Uploaded by Somiche Cozier

Unicellular vs. Multicellular Organisms Worksheet

Living Organisms
Multicellular vs. Unicellular Sort
Name : ___________________
Unicellular vs. Multicellular Sort
Multicellular Organism
Unicellular Organism
Directions: Cut along the dotted lines and then sort the statements into the correct column
Made up of 1 cell
Contains a transport system
Examples can include:
Amoeba, Euglena,
Able to get rid of waste
Able to respirate (breathe)
Responds to the environment
Only the outer cells are
exposed the the external
Made up of more than one cell
Able to get nutrition (food)
Examples can include:
Human, Plant, Dog
Microscopic in size
Likely dies if injured
Has specialized cells
Can perform all life processes
within a single cell
Able to reproduce
Makes an exact replica of itself
when it reproduces
Has the ability to move
Ability to grow
Cannot perform all life
processes within a single cell
Exposed to the external
environment on all sides
Able to exchange materials
directly with its environment
Directions: Cut along the dotted lines and then sort the statements into the correct column
Made up of 1 cell
Contains a transport system
Examples can include:
Amoeba, Euglena,
Able to get rid of waste
Able to respirate (breathe)
Responds to the environment
Only the outer cells are
exposed the the external
Made up of more than one cell
Able to get nutrition (food)
Examples can include:
Human, Plant, Dog
Microscopic in size
Likely dies if injured
Has specialized cells
Can perform all life processes
within a single cell
Able to reproduce
Makes an exact replica of itself
when it reproduces
Has the ability to move
Ability to grow
Cannot perform all life
processes within a single cell
Exposed to the external
environment on all sides
Able to exchange materials
directly with its environment