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Business End of Year Review: Key Concepts & Companies

Business End of Year Review
List of Topics Related to the Business
The process of starting up a business
The type of business organization
Sources of finance
Simple Mills
Business planning/starting a business
Place (How the product gets from producer to consumer)
Organizational objective
- Attract the paleo diet
Sources of finance
- Selling their house, angel investors
The 4 P’s
- Amazon
Market research
- Market segmentation, target market
- Research methods (Interviews, Focus Groups etc)
Economies of scale
Ben & Jerry
Business start-up
Type of product
- Different types of flavours
Market research
- When deciding the size of the chunks of the
cookie dough
- In 2001, Unilever bought Ben & Jerry’s
Mission Statement
- Their 3-part mission guides the decision making
process (economical mission, social mission, and
product mission)
Promotional strategies
Early adaptor
- Business starters using sustainable growth
methods before other businesses
- It came up with new ideas for flavours
Concepts- change & ethics
Types of promotions
Vision statement
Mission statement: “to serve and reflect the
communities where we would set up shop.
The 4 P’s
Organizational objectives- vision and mission statements
Ethical objectives- ‘we do business “the H&M way” we do
so ethically, honestly, and responsibly.’
SWOT Analysis
Ansoff Matrix
Strategies, tactics
Financial reports
Types of economies of scale
Types of production
STEEPLE analysis
Influence of innovation, ethical considerations and
cultural differences on marketing
Creating an appropriate marketing mix
Market segmentation- geographic segmentation
British Airways
STEEPLE Analysis
How environmental conditions and market conditions has
influenced a business
Types of promotion
- Started online retails but then closed down
Mission statement
- Their ‘treasure hunt’ technique
The 4 P’s
Boston Matrix
Perception Map
Guerilla Marketing
Economies/Diseconomies of Scale
Product Life Cycle - extension strategies
CSR (corporate social responsibility)
Ethical objectives
Final accounts
Cash flow forecast
Break-even analysis
Profit and loss account
Other Topics That We Covered:
● The Super Bowl Commercials
○ Types of promotional techniques
■ Informative
■ Persuasive
■ Reassuring
○ Studying the different ways that the viewers might react
○ Guerilla marketing
○ Marketing objectives (SMART)
○ Above-the-line promotion
Types of Pricing
○ Cost-plus
○ Penetration
○ Price skimming
○ Psychological
○ Loss leader
○ Price discrimination
○ Competitive pricing
○ Price leadership
Types of Sampling Methods
○ Quota
○ Random
○ Stratified
○ Cluster
○ Snowballing
○ Convenience
Sources of Finance
○ Internal
■ Personal Funds
■ Sale of Assets
■ Retained Profit
■ Sell and Lease Back
○ External
■ Loan Capital
■ Overdrafts
■ Trade Credit
■ Grants
■ Subsidies
Break-even analysis
○ Break-even point
○ Break-even chart
○ Fixed costs
○ Total cost
○ Margin of safety
○ Break-even quantity
○ Break-even revenue
Economies/Diseconomies of Scale
○ Technical (internal)
○ Managerial (internal)
○ Financial (internal)
○ Marketing (internal)
○ Purchasing (internal)
○ Risk Bearing (internal)
○ Consumers (external)
○ Employees (external)
Stages in Product Life Cycle
○ Development
○ Introduction
○ Growth
○ Maturity
○ Saturation
○ Decline
○ (Extension Strategy)
Profitability and Liquidity Ratios
○ Profitability Ratios
■ Gross-profit margin
■ Net-profit margin
○ Efficiency Ratios
■ Return on capital employed
○ Liquidity Ratios
■ Current ratios
■ Acid-test (quick) ratio
Investment Appraisal
○ Payback period
○ Average rate of return
Market Segmentation
○ Demographic segmentation
■ Age
■ Gender
■ Religion
■ Ethnic grouping
○ Geographic segmentation
■ Climate conditions
○ Psychographic segmentation
■ Social and economic status
■ Values
Primary and Secondary Market Research
○ Primary
■ Surveys
■ Interviews
■ Focus groups
■ Observation
○ Secondary
■ Academic journals
■ Media articles
■ Government publications
■ Market analyses
Distribution Channel
○ Zero intermediary channel
○ One intermediary channel
■ retailer/agent
○ Two intermediaries channel
■ Wholesalers
■ retailers/agent
Balance Sheet Terms (Main terms)
○ Working Capital
○ Total Assets Less Current Liabilities
○ Net Assets
○ Equity
○ Retained Profit
Profit-Loss Account Terms
○ Sales Revenues
○ Costs of good sold
○ Gross profit
○ Expenses
○ Net profit before interest and tax
○ Tax
○ Net profit after interest and tax
○ Dividends
○ Retained profits
Methods to reduce cash outflow
○ Negotiate with suppliers/creditors to delay payment
○ Purchases of fixed assets can be delayed
○ Possible to source cheaper suppliers
Methods to improve cash inflow
○ Businesses can insists that customers pay in cash only
○ Offer discounts/incentives to encourage debtors to pay early
○ Firm diversify product offering
Boston Matrix
○ Quadrants
■ Stars
■ Question Marks (Problem Children)
■ Cash Cows
■ Dogs
○ Strategies
Holding Strategy
Building Strategy
Harvesting Strategy
Divesting Strategy
○ Above the line
■ Informative Advertising
■ Persuasive Advertising
■ Reassuring Advertising
○ Below the line
■ Direct Marketing
■ Personal Selling
■ Public Relations
■ Sales Promotion
Extension strategies
○ Selling existing products into new markets
○ Find new uses for product
○ Change the packaging of product
○ Target different market segments
○ Develop new promotional strategies
Branding Terminology
○ Brand awareness
○ Brand development
○ Brand loyalty
○ Brand value
Principles of Guerrilla Marketing (“APENS”)
○ Activity
○ Presence
○ Energy
○ Networks
○ Smart
Factors in locating business
○ Costs
○ Competition
○ Type of land
○ Markets
○ Familiarity with area
○ Labour pool
○ Infrastructure
○ Suppliers
○ Government (laws and taxes)
Types of E-commerce
○ Business-to-business