كلية علوم الحاسب االلي قسم هندسة الحاسب Computer Engineering Department Project Form 1 (PF01) Sections T - Engineering Project Proposal L Date Project Title What is the problem you intend to solve? [Who] need(s) [what] because of [why] Problem Checklist (To be filled by the students) What Makes a Good Engineering Project? Your department may put some restrictions on projects. Have you met your department's requirements? Is the topic interesting enough to read about and work on for the next two semesters? Can you find at least three sources of written information on the subject? Can you measure whether your solution is better than what already exists? (Can you measure your improvement numerically: cheaper in dollars, faster in time, etc.) Can you design a solution that is safe to build, use, store, and dispose of? Are you able to have all the materials and equipment you need for your solution? Do you have enough time to complete your design/implementation and make it ready before the due date? Yes No We/I have discussed the project idea and the checklist with my supervisor, and we/I am willing to commit to follow through on this project: S.No. Student Name ID Signature 1 2 3 I have discussed the project idea and the checklist with my students, and I believe they/he can follow through with this project: Name Signature