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Temenos Training Courses Catalogue

Temenos Training Courses
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Temenos Training Courses
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 6
TEMENOS TRAINING METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................ 7
T24 - TIER 1 COURSE........................................................................................................................... 8
T24 OVERVIEW - T1TO ............................................................................................................................. 8
T24 - TIER 2 COURSES ......................................................................................................................... 9
INTRODUCTION TO TEMENOS T24 - T2ITC (FUNCTIONAL ) ............................................................................. 9
INTRODUCTION TO TEMENOS T24 - T2ITT (TECHNICAL ) .............................................................................. 11
T24 BUSINESS INSIGHT OVERVIEW - T2TIT .................................................................................................. 12
T24 - TIER 3 FUNCTIONAL COURSES ................................................................................................. 13
T24 ACCOUNT - T3TAC ........................................................................................................................... 13
T24 AC SWEEPING & CASH POOLING - T3TCP ............................................................................................ 15
T24 ARRANGEMENT ARCHITECTURE CORE - T3AAC ...................................................................................... 16
T24 ARRANGEMENT ARCHITECTURE DEPOSITS - T3TAAD .............................................................................. 17
T24 ARRANGEMENT ARCHITECTURE LOANS - T3TAAL ................................................................................... 18
T24 RETAIL ACCOUNTS - T3TAAR ............................................................................................................. 19
T24 ASSET MANAGEMENT - T3TAM ......................................................................................................... 21
T24 BILLS - T3TBL .................................................................................................................................. 23
T24 COLLATERAL - T3TCO ....................................................................................................................... 24
T24 CHEQUE AND DRAFT ISSUE MANAGEMENT - T3TCI ................................................................................ 25
T24 DERIVATIVES - T3TDX ....................................................................................................................... 26
T24 DIRECT DEBITS - T3TDD .................................................................................................................... 27
T24 EXPECTED RECEIPTS - T3TER .............................................................................................................. 28
T24 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING - T3TFA ....................................................................................................... 29
T24 FIDUCIARY - T3TFD .......................................................................................................................... 31
T24 FINANCIAL REPORTING - T3TRE .......................................................................................................... 32
T24 FOREX - T3TFX ................................................................................................................................ 33
T24 FORWARD RATE AGREEMENT - T3TFR ................................................................................................. 34
T24 FUNDS TRANSFER - T3TFT ................................................................................................................. 36
T24 INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS - T3TIF .................................................................... 37
T24 LIMITS - T3TLI ................................................................................................................................. 39
T24 LETTERS OF CREDIT - T3TLC ............................................................................................................... 41
T24 LOANS AND DEPOSITS - T3TLD ........................................................................................................... 43
T24 LOCAL CLEARING - T3TLOC................................................................................................................ 45
T24 MISCELLANEOUS DEALS - T3TMD ....................................................................................................... 46
T24 MONEY MARKET - T3TMM ............................................................................................................... 47
T24 MULTI COMPANY - T3TMC ............................................................................................................... 49
T24 MUTUAL FUNDS - T3TMF ................................................................................................................. 50
T24 NON DELIVERABLE FORWARD - T3TND ................................................................................................ 52
T24 NOSTRO RECONCILIATION –T3TNR ..................................................................................................... 53
T24 POSITION MANAGEMENT - T3TPM ..................................................................................................... 54
T24 PAST DUES - T3TPD ......................................................................................................................... 55
T24 POST CLOSING - T3TPC ..................................................................................................................... 56
T24 PROVISIONING - T3TPV ..................................................................................................................... 57
T24 REPOS - T3TRP ................................................................................................................................ 58
T24 SECURITIES ADMINISTRATION AND TRADING - T3TSCT ............................................................................ 59
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T24 SECURITIES BACK OFFICE - T3TSCO ..................................................................................................... 60
T24 SWAPS - T3TSW .............................................................................................................................. 62
T24 SYNDICATED LOANS - T3TSL .............................................................................................................. 63
T24 STRUCTURED PRODUCTS - T3TSY ........................................................................................................ 65
T24 TELLER - T3TTT ............................................................................................................................... 66
T24 BUSINESS INSIGHT - T3TIB ................................................................................................................. 67
T24 WEALTH REPORTING - T3TWR .......................................................................................................... 69
TECHNICAL COURSES ....................................................................................................................... 70
T24 ARRANGEMENT ARCHITECTURE CORE - TECHNICAL - T3AACT .................................................................. 70
T24 ARC INTERNET BANKING - T3ARCIB ................................................................................................... 71
T24 ARC MOBILE BANKING - T3ARCMB .................................................................................................. 72
T24 BRANCH RESILIENCE - T3BR............................................................................................................... 74
T24 BUSINESS EVENTS MANAGEMENT - T3BE............................................................................................. 75
T24 CONFIRMATION MATCHING - T3CMN................................................................................................. 76
T24 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT - T3CRM .............................................................................. 77
T24 CUSTOMISATION - T3CUS.................................................................................................................. 78
T24 DELIVERY - T3DEL ........................................................................................................................... 79
T24 DIRECT CONNECT DRIVER ORACLE- T3DCDO ........................................................................................ 80
T24 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT - T3DIM .................................................................................................. 81
T24 GLOBAL CONSTRAINTS - T3GC ............................................................................................................ 82
T24 JBASE - T3JB ................................................................................................................................. 83
T24 OPEN FINANCIAL SERVICE - T3OFS ...................................................................................................... 84
T24 ORACLE ADMINISTRATION AND PERFORMANCE TUNING - T3ORA ............................................................ 85
T24 PROCESS WORKFLOW - T3PW ............................................................................................................ 86
T24 PROGRAMMING - T3PRG .................................................................................................................. 87
T24 PROGRAMMING PLUS - T3PRGP ........................................................................................................ 88
T24 SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - T3SMS .......................................................................................... 89
T24 ADMINISTRATION - T3TAD ................................................................................................................ 90
T24 BROWSER CUSTOMISATION - T3BC ..................................................................................................... 91
T24 COB MANAGEMENT - T3TCM .......................................................................................................... 92
T24 SINGLE SIGN-ON USING ADAM - T3SSO............................................................................................. 93
T24 TAFJ - T3TAFJ ................................................................................................................................ 94
T24 TEMENOS CONNECTORS - T3TC ......................................................................................................... 95
T24 TEMENOS OPEN CONNECTIVITY FRAMEWORK - T3TOCF (EE) .................................................................. 96
T24 BUSINESS INSIGHT - TECHNICAL - T3TIT ............................................................................................... 98
T24 TEMENOS WEB SERVICES - T3WS ..................................................................................................... 100
T24 T- VERIFY - T3TV........................................................................................................................... 101
T24 TEMENOS OPEN CONNECTIVITY FRAMEWORK (.NET) - T3TOCF(.NET) .................................................... 102
T24 TEMENOS UNIVERSAL PERFORMANCE METRICS - T3UPM ..................................................................... 103
T24 INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK - T3IF ..................................................................................................... 104
T24 IF INCEPTION – MICROSOFT BIZ TALK SERVER - T3IFBT......................................................................... 105
T24 BUSINESS ACADEMY ............................................................................................................... 106
INDUCTION BUSINESS ACADEMY ............................................................................................................... 106
CUSTOMER AND ACCOUNTS ACADEMY...................................................................................................... 107
AA LENDING BUSINESS ACADEMY............................................................................................................. 108
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING ACADEMY .......................................................................................................... 109
FINANCIAL REPORTING ACADEMY ............................................................................................................. 110
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T24 TECHNICAL ACADEMY ............................................................................................................. 111
AA TECHNICAL ACADEMY ....................................................................................................................... 111
AA CUSTOMISATION ACADEMY ............................................................................................................... 112
IT OPERATIONS ACADEMY ...................................................................................................................... 113
T24 ISLAMIC BANKING COURSES .................................................................................................... 114
T24 INTRODUCTION TO ISLAMIC BANKING PRODUCTS - BASIC CONCEPT........................................................... 114
T24 ISLAMIC INVESTMENT PRODUCTS ...................................................................................................... 115
T24 ISLAMIC INVESTMENT - PROFIT DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM .......................................................................... 116
T24 ISLAMIC FINANCE PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................. 117
T24 ISLAMIC TRADE FINANCE ................................................................................................................. 118
T24 ISLAMIC TREASURY PRODUCTS .......................................................................................................... 119
TAP - E-LEARNING COURSES ........................................................................................................... 120
ELTAP102 - E-LEARNING - SOLUTION OVERVIEW ....................................................................................... 120
ELTAP103 - E-LEARNING - SECURITY OVERVIEW ........................................................................................ 122
ELTAP104 - E-LEARNING - DATA ADMINISTRATION MENU .......................................................................... 123
ELTAP221 - E-LEARNING - FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS .................................................................................. 124
ELTAP222 - E-LEARNING - DATA INTERFACE ANALYSIS ................................................................................ 126
ELTAP223 - E-LEARNING - CASE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................ 128
ELTAP224 - E-LEARNING - INTRODUCTION TO PORTFOLIO MODELLING .......................................................... 130
ELTDS520 - E-LEARNING - DESIGN STUDIO ............................................................................................... 131
TRIPLE’A PLUS™ - BUSINESS C OURSES............................................................................................ 132
CRTAP101 - END USER - PMS B2F ........................................................................................................ 132
CRTAP102 - END USER - PMS F2B ........................................................................................................ 133
CRTAP103 - END USER - CDM & TCM................................................................................................... 134
CRTAP104 - END USER - PROPOSAL GENERATOR ....................................................................................... 135
CRTAP105 - END USER - PORTFOLIO RISK ................................................................................................ 136
CRTAP221 - IMPLEMENT - SCRIPTS & FORMATS ........................................................................................ 138
CRTAP222 - IMPLEMENT - OPERATIONS & POSITIONS ................................................................................ 140
CRTAP223 - IMPLEMENT - BASIC ADAPTATION .......................................................................................... 141
CRTAP224 - IMPLEMENT - PORTFOLIO MODELLING ................................................................................... 142
CRTAP225 - IMPLEMENT - ORDER MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................... 143
CRTAP226 - IMPLEMENT - ADVANCED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS .................................................................. 144
CRTAP227 - IMPLEMENT - ADVANCED CONSTRAINT MANAGEMENT .............................................................. 145
CRTAP228 - IMPLEMENT - PORTFOLIO RISK .............................................................................................. 146
CRTDS520 - DESIGN STUDIO™ - FOUNDATION .......................................................................................... 147
CRTDS530 - DESIGN STUDIO™ - TAP PMS FOUNDATION ........................................................................... 148
CRTDS531 - DESIGN STUDIO™ - TAP PMS ADAPTATION ........................................................................... 149
CRTDS532 - DESIGN STUDIO™ - TAP PMS PROCESSES .............................................................................. 150
TRIPLE’A PLUS™ - INTERFACE COURSES .......................................................................................... 151
CRTAP261 - INTERFACE - GATEWAY ........................................................................................................ 151
CRTAP262 - INTERFACE - GENERIC INTERFACES ......................................................................................... 153
TRIPLE’A PLUS™ - TECHNICAL COURSES ......................................................................................... 154
CRTAP140 - ADMINISTRATION - ARCHITECTURE ........................................................................................ 154
CRTAP141 - ADMINISTRATION - FOUNDATION .......................................................................................... 155
CRTAP142 - ADMINISTRATION - ADVANCED ............................................................................................. 156
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CRTAP143 - ADMINISTRATION - MONITORING & PERFORMANCE FOUNDATION .............................................. 157
CRTAP146 - ADMINISTRATION - PORTFOLIO & RISK ................................................................................... 158
CRTDS500 - ADMINISTRATION - DESIGN STUDIO ....................................................................................... 159
CRTAP801 - ADMINISTRATION - SYBASE .................................................................................................. 160
CRTAP802 - ADMINISTRATION - WEBSPHERE ........................................................................................... 161
CRTAP803 - ADMINISTRATION - ACTUATE ................................................................................................ 162
TRIPLE’A PLUS™ - REPORTING COURSES ........................................................................................ 163
CRTAP701 - REPORTING - FOUNDATION .................................................................................................. 163
CRTAP702 - REPORTING - BASIC ADAPTATION .......................................................................................... 164
CRTAP703 - REPORTING - WUI ADAPTATION ........................................................................................... 165
TRIPLE’A PLUS™ - R12 NEW FEATURES COURSES ........................................................................... 166
CRTAP12T - R12 NEW TECHNICAL FEATURES ........................................................................................... 166
CRTAP12B - R12 NEW BUSINESS FEATURES ............................................................................................. 168
TRIPLE’A PLUS™ CERTIFICATIONS ................................................................................................... 169
CTTAP100 - BRONZE CERTIFICATION ....................................................................................................... 169
CTTAP110 - BUSINESS COMMON LAYER CERTIFICATION .............................................................................. 170
CTTAP120 - BUSINESS SILVER B2F CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................... 171
CTTAP121 - BUSINESS SILVER F2B CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................... 172
CTTAP130 - TECHNICAL COMMON LAYER CERTIFICATION ............................................................................ 173
CTTAP140 - TECHNICAL SILVER CERTIFICATION .......................................................................................... 174
CTTAP150 - DESIGN STUDIO™ PMS CERTIFICATION .................................................................................. 175
- E-LEARNING COURSES ............................................................................... 176
W02 - AN OVERVIEW OF WEALTHMANAGER™ .......................................................................................... 176
WEALTHMANAGER™ - BUSINESS COURSES .................................................................................... 177
W10 - HOW TO USE .............................................................................................................................. 177
WEALTHMANAGER™ - SPECIALIZED MODULES .............................................................................. 178
W20 - SALES AND ADVICE ...................................................................................................................... 178
W21 - MODELING................................................................................................................................. 179
W22 - PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................................... 180
W23 - ORDERS ..................................................................................................................................... 181
WEALTHMANAGER™ - TECHNICAL MODULES ................................................................................ 182
W60 - TECHNICAL BASICS ....................................................................................................................... 182
W62 - ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................................................................ 183
W63 - OPERATIONS & TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................ 184
WEALTHMANAGER™ - CERTIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 186
W110 - WEALTHMANAGER™ - BRONZE CERTIFICATION .............................................................................. 186
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
At Temenos, we believe in success and pursue it tirelessly in order to achieve both our
personal and business objectives. To achieve a successful and profitable organisation in
today’s fast moving market we should encourage our staff in both their personal and
professional growth. People are the key asset to any company and by investing in
improving their skill set we are investing in the future of our organisations.
Our training courses provide an important element of the full range of services that we
offer to our clients. We recommend that as well as attending the introductory courses,
your Temenos T24, Triple’A Plus™ or WealthManager™ users also attend regular followup training courses to continue to develop their knowledge and skills for the Temenos
products they use.
Every participant of the Temenos training courses will receive hands-on experience of
using the latest release of T24, Triple’A Plus™ or WealthManager ™, full course
materials, access to specially designed workshops that will assess the knowledge that
has been gained and access to experienced Temenos trainers to supplement their
knowledge of the full range of Temenos products.
Whether you are new to T24, Triple’A Plus™ or WealthManager™ or building on existing
knowledge, we look forward to welcoming you to one of our training courses.
Yours Sincerely,
Temenos University Education and Training Services
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Temenos Training Methodology
Temenos follows a tiered approach as a standard for T24 and related training offerings.
Tiered A pproach
Tier 1
These courses are meant to provide a high level overview of T24 and
are designed for senior managers, project managers and project teams.
These do not provide any hands on experience.
Tier 2
These are foundation courses and are necessary prerequisites for the
more advanced level courses. These courses give enough inputs to
learn to use the T24 software and also cover the various built-in utilities
in T24. These are essential for project teams. The tier 2 Introduction to
T24 Course (3 - 7 days) is mandatory for everyone in the Project Team
and is a prerequisite for all Tier 3 Functional courses. The Tier 2
Introduction to T24 - Technical Course (3 - 5 days) will be a prerequisite
for all Tier 3 Technical Courses.
Tier 3
These are advanced courses, which provide detailed information about
the relative T24 applications. These courses build on the basics
introduced in the Tier 2 courses and give the inputs necessary to
parameterize and customize the relevant T24 application. These
courses are absolutely necessary for the Project Teams involved in
implementation and appropriate courses may be selected for the various
members of the team.
If so desired the training team can conduct a Training Needs Analysis
(TNA) at each client’s request and provide as an output the
recommended training curriculum for each resource profile. Should you
be interested in this service, please contact your Temenos Project
Manager or Account Manager
Advanced courses which provide componentized and detailed
information on select applications. These courses provide role-based
information with a blended learning approach,- that is a combination of
e-learning and instructor led class room training ideal for covering large
user groups with varied learning requirements.
Our Triple'A Plus™ course content is tailored to specific profiles i.e.
Business, Technical, Web, Interface, Reporting. This ensures that you
can achieve competency in Triple'A Plus™ with high-quality relevant
learning content. Triple‘A Plus™ run a Public Training Course Program
which can be booked on-line. Our Triple‘A Plus and WealthManager™
products also offer Certification Programs.
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Temenos Training Courses
T24 - Tier 1 Course
The following is the course description for the tier 1 course.
T24 Overview - T1TO
One day
About T24 Overview
T24 Overview is to equip participants with a high level overview of TEMENOS T24
software, its design features and architecture
Learning objectives
Gain Overview of T24 Banking Software
Target Audience
High Level Business Executives
Course Topics
Overview of T24
Explanation about its functionality, flexibility and integration
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Temenos Training Courses
T24 - Tier 2 Courses
The following are the course descriptions for tier 2 courses.
Introduction to TEMENOS T24 - T2ITC (Functional)
3 - 8 days
About Introduction to Temenos T24 - Functional
The course will give an overall picture of the functional architecture of T24 and introduce
the basic features of operating a financial institution through T24. Depending on the
needs of those being trained, your Financial Institution can select the End User topics for
this class and can have duration between 3 and 8 days.
The participants will have hands on experience in creating Customer records, opening
Accounts for customer, sanctioning limits, giving loans, taking deposits, transfer money
between accounts and see the resultant integrated operations of T24 by viewing
accounting entries and delivery messages. They will also view the standard reports
produced at close of business.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of T24 of select introductory Modules
Learn to input, execute and complete relevant transactions
Learn the dependency of various tables
Understand Various enquiries and reports
Target Audience
Working Knowledge on Pcs
Knowledge on banking principles and products
Induction Business Basics
Course Topics
T24 Navigation
Basic end- user operations in the following modules. Customer and Account are
always included in this course. The others may be selected based on your needs
Funds Transfer
Limits , Collateral
AA loans
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Temenos Training Courses
Forex and Money Market
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Introduction to TEMENOS T24 - T2ITT (Technical)
3 - 5 days
About Introduction to Temenos T24 - Technical
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to understand the architecture of T24,
Release methodology of T24, jBASE, T24 directory structure and file classification, Core
parameter applications in T24, Data storage when database used is other than jBASE
equip participants with adequate knowledge to work on Browser Installation jBASE JED
editor. Your Financial Institution can select the End User topics for this class and can
have duration between 3 and 5 days.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of T24 of the basic technical background to understand T24 Architecture.
Target Audience
Working Knowledge on Pcs
Knowledge on banking principles and products
Induction Business Basics
T2ITC - Introduction to T24 Course, or familiar with Browser and T24 Functional
Course Topics
Evolution and Architecture of T24
Navigation in Classic
Browser Installation
Installation Details for AGENTS architecture and JMS architecture
Installation of Jbase data base
Installation of T24
Installation of jBoss
Configuration of T24 for Browser
Configuring multiple T24 Environments on a machine to use Browser
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Business Insight Overview - T2TIT
One day
About Business Insight - Technical
This course is designed to provide participants with a detailed high level overview of the
T24 Business Insight application from a technical perspective. Temenos Insight is
Microsoft Business Intelligence based application to build, run and electronically distribute
reports throughout a bank. Reports can be viewed in the Insight browser, as well as made
available as spreadsheets and as multi-dimensional Pivot Tables. An Introduction to the
different types of configurations and how it is used in T24.
Learning Objectives
Gain a technical overview of the Temenos Insight in T24
Gain an overview of Temenos Insight BI Platform
Learn about ETL and OLAP tools
Gain an overview of the extraction process. Online and during Close of Business
Target Audience
Technical and Business Users
Basic T24 navigation skills
Basic T24 Technical knowledge
Course Topics
Insight BI Platform overview
Data Warehouse and Data Marts
ETL tool and OLAP tool introduction
Data flow overview
Reporting Dashboards and Cubes
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Temenos Training Courses
T24 - Tier 3 Functional Courses
The following are the course descriptions for tier 3 functional courses.
T24 Account - T3TAC
4 days
About T24 Account
The account module (AC) processes a broad range of retail transactions. It incorporates
the administration of overview of accounts, Maintenance of Interest related, charges
related settings to various types of Customer account. Preferential treatment for issuance
of statement, charges and Interest to various customers etc. Collection of Various types
of Charges like account maintenance charges/ Interest related Charges. Setting up of
various types of charges in the system.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Account in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including charges and commissions
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the setting up of interest and Charges in
Account Module
Understand requirements for defining different types of account balances
View reports and enquiries relevant to account balances
Target Audience
Business Architects
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Front end user on Retail operations
Required Prerequisite
Induction Business Basics
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC).
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Linkages with other core tables
Main parameter tables
Different types of Accounts Current ,Savings & Internal
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Different types of interest and charges calculations
Relevant accounting and messaging
Enquiries and reports
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Temenos Training Courses
T24 AC Sweeping & Cash Pooling - T3TCP
One day
About T24 AC Sweeping & Cash Pooling
The AC sweeping & cash pooling processes a broad range of retail transactions. It
incorporates the administration of, cash transactions, cash pooling and doing a sweep
transaction. Various types of Sweep operation like Maintenance, surplus, two way types
of Sweeps are designed under this module
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the Sweeping & Cash Pooling in T24.
Learning about linkages with core tables
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with the module
Learning to input, execute and complete Sweep transactions.
Target audience
Payments and Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Payments and Front Office tasks
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Induction Business Basics
Knowledge on T2ITC Account Module
Course Topics
Product Features
Parameter Tables
Transaction processing
Accounting and Messaging
Standard Enquiries and reports
System Maintained table
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Temenos Training Courses
T24 Arrangement Architecture Core - T3AAC
Two days
About T24 AA Core
The course will assist in learning the various product components. AAC module provides
a flexible framework that allows a number of products to be created. It has the ability to
allow user to construct banking products by combining different business components
through AA Product builder. It also provides for simulating activities for “what -if”
speculation for new and existing product instances without creating or affecting live
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Arrangement Architecture core (AAC) in T24.
Learning the various product components - Property classes, Properties and
Product conditions
Learn to Design a product
Learning the Relationship between Product and Arrangement
Learning about Activities
Learning about Simulation and Reverse and replay
Target Audience
Business Architects
Testers dealing with credit administration and designing of products
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Course Topics
Introduction to AA Building blocks
Product hierarchy
Product builder and Catalog
Building Products in AA
Introduction to Product Conditions
Proofing and Publishing in Product Catalog
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Temenos Training Courses
T24 Arrangement Architecture Deposits - T3TAAD
Five days
About T24 AA Deposit
This course is designed to provide the participants an insight into T24 Arrangement
Architecture module with special emphasis on AA Deposits. The course enables
management and administration of Deposit activities. This course will touch upon key
features of the module, setting up parameter tables, configuring a Deposit product and
checking out the related Arrangement activities.
Learning Objectives
Gain Product Overview of AA Deposits in T24
Learning about Deposits Product Line and Property Classes
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Learning to input, execute and complete different types of deposit products
Learning about the Accounting Flow in AA
Learning about Arrangement Financial balances, Balance Types
Target Audience
Retail Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Retail deposits
Business Analysts
Basic T24 navigation skills
T24 AA Core
Course Topics
Product Features
Parameter Tables
Various Property Class, property Product conditions
Attributes and action in Property class
Periodic attributes
Accounting flow in AA deposit
To design a deposit product
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Temenos Training Courses
T24 Arrangement Architecture Loans - T3TAAL
Five days
About T24 AA Loan
This course is designed to provide the participants an insight into T24 Arrangement
Architecture module with special emphasis on AA Loan. The course enables
management and administration of Loan activities. This course will touch upon key
features of the module, setting up parameter tables, configuring a Loan product and
checking out the related Arrangement activities.
Learning Objectives
Gain Product Overview of AA Loans in T24
Learning about Lending Product Line and related Property Classes
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Learning to input, execute and complete different types of deposit products
Learning about the Accounting Flow in AA
Learning about Arrangement Financial balances, Balance Types
Target Audience
Retail Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Retail deposits
Business Analysts
Basic T24 navigation skills
T24 AA core
Course Topics
Product Features
Parameter Tables
Various Property Class, property Product conditions
Attributes and action in Property class
Periodic attributes
Accounting flow in AA Loan
To design a Loan Product
AA Simulation and Reverse replay
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Temenos Training Courses
T24 Retail Accounts - T3TAAR
Five days
About T24 AAR Retail Accounts
The course is designed to equip the participants with adequate knowledge to implement
Arrangement architecture Retail Accounts. This course will give the participants a sound
knowledge of key features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables, related
files and using the module for maintaining Retail accounts. Different types of interest and
charges settings, accounting rules, transaction processing included
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of T24 AA Retail Accounts module
Learning about linkages with Core tables
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Configuring a Product Group and related Products
Learning to create arrangements, input different types of activities, transact and
maintain arrangement
Learning T24 AA Accounting features
Target Audience
Retail front end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Retail front office task
Business Analysts
Process Owners
T24 Induction course (T2ITC)
T24 AA Core (T3AAC)
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Product Features
Parameter Tables
Various Property Class, property Product conditions
Attributes and action in Property class
Periodic attributes
Accounting flow in AAR Accounts
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Temenos Training Courses
To design a Retail Account Product
AA Simulation and Reverse replay
Product Bundle
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Asset Management - T3TAM
Five days
About T24 Asset Management
The Asset Management module (AM) processes a broad range of different types of
modeling structures for transactions and performance analysis thereof. The T24 ASSET
MANAGEMENT (AM) module enables management and administration of portfolios,
creations of various Dynamic modeling and also to process securities management
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Asset Management in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including charges and commissions
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the Securities Transaction
Understand requirements for defining different types of
and its
View reports and enquiries relevant to Asset Management
Target Audience
People working in Back office of securities Operations
Business Analyst in private Wealth Management
Tester in Banking of private wealth Management in various Models
Induction Business Basics
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC)
Knowledge of T24 Securities (T3TSCT) course
A good knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Product Features
Parameter Tables
Linkages with other core tables
Main parameter tables
Different types of portfolio modeling, valuation, performance calculation standards
and methods, bulk order creation, composites and benchmark setup
Set up of Management Fees and related tables
Relevant risk management
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Enquiries and reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Bills - T3TBL
One day
About T24 Bills
The course is designed to provide the participants the T24 Bills module enables
management and administration of bills. Setting up relevant parameter tables, related files
and using the module for Bills processing.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the Bills in T24.
Learning about Overview of Bills Module
Learning about Dependencies and Parameter Tables to be set up
Learning to input, execute and complete different types of Bills transactions
Target Audience
Credit & Corporate Department in Banking Division
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Corporate and Credit administration
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Product Overview
Parameter Tables
Various types of Bills
Product features
Enquiries and reports
System Maintained Table
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Collateral - T3TCO
One day
About T24 Collateral
The course is designed to provide the participants the knowledge of T24 Collateral
module enables management and administration of Collaterals. In addition to it the course
provides the knowledge of key features of this module setting up relevant parameter
tables, related files using the module for transaction processing and T24 features of
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the Collateral in T24.
Learning about linkages with core tables including Collateral Parameters like
Collateral Type , Collateral Right, & Collateral Code
Learning about Secured Limits with Collateral security.
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Target Audience
Credit administration
Front Office end users in credit Operations
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Credit Operations
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
T24 Limits Course
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Product overview
Parameter tables
Product features
Enquiries and reports
System Maintained Table
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Cheque and Draft Issue Management - T3TCI
One day
About T24 Cheque and Draft issue Management
The course is designed to provide the participants the knowledge of T24 Cheque and
Draft Issue Management system. Equip the participants with adequate knowledge to
implement on the Stock Inventories relating to Cheque and Draft Management
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the Cheque and draft issue Management in T24.
Learning about linkages with core tables including Cheque Type, Stock entry ,
issuance of chequebook, stop payment of Cheques
Learning about parameter tables connected with this module
Target Audience
Retail front end user
Retail administration
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Retail Operations
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 introduction
A sound Knowledge on Banking principles and products
Course Topics
Product overview
Linkages with core tables
Main Parameter tables
Product features stocks issue , Maintain
Enquiries and reports
System Maintained Table
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Derivatives - T3TDX
Three days
About T24 Derivatives
The course is designed to provide the participants the knowledge T24 Derivatives module
enables management and administration of Derivatives deals Setting up relevant
parameter tables, related files and using the module for transaction processing. In
addition to it we can also learn about different types of future and options deals.
Learning Objectives.
Gain Overview on T24 Derivatives Module
Learning about Linkages with core tables and main parameter tables.
Learning about linkages with core tables including interest, charges and
Learning about Relevant risk management accounting and messaging.
Different types of interest calculations.
Target Audience
Treasury Front Office end users
Business Architects in Treasury verticals
Testers dealing with Treasury area
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Transaction Input
Exotic Options
Revaluation Process
Calculation of credit exposure
Trade Transfers
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Direct Debits - T3TDD
One day
About T24 Direct Debit
The course is designed to provide the participants the knowledge of T24 Direct Debits.
Setting up relevant parameter tables, related files and using the module for effecting
Direct Debits processing. In addition to it we can also learn about different types Direct
Debits transactions and how the payments are collected and stopped.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the Direct Debits in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables and main parameter tables.
Different types of Direct Debit transaction.
Learning about different stages in Direct Debits.
Target Audience
Payments and Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Payments and Front Office tasks
Business Analysts
Process Owner
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Direct debits in T24
Product Overview & Core dependencies
Setting Up Parameter tables
Product Features
Enquiries and Reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Expected Receipts - T3TER
0.75 day
About T24 Expected Receipts
The course is designed to provide participants with knowledge in T24 Expected Receipts
module. It enables the bank to keep track of Expected Funds/Payments/Regular Receipts
and helps monitor correspondent bank limit. It helps in setting up relevant parameter
tables, related files and using the module for tracking for the expected funds.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Expected Receipts in T24.
Learning about the linkages with core tables
Understand the record an Expected Receipt and match it.
Learning about the setup of to set up parameter tables connected with this
Learning about Product Features of ER module
Target Audience
Payments and Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Payments and Front Office tasks
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying Banking Business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Linkages with core tables
Main Parameter tables
Correspondent Bank Limit
Regular Receipts
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Financial Accounting - T3TFA
Four days
About T24 Financial Accounting
The Financial Accounting module (FA) processes a broad range of accounting and
consolidation of accounting entries. It also dwells upon the conditions, rules and criteria
for consolidation of accounting module. This Module enables the participants to know
about the different types of accounting entries and also learn about the different
methodologies for revaluation of foreign currency assets and liabilities.
The T24 Financial Accounting is a part of RE module, enables setting up accounting
related parameters. This course will give the participants a sound knowledge of Key
features of this module as related to accounting, Setting up relevant parameter tables and
related files and using the module for maintaining Accounting entries
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Financial Accounting in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including category, Country, sector etc...
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to set condition for consolidation of entries
Understand different types of accounting entries in T24
Different types of work files which are used for the purpose of consolidation
Target Audience
Business Architects
Business Analysts
Person associated with financial management
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC)
Accounts (T3TAC) recommended
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
A sound knowledge of the basics of Accounting
Detailed Content
Linkages with core tables
Main Parameter Tables
Different types of Accounting entries
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Consolidation of Accounting entries
Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities
Consolidated Reporting Base
The course will cover the T24 accounting structure; however, it will not cover in
detail, the accounting entries specific to various T24 modules.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Fiduciary - T3TFD
One day
About T24 Fiduciary
The Fiduciary Module (FD) processes a broad range of Fiduciary deposit and retail
transaction. It incorporates the administration Fiduciary, which enables the management
and administration of PWM. This course will give the participants a sound knowledge of
key features of Fiduciary aspects of this module, setting up relevant files and using the
module for generating Fiduciary reports
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Fiduciary Module in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including charges and commissions
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the Fiduciary Transaction
View reports and enquiries relevant to Fiduciary
Target Audience
Corporate end user
Private Wealth Management User
Business Architects
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC)
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Parameters details
Product Overview
Enquiries and Reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Financial Reporting - T3TRE
Two days
About the T24 Financial Reporting
The Reporting module (RE) defines the reporting tools relating to structure of General
Ledgers. It defines about the various reporting tools like Header, line and Column. It also
talks about various tools for the extraction of reports in T24. Company wise Balance sheet
and consolidation of company wise balance sheet can be addressed in this Module
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Reporting Module in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including Consolidation Conditions
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, create Header, Column and lines
Understand requirements for defining different types of Reports
Target Audience
Business Architects
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Financial Experts
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC)
T24 Financial Accounting (T3TFA) Course
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Reporting tools such as Headers, Columns and Lines
Additional Tools
Asset types
Generation of different types of reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Forex - T3TFX
Two days
About T24 Forex
The Forex module (FX) processes a broad range of Forex products like Spot, forward and
Swap. It also handles on Non deliverable Forward (NDF). It incorporates the
administration of Front office, Back office in treasury operations. It handles the settlement
related to various treasury products
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Forex in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including charges and commissions
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the Forex Transaction
Understand requirements for defining different types of Forex transactions
View reports and enquiries relevant to Forex
Different types of Revaluing the Foreign currency assets and liabilities
Target Audience
Treasury Front desk dealers
Treasury back office Payments and settlement desk
Business Architects
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC)
A good knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Linkages with other core tables
Main parameter tables
Different types of Forex deals
Different methods of revaluations
Relevant risk management, accounting and messaging
Enquiries and report
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Forward Rate Agreement - T3TFR
One day
About T24 Forward Rate Agreement
The course is designed to provide the participants with knowledge of T24 Forward rate
agreement module. It enables management and administration of Forward rate
agreements. It covers setting up relevant parameter tables, related files and using the
module for transaction processing. Forward Rate Agreement is a forward contract on the
interest rate. It is a financial contract to exchange interest payments based on a fixed
interest rate with payments based on floating interest rate.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of FRA in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables including interest, charges and
Learning to input, execute and complete different types of forward rate agreement
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Learn to create reports and enquiries relevant to this module
Learn to create Valid FRA types - Trade and Hedge
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Retail front end User
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
FRA in T24
Parameter files
Product Features
Revaluation & Accounting
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Enquiries & Reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Funds Transfer - T3TFT
Three days
About T24 Funds Transfer
The course enables participants to understand
management and administration of
Funds Transfer. In addition we can also learn the Key features of this module, setting up
relevant parameter tables using the module for transaction processing.
FUNDS.TRANSFER is one of the account based applications in T24 for moving funds
around the system internally and externally. It could involve transfer of funds from one
account to another account.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview Fund Transfer in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables and main parameter tables.
Learning about Product Features and Standing Orders.
Learning about input, execute and complete different types of Funds Transfer.
Target Audience
Payments and Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Payments and Front Office tasks
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Fund Transfer in T24
Parameter tables
Product features
Fund Transfer and the features
Standing Orders
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 International Financial Reporting Standards - T3TIF
Three days
About T24 IFRS
The course is designed to provide participants with knowledge of T24 IFRS. This enables
understanding of accounting and reporting compliance as per IFRS. In addition it covers
key features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables using the module for
transaction processing and report generation and Generating IFRS compliant reports.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview IFRS Module in T24.
Learning about Multi GAAP reporting.
Learning about Classification of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting and Reporting
Target Audience
Financial Experts
Business analyst
Business Tester
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Financial Reporting
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
IFRS in T24
Multi GAAP Processing
Product Features
Classification of Financial Assets & Liabilities
Fair Value accounting & Relevant Excel functions
Cash Flow Engine
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Consolidation Workshops
IFRS impairment and Reclassification
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Limits - T3TLI
Two days
About T24 Limit
The course enables participants to understand management and administration of limits.
Important features of Limits including revolving, non-revolving, secured and un-secured,
individual, group limits, product and sub products are covered. In addition it covers key
features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables and using the module for
transaction processing.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview Limits Module in T24.
Learning about Linkage of Limits with static tables
Product features of Limits & Other features
Learning about Limits build sequence
Learn to create reports and enquiries relevant to this module.
Learn to create Global level, Product level and 10 sub product levels.
Limits may be created at Customer and liability group levels.
Target Audience
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Credit verticals
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking Business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Limits in T24
Amending Limits, Other features
Product Features
Cross Limits
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Letters of Credit - T3TLC
Five days
About T24 Letter of Credit
The course enables participants to understand management and administration of Letters
of credit. The Trade Finance module consists of two closely related applications,
LETTER OF CREDIT and DRAWINGS, which work together to provide a wide range of
support for Trade Finance business. LC application supports opening and amending LCs
as well as Documentary collections in both import and export. It suits all the roles of a
bank by advising, confirming, and negotiating.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Letters of Credit in T24.
Learning about Linkages between LC module and T24 Core and other
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Product features of LC module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Trade Finance
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Trade Finance Front end user
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Letter of credit in T24
Product Features
Settlement & Amendments
Multiple debits in drawings
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Trust Release & Other features
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Loans and Deposits - T3TLD
Two days
About T24 Loans & Deposits
This course is designed to provide the participants knowledge of T24 LD module. It
enables management and administration of Loans and Deposits. It covers key features of
the module, including setting up relevant parameter tables, configuring a loan product and
using the module for transaction processing.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Loans & Deposits in T24.
Learning about Application specific Parameter tables, connected with Loans and
Loans and Deposits build sequence
Learning about linkages with core tables including interest, charges and
Product features of Loans & Deposits.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting and Reporting
Target Audience
Credit Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with credit Verticals
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Loans & Deposits Build Sequence
Application specific parameter tables connect with Loans and deposits
Product Features
Other features
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Local Clearing - T3TLOC
0.25 day
About T24 Local Clearing
The course is designed to provide the participants knowledge of local clearing
transactions through the FT module. This course will give the participants a sound
knowledge of Key features of T24 Local Clearing through FT module, setting up relevant
parameter tables and related files.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Local Clearing in T24.
Learning about Linkages with other tables.
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Target Audience
Clearing Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with payment verticals under FT
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Fund Transfer
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Local Clearing in T24
Product Features
Parameter tables
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Miscellaneous Deals - T3TMD
Two days
About T24 Miscellaneous Deal
The course enables participants to understand management and administration of
Guarantees In addition we can also learn the Key features of this module, setting up
relevant parameter tables using the module for transaction processing.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Miscellaneous Deals in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables including charges and commissions.
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Product features of MD module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Corporate User under Guarantee desk
Business analyst
Business architecture
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying Banking Business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Miscellaneous deals in T24
Product Features
Provision and Changes
Time based commission
Correspondent Bank limits
Receiving Guarantees & Participation guarantees
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Money Market - T3TMM
1.5 days
About T24 Money Market
T24 Money Market module enables management and administration of Money Market
deals. This course will give the participants a sound knowledge of Key features of this
module. Setting up relevant parameter tables, related files and using the module for
transaction processing like Money market Deposit and Loans , placement and Takings
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Money Market in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including charges and commissions
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the Money Market Transaction
Understand requirements for
defining different
types of
View reports and enquiries relevant to Money Market
Understand how to handle rollover takings and placement
Money Market
Target Audience
Treasury Front Desk user
Treasury Back office user
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Treasury Verticals
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Induction Business Basics
A sound knowledge on Banking Principles and products on Money Market
Course Topics
Linkages with core tables
Main Parameter tables
Different types of Money Market Deals
Different types of interest calculation
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Relevant risk management, accounting and messaging
Enquiries and reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Multi Company - T3TMC
Two days
About T24 on Multi Company
The course enables participants to understand management and administration of Multi
Company . In addition this course will give the participants a sound knowledge of Key
features, setting up relevant parameter tables using the module for sharing data and
accounting information.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Multi Company in T24.
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Learning about sharing data and accounting information between different entities
Product features of Multi Company module.
Learning about setting up Multi Company and Multi Book installations.
Target Audience
Business architecture
Business Analyst
Technical analysts
Basic T24 navigation skills
Financial Accounting
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Inter- company accounting and reporting
COB processing & Parameter tables
Setting up of a Multiple Company Environment
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Mutual Funds - T3TMF
Two days
About T24 Mutual Funds
The course is designed to provide the participants the knowledge of T24 Mutual Funds
Module has been designed to support and manage distribution of one or several mutual
funds. The module functionality covers calculation of the fund’s Net Asset Value,
management fees and Unit Management other than Corporate Action on such units. The
unit management module uses Core processing for fees and charges and also uses the
functionality of the Securities Module.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Mutual Funds in T24.
Learning about Linkages with Core Tables.
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Learning about risk management, accounting and messaging
Product features in Mutual Funds module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Private wealth business analyst
Private wealth Front office and Back office user
Business Analyst
Business architecture
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Mutual Funds in T24
Product Features
Asset definition and its types
Corporate actions
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
NAV calculation and Accounting process
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Non Deliverable Forward - T3TND
Half a day
About T24 Non Deliverable Forward
The Non Deliverable Forward module (ND) processes a broad range of non-deliverable
forward related to Treasury Products. The Non deliverable forward (ND) module enables
management and administration of Non deliverable forward deals. This course will give
the participants a sound knowledge of the key features of this module setting up relevant
parameter tables related files
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Non deliverable Forward in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including charges and commissions
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the ND Deal Transaction
Understand requirements for defining different types of ND Deal transactions
View reports and enquiries relevant to ND Deal
Target Audience
Treasury Front Office end users
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Treasury Module
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Induction Business Basics
A sound banking business knowledge on Treasury products.
Course Topics
Linkages with other core tables
Main parameter tables
Different types of deals/contracts
Relevant risk management, accounting and messaging
Enquiries and reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Nostro Reconciliation –T3TNR
Half a day
About T24 Nostro Reconciliation
T24 Nostro Reconciliation module enables management and administration of Nostro
Reconciliation This course will give the participants a sound knowledge of ) Key features
of Nostro Reconciliation of this module Setting up relevant parameter tables, related files
and Using the module for doing automatic processing of matching of entries and manual
matching of entries
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Nostro reconciliation in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the automatic processing of matching
Understand requirements for defining different types of
View reports and enquiries relevant to Nostro reconciliation
Target Audience
Treasury Back office and Mid Office
Business analyst
Business Architecture
Process Owners
Tester relating to Nostro reconciliation
Basic T24 navigation skills.
T24 Funds Transfer
Course Topics
Product Overview
Linkages with other core tables
Main parameter tables related to this module
Accounting and messaging
Enquiries and reports
28 October 2013
Nostro reconciliation
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Position Management - T3TPM
One day
About T24 position Management
The T24 Position Management (PM) module enables users to enquire on currency, cash
and gap positions. This course will give the participants a sound knowledge of the key
features of this module.) Setting up relevant parameter tables and the related files
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Position Management in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the Position management Transaction
Understand requirements for defining different types of Position management
enquiry transactions
View reports and enquiries relevant to Position Management
Target Audience
Treasury Front office user
Treasury Back office
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Treasury Payments
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC)
A good knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Linkages with other core tables
Main parameter tables
Position management vis a vis different types of deals/contracts
Enquiries and reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Past Dues - T3TPD
1.5 days
About T24 Past Due
This course is designed to provide participants knowledge of T24 PD module. It enables
management and administration of Past dues. This course will give the participants a
sound knowledge of Key features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables,
using the module for transaction processing. This course covers the dependencies,
parameters and features of Past Due module.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Past Dues in T24.
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Product features of Past Dues module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Learning about asset classification and provisioning and past due dependencies
Target Audience
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Credit and lending module
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Product Features
Parameter tables
Financial write off
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Post Closing - T3TPC
Half a day
About T24 Post Closing
The T24 Post Closing module enables the posting of accounting adjustments and
updating historic financial databases after the closing date of a financial period. This
course will give the participants a sound knowledge of the key features of the module ,
setting up relevant parameter tables) related files and setting up and using the module to
open financial database for prior accounting periods and to post transactions/generate
financial reports for such periods.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Post-closing Module in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the Post Closing Transaction
Target Audience
Financial Analysts
Business Architects
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC)
T24 Financial Accounting Course (T3TFA)
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Defining open financial periods
Posting transactions to update open financial periods
Updating open financial databases
Generating financial reports for earlier periods
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Provisioning - T3TPV
1.5 days
About T24 Provisioning
The T24Provisioning (PV) module enables management and administration of
Provisioning . This course will give the participants a sound knowledge of the key
features of this module setting up relevant parameter tables) related files and using the
module for transaction processing
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Provisioning Module in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables
Configure Parameter Tables
Learn to input, execute and complete the provisioning Transaction
View reports and enquiries relevant to Provisioning
Target Audience
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Provisioning desk
Business Analysts
Process Owners
Credit front end user
Introduction to T24 Course (T2ITC)
A good knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Linkages with other core tables
Main parameter tables
Different types of deals/contracts
Relevant risk management, accounting and messaging
Enquiries and reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Repos - T3TRP
1.5 days
About T24 Repo
The course enables management and administration of Repos and Reso contracts. In
addition we can also learn about the Key features of this module, setting up relevant
parameter tables using the module for transaction processing. This course enables us to
know about the Repo module, its linkages with core tables, setting up of parameters,
inputting different types of Repos, viewing the accounting, delivery and enquiries and
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Repos in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables including interest, charges and
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Learning about risk management, accounting and messaging
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Private Wealth Management Front office user
Business analyst
Business architecture
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Product Features
Different types of Repos
Stock Borrow lend
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Securities Administration and Trading - T3TSCT
4.5 days
About T24 Securities Administration and Trading
The course enables Management and administration of portfolios. In addition we can
learn about the Key features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables using
the module for transaction processing. Then you will learn about linkages with core tables
including tax, interest, charges and commissions. Further you will learn to set up
parameter and static tables connected with the trading activity of the module.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview Securities Administration in T24.
Learning to set up parameter and static tables connected with this module.
Learning about risk management, accounting and messaging
Product features of Securities Administration and Trading module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Private wealth management Front end user
Securities back office user
Business Analyst
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Product Features
Different Types of Transactions
COB Reports & Accounting
Scalability of Orders
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Securities Back Office - T3TSCO
4.5 days
About T24 Securities Back Office
The course enables Management and administration of settlement/corporate action
transactions. In addition you can learn about the Key features of this module, setting up
relevant parameter tables using the module for transaction processing and securities
module back office operations, handling off market trading.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Securities Back Office in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables including tax, interest, charges and
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Learning about risk management, accounting and messaging.
Product features of Securities Back Office module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Private Wealth management back office user
Business analyst
Process owners
Business architecture
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Product Features
Settlement related tables
Corporate Action Processing
Stock and cash options
Rights & Reinvestments
Tax & Fees Set up
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Swaps - T3TSW
One day
About T24 Swaps
The course enables management and administration of Swap deals. In addition we can
learn about the Key features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables using
the module for transaction process.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Swap in T24
Learning about Linkages with core tables
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Learning about risk management, accounting and messaging.
Product features of Swap module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Treasury Dealers Front office
Treasury Back office
Business analyst
Process owners
Business architecture
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Treasury Modules in t24
Course Topics
Course objectives
Product Features
Revaluation Accounting
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Syndicated Loans - T3TSL
Three days
About T24 Syndicated loans
The course is designed to provide the participants the knowledge of T24 SL module
enables management and administration of Syndicated Loans. In addition we can learn
about the Key features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables using the
module for loan transaction process. Syndicating loans or spreading debt among a
number of investors helps lenders manage their portfolios by reducing risk, improving
returns and increasing fee business.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of syndicated Loans in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables including interest, charges and
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Product features of Syndicated Loan module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Corporate Front office
Business analyst
Process owners
Business architecture
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Product Features
Trading operation
Internal Balance files and Accounting
Limits & Standard reports
Enquiries and Delivery
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Structured Products - T3TSY
Three days
About T24 Structured Products
The course is designed to provide the participants the knowledge of T24 SY module
enables management and administration of Structured products . In addition we can learn
about the Key features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables using the
module for structured products transaction process.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Structured products in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables including interest, charges and
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Product features of Structured Products module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Treasury Front office and Back Office
Business analyst
Process owners
Business architecture
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Product Features
Trading operation
Internal Balance files and Accounting
Limits & Standard reports
Enquiries and Delivery
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Teller - T3TTT
Three days
About T24 Teller
The course enables management and administration of Teller transactions. Teller is one
of the account based applications in T24 for moving funds around the system internally
and externally. It could involve transfer of funds from one account to another account.
Cheque collection is one of the applications encompassed in TT module. It covers various
types of collection cheque like local clearing cheque and outstation cheque etc.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Teller in T24
Learning about Linkages with core tables including charges and commissions.
Learning to input, execute and complete the teller Transaction.
Learning about risk management, accounting and messaging.
Product features of Teller.
Learn about TFS
Target Audience
Retail Front Desk user
Business Analyst
Business Architecture
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying Banking Business
Course Topics
Course objectives
Tellers in T24
Product Features
Enquiries and reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Business Insight - T3TIB
Five days
About T24 Business Insight
Temenos Insight product enables management and administration of data for better MIS
and Business Intelligence purpose. This course will give the participants a sound
knowledge of Key features of different modules - both mandatory as well as Optional packaged in Temenos Insight like Base, Reporter, Security, Analyser, Profitability and
Publisher . Providing information through different screens for the generation of enquiries
and reports which include Age analytics at Bank Level as well as Customer Level on
different dimensions like Industry, Sector, Balance range, age range etc., using the
module for Implementing Transfer Pricing Mechanism and Providing Information through
Dashboards based on the type of User
Learning Objectives
Creating Business Areas, Categories, Selections, Enquiries and using Reporting
templates for the
Creation of Reports and also learning how to do chart of account mapping for
Central Bank
Configuring Analyser and map T24 fields to OLAP (On-Line Analytical
Processing) cube dimensions
Uploading Budgets and by learning how to make manual adjustments
Learning Objectives Skills
Learning how to create Users, Menu Groups and Options and setting up of Data
Access Rules
Setting up Maturity Bands, Age ranges, Balance ranges used in Reporting
Defining Key Performance Indicators and creating Dash boards
Target Audience
Management Information system User
Business Analyst
Business Architecture
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
T24 Financial Reporting
Course Topics
Overview ,Extracting data from T24 using DW.EXPORT
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Insight Reporter - Business Area, Categories, Enquiries and Reports
Insight Security - Creation of Users, Menu Groups and setting up of Menu
Options and Data Access Rules
Insight Analyser - Budgeting, Manual Adjustments and Cost Allocation
Insight Profitability - Transfer Pricing Mechanism and creation of Customer wise
Profitability Reports
Insight Publisher - Creation of Financial Dash Boards and Providing the
information to various Users
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Wealth Reporting - T3TWR
Two days
About T24 Wealth Reporting
The course enables management and administration of Wealth Management . In addition
we can learn about the Key features of this module, setting up relevant parameter tables
using the module for Wealth reporting transaction process.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Wealth Reporting products in T24.
Learning about Linkages with core tables including interest, charges and
Learning to set up parameter tables connected with this module
Product features of Wealth Reporting Products module.
Learning about linkages with T24 Accounting, messaging and enquiries.
Target Audience
Private Wealth Management Front office and Back Office
Business analyst
Process owners
Business architecture
Basic T24 navigation skills
Underlying banking business
Knowledge on T24 Asset Management
Course Topics
Course objectives
Product Features
Enquiries and Delivery
Reports & Enquires
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Technical Courses
T24 Arrangement Architecture Core - Technical - T3AACT
Two days
About T24 Arrangement Architecture Core Technical
The course will give an overall picture of the Technical architecture of T24 AA product .
How AA works with OFS and COB processing . This course will also equip the
participants with adequate knowledge to create user defined routines , Local reference for
certain Property class. User defined versions and Simulate activities . This will also help
the participant to understand Important Property class like Activity. API, ACTIVITY.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of T24 of Technical related architecture on AA
Learn the dependency of various tables
Create User defined Routines and local reference
Understand Various enquiries and reports
Target Audience
Working Knowledge on Pcs.
Knowledge on banking principles and products
Induction to T24 Technical
T3AAC - AA Core
T3OFS - OFS in T24 ( recommended )
Course Topics
AA Simulations in AA
OFS Bulking in AA
Important Property Classes
Product Proofing and Publishing related applications
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 ARC Internet Banking - T3ARCIB
Four days
About T24 ARC Internet Banking Module
The course will give participants the required technical knowledge to install, configure and
customise the Temenos ARC Internet Banking product.
Learning Objectives
How to work with AA Concepts, Intermediary and Corporate.
Setup and configure ARC IB
How to create an arrangement and internet user.
How to create an internet service Product.
How to use proxy services in Intermediaries and corporate banking.
Basic Knowledge to work on ARC IB - Personal, Intermediary & Corporate
Using Product designer to design Products.
Use Protection Limit is used to set Daily Limits for transactions
Specify SMS Group in User Rights to control access.
Target audience
Technical architecture
Process Owners
Retail front End user
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Basic knowledge on Enquiries and Versions
Course Topics
ARC IB in T24, Working with Arrangement Architecture
ARC and the Internet Banking product
Configuring ARC IB in Five Stages.
Summary of Product Conditions.
Tracking Product change in Arrangement Links
Proof and Publish in E Bank product
Negotiation Rules, Important Points in ARC IB -T24
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 ARC Mobile Banking - T3ARCMB
Three days
About T24 ARC Mobile Banking
This course will give participants the requisite technical knowledge to install, configure
and customize the ARC Mobile Banking product
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of ARC Mobile Banking in T24.
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to understand ARC Mobile Banking
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to create, install and configure ARC
Mobile Application, MySQL , Tomcat /Jboss
Core Banking Connectivity
Channels, Merchants and notification
Target Audience
Front End User and Roles of ARC Mobile Application
Technical Consultants
Business architecture
Process owners
Java Knowledge
Database Knowledge - MySQL
T24 Knowledge - TCServer, JBoss Configuration for Browser Setup, DL Restore
Course Topics
ARC Mobile Introduction
MySql ,Tomcat ,JBoss Branding
Internal Installer Banking Installer
Payment Installer
Users and Roles
Templates and Customers
Core Banking Connectivity
SMPP Installer
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Integration with T24
Web Service Integration
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Branch Resilience - T3BR
Two days
About T24 Branch Resilience
The course is designed to provide the participants an insight into the Branch Resilience
product and its features. This course will enable participants to understand and execute
required activities at a Branch level.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Branch Resilience (BR) in T24.
Setting up the required parameter files for the BR module to function
Setting up other required software like Temenos Connector server, Tomcat,
Toolbox which the BR module uses.
Why there is a need for Branch Resilience in T24.
How T24 communicates with online and offline Process.
How to handle different services in BR Module
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Basic of Open Financial Service (OFS)
Knowledge of Using the Tool Box
Course Topics
BR in T24, Branch Database
Setting up Tool box, Offline and Online mode and their Privileges.
User and Users SMS Group.
Difference between Central server and Branch server.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Business Events Management - T3BE
Two days
About the T24 Business Events Management
This course provides participants with adequate knowledge in defining and managing
event triggers based on the business processes.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview in Business Events Management (BEM) in T24.
Learning about BEM Life Cycle
Learning about Temenos Connectors and Temenos Browser
Different Types of Events
Delivery setup required to raise alerts
Target Audience
Business Architecture
Technical Analyst
Lead Technical Specialist
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills.
T24 Delivery
Course Topics
Course objectives
Business Event Management in T24
BEM Life Cycle
Process of triggering alerts
Components involved
Related delivery set up and demo
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Confirmation Matching - T3CMN
Half a day
About T24 Confirmation Matching
This course will give participants an in depth knowledge of the Currency and Message
Learning Objectives
Gain overview on the Confirmation Matching (CM) in T24.
Understand how the inward an outward deliveries are matched
Understand applications for matching the messages
Learn to setup Parameter tables connected with this Module
Target Audience
Treasury back office user
Business Analyst
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Course Topics
Course objectives
CM in T24
How application is used in CM
Phantom to form the match key
Phantom to match the messages
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Customer Relationship Management - T3CRM
2.5 days
About T24 Customer Relationship Management
Equip participants with knowledge of CRM module, the rules engine and how to use it
with CRM module in T24. Provide a framework to learn about Customers' needs and
behaviors in order to develop strong relationship. By using T24 CRM customers are able
to aggregates information about Customers, sales, marketing effectiveness, and
responsiveness and market trends. This allows them to provide better customer service
and enables cross sell and up sell activities. .
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the need for a CRM Component in T24.
How to use the Single Customer View
How can we achieve using operational CRM and Analytical CRM
Steps to be followed in CRM related parameter tables in T24
Workflows for campaign and opportunity processing in T24
How to work with CR Module in T24
Explain difference between Analytical CRM and Operational CRM
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Lead Technical specialist
Process owners
Retail Front end user
Basic T24 navigation skills
Open Financial Services
Course Topics
Need for CRM in T24
Detailed about Operational CRM and Analytical CRM
Rules engine and integrating it with CRM
Steps to create Campaign and opportunity processing records in T24
Types of services related to CRM
Workshop integrating Rules Engine into CRM
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Customisation - T3CUS
Four days
About T24 Customisation
Equip participants with knowledge of Customisation module, the rules engine and how to
use it with CUS module in T24. Provide a framework to learn about various customisation
tools. This module will provide knowledge on creating Menu, Local reference fields,
abbreviations, deal slips etc..
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the need for a Customisation tools
Learn about the creation of Menus
Learn about creation of Enquiries and Reports
Learn about various customisation tools that are used in T24
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Lead Technical specialist
Process owners
Retail Front end user
T2ITC - Introduction to T24 Course
T2ITT - Introduction to T24 - Technical
Course Topics
Creating Abbreviations
Auto ID Generations in T24
Creating Local Reference Fields
Creating Menus
Creating Deal Slips
Creating Fast Path Image Graphs
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Delivery - T3DEL
Three days
About T24 Delivery
The course will give participants the depth knowledge of the Delivery subsystem in T24.
This course will enable the participants to customize the delivery messages and also
configure and maintain the different carriers available.
Learning Objectives
Understand the Delivery System (DS) in T24.
Create records in appropriate applications required during the Delivery Setup
Explain difference between Deal Slips and Delivery Advices
Describe the flow of the Outward Delivery Subsystem
How to create delivery mapping routine and delivery subsystem.
Detailed content of Carriers - Print, SWIFT, Secure Message, SMS, Email.
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Business Analyst
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Basic of Info basic Programming
Course Topics
Delivery in T24
Types of Delivery Advices / Carriers, Delivery Advices - An overview
How to create delivery reference ID, Complete details in delivery advice
Different types of Specifics, Mapping Stages
Steps to Format
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Direct Connect Driver Oracle- T3DCDO
Two days
About T24 Direct Connect Driver Oracle
This course will give participants an insight into the working of driver and the conversion
Learning Objectives
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to understand
storage in j4 and Oracle
The use of the various environmental variables specific to rdbms conversion and
driver configuration
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to create
Required Oracle
components for the driver to function - Tablespace, User in Oracle etc. Stub file
table by executing package.sql and grant permission to oracle user.
The installation procedure of JEDI XML Driver & rdbms conversion package
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to work on VOC Analysis,
Conversion and error reporting, Analyzing errors and providing solutions
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Process owners
Business Lead consultant
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Course Topics
Installation, Configuration and Testing Connection
Stub less Architecture
Execution of Conversion Process
Views, Indexes and Query Analysis
Oracle 11G Feature Support
28 October 2013
difference in data
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Document Management - T3DIM
Half a day
About T24 Document Management
The course is designed to provide the participants an insight into the working of
Document Management module. In addition to it we can also learn about various types of
document managed by T24 Document Management module. We also learn the need for
Image Management in T24, pre-requisites for setting up Image Management. Document
and Image management module is designed around parameter files and data files
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Document and Image Management in T24.
Learning about the need for document management
Understand the need for Document Management
IM.DOCUMENT.UPLOAD to upload and manage images in T24
Learning about the setup of Document tracking for Customer and other
Differentiate statuses of documents on T24 transactions
Learn to Create Documents
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Retail front end User
Technical Analyst
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Course Topics
Course objectives
Document Management Overview in T24
Document Management Workflow
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Global Constraints - T3GC
One day
About T24 Global Constraints
The course is designed to provide the participants an insight with adequate knowledge to
understand the need for Constraints Processing , defining the steps involved in setting up
constraints processing
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to create single and Cumulative Constraints
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Global Constraints in T24 .
Learning about the need for steps involved in Constraints processing
Understand the need of Cumulative constraints in Banking business
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Retail front end User
Technical Analyst
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills and Introduction to T2ITT
Security Management System ( T3SMS ) recommended
Course Topics
Setting up the files for constraint processing which includes parameter table on
Grouping of Constraints
Sub grouping of Constraints
Setting precedence
Blocking overrides using Constraints
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 jBASE - T3JB
5.5 days
About T24 jBASE
This course provides participants with adequate knowledge to understand and execute
tasks in jBASE and also provides knowledge on transaction journaling and performance
tuning in jBASE.
Learning Objectives
Explain what is jBASE
Analyze a simple T24 Architecture & jBASE directory structure
State the purpose of the .profile/remote.cmd file
Analyze jBASE environment variables & how the locking mechanism works.
Performance tuning parameters in jBASE
Printer set up
jBASE transactional journaling
File storage structure in JBase
How to create hashed files and non-hashed files.
Setting up printer in T24
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Technical Analyst
Process Owners
Technical Consultant
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Course Topics
Base in T24, Steps in Jbase database, T24 Architecture
How Port is used in Jbase T24
Environmental variables , Internal working of JR files
File storage structure in JBase, File size management tools
Steps to setup a printer at the JBase level and in T24
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Open Financial Service - T3OFS
3.5 days
About T24 OFS
This course will equip the participants with adequate knowledge on the importance of
OFS , the technical architecture of OFS . This Module will facilitate the need for OFS ,
configure OFS input and test OFS message
Learning Objectives
Overview of what is OFS
Learn about OFS modes
Learn about Batch Mode its response
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Technical Analyst
Process Owners
Technical Consultant
Introduction to T24 - Technical -( T2ITT )
Basic Technical Training - (T2BTT)
Advanced Technical Training - (T3ATT) - Recommended
Course Topics
Various types of OFS Modes
Introduction & Common Messages
OFS Batch Mode
OFS Response
OFS Telnet Mode
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Oracle Administration and Performance Tuning - T3ORA
Seven days
About T24 ORA
This course will equip the participants with adequate knowledge to understand on the
working of the Oracle data base and also on performance tuning of oracle. This course
will equip the participants to manage and create an oracle data base, tune the various
memory structures in oracle and enable them to manage, redo and archiving modes in
Learning Objectives
Overview of what is ORA
Learn about various parameter relating to ORA
Learn about dedicated server connection and shared connection
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Technical Analyst
Process Owners
Technical Consultant
Introduction to T24 - Technical -( T2ITT )
Basic Technical Training - (T2BTT)
Advanced Technical Training - (T3ATT) - Recommended
Course Topics
Oracle Architecture an Introduction
Components of Oracle Data Base
Creation of Data base
Data Storage in Oracle
Index Management in Oracle
Performance tuning in Oracle
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Process Workflow - T3PW
2.5 days
About T24 Process Workflow
This course will enable participants to understand the Process Workflow module within
T24 and will enable them to maintain the process workflows appropriate to the business
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Process Workflow in T24 and BPMN
Learning about the use of all applications involved in creating a workflow
Learn to create Workflows in T24 with patterns
Learn to install, create and deploy workflows from PW Designer to T24
How to execute the workflow
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Technical Analyst
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Basics of T24 Rules Engine
Course Topics
Introduction to PW in T24 and BPMN Overview
PW Designer - Installation and creation of a process
PW in T24 - Tables used in creating a process in T24
Pattern based workflows in T24
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Programming - T3PRG
Four days
About T24 Programming
This course will enable participants to understand with adequate knowledge on the jBASE
basic Commands, the commonly used T24 APIs. This course will also equip the
with adequate knowledge on how to create Programs using jBASE
commands , Subroutines using T24 APIs and also have knowledge on Eclipse editor.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Programming in T24
Learning about the use of all applications involved in creating a subroutines
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Technical Analyst
Process owners
T2ITC - Introduction to T24 Course
T2ITT - Introduction to T24 - Technical
Course Topics
Introduction to Programming in T24
Eclipse editor
Concept of Dynamic and Dimensioned arrays
Structure of the program
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Programming Plus - T3PRGP
Four days
About T24 Programming Plus
This course will enable participants to understand with adequate knowledge on the
various versions and enquiry. The need for a nofile enquiry . This program will facilitate
the participants with creations of version routines, enquiry routines, no file enquiry and
also deal slip routines. This course will give participants an insight into jBASE Basic
programming and programming using T24 APIs.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Programming in T24
Learning about the use of all applications involved in creating a subroutines
Creation of Version routines
Creation of Enquiries Routines
Creation of Deal slip Routines
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Technical Analyst
Process owners
T2ITC - Introduction to T24 Course
T2ITT - Introduction to T24 - Technical
Advanced training on Programming - T3PRG
Advanced Training on Customisation - T3CUS
Course Topics
Basic version Routine
Advanced Version routines
Basic Enquiry routines
Deal Slip routines
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Security Management System - T3SMS
One day
About T24 SMS
This course will enable participants to understand with adequate knowledge on creation
of user. The need and the working of Override messages in T24. This module will also
equip the participants with Dispo Processing
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Security Management System in T24
Learning about the usage of User application
Set up conditions for Dispo Processing
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Technical Analyst
Process owners
T2ITC - Introduction to T24 Course
Course Topics
Understanding the user application to create and manage the User in T24
Creation of USER.SMS.GROUP
Resetting of Passwords
Override processing
Dispo Processing
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Administration - T3TAD
2.5 days
About T24 Administration
This course will enable participants to understand with adequate knowledge on Upgrade
Procedure, service pack Installation , New product Installation. This product will also
equip the participants with the functionality of archiving creation of user. The need and
the working of Override messages in T24. This module will also equip the participants
with Dispo Processing
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Administration in T24
Learning about the usage of Service Pack installation
How to archiving the files inT24 User application
Target Audience
Business Analyst
Technical Analyst
Process owners
Introduction to T24 - Technical - ( T2ITT)
jBASE - T3JB ( Recommended )
Programming - T3PRG
Course Topics
Performing a T24 Upgrade
Installing a Service Pack inT24
T24 Updates
Importance and need for archiving
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Browser Customisation - T3BC
2.5 days
About T24 Browser Customisation
This course will enable participants to understand and configure the various parameter
files at both the web server and at T24 which are used by the Browser GUI. In addition
this course will provide knowledge in customizing toolbars in Enquiries, Versions and
composite screens.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the Browser Customisation in T24.
Learn about web server and T24 application level configuration.
Guidelines for browser coding and best practices.
Learn about browser logging.
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Process owners
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Introduction to T24 Technical.
Course Topics
Temenos Browser Customization in T24.
Evolution of T24 front end and configuring files at web server.
Read and understand Browser logs, Work on Browser customization.
The flow of browser requests/ responses, T24 Toolbox - Customisation
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 COB Management - T3TCM
1.5 days
About T24 COB Management
This course will enable participants to understand and configuration and execution of
COB process in T24 This course will also equip the participants about the detailed
working of COB job and it’s multithreading in T24 ..
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of COB Management in T24.
Learn about the detailed process work flow on COB
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Process owners
T2ITT - Introduction to T24 Technical
T3PRG - Programming (recommended)
T3TMC - Multi Company Business course (suggested, not mandatory)
Course Topics
Multi-Threading in T24
COB Processing
Global Processing
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Single Sign-On using ADAM - T3SSO
One day
About T24 Single Sign On
This course will enable participants to configure and integrate ADAM (directory server)
with T24.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview Single Sign on in T24.
How to use directory server and their needs for Single Sign On.
Understand how T24 architecture change when directory server is used
Know what ADAM is and how it is installed and configured in Single Sign On.
Creating attributes in T24 Schema.
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Business Analyst
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills
Course Topics
Single Sign On in T24
Setup Server , Server Configuration
Create records in EB.LDAP.PARARAMETER
Setup T24 Browser
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Two days
About T24 TAFJ
This course will give participants an insight into TAFJ and its features. Analyse the steps
involved to configure T24 to connect to jBASE database using TAFJ. Extract Table Tool
is used to create an Oracle database, Oracle Tablespace, Oracle user profile in T24.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the TAFJ in T24.
Learning about TAFJ and its needs.
Learning about TAFJ installation
How TAFJ is used with Eclipse, Oracle, and jBase
Learning about Advanced Tools in TAFJ
Target Audience
Technical Specialist
Business Analyst
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Course Topics
Course objectives
TAFJ in T24
Install and use TAFJ commands
Eclipse Usage Setting up T24 on jBASE
Setting up T24 on jBASE
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Temenos Connectors - T3TC
Three days
About T24 Temenos Connectors
This course will give participants the basic technical knowledge to work on and
understand the connectivity framework of T24 (Temenos Connector). This course will also
enable participants to create their own formatters/splitters and also provides knowledge
on using TC with MQ.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview in Temenos Connectors in T24.
Learn about evaluation of TCServer and TCClient
Learn about Temenos Connectors and Temenos Browser
Demonstrate TCServer logging mechanism
Analyse & Operate TCServer
Understand Logging Mechanism and configuring of TCClient
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Business Analyst
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Open Financial Services (OFS)
Course Topics
Temenos Connectors in T24
Working of TC Server and TC Client, Installing and Configuring TC Client
T24 Architecture with Temenos Connector,
Temenos Connectors Plug-ins - Adapters
Installing and configuring IBM MQ, TSS Workflow
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Temenos Open Connectivity Framework - T3TOCF (EE)
1.5 days
About T24 TOCF
The course will give participants the requisite technical knowledge to install, Configure
Browser using JCA. By using Java Connector Architecture and initiative by Temenos
towards this. Equip participants with adequate knowledge how Temenos Open
Connectivity Framework (EE), Agent and JMS architecture, configuration and
components are used in T24.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview Temenos Open Connectivity Framework (EE) in T24.
Install and configure Browser using the simple Agent Architecture
Setting up Browser using JMS Architecture
Setup TCS Listeners using JMS Architecture
Learn to create Secure Document download using JMS Architecture.
Deploy and configure the T24 Browser component on Jboss
How to install multiple instances of T24 Browser
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Business Analyst
Process Owners
Basic T24 navigation skills.
Working knowledge on Open Financial Services (OFS) and
Temenos Connectors
Course Topics
Course objectives
TOCF in T24
Various terminologies in the JCA Architecture
Configuring browser using Agent Architecture and JMS
Logging for TCS Listeners
Setup Browser for Secure Document Download
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Test Secure Document download using an enquiry
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Business Insight - Technical - T3TIT
Five days
About T24 Business Insight Technical
The course is designed to provide the participants knowledge about how to install and
configure Temenos Insight a Microsoft’s Business Intelligence based application to build,
run and electronically distribute reports throughout a bank. Reports can be viewed in the
Insight browser, as well as made available as spreadsheets and as multi-dimensional
PivotTables. Different types of configuration and how it used in T24.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the Temenos Insight Technical in T24.
Learning about Business Intelligence Tool (BI)
Learning about OLAP Tool
Difference between OLAP and OLTP
(BI) is about getting the right information, to the right decision makers, at the right
BI applications use data gathered from a data warehouse or a data mart
Data warehousing is a subset of the overall BI scope
Additional T24 Tables
Extraction Process Online and COB
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Process Owners
Management Information System desk
Basic T24 navigation skills
Introduction to T24 Technical
Course Topics
Course objectives
Temenos Insight Technical in T24
Introduction to BI / DW - INSIGHT
DW EXPORT Overview and configuration
Define Additional T24 Table
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 COB Run
SQL Server 2008 Configuration for Insight
Insight Additional T24 Table Import
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Temenos Web Services - T3WS
1.5 days
About T24 Temenos Web Services
This course will give participants the technical knowledge to SOA enable T24 using
TWS .net/java
Learning Objectives
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to understand
TWS.net, TWS.java, TWS Composer
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to
Install and configure TWS .net
Install and configure TWS java
Use TWS Composer to create web services
Equip participants with adequate knowledge to work on
TWS Composer
TWS .net and java
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Process Owners
T3OFS - Open Financial Service
Course Topics
Understanding Web services (optional)
Introduction to web services in general
Install and configure TWS java
Create and Deploy a Web service
Test using SOAP UI
Install and configure TWS .net
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 T- Verify - T3TV
2.5 days
About T24 T-Verify
This course will give participants an insight into the T-Verify product and its features. This
course will equip the participant with various setup that are need in place along with
services for generating various reports required for Management .
Learning Objectives
Learn the Overview of T24 t- Verify Module
Learn about the setting of various parameters
Enquiries used to analyse and capture various reports
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Process Owners
T2ITT - Introduction to T24 Technical
T3PRG - Programming
T3OFS - OFS in T24
T3TC - Optional
Course Topics
Understanding Product overview on Tverify
Parameterisation files
Product features
Enquiries and reports
Running services to extract the reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Temenos Open
One day
About T24 Temenos Open Connectivity Frame work Net
The course is designed to provide the participants knowledge about T24 connector, Install
and configure dotnet.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview the Temenos Connectors
Learn about the Technical related aspect of Dotnet
Learn about the function of TOCF and batch connectors.
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
Process Owners
IT Administrators
Introduction to T24 Technical - T2ITT
T3OFS suggested
Course Topics
TOCF architecture
Configuring WMQ connector
Configuring Batch connectors
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Temenos Universal Performance Metrics - T3UPM
Three days
About T24 Temenos Universal Performance Metrics
This course will give participants an insight into UPM tools. The Frame work and the need
for a platform for an independent tool This Course will also equip the participant with
adequate knowledge on stress Test data base. How to Simulate COB Captilisation .
Learning Objectives
Learn the Overview of T24 Temenos universal Performances Metrics
Learn about the setting of various parameters
Learn about the stress test on Test data base,
Learn about the Stress test on CPU, Dot, NET etc…
Target Audience
IT administrators
Technical Analyst
Process Owners
T2ITT - Introduction to T24 Technical
knowledge on T24 data base and Networking Concepts
Course Topics
Understanding Product overview on UPM
Understanding various tools under UPM
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Integration Framework - T3IF
Two Days
About T24 Temenos Universal Performance
This course will give participants extensive information about T24 Integration Framework.
It provides the steps to emit data using IF. The integration studio’s are designed for JEE
and .NET platforms to create flows and events to send data as messages to 3 party
systems or JMS Queues. The frameworks benefits from asynchronous messaging.
Learning Objectives
The objective of this training and workshop is to provide:
Purpose of Integration Framework
The Terminologies used in Integration Framework
The info to Identify T24 Objects used in Integration Framework
The design time and run-time of Integration Framework
Details about Integration Studio
Installation procedures of Integration Studio (EE)
How to create and publish events using Integration Studio (EE)
The steps to Install Integration Studio (.NET)
How to create and publish events using Integration Studio (.NET)
The info to migrate flow catalog records from Test environment to production
T24 Core Technical
Target Audience
Technical Consultants, System Admins
Software perquisites
IF JEE plugins (T24 Release based), JDK1.6 or above, Integration Studio,
Eclipse (Helios or above)
IF .NET plugins (T24 Release based), Visual Studio 2010/2012,
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 IF Inception – Microsoft Biz Talk Server - T3IFBT
Four Days
About T24 IF Inception
This course will give participants a deep knowledge about T24 Integration Framework and
its Adapters Specific to the Microsoft Biz Talk Stack. It would also help the participants to
guide the Client, on the recommended methods of implementing all types of Standard
T24 Interfaces using the Integration Framework.
Learning Objectives
A deep and thorough knowledge on the TEMENOS Integration Framework
Hands on expertise in installing and configuring the entire environment including
T24, IF, Adapters, Biz Talk ESB Layer, thereby gain a clear understanding of the
Technology behind this Solution and dependencies between the T24 Module and
the Overall ESB Architecture.
Execute Real World Examples of Client Interface Requirements over this
Configuration and get skilled on similar demands in a Project / Consulting
Gain Ability to demonstrate the Solution to Clients on Pre-Sales and Proof of
Concept Situations.
A Good Understanding of T24 Integration Architecture, and “how to” upgrade
traditional interfaces into the Framework.
Target Audience
Technial Consultants
Technical Administrators
T24 Core Technical, T24 OFS
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Business Academy
Induction Business Academy
Duration : E-learning
Three days
About T24 Induction Business Academy
The T24 Induction Business academy is a part of Introduction to T24 Basic modules .
This course gives participants a sound knowledge of Basic T24 features related to some
important modules like overview ,Navigation , Customer , accounts, Deposit which
includes Money Market deposit, AA Deposit, Loans, Limits, Payment, Trade Finance,
Treasury, Accounting and Securities . This enables the participant to understand some of
the basic features in T24. which are helpful to the new beginners
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Introduction to T24
Learn Linkages with static table like Commission, Interest and Charges
Learn to input, execute and complete the Transaction in T24
View the transaction entries and some of the COB reports
Target Audience
New Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Induction to Banking Business
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
Course Topics
Navigation, Customer, Accounts, deposits, Limits, Collaterals
Treasury, Corporate Securities
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Customer and Accounts Academy
Classroom for three days and E learning for 1.5 Hours
About T24 Customer and Account Academy
The T24 Customer and account academy is a part of
advanced functionality on
Customer and account application . This course gives participants a sound knowledge on
some of the features related to Customer, and account related application like Account
parameter, Product features , Interest, Charges and Statement features in T24 on
account application This enables the participant to understand some of the Advanced
functionality related to Customer and account which are helpful to the new beginners
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Introduction to T24 Customer
How to create various types of Charges
How to Create Various types of Interest and their calculation thereof
How to define statement frequency related to issue of statement
Account Parameter parameterization and its usage on banking business activity
Target Audience
New Beginners for Business Analysts
T24 Business Induction academy
Course Topics
Customer and its related Static table
Account Parameterisation and its product features
Statement Frequency
Charges and Interest application
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
AA Lending Business Academy
Half-day E-Learning and Classroom training for ten days
About T24 AA Lending Business Academy
The T24 AA Lending Business Academy is an advanced functionality AA Products.
This course gives participants a Broad and sound knowledge on the features related to
Arrangement Architecture. It Talks about the creation of Product Design , Creation of
Various Product condition for a Lending product It extends the scope of training on how
to parameterize the accounting for lending products , giving a complete flexibility to
lending products.
This enables the participant to understand some of the Advanced functionality related to
AA lending business products which are useful for Business analyst and process owners
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of AA lending Business academy
How to create various types of Property, Product Conditions
How to Create Various types of Product Groups, Product Hierarchy
How to design a product, proof and publish
How to create user defined soft accounting
Learn to Input and view transaction entries
Target Audience
Business Analysts
T24 Business Induction academy
Course Topics
Property Class, property and product Condition
Linkage with Var ious Static tables like Interest , Country, holiday etc…
Define various types of product condition
Assimilating those product conditions for product designing
Proof and Publish the product in product Catalogue
Create User defined Soft accounting
View a simulated record
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Financial Accounting Academy
Four days of Classroom Academy & 2.5 hours of E-learning Academy
About T24 Financial Accounting Academy
The T24 Financial Accounting academy is a part of Reporting module, enables setting
up accounting related parameters. This course gives participants a sound knowledge of
features related to accounting, enables setting up relevant parameter tables and related
files and using the module for maintaining Accounting entries.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Accounting in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including Country, Currency and Currency
Market etc..
Configure Parameter Tables for accounting
Learn to input, execute and complete the accounting Transaction
Target Audience
People working in Financial department on Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Financial accounting Division
Business Analysts
Certified Financial analyst
Induction Business Basics
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
A sound knowledge of the basics of Accounting
Course Topics
Linkages with core tables
Main Parameter Tables
Different types of Accounting entries
Consolidation of Accounting entries
Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities
Consolidated Reporting Base
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Financial Reporting Academy
Four days of Classroom Academy & 2.5 hours of E-learning Academy
About T24 Financial Reporting Academy
The T24 Financial Reporting academy is a part of Reporting module, enables setting up
various Columns, Line and Header . This course gives participants a sound knowledge of
features related to Reporting structure relating to General Ledger, various types of
reports like CRF Files , CRB files , CRC files etc..
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Reporting in T24
Learn Linkages with core tables including Country, Currency and Currency
Market etc..
Configure Parameter Tables for Reporting
Learn to extract various reports in T24
Target Audience
People working in Financial department on Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss
Business Architects
Testers dealing with Financial reporting Division
Business Analysts
Certified Financial analyst
Induction Business Basics
A sound knowledge of underlying banking business
A sound knowledge of the basics of Accounting
Course Topics
Linkages with core tables
Main Parameter Tables
Different types of Column
Creation of Line
Creation of Head
How to run services for extracting Reports
Consolidated Reporting Base , Consolidation of Reporting files
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Technical Academy
AA Technical Academy
Classroom Training for five days
About T24 AA Technical Academy
The T24 AA Technical academy is a part of Introduction to AA Technical Framework .
Apart from that the course also explains how to on AA Basic customisation and AA
advanced Customisation on AA technical subjects. This enables the participant to
understand some of the advanced features which are essential for implementation of AA
technical briefs
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of
AA technical Core subject Introduction to T24
Learn Linkages with static table like Commission, Interest and Charges
Learn to Understand other dependencies of this application
Learn to Input , execute and complete the Transaction in T24
View the transaction entries and some of the COB reports
Target Audience
New Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Knowledge on AA Core is essential
T24 Induction Technical Academy
AA Business Academy
Course Topics
Product Overview
Property class, Property
Product Condition
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
AA Customisation Academy
4 hours E-Learning and Classroom Training for three Days
About the T24 AA Customisation Academy
The T24 AA Customisation academy is a part of Technical Course on How to
implement Auto ID Generation numbers in t24 application , How to implement Deal slip .
How to Create Enquiries and version .Apart from that the course also explain how to
basic customization on tabbed screens
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of
Customisation in T24
Learn to Understand the usage of Auto ID Generation
How to Create Version
How to Create Enquiries
How to Create Deal slip
Target Audience
New Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Knowledge on AA Core is essential
T24 Induction Technical Academy
T24 Introduction to Customisation
Course Topics
Product Overview
Auto Id Generation
Deal slip
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
IT Operations Academy
Classroom Training for four days – E-Learning - one day
About the T24 IT Operations Academy
The T24 IT Operations academy is a part of Technical Course on How to implement
SMS User application , Handle Dispo Processing Handle Constraint processing . This
course will equip the participant with sound knowledge on key features relating to IT
operations and security policy
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of IT Operations in T24
Learn to Understand the Creation of User application
How to User SMS group
How to handle Dispo processing override message
How to handle Constraint processing
Detailed processing of COB by the user
Target Audience
Technical Analyst
IT people in banking l
T24 Induction Technical Academy
T24 Security Management System
T24 Administration
Course Topics
Product Overview
SMS application
Dispo Processing
Constraint Processing
Override message Blocking message
COB processing
Token Processing
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Islamic Banking Courses
T24 Introduction to Islamic Banking Products - Basic concept
One day
About T24 Introduction to Islamic Banking Products
The T24 Introduction to basic Islamic banking products dwells upon the Characteristic
features Islamic . How they are differentiated between Conventional banking and Islamic
banking based on the Shariah laws. It also gives a broad idea to the participant
regarding the usage and terminology that are widely used in Islamic Banking . This
Course equip the participants about various Islamic banking products and also learn
about Islamic banking features.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Islamic banking features
Learn various types of Islamic banking products
Linkages with static table like Commission, and Charges
Target Audience
People with sound knowledge on conventional banking
New Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Sound Knowledge on banking Functionality and Islamic banking functionality
Basic Knowledge on Islamic Shariah Laws
Course Topics
Product Overview
Difference between Conventional Banking and Islamic Banking
Various types of Islamic Products like investment products, finance products
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Islamic Investment Products
Half a day
About T24 Islamic Investment Products
The T24 Islamic Investment products dwell upon the characteristic features Islamic
Deposit products . used in Islamic Banking . This course equip the participants about
various Islamic Deposit products like Wakala And Mudrabha Deposit products . This
course equip the participants with sound knowledge on this Module .
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Islamic Investment Product Features
Learn various types of Islamic Investment products
Linkages with static table like Commission, and Charges
Target Audience
People with sound knowledge on conventional banking
New Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Sound Knowledge on banking Functionality and Islamic banking Functionality
Basic Knowledge on Islamic Shariah Laws
Course Topics
Product Overview
Difference between Conventional Banking and Islamic Banking
Various types of Islamic Products Like Wakala Deposit Mudrabaha Deposits
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Islamic Investment - Profit Distribution System
Half a day
About T24 Islamic Investment Profit Distribution System
The T24 Islamic Investment Profit Distribution System dwell upon the characteristic
features relating to profit distribution under various investment and finance products. It
also gives a broad idea to the participant regarding the concepts of Profit Distribution
System ( PDS ) . This course equips the participants about Distribution of profits after
considering the Investment Risks
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Islamic banking Profit Distribution System
Learn to set up various parameter tables connected with this module
Learn to Simulate PDS and perform profit distribution
Learn enquiries and accounting process under PDS
Target Audience
People with sound knowledge on conventional banking
New Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Sound Knowledge on banking Functionality and also Islamic banking and Islamic
Basic Knowledge on Islamic Shariah Laws
Course Topics
Product Overview
Parameter Set up
Profit Distribution and Calculation and Simulation
Profit distribution and other features related to this module
Enquiries and Reports
Accounting process
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Islamic Finance products
Two days
About T24 Islamic Finance products
The T24 Islamic Finance products
dwell upon the characteristic features relating to
Finance products like Murabaha, Musharaka, Ijara,
Bai Salam , Qard
Mudrabaha, Repossession and PD payments . This course equips the participants to
gain knowledge on various Islamic Finance products.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Islamic banking Finance Products
Learn to set up various parameter tables connected with this module
Learn to do transaction under various Islamic finance products
Learn enquiries and accounting process under Islamic Finance products
Repossession and PD payments
Target Audience
People with sound knowledge on conventional banking
Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Sound Knowledge on banking Functionality and also Islamic banking and Islamic
Basic Knowledge on Islamic Shariah Laws
Course Topics
Product Overview
Parameter Set up
Murabaha Product
Musharaka Product Features
Ijara Product features
Repossession of Assets and PD Payments
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Islamic Trade Finance
One day
About T24 Islamic Trade Finance Products
The T24 Islamic Trade Finance dwells upon the Characteristic features relating to Letter
of credit and its financing products. This course equip the participants with sound
knowledge on various LC products like LC Murabaha, LC Musharaka, LC Ijara and LC
Musawama This Course equip the participants about how to input LC financing
transaction under Islamic trade finance products.
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Islamic banking Trade Finance products
Learn to set up various parameter tables connected with this module
Learn to Input transaction like LC Murabaha, Lc Musharaka , LC Ijara and LC
Learn enquiries and accounting process under LC Trade Finance
Target Audience
People with sound knowledge on conventional banking
Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Sound Knowledge on banking Functionality and also Islamic banking and Islamic
Basic Knowledge on Islamic Shariah Laws
Course Topics
Product Overview
Parameter Set up
Product Features like LC Murabaha, LC Musharaka, LC Ijara and LC Musawama
Enquiries and Reports
Accounting process
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T24 Islamic Treasury Products
One day
About T24 Islamic Treasury Products
The T24 Islamic Treasury products dwells upon the Characteristic features relating to
buying and selling of commodity .This Course equip the participants about how to input
treasury products transaction under Islamic treasury products
Learning Objectives
Gain Overview of Islamic banking Treasury products
Learn to set up various parameter tables connected with this module
Learn to Input transaction like buying and selling of commodities
Learn enquiries and accounting process under Treasury products
Target Audience
People with sound knowledge on conventional banking
Beginners for both Business Analysts and Technical Analyst
Sound Knowledge on banking Functionality and also Islamic banking and Islamic
Basic Knowledge on Islamic Shariah Laws
Course Topics
Product Overview
Parameter Set up
Product Features related to Treasury
Enquiries and Reports
Accounting Process
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
TAP - E-Learning Courses
ELTAP102 - E-learning - Solution Overview
Two hours
This is an e-learning session about an overview of the Triple'A PlusTM Solution.
Learning Objectives
After having followed the ELTAP102 - Solution Overview, the participant will have
discovered the solution from a business and technical standpoint.
The purpose of this course is to
Provide the participants with the business content of the Triple’A PlusTM R11
Give the participants a good comprehension of the technical building blocks of
the solution
Participants will gain a solid foundation on which they will rely to continue working and be
trained. After attending this course, participants will:
clearly discern what are the business modules constituting the R11 solution
be able to understand the purpose of each business module of the solution
discover the general architecture of Triple’A PlusTM R11
have a good overview of each technical element of the product
Target Audience
Anyone who needs to discover Triple'A PlusTM Solution
Course Topics
Business Solution Overview and Triple'A PlusTM modules
Portfolio Management and Analysis
Portfolio Rebalancing
Client Portal
Task And Interaction Management
Client Data Management and Account Opening
Client And Portfolio Monitoring
Proposal Generator
Portfolio Risk
Advanced Performance Analysis
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Technical Solution Overview
Design Studio
Supported Platforms
Third-Parties' products
Global navigation
Portfolio Management Analysis
Order Management
Proposal Generator
Client Data Management
Task and Contact Management
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
ELTAP103 - E-learning - Security Overview
One hour
This is an e-learning session about an overview of the Triple'A PlusTM Security
Learning Objectives
You will learn:
Learn how users are created in the GUI, WUI & CDM
Understand the differences between the Triple’A PlusTM Core and Triple’A
PlusTM Web security
Target Audience
All users (front/middle and/or back office) who have to understand security set-up
in Triple'A PlusTM
Basic financial knowledge and/or IT knowledge
Good understanding skills
Course Topics
GUI User
WUI User
CDM User
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
ELTAP104 - E-learning - Data Administration Menu
One hour
This is an e-learning session about Data Administration in Triple’A PlusTM Core
Learning Objectives
You will
Discover the different data in the administration menu, their objectives, their key
elements, some examples
Understand some key concepts such as lists, classifications, formats or fusion
Cover the database principles
Target Audience
All users (front/middle and/or back office) who have to enter, maintain and/or
check data in the administration menu of Triple'A PlusTM
Basic financial knowledge and/or IT knowledge
Good understanding skills
Course Topics
Data Administration Menu
Data Entities
System Processes
Lists & Classifs
Fusion Process
Data Model
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
ELTAP221 - E-learning - Financial Instruments
Two hours
This is an e-learning session about Data Administration in Triple’A PlusTM Core
Learning Objectives
You will learn:
Understand the role and the mechanisms of instruments in Triple'A PlusTM
Know how to fill the instruments characteristics in the Triple'A PlusTM tables and
Understand the main instruments flows
See how Triple'A PlusTM handles instruments in the business functions
Know how to use the search and help tools
Target Audience
All users (front/middle and/or back office) who have to enter, maintain and/or
check data in the administration menu of Triple'A PlusTM
Basic financial knowledge and/or IT knowledge
Good understanding skills
Course Topics
Introduction on main concepts
Basic set up of an instrument
Know the different instrument natures
Basic role of the sub-tables
Basic role of the event generation
Search function
Help function
Fixed Income
Cash Account
Money Market
Fund Share
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
ELTAP222 - E-learning - Data Interface Analysis
Four hours
This is an e-learning session about the analysis of Triple'A PlusTM data interfaces
Learning Objectives
You will learn:
The Architecture and Flows of a Back-to-Front (B2F) and Front-to Back (F2B)
interface with Triple'A PlusTM
The Templates, tools and techniques used to define and build an interface in
order to implement the business specifications
Target Audience
Business Analysts, Integration consultants who will analyze and specify an
Any consultant for having a good understanding on the methodology and the
processes on Data Interface Analysis
ELTAP221 - E-Learning - Financial Instruments
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
CRTAP102 - End User - PMS F2B
Course Topics
Interface Analysis
Triple'A PlusTM Architecture: Data & Integration Layer
Flows Analysis
Corporate Actions
Host Comparison
Integration Analysis
Native Interface
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Gateway Pack (GWP)
XML Schema
Mapping Sheets
Control Menu
Other tools
Best Practices
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
ELTAP223 - E-learning - Case Management
The goal of this e-learning course is to learn how to use and explain Case Management
to the customers and how to implement this module at a standard customer's site.
How to Use
20 minutes
Learning Objectives
Triple'A PlusTM makes it possible to detect and keep track of rule violation for investment
constraints and portfolio objective margins. This module helps a bank comply with
regulations such as MiFID.
Target Audience
Business consultants
End Users
Course Topics
Theory. Definitions, data and processes
Visualize and clarify cases
Query the case database
How to Implement
40 minutes
Learning Objectives
This course describes the step by step procedure to implement this module. It is practical
oriented and written in a simple manner to allow business consultants and local Triple'A
PlusTM administrators to implement this module.
Attendees will find complete business configuration examples using the new objects such
as system parameters, keywords and message templates.
Target Audience
Business consultants
Local Triple'A PlusTM administrator
Course Topics
"CMC" - Main part. Procedure description
Strategy links
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Input Control
System Parameters
Update Cases Status Function
Case Message Template
Enable Audit Function
CTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
ELTAP224 - E-learning - Introduction to Portfolio Modelling
This is an e-learning session introducing Triple'A PlusTM Portfolio Modeling.
Learning Objectives
You will learn what the natures of strategies are covered by the application Triple'A
PlusTM Core (GUI).
Target Audience
Super Users
Business Consultants
Any user (front/middle and/or back office) who wants to discover the main
strategies covered by the application.
Basic financial knowledge and/or IT Knowledge
Good understanding skills
Course Topics
Definition of the main nature of strategies covered in Triple'A PlusTM Core
Presentation of these strategies in Triple'A PlusTM Core
Presentation of how strategies are used in Triple'A PlusTM Core
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
ELTDS520 - E-learning - Design Studio
15 minutes
This is an e-learning session about the Design StudioTM principles including a demo.
Learning Objectives
You will learn what the natures of strategies are covered by the application Triple'A
PlusTM Core (GUI).
Target Audience
All public
Notions of Triple'A PlusTM
Course Topics
This e-learning will make you:
Discover the main concept of Design StudioTM and its benefits
See how to create a new custom field with an hands-on demo
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Triple’A Plus™ - Business Courses
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
Two days
Learning Objectives
This training will provide you an overview of the Portfolio Management Analysis (PMA)
Triple’A Plus™ Module with theoretical notions and concrete exercises. After having
followed this course, the participant will be able to:
Use the Context and Search tool
Launch Portfolio Management Menu Functions
Understand the views available and the results
Target Audience
Anyone who need to use or implement Triple’A Plus™ Portfolio Management Analysis
Menu and thus the B2F Functions
Course Topics
Part I : Portfolio Analysis - Introduction
Dashboard - Business Indicators
Security - User access
Part II : Portfolio Analysis - B2F Functions
Portfolio Activity
Future Cash Flow
Compliance Checking
Portfolio Risk Module
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP102 - End User - PMS F2B
One day
Learning Objectives
This training will provide you an overview of the Triple’A Plus™ Order Management and
the Proposal Generator Modules with theoretical notions and concrete exercises. After
having followed this course, the participant will be able to:
Create a Single Order
Launch an Allocate Order and a Rebalancing
Use the order session and order list
Create an order proposal and retrieve it
Target Audience
Anyone who need to use or implement Triple’A Plus™ Order Management or Proposal
Generator Menu and thus the F2B Functions.
Course Topics
Part I : Order Management
Single Order
Allocate Order
Order Session
Order List
Part II : Proposal Generator
Create a proposal
Existing proposal
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP103 - End User - CDM & TCM
One day
Learning Objectives
This training will provide you an overview of the CDM/TCM Triple’A Plus™ Module with
theoretical notions and concrete exercises. After having followed this course, the
participant will be able to:
Use the terminology of the CDM/TCM application
Describe real business contexts for the CDM/TCM application
Describe the main processes: opening account and updating CDM data
Create business objects in the CDM/TCM database: client, group and direct
relationships, task, contact
Understand the user access management principles (GCL)
The link between the PMA and CDM universe
Target Audience
Anyone who need to use or implement Triple’A Plus™ CDM/TCM Modules
Course Topics
Client Data Management
Standard features
Data model
Practical use case
Task and Contact Management
Standard features
Data model
Practical use case
User Access right Management (GCL)
Quantitative versus qualitative access
Data model
Practical use case
Configuration / Customization
Design Studio
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP104 - End User - Proposal Generator
One Day
Learning Objectives
This training will provide you an overview of the Proposal Generator (PG) Triple’A Plus™
Module with theoretical notions and concrete exercises. After having followed this course,
the participant will be able to:
Understand the Proposal Generator flow from creation to trading
Working with proposals
Create a Proposal for a portfolio
Add orders to a proposal and manage them
Prepare the proposal report
Trade a proposal
Target Audience
Anyone who need to use or implement Triple’A Plus™ Proposal Generator functions
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
CRTAP102 - End User - PMS F2B
Course Topics
Proposal Generator Overview
Working with Proposals
Search for a proposal
Actions available on proposals
Create a Proposal
Managing the proposal's investment profile
External Orders
Managing orders in a proposal
Trading a proposal
Proposal Generator Report
PG Report WUI page
Create a report for a proposal
Report sections
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP105 - End User - Portfolio Risk
One day
Learning Objectives
This training will provide you an overview of the Portfolio Risk Triple’A Plus™ Module
(PRM) with theoretical notions and concrete exercises. After having followed this course,
the participant will be able to:
Understand how to use the PRM module
Understand the risk's model used in the PRM module
Be able to validate results
Target Audience
End User
Business Consultant
Super User
Good knowledge of performance
Good knowledge of financial statistics & risk
Course Topics
Technical overview
How to use
How to start and browse PRM
Global View
Detailed View
Time Scale
How to validate
VaR and Expected Performance
Matrix Computation
Other Risk Factors
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Efficient Frontier and Optimization
Time Scale
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats
Two Days
Learning Objectives
Regarding Script, you will
Discover basic database concepts (relational database, data type, id, foreign key)
Understand the key concepts of scripting (entity, attribute, business key, type of
attribute, syntax, keyword, operator, function, direct and indirect Access)
Use the script language reference Guide (retrieving appropriate information
(function or keyword), respect the attribute syntax)
Customize the Triple’A Plus™ GUI (trigger End User activity through default
value, input control and filter, display information in a format, use script to build
Regarding Format, you will
Create and maintain format (choose format nature (detailed list, tree, …)
according to user needs)
Manipulate format element attributes in order to define layout of financial function
calculations and use Triple’A Plus™ script language
Understand how to make basic screen customization
Make the link between a user and a set of format and screen
Target Audience
End users involved in the strategy definitions (an interest in IT aspects would be
useful) or in customization and maintenance process of Triple'A Plus™
Anyone having a technical profiles and who will follow technical trainings
ELTAP102 - E-learning - Solution Overview
ELTAP103 - E-learning - Security Overview
ELTAP104 - E-learning - Data Administration Menu
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
Course Topics
Triple’A Plus™ script language
Introduction to scripting
What is scripting?
How is it used?
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Database concept and the data model in Triple’A Plus™ Core
Triple’A Plus™ Core infrastructure
Triple’A Plus™ Core documentation
Script language basics
Portfolio and Third-party
Other functions, default values & filters
Triple’A Plus™ formats
What is a format?
What is a format element?
User Set-up in Triple’A Plus™ GUI
Format/script menu
User : security management
Format profile
Format characteristics and attributes
Common characteristics
Specific characteristics
Format Element characteristics and attributes
Common characteristics
Specific characteristics
Case Study : Parent/child format
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP222 - Implement - Operations & Positions
One day
Learning Objectives
You will understand the concepts of operations, positions and fusion in Triple'A Plus ™
Target Audience
End users involved in the strategy definitions (an interest in IT aspects would be
useful) or in customization and maintenance process of Triple'A Plus™
Anyone having a technical profiles and who will follow technical trainings
ELTAP102 - E-learning - Solution Overview
ELTAP103 - E-learning - Security Overview
ELTAP104 - E-learning - Data Administration Menu
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
Course Topics
Operation - Position - Fusion
Operation Accounting View
Operation Creation
Valuation Mechanism
Fund Splitting
Operation - Position - Balance Position
Operation Creation
Position versus Balance Position
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP223 - Implement - Basic Adaptation
One day
Learning Objectives
After attending this course, the participants will be able to understand the main adaptation
to be done from a business standpoint.
Basic Adaptations are client adaptations based on the standard packaging. The training
doesn't cover customization in Design Studio.
Target Audience
Business Consultants
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats
Course Topics
Presentation and Adaptation of the Triple’A Plus™ Core packaging
Classification, lists
Formats, screens
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP224 - Implement - Portfolio Modelling
Two days
Learning Objectives
After attending this course, the participants will be able to set up, maintain and apply the
bank's investment strategies to model portfolios.
Target Audience
Super Users (in charge of the implementation of strategies)
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats
CRTAP222 - Implement - Operations & Positions
Course Topics
Implementing the bank's strategy in the Modelling and Rebalancing Module using
the different strategy natures:
Asset Allocation
Model Portfolio
Recommendation list
Setting up and maintaining the strategy histories and elements
Combining different strategies, using the benchmark and investment
profile functionality
Setting up and maintaining links between strategies and portfolios
Checking and reconciling portfolios with the different strategy natures
Allocating orders throughout your portfolios.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP225 - Implement - Order Management
Two days
Learning Objectives
After attending this course, the participants will be able to analyze, implement and use the
main order management functions
Target Audience
Super Users
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats
CRTAP222 - Implement - Operations & Positions
Course Topics
Defining the workflow and the different ways to create/generate an order
Setting up the implementation of an order: status, Input Control, Default Values,
filters, simplified screens, rules for fees and taxes
Generating orders through the order entry function, using different functions to
display data
Description and set-up of the Initiate Order functionality
Administration of orders during the life cycle of the operation
Setting up the security aspects of order management
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP226 - Implement - Advanced Performance Analysis
Four days
Learning Objectives
After attending this course, the participants will be able to
Understand the key performance concepts.
Measure and analyze portfolio performances.
Implement the "Advanced Performance Analysis” module of Triple'A Plus™
Target Audience
Super Users (in charge of the performance implementation and/or maintenance).
CTTAP100 - Bronze Certification
ELTAP221 - E-learning - Financial Instruments
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats
CRTAP222 - Implement - Operations & Positions
CRTAP224 - Implement - Portfolio Modelling
Course Topics
Functional aspects (theoretical concepts of performance)
Description of different methods of performance computation
Use of Triple’A Plus™ GUI / WUI performance business function
Triple’A Plus™ performance infrastructure
Data Model structure
Format Set up
Default value definition
Storing of performance data
Practical case / workshop on a stepped up approach
Performance at portfolio level
Performance effects (capital / currency / income / fees & taxes)
Performance contribution (breakdown along a market structure)
Strategy setup / benchmark performance
Risk ratios
Performance attribution
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP227 - Implement - Advanced Constraint Management
One day
Learning Objectives
This training is intended for people wanting to have an overview of the constraint
proposed by Triple’A Plus™ or wishing to evaluate what kind of implementation they
could think.
Target Audience
Super Users
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats
CRTAP224 - Implement - Portfolio Modelling
Advanced knowledge of Triple’A Plus™ GUI, script and portfolio modelling
Course Topics
Modelling Constraints
Security In
Security Out
Trading Constraints
Wizard tool
Related Financial Functions
System parameters
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP228 - Implement - Portfolio Risk
One day
Learning Objectives
After attending this course, the participant will understand how to implement the PRM
solution in a Triple’A Plus™ Core context
Target Audience
Super Users
Business Consultants
Basic knowledge of performance
Good knowledge of Triple’A Plus™ Core, specially data mapping, infrastructure
tables, portfolio modeling and performance
Course Topics
Triple’A Plus™ Infrastructure Table
Data Mapping (Risk Factor)
PRM Database (Instrument, VarCovar)
Configuration (PRM/T'A - System Parameter)
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTDS520 - Design Studio™ - Foundation
One day
Learning Objectives
The Design Studio™ (DS) Workbench application is a collaborative workspace that
provides business consultants, developers, and technical consultants with business
process modeling tools to build, configure, and deploy Triple’A Plus™ components.
The goal of the DS Workbench application is to get business and IT professionals
collaborating seamlessly to produce optimal solutions that meet their clients' business
process needs. The application provides a workspace and common modeling tools to
facilitate successful business and IT communication. By using graphical diagrams to
translate business content to IT content, the focus is more on the logical creation of the
business process and less on the programming code.
The purpose of this course is to:
Present the Design Studio™ development workspace
Cover an implementation project lifecycle with the creation of several projects
A model project to create new business content
An embedded server project to visualize the adaptation
Use the different designers to model content
Target Audience
This training is adapted for Business and Technical profiles, Clients and Partners.
Knowledge of Triple’A Plus™ a is plus (not a mandatory)
Knowledge of Eclipse IDE and Maven concepts is a plus (not mandatory)
Course Topics
Learning Objectives
Workspace configuration
Model and templates projects
Designers (Domain,
Page/Module/Fragment, Pageflow, Menu,
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTDS530 - Design Studio™ - TAP PMS Foundation
One day
Learning Objectives
This training focuses on the TAP Web PMS packaging defined in the Design Studio PMS
template project.
During this course, the participant uses several Design Studio artefacts for learning the
PMS Packaging and also executes some basic WUI pages adaptation.
At the end of this training session, the participant will:
Have a good understanding of the PMS Packaging and the interaction between
the WUI front-end and TAP Core databases.
Be able to apply the best practices learned through the exercises
Gain experience with Design Studio designers and the PMS packaging
Target Audience
Anyone knowing or has an experience with Triple’A Plus™ application. This training is
adapted for Business and Technical profiles, Clients and Partners.
CTTAP110 - T'A Business Common Layer Certified
ELTDS520 - Design Studio
CRTDS520 - Design Studio - Foundation
Course Topics
Learning Objectives
Design Studio template projects
PMS Packaging Overview
Transverse Functions
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTDS531 - Design Studio™ - TAP PMS Adaptation
One day
Learning Objectives
This training focuses on the adaptation of the TAP Web using the PMS packaging
throughout Design Studio™. During this course, the participant uses several Design
Studio™ artefacts for customizing the WUI pages.
At the end of this training session, the participant will:
Have a good overview of the standard WUI adaptation.
Be able to apply the best practices learned through the exercises.
Gain experience with Design Studio designers and the PMS packaging.
Know the concept of processes that manage data in the system.
Be able to manage WUI customization using Design Studio artefacts.
Target Audience
Anyone knowing or has an experience with Triple’A Plus™ application. This training is
adapted for Business and Technical profiles, Clients and Partners.
CTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification
ELTDS520 - Design Studio™
CRTDS520 - Design Studio™ - Foundation
CRTDS530 - Design Studio™ - TAP PMS Foundation
Course Topics
Learning Objectives
WUI Pages Adaptation on several PMS business functions
Introduction to the PMS processes
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTDS532 - Design Studio™ - TAP PMS Processes
Two days
Learning Objectives
This training focuses on the processes available with the PMS packaging. During this
course, the participant builds customized WUI pages with several processes throughout
Design Studio™.
At the end of this training session, the participant will:
Have a global picture of the TAP Web PMS Packaging
Be able to apply the best practices learned through the exercises
Gain experience with Design Studio™ designers and the PMS packaging
Know lots of processes that manage data in the system
Be able to execute any Web customization using Design Studio™ artifacts
Target Audience
Anyone knowing or has an experience with Triple’A Plus™ application. This training is
adapted for Business and Technical profiles, Clients and Partners.
CTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification
CRTAP140 - Architecture or CRTAP12T - R12 New Technical Features
ELTDS520 - Design Studio™
CRTDS520 - Design Studio™ - Foundation
CRTDS530 - Design Studio™ - TAP PMS Foundation
CRTDS531 - Design Studio™ - TAP PMS Adaptation
Course Topics
Learning Objectives
WUI Pages Adaptation on several PMS business functions
Introduction to the PMS processes
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Triple’A Plus™ - Interface Courses
CRTAP261 - Interface - Gateway
Three days
Learning Objectives
After attending this course, the participant will be able to:
To have an understanding of the options for Interfacing Triple’A Plus™
Understand the Triple’A Plus™ Gateway architecture
Understand and use the Triple’A Plus™ Gateway components
Use the basic capabilities of the IBM WTX Design Workstation
Target Audience
Programmers/analysts who have to implement interfaces using IBM WTX
Previous Triple’A Plus™ training or experience related to:
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats
CRTAP222 - Implement - Operations & Positions
Programming or Script background (such as creating Excel macros)
Proficiency in Microsoft Windows
Course Topics
Type Designer
Data objects and types
Building validation into the data definition
Defining data properties and formats
Understanding how IBM WTX validates data in a type tree
Map Designer
Creating input cards, outputs cards and map rules
Analysing, compiling and running maps
Reading the trace file
Using IBM WTX functions
Creating user defined functions
Applying Audit capabilities for debugging, logging and reporting
Executing IBM WTX maps in a production environment
Triple’A Plus™ Gateway
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Subscription and audit features
Triple’A Plus™ pre-built type trees
Importing data into Triple’A Plus™ using IBM WTX and Gateway adapter
Advanced Topics
Overview Integration Flow Designer
Overview Database Designer
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP262 - Interface - Generic Interfaces
Two days
Learning Objectives
After attending this course, the participant will be able to:
Have a global understanding of the EDM solution
Understand the Gateway and Gateway Pack concepts and architecture
Have an overview of standard interfaces for Triple'A Plus™
Target Audience
Consultants implementing interfaces with Triple’A Plus™ Gateway architecture
CTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification
CTTAP130 - Technical Common Layer Certification
ELTAP261 - Interface - Gateway
Knowledge of Unix
Knowledge of IBM Websphere TX
Course Topics
EDM solution
Native Interface Reminder
WebSphere TX
Gateway Adapter
Gateway Pack
B2F Components
F2B Components
Error Handling
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Triple’A Plus™ - Technical Courses
CRTAP140 - Administration - Architecture
One day
Learning Objectives
This training presents in details the four TAP architecture layers: presentation,
application, persistent and interfaces layers. After having followed this course, the
participant will have a global understanding of the Triple’A Plus™ solution.
Target Audience
Anyone involved in the implementation and/or the administration of Triple’A Plus™
application. This training is adapted for Clients, Partners having technical skills.
Understanding of database concepts, J2EE framework and client-server model
Course Topics
Architecture overview (incl. J2EE server and databases)
Application management (incl. security)
TAP interface modules
Web Services architecture
Reporting architecture
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP141 - Administration - Foundation
Three days
Learning Objectives
This course is focused on the TAP installation and administration.
After having followed this course, the participant will be able to install the whole Triple’A
Plus™ software: TAP Core and Web, Live!Report, Gateway Pack and Design Studio. In
addition, he will understand the basic configuration and some administrative tasks to
manage an environment.
Target Audience
This training is intended for technical people involved in the implementation and/or the
administration of Triple’A Plus™ application.
CRTAP140 - Architecture or CRTAP12T - R12 New Technical Features
Unix shell commands: basic knowledge (how to source files, vi, tar,…)
Database administration: good knowledge of Sybase and SQL
J2EE: good knowledge, experience with WebLogic or WebSphere is a plus.
Basic knowledge of Ant and Java
Course Topics
Learning objectives
Installation and configuration of the Core, Service Layer and Web parts
Installation of Design Studio and initial package deployment
Installation and configuration of the Reporting module (Live!Report)
Interface module (Gateway Pack) presentation
Management of all third parties software (Sybase,
WebSphere Transformation eXtended)
Duplication of TAP environment using standard TAP tools (ICT, MICU)
Brief presentation of the hotfixes and migration strategy
Basic TAP administration
28 October 2013
Actuate, WebLogic,
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP142 - Administration - Advanced
Two days
Learning Objectives
This training focuses on the customization of the application on Technical side, i.e.
databases and web server part (Web Front-End excluded).
After having followed this course, the participant will have a deep knowledge of the
Triple’A Plus™ application and will be able to manage the technical customizations during
an implementation project.
Target Audience
This training is intended for technical people in the implementation and/or the
administration of Triple’A Plus™ application.
CTTAP130 - Technical Common Layer Certification
CRTDS500 - Design Studio™ - Administration
Unix shell commands: basic knowledge (how to source files, vi, tar,…)
Database administration: good knowledge of Sybase and SQL
J2EE: good knowledge, experience with WebLogic or WebSphere is a plus.
Programming: Basic knowledge of Ant and Java
Course Topics
Database customization by adding new user defined attributes and new user
defined entities.
Database customization on the extended attributed (incl. parent and format child
Round-robin implementation (TAP Core servers and Actuate server)
Job-Launcher concept and customization
Reporting repository customization
Packager management throughout Design Studio™
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP143 - Administration - Monitoring & Performance
One day
Learning Objectives
The objective is to introduce the participants to the performance engineering concepts.
The participants will have better understanding of the TAP application behavior and being
aware of all impacts for any business or technical decision. After following this course, the
participant will also know in deep at global level the TAP engine.
After following this course, the participant will:
Have better understanding of the TAP application behavior
Have a deep knowledge of the TAP engines
Be aware of the impacts regarding any business or technical decision
Target Audience
This training is intended for people involved in the implementation and/or the
administration of Triple’A Plus™ application.
CTTAP130 - Technical Common Layer Certification
Course Topics
General concepts: architecture
performance enhancers
Core description: security, format, list, classification, script, caches
Web: J2EE architecture, best practices, caches, Job Launcher
Tools to perform the analysis of the system
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP146 - Administration - Portfolio & Risk
One day
Learning Objectives
After this training the participant will know the PRM technical architecture and also he will
be able to install the PRM application on a WebSphere or WebLogic application server.
Target Audience
Any profile with a technical background
Good knowledge of a J2EE server (WebSphere and/or WebLogic is a plus)
Knowledge of Ant and Jython is a plus
Some knowledge of Sybase and SQL
Course Topics
Global architecture of PRM and the integration with Triple'A Plus™
Installation and configuration of the PRM plug-in in Triple’A Plus™ Core
Installation and configuration of the PRM application in a standalone application
How to link PRM with Triple'A Plus™
How to initialize the PRM environment to validate the installation (load database,
Matrice VarCovar,…)
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTDS500 - Administration - Design Studio
One day
Learning Objectives
This training presents Design Studio product on technical side. During this course, the
participant simulates a TAP implementation using different Design Studio artifacts.
At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:
Install, update TAP Web application using Design Studio™
Customize a Design Studio project using the Maven concept
Execute a small technical customization
Put in place the debug mode
Implement a build platform using Design Studio™
Target Audience
This training is adapted for Technical profiles, Clients and Partners.
Understanding the basic Internet concepts
Basic knowledge of the Java/J2EE environment
Experience with a Web Server is a plus
Course Topics
Learning Objectives
Workspace management (configuration, debugging)
Design Studio™ Projects (Packager and Servers)
Maven introduction
TAP Web deployment framework
Life Cycle Management (environment strategy, TAP packages)
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP801 - Administration - Sybase
Two days
Learning Objectives
The participant will understand how SybaseTM Products are interfaced with Triple’A
Plus™ products. At the end of the training, he will be able to implement and administrate
Sybase software within the Triple’A Plus™ context
Target Audience
Technical consultants/profiles involved in the implementation and/or administration of
Triple'A PlusTM
Unix shell commands: basic knowledge (how to source files, vi, tar,…)
Database administration: basic knowledge
Course Topics
Software presentation
Database concepts (tables, datatypes, keys, views, indices, databases)
Sybase Server Installation and configuration
Sybase Client installation and usage
Sybase query tools
isql (with the options)
SQL Advantage Backup rules
Sybase administration
Checking who is logged on
Killing Sybase connections
Determining who is generating locks
Determining the query plan of a time consuming query
Introduction to performance
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP802 - Administration - WebSphere
Three days
Learning Objectives
The participant will understand how IBM Websphere™ is interfaced with the Triple’A
Plus™ solution. At the end of the training, he will be able to implement and administrate
Websphere application server within the Triple’A Plus™ context.
Target Audience
Technical consultants/profiles and web administrators using
Triple’A Plus™ with
Understanding the basic Internet concepts
Basic knowledge of the Java/J2EE environment
Experience with a Web Server is a plus
Course Topics
WebSphere architecture overview
New features
Installation of WebSphere Application Server and IHS Server (HTTP Server)
Profile Management and Flexible Management
Console administration, Monitoring
Configuration using scripting language such as Python
Security: Certificate, HTTPS, SSL configuration
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP803 - Administration - Actuate
One day
Learning Objectives
This training presents in details the Actuate architecture but also the different Actuate
modules used with Triple’A Plus .
Target Audience
This training is intended for Technical/Reporting consultants and administrators who use
Triple'A PlusTM with Actuate.
Understanding of database concepts, J2EE framework and client-server model.
Course Topics
BIRT iServer Architecture
eReport Designer
BIRT iServer and PostgreSQL administration
Encyclopedia management
eReport Designer configuration
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Triple’A Plus™ - Reporting Courses
CRTAP701 - Reporting - Foundation
1 day
This training is intended for anyone who needs to understand the Reporting solution of
Triple'A Plus . This training is adapted for Clients, Partners having business and
technical skills.
Learning objectives
This training will provide an overview of the TAP Reporting solution and capabilities.
This course will be mainly theoretical with small demos of the reporting capabilities.
After having followed this course, the participants will be able to understand how the
reporting solution works but also how this could be adapted to the client's needs.
Topics Include
Reporting architecture overview
Core function and reporting objects
Live!Report module (incl. encyclopedia and libraries)
Content repository
Online and batches reporting functions
Reporting IDE (e.Report Designer)
Knowledge of TAP is required.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP702 - Reporting - Basic Adaptation
Two days
Learning Objectives
The goal of this training is to learn how to create or modify reports using out of the box
library elements. It is part of the Basic Adaptation steps that should allow for a quick
report deployment using a customized financial instrument classification and graphical
You should be aware that this training course will be mainly focused on adaptation and
configuration of library elements delivered with the standard reporting package. Usage of
the Actuate e.Report designer will be limited.
This course will allow the student to get familiarized with the modular setup of the
standard report and with the dynamic layout obtained through style sheet configuration.
Target Audience
Anyone who needs to understand the Reporting solution of Triple'A Plus™
Business and technical consultants who intend to adapt the standard solution.
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats
CRTAP701 - Reporting - Foundation
Course Topics
Reporting adaptation by use of custom instrument classifications.
Understanding of and using report modularity.
Understanding of and using report dynamic layout.
Multiple language dictionary management.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP703 - Reporting - WUI Adaptation
1 day
Anyone involved in the implementation of Triple'A Plus™ application. This training is
adapted for Clients, Partners having technical skills.
Learning objectives
This training is an introduction to the WUI Customization. It explains briefly the Design
Studio TAP functionalities and the packaging concepts.
After having followed this course, the participant will be able to do small changes on the
WUI Reporting pages.
Topics Include
Introduction to Design Studio TAP
DS Template projects
Packaging concept
PMS model project
WUI Reporting adaptation (incl. Format)
Introduction to the WUI Reporting process.
CRTAP701 – Reporting Foundation
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Triple’A Plus™ - R12 New Features Courses
CRTAP12T - R12 New Technical Features
One day
Learning Objectives
The R12 New Technical Features course introduces the users to the technical novelties
that were introduced in this version and R11 of Triple‘A Plus™.
The purpose of this course is to:
provide the participants with an overview of the technical solution
explain the technical
enhancements implemented
all over
the solution
Participants will gain a solid foundation on which they will rely to continue working and be
trained. After attending this course, participants will:
be able to understand the general architecture of Triple’A Plus™ R12
have a good understanding of the enhancements introduced at the different
levels of the solution
understand the TSL concepts and infrastructure
understand the new reporting infrastructure
be introduced to the new best practices regarding the adaptation of the solution
This course is dedicated to participant with a technical background and an experience of
the Triple’A Plus™ solution.
Target Audience
Clients & Partners with technical knowledge/experience of Triple'A Plus™
Super-users, system administrators, developers using Triple'A Plus™
Clients & Partners who already have a knowledge of Triple ‘A Plus™
Super-users, system administrators, developers using Triple'A Plus™
Course Topics
Learning Objectives
Technical Solution Overview
R11/R12 New Technical Features
Database enhancements
Native Mode
User Defined Types: Long Code & Long Id
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
T’A Core TSL Extension
Extended entities & Computation
Meta-dictionary change
SQL Formats & format element
User-defined entities
Presentation Framework
Presentation components enhancements
Menu component enhancements
User Preferences component enhancements
Technical Framework
Installation enhancements
Configuration enhancements
Security enhancements
Monitoring console
Parallelization & Asynchronous processing
TSL Framework & Infrastructure
From TASC to TSL
TSL general infrastructure
TSL flows
TSL global/local cache concept
TSL rule based engine
TSL API and processes
Reporting technical solution
Reporting architecture
Reporting features
TSL Reporting flow service
Design Studio™
Projects templates
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CRTAP12B - R12 New Business Features
One day
Learning Objectives
The R12 New Business Features course is an excellent way to start learning what
business novelties and concept were introduced in this version of Triple’A Plus™ .
The purpose of this course is to
Provide the participants with the business solution overview
Help them discover the new functionalities of the solution per business
Participants will gain a solid foundation on which they will rely to continue working and be
trained. After attending this course, participants will:
be able to see the main usability improvements in PM'A
be able to see the business improvements
Alerts & Notifications
Queries on CDM/TCM datas
Excel Reporting
Strategy & Constraints administration
Order Management: Allocate Orders, Order Grouping
This course is dedicated to participant with an experience of the Triple’A Plus™ solution.
Target Audience
Clients & Partners with knowledge/experience of Triple'A Plus™
Super-users, Users using Triple'A Plus™
Clients & Partners who already have knowledge of Triple'A Plus™
Course Topics
Learning Objectives
Business Solution Overview
R11 New Business Features
Usability Improvements
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28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Triple’A Plus™ Certifications
CTTAP100 - Bronze Certification
4.5 days
The Bronze Certification is a certificate delivered by Temenos. The bronze certification
program corresponds to the training program listed below.
Training program
ELTAP102 - E-learning - Solution Overview
ELTAP103 - E-learning - Security Overview
ELTAP104 - E-learning - Data Administration Menu
CRTAP101 - End User - PMS B2F (2 days)
CRTAP102 - End User - PMS F2B (1 day)
CRTAP103 - End User - CDM & TCM (1 day)
XCTTAP100 - Bronze Certification Exam (0.5 day)
As soon as participant has succeeded the XCTTAP100 Triple’A Plus™ Bronze
Certification Exam, the Bronze Certification is delivered.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification
4.5 days
The Business Common Layer Certification is a certificate delivered by Temenos. The
Business Common Layer certification program corresponds to the training program listed
CTTAP100 - Bronze Certification
Training program
ELTAP221 - E-learning - Financial Instruments
ELTDS520 - E-learning - Design Studio
CRTAP221 - Implement - Scripts & Formats (2 days)
CRTAP222 - Implement - Operations & Positions (1 day)
CRTDS520 - Design Studio - Foundation (1 day)
XCTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification Exam (0.5 day)
As soon as participant has succeeded the XCTTAP110 Triple’A Plus™ Business
Common Layer Certification Exam, the Business Common Layer Certification is
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CTTAP120 - Business Silver B2F Certification
3.5 days
The Business Silver B2F Certification is a certificate delivered by Temenos. The Business
Silver B2F certification program corresponds to the training program listed below.
CTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification
Training program
ELTAP224 - E-learning - Introduction to Portfolio Modelling
CRTAP223 - Implement - Basic Adaptation (1 day)
CRTAP224 - Implement - Portfolio Modelling (2 days)
XCTTAP120 - Business Silver B2F Certification Exam (0.5 day)
As soon as participant has succeeded the XCTTAP120 Triple’A Plus™ Business Silver
B2F Certification Exam, the Business Silver B2F Certification is delivered.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CTTAP121 - Business Silver F2B Certification
2.5 days
The Business Silver F2B Certification is a certificate delivered by Temenos. The Business
Silver F2B certification program corresponds to the training program listed below.
CTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification
Training program
ELTAP222 - E-learning - Data Interface Analysis
ELTAP223 - E-learning - Case Management
CRTAP225 - Implement - Order Management (2 days)
XCTTAP121 - Business Silver F2B Certification Exam (0.5 day)
As soon as participant has succeeded the XCTTAP121 Triple’A Plus™ Business Silver
F2B Certification Exam, the Business Silver F2B Certification is delivered.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CTTAP130 - Technical Common Layer Certification
4.5 days
The Technical Common Layer Certification is a certificate delivered by Temenos. The
Technical Common Layer certification program corresponds to the training program listed
CTTAP100 - Bronze Certification
Training program
CRTAP140 - Administration - Architecture (1 day)
CRTAP141 - Administration - Foundation (3 days)
XCTTAP130 - Technical Common Layer Certification Exam (0.5 day)
As soon as participant has succeeded the XCTTAP130 Triple’A Plus™ Technical
Common Layer Certification Exam, the Technical Common Layer Certification is delivered
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CTTAP140 - Technical Silver Certification
4.5 days
The Technical Silver Certification is a certificate delivered by Temenos. The Technical
Silver certification program corresponds to the training program listed below.
CTTAP130 - Technical Common Layer Certification
Training program
CRTDS500 - Design Studio - Administration (1 day)
CRTAP142 - Administration - Advanced (2 days)
CRTAP143 - Administration - Monitoring and Performance Foundation (1 day)
XCTTAP140 - Technical Silver Certification Exam (0.5 day)
As soon as participant has succeeded the XCTTAP140 Triple’A Plus™ Technical Silver
Certification Exam, the Technical Silver Certification is delivered
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
CTTAP150 - Design Studio™ PMS Certification
4.5 days
The Design Studio™ Silver Certification is a certificate delivered by Temenos. The Design
Studio™ Silver certification program corresponds to the training program listed below.
CTTAP110 - Business Common Layer Certification
CTTAP130 - Technical Common Layer Certification
Training program
CRTDS530 - Design Studio™- TAP PMS Foundation (1 day)
CRTDS531 - Design Studio™ - TAP PMS Adaptation (1 day)
CRTDS532 - Design Studio™ - TAP PMS Processes (2 days)
XCTTAP150 - Design Studio™ PMS Certification Exam (0.5 day)
As soon as participant has succeeded the XCTTAP150 Triple’A Plus™ Design Studio™
PMS Certification Exam, the Design Studio™ Silver Certification is delivered
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
- E-Learning Courses
W02 - An Overview of WealthManager™
1.5 hours
This is an e-learning session about an overview of the Triple'A PlusTM Solution.
Why e-learning?
You can take the course when it is convenient for you
You can pause the course when you need to. You'll be able to resume right
where you left off
You can fast-forward through or skip sections that you may already be familiar
with and you can repeat the parts that are a little more complex
Learning Objectives
After the training course, the participant should be able to
List some of the technological and business challenges facing the Wealth
Management industry today
Describe some of the features and benefits of the WealthManager™ application
Understand the
difference between
Core product
Understand how data is loaded into WealthManager™
Understand how client data is kept secure
a Custom
Target Audience
Anyone who wants to learn more about WealthManager™
This course is a high-level overview of the WealthManager™ product. It is being
offered through e-learning.
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
WealthManager™ - Business Courses
W10 - How to use
Two days
Learning Objectives
This course introduces the end-user to the capabilities of WealthManager™.
Objectives include:
Understand how WealthManager™ supports Wealth Management activities
Maximize usage and usefulness of WealthManager™
Use key features of WealthManager™
Target Audience
All end-users + System Administrators
Course Topics
Navigate throughout web interface
Client relationship management features: categories, custom fields, alerts,
households and relationship links
Contact management
Use calendar and monitor activities
Review book of business and portfolio performance
Internal reports
Ad hoc and scheduled Client Reports
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
WealthManager™ - Specialized modules
W20 - Sales and Advice
One day
Learning Objectives
Create and analyze sales opportunities and monitor the sales pipeline
Create, administer and track marketing campaigns
Incorporate all the components of a Proposal
Target Audience
All end-users whose firm has purchased the Sales and Advice module
W10 - WealthManager™ - How to Use WealthManager™
Course Topics
Proposal process
Opportunity management
Pipeline management
Campaign management
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
W21 - Modeling
One day
Learning Objectives
Explain how a model is used to leverage the expertise of a firm's most experienced
investment experts to allow front line advisors to offer better investment advice to clients
Target Audience
Investment researchers
W10 - WealthManager™ - How to Use WealthManager™
Course Topics
Create and apply a model to a portfolio, asset class and proposal
Generate trade lists as a result of the modelling process
Create model parameters that will guide the remodelling process
Manage a portfolio using a model
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
W22 - Performance
One day
Learning Objectives
Explain how WealthManager™ calculates and stores performance data
Describe where performance can be retrieved by users
State other factors that affect performance and financials
Target Audience
Performance Specialists; Technical Staff
None, but W60 - WealthManager™ - Technical Basics course is recommended
Course Topics
Performance calculation methods
How performance is stored in WealthManager™
Performance inception date
Class level performance
Asset weighting/aggregation
Special handling (negative market values, non-investment periods)
How performance is displayed in UI; views, reports and client reports
Review of performance patterns
Cashflows - how are they identified and stored
Accrued income - how it is calculated, stored and used as part of performance
Account/Portfolio valuation - factors affecting valuation, required dependent data,
handling of backdated updates (pricing, transactions)
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
W23 - Orders
One day
Learning Objectives
Understand how WealthManager interacts with order management systems
List the various types of orders that can be placed in WM
Learn how to place orders in WM
Understand the difference between a bulk order and a single order
Describe the verifications and compliance checks that are performed once orders are
List available order statuses
Recognize the difference between the Order Worksheet object and the Order object
Learn about order configuration and how it affects the end-user: user roles, system
parameters, system properties
Target Audience
End Users; Technical Staff
W10 - WealthManager™ - How to Use WealthManager™
Course Topics
Different types of orders
Creating, modifying, copying and deleting orders
Order workflow
Working with Order Worksheets
Business rules
Compliance checks
Various states of an order
System configuration
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
WealthManager™ - Technical modules
W60 - Technical Basics
Two days
Learning Objectives
Describe WealthManager™'s architecture and technology components.
Explain the components that make up the business, storage and operational
Target Audience
End-user admin and technical people; Technical Staff
None. Technical Basics is a prerequisite for all other technical WealthManager™ courses
such as Administration, Operations & Troubleshooting and How to Implement
WealthManager™ courses.
Course Topics
Business Object Model
Data interfaces/Financial engines
Web services
Security model
Data model
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
W62 - Administration
Two days
Learning Objectives
Perform administrative functions of WealthManager™, which includes:
Data Administration
Business unit, employee, and business unit hierarchy maintenance
Object change request
Entering/maintaining prices, benchmarks, models, etc.
Resolving reconciliation differences
Scheduled Client Reports
Public Views
Target Audience
Middle office and back-office staff involved with system and data administration and
statement generation
W60 - WealthManager™ - Technical Basics
Course Topics
Identify and correct loading errors through Data Administration
Create and maintain users, business units and business unit hierarchies
Object change requests
SIF generators
Instrument attributes
Create and maintain prices
Create, change, and assign a benchmark
Position reconciliation between source system and WealthManager™
Management of month-end scheduled Client Reports
Create and maintain asset mixes and models
List and describe model parameters
Alerts for the Admin user
Maintenance of Public Views
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
W63 - Operations & Troubleshooting
Two days
Learning Objectives
Describe in detail
how data
Diagnose common loading errors and act upon them
Determine the success of a data load
Recognize and recommend actions for business data errors
Understand data dependencies and assess impact to financial calculations
Client staff involved with Computer Operations, Support
W60 - WealthManager™ - Technical Basics
Course Topics
Data Model Overview
WealthManager™ application UNIX environment
Know how to gather relevant triage information for unexpected errors/issues for
escalation support.
Target Audience
Directory Structure
Environment Variables
Logging Architecture
Batch Concepts
Detailed Data Flow
Standard Interface Files (SIFs)
Object Change Request
Batch engines & Rollups (Critical, Non-Critical)
Reprocessing Errors
System Parameters Review
Financial Engines
Account Valuation
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
Backdated Processing
Miscellaneous Errors
Data Administration Errors
Load Error Handling/Triage
Daily Batch Failures
Operations & Other Utilities
Cleanup jobs
Environment Troubleshooting
Application Performance
Oracle Tracing
MT Service Tracing
Financial Engine Tracing
Report Generation (Internal reports, Client reports)
28 October 2013
Temenos Training Courses
WealthManager™ - Certifications
W110 - WealthManager™ - Bronze Certification
The Bronze Certification is a certificate delivered by Temenos. The corresponding
program covers the areas of the hereunder listed subjects. As soon as a participant has
succeeded all exams of the mentioned list, the Bronze Certification is released.
Note: No further exam is necessary to receive the certificate once you have completed
each single exam.
Trainings to have followed or equivalent experience to have on
W02 WealthManager™ - An overview of Wealth Manager
W10 - WealthManager™ - How to use
W60 WealthManager™ - Technical Basics
Exams to have succeeded to obtain automatically this Certificate
W111 Business Bronze - How to Use Exam
W131 Business Bronze - Technical Basics Exam
28 October 2013