Cell biology and immunology Lecture 1 first lecture - cytotoxicity and the study of the cell / recording_1 Biomaterial = any material used in the body to achieve a therapeutic or diagnostic purpose. Can be used inside as well as outside the body Biocompactibilty = ability of a biomaterial to perform its desired function with respect to a medical therapy, without eleciting any underiable local or systemic effects in the recipient or beneficiary of that therapy, but generating the most appropiate beneficial cellular or tissue response in that specific situation, and optimising the clinically relevant performance of that therapy Cytoxciity = means something is toxic to the cyto/cell part Cell culture = Proces by which cells are grown in controlled conditions outside of its native environment Types of cytotoxicity 1. Extract testing (37 C) orange is median Green is material Cultured median is added to the cell, so no adding of cells to median Energy source mitochondria: glucose + oxygen 2. Direct contact testing hard to say if something is toxic 3. Indirect contrast testing cultured well and disc with cells Types of responses 1. Amputee response = metabolic response, originated from the mitochondria, uses oxygen and glucose for ATP 2. Cell coloration – opposite is cell death to the right (Volt): the lower the concentration the less toxic for the cells more metabolic active the cells become fibronectin = formenend member of the extracellular matrix, protein, very adhesive meaning cells like to bind to it Lecture 2 - Cell study and visualization / recording_1 Cell deviation methods Tumor cell Unlimited survival Unlimited deviation Normal differentiated cell Limited survival change Limited deviation Hybrid cells best of both Powerful producer of biological factors For use of ea. Antibodies spins really hard larger parts will go down faster than lighter ones Spins different densities will go down, ea. nucleus heavy or mitochondria different densities (gr/ml) different layers Types of columns/matrices Protein Building blocks Structure cell PCR separating protein mix based on molecular weight Peptide = Protein cut into smaller pieces with enzymes Mass spectrometry identify protein (fingerprints) A detergent = a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with cleansing properties when in dilute solutions - Often charged - Remove lipids Anisotropy = has preferred direct Isotropy = no preferred direction Lecture 3 - Cell signalling / recording_1 One signal can have different effect -same receptor- different intracellular signaling and effector proteins, and therefore genes targeted Types of cell surface receptors 1. Ion channel-coupled receptors 2. G-protein-coupled receptor 3. Enzyme-coupled receptors Phosphorylation events drive the signal cascade – protein kinase activity switches a protein towards another state, phosphatase activity does the opposite Types of protein kinases 1. Majority: serine/threonine kinases 2. Other: tyrosine kinases 3. GTP: binding proteins A double negative activation is a positive activation dynamic range = what kind of concentrations lead to a response persistence = how long does respond hold signal processing / integration = how does cell combine different signals at same time Fast response seconds minutes, protein only need to alter already existing proteins Slow response minutes hours, must make new proteins G-protein receptors: neurotransmitters bind to receptor instead of immediately opening an ion channel activation of intermediate protein called a G-protein G-protein can influence the opening of ion channels and also affect enzymes and activate intracellular signaling molecules known as second messengers which can initiate signaling cascade within cell - Slower action - Effect more widespread due to ability to influence molecules around a cell Central theme in signaling: Second messengers and enzymatic cascades amplify the signal. Inactivation mechanisms are rapid Lecture 4 - Mitochondria/ recording_1 Ras = Rat sarcoma virus, is a family of related proteins that are expressed in all animal cell lineages and organs. All Ras protein family members belong to a class of protein called small GTPase and are involved in transmitting signals within cells (cellular signal transduction). - Lipid groups anchor the Ras to the membrane space - Ras is needed for proliferation and differentiation - In 30% of tumors Ras mutant is found - Ras inactive bound to GDP - Ras active GDP switched for GTP Integrins are the principal receptors used by animal cells to bind to the extracellular matrix. Mitochondria energy conversion - ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation - In chloroplast by photosynthesis - Has own DNA; encoding a subset of proteins, but they are not stand-alone - Chemiosmotic coupling = energy store created by an electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane - Electron transport chain embedded in a membrane - H+ protons flow back through ATP synthase membrane associated protein machine - Buffering of redox potential in cytosol = recycling of electron acceptor NAD+ - Urea cycle = mitochondria in liver cells Intermembrane space - No difference in pH and ionic composition with cytoplasm no electrochemical gradient across the outer membrane - In cristae ± 75 precent of membrane is protein increases availability oxidative phosphorylation Fuel = fatty acids and pyruvate Input Kreb cycle / citric acid cycle = acetyl CoA Chemiosmotic coupling: Electron generation carried by NADH NADH transfers electrons into the electrontransport chain proton gradient serves to generate ATP Redox potential Because of infinity electrons flow – (low) + (high) In membrane cristae: Lecture 5 - the foreign body response / recording_1 Biocompatibility = the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response in a specific application No immunotoxicity = implant must not elicit an adverse immune response from the host Bio in earth = does not evoke response from the host , no interaction Unwanted Foreign Body Reaction effects 1. Too early resorption of biomaterial → may lead to autologous tissue incompletely restored 2. Implant loosening → eg hip prosthesis due to infection or wear and tear 3. Chronic inflammation → priming immune system or hyper-sensitivity solutions: 1. Modification of the materials → eg coatings 2. Modification of the FBR → ‘downregulation’ of the inflammatory reaction Step 1: protein adsorption Protein coating = adsorption or proteins to a surface creates a new surface until blue line = wound healing Bioreaction - short and long term when stay horizontal = chronic wound healing Implantation of biomaterial always followed by 2 types of inflammatory responses 1. Wound healing 2. Foreign body reaction Lecture foreign body response continued / recording_1 Macrophages vs granulocytes (= can phagocytose and destroy infectious agents) Granulocytes nucleus split up in multiples nuclei Macrophages single round shape nucleus (can fuse together to form giant cell, frustrated) Giant cells: - No role in phagocytoses - Anti-inflammatory Main players in FBR: macrophages and foreign body giant cells When macrophages encounter a foreign object too large to be phagocytosed, they fuse to form larger ‘foreign body giant cells’ Macrophages Cross-linked collagens with different FBR: 1. HDSC (zeemleer) complete degraded within one month 2. GDSC (zeemleer) hardly any degradation after one month (Biomaterials can modulate own degradation time) M-CSF macrophages colony stimulating factor activating stem cells activate forming monocytes more macrophages MaFIA mouse - Macrophages and fibroblasts orchestrate the FBR in a joint fashion Their response can be modulated Their response must be taken seriously also when scaffolds are being used for RM Lecture 6 - Macrophages / recording_1 Implantation of biomaterials gives inflammation Implantation of a biomaterial is generally accompanied by two types of inflammatory responses: 1. Wound healing process 2. Foreign body reaction In vivo = in body In vitro = in reageerbuis Degradation of pTMC by macrophages - Macrophages but not fibroblasts degrade pTMC in vitro (oxidative and enzymatic degradation) - Rates not always consistent with in vivo - Oxidative = super anions - Enzymatic = choleretic esterase - Degradation by surface erosion To create in vitro model establishing the role of enzymes and reactive oxygen species in an in vitro model of macrophages-mediated degradation of poly network films Lecture 7 - Adaptive immunity / recording_1 Pattern recognition receptors including toll-like receptors = pathogen-recognizing receptors recognize PAMP’s located on cell surface or in endosome vesicles including inferno b-signaling pathways Lysosoom = afvalberg van de cel, breken afvalstoffen van cel af voor hergebruik of uitscheiding - Important inside macrophages for phagocytosis Dendritic cells - are experts at immune - Antigen components are trimmed to suitable sizes and displayed in conduction with MHCs 1 and 2 on the surface of the antigen-representing cells - MHC gene cluster yields both MHC class 1 and 2 molecules All nucleated cells contain MHC 1 Only professional APCs (DC, macrophages, B cells) contain MHC 2 encage CD4+ to amplify immune response Intercellular signaling by chemokines and cytokines Pathogen = foreign infectious microbes that cause sickness Antigen = a molecule that induce a specific immune response Antibody = y-shaped protein that are specific and match antigen after connecting they can be detected and destroyed by white blood cells Innate – receptors with broad specificity Adaptive – receptors with single specificity T-helper (CD4+) producing cytokines (control growth and activity of other immune systems and blood cells like T helper cells) after negative feedback shut down immune response and inflammation Tc (CD8+) kill virus-detected cells B-cells development in bone marrow; B cell surface receptors is an antibody. Different into plasma cells > antibody secretion Antibodies = immunoglobins or Igs MHC 1 = CD8 T cells MCH 2 = CD4 T cells Cell-based = memory cells stay in body after immune response Spleen and lymph nodes have lot of immune cells, memory cells, T cells Adaptive immunity continued / recording_1 Cytosolic = antibodies ineffective here. NK cells and cytotoxic T cells role of Th cells and infernos Central tolerance tolerance develops of signal strength, strong signal leads to inactivation Peripheral tolerance outside primary organs a plethora of mechanisms; anergy, apoptosis. Ignorance, receptor editing Stents and cell biology of the blood vessel wall / recording_1 Thrombosis / occluding vessel = when a blood clot forms in a vessel 1. Interior of the vessel 2. Neointima/ new part of vessel 3. Original vessel wall Stem cells and tissue renewal / recording_1 Stem cells = cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated Self-renewal = the ability to go through numerous cycles of cell division while maintaining the undifferentiated state potency / differentiation = the ability to differentiate into specialized cell types. Requires stem cells to be totipotent or pluripotent, to be able to give rise to any mature cell type, although multipotent or unipotent progenitor cells are sometimes referred to as stem cells Classification: 1. Embryonic stem cells 2. Fetal stem cells – including amniotic stem cells (baby’s amniotic fluid/vruchtwater) 3. Umbilical stem cells (cord blood) 4. Adult stem cells (bone marrow, adipose tissue – vetweefsel, blood) 5. Induces pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) Stem cells - Immunological responses - Stem cells niche (place where stem cells remain stem cells) - Potential of (early) banking of cells - Determination of phenotype i.e., differentiation state Bone marrow