The Origins of Judaism PowerPoint and Keynote Presenter’s Notes Source: World History, Patterns of Interaction Chapter 3, Section 4 Presenters Notes, Higher Order Questions, Concepts Slide 1 The Origins of Judaism Chapter 3 Section 4 Slide 2 Concept: Religion A system of beliefs, symbols and rituals, that guide human behavior, gives meaning to life and unites believers into a community. Slide 3 The Land of Canaan -Three different peoples lived in Cancan -Phoenicians -Philistines -Israelites (Jews) -Modern Day Countries -Israel, Syria, Lebanon & Jordan Slide 4 The Search For a Promise Land Slide 5 Southwest Asia: A crossroads of three continents Slide 6 Trade Routes -Canaan held key ports to two major trade routes -The mediterranean Sea -The Red Sea Slide 7 Surrounded by Powerful Empires -Canaan was surrounded by large empires that were eager to expand and control trade routes: -Egypt -Assyria -Babylonia Slide 8 Q: Why would other states see Canaan as valuable? A: By controlling sea and land trade routes they could tax them and make a lot of money Slide 9 From Ur To Egypt Slide 10 Torah -Torah: First five books of the Hebrew Bible -Christians respect these writings as part of the Old Testament Slide 11 In what ways are the Torah and the Vedas similar? A: Both are our main source of knowledge about an ancient people: Israelites and Aryans and both considered sacred Slide 12 God Chooses Abraham The Lord said to Abraham “Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you.I will make of you a great nation and I wallless you; I will make your name great, and you shall be a blessing” Slide 13 Abraham’s Journey -1800 BC Abraham is a shepherd that lives near the city of Ur -God commands him to lead his people to Canaan: Genesis -1650 BC Abraham’s descendants move to Egypt -A drought created a fear of famine Slide 14 How Might their monotheism have cause problems for the Israelites? A: Not honoring local gods may have caused conflicts with local leaders Slide 15 The God of Abraham Slide 16 Different Beliefs -Polytheism: Belief in many gods -Example: Mesopotamia -Monotheism: Belief in one God -Jews, Christians, Muslims Slide 17 The Covenant -Abraham promised to obey God and in return God promised to protect Abraham and his descendants. A covenant is a mutal promise Slide 18 Moses and the Exodus Slide 19 Migration -Between 1300 & 1200 BC -According to the Bible, a drought caused the Hebrews to migrate to Egfpt -Hebrews were welcomed and had a place of honor -As time passed they were enslaved Slide 20 What theories do you have as to why the Hebrews were enslaved? Slide 21 “Let My People Go” Slide 22 Exodus -The Hebrews fled Egypt between 1300 & 1200 BC -Called “The Exodus” -Remembered during Passover -Led by Moses, The Hebrews wandered for 40 years in the desert Slide 23 Moses -The Pharaoh of Egypt feared the great numbers of Israelites in Egypt -He ordered all Israelite baby boys be killed. -His mother hid him in the reeds along the Nile where he was found and adopted by an Egyptian Princess. Moses was raised in luxury, but never forgot his roots. Slide 24 A New Covenant Slide 25 The Ten Commandments -Moses climbed Mount Sinai to pray -God spoke to Moses -Moses returned from the mountain with two stone tablets: -The Ten Commandments Slide 26 The Ten Commandments -I am the Lord they God…..Thou shalt no others gods before me -Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images. -Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain -Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy -Honor thy Father and Thy Mother -Thou shalt not kill -Thou shalt not commit adultery -Thou shalt not steal -Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor -Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbors. Deuteronomy 5:6-22 Slide 27 The Covenant between God and The Hebrews -Hebrews promised to keep God’s commandments -God promised to protect the Hebrews Slide 28 Compare and contrast the Hebrew religion and other religions of the time -Compare: People Tried to please them -Contrast: Other people were polytheistic Slide 29 The land and people of the Bible Slide 30 Return to the land of Abraham -After Moses died, the Hebrews returned to Canaan -Changed from nomadic peoples to herders, farmers and city dwellers -Learned technology from neighboring peoples Slide 31 12 Tribes -Hebrews arrived in the land called Canaan -Hebrews were organized into twelve tribes (Loosely) -Lived in separate territories -Self governing -God would unite the tribes in times of crisis Slide 32 Hebrew Law Slide 33 God chooses a series of judges -Hebrew Society Roles: -Men: Officiate Religious Ceremonies -Women: Raise children -The most prominent: Deborah -Very unusual for a woman to have such power Slide 34 The Ten Commandments -Code of laws delivered to Moses by God -Social and religious behavior -Similar to Hammurabi’s Law Code (Eye For an Eye) -Later interpreted by Prophets: Religious teachers -Encouraged the Hebrews to keep covenant with God Slide 35 Prophets Taught: -Worship God -Live Justly “He has told you, oh mortal what is good and what does the lord require of you but do justice and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. Ethical Monotheism: The emphasis on right conduct and worship of one God is a Hebrew idea that influenced Christians and Muslims for thousands of years. Slide 36 How would you compare the roles of judges and prophets in society? Judges and prophets both interpreted law. Judges were also military leaders Slide 37 The Kingdom of Israel Slide 38 Canaan -Harsh geographical features: -Desert -Rocky Wilderness -Grassy Hills -Dry: Little water Slide 39 The Tribe of Judah -The judges would call the 12 tribes together in case of a military crisis -Eventually only the tribe of Judah remained -Hebrews came to be called Jews and the religion: Judaism Slide 40 Uniting Israel -From 1020 to 922 BC, Israel was united under three kings: -Saul -David -Solomon -Israel enjoyed it’s greatest period of prosperity and independence Slide 41 King Saul -Chosen largely because of his success against the Philistines -Portrayed in the Bible as a tragic, jealous man Slide 42 King David -Sin-in Law of Saul, succeeded him as King of Israel -Very popular leader -United the tribes of Israel -Established Jerusalem as capital -Founded a dynasty Slide 43 How were the roles of Saul and David similar and different in establishing the kingdom? Saul took the first step by defeating Israel’s enemies. David solidified the kingdom and set the stage for growth under Solomon Slide 44 Solomon Builds The Kingdom -962 BC, David is succeeded by his son Solomon -Built a trading empire -Built a large temple dedicated to God Slide 45 Solomon’s Temple -Built to glorify God -Housed the Arc of the Covenant -Contained the Tablets of Moses Law Slide 46 The Kingdom of Israel Divides The amount of labor required for Solomon’s building projects required every man to contribute 1 of every three months to work on them. -Solomon’s building projects strained the kingdom’s finances -Also required crushing taxes from the people -Caused discontent and Jews in the North revolted and the kingdom divided in two: Israel and Judah -Eventually, the Northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed. Slide 47 How did the split in the kingdom of Israel affect each part? Neither part was strong without the other Slide 48 The Babylonian Captivity Slide 49 Tribute When a weaker power is forced to pay taxes to a stronger power in exchange for not being taken over. Slide 50 Assyrian Threat -Both Judah and Israel paid tribute to Assyria (Protection money) -Israel revolted and refused to pay tribute -In 725 BC, The Assyrians laid siege to Sumaria, the capital of Israel. -By 722 BC, the whole Northern kingdom had fallen. Slide 51 Babylonia Rises -The Kingdom of Judah resisted the Assyrians for 150 years King Nebechanezer of Babylon attacked Jerusalem and the city fell in 586 BC -As the Assyrians lost power and faded the Babylonians rose to prominence -The Babylonians destroyed Judah and drove the Egyptians out of the region. -Solomon’s Temple was torn down stone by stone Slide 52 Exile In Babylon -Survivors of the attack on Jerusalem were exiled to Babylon. -The Prophet Ezekiel urged his people to keep the religion alive in a foreign land -In 539 BC The Persian king, Cyrus the Great, conquered Babylon -In 540 BC, Cyrus allowed 40,000 Jews to return, but most stayed. Slide 53 Return -A new temple was built in 515 BC -The walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt in 445 BC -Other empires dominate the region -Greeks -Romans Slide 54 The End These materials were prepared by Harms LLC and have neither been developed, reviewed, nor endorsed by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, publisher of the original WORLD HISTORY: Patterns of Interaction work on which this material is based.