1/13/2023 1 POINT LOMA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY Department of History Prof. Rick Kennedy FINAL EXAMINATION CLASS: California History Name:_______________________________________________________________ Write a 15-20 minute essay to answer each of the following questions. You will not receive an A if the answers are merely short statements. Be specific: give names, situations, places, and sources. You should not re-use information. 1. The Spanish wanted to do good in California. Give three examples from diverse readings in our class. [Do not overlap examples with the following question on Gov. Neve.] 2. Governor Neve is most important for trying to develop California's pueblos. Give three examples. 3. Richard Henry Dana Jr.'s Two Years Before the Mast depicts scenes of Mexican California. Give three examples of these and what we learn from them about Mexican California. 4. Governor Figueroa is most important in California for trying the develop California. Gove three examples. 5. What are important values of Progressivism and give examples of them from the biography of Ellen Scripps? 6. Cesar Chavez has a National Holiday dedicated to him. From the biography of Chavez, give three reasons that the nation should honor him.