fashion, local brands, especially in
Mindanao which values environment to a great extent, does not involve cruelty, contributes to
pollution, and sought for reduced wastes.
With all of these aforementioned pro-arguments that defend what makes local brands
more favorable and sustainable compared to fast fashion, Mindanao will be expected to be
moved in boycotting fast fashion and value local fashion brands more. As Mindanao are often
known for their need of adapting to trends but are conscious of spending a lot, they are expected
after reading and recognizing the goal of this paper to realize that supporting fast fashion will be
detrimental in the long run in different aspects and local brands are distinctively better and worth
the expense. Mindanaoans will be called to stop turning a blind eye to what fast fashion causes to
our community and allow themselves to be more supportive of local brands and appreciative of
how it incorporates different cultures and promotes what citizens of Mindanao should be proud
of. Immediate withdrawal is not expected from them, but slow embargoing of their participation
to fast fashion and starting to purchase from local brands will already be a big step. Doing this
will allow the entire Mindanao community to truly experience the growth it must experience,
especially in the fashion industry.
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Self-assessment rubric:
Paper clearly states the position of the writers.
Opening statement captures the reader’s interest.
Issue is debatable, fresh, relevant, and somehow original.
Arguments reflect higher level of thought (with claim, support and
Paper uses evidence from reputable sources.
There are sufficient pieces of evidence to support the claim.
Paper considers all possible counterarguments.
Paper refutes the opposing arguments logically.
Paper aligns the arguments to the target reader’s beliefs, attitudes,
values, and motivations.
Paper employs appropriate method in presenting arguments.
Paper appropriately applies logical, ethical, and/or emotional
Paper is free from logical fallacies.
Conclusion reiterates the position of the writer.
Conclusion presents feasible course of actions.
Closing statement is powerful.
Paper uses organizational pattern and structure appropriate for the
Cohesive devices are effectively used.
Ideas are correctly placed which improves the paper’s organization.
Flow of ideas is smooth and easy to read.
STYLE (20%)
Paper showcases the writer’s voice.
Paper uses a variety of sentence structures.
Paper eliminates sexist language.
Paper uses language appropriate to the context.
Paper eliminates wordiness.
Grammar is accurate.
Spelling capitalization and punctuations are correctly used.
Word choice is appropriate.
Sentences are well-structured.
Paper uses correct citation and reference format.
Sources are reliable and adhere to the principle of CACAO.
Sources are relevant to the topic.
2nd Performance Task Teacher’s Rubric (Position Paper)
g Skills
Developed a strong
thesis and included
it in the appropriate
place in the paper.
The thesis was the
focal point of the
paper and was both
strongly and
throughout the
Developed a
strong thesis
and included it
in the
place in the
paper. The
thesis was the
focal point of
the paper and
throughout the
Manifests 4
out of 5
Developed a
strong thesis
and included
it in the
place in the
paper. Most
of the
the thesis
Developed a
statement and
included it in
the paper.
Some of the
supported the
needs to be
further or is
not included
in the paper.
The thesis is
not fully
supported in
the paper.
A clear
position is
not present
the paper.
Manifests 3
out of 5
Manifests 2
out of 5
Manifests 1
out of 5
none of the
Position is
supported with
d and thought
out reasons
(minimum of
Reasons are
Position is
with a
minimum of
three distinct
Reasons are
but more
Position is
with a
minimum of
three distinct
Reasons are
developed but
are more
Reasons are
weak and/or
They need to
be developed
and explained
Reasons are
developed or
Ideas can be
difficult to
includes quotes
in all instances
that call for
● Summarizes
original ideas
in their own
● Paraphrasing is
used smoothly
and accurately.
● Uses correct
in-text citation
● Grammarly®
score is below
Position is
supported with
well-developed and
thought out reasons
(minimum of
three). Reasons
show strong
analysis and
conclusions based
on the information.
developed, but
analysis and
need to be
Position is
supported with
a variety of
Adequate valid
and accurate
has been used
throughout the
Information is
relevant and
supports the
writer’s ideas.
Depth and
Variety of
Position is
supported in depth
with a variety of
Substantial valid
and accurate
information in the
form of expert
opinion, statistics,
research studies,
etc. has been used
throughout the
paper. Information
is relevant and
supports the
writer’s ideas.
Ideas are well
organized and free
or almost free of
grammatical and
mechanical errors.
Most ideas are
organized, but
some minor
errors are
Prescribed format
is strictly observed.
Paper demonstrates
strict adherence to
APA Style.
format is
adherence to
analysis and
are needed.
general and
need to be
Position is
with a
variety of
Valid and
has been
the paper.
Most of the
is relevant
and supports
the writer’s
ideas. A mix
of general
and specific
is used.
of the paper
needs to be
. Some
errors are
the paper.
needs to be
with more
valid and
Some of the
may not be
and/or does
not support
the thesis.
Paper lacks
valid and
Some of the
information is
not relevant
and does not
support the
Little to no
support from
is present in
the paper.
Paper has
but some
diversions or
abrupt shifts
in purpose are
present. Many
errors are
present as
needs to be
format is
Paper has
and many
often shifting
in purpose.
errors are
present and
transitions are
not utilized.
Paper lacks
and there are
errors which
on difficult.
format is very
very poor
format is
totally not
Paper does
not adhere to
APA Style.
format is
to Timeline)
Submitted on the
day of the deadline.
APA Style by
and large.
Submitted 1
day late.
adherence to
APA Style.
Submitted 2
days late.
adherence to
APA Style.
Submitted 3
days late.
adherence to
APA Style.
Submitted 4
days late.
Submitted 5
days late.