7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide 7SR11 and 7SR12 Installation Guide Document Release History This document is issue 2012/01. The list of revisions up to and including this issue is: 2012/01 Software Maintenance 2011/06 Software Maintenance 2011/06 Added CT and VT connection information 2010/04 Amendments following PLM review 2010/02 Document reformat due to rebrand 2009/09 Revised format 2009/04 First issue Software Revision History 2012/01 7SR11 2436H80003 R2a-2a Software Maintenance 7SR12 2436H80004 R2a-2a 2011/06 7SR11 2436H80003 R2-2 Software Maintenance 7SR12 2436H80004 R2-2 2009/04 2436H80003R1g-1c 7SR11 First Release 3436H80004R1g-1c 7SR12 The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document, and in any model or article produced from it (and including any registered or unregistered design rights) are the property of Siemens Protection Devices Limited. No part of this document shall be reproduced or modified or stored in another form, in any data retrieval system, without the permission of Siemens Protection Devices Limited, nor shall any model or article be reproduced from this document unless Siemens Protection Devices Limited consent. While the information and guidance given in this document is believed to be correct, no liability shall be accepted for any loss or damage caused by any error or omission, whether such error or omission is the result of negligence or any other cause. Any and all such liability is disclaimed. ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Contents Section 1: Installation............................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Packaging ............................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Unpacking, Storage and Handling .......................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Recommended Mounting Position .......................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Wiring...................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 Earthing................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.6 Ancillary Equipment ................................................................................................................................ 4 1.7 Disposal .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Section 2: Equipment Operating Conditions ............................................................................................................ 5 2.1 Current Transformer Circuits................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 External Resistors ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Front Cover ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Section 3: Dimensions and Panel Fixings ................................................................................................................ 6 3.1 Relay Dimensions and Weight ................................................................................................................ 6 3.2 Fixings..................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.1 Crimps....................................................................................................................................... 7 3.2.2 Panel Fixings ............................................................................................................................ 7 Section 4: Rear Terminal Drawings ......................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 E4 Case .................................................................................................................................................. 8 Section 5: Connection/Wiring/Diagrams ................................................................................................................ 10 5.1 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1101 EF Relay with 3BI & 5BO............................................................................ 10 5.2 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1102 OC/EF Relay with 3BI & 5BO ..................................................................... 11 5.3 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1103 OC/EF Relay with 6 BI & 8BO .................................................................... 12 5.4 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1204 Directional EF Relay with 3BI & 5BO.......................................................... 13 5.5 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1205 Directional OC/EF Relay with 3BI & 5BO ................................................... 14 5.6 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1206 Directional OC/EF Relay with 6BI & 8BO ................................................... 15 5.7 Current Transformer Configurations...................................................................................................... 16 5.8 Voltage Transformer Configurations ..................................................................................................... 21 Section 6: Data Comms Connections .................................................................................................................... 22 6.1 RS485 Connection ................................................................................................................................ 22 List of Figures Figure 3.1-1 Figure 4.1-1 Figure 4.1-2 Figure 5.1-1 Figure 5.2-1 Figure 5.3-1 Figure 5.4-1 Figure 5.5-1 Figure 5.6-1 Figure 6.1-1 Overall Dimensions and Panel Drilling for Size E4 Epsilon Case...................................................... 6 E4 Case viewed from rear ................................................................................................................. 8 E4 Case Terminal Arrangement viewed from rear ............................................................................ 9 7SR1101 Connection Diagram........................................................................................................ 10 7SR1102 Connection Diagram........................................................................................................ 11 7SR1103 Connection Diagram........................................................................................................ 12 7SR1204 Connection Diagram........................................................................................................ 13 7SR1205 Connection Diagram........................................................................................................ 14 7SR1206 Connection Diagram ......................................................................................................... 15 RS485 Data Comms Connections Between Relays ........................................................................ 22 ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 2 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Section 1: Installation 1.1 Packaging Relays are supplied in packaging designed to mechanically protect them while in both transit and storage. This packaging should be recycled where systems exist, or disposed of in a manner which does not provide a threat to health or the environment. All laws and regulations specific to the country of disposal should be adhered to. 1.2 Unpacking, Storage and Handling On receipt remove the relay from the container in which it was received and inspect it for obvious damage. It is recommended that the relay not be removed from its case. If damage has been sustained a claim should be immediately be made against the carrier, also inform Siemens Protection Devices Limited, and the nearest Siemens agent. When not required for immediate use, Relays should be stored in their original packaging. The place of storage should be dry and free from dust. It should also not exceed the storage temperature and humidity limits of the Relay; given in the Performance Specification of this manual. The relay contains static sensitive devices, which are susceptible to damage due to static discharge. The relay’s electronic circuits are protected from damage by static discharge when the relay is housed in its case. There can be no requirement to disassemble any relay, since there are no user serviceable parts in the relay. If any modules have been tampered with, then the guarantee will be invalidated. Siemens Protection Devices Limited reserves the right to charge for any subsequent repairs. 1.3 Recommended Mounting Position The relay uses a liquid crystal display (LCD) for programming and operation. The LCD has a vertical viewing angle of ± 30˚ and is back–lit. However, the best viewing position is at eye level, and this is particularly important given its control features. The relay should be mounted on the circuit breaker (or protection panel) to allow the operator the best access to the relay functions 1.4 Wiring The product should be wired according to the scheme requirements, with reference to the appropriate wiring diagram. 1.5 Earthing Terminal 28 of the PSU (Power Supply Unit) should be solidly earthed by a direct connection to the panel earth. The Relay case earth stud connection should be connected to terminal 28 of the PSU. It is normal practice to additionally 'daisy chain' together the case (safety) earths of all the Relays installed in a panel to prevent earth current loops posing a risk to personnel. ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 3 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide 1.6 Ancillary Equipment The relay can be interrogated locally or remotely. For local interrogation a portable PC with suitable version of MS Windows (2000 SP4 or XP SP2)and Reydisp Evolution™ s/w (Latest Version available 32 bit) using USB port situated on front of the relay. 1.7 Disposal The Relay should be disposed of in a manner which does not provide a threat to health or the environment. All laws and regulations specific to the country of disposal should be adhered to. The relays and protection systems manufactured under the Reyrolle brand currently do not come within the scope of either the European WEEE or RoHS directives as they are equipment making up a fixed installation. ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 4 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Section 2: Equipment Operating Conditions 2.1 ! 2.2 ! 2.3 ! Current Transformer Circuits The secondary circuit of a live CT must not be open circuited. Non-observance of this precaution can result in injury to personnel or damage to equipment. External Resistors Where external resistors are connected to the relay circuitry, these may present a danger of electric shock or burns, if touched. Front Cover The front cover provides additional securing of the relay element within the case. The relay cover should be in place during normal operating conditions. ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 5 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Section 3: Dimensions and Panel Fixings 3.1 Relay Dimensions and Weight Relays are supplied in the modular size E4 The following drawing which is available from the website gives panel cut-out and mounting details. Figure 3.1-1 Overall Dimensions and Panel Drilling for Size E4 Epsilon Case Hardware Model 7SR1101 7SR1102 7SR1103 7SR1204 7SR1205 7SR1206 ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Net Weight Kg 2.7 3.2 3.2 2.7 3.2 3.2 Chapter 5 Page 6 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide 3.2 Fixings 3.2.1 Crimps Ring tongued crimps with 90˚ bend are recommended. 3.2.2 Panel Fixings Typical mounting screw kit per Relay Consists of 4 off M4x10mm Screws 4 off M4 Nuts 4 off M4 Lock Washer Typical rear terminal block fixing kit (1kit per terminal block fitted to relay) Consists of: 28 off M4, 8mm Screws 28 off M4 Lock Washer ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 7 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Section 4: Rear Terminal Drawings 4.1 E4 Case Figure 4.1-1 E4 Case viewed from rear Notes 1) Recommended terminations are pre-insulated and must be crimped using approved tooling. 2) RS485 (Block ”B” Terms 14, 16, 18, 20) connection to this communication facility is by screened, twisted pair cable. On site when wiring other facilities ensure that these terminals are not obscured by other wiring runs. Cable should be RS485 compliant. ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 8 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Figure 4.1-2 E4 Case Terminal Arrangement viewed from rear ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 9 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Section 5: Connection/Wiring/Diagrams 5.1 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1101 EF Relay with 3BI & 5BO 2 4 6 8 10 12 +ve BI 1 -ve +ve BI 2 -ve +ve 14 A 16 GND 18 B 20 Term. 22 24 1 BI 3 -ve 2 2 B A PSU Analogue 27 +ve 1 28 27 28 Rear View Arrangement of terminals and modules -ve 28 GND. B NOTES 3 BO 1 1 BI = BO = Binary Input Binary Output 2 4 BO 2 6 5 BO 3 BO 4 25 1A 26 27 28 5A BO 5 Shows contacts internal to relay case assembly. Contacts close when the relay chassis is withdrawn from case 8 7 10 9 12 11 IL4 A Figure 5.1-1 7SR1101 Connection Diagram ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 10 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Wiring Diagram: 7SR1102 OC/EF Relay with 3BI & 5BO 2 4 6 8 10 12 +ve BI 1 -ve +ve BI 2 -ve +ve 14 A 16 GND 18 B 20 Term. 22 24 1 BI 3 -ve 2 RS485 5.2 2 B A PSU Analogue 27 +ve 1 28 27 28 Rear View Arrangement of terminals and modules -ve 28 GND. 13 NOTES 1A 14 15 B 5A 3 BO 1 IL1 5A BO 2 23 BO 3 1A 22 5A IL3 BO 4 24 25 1A 26 27 28 5A 6 5 IL2 20 21 Binary Input Binary Output 4 1A 18 19 BI = BO = 2 16 17 1 BO 5 Shows contacts internal to relay case assembly. Contacts close when the relay chassis is withdrawn from case 8 7 10 9 12 11 IL4 A Figure 5.2-1 7SR1102 Connection Diagram ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 11 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide 5.3 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1103 OC/EF Relay with 6 BI & 8BO 2 4 6 8 10 12 +ve +ve -ve BI 2 BI 5 BI 3 BI 6 -ve +ve +ve -ve GND 18 B 3 1 5 7 1 2 9 A 20 -ve +ve 16 24 BI 4 +ve 14 22 BI 1 Term. BO 6 11 BO 7 13 BO 8 15 2 B A PSU Analogue 27 +ve 1 28 27 28 Rear View Arrangement of terminals and modules -ve 28 GND. 13 NOTES 1A 14 15 B 5A 3 BO 1 IL1 5A BO 2 23 BO 3 1A 22 5A IL3 BO 4 24 25 1A 26 27 28 5A 6 5 IL2 20 21 Binary Input Binary Output 4 1A 18 19 BI = BO = 2 16 17 1 BO 5 Shows contacts internal to relay case assembly. Contacts close when the relay chassis is withdrawn from case 8 7 10 9 12 11 IL4 A Figure 5.3-1 7SR1103 Connection Diagram ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 12 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide 5.4 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1204 Directional EF Relay with 3BI & 5BO Figure 5.4-1 7SR1204 Connection Diagram ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 13 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide 5.5 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1205 Directional OC/EF Relay with 3BI & 5BO Figure 5.5-1 7SR1205 Connection Diagram ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 14 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide 5.6 Wiring Diagram: 7SR1206 Directional OC/EF Relay with 6BI & 8BO Figure 5.6-1 7SR1206 Connection Diagram ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 15 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Current Transformer Configurations ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited S2 S1 P1 P2 S2 S1 P1 P2 S2 S1 P1 S1 S2 64H – Measured Restricted E/F P2 IREF P1 50SEF/51SEF Measured Sensitive E/F P2 ISEF Direction of power flow In the forward direction 50G/51G Measured E/F Connection Direction of power flow In the forward direction Description Direction of power flow In the forward direction Relay Current Configuration Setting In Direction of power flow In the forward direction 5.7 Chapter 5 Page 16 of 22 Selects 1 or 5A CT ratio for primary meters S1 P1 A13 S2 CT/VT CONFIG: Phase Current Input Phase CT Ratio 50/51 - Phase Overcurrent 50N/51N Derived E/F 1A A14 A15 5A Ia A16 P2 Ia, Ib, Ic In Direction of power flow In the forward direction 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide A A17 B C 1A A18 A19 5A Ib A20 A21 1A A22 A23 5A Ic A24 A25 1A A26 A27 5A Ig A28 ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 17 of 22 S1 P1 A13 S2 CT/VT CONFIG: Phase Current Input Phase CT Ratio Earth Current Input Earth CT Ratio 50/51 - Phase Overcurrent 50N/51N Derived E/F 50G/51G Measured E/F 1A A14 A15 5A Ia A16 P2 Ia, Ib, Ic In Ig Direction of power flow In the forward direction 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide A A17 B C A18 A19 Selects 1 or 5A CT ratio for primary meters 1A 5A Ib A20 A21 1A A22 A23 5A Ic A24 A25 1A A26 A27 5A Ig A28 A13 1A A14 A15 5A Ia A16 A17 1A A18 A19 5A Ib A20 A21 1A A22 A23 5A Ic A24 A25 1A A26 A27 5A Ig A28 A ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited B C Chapter 5 Page 18 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Ia, Ib, Ic In ISEF CT/VT CONFIG: Phase Current Input Phase CT Ratio Phase Overcurrent Derived E/F Measured SEF A13 1A A14 A15 5A Ia A16 Selects 1 or 5A CT ratio for primary meters A17 A B C 1A A18 A19 5A Ib A20 A21 1A A22 A23 5A Ic A24 A25 1A A26 A27 5A ISEF A28 A13 1A A14 A15 5A Ia A16 A17 1A A18 A19 5A Ib A20 A21 1A A22 A23 5A Ic A24 A25 1A A26 A27 5A ISEF A28 A ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited B C Chapter 5 Page 19 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited S2 S1 P1 Selects 1 or 5A CT ratio for primary meters P2 CT/VT CONFIG: Phase Current Input Phase CT Ratio Phase Overcurrent Derived E/F Measured Standby E/F Direction of power flow In the forward direction Ia, Ib, Ic In Ig Chapter 5 Page 20 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide 5.8 Voltage Transformer Configurations Relay Voltage Configuration Setting Van, Vbn, Vcn Description Connection 67 & 67N & 67G 47, 59N, 27/59 & 81 Phase – Neutral Phase – Phase Calculated NPS ZPS Va B17 B19 Vb B21 B23 A B C Vc B25 B27 Va, Vb, Vc 67 & 67N & 67G 47,27/59 & 81 Phase – Neutral Phase – Phase Calculated NPS No ZPS available Va B17 B19 Vb B21 B23 A B C Vc B25 B27 Vab, Vbc, 3Vo 67 & 67N & 67G 47, 59N, 27/59 & 81 Phase – Neutral Calculated Phase – Phase Phase Vca Calculated NPS ZPS ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 21 of 22 7SR11 & 7SR12 Installation Guide Section 6: Data Comms Connections 6.1 RS485 Connection The RS485 communication port is located on the rear of the relay and can be connected using a suitable RS485 120Ω screened twisted pair cable. The RS485 electrical connection can be used in a single or multi-drop configuration. The RS485 master must support and use the Auto Device Enable (ADE) feature. The last device in the connection must be terminated correctly in accordance with the master driving the connection. A terminating resistor is fitted in each relay, when required this is connected in circuit using an external wire loop between terminals 18 and 20 of the power supply module. Up to 64 relays can be connected to the RS485 bus. The RS485 data communications link with a particular relay will be broken if the relay element is withdrawn from the case, all other relays will still communicate. 16 14 B GND A Term. 18 A 20 14 B Term. GND 20 A 16 14 B GND 18 16 Term. 18 20 Figure 6.1-1 RS485 Data Comms Connections Between Relays ©2012 Siemens Protection Devices Limited Chapter 5 Page 22 of 22